Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library & Museum ...P~rk--)ick uo the Ford and re~nlng to Rosooe...

Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library & Museum Collection:Grace Tully Archive Series: Grace Tully Papers Box 3; Folder 1: "Correspondence: R-T"

Transcript of Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library & Museum ...P~rk--)ick uo the Ford and re~nlng to Rosooe...

Page 1: Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library & Museum ...P~rk--)ick uo the Ford and re~nlng to Rosooe Sundny to tAke the other "I'1eelt of my vaoatt .n. If you ow f1n'i the time to err

Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library & Museum Collection:Grace Tully Archive Series: Grace Tully Papers Box 3; Folder 1: "Correspondence: R-T"

Page 2: Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library & Museum ...P~rk--)ick uo the Ford and re~nlng to Rosooe Sundny to tAke the other "I'1eelt of my vaoatt .n. If you ow f1n'i the time to err

• •



Dear AI:

That was a nice letter you sent me on July 22nd, and I had every intention of answerin~ it to tell you now .olad I "as to be of assist~ce 1.1. getting you the appointment with the President but I ~as terribly rushed before I left for my' vacation in Roscoe and difu1 1 t get the chance . However. it was good to hear that you had such a nice chat witn him.

After of conversati~n the night I dined with you, as to the uncertainty of political ap­poin~~ent9, I was very glad to read in the paper of YOUl' bei:l_ ap~)ointed as Collector of Internal Revenue, and send yvu my very best con­gratulations for much success and go~d luck in your new job.

Grace and I hate to bother you with a re­quest, before you are even in office, but tois concerns I!lp mh em of Ollr jmmed; ate 'ami ' •. sad a job f Jr my brother-in-law which has been ~anging firp for many months. I believe' I talked to you about him when we were discussing the hand­ing out of patronage on the way to the Shoreham . The enclosed letter s~eaks for itself and, of course, Grace and I are delighted that Harold is to be iven an apPOintment under you and we are asking you with tears in our eyes to give hi~ every pas -ible consideration as to a job and salary, tnat is, if you have the say about these appOintments. It will mean much to the Tully sisters .!.incorpolated" and Grace told me to tell you th~t she feels you will do every­thing you can to fix tnis up for Harold. This tae tne only job she has requested .

Page 3: Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library & Museum ...P~rk--)ick uo the Ford and re~nlng to Rosooe Sundny to tAke the other "I'1eelt of my vaoatt .n. If you ow f1n'i the time to err



The President, through Miss Le Hand, asked Vincent Dailey t o take care of this appointment as he doesn t t ,i sh Grace to have this worry on her mlnd when she has such a big job ahead of her at the moment and, of course, she wrote me now upset she is aoout Harold not being sittled and asked me to tell you our little story. She and I will be most grateful for anything you :oip-ht do to hasten this job for Harol d.

I am leavin~ Saturday night , going to Hyde Park to pbck u~ the Ford and returning to Roscoe on Sunday to t ake a week mo re of my vacation. I f you can find the ti me to vrrite Grace or me, we ".. .... '11~ . ·...,.,.t?ci.<>te 'taring f.rom.yoU and "t;!el l eve, me we are sorry to trouble you with this matter. Roscoe, N. Y. , is a sufficient address .

I suppose you will be very busy with your new duties, but if you do get to Washington in near the future, come in and say "!lelIa! to me .

With best wishes to you and Ur. O' Connor fr~m Grace end myself,

Cordially yours,

P. S. Your letter received yesterday with note attached from "Doc ~ I '-ave it to the gentleman personally .

Page 4: Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library & Museum ...P~rk--)ick uo the Ford and re~nlng to Rosooe Sundny to tAke the other "I'1eelt of my vaoatt .n. If you ow f1n'i the time to err

AU"U13t 10, la3~ .

De~ Al l

That nCD n1ce lotto!' Y.Ju Gent ne on July ::land, m' I had ovo:-y lnten'tlun of QnC]- orIn' 1 t to tell "J JU 210':7 ~l_ d I "':lQ to ,0 ot uss1otc.nco 1n ~Gttln' Y.Ju tho oT"'_)olntncnt -;rt th tho rro""lclent, ut I ~e torr! 1,- 1' .. 10110:1 boloI'o I left for ny tion In HOllooo 'll' \ ldn ' t et the Chn..nco . ItOrJ01TI'll", 1 t n q 'ooel to 1100.1' th t Y,tU b' d nuoh c. nloa oh t +"1 th 111r::! .

