FRESH AIR HOUSE PARTY WILL HAVE 22 GUESTS Howard L. Platt, of Berlin, Conn.. Interests Himself in Work for Children. NO DEPARTURES TO-DAY Port Jervis, Newly Restored to the Fold, Plans Enthusiastic Reception for Group of Tribune Vacationists. Twa- ¦. }.v the to Bei | . Mr. Platt . poor and i reawed h.« :iu-r- II- lat- r i'i ..... tl Tn-. . te before .--ince Jui g of the v nd the real Itlll of to aicl .> !ren. aill tr«*. a-i hy nlghl to ^ bi tha Adironda. k n i.e a i artv eoi . i fOr Home. oi .. md a party of flfty nta for the Mi'idlr t-.nn-. ;.¦ On Tbursda*' a party of nlnaty*two >.e thfl Of I | tereel n ei .. -t of Port .1' n take li - » and Mlll -tbla tb Hun" on " Ol B utday the-. nUTft* ^. thi Shenherd tchfleld -.. ag the 1 a *ent out dnritu- to l.gfl I n ren ^ r the i Baturda; Bui day life w a ten nt arorfcen and all tl lact *"ith oone e,<: , ... Rtle frienda wll ng ll':1 turn for ouLng*. a, .KN'1\V1.EI"..V .... r v 1 Ui -ujd i i> .*> Io' nti- .anna Stlao. B.v-rl> * * . '«." '. ... hi n- t '- Bprtafl f N J j* a 8"fl - ¦ '. ''r . ., v t .' t | | ll M .'.... a- '. I Bdwen. Jamefl «£* r r v . , . BflUfoi 1 . -. 1 2' ' Tor*. I iaia *-'-".' « ..,... pteferaWy by ebeefe or OUld be addre-BH to the -e«h Air Fund. The '-. - AT SOUTHAMPTON. .legrai * " - - , . Tne electrical atorm of yeaterday al noon onlinueU BO far ll¦' that all oommualcattaa . .>¦ nr taiegrapt* araa Impeaalhle untii thla morn¬ ing. ¦ »ma r' kaoa-a In 1 .. road.- atrawn aitb Ui The aroi ge waa ghtatag, arhleb atrucfc Um ¦. nnd her da-jghter. Mi«* Julta ...... ¦ Road Tha atruck the ehtauMQ oa the rrom of d-wollahlng lt, paaatng down the chlm- ... and oul of the flraplaoi througb the nr, catttafl aad bei uaughter were attttng, and ttavtng a large bole apgealta. Mrs Cattlag. erha '».an mvah'l. M BUI f from ahocfc as the raaall of m eeeaae from flerious taj The bara of rhariea C tMmtm, a dalry- man wai Mt on flre by the lightning and hurMa Beveral other buiidinaB ., one or tW8 being B* 00 Bl8 -'^masre wan siight The ireather prariaaa te the atorm -aaa aatjutMh wam *.^^ Zl. unuaual amount of humldlt>. tha. ther- ¦nometer ragtatartng M degreea ¦..-.-.rday ¦ ¦ eroa r. the lan far thta . taklng advaatage of th" *u Xfter the » AJtort Dunaa there wa.a« ********** ** ,,.*,,, ., aratefe the ******* m^ved toTL annual Invl.a.. le.- rfTourt.flment of the MaadOW CaUB, WhiC'l -** odyarrtaidaniuadiorand .iilLii » OOgBBB. Oa Thuradaji Ur. aad anro. » a. \ ai .. ,,,. eve. a dance for the .,.., i. ri.e Qeeharda _ GENERAL J0NE8 FAILING FAST. Hlnirhamto... H. U *»* " '- FAwBTd V -lonee who waa .tr.-*«,8 WA ., h-..,orrbHge ******* ,"' "? home here. falled ******* '"'^ **\ Pfobabt*' wiU not long flurvive. Ml 5 CHARLOTT] VAN COURTLANDT MICOLL AlMI CvpotiT StuOio y Miss Charlotte Nicoll to Wed Olin Potter Geer. CEREMOfMY IN THE AUTUMN Bride-To-Be Is Niece of Mrs. Cornelius C. Cuyler and De-Lancey Nicoll. f the earl he that tlandl »-.¦¦' Holland N .. of I ter . nd Mre. "al ork. The engagi nv nt o.' I .- Trlbuni Mra. Wll ' J t J Rhini ;<i. arlll Ball from E iropi ' ' nnd. - Mr and Mra Heni I -4 of Mr an.i Mra 1. pori Mr aad Mr* Wiillam Ba aft'i a month » motor 1 nees, bave goni lo 1 ivllle foi Ftr-4 . Mra Henry O Havi ft her ple a at lerlp, i-on*- lala ..- l te Baet H ton to n i Mr bi d Mi* Hewland Aucbl l roC*e te guaata of M luchlncloee'i Mr Bl " Mr. and Mrs. John H. rlva n New rori I hoard tbe Mauretania Mlaa Laura ^ .*' _\ir. Egertoa Wel b, * ge 11 Newport Aui , | f,, ;i re* daya ef tba Bev. and Mrs. iio:,trt Bhlpmaa Hlffi Rul i returned to Bouthai '¦-' "dand, from a month'B tnp hi th« Weat Mr? Banford Blaeell hai eretown, N * le remaln untn thi i of next monl ihi arlll ba Jolned Mlaa Derla » Mr ar.d Mn Reyal errell. whe are ot Irvlnaton. n 1 - Newporl earl) aeat month to retnam Dr and Mra Pr-ston P Batter* who went to Bar Harbor tei la wl ratura to l*etr country place at Qreat Neck/ i-onn laland, al the end of the Mr end Mra EHpbalet Nott ottar, ef Mount Klaoo, N. 1 have gone to south- , , ,., 441,' ,-4 1 0 upytag m txi Hra *«"* \illa _ Mr. gogual Hecka nt ir.i rrem Buraoe rad haa gone to tba Heck- s.her r-O'ir-.t- pkvei 81 Mi.nunrton. LOOg Isiand. _ Mr and Mra. KoraMh Wi ¦aaw at Mewpert wlll go te tbek i-iac* _r Tuxedo B*ptl mb*r Ifc ¦ AT NEWPORT. retaaraa* .** T ' "Tr't ' Newpart aug. ll* -Mra B*rg*r Wal* arho Bpenl a greater part ... tba :.. _hroad and wh !(,.ei)tly returned, madi harBiwtappi -nce or, the aa len-**" r'"ir,w 'M» mornlng 4 i .'v,,h Mr' Tampklna Mei valna ln ihi round Dfa\ro-aeneacratchdoul We* laefe and Mra Mellvalne tror. baaten b Mra ir-niia.d Bpaarwr, Jr, and Mra WUI iam Earl lK>dge. Theri waa a larg* gatberlni al ,¦_,.,,,, thi* mornlng, aad among ...,. Laanora Jackaon, ol Nea vork. * gueal of Mra Jehn W. Buri Mla* Ma. .ullorh Miller. of N*W torh; 1 rrdrn.-k Mlddleb. 1 -94*. ot M*W ..-rk. A. Harmon. of Hatrpttrt Mi and Mrs Beb* , rrwayae. "f Connectlcut. ¦ .. thfl MuaneMiujer King and Rlehard it Maaa and John f Bhafroth, r I H A ball Bl thi* N«val T*-*"1"* rt,-,,l"n to-night dre*. a large attandanoa from the younawr member* eftha -ummer eol- ony. The ba ; araa grrtet by the <-om- on Nariaganeeti Ray, ai ( thi blg Btatkai Reai Ai.i ¦' Wlll* -i Mr and Mra lart r* B Ti.,-.. aill latui a before rlli | Mn i'" " a lll | 'd -. f bei P8e B . t i' aai .ie Nh f Na <*. to ba *¦..¦¦ Mrs Lerl ard - I I a «mall |f, ....-.". | heon lO-dfl nner . Nea V..rk as the Mra. J ii arney w'li * i.r;- I w- a: 1 M tndrewa ..... amea for thi a ¦., r Italy. ....... Thaw, l for ¦ .. t ta pl hlbll I U, , ger, of Dea* g t reeh to .1 Brofl lb t et* .. ,i!,. I H .'. ..... .... . nu- '1 h - is the flmt time .Mrs taki Mn ,.,.:.''. ..., '.. ilaon. Mi and Mi a i...m wara ¦¦;¦. rat* td upon r. dotng >- IN THE BERKSHIRES. .... I rCun- l.nox. auk ii. Charlea Laalei enter¬ talned Admlral and Mis '"-"im Dewef neofl thta afti n... Mi apd Mi Joaeph n Choatp were r to-alght ai Nauaaki .i*. lalall K 1 " Mr ."'¦.! M I '"rank A Bterllng, ef Cleveland, who are at Meaton 11*11 .\lis Blchard 'AaiKon li.lder eniei taimd at luncheaB thla afteraeea f"i Profaaaaa TtM-maa .1 i'refltun. jr, of ton, N. J M;. \s 1: loi f Nata Tark, ''-fl anived at tbe Hotel Aaphiwall for tha .ii of the .Mis:= llarrlet K. B 'am-d r.t .- 'urtin Hotl ti la after¬ noon rrancta m Vaagh, who haa beea a l ttb .t Mi and Mra Atasaader Bedgwlek, gOW U8, N 11 y, m Clementlna 1 ur. - ».r'« bbbbi 1 for .1 luncheon .<t Edgi "inb to- monow. Hn 1 , R Ad e and *\ ilhsm P Adee. of Xaaedo; Mn- Loutaa ntagerald, j ,;',,,, 0n N v and Mlaa Blaa M. Lyacb, of Rhlnebeck lefl Btockbrtdga to*daj for Poland Bpi Ing Me. and Mia K B ''raxin have gmie .,, th« Mfl Iti M< judge w. Bromah. Dr \^a Braaaall A Mi 1 LotllOfl DrOBBall h;.\e return* 1 t0 Neu V'.'K ,, _.. M-a m - Beamanfl of Ner. rort ¦ g wltb Mr .-.. d Mra \i '' ¦' j, '.,,.< Mr .; ij .\ Btewart aad raaaUy, of Som Voik. arr;\«-l to-dn> at the Red I,,,.., ii Btoi khridgi IU ., guh Walhrldga aaughta af Mr B fTalbrtdge, a\ New ferk, ,(l, Hotel Aaplnwall lanm .. .,,. Mlaa \.h i" ¦¦. Baali I. l> «. 