Franz Liszt, Caricature Publ. in the Magazine, Vanity Fair on 15 May 1886. the Caption Underneath...

download Franz Liszt, Caricature Publ. in the Magazine, Vanity Fair on 15 May 1886. the Caption Underneath the Caricature Read.. the Abbé (the Priest) Artist.. Leslie Ward (Spy)(1851-1922)

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Transcript of Franz Liszt, Caricature Publ. in the Magazine, Vanity Fair on 15 May 1886. the Caption Underneath...

  • 8/15/2019 Franz Liszt, Caricature Publ. in the Magazine, Vanity Fair on 15 May 1886. the Caption Underneath the Caricature Read.. the Abbé (the Priest) Artist.. Leslie…
