Frca l and, L . · 2016-05-05 · s r...


Transcript of Frca l and, L . · 2016-05-05 · s r...

Page 1: Frca l and, L . · 2016-05-05 · s r oon1 . Hole left i t1 rnof for s r1 0 :e ; J. oor is Ei s 1112 ll rourLd O I 1e
Page 2: Frca l and, L . · 2016-05-05 · s r oon1 . Hole left i t1 rnof for s r1 0 :e ; J. oor is Ei s 1112 ll rourLd O I 1e

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Frcal and, L. s.

1. - ~Gfrt, III of _or· ml ms. destroye~ in · _.J fire in 19 • Iie co pied in 1924 •

Porn K u Ceremonial System

Kroe ber, • • Not es fron1 Bens.on - - "', (ethno aphic. -Free and, L. S~ 1 ;:t ogy of the Pomo. c.c. of ms. ment~ ned above on Pomo Kuksu Ceremonial

J. Greiner, R. H. Notes on the material Culture of the Pomo Indians. Infonnant -- Benson.


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Page 3: Frca l and, L . · 2016-05-05 · s r oon1 . Hole left i t1 rnof for s r1 0 :e ; J. oor is Ei s 1112 ll rourLd O I 1e

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liouse. of tule , ,..,illo1.v ribs bc--it over 011 top · & 1'"i11g it round . Tules used rig~ t e(1d Ul) ( tJ1e 'wlc1 y they .g ro 'i ) . Fl ag tules use c... , -ootto.t!l e.l1d up. J3ou 1~~ 0~1 ";vit11. ,nillo·-vs . Uee:.:1 i :-1 bu.wl*es , '1:7r8plied e11dei , laicl shingle fa.shio11 i11 ro vvs so t 11at t 11ey overlap . Some ­t,i [.ies stro /lD' ':ij.lte·" tule i s or t.,i .... 1. e (~ ; . . !1 •ir e J'Je ... I. ::: rou:1·: to 1reeu

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rO 'NS _: o ~. !1. 1Jw 11Je1" of r o 19 1 .: e~)e.Ll\..l$ on size ; .1ay -i..i e 4 or 0 rO'i7 S1

3 or 4 feet ; t J1ick e~10:u.:·11 so r &. i :t.L -,·;011' t leGk t-Lrough . Resul 2 r round tulB for f irs t row . Fl ag tule rat~er fl 8 t , such os grow a rou11a. Hla r s .11es. T- 10 k i 11ds of tt1le - fla.~ tu.le ~; ro ":'i C) · •ith e!1ou t i i ce:1t er ; ot l1er eiinilar 11ut little . .JOl"'e sof't. Gocci ' 1 , tule used. for i1ouses ; hal , flr10 tule ; 1JEtGo rour1c: tul e ; 3 oo rxiere~~ Th ree cornered g rows u round lakes .


Ho u se is .. 10.l~.e <1 cco r d i t1g to si z e of fe:un il~r , 30 or 40 fee t, SOil1eti. 1es r ou ric: , so.l~1eti1~1es ·1ot . _lJo ~)osts i ;. i i ., -' le UJ.J.les s l r< rge :1o t1se . Vvil lo"l4~s -urou~. t over c tie<l 0!1 to ~) . Tt;i.1e .L1ot too Ji.ecvy; :1ou1eti ;11es 1)lO;vJt off iil ~ .. i iid if not tiel; r~o ~ r~1 . liouse Be.r'1Ron livei: :i. 11 l1e1"


Lc·:9S 30-40 f eet 10"1g , about 30 fe et ·, i d. e . liigr1e r t l1c.11 tl1i s r oon1 . Hole left i t1 rnof for s r10 :e ; J. oor is Ei s 1112ll rourLd OI1e ,