4 a, . aa Km.ert m ".. Phant n Mr aad Mcjv \, ran Mr- William M'Mirtn,. L. B u Aadrew« Mra Jahn ».: Hawe, Z. Edward L Tlaher and ramOy, Mr- .bt. m "«* B k.kmr- tfra F. F. Weat, Dr. aad Mra. ,.' , Mr and Mrs Jaaaaa Brad* ,;v Mkaaai MbM and lljdred to-tfley. S New rort a«f *. a * Mra John A Peck, of Pellmm Manor, arrlve.1 to-day ei -he iior.-i AapinaraU. Mrs Joaepb k. Boy_n, of New Tork, arld leave ber* to-morrow for <>arden Clty, i< i Iir. an.i Ml* TIhI'i-*' L Wood. of New York, ;,r.. gneata of Mrs. Thornas Der.ny -.- Mai b* ood, nttafleld. Mlm caruaen B. Marttne* win leave Plttsflild to-in..rron ;., \i«it frimd* ln Me* anasr.. 'oon Mr BOd Mrs .larn«*<- W, WfclU Btad Ml* ]. g raareon. of New fork, and Mra 4 v ..,,). Mari of Boaton, are at tha Maplewood PtttafleM. Mra Rnndalph Morgaa Ippteateta, of is a gneel af Mra i Predertch S. h. -i. I*. al > al . v tohn Bti r Mlaa Vlrgl ->n>, ef Phlla a, Brrlvad to* Oeorgi liriuwoM Haven, Ir and Oeorge ..:..' ll;. .ii, M, araf Mr. Mr Woodward Haven, al ln- ,-. in st... kbiidgi AT NARRAGANSETT PIER. grupt le Thr Trlbei leetl Pier B. !ua Colo nel Jaa ee r., of Phlla lelphla, 4,i.-iii Allagro, wh red In Narra* ganaatl Hav .., onal Bi . r km araa -4 compavnled b] f llautenanl Uommonder A. ,. Keal ng a Mra Keatlng, of New* ... .,, M< ".¦ B ati Bmlth, I B. Smith end WUIlam 1. Bl _ Man t, whlch Ni b port t'.-.! i>, wera .".,|.t;LiTi and Mr*. leaa E. I Baltlmon Mr and Mra Haatlnga Ar« Ira F. g Mi Adoo Captaln Ernavaon a at luncheon 0 ptaaa Othera who eletted 'v-- aa 0 to-day ereri Mi ai d Mi B B Mi Elroj Wl ihui a Haaard. M Mra !Vi end aaveral of tho rteltlng poio Mra John C Peer, ef Waahtngtim, a.av« a dlnner !ast nlghl for Mr. and Mra. Henry "leher, ol Phlladelpl 1 \ rall. ef New I 01 k, la tbe Mi arad Mre. Hei ¦. 1 ennaal lawa ftta of Bl ElplBvtrpaJ Cbureb-1 Baa wttl be held rrow. Mr «. Mra John 11 Hanan, of New York. Han to lea- I hai* BCSl WWJh fot B the **. hlta M I geent arriva hi ra ar* Mr an.i anjamln L Providence; eer D. C. Pattei aon H N.; Frai ,* , Mrs y B r delphla »n 1 N teon Oull. k. U. ri N and Maaen G *¦'.. w?. ¦%> ihen. i1 B. N and Mra Vag Au« g, _, -,- hi Moi rh ad, jr. rtered at tbe Caalna Almtrall of Ne* fork, anter* of tblrt it d ar to- -..¦- DOINGS AT BAR HARBOR. 8b te Tbe 1 Har Harbor, MV » 1 Tl '' 'as a There . n;v rnooa. r and tne f h- a- erated erlo a t»-rn* and Mr» Henrj ' Dlanoeh recetvad and thr gamea ..... ., -. ... Han a, Mra -. -. ... Mra 1.'- erga of Mra. B llllaa rrai lalnlng tt. Mr !: ¦-: " ng 1 a Mltchel Her l '.'f*. J .. M Burtoti B -¦¦.¦.-.. N. Cuahmi Mlm Mya I n .... Ar...".; . I 1 ;h antarta . arner M f* flln LeedB, Mrs a Mc ernrii «. Mra »bi U *t an, Mra. J. v. rowneet M Mat ur Mi* w iiiiam J Oll na Mra Eben Bntto Mli Keta Laa Hannen and Mra Mrs Van R< naaelBl of Northeast iiarhor. Me aa ta at luncheon to daj Mi and Ml Kitl n Mra W E Peraona Mr .-...i Mra Innei Mr nd Mrs. Oatn M aeea Petera and Mrs Mall 1 Mii-s MargarH i'..n li aad ". Btanc£, w llliam . lai k. 44 no re ri turned to thelr honv na * IH tal.e plaee on Beptambei .1. Mra. ieaepti 1 -ett. r. 44I10 has beea l gueal ef Di and Mi*. Jarnea MHel 4. bo k f| hera thi atter part of last week, wlll resume her vi-i!t later n*-r llttle BOBj, Thomas. Ib atlll r,.-re Th»- annual aatmttc s'.oit* of the Bwlm* mlng 1'iwb are Bcheduled tO Ihk. pUce 1 »\t Mon 1.11. . >tto K.ihn I* in Naw ror Mr and Mr- \\ altrr Oun of New fort who na ive ar- rlved al Bar Harbor and nr« aeeii ..*i.inai. oottaga Mri. Thomas Waleh will ent'-rtuin at Inni haaa en Aug ind at dlnner an Ausn*t -' ,n honor of her auest. M;; l.ur.son. wife r,f tl r Mrs. W'arnrr Ml. "iii be a lun. b*on bawlaBa ta aaotrrow at ber o*t* tage. ime of the nioct Intereetlng enterUUn* menta of the wn-k *a iit be given to-n.or- ro« for the banaflt ol thr loeal bsepltnL lt will ini-." ib form ..f h .,iti:ir.*t >hoV. Mi.»s Baaan Bturgla ef Boaton wbo «a* ., debutaata '.*« a*aT*8en, ia ln eiiarre of fyg gttgtt .'"' Bl - aa atraa I] aad all Ihe 1.1 ¦-. "f :h* '' Ihe bosl ..'¦'¦ man ''."¦. .j i.r....i.t Bdwarda and Mn,. Bdward . T..1.1-S mkee by Mr' l***Ph Pulltner, Alherl Kuprn- Oallatln, Mrs John Aapeg Mrs John C. liVlngilOaa, Mrs Harold A. Mra Bda ar T m att Mi 1 Ben* -,,r w.i.t.. Juetlce Oeorge 1. Iragrabam, Mri campba IXaward, Mra Otto Kahn. ...-.. Burrltl and Mi G r caeaatt An-ateur lalenl froi - Biam arin ih'k.- pori and he- tweea tba aklta H**a* eocupylng I will dan.f _B - FELIX DIAZ ON WAY TO JAPAN. .srattir-. Aug. 11 Gasaeral a*alla Waa, apedal anvoy of Mexlaa bb Japan, and hla party *aOad la-daj fer raneeuvar, whenea tba) will drnart for .Irii'aii nr.xt W.-dnrB- j_- 0:1 the ,t_*i_uii».,^*ar«*-- el Baa*** AI 1VARIETIES A New Playlet. Return Engage- ments and First Appearances. DIXEY IN VAUDEVILLE "Scroogc"' and "Pinafore" Please.Bills on Roofs and at the Beaches. )RB" up to date. ln ihe thor- oujthi} parformattee glvea bj the ptnafore Klddlee, la the laodtng feat- ara "f the bill at the I'nioii -aquare tnis gatera ilag aIth en- the chornaea are excellentlv drilled and the pcodoetton la attracttvel) taged and kept fresh in every detall of .,.-.¦ ti re ¦ ¦¦ two playleta ta tba show. r.irter Bmeraon Browm i broadlj farcleal "A Hero," pre- aented i.\ (*iiarlea i.. Warrea and com¬ pany, arhlch bt famlllar to the patrona ef vaudevillfl In thla trlty, and .1 ntm farce. After the Weddtag." 1" l.awrence arhlch a :-d iiere. f >r .¦-.... Bti lay aftern Taylor and a company <>f three Thta pla) li t bt aaai d upon a >¦.' lee *>' .; bi ''i.ii oui l< a, bul II a ould ga ln i Bect v c-ondcnaattoa Another first Nea fork as that nf Hlltea aud K.x. a couple of i adtana, who were heartlly applauded and eertatl ly "mad* k.1 " Othera on the bill are ArtUl equlllbrtot, stlll ai r In the .: m Joeephlm. >. « ra p-n former; oN'r-iii and Ntxcm. Bettj Lee. thi "Olrl from Qeorgla Ml| sgei arho baa a method of bei oa n, and Hnrrj Bi BVELTN NE8BIT THAW and .la«-K Clifford appear for their aaeaad week as , lUnera on Um bill at Haauaar* ten ln their repertwry °r modern danees The eoupla latTOdUCe \ Bome new figures au'i Btepo, .....i havi alreadj proved to be the best Hamrnersteln'fl haa Of¬ fered thta aeaaon Another drawtng ar>: te Dalnty Mark the graceful and atatueeque ivoman aerobat, who performs her aarial feal i tb mgb she heartlly ti.iri. s Aheara and i .. ari BCt :. faal noleee, i Howard ¦ pontofl in a !-.¦. '. il ad fl -- ited by ....-. .... bei for the .. t B. a ti'.v- Hunt,' odete; Eva Bhlrley, the .... :. « Minaeal Johneona, pr * Bentil n ae; WU- bur Bwi ri for ti.e Play, .:;s: the Bmltha. a eoaa- t i iiT,-l F.rtz .i,m.-d!;ir.«. At.n irtteta. "THI OET" i"B AT," s "rr wlth a in-* tartet, I a oa 'he tb A aatre thls w.-ek. I rtg the crooked ' lad, oul at tbe end of I ¦ ma ¦ ..'..¦ i a gTlUY' IBdl -a,' of a very w so c«.n\ fl Inter- .¦.tlns; tbe audlenea *lth a rather long f her ,>ast a dlffli rult faal ¦bi rt playtal Rul .,¦ nd a . two ju* tben ' Blebrtl I >m 'i ¦. | bill ' - ome* icdiana: thi thri Bartoa ln fea ¦ HENRt F. MXi.v tahea the top of le at th* New Brlght. "vaudo-drama mono* blt Of I aa popular as oi . a tdl- .! ¦atlon of l »i' kena'i A ..n the programme Tom T. ta r ol' l ba aat, pabli I a Rlce ¦ preaenl th-ir et, Tha I'alh "f Ihe Prlmri Bud i '.