!\ftl9r tUX' conv"rG.:ltion tho n1C?ht I d1ned ~ th .., u, 0"'0 ~h'J unCO!'t~~lty of -,011 t1o(1~ o.n)Olnt:1ont q , I 13 V0'TY 1 d. to 1'o".r.1 1n tho pr:ner f 'J ur lJln' _~ pointed :!os C::>lloctor at Int'9l"n '.l 1e'mnue, !ncl 80n1 yuu uy vOr"'J L)cst on­·re.tul tiona for r:ruch sucoess:..!Ill ood luo" in

yOUl" Die) job .

0r~oe -.nIl I h_to to both:" 1-_m M th a ro­quo~t, before y U "_re ovon 1n office, ,ut t!lla C.)llC"'!'IlO c.. job lor 1y brotbcr-ln-l 'J' t!h1oh h 0 been ·~=nr.i~ tiro" f)r tlo.ny nantha . I bel1eve It lkou to ~)u ~ Jut hie hon ~ ~o~o discuse­in;" the h n,un .. ut of ntrJn:::""7c on tll~ T'!<J:7 to the S 1 Jreh·.:o. The enclosod lotto? G")O !l:e tor 1 tsoll md, of cvu!,~Ot r..,. ...:.00 QIL I :.xo deli htod th t n Tol, 1 (3 to n '1 ven '.Il T')ointD' .. mt undor you n.n e 1l'e oI'in.:.' U -.... 1 th to~.:r 1n our o:los to ivo him eVOT'J as ,lbIc ocmnhle!' tion a to a job t"Ul1 001 rry, tIl: t 10, !~ 'J u h~vo tho "1.-;1

b.Jut thcBe flY) olntDcnto. It -:-:rill nO:2Il rrucll to the Tully a1 tars "1noo~~01·todn ~d ~~ co told ~ to t 11 'r u ~h t ,ho 1:J..10"""S pr _ U '1'111 uu e It r ... j­

th1l1(J' 'J u · ... 11 to 11% tt.ia u .:.~or n .rol<1 . Th10 in th" nnlu il") .... I'lhr> h ............... ",...+ .... 1 _ ... .11, •• 4 _

~J.. ~ ,{ (,'( .1" / f

Page 5: Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library & Museum ...P~rk--)ick uo the Ford and re~nlng to Rosooe Sundny to tAke the other "I'1eelt of my vaoatt .n. If you ow f1n'i the time to err

Tbe President, through Uiss La Rand, asked Vinoent D'11ey to take O].1'e of this apPointment a8 he doesn ' t· ish Grace to have this worry on her mind· hen she h a auch a b i~ job ahead of her t the moment . Of couxse , she ~ote me how upset ahe iq·nbout Harold not beincr settled and ~eked Me to tell you our little atory . She ~d I w1l1 Le ,loet ;r~teful for nnythin;r you mi Ght do to hasten this job for him .

1 am leavlnfJ Saturday ul( .. ht--~oing t o Hyde P~rk--)ick uo the Ford and re~nlng to Rosoo e Sundny to tAke the other "I'1eelt of my vaoatt .n . If you ow f1n'i the time to err 1 te Grac e or me we would appreciate he~ring from you ~d believe me we ' e sorry to have to truuble you w1 th this m tter . Rosooe, • Y., is a suff ioi ent a.d.d.reoa .

I 8u,pose y~u wi ll be very busy ~lth your new dut1e. , \Jut if y.;u d.o et to Vic.shlngton in the ns r future, corns in and say "hello II to me .

In th best tahes to YIJu end u.r . 0 ' Connor fr~m Grace and myself ,

Cordially yOUl'S,

P . 8 , Reoeived your letter yesterday 1'Tlth nu te a ttached from IIDcc, II end cr,we it to the ,en tlemro..n personally .

Graoe 1. i mnroving--looke well, but 19 stlll in bed .

Page 6: Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library & Museum ...P~rk--)ick uo the Ford and re~nlng to Rosooe Sundny to tAke the other "I'1eelt of my vaoatt .n. If you ow f1n'i the time to err



ALMON G RASOUt N eou .. "" CH ... 'R .. ... ..

ll1ss Paula Tully, Executive Offices, The White House, Washington, ll. C.

Dear paula:-

July 22nd, 1933.

I just want you to have a little Dote say­ing again how very much I appreciated the pleasant evening that we spent the other night and your friendly thoughtfulness in obtaining the privi lege that I had tor the wonderful chat with the President. I was with him much longer than I anticipated and I certainly was very happy tor the opportunity.

When you write to Grace I hope you will re­member me t o her and give her my best wishes. I am sure that a good rest where she is will be most bene­ficial and t hat her great active nature can be sub­dued to the point of continuing the rest. I do hope you find her greatly improved when you visit her and 1 also hope that the Ford can be subdued on the way up.