3 1/2 or 4 feet high; : has a rch . T vo fa.~nili es , t 11vo c1 oors , t -.vo fire~)laces . Each fa~nily ha.s fire1)l2ce and doo r . Floor is r1a 1..l e of ·li r t, i.1ats used so rneti H1e~ ~ f tule . J3ecls r-12 r]:·ec1 off , r1£' c~ e o f soft tule; so1.1e fr ' i.1es - 4 sticks , 2 feet f1.,om r;rou nc1 .·ith cros s ~1 iec e8 o.i1c.1 tule '.):D top. I n t l1.e old dP ys i.1c-1c~. e beds like t J1a t: :1c~ter usecl to con1e i 1 in lo "' plDce~ . ·1ro li 11'9 to ~, i Yi l., e f Hi.11i lies . I± .. ~naterial v¥as Ol1 11a.i11..~. , ~vo ul ~·- tc. ,,.e co u1)le of deys to

.. 1c:1ke house . Tal-:e tule ii1 tl e f u.11 . 1I0use -:·oul 1 la et cou1)le of . ye . If l s i c: ·)ro. e rly ·Jo u ld l e st quite r:.. ·:~ 1 ile urt-'l. t11.e r [ in bee t t ule off . I<:e11 t old fr E:i:ne aJ. d ~;ut on t1 e tule, If :per so11 : ied t ~1.ere , ve11t a 1By a:1c~ left 11ouse or .l eRtroyed it , r1·1c1 built aj1otJ-1 er . IIouse co 1 in swn:.1er , ·:.rc)r r1 i :iJ Yvi i1 ter , · ~·il1 : ,_ept out. T ~o. ere -v1e re <;:l cou:ple of f 8.r1ilies i11 } ouse J3e ·1'3::>11 li~;ed in , (1) his 21lot:1er r:.:1d l1er o U(lts , (...;) l1er rcit :1er f·.~ld :"1otJ1er . Ec-0}1 hc=d. iireplace . Aunts 2.1: l.1o·t11er I-1ac1 one . .1Jo rooin fo r e ll to coo a t one fi re. Fires a t each erid . For bek i ig h ad a si ~le fi re. T·.-,o fa.r.ailies '1&d. acor"1s , seec.s , etc ., to!;et11er, but ;·Jost t}1i 11ge t 11ey rJool:eJ. sept-tx·c: te . Thi .ngs stored a-;JEJ.Y llelo :r1~e - to csll . S·ore<.~ :i r1 br~:::1:k ets '1i t l1out li d , i-ta1 tule t:-ia ts for li11i ·r1g .·· So1ne 11cio. lEJt c ,»vers ; if c. c r11s , it u. i dn ' t .1atter. Sorneti!les ~iice .;,ot in , \io ul c er-:t t 11rough . Stored d. rie "1• fish - :kep t j.n -la rge bas1ce t R; so11eti1nee fis}1 cut ope ~ <::i.1J o .. .1 st ri 11gs . So111e fis11. 8 -1 0 i i10}1es :-epti 11 O<::i:~

1 :dt~ , cut i1e' ds off' , n.e11 e r cut .. t :1.er1 i ~1 _> ieces . Ro ast e el 01 .. uFlkerJ. J'is~1 u .. H1 e:rgroo1111C:l ScJ·l e 8S hcor n l1rec. ... , c• .l l~· -C 1

1.e11 :.~e~')t ii1 ~Ja sl:.:ets .