- itor of Mutt und J'-ff, ntlng his M ittograpb Pa Mr.-. Bad aa atu.i tlv« rirv of v ¦. tor b .. deir Ora ptaya two laatrumental ¦¦.:.. v dlon, aI laya wlth hla handa -!i'! .., "armonl i played with his f-er Othera are Will B \' bli ¦. boxing. fetxrtng, wreatllnB and bag punch* ing; i.. imore and ¦ tbeti «. rohatte I la Black and w tr .;... de Luse, and Loula vy danees. Tin: DANCINO PAVIUON, al Madl- bob Btjaara Roal Oardea, eontlnuea to be the prinetpal attraetJofl at thla -aeert Alteraatbuj ¦ Ing; tha aharet ah a tah the gbor arlth m good pragnuauae Th- parfwmera u.t-, ... Bh .i. .'!<¦ Bdlth Bartoa, Kenna, Jiu D Lavury, William || ..A cootJnue to be aa addad attrsetloa on Monday and Frlday rdghte, aa are tha Bundaj nlghl "pope." thi, JAKI'IN DS DANBE praaattffl ll r.i ii.ii of caharel entartalnmenl thla treek, headed by tever i-air i f joan Baa | ar and W allaci M cutcheon, In their mperton of graceful rt !>s and ttgurea Othei Hart- ii.r:ns. Dlana and tha Hlgi ^""".< thra aawi omera who made tl nlghl ar- Leona sn. rwta, tha gweel niitaea i.adies' Qeartet and tha i.:- . and v."i..ii THB RUBT1C THEATRE ¦ Pa lede Park preaentfl a |Ood a raudevUla tl »i ak. wblek feataraa among Ita headllne attractiona tha labaatlaa tferrlll ratupany, ix-s nagnaaiia Joaeph Remlag* lon and eampany, ii"r^t Fong, Itoatroae and Jachaon Mclntyra and Qrovaa an.l y Arad Hallea tl the free open alr eireaa aartortaamea a new "Bandow." Orvillo Btaren ,\ with an ezhlbltlon af Btrength faa mtfaloal feata throum ln. Holding a l.«»-poun.l man ir. one band white Mnging a v.rse or t«o of ragtlmfl Ifl .. ru.M-e himatelie to thia able-bodtad youth. AT THE STOCK THEATRES. That Btiaaad) eawO-mal drama "Zira baaed by ¦) Hartlej Mannera and Haary Miiier oa VTBhta ColUna*fl "Womaa ta White." waa urcscuted fur the Itist time i f the* Acadcmy of Music atock com¬ pany \esterday F.thel riifton. the or- ganixation's leading woman during the nbsence of Frlscilla Knowles, gave a most satisfactory performanee of the tltle role, and the rest of the large east was capa- hiy (tiied by the Misses, Carttaa MeCayB and Blanche and Mesars. i*relghan, <»er- aid and Torrey. Kdgar Selwvns Tiie t'ountry Hov." whieh has ptoved as popular ln BtOCft a* lt waa when flrst produced in this cif a faw ^ear« ag... ia the attraetion at the Manhattan i ipera !lou«e th's week. "DAMAGED GOODS." Richard Bennett and bti CO-WOfkara 18* epened the Fulfn Tl nlght with Briaas'a l>am*ged Goods," aaQuea* nonahiy the raast wideiy disceaaed play of a de< ade The C88t remains pra'tl' .< I] uiiehaiiged The preaent enuageiiieiit of th- COBBINUI] in thi" city Is a nmlted one. as Mr. Benn-tt arlll B808 take it 08 a toar of the eaantw Next Wednesday afternoon a coinplt- mentary performanee wlll be given, at h New Vork dergjuien repregentln-t nineteen denomination-4 wlll be "8881 An open dis.ussion of the plav and Ba ls planned. THE FROGS PERFORM. The Krogf. an orgamzation <>f weii kr.own B8gT0 BCtora of the trns: I vaadevtlta stage. gave a profee* jierforriian.e ..f th.-lr entertaln- ment last nlght at the Manhattan Caalno. Bert A. tmitama, Aida Overton Walker and H. H. lJudiev were BBBOBg the per- formers The entire productlon 8*111 stai t .n four to-dav. playing Philadelphia. Haltmiore. Klchtnond and Washington. The proceed'a will be devoted to the erec- tlon of a museum and hall of records "f the aehtavementa of the American aagro in the flelds of flritaee and art. --*>-'- THEATRICAL NOTES. Hnimond HltCtflCOeh will appear next season in a ri-w musieal play under the direction of .ohan & Harrla. "The Beauty ¦ MJB," wrltten by <'hannlng Follock and Rannold Wolf. wlth music by Charles J. Uebest. the aame trlo responsible for Tl." Ked Widow." Senor Kranclsco I.. de la Harra, Am- r from Mexlco to France. attended tha periormaoce of "The Faastng Bbow at the Winter Garden laat e\en- ing Membera of the Garment 8alesmen'fl laaoilallon. Llft in numwr, will attend -Mrfonaaaca of "Petaek and Parl* mutter" at th..- <;.-'.rge M ."han Theatre IMonda* evening. The Near fork engage- r of the dr amatuatlon of Montague . gina Saturday evening. William A Brady has engaged Etuth Benaen and .\gnes Mare for tha cj<t ..f Owea Davto'i play, The Family Cup* ni.ard.' BOW in rehear«al, f"r productlon at the Playheaaa the latter part of Aa* guat. Kehearsals t..-gan jraeterday ' vlval of "Kobin Hood aith whteb BaM de Koven and Danlel \ Arthur wlll open tlpe sea«on of the Orand 'mera Housa Anaong the prin Ipala are FMoise la Paathoi tfll a Hara Maxon, ..... Daley, Joaeph Paraona and George Froth'.ngham. Mr. Arthur is -. tha era and th.- mual n of Joaeph Balaton BISHOP W.JMSABINE DIES One of Earhest Leaders in Re- formed Episcopal Ohurch. iti. .. Tufr..;i Babtne d:*d ..... Xo c»V) Mai: BUfl IN- ". B of I ' 4 II. grad .ated .. Col from the New Tork Jemlnary. ii- inarritd Marla Thereaa ? hleffeim. I dren '. ( ...«tant .>[-« , at St itlj he "a" re uar af Pl ladelphla. tor of the i hurcb of itoni BM Mai attan «,,s one of the earlieat ad al .'hurch, and from 1174 imt tor of the ' now .r.-il ii t Madiaon avenue and tftfl aaa made Hi*hop of v. p| ...i af Ihe Ri form Epli pai hurch. DAVIS STUART HAYWARD. Davlfl sr eard, who dled at the phew, Leanard Travta, at No 6.r Highland avenue, Newark. yeater . i .. ..r tbe beal knoava gtave lyera ln t ountrj He bad bi en aaa* ployed arlth l-Ord *i Tayior ta New Yor^ ln thal capa. lt) for ma Mr Hayward wa- horn in I'inolnnati ta !mj. Ha was appointed to a eadetahlp at Annapolte Whlle .< resldent of New Tork, when h. antered the auadainy aaa a -:..ate oi tdmlrala Dewey ar l s \\ bl . or; .< prai llCfl rulr-e durmg lus tl. 1 . >,.."i th-. dtacbarga of a K'm -ed hi n and he became a detai had ti.r.^n bacauae .f dlaablllt). Mr Hayward retlred aboul eighteen ,i linea Hved :¦¦< Brooklyn He ¦aavea . Lanalng M Haywaro, or Pittaburgh, an.l two daughter-^ Mlaa Mar. Hayward. ": ' ° il1"' "** *'"" Jamea. "f Brooklyn -a - CAPTAIN SAMUEL GRIFFING. Rlverhead Long talaad, Aag II (-ap- tain Bamuel Orifflng, na aaeta of tormar Countj Judge Tlmothj M. Orlfllng dled ¦aterdaj He «a« nlaetytwe veara oid Captaln OrtBhaj "»s '""" '" Rlv,,r' -Aghl aaa so good that he rould reflad W ** "rithoot tbe a'd of ,.. ., ii- .. ea oi rge I SSTah. *$".*"£ ,wo daughteni. Mr-. Ma. Bueai M'1''- meri, of Brooklyn. and Mro Mana young. of Rlverhead._ MRS. ELIZABETH S. HOUGHTON. , te Thfl Tribaae.l Barotega tprtnaa N T.. lag U^Mra Blaabetfa I Houghtan dled at her home ln North Broadway thta afternoon. after H' week - llhieea Bhe waa tbe n-ldou I -japrtme Courl JnaOeo Jame- Warren ¦taa laal aebru* -r, following an operattaa fbr agpendl* .,i' %gn Hooghton was a natlve of Kai itoaa Sprlngfl and for many jreara had m ihe Boetal life of Ihe viuce Bhe wka flfty-two yaara at* One d*u8hter, Mrfl dtuarl Don, of Troy and '. .., springa and a aon. Dr. W arren ... Hi.sii.», -lrvive ber. OBITUARY NOTES. Miss JANK BKRR1 ka dead "t the home of her ui-.