French books crosscurricular

Books found in Fnac. Used for whole school topic on countries (each year group worked in a continent Activities: Jigsaw activity in groups reading info on continents and countries, then create minibook

Transcript of French books crosscurricular

Books found in Fnac. Used for whole school topic on countries (each year group worked in a continentActivities: Jigsaw activity in groups reading info on continents and countries, then create minibook

Books bought in Marseille in Gibert Joseph (new and second hand, very good discounts and a proper old style bookshop:) They have branches all over France

World History, perfect for cross-curricular lessons (Rome, Greece, French revolution, WW1, WW2...)

Books bought in Aix-en-Provence, in Cezanne´s Atelier

This one can be used with UKS2

This one can be used with LKS2