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Page 4: Frca l and, L . · 2016-05-05 · s r oon1 . Hole left i t1 rnof for s r1 0 :e ; J. oor is Ei s 1112 ll rourLd O I 1e

Acor11 bread . Used. 1ush too. 'l'h ree "dct~ s to llc:". ~e bree:1d . l st, Xa ro-'"rn&de out of 11our1t , in ~ ,:!1i t e o r~-: , po st o ci.k . Rec1 so i 1 fro n1 a rt1i 11e so1ne···vhere J.i ssol v e cl dY11 r;1ixed i l1 t :1e mee,l , rnekes 11ii1'ki sh c olor before it is ba.ked ; blc:i.c: --:}1er1 ~J2 1 '"ed. 'l.1 a!~ es ·bitter.1ess out f:-i,1d sweeteJ.1s it . Secor1d kind, Boi , is le(_c:1 ecl and ·,or~ed Ul) p1-;.d. ~~~ed . N~tur~l c olor or with red soil . Tl ird (ts'iu so '~, m&d e out of Vdlley _JO st OE1k ,. c or11s ·~vl1.i cl1 2r·e d ried a.nd fJ,ft er tl1ey a re hulled. , ~)laced i11 strec:,r~ o:f ia ter to t a1'e out bitter11ess ; 1 ashed intu ;nea l at1cl oc-1. ::ed. Left i 1 strenrn 3 or 4 · ci.ys to so ft. Don ' t turn d·. rk. Red s·oil £1ot :i: ut in t }1 is J i ~1d . So1neti1nes red so il is left out of first t ·,10 ~'"inde .

J3 aki ~1.~ :Jlc:i.ce :Ja.d e by d is;__,;;ing J1ole ir1 grou.r1d sr1c1 plflc ing bed of roc:'..:s , c~ . .i1...1 ro cl: s Ol1 top . After fire d ies d. o'm , t o l:e©ot

· l e c..Ye s ( a 'p ) c:i n ·:~ ~;ut t lJ. e_1 u11Jle:rJ:ie t11 , s~9re 8d. H1ecil over tha t . C-o e r 'vit11 lea:ves c:1116. oo .. re r vi t l1 l1ot rock:s . ~:&. ces b i g c-:;ke , 4 or 5 i · c!1es t ~1 i ck , le:pe1i<l e on ho 11 ~·1uch ancl i,1uc11 e.:..)a.ce ; 1J ekec:. f 11 ii.ight. I n 1norr1i 11g tc~,.~·~ e . .i out ·:111cl cut up ; c ruri1bl y , 110t 11c.i r c: ;;-vy .

StLl t. l~o salt used . Get sa.l t 11e:;;1 r Sr1 oi;v ~Iountrii~1 . Used .. ,vith fis}1 . Pepper'Nood boll breed , good. t:i eet . P c1 rc!1ecl , then :r1r1 shed. Bl'l'. b;:. ~ec.l i 11 c akes . Does i1ot r1ci J<e tl1irsty; 1J.sec1 1ith gree11 cl over .

Page 5: Frca l and, L . · 2016-05-05 · s r oon1 . Hole left i t1 rnof for s r1 0 :e ; J. oor is Ei s 1112 ll rourLd O I 1e

Pley ( q,ve·-t ) 1louses (ts'uts'ub) . 11 lc:y g:::1e~ in ' .. ole c:ug i 5r'.)u11i:~ 2.8 or .~o i1.i.e: .. es , ~~oles })le;.ced toget:·1er " i, )Ut o J.

f r 1 e(l !)Ost ; l)Oles '°!Oti1•2 tor;et~1er ~t to1:.>. \Jo~teJ.1 i;villo v r.:;}10J te laiu. ·,):r.1 top of posts ; sor:1et i110s tule .-1r ts; c( re not t o ~1<- ve t ie1n rJ1J.r~1ed • Ov er f i re:;l r).c e "VO\' er1 .. vi J_l oYrs • Covered -wi tJ a. irt , 11ole left for s:,1oke . Cra\vl it1 lo;v e1 tro.11ce. About 6 or lG

f t!i.ern . Sv1eat t ·v ice a. dciy , 111o r1.lii1,~ 8i1: e e .i.L1g. 11r~c1 la r ge sv1eA t i1o us G for olcler peo1)le. SYfea.t first first i11 ri1o r .c1 i l1g , t 11e:r1 ei~;'--•.i.1. 1 just ut su~ -~ o vrn. Soinetif•1es sleep t J1e re a o. sori1etJ.1•1es vve.l1t :10111e , i10 rules. 1Iou se ··1ould. lc:-ts t ~o or 30 yeclrs.