-. Mra Marj II W"luai a pf Kairfleld. N J. ar thfl age of nlnet\ Brtrven raara M'** Berry saw the launch* in* of the ,;r«t hoat u. the Morrla <'anal ttSa v\as born ln Fomptnn Flalns. The funeral arlll be beM to day. CHARLJCfl HAiSilKHTY. for BMUU .. .,j an Inapector in the Departmenl ..f w.H't Bapply, <ias and Bteetrictty, dled Baturda* ln gl Peter'a Hoapltal, Brook¬ lyn Hla bome waa at Ka MJ puiaski atreel Hmnkhn »n« Blxty-two yaatra and had l""ig beea aetlv-j tn D-HBo- i.itie polltlcfl In Brooklj n a OIPLOMATIST DIES IN BERLIN OrMn, tug, IL* Dr. Itlbofe da Cuaha. Hrazlllin Mir.lster to G-rmany, dled here to-day. following an oier^tion. "in aiBrtear Edward Locke's New Play Opens Longacre Thaatre. SOME CAPITAL ACTING Thomas A. Wise in a Comedy of Gerraan-Americaa Life in Rural PcnnsyJi/ania. One good trt. |t M Bhld, M88C08 te carry a play le 88*88888, nn.l The Si!\er I Weddtng," Edward Lodke'a ae* Whlch iad lt- tir*l p.-rfi*rmarir*e el M If. FraaBi - '-TrTgrarr* Tinpatre la.-t night. r...t only nas a thorougjily delij-htful BBO* and a.'t. it also has *\ third one that needa only ***rf***ng together t>> <ioui,ie its ehnneee of survlval. This "onginal <oni- edy" of llfe in a F*ennaylvanla I.nitrh BotUeBaanl has. fartharaner*, the addl* Monal advantage oC belng i-x.*<»llently aetad, net merely ln ita two <-hk-f paitv*. but also ln BBveral »f Ita nunor rolea. Th*. plot. which a<aa brlefly outlined ln tl.r*s<- columnB la*t Sunday, Is eoneeewed uith the >l4-t4,rmlr...|ion of Lndwig Koeh¬ ler, the Baddlemafcer, of I.a .urba. h. I'r'im to b*eoeaa what he beH*v*e hia rer'i betrothed has calh-d 1,1 I "j i_'.. a.1.,1 old Datebaaaa." In reality the words were ag.rjlled to the saddl-mak- B*r*B arony. the vfllage doctor, but I.udwlg iThomas A. U teet does not know t.i . and, ln fa<t, there is considerable pig* headednam at the raot *f his charact.r, but his kindneae of h«*art has prevented lt from ereppteg ap during rda long mai- rl-.1 Uf* To show tl at he 1*. what he Ifl bocauea he aln*t," he forhtds his daugh- t. r'» marriage. r*C***B 88 !>e present at the ceremony-when lt takes place agalnat his interdict, and asaiMs only in l.i* aapn* city as th»» \ti\\-At(o r.andmaster. the hai.-l iiHvliiK b*»^n aasntfad for the weddlna,-. \\e,\dtnz fills the seeond act, whl< ri l- r.a full of *renuJnr>, hearty laughs as conid poss'b3y ha pnafced .nto it. 1 thlrd act tRkes piar-e a year and a half lafrr. Ludwig and his wife (Allce Gale) are celebratlng their sllver wed- ding. Tha Dutchman, who is pigheade<i "ber*aus»* he aln't." haa been aecretly pining for hia abaent daui-hter ani hoptng agalnat hope that ahe rnay yet come to ongrarilate hlm ar.d her mother ea thelr atmraaraary. IM course, thia comes to pa*.s 'n the end. and there ta a bappy etuiing that would he much 8888* telllng lf thla act w*>re less long drawr. oit. It will be a aimpie matter, hoa* ever, to rt-medy this defect. The actlng. as has already been «ald, ia exoellent. Mr. Wlse has a part that ftta hlm well ln ita humor, its "pigheadedr n'ss" and Its sentlment. It will flt hlm stlll better when he shall have got on qulte Intimate terma with his accent. AUcb Gale's Frau Koehler ls an unal- loyed dellght a thomughiy conslatent b't of charaeter acting. Ceatl Breton, ae th* daughter. and Calvln Thomaa. aa her lover, dld well with the rather aubordi- nate parts ailotted to them. and Gulnlo r*e. ola, aa the Portugueae vlllaga barber. understood to perfectlon why the glM | thor had placed a temperamental I.atin In a company of phlegmatlti I'utchmen. and acted a^cordlngly. with the right effe:t. David P.oaa. aa Helnle. the aaddler's aiaistant. and Ii'llar. Rosb, as Frleda, the Koehler a aervant. fur*' Bhahed some brlght flpota of comedy aa two gawky. quarrelsome but apoony Im- rortations from the Patherland. Franle M< orma' k. as the vlliage doctor, whea* hfe'ong grouch dtaappaara th* mommt he seea himself »n his deplorably rhangerl 4* | :i good work. and ao dl<l CBrl Henimann aa the very srnslhle ril* \Age parson. There ls a touch of Be- la^.-oesque attentlon to detall In the kitcban pump ln the thlrd act. arhleh HTieaka for .-, plteher of water down t»s parched throat ****** it will a-ork. after imiiiar hablt of its kind. -"rhe 311- 4 ar We.ldlng nrrds a llttle ..\er- hauilng ln its third act to he<-om« the thoroughly enjoyahie event Ita tltle lra- plies. cabt ("'- ¦the srr.vrr. wedpimv Ladarle Koahi.r. Mr . ..* >.-;..mar K.r.r . \tn 'ornn^lt .luan Jarin a. - . oia .. .'*r !.: -im»r.r. .;.., -,*r Bekbart. .'"alvln Themfl. H*lnle BebaaMI.D*4iri i *. .v llee Oale Mnrihii Korhler.rrrlle. Br«tr4-i Laey Rehbrtt..Ednfl Templa Margarei Rehbeia.\-..-.i*r Mnnr* Prleaa llu LUItaa Ro«a BURLESQUE FTJLL OF LAUGHS Roseland Girls Start the Season at the Cclumbia to Orowded Housei. Therr wh* a h'.g rn.wd at the '"olumhta ;a«r e\-er,lng. WbOB 'The Roseland Glrl«" ofrned t! e season 44 !th "Po.-iety a la I'arte.'' letly Ward ai'd Ultta* t-'itzgerald belng t'.o prtiaelpala rha pleca Ib a 4,-rrwn from atarl to Bnlab, Ward ani "Rddle" Bararta eaptan*tnB *f'* laugh- maklne honor*, arlth Mis»- Kitzgerald, Mlaa Ipetlmaa ar.i Mlm BrhaH aaaai tiie appiause arlnnlng atunta on the fetnale side lt is hard te say 4\ liith number »"« the hlt of the cvening. but .Nut. Nut, Nut." 1-4 BoU) Wanl and an attmetlva red-lr-f^r.l .-horus, »up- Ipoeed ta be s-.n.g ln a aanatartum waa la shade ahead of the "Bcrttb, Scrub. a>ruhH rong of Mi*-s ntagernM and cliorus. both N ir.ff exceptlonall) K"..l Tnt coetumea end ¦ ener> a.- *-v, and pt.-'t4. the horus arell trelned and abape- Ij. nii'l whei ... .. .¦::. .;¦ ¦¦ ontainlng a large number of profemlonel who aie stili reheeratng for other abowa 'aughe it-.-l' ha*. a«-h:ng hands from applaudlng it is s..fe to aar that the Ing of th. se.-taon. at I^ast. n;ak.-s a big tt m for ¦ 1. DIED. proufrhl * l*i I* Bhiela, Bn ilj II R. Neaus. Ji nnla R Toansend, Krank Sablm Rev. Wn- T. DROUOHT At the home of her brother. R. \V Rathbom. Pelham Manr.r. N. T.. Ml I 1. I -ht. ln the |4th iaar Ber -4K*'. Kaneral prlvate on Tuea- day. Klndly omM Bowera M <;i .*- Entered into etrrnal r al al hr-r home, No 13 Oiflord a\e. Jeraei Clty. Momtay, augUBl lt, Jen ile Reynolda, be- loved wife of Bamuei Q. Negaia Funeral mielcm at her lat* reslden.e. Wednea- _ay ev*nlng, al * o'clock interment at reenwoi metei at lha c-onv*a*faa*8 af the madi) kt hla late realdenee, Na. r*>i M,,i,.., ave.. N.- Vork. on M""^ kuguat II Blahop WlUlam 1. D Notlea of funeral w ni ba announced later. I *ui«J aun l-'rarn-'*...). Cai., August 3. .9-t fiiulV M H. wife of Dr George Krankltn Bhiela and dauahter of the late Rubert G and Harrtett N. Mead. »to«- iliuuK. N- V. funeral BerriceejBt Trh> lt*, .-nm-'ii. Oardnina. N- ^ .. T,,*'**A; Auat st 11 at .;.'..'. P ni Hirlagcs wlll nVc^i iraln leavlng New Ifera »t :<*3 p. m. Interment Sleepy Hollow Cemelerv. Ti)\VNSI-:M>-At Bieastei N V. On **.;..da4. Attguri lo. 1*13. Irank Town- srixi ln the »i-.11 year of hia age. Fu. "nerai servl.-rs Wlll he held at hifl late r. ftiden<-e 011 Wedne-alay. A'lgUBt 11, at " i' w (taiKTinifcu. thk wnoni.AWN ir.ajBrTanT J33d Fi Bv Mirlam Train and b*- Treirflg. Oflace 88 B**l BM $t., N. T.