Please pardon my dictating this but I have been out with Doc. O'Connor for two consecutive nights and I do not dare trust my hand with a pen. Under or­dinary circumstances it is illegible.

Most Sincerely,

.....---P. S. Kindest regards to our Louisville styles.

Page 7: Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library & Museum ...P~rk--)ick uo the Ford and re~nlng to Rosooe Sundny to tAke the other "I'1eelt of my vaoatt .n. If you ow f1n'i the time to err




.... L.MON G RASOUIN COUNTY CH ... '''' ..... N

Miss Paula Tully, Roscoe, N. Y.

Dear paula:-

August 19th, 1933.

I was very happy to receive your note and 1 sincere­ly thank you for the good wishes. I am assuming my new duties on Uonday and I will instantly take up your brother-1n-law's matter. I recall very well our conversation about him. You can rest assured that anything that I can do w111 be done.

I am delighted to hear that Grace 1s improving and I assume that it 1s as much as expected. I sincerely trust that she continues with her rest and her mind should be re­lieved of every concern. She certainly is fortunate in having you ror that purpose in many things and I would be happy to think that anything that I could do would aid.

I expected to mail the letter referred to direct to you with the request that you deliver it but I desired to have it censored first. Therefore, I sent it to Doc for perusal and to save time he volunteered to send it to you instead of ~sing the time in returning it to me for that purpose. It was awfully kind of you but sometime 1 want you to be very frank wi th me and tell me if it \TaS kindly received or it I was considered presucptuous in resorting to that course. 1 would by no means make a practice of that procedure but this particular matter was most urgent and it was not for too many other eyes.

I certainly will tell Doc you sent best wishes. ':e played the usual Friday night bridge last night and tonight Doc is giving a surprise bir~~day dinner to Urs. O'Connor. As a result of all thereof, I will probably make a flop in the Collectorship at nine o'clock Monday morning. However, to date it has been a wonderful head­ache, so who cares. As to your invitation, when I go to Washington again I will do nothing else but.



Page 8: Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library & Museum ...P~rk--)ick uo the Ford and re~nlng to Rosooe Sundny to tAke the other "I'1eelt of my vaoatt .n. If you ow f1n'i the time to err



AL.M ON G_ RASOUIN eou ... TY e ..... ',. .........

Mi .. Paula TIlll,., lXecutive Offices, The White Bouse, Wa.hington. D. C.

Dear paula:-

December 3rd, 1933.

I .aw the ArmY-Nav,. game from the ver,. excellent position which you selected for me. My daughter and her hUBband accom­panied Mrs. Rasquin and me and they enjo,.ed it very much. We are very grateful for it.

I bave been pOBtponing a WaBhington trip for several weeka as each time something unexpected turned up to prevent my going. Boweyer. I bave no" arranged to go down Tuesday night to be in Washington all ~ WednesdaJ' and probably Wednesda,. night 8l'Id a part of Thursday, There is a situation concerning my position at tbis time as it may affect tbe political situation in New York Cit1 and New York State and there are Just one or two 8D&les to it that I feel I must point out to the President Just as .oon •• I can. I do not feel that I could first discu .. this matter wi th certain of our political auoe1at .. up here. I know I could be very brief and I just cannot feel at eaae until I baYe personall,. .poken of these matters to the President.

I realize the great pressu re that he will be under at thill time and under any other circumstances I would not for an in­s~t seek to apeak to him at this time. I am .ure ,.oll know that al llUeh as I would always lin t o have an audience with him, I haTe never eought ODe and I waB exceedingly gra tefUl for your wggeltion that prompted the invitation that I had to see him lut SUlIIIIer.

Do ,.00 think it would be pouible for me to arrange to Bee him for Just shou t five minutes at any time during the period of my stay1 rf I arrive in Washington Tuesday evening at a reasonable hour I w111 try to reach ,.00 on t he telephone bu t in a~ event I will telephone to you early Wednesday morning. I 11'111 leave my Brooklyn office on Tuesday at two o· clock in the afternoon, leaving Penn. Station on the 5:30, probably spendin« the interim arguing in vain with our mutual friend Vince Dai le,..

Y1th all best wishes and kind regarde to Grace, I am,

Sincerely yours,




Page 9: Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library & Museum ...P~rk--)ick uo the Ford and re~nlng to Rosooe Sundny to tAke the other "I'1eelt of my vaoatt .n. If you ow f1n'i the time to err

• •


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Page 10: Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library & Museum ...P~rk--)ick uo the Ford and re~nlng to Rosooe Sundny to tAke the other "I'1eelt of my vaoatt .n. If you ow f1n'i the time to err

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Page 11: Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library & Museum ...P~rk--)ick uo the Ford and re~nlng to Rosooe Sundny to tAke the other "I'1eelt of my vaoatt .n. If you ow f1n'i the time to err


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Page 12: Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library & Museum ...P~rk--)ick uo the Ford and re~nlng to Rosooe Sundny to tAke the other "I'1eelt of my vaoatt .n. If you ow f1n'i the time to err



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Page 13: Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library & Museum ...P~rk--)ick uo the Ford and re~nlng to Rosooe Sundny to tAke the other "I'1eelt of my vaoatt .n. If you ow f1n'i the time to err

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Ibroh l~ , 1~3 .

