Free lunch offered to college students

Free lunch offered to college students Breah Boone TNE writer A service that has been provided for over five years by the Wesley Foundation continues to reach out to NSU students. Kaycee Young, executive director of the Wesley, said they are living out a mission to take Jesus to college students in whatever way is possible. One thing that catches the attention of students is giving away free home cooked meals. “I remind myself that we are planting seeds to those who might not have a church they can participate in,” said Young. Along with the free food services offered, the Wesley also has a worship service and a bible study. They see these as a gateway to meet the needs of those whom they are reaching out to. One man in particular, Jacob Baker, Coweta junior, became interested in free lunches early on. Baker grew up in a Methodist Church, and he had known Young before he came to college.


Breah Boone TNE Writer

Transcript of Free lunch offered to college students

Page 1: Free lunch offered to college students

Free lunch offered to college students

Breah Boone

TNE writer

A service that has been provided for over five years by the Wesley Foundation continues

to reach out to NSU students. Kaycee Young, executive director of the Wesley, said they

are living out a mission to take Jesus to college students in whatever way is possible. One

thing that catches the attention of students is giving away free home cooked meals.

“I remind myself that we are planting seeds to those who might not have a church they

can participate in,” said Young.

Along with the free food services offered, the Wesley also has a worship service and a

bible study. They see these as a gateway to meet the needs of those whom they are

reaching out to.

One man in particular, Jacob Baker, Coweta junior, became interested in free lunches

early on. Baker grew up in a Methodist Church, and he had known Young before he came

to college.

Once Baker came to college, he joined a fraternity. Each week Young would tell Baker

what was on the menu, and Baker would post it into his fraternity’s GroupMe.

“It’s awesome to come and get free food,” said Baker. “I also like coming to converse

with all of my buddies who come at the same time.”

Not only does the Wesley have home cooked meals each week, but they also provide

desserts to everyone. In order to provide free meals to many students, they have to have a

way to pay for everything. Young and other volunteers do this by sending out letters to

churches in the surrounding areas. They ask them to sponsor the meal of the week. They

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also have individual donors to help them provide everything that students who come

always look forward to.

“It is perfect for college students to gather at the Wesley to get a free meal,” said

Marybeth Barker, Tulsa senior. “The people here are so generous and easy to talk to.”

Barker has not missed a week of coming since she first heard about this service three

years ago. She began to invite her friends as well. Because of both Barker and Baker

inviting their friends, the Wesley has a constant stream of students coming in during their

serving times.

The Wesley serves the free meals 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. every Wednesday at the Wesley

Church in Tahlequah.

Published 2/02/15

Cutline: Students fill their plate with free food provided by the Wesley in Tahlequah.