Howard L. Platt, of Berlin,Conn.. Interests Himself in

Work for Children.


Port Jervis, Newly Restored tothe Fold, Plans EnthusiasticReception for Group ofTribune Vacationists.

Twa- ¦. }.v theto Bei


Mr. Platt

. poor and i reawed h.«:iu-r-

II- lat- r i'i.....


Tn-. .

tebefore .--ince Juig of the v

nd the realItlll of to

aicl.> !ren.

aill tr«*. a-i hy nlghl to^ bi tha Adironda. k n

i.e a i artv eoi

. i fOrHome. oi

.. md a party of flftynta for the Mi'idlr t-.nn-. ;.¦

On Tbursda*' a party of nlnaty*two

>.e thfl OfI |


n ei

.. -t of Port .1' ntake li - » and Mlll


Hun" on" Ol B

utday the-. nUTft*^. thi Shenherdtchfleld

-.. ag the 1 a

*ent out dnritu-to l.gfl

In ren ^

r the i

Baturda; Bui day life w a tennt arorfcenand all tl

lact *"ith oonee,<:

, ... Rtle frienda wllng ll':1

turn for ouLng*.a, .KN'1\V1.EI"..V


r v


Ui -ujd i i> .*> Io'nti-

.anna Stlao. B.v-rl>* * .

'«." '.... hi


t'- Bprtafl f


j* a 8"fl - ¦ '. ''r. .,

v t .' t| |

llM .'....

a- '. I Bdwen. Jamefl

«£*r r v .

.¦, . BflUfoi 1

.-. 1 2' '

Tor*. I iaia *-'-".' «

..,... pteferaWy by ebeefe or

OUld be addre-BH to the-e«h Air Fund. The





, .

Tne electrical atorm of yeaterday alnoon onlinueU BO far ll¦'that all oommualcattaa . .>¦ nr

taiegrapt* araa Impeaalhle untii thla morn¬

ing. ¦ »ma r'

kaoa-a In 1 ..

road.- atrawn aitb UiThe aroi ge waa

ghtatag, arhleb atrucfc Um¦.

nnd her da-jghter. Mi«* Julta...... ¦ Road Tha atruckthe ehtauMQ oa the rrom ofd-wollahlng lt, paaatng down the chlm-... and oul of the flraplaoi througb the

nr, catttafl aad bei

uaughter were attttng, and ttavtng a largebole apgealta.Mrs Cattlag. erha '».an mvah'l. M BUI

f from ahocfc as the raaall ofm eeeaae

from flerious tajThe bara of rhariea C tMmtm, a dalry-

man wai Mt on flre by the lightning and

hurMa Beveral other buiidinaB

., one or tW8 being B* 00 Bl8-'^masre wan siight

The ireather prariaaa te the atorm -aaa

aatjutMh wam *.^^Zl.unuaual amount of humldlt>. tha. ther-

¦nometer ragtatartng M degreea¦..-.-.rday ¦ ¦

eroa r. the lanfar thta .

taklng advaatage of th" *u

Xfter the » AJtort

Dunaa there wa.a« ********** **

,,.*,,, ., aratefe the *******

m^ved toTL annual Invl.a.. le.-

rfTourt.flment of the MaadOW CaUB,WhiC'l -**

odyarrtaidaniuadiorand.iilLii » OOgBBB.

Oa Thuradaji Ur. aad anro. » a. \ ai

.. ,,,. eve. a dance for the .,..,

i. ri.e Qeeharda_


Hlnirhamto... H. U *»* " '-

FAwBTd V -lonee who waa .tr.-*«,8 WA

., h-..,orrbHge ******* ,"' "?home here. falled ******* '"'^ **\Pfobabt*' wiU not long flurvive.


AlMI CvpotiTStuOio

yMiss Charlotte Nicoll to Wed

Olin Potter Geer.


Bride-To-Be Is Niece of Mrs.Cornelius C. Cuyler and

De-Lancey Nicoll.

f the earlhethat tlandl

»-.¦¦'Holland N .. of Iter . nd Mre. "al

ork. The

engagi nv nt o.' I.- Trlbuni

Mra. Wll '

J t JRhini;<i. arlll Ball from E iropi ' '


Mr and Mra HeniI -4 of Mr an.i Mra 1.


Mr aad Mr* Wiillam Baaft'i a month » motor 1nees, bave goni lo 1 ivllle foiFtr-4 .

Mra Henry O Havi ft her

ple a at lerlp, i-on*- lala ..- lte Baet H ton to n


Mr bi d Mi* Hewland AucbllroC*e te

guaata of M luchlncloee'iMr Bl "

Mr. and Mrs. John H.rlva n New rori I

hoard tbe Mauretania

Mlaa Laura ^ .*'_\ir. Egertoa Wel b, * ge 11

Newport Aui, | f,, ;i re* daya ef tba Bev. and

Mrs. iio:,trt Bhlpmaa

Hlffi Rul i returned to

Bouthai '¦-' "dand, from a

month'B tnp hi th« Weat

Mr? Banford Blaeell haieretown, N * le remaln untn thi i

of next monl ihi arlll ba JolnedMlaa Derla »

Mr ar.d Mn Reyal errell.whe are ot Irvlnaton. n 1 -

Newporl earl) aeat month to retnam

Dr and Mra Pr-ston P Batter*who went to Bar Harbor tei la wl

ratura to l*etr country place at Qreat

Neck/ i-onn laland, al the end of the

Mr end Mra EHpbalet Nott ottar, efMount Klaoo, N. 1 have gone to south-,, ,., 441,' ,-4 1

0 upytag m txi Hra *«"*\illa


Mr. gogual Hecka nt ir.i

rrem Buraoe rad haa gone to tba Heck-s.her r-O'ir-.t- pkvei 81 Mi.nunrton. LOOgIsiand.


Mr and Mra. KoraMh Wi¦aaw at Mewpert wlll go te tbek i-iac*_r Tuxedo B*ptl mb*r Ifc


AT NEWPORT.retaaraa* .** T ' "Tr't '

Newpart aug. ll* -Mra B*rg*r Wal*

arho Bpenl a greater part ... tba:.. _hroad and wh

!(,.ei)tly returned, madi harBiwtappi-nce or, the aa len-**" r'"ir,w 'M»

mornlng 4 i .'v,,h Mr'

Tampklna Mei valna ln ihi roundDfa\ro-aeneacratchdoul We*laefe and Mra Mellvalne tror. baaten b

Mra ir-niia.d Bpaarwr, Jr, and Mra WUIiam Earl lK>dge.Theri waa a larg* gatberlni al

,¦_,.,,,, thi* mornlng, aad among...,. Laanora Jackaon, ol Neavork. * gueal of Mra Jehn W. BuriMla* Ma. .ullorh Miller. of N*W torh;1 rrdrn.-k Mlddleb.1 -94*. ot M*W ..-rk. A.

Harmon. of Hatrpttrt Mi and Mrs Beb*, rrwayae. "f Connectlcut. ¦

.. thfl MuaneMiujer King and Rlehardit Maaa and John f Bhafroth, r I HA ball Bl thi* N«val T*-*"1"* rt,-,,l"n

to-night dre*. a large attandanoa from

the younawr member* eftha -ummer eol-

ony. The ba ; araa grrtet by the <-om-

on Nariaganeeti Ray, ai (thi blg Btatkai

Reai Ai.i ¦' Wlll*-i

Mr and Mra lart r* .¦ B

Ti.,-.. aill latui a beforerlli |

Mn i'" " a lll |

'd -.

f bei P8eB . t i'

aai .ie Nh f Na <*. to

ba *¦..¦¦

Mrs Lerl ard - I -¦ I a «mall

|f, ....-.". | heon



Nea V..rk as the

Mra. J ii arney w'li *



w- a: 1 M



amea for thia

¦., r Italy........

Thaw,l for ¦

.. t ta plhlbll I

U, , ger, of Dea*g t reeh to

.1 Brofl lb t et*.¦ ..

,i!,.I H '¦ .'...... .... .

n» nu- '1 h - is the flmt time.Mrs

takiMn ,.,.:.''.

..., '.. ilaon. Mi and Mia i...m wara ¦¦;¦. rat*

td upon r.

dotng_¦ >-


l.nox. auk ii. Charlea Laalei enter¬talned Admlral and Mis '"-"im Dewef

neofl thta afti n...

Mi apd Mi Joaeph n Choatp were

r to-alght ai Nauaaki .i*.

lalall K 1 " Mr ."'¦.! M I '"rank A

Bterllng, ef Cleveland, who are at Meaton11*11

.\lis Blchard 'AaiKon li.lder eniei taimd

at luncheaB thla afteraeea f"i ProfaaaaaTtM-maa .1 i'refltun. jr, of

ton, N. JM;. \s 1: x« loi f Nata Tark, ''-fl

anived at tbe Hotel Aaphiwall for tha.ii of the

.Mis:= llarrlet K. B 'am-d r.t

.- 'urtin Hotl ti la after¬

noonrrancta m Vaagh, who haa beea a l ttb

.t Mi and Mra Atasaader Bedgwlek, gOW U8, N 11

y, m Clementlna 1 ur. - ».r'« bbbbi 1

for .1 luncheon .<t Edgi "inb to-

monow.Hn 1 , R Ad e and *\ ilhsm P

Adee. of Xaaedo; Mn- Loutaa ntagerald,j ,;',,,, 0n N v and Mlaa BlaaM. Lyacb, of Rhlnebeck lefl Btockbrtdgato*daj for Poland Bpi Ing Me.

and Mia K B ''raxin have gmie

.,, th« Mfl Iti M<judge w. Bromah. Dr \^a BraaaallA Mi 1 LotllOfl DrOBBall h;.\e return* 1

t0 Neu V'.'K,, _.. M-a m - Beamanfl of Ner.

rort ¦ g wltb Mr .-.. d Mra\i '' ¦'

j, '.,,.< Mr .; ij .\ Btewart aad raaaUy,of Som Voik. arr;\«-l to-dn> at the RedI,,,.., ii Btoi khridgiIU ., guh Walhrldga aaughta af Mr

B fTalbrtdge, a\ New ferk,,(l, Hotel Aaplnwall lanm ..