La.rger s 1e,1t }1ouse cAlled 1.rlEJ. r (i1 ~ . Buil"'~ u11 sruae or d er ;.1s little o.u.e , only la.rger 81 d st r o11ger. U~1ri g11.t i1 r o· s _)Ut :c1ext to t le be:i:i1k: to t he .. :12 i11 r 21 fter s ; i)e r l1c:i1Js 8 f t11e1a . IIave 0·1e run­i.1.i~.Lg fx·o1:1 t1'te re;;r to t ~1e ·;Jost in t ~1 e ce11ter ( cci·oee ). · 1r l1 is one f'roi r ea.r (gu.ul adz i l ) lies i r1 fork . lle8J.1s a.r1yt:1i 11g ti''ictt is ~l.ard or ·Jeco:ries ve ry toug1'1 . :B'irst 011e to -o e put i . Th is exte11ds ci little i n fro11t Jf tl1e fo1~J< c.;l\.1- ot 11er s e re lA.i a. on exte11s io :n . SrncJ.lle r 011e s 1 ci i d 8 c e o r el i rig to these , so t :1.ey c:; r e bo u 11d on ectch ot 11er. Covere c.: ·vi t 1 ii-villor1 8.1.1(.l 02~·~ sa11e c.:1e t l1e smAll er svve -- t­ho uses. Fireplace is t '.10 - thirds o f t r1e YEty fron1 ceri.ter pos t to (l oor . T'\'vo r afters f'ro rn f o rl~ to doo r . Wooc is }"'ep t on botl1 sides of fi r epl~ ce. Uan ~lo f eed s fi re l i ee behiai this ~o od . Door f 8 ces south.

'l' 'JO pe;,x·ties -- 0 ·1e is t· ,. e East si1:Le l)a rty ( col1.i.·ll)8X) e:11. otl1e r is Vfes t side ~)P rty ( ·bol11c-1~ i:)x ). liave 001 t ests to see ~-,1ta cr-1.i1 stc-1 .. c-:" tiv.,. ~·no st !1e<1 t. Young 1U8r1 j o i 11ect e it11e r s i d e. TJ1.ese J)Br ties just for t .1e si;~est ho use. Heat fo11 ned frorn one side to ot }1er . ~O or ,~5 f .. e t s ize of s f'lea t 11.o use , smaller 011 e e cibo ut 16 f eet. Sor11e-t ' ' 'I 1 t ..:J ).. 1 1 ., -, • 1 '<If' 1 " 1 l.1!1.eS .1.12-Ve u.211089 , ou · vO 1101.i Jl O ( .. 01:; C.8.1.1.C eS . c . e orus.n 10 1.t SeS .:.:n su.ri..1er ; ir1 1i r1ter .. ·.riJ~e ·ui 1

; _11ouse like s·w,1ent 11ouee ~11ly l8rger . Dc;~11ce :I1ouses Ci1lled xe - .L·'la 11 r-ik . Fa .1.1 is R strs. i g.l.t 8ti c !r "li t h d eer-s: i r1 . Gets ye r y i1ot in s ieat J1ouse , b urns 1;:J.r1cl sn1ot11ers . So1ne sit10Jce . S1'1reucl ed tule, l1e l c.l in moutl1. . Ke ep eyes o:pe11. Atways s~1eo t t ·rice a lay. Ho (:. s~tU;1er· a fter s1 ee t. After· fi r et s 1ectt, 8.T e 8

s, i :. , t li. e11 s-:,veat a .8i11 . 1Jeve 1" e:1ter s~:-veat 11ouse fro1 top , 011l y i ll Ghost Derer:10 ~1y . The11 jur11_._)ec1 f rom s ti c' .. c·-iug!tt i r1 s~1 o l<e hole , s n .. 11-.;;' ·lo-1r1 .

