Freestock Special 2011

July 2011 © FreeSpOut July 2011 CONTENTS: Cricket and spacehopper updates Who ate all the chips? Will you be there next year? Book soon! From the team, fresh from Beechwood Park in Derbyshire As those with (almost) least to travel, the Stafford contingent were a little surprised to find that not only were the Sheffield pair already in residence, but so were the Bungay two from Suffolk. Almost the first person we met as we drove past the fishing ponds (one lovely and clear, the other a murky brown) was Tracy-Marie, and her delighted smile promised a good weekend. Adam and Tracey (Sheffield) had worked hard organising this year’s Freestock We were on a “rally” field which included the use of a marquee. It had clearly seen better days, but we all set out to freshen it up, which didn’t take long. Jane, brave newcomer from Bungay, swept all the old leaves away with a vengeance while Liz (Stafford) organised the improvement of the raised area and Richard (Bungay Driver) oversaw the making of a trestle table using some abandoned beer barrels. (Sadly, they were empty.) Adam and Tracy transformed one corner into a “kitchen” area and soon we all settled down to a cuppa while admiring our handiwork. Then John spotted that one of the drapes in the top of the marquee was actually holding (just!) several gallons of water, so he and Adam had fun getting rid of it. After putting up the Freegle signs to help the others to find their way we all had a little rest before the next ones arrived; first Diz from Dursley and later Carole Sixmum - with only three of her brood, much earlier than had been expected. So we were all able to share our first ‘potluck’ meal together. From L: Carole sixmum’s sons with Richard (Bungay) in between, Diz (Dursley) Jane (Bungay) Victoria cuddling up to her mum (Carole) Liz and John (Stafford), Adam (Sheffield) in just one corner of the marquee. Others arrived as the days went on: Nick and Agnes travelled the furthest to get there, all the way from Belgium, on a bike! Jean joined us for the daytimes but departed in pursuit of a more com- fortable bed at night, but did stay for Friday’s “Chippie Run” and left the hardier David tenting. Carole’s mum came to visit - much nearer for her than going to Cornwall, AND she brought us all a tin of Quality Street. David from Anglesey ( R) managed to combine his visit with another, pre- arranged one - in the next rally field! Other short stay visitors included Ruth, who was visiting family, and Jess and Marion who were unsure of the weather. Preparations for Saturday’s sharing meal were in full swing as The Cricketers were… in full swing, or some of them. Richard, after flailing around to gain a run or two, resorted to his scooter (seemed to be trying to knock the wicket off by driving into it at one point!) and engaged various ‘runners’. Meanwhile Nick and Ed practised the famous Poncing Method by mincing to and from the wicket. John was applauded with gusto - when he tripped over a guy rope mid-catch. Tina’s daughters, Chloe (pictured here with Ed) and Char- lotte, proved to be true Yorkshire naturals. Geoffrey Boycott, eat your heart out! The game seemed to last for hours and the writer has no idea of the score. It seemed to begin again after the meal, but with fewer players, who had obviously eaten their carrots in order to see the ball.


Freegle Magazine

Transcript of Freestock Special 2011

July 2011

© FreeSpOut July 2011


Cricket and spacehopper updates

Who ate all the chips?

Will you be there next year? Book soon!

From the team,

fresh from Beechwood Park in Derbyshire

As those with (almost) least to travel, the Stafford contingent were a little surprised to find that not only were the Sheffield pair already in residence, but so were the Bungay two from Suffolk. Almost the first person we met as we drove past the fishing ponds (one lovely and clear, the other a murky brown) was Tracy-Marie, and her delighted smile promised a good weekend.