.,,. Mlaa\.h i" ¦¦. Baali .¦ I.

l> «. 4a, . aa

Km.ert m ".. Phant n Mr aad Mcjv\, ran Mr- William M'Mirtn,.

L. B u Aadrew« Mra Jahn ».: Hawe,Z. Edward L Tlaher and ramOy, Mr-

.bt. m "«* B k.kmr-tfra F. F. Weat, Dr. aad Mra.

,.' , .¦ Mr and Mrs Jaaaaa Brad*,;v Mkaaai MbM and lljdred to-tfley.S New rort a«f *. a * Mra John A

Peck, of Pellmm Manor, arrlve.1 to-dayei -he iior.-i AapinaraU.Mrs Joaepb k. Boy_n, of New Tork,

arld leave ber* to-morrow for <>arden

Clty, i< iIir. an.i Ml* TIhI'i-*' L Wood. of New

York, ;,r.. gneata of Mrs. Thornas Der.ny-.- Mai b* ood, nttafleld.Mlm caruaen B. Marttne* win leave

Plttsflild to-in..rron ;., \i«it frimd* ln

Me* anasr.. 'oonMr BOd Mrs .larn«*<- W, WfclU Btad Ml*

]. g raareon. of New fork, and Mra4 v ..,,). Mari of Boaton, are at thaMaplewood PtttafleM.Mra Rnndalph Morgaa Ippteateta, of is a gneel af Mra i PredertchS. h. -i. I*. al > al .

v tohn Bti r Mlaa Vlrgl->n>, ef Phlla a, Brrlvad to*

Oeorgi liriuwoM Haven, Ir and Oeorge..:..' ll;. .ii, M, araf Mr.Mr Woodward Haven, al ln-,-. in st... kbiidgi

AT NARRAGANSETT PIER.grupt le Thr Trlbei

leetl Pier B. !ua Colonel Jaa ee r., of Phlla lelphla,

4,i.-iii Allagro, wh red In Narra*ganaatl Hav .., onal Bi . r km araa -4

compavnled b] f llautenanl Uommonder A.,. Keal ng a Mra Keatlng, of New*... .,, M< ".¦ B ati Bmlth, I B. Smithend WUIlam 1. Bl

_ Man t, whlchNi b port t'.-.! i>, wera

.".,|.t;LiTi and Mr*. leaa E. IBaltlmon Mr and Mra Haatlnga Ar«

Ira F. g Mi AdooCaptaln Ernavaon a at luncheon

0 ptaaaOthera who eletted 'v-- aa 0 to-day

ereri Mi ai d Mi B B Mi Elroj Wlihui a Haaard. M Mra!Vi end aaveral of tho rteltlng poio

Mra John C Peer, ef Waahtngtim, a.av«a dlnner !ast nlghl for Mr. and Mra.Henry "leher, ol Phlladelpl 1

\ rall. ef New I 01 k, la tbeMi arad Mre. Hei ¦.

1 ennaal lawa ftta of BlElplBvtrpaJ Cbureb-1 Baa wttl be held

rrow.Mr «. Mra John 11 Hanan, of New

York. Han to lea- I hai* BCSl WWJh fot B

the **. hlta MI geent arriva hi ra ar* Mr an.i

anjamln L Providence;eer D. C. Pattei aon H N.; Frai

,* , Mrs y B

r delphla »n

1 Nteon Oull. k. U. ri N and

Maaen G *¦'.. w?. ¦%>ihen. i1 B. N and Mra Vag Au«

g, _, -,- hi Moi rh ad, jr.rtered at tbe Caalna

Almtrall of Ne* fork, anter*of tblrt it d ar to-



Har Harbor, MV » 1 Tl '' 'as a

There. n;v rnooa.

r r.irand tne f h- a-


a t»-rn* and

Mr» Henrj ' Dlanoeh recetvad andthr gamea

..... ., -. ... Han a, Mra-.

-. ... Mra 1.'-

erga of Mra. B llllaa rrai


tt. Mr!: ¦-:


ng 1 a

Mltchel Her l '.'f*. J ..



N. Cuahmi Mlm MyaI n ....

Ar...".;. I 1 ;hantarta

. arner M f*flln LeedB, Mrs a Mcernrii «. Mra »bi U *t an, Mra. J.

v. rowneet M Mat ur

Mi* w iiiiam J Oll na Mra EbenBntto Mli Keta Laa Hannen and Mra

Mrs Van R< naaelBl of Northeastiiarhor. Me aa ta at luncheonto daj Mi and Ml Kitl n Mra W EPeraona Mr .-...i Mra Innei Mr ndMrs. Oatn M aeea Petera andMrs Mall 1

Mii-s MargarH i'..n li aad ". Btanc£,w llliam . lai k. 44 no

re ri turned to thelrhonv na * IH tal.e plaee on

Beptambei '¦ .1.Mra. ieaepti 1 -ett. r. 44I10 has beea l .¦

gueal ef Di and Mi*. Jarnea MHel4. bo k f| hera thi atter part of last

week, wlll resume her vi-i!t later n*-rllttle BOBj, Thomas. Ib atlll r,.-re

Th»- annual aatmttc s'.oit* of the Bwlm*mlng 1'iwb are Bcheduled tO Ihk. pUce1 »\t Mon 1.11.

. >tto K.ihn I* in Naw rorMr and Mr- \\ altrr Oun of New

fort who na ive ar-

rlved al Bar Harbor and nr« aeeii..*i.inai. oottaga

Mri. Thomas Waleh will ent'-rtuin atInni haaa en Aug ind at dlnner an

Ausn*t -' ,n honor of her auest. M;;l.ur.son. wife r,f tl r

Mrs. W'arnrr Ml. "iii be a

lun. b*on bawlaBa ta aaotrrow at ber o*t*tage.ime of the nioct Intereetlng enterUUn*

menta of the wn-k *a iit be given to-n.or-

ro« for the banaflt ol thr loeal bsepltnLlt will ini-." ib form ..f h .,iti:ir.*t >hoV.

Mi.»s Baaan Bturgla ef Boaton wbo «a*

., debutaata '.*« a*aT*8en, ia ln eiiarre of

fyg gttgtt .'"' Bl - aa atraa I] aad allIhe 1.1 ¦-. "f :h* ''

Ihe bosl ..'¦'¦ man ''."¦..j i.r....i.t Bdwarda and

Mn,. Bdward . T..1.1-S

mkee by Mr' l***Ph Pulltner, AlherlKuprn- Oallatln, Mrs John AapegMrs John C. liVlngilOaa, Mrs Harold A.

Mra Bda ar T m att Mi 1 Ben*-,,r w.i.t.. Juetlce Oeorge 1. Iragrabam,Mri campba IXaward, Mra Otto Kahn.

...-.. Burrltl and Mi Gr caeaatt An-ateur lalenl froi

- Biam arin ih'k.- pori and he-

tweea tba aklta H**a* eocupylng Iwill dan.f_B-


.srattir-. Aug. 11 Gasaeral a*alla Waa,apedal anvoy of Mexlaa bb Japan, and hla

party *aOad la-daj fer raneeuvar, wheneatba) will drnart for .Irii'aii nr.xt W.-dnrB-

j_- 0:1 the ,t_*i_uii».,^*ar«*-- el Baa***

AI 1VARIETIESA New Playlet. Return Engage-ments and First Appearances.


"Scroogc"' and "Pinafore"Please.Bills on Roofs and

at the Beaches."¦ )RB" up to date. ln ihe thor-

oujthi} parformattee glvea bjthe ptnafore Klddlee, la the laodtng feat-ara "f the bill at the I'nioii -aquare tnis

gatera ilag aIth en-the chornaea are excellentlv

drilled and the pcodoetton la attracttvel)taged and kept fresh in every detall of

.,.-.¦ ti re ¦ ¦¦ twoplayleta ta tba show. r.irter BmeraonBrowm i broadlj farcleal "A Hero," pre-aented i.\ (*iiarlea i.. Warrea and com¬pany, arhlch bt famlllar to the patrona efvaudevillfl In thla trlty, and .1 ntm farce.After the Weddtag." 1" l.awrence

arhlch a :-d iiere. f >r

.¦-.... Bti lay afternTaylor and a company <>f three Thtapla) li t bt aaai d upon a >¦.' lee *>'


bi ''i.ii oui l< a, bul II a ould ga ln i Bectv c-ondcnaattoa Another first Nea fork

as that nf Hlltea aud K.x.a couple of i adtana, who were

heartlly applauded and eertatl ly "mad*k.1 " Othera on the bill are ArtUlequlllbrtot, stlll ai r In the

.: m Joeephlm. >. « ra p-n former;oN'r-iii and Ntxcm. Bettj Lee. thi "Olrlfrom Qeorgla Ml| sgei arho baaa method of bei oa n, and Hnrrj Bi

BVELTN NE8BIT THAW and .la«-KClifford appear for their aaeaad week as

, lUnera on Um bill at Haauaar*ten ln their repertwry °r

modern danees The eoupla latTOdUCe\ Bome new figures au'i Btepo,

.....i havi alreadj proved to be the bestHamrnersteln'fl haa Of¬

fered thta aeaaon Another drawtng ar>:te Dalnty Mark the graceful and

atatueeque ivoman aerobat, who performsher aarial feal i tb mgb she heartlly

ti.iri. s Aheara andi .. ari BCt faal noleee,

i Howard ¦ pontoflin a !-.¦. '. il ad fl -- ited by....-.

.... bei for the.. t B. a ti'.v-.¦ Hunt,'odete; Eva Bhlrley, the....

