Free Range chicken Behaviour, Harun Rashid


Transcript of Free Range chicken Behaviour, Harun Rashid

Free range chicken are those which are not closely confined and have free access to the outdoor area during the day pereod and are kept in sheds at night to keep them safe from predators.

For feeding they are fully or mostly depends on nature.

What is free range chicken ?

Organic chicken have also a free range to outdoor, but have to maintain some standard, such as avoiding the use of synthetic chemicals, including synthetic pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers, hormones and antibiotics.

In poultry production, organic farming also aims to provide a natural environment for birds and foster natural behaviors.

Free range Vs Organic chicken

Activities of a free range birdsActivity Time spent (%)

Eating 38

Laying eggs 9

Walking 8

Scratching 8

Resting 33

Drinking water 4

Social Behaviour Are gregarious birds and live together in

flocks. Eestablishing a pecking order, with

dominant individuals having priority for food access and nesting locations

Giving a low warning call when they think they see a predator approaching.

Free range birds mainly collect their feeds by scavenging.

They scavenge Weeds, Fruits, Vegetables, Insects, Fecal material, Grains etc.

They often scratch at the soil to search for seeds, insects and even larger animals such as lizrds.

Feeding behaviour

Choiching the partner, showing dominency is very common in free range birds

Male courtship displays are generally elaborate, involving vocalizations and noises, postures, spreading of the feathers to increase apparent size and emphasize plumage characteristics

Circle dance


Try to lay in nests that already contain eggs Express a preference to lay in the same

location Most birds lay only until a clutch is complete (a full clutch is usually about 12 eggs) Clucking loudly after laying an egg, and also

to call their chicks.

Nesting and laying behaviour

Brooness is present in free range chicken The broody hen stop laying and focus on

the incubation of the eggs After hatching, the hen guards the chicks,

and will brood them when necessary to keep them warm

Caring them until they are several weeks old


conclutions Human being is the noble creature of god.

So it his duty to consider the animal welfare standard.

Rearnig the bird in free range condition helps to provide the natural environment to the birds.

Thanks all for patience hearing