Adam and Tracey (Sheffield) had worked hard organising this year’s Freestock

We were on a “rally” field which included the use of a marquee. It had clearly seen better days, but we all set out to freshen it up, which didn’t take long. Jane, brave newcomer from Bungay, swept all the old leaves away with a vengeance while Liz (Stafford) organised the improvement of the raised area and Richard (Bungay Driver) oversaw the making of a trestle table using some abandoned beer barrels. (Sadly, they were empty.) Adam and Tracy transformed one corner into a “kitchen” area and soon we all settled down to a cuppa while admiring our handiwork. Then John spotted that one of the drapes in the top of the marquee was actually holding (just!) several gallons of water, so he and Adam had fun getting rid of it. After putting up the Freegle signs to help the others to find their way we all had a little rest before the next ones arrived; first Diz from Dursley and later Carole Sixmum - with only three of her brood, much earlier than had been expected. So we were all able to share our first ‘potluck’ meal together. From L: Carole sixmum’s sons with Richard (Bungay) in between, Diz (Dursley) Jane (Bungay) Victoria cuddling up to her mum (Carole) Liz and John (Stafford), Adam

(Sheffield) in just one corner of the marquee.

Others arrived as the days went on: Nick and Agnes travelled the furthest to get there, all the way from Belgium, on a bike! Jean joined us for the daytimes but departed in pursuit of a more com-fortable bed at night, but did stay for Friday’s “Chippie Run” and left the hardier David tenting. Carole’s mum came to visit - much nearer for her than going to Cornwall, AND she brought us all a tin of Quality Street. David from Anglesey ( R) managed to combine his visit with another, pre-arranged one - in the next rally field! Other short stay visitors included Ruth, who was visiting

family, and Jess and Marion who were unsure of the weather.

Preparations for Saturday’s sharing meal were in full swing as The Cricketers were… in full swing, or some of them. Richard, after flailing around to gain a run or two, resorted to his scooter (seemed to be trying to knock the wicket off by driving into it at one point!) and engaged various ‘runners’. Meanwhile Nick and Ed practised the famous Poncing Method by mincing to and from the wicket. John was applauded with gusto - when he tripped over a guy rope mid-catch. Tina’s daughters, Chloe (pictured here with Ed) and Char-lotte, proved to be true Yorkshire naturals. Geoffrey Boycott, eat your heart out! The game seemed to last for hours and the writer has no idea of the

score. It seemed to begin again after the meal, but with fewer players, who had obviously eaten their carrots in order to see the ball.

July 2011

© FreeSpOut July 2011

David from Anglesey procured us some Space Hoppers. Remember them? Diz obvi-ously did, and treated us to a splendid display of “hoppermanship” 5 for a while at least. The fun with these also went on into the late evening.

Ed claims It turns out that spacehoppers are much harder work than I remember from 35 years ago. Some excuse!

Carole began to worry: There was smoke, and lots of it, bellowing from the direction of our marquee. Having thoughts of what I had been told from previous years, I began heading towards the well to get water to dowse Adam with, only to find it was Stuart and the barbeque. Liz thought the barbecued chicken was the best she’d tasted, and said so. It still didn’t make her new solar lanterns (dangling enticingly here) work though!

Cooking methods varied: Barbara's rice was a big hit, cooked 'hay oven' style inside a sleeping bag. Cornish cream teas, gateau and other delicious foods were on offer. A feast fit for a queen!

Richard and Jane had taken themselves to Asda to get a little something to express our gratitude to Tracy and Adam. They managed to find several “little somethings” which were presented before our meal in case the hid-den flowers didn’t make it to Sunday. Adam was clearly chuffed - and Islay had treats all weekend anyway - Wendy was very generous but strict!. Af-terwards she said how good both dogs and kids were (but don’t tell them LOL!)

Frisbees and kites also flew at various times (although Ed confesses to have been outclassed by Jess, Marion and Agnes.) A water vole was spotted by the fishing lakes, and the Greater-spotted car

enthusiast was heard displaying its mating call - most of the day and night! That was a bit of an irritant, as was the occasional parade of cars through our field, but not enough to spoil the weekend. We heard tell of a “Freegle car” which had started life as an engine, and was gradually added to by various contributors.