:. « Minaeal Johneona, pr *

Bentil n ae; WU-bur Bwi rifor ti.e Play,

.:;s: the Bmltha. a eoaa-t i iiT,-l F.rtz .i,m.-d!;ir.«. At.n


"THI OET" i"B AT," s "rr

wlth a in-* tartet, I a oa 'hetb A aatre thls

w.-ek. I rtg thecrooked ' lad, oul at

tbe end of I ¦ma ¦ ..'..¦ i

a gTlUY' IBdl -a,'of a very w

so c«.n\ fl Inter-.¦.tlns; tbe audlenea *lth a rather long

f her ,>ast a dlffli rult faal¦bi rt playtal Rul

.,¦ nd a. two ju*


' Blebrtl

I>m 'i ¦.

| bill '

- ome*


thi thri Bartoa ln fea ¦

HENRt F. MXi.v tahea the top ofle at th* New Brlght.

"vaudo-drama mono*blt Of

Iaa popular as oi . a tdl-

.!¦atlon of l »i' kena'i A

;¦ ..n the programmeTom T. ta r ol' l ba aat,


a Rlce ¦preaenl th-ir

et, ThaI'alh "f Ihe Prlmri Bud i '.-

itor of Mutt und J'-ff,ntlng his M ittograpb PaMr.-. Bad aa atu.i tlv«

rirv ofv ¦. tor b

.. deir Ora ptaya two laatrumental¦¦.:.. v

dlon, aI laya wlth hla handa -!i'!.., "armonl i played

with his f-er Othera are Will B\' bli ¦.

boxing. fetxrtng, wreatllnB and bag punch*ing; i.. imore and ¦ tbeti «. rohatte

I la Black and w tr

.;... de Luse, and Loulavy danees.

Tin: DANCINO PAVIUON, al Madl-bob Btjaara Roal Oardea, eontlnuea to bethe prinetpal attraetJofl at thla-aeert Alteraatbuj ¦

Ing; tha aharet ah a tah the gbor arlthm good pragnuauae Th- parfwmera u.t-,... Bh .i. .'!<¦ Bdlth Bartoa,

Kenna, Jiu D Lavury, William|| ..A

cootJnue to be aa addad attrsetloa on

Monday and Frlday rdghte, aa are thaBundaj nlghl "pope."thi, JAKI'IN DS DANBE praaattffl ll

r.i ii.ii of caharel entartalnmenl thlatreek, headed by tever i-air i f

joan Baa | ar and W allaci Mcutcheon, In their mperton of gracefulrt !>s and ttgurea Othei Hart-ii.r:ns. Dlana and tha Hlgi ^""".<thra aawi omera who made tl

nlghl ar- Leona sn. rwta, thagweel niitaea i.adies' Qeartet and tha

i.:- . and v."i..ii

THB RUBT1C THEATRE ¦ Pa ledePark preaentfl a |Ood a raudevUlatl »i ak. wblek feataraa among Itaheadllne attractiona tha labaatlaa tferrlllratupany, ix-s nagnaaiia Joaeph Remlag*lon and eampany, ii"r^t Fong, Itoatroaeand Jachaon Mclntyra and Qrovaa Arad Hallea tl the free open alreireaa aartortaamea a new "Bandow."

Orvillo Btaren,\ with an ezhlbltlon af Btrength

faa mtfaloal feata throum ln.Holding a l.«»-poun.l man ir. one bandwhite Mnging a v.rse or t«o of ragtlmfl Ifl.. ru.M-e himatelie to thia able-bodtadyouth.

AT THE STOCK THEATRES.That Btiaaad) eawO-mal drama "Zira

baaed by ¦) Hartlej Mannera and HaaryMiiier oa VTBhta ColUna*fl "Womaa taWhite." waa urcscuted fur the Itist time

i f the* Acadcmy of Music atock com¬

pany \esterday F.thel riifton. the or-

ganixation's leading woman during thenbsence of Frlscilla Knowles, gave a mostsatisfactory performanee of the tltle role,and the rest of the large east was capa-hiy (tiied by the Misses, Carttaa MeCayBand Blanche and Mesars. i*relghan, <»er-

aid and Torrey.Kdgar Selwvns Tiie t'ountry Hov."

whieh has ptoved as popular ln BtOCft a*

lt waa when flrst produced in this cif a

faw ^ear« ag... ia the attraetion at theManhattan i ipera !lou«e th's week.

"DAMAGED GOODS."Richard Bennett and bti CO-WOfkara 18*

epened the Fulfn Tl nlghtwith Briaas'a l>am*ged Goods," aaQuea*nonahiy the raast wideiy disceaaed playof a de< ade The C88t remains pra'tl' .< I]uiiehaiiged The preaent enuageiiieiit ofth- COBBINUI] in thi" city Is a nmlted one.

as Mr. Benn-tt arlll B808 take it 08 a

toar of the eaantwNext Wednesday afternoon a coinplt-

mentary performanee wlll be given, at

h New Vork dergjuien repregentln-tnineteen denomination-4 wlll be "8881An open dis.ussion of the plav and ls planned.

THE FROGS PERFORM.The Krogf. an orgamzation <>f weii

kr.own B8gT0 BCtora of the trns: Ivaadevtlta stage. gave a profee*

jierforriian.e ..f th.-lr entertaln-ment last nlght at the Manhattan Caalno.Bert A. tmitama, Aida Overton Walkerand H. H. lJudiev were BBBOBg the per-formers The entire productlon 8*111 stai t

.n four to-dav. playing Philadelphia.Haltmiore. Klchtnond and Washington.The proceed'a will be devoted to the erec-

tlon of a museum and hall of records "f

the aehtavementa of the American aagroin the flelds of flritaee and art.


THEATRICAL NOTES.Hnimond HltCtflCOeh will appear next

season in a ri-w musieal play under the

direction of .ohan & Harrla. "The Beauty

¦ MJB," wrltten by <'hannlng Follock and

Rannold Wolf. wlth music by Charles J.

Uebest. the aame trlo responsible forTl." Ked Widow."Senor Kranclsco I.. de la Harra, Am-

r from Mexlco to France. attendedtha periormaoce of "The Faastng Bbow

at the Winter Garden laat e\en-

ingMembera of the Garment 8alesmen'fl

laaoilallon. Llft in numwr, will attend-Mrfonaaaca of "Petaek and Parl*

mutter" at th..- <;.-'.rge M ."han TheatreIMonda* evening. The Near fork engage-

r of the dr amatuatlon of Montague. gina Saturday evening.

William A Brady has engaged EtuthBenaen and .\gnes Mare for tha cj<t ..f

Owea Davto'i play, The Family Cup*ni.ard.' BOW in rehear«al, f"r productlonat the Playheaaa the latter part of Aa*guat.Kehearsals t..-gan jraeterday '

vlval of "Kobin Hood aith whteb de Koven and Danlel \ Arthur wlllopen tlpe sea«on of the Orand 'meraHousa Anaong the prin Ipala are FMoisela Paathoi tfll a Hara Maxon,

..... Daley, Joaeph Paraona andGeorge Froth'.ngham. Mr. Arthur is

-. tha era and th.- mualn of Joaeph Balaton

BISHOP W.JMSABINE DIESOne of Earhest Leaders in Re-

formed Episcopal Ohurch.iti. .. Tufr..;i Babtne d:*d

..... Xo c»V)Mai: BUfl IN- ". B of

I '

4 II.

grad .ated.. Col.¦ from the

New Tork Jemlnary.ii- inarritd Marla Thereaa ? hleffeim.

I dren'.

( ...«tant.>[-«

, at Stitlj he "a" re uar af

Pl ladelphla.tor of the i hurcb of

.¦ itoni BM Mai attan«,,s one of the earlieat

ad al .'hurch,and from 1174 imt tor of the

' now.r.-il ii t Madiaon avenue and tftfl

aaa made Hi*hop ofv. p| ...i af

Ihe Ri form Epli pai hurch.

DAVIS STUART HAYWARD.Davlfl sr eard, who dled at the

phew, Leanard Travta, atNo 6.r Highland avenue, Newark. yeater

. i .. ..r tbe beal knoava gtavelyera ln t ountrj He bad bi en aaa*

ployed arlth l-Ord *i Tayior ta New Yor^ln thal capa. lt) for maMr Hayward wa- horn in I'inolnnati ta

!mj. Ha was appointed to a eadetahlp at

Annapolte Whlle .< resldent of New Tork,when h. antered the auadainy aaa a-:..ate oi tdmlrala Dewey ar l s

\\ bl . or; .< prai llCfl rulr-e durmg lus tl. 1. >,.."i th-. dtacbarga of a K'm

-ed hi n and he became a detai hadti.r.^n bacauae .f dlaablllt).Mr Hayward retlred aboul eighteen

,i linea Hved :¦¦< BrooklynHe

¦aavea . Lanalng M Haywaro, or

Pittaburgh, an.l two daughter-^ Mlaa Mar.

Hayward. ": ' ° il1"' "** *'""

Jamea. "f Brooklyn-a-


Rlverhead Long talaad, Aag II (-ap-tain Bamuel Orifflng, na aaeta of tormarCountj Judge Tlmothj M. Orlfllng dled

¦aterdaj He «a« nlaetytwe veara

oid Captaln OrtBhaj "»s '""" '" Rlv,,r'

-Aghl aaa so good that he

rould reflad W ** "rithoot tbe a'd of

,.. ., ii- .. .¦ ea oi .¦ rge I

SSTah. *$".*"£,wo daughteni. Mr-. Ma. Bueai M'1''-meri, of Brooklyn. and Mro Manayoung. of Rlverhead._MRS. ELIZABETH S. HOUGHTON.

, te Thfl Tribaae.lBarotega tprtnaa N T.. lag U^Mra

Blaabetfa I Houghtan dled at her home

ln North Broadway thta afternoon. after

H' week - llhieea Bhe waa tbe n-ldou I

-japrtme Courl JnaOeo Jame- Warren¦taa laal aebru*

-r, following an operattaa fbr agpendl*.,i' %gn Hooghton was a natlve of

Kai itoaa Sprlngfl and for many jreara hadm ihe Boetal life of Ihe

viuce Bhe wka flfty-two yaara at* Oned*u8hter, Mrfl dtuarl Don, of Troy and

'. .., springa and a aon. Dr. W arren... Hi.sii.», -lrvive ber.