Page 6: Frca l and, L . · 2016-05-05 · s r oon1 . Hole left i t1 rnof for s r1 0 :e ; J. oor is Ei s 1112 ll rourLd O I 1e

Cl1iefs . Ger1e r&ll,y inJ1eri ted c11i eftc-·ir1s}1ip fro1u 11P re ·!t or lJ.ext iJ.1 lii1e ; ;:;e11erelly fro1\1 111o t h er' s f:li<.:t e . I f fet:i1e::c -1cic. been c}1ief , nep11e1s ·;vere i)lc:-cen ·L) efore so11s . Cr1ief ·1.1.:i.ty ~1es to p(.,yi se; went out i11 ;:1o rJ.1i YJ.6 or e.,,,el1ing j. f .tie had::: s1)ecic:il .;1eBsag e t o gi e , II&'. 110 l)art in t .1e b i r; J-1un t s , Ger.lernlly a big ]1UYlter r~iC t J1i s, C1"1ief -i·1ould. onl,l .' n terfere if he · 8.p e.1.·1 eC. to overi1et:):t' c1 ispute . Go t llO t axes o r ·fooc: fro.r11 ··Jeople ; relPt i e s ge1ter( lly gc-('Te :1i D1 food . I f a bi~ d-.,t. r d88 1-:illec~ ii1 t 11.e ;1u11t, 11 e ~•va ult -b uy it . G8T e o r ders to l1ie rel< .. ci es to :n1&1:e ·o re acl Anet r·1us11 a11.o. ga,.,.e hul1ters cl f eecl '.1·l e.1.1 t


'ley r etur 11ed. Dee r p[,i fo r in I 11ci. i a . .i:1 r10 11ey . Tli.en 1r1e -.vo ul c...: cl if;;°tr3. bute it c-1 r ou.11cl n.10;.13 :1is f artily Fj·.r1 r{~lbtiY es. Arro.-1e , , eii r-lJ i i1 s , etc . ;er e tnlUcl-ble . Cl1ie :f ·,ve.ut to ot 11e r ill c:1g es eJ1d. sol d ·t.Llei·1 1 exc::12n[~e<l , Ol'' trRa. ed . Hci irpi 11s r1&c e fron1 deer bo11e , d eo or Rte fJ. . c,1ief go t d.~~e r r0})8$ (,nc;1cl e ii1 t 11 e J16 rt h ) rjncl sold t~ er·1 ta t l1e }1u 11 -

ers ; UAed for SiJ.ciri:r1g u eer . Ropes l:1a .. :.J. ~ b:y Si1er' 1ood \Jeox le . Th ey J1c:-d ·b etter n1ateria.l u1) t he re. Irie roo'°t·~) used for ro:>es . (I ris -t s ' il i 1a ). Si ne·v ·oo·.1s , 111c:.d e t ",.1er:1 fl a t. 011e k i nd (Pomo ) is flc:~ t , ciad rt ' Le l'' l'l 0Jl6 rno re rOUXl(~ . Fl a.t Ri 11e - bo1v cllld 1'.Jl t1 i r1 bo-:r Llti1 e a t

• Up1)e r L a..ce . Tl1eJ:t sine 1 oi:1 e s iNer e r·1ore l" O U~>~-1 a~1d. 2 little sho rter t:r"lf i t11os e rt1e.~l e u p 11o rtJ1 . 1ro rt J1e r n vvood 80'nethir1g like cedri r , red -C.i s}1 '1J ro ;111 , :p r o·ua bly yev1 . Poi:10 used t1o u · t <-1 i 11 ri10J1og ~11y fo r s inev bov1 . D oe~-: oo d 'llsecl f'or t .. 1e ')l8 i i1 bo iV . Asr1 i10 good f'o r b o·--Js , Boys u.ser1_ it , but it was JlOt 1:1e gooc~ ati t: e rlogwo od . T oo coarse c g r aj.r1 ; like h icko ry , t oo co a rse.