There were other, less energetic pursuits. Carole had asked us to bring scraps of wool and several Madame Lafarge lookalikes could be seen clicking away with their needles. After the production of an amazing pink ball which was unravelled by the hardy Wendy, we dubbed ourselves “The Chernobyl Knitting Circle.” It was a great success making dozens of brightly coloured finger puppets in all. Carole insists they are for charity, but we felt as if we were in a production line for Primark. The bead makers were also very busy and pro-duced 8 bracelets for Charity in all. Well done everyone.

By Sunday morning, the tone was a little quieter and we started thinking of packing up, but not before we’d had a hearty breakfast of anything that was left over from the night before. Liz was sharing her “Herman cake”, which Carole’s Victoria had helped her to prepare on Saturday. They thought it tasted superb too - let’s hope the others make it to baking day! David also demonstrated his Solar Shower, but disappoint-ingly we had nobody prepared to sling it from a tree and try it out. The site facilities were splendid though.

July 2011

© FreeSpOut July 2011

Really glad I'm typing this as my voice has nearly completely gone. (hooray says Jane). She would like to thank everyone for the best time she has had in a long time and for you all accepting her into the Freegle family, so to speak. Richard Bungay.driver Pratt

Karl keeps trying to leave the Freegle family but I've

told him there's no escape now. ;-D

Richard, tell Jane I've changed my Facebook profile

picture to a loo roll dispenser, so she recognise who's

asking to add her as a FB friend. That should give her

a giggle. ;-D Kath

My reflection in this toilet roll

holder looks very tall

and thin, I want to take it home

with me :-D


365 days to go............Yeah, I found myself thinking "bloody Richard" loads. I'm sure that's what you meant :-). Ed

EEEERGH! They're playing classical music! Rhiannan

It's Ian Dury and the Blockheads. John

Nick from Swindon Freecycle asked if he was the only

one with a cold afterwards or did he just have himself to

blame… expecting a polite answer! He

also said he’d enjoyed “nice weather,

people, food and fun”

Tracy & Adam would like to thank

all for the lovely ‘ pressies.‘ You’re

all a set of crafty daft bugga’s’ and

it was a wonderful thought.

What a bloody fantastic week-end. It was great meeting everyone and hope you have the same feelings about meeting me.....LoL Richard (Bungay)

Eventually we had to drag ourselves away. It was more or less the people who had arrived first who were last to leave. Then of course, it was back on the net to check on our groups and start messaging memories and sugges-tions for next year5

July 2011

© FreeSpOut July 2011

I want a bug-free site!


Next Year:

Hmm, more

cake for break-

fast please…

Rachel (Hunts)

Please please can we have a bed and breakfast included next year whoever arranges it? I think the extra day is great too for those travelling a long way. So glad we had it and Diz and Carol could make it. Jean

My laughing muscles are still aching, I'm squished from all the hugs and I'm looking forward to seeing the pics. I'm still giggling about that loo roll dispenser Kath - shame it wasn't possible to find out how it was fixed onto the wall - you could have put it next to your new chair. Definitely up for a repeat next year - book it Tracy! Wendy (and David)

'We need spacehoppers!' Diz

It was brilliant to see familiar

faces and great to add some new

ones as well. I’m getting excited

about next year already. Barbara

Barbara organised a card for Jennifer who had broken her leg and promises not to next year. Others were also disappointed not to make it and Celeste (Tameside) is talking about coming next year bringing the imminent addition to the family, who prevented her from coming this year.

Any requests or comments about next year’s Freestock?

Current ideas include making a booking for about 10 days, to allow for two week-

end opportunities, as well as moving the date to the school holidays. Have your say,

as we hope to book up soon to benefit from discounts and enable people to plan

holidays. Join in at [email protected] The more the merrier!

Yes, Edward does seem to

appear in most photos -

so come next year to give

us someone else to… err…

to give us some other

faces to photograph.

Thanks to all who contributed; and sorry if we included your photo, or didn’t and wish we had...

July 2011

© FreeSpOut July 2011

Thanks to Richard

for these photos!