Miss JANK BKRR1 ka dead "t the

home of her ui-.-. Mra Marj II W"luai apf Kairfleld. N J. ar thfl age of nlnet\

Brtrven raara M'** Berry saw the launch*in* of the ,;r«t hoat u. the Morrla <'analttSa v\as born ln Fomptnn Flalns. Thefuneral arlll be beM to day.CHARLJCfl HAiSilKHTY. for BMUU

.. .,j an Inapector in the Departmenl ..f

w.H't Bapply, <ias and Bteetrictty, dledBaturda* ln gl Peter'a Hoapltal, Brook¬lyn Hla bome waa at Ka MJ puiaskiatreel Hmnkhn H« »n« Blxty-two and had l""ig beea aetlv-j tn D-HBo-i.itie polltlcfl In Brooklj n


OIPLOMATIST DIES IN BERLINOrMn, tug, IL* Dr. Itlbofe da Cuaha.

Hrazlllin Mir.lster to G-rmany, dled here

to-day. following an oier^tion.

"in aiBrtearEdward Locke's New Play

Opens Longacre Thaatre.


Thomas A. Wise in a Comedy ofGerraan-Americaa Life in

Rural PcnnsyJi/ania.One good trt. |t M Bhld, M88C08 te

carry a play le 88*88888, nn.l The Si!\erI Weddtng," Edward Lodke'a ae*Whlch iad lt- tir*l p.-rfi*rmarir*e el M If.FraaBi - '-TrTgrarr* Tinpatre la.-t night.r...t only nas a thorougjily delij-htful BBO*and a.'t. it also has *\ third one thatneeda only ***rf***ng together t>> <ioui,ie itsehnneee of survlval. This "onginal <oni-

edy" of llfe in a F*ennaylvanla I.nitrhBotUeBaanl has. fartharaner*, the addl*Monal advantage oC belng i-x.*<»llentlyaetad, net merely ln ita two <-hk-f paitv*.but also ln BBveral »f Ita nunor rolea.Th*. plot. which a<aa brlefly outlined ln

tl.r*s<- columnB la*t Sunday, Is eoneeeweduith the >l4-t4,rmlr...|ion of Lndwig Koeh¬ler, the Baddlemafcer, of I.a .urba. h.I'r'im to b*eoeaa what he beH*v*e hia

rer'i betrothed has calh-d 1,1 I"j i_'.. a.1.,1 old Datebaaaa." In realitythe words were ag.rjlled to the saddl-mak-B*r*B arony. the vfllage doctor, but I.udwlgiThomas A. U teet does not know t.i .

and, ln fa<t, there is considerable pig*headednam at the raot *f his charact.r,but his kindneae of h«*art has prevented ltfrom ereppteg ap during rda long mai-rl-.1 Uf* To show tl at he 1*. what he Iflbocauea he aln*t," he forhtds his daugh-t. r'» marriage. r*C***B 88 !>e present atthe ceremony-when lt takes place agalnathis interdict, and asaiMs only in l.i* aapn*city as th»» \ti\\-At(o r.andmaster. the hai.-liiHvliiK b*»^n aasntfad for the weddlna,-.

\\e,\dtnz fills the seeond act, whl< ril- r.a full of *renuJnr>, hearty laughs as

conid poss'b3y ha pnafced .nto it.1 h» thlrd act tRkes piar-e a year and a

half lafrr. Ludwig and his wife (AllceGale) are celebratlng their sllver wed-ding. Tha Dutchman, who is pigheade<i"ber*aus»* he aln't." haa been aecretlypining for hia abaent daui-hter anihoptng agalnat hope that ahe rnay yetcome to ongrarilate hlm ar.d her motherea thelr atmraaraary. IM course, thiacomes to pa*.s 'n the end. and there ta a

bappy etuiing that would he much 8888*telllng lf thla act w*>re less long drawr.oit. It will be a aimpie matter, hoa*ever, to rt-medy this defect.The actlng. as has already been «ald, ia

exoellent. Mr. Wlse has a part that fttahlm well ln ita humor, its "pigheadedrn'ss" and Its sentlment. It will flt hlmstlll better when he shall have got on

qulte Intimate terma with his accent.AUcb Gale's Frau Koehler ls an unal-loyed dellght a thomughiy conslatent b'tof charaeter acting. Ceatl Breton, ae th*daughter. and Calvln Thomaa. aa herlover, dld well with the rather aubordi-nate parts ailotted to them. and Gulnlor*e. ola, aa the Portugueae vlllaga barber.understood to perfectlon why the glM

| thor had placed a temperamentalI.atin In a company of phlegmatltiI'utchmen. and acted a^cordlngly. withthe right effe:t. David P.oaa. aa Helnle.the aaddler's aiaistant. and Ii'llar. Rosb,as Frleda, the Koehler a aervant. fur*'Bhahed some brlght flpota of comedy aa

two gawky. quarrelsome but apoony Im-rortations from the Patherland. FranleM< orma' k. as the vlliage doctor, whea*hfe'ong grouch dtaappaara th* mommthe seea himself »n his deplorably rhangerl

4* | :i good work. and ao dl<lCBrl Henimann aa the very srnslhle ril*\Age parson. There ls a touch of Be-la^.-oesque attentlon to detall In thekitcban pump ln the thlrd act. arhlehHTieaka for .-, plteher of water down t»s

parched throat ****** it will a-ork. afterimiiiar hablt of its kind. -"rhe 311-

4 ar We.ldlng nrrds a llttle ..\er-

hauilng ln its third act to he<-om« thethoroughly enjoyahie event Ita tltle lra-plies.cabt ("'- ¦the srr.vrr. wedpimv

Ladarle Koahi.r. Mr . ..*>.-;..mar K.r.r . \tn 'ornn^lt.luan Jarin a. - . oia

...'*r !.: -im»r.r..;.., -,*r Bekbart. .'"alvln Themfl.H*lnle BebaaMI.D*4iri i *.

.v llee OaleMnrihii Korhler.rrrlle. Br«tr4-iLaey Rehbrtt..Ednfl TemplaMargarei Rehbeia.\-..-.i*r Mnnr*Prleaa llu LUItaa Ro«a


Roseland Girls Start the Season atthe Cclumbia to Orowded Housei.Therr wh* a h'.g rn.wd at the '"olumhta

;a«r e\-er,lng. WbOB 'The Roseland Glrl«"ofrned t! e season 44 !th "Po.-iety a laI'arte.'' letly Ward ai'd Ultta* t-'itzgeraldbelng t'.o prtiaelpala rha pleca Ib a

4,-rrwn from atarl to Bnlab, Ward ani"Rddle" Bararta eaptan*tnB *f'* laugh-maklne honor*, arlth Mis»- Kitzgerald,Mlaa Ipetlmaa ar.i Mlm BrhaH aaaaitiie appiause arlnnlng atunta on thefetnale side lt is hard te say 4\ liithnumber »"« the hlt of the cvening.but .Nut. Nut, Nut." 1-4 BoU) Wanland an attmetlva red-lr-f^r.l .-horus, »up-Ipoeed ta be s-.n.g ln a aanatartum waa

la shade ahead of the "Bcrttb, Scrub.a>ruhH rong of Mi*-s ntagernM andcliorus. both N ir.ff exceptlonall) K"..lTnt coetumea end ¦ ener> a.- *-v, and

pt.-'t4. the horus arell trelned and abape-Ij. nii'l whei ... .. .¦::. .;¦ ¦¦ ontainlng alarge number of profemlonel who aiestili reheeratng for other abowa 'augheit-.-l' ha*. a«-h:ng hands fromapplaudlng it is s..fe to aar that theIng of th. se.-taon. at I^ast. n;ak.-s a big

tt m for ¦ 1.

DIED.proufrhl * l*i I* Bhiela, Bn ilj II R.Neaus. Ji nnla R Toansend, KrankSablm Rev. Wn- T.

DROUOHT At the home of her brother.R. \V Rathbom. Pelham Manr.r. N. T..Ml I 1. I -ht. ln the |4th iaar

Ber -4K*'. Kaneral prlvate on Tuea-day. Klndly omM BoweraM <;i .*- Entered into etrrnal r al al hr-rhome, No 13 Oiflord a\e. Jeraei Clty.Momtay, augUBl lt, Jen ile Reynolda, be-loved wife of Bamuei Q. Negaia Funeralmielcm at her lat* reslden.e. Wednea-_ay ev*nlng, al * o'clock interment atreenwoi metei at lha c-onv*a*faa*8

af the madi)kt hla late realdenee, Na. r*>i

M,,i,.., ave.. N.- Vork. on M""^kuguat II Blahop WlUlam1. D Notlea of funeral

w ni ba announced later.I *ui«J aun l-'rarn-'*...). Cai., August 3.

.9-t fiiulV M H. wife of Dr GeorgeKrankltn Bhiela and dauahter of the lateRubert G and Harrtett N. Mead. »to«-

iliuuK. N- V. funeral BerriceejBt Trh>lt*, .-nm-'ii. Oardnina. N- ^ .. T,,*'**A;Auat st 11 at .;.'..'. P ni Hirlagcs wlllnVc^i iraln leavlng New Ifera »t :<*3 p.m. Interment Sleepy Hollow Cemelerv.

Ti)\VNSI-:M>-At Bieastei N V. On**.;..da4. Attguri lo. 1*13. Irank Town-srixi ln the »i-.11 year of hia age. Fu."nerai servl.-rs Wlll he held at hifl later. ftiden<-e 011 Wedne-alay. A'lgUBt 11, at

" i' w


thk wnoni.AWN ir.ajBrTanTJ33d Fi Bv Mirlam Train and b*- Treirflg.

Oflace 88 B**l BM $t., N. T.