Page 7: Frca l and, L . · 2016-05-05 · s r oon1 . Hole left i t1 rnof for s r1 0 :e ; J. oor is Ei s 1112 ll rourLd O I 1e

TrBde . Ro:es , arro~;1s , bows , etc . c :1 1e fror.J. t:-1e i1o rth . S.1elle (c l8711S ) tra(led for -; ... 1i.11)un1 fro111 so ut11. . Fr o~.'l t he eas t iilP:<.g ieRite , fron1 Lo ,ver L n.-~e, a JOUt ~2 1/2 r,1ilee froin to-n·1, i1ortl sj.d.e of c reek . J:Jot Ye ry })l e11 ti ful . ETer1 in t wo or t ~ i. ree d a.-ys vo ul r'i. i1ot get E1uol1 . Du,~ 1 urnpA out of ;:; rour1~'. ; ~·1ay e to test t 11em.

lJe\T >1i11e oper1e<l a.t Cloverdal e: old ti 1ners \l iu. 1 ot kno .v ~bout t ~1. i s ir1 i i e. Lo 1e r L E~ke ·1i11e il1 Lor1g Va lley , b ut t 11ose j)eople h i d t ·1e ir r,1ine . Lo ·1er La· e ri1ine o· d. ed l;y · ~10 o:C"1e i :c1 parti culf1 r , a11y-o.1e cou1 c: .. .r1i ne . '11 ook boulde rs horne b ut baked tileL1 t~1e re . V/orketl t ~1e111 do~~1r1 cyliJ.1d e1" s :1ape. Sell :for -~~ E1 .. 1.:i_)urr1 . T"1a t is r1b out al l fron1 ~ e st. Vves t - oceai1 sicl e: Hl), 1011e s!tell~ ·1ostly , i1ot t :,.1 e riee,t. Sea-deed , so1 etirnes t J1 ey 'Nould. sell ; a11J. rr1usAels And. t h ings like that . Sn1F1.l l seals ~ve re sold . Got i1icl es , ta.1 111ed , ar1cl sold t J en . Se2l called x abur a r al . Bow sec-lion Fnd seAl c ~.lled the seine . T c-<'- e t ~1e u o ·:i rse out , lec.i--e s soft ~ie ir; used to c1eco -rate t Y1 i11gs. 'l1 P111ecl ·1it }1 its 0 .... -v.1.1_ oil . . Satur at e -vit} oil , rub uitil d ry oJ..tCl soft. J?irst rub •iVith r oc1~ , t :1e1 -vv:ith 11ar1d . Hac1 ru·bo i :r1g-sto L1e for lc- i.1·ger p ieces to lJe tar11 ed . Us~cl la.Ya. roe~ for rv.lJbj,Jig. Scra.i)e roug1'1ly , t h e ri oil. Bear <:til'l ~)F1. r1i cle s f r om co Blc-ick: i)ear cc:tlled cio- -k)Ur agal . LE-ke count.:f people trade fisl1 , aco r 11s , ra.;'V 11i d es , n1atjr1esite . I 1J.d ia11s i1eyer use ·bo r ax la~re, exce1)t for eye trou·bles: o·bs i cl i &n n1i11e i.1e1."1 r borax lc=.: ... e . Dug it out , vR sfill.ed. it off , C.l.ild the11 c l1 i 11~') e • SciYe t r1e best 0 11ee . Co111es out of Ini r1e i:r:i fl akes ; lies loose in d. irt. Pie .. out thin-11est ones - less 1 !ilO rk . }I8s to ·i) e heti tec fi1"st , just about body }1eA t ; .. ~ or:'.Cs ·be st t~er1 , brittle ·:vli.en cold . Put i1e~·r to •v0rn1 •