Deo.!' "tr . n l tter :

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very df'lOT.) e:rn-,a. thy •

Very eln~Grely your~ ,

Grace a . Tully Prlv~te Secrntary

:t- . Lou1s Utter . f. 2~1 f . ~Oth Strc~t . 1"\1 Yor1;: , 1. Y.


You • I


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Page 14: Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library & Museum ...P~rk--)ick uo the Ford and re~nlng to Rosooe Sundny to tAke the other "I'1eelt of my vaoatt .n. If you ow f1n'i the time to err

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A. r.~ /, ';AIN ,.


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Page 15: Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library & Museum ...P~rk--)ick uo the Ford and re~nlng to Rosooe Sundny to tAke the other "I'1eelt of my vaoatt .n. If you ow f1n'i the time to err

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Page 16: Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library & Museum ...P~rk--)ick uo the Ford and re~nlng to Rosooe Sundny to tAke the other "I'1eelt of my vaoatt .n. If you ow f1n'i the time to err

n t.~ll t I bad at toe ""hlte this ";.oo&y .

ani all

cordially J

t~ Ll yd R ... binson

cj i-J~

- & I f ~ l~ ·.d4 -

February ~6 , 1340

Dear Miss Tully:

Thank you so much for your v ry 1)rOmpt ans"er to th .... contents of my lit­tle doc~~ent J which I am glad yOll enjoyed .

It ~s an unforgettable ex~rience in Llr . 'qob.i.nson' 5 life and minl'l and \,e 5;13.l1 treasur _ t, in the years to co;ne . I~s . ~oosevelt stands alone in hpI' ability to m"_ke pr>ople perfectl/ at home in any 5itur

4tlon l ~j the President was just as

genial ~mri charming 85 he always is . I have never known him to be different .

If you come to California. t'lf' look us up ~i I am enclosin( my t If'phone num­ber zo that you may use it if yOU ",ant me to doanyth':'ng for you or for anJboiJ that you caj send out .

'Jadame Secretar~ of La.bor ?erkins has bo:>en in our midst l.nd I understand has been entertained freqlt:!ntl ... , I a:;!. Gorry thit I missed an important pert! given for her, by a few days ,

I also had & ver i charming lett~r from ~ , G. Hall R~o5evelt in reference

Page 17: Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library & Museum ...P~rk--)ick uo the Ford and re~nlng to Rosooe Sundny to tAke the other "I'1eelt of my vaoatt .n. If you ow f1n'i the time to err

1""1[ &1111"0'11"'1. .. , .........


Woman's Journal (Fonnerl, T he Woman C itizen)

t an inportant ~u~ati n ~\~t I had asked hiTll. o.t lmcheon at the -;.ite House . I no &ns.(r~ thl~ to1a] .

PI nse rememb r us t ?res~dent and '~s. ~oosevelt "-O'.ll' de lightful collo:!fl..::'U,,"5 .

the an ill

'lost cordially ,

t ~V' G drs Ll yd 'R, ,binson

$ I f ~ 1,~d4 - '-"-......, -

Dear Ltiss Tully:

The.nk you ~,rompt ans",er t< tIe docu.'nent J wl

It os an in !lr . ~obinson s:-.a.ll treasur !.lrs . J{oosevel t to lIV'_ke ?,?ople situ.s..tion , .'!Ilj

geni&l. md char have never me

If you co us up Uli I am ber so that ,/0

to do anything f you DS.J send 0\

',udame SE has been in 011.1

been entertaim th.t I missed for her, by a

I also from :'tr . G. H

Page 18: Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library & Museum ...P~rk--)ick uo the Ford and re~nlng to Rosooe Sundny to tAke the other "I'1eelt of my vaoatt .n. If you ow f1n'i the time to err



I •

Page 19: Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library & Museum ...P~rk--)ick uo the Ford and re~nlng to Rosooe Sundny to tAke the other "I'1eelt of my vaoatt .n. If you ow f1n'i the time to err

I • • • • • •


Woman's Journal (Formerly The Woman Citizen)


SeptElmber 13, 1930.

Miss Graoe G. Tully, Sedretary to Mrs. Fro.nk:l1n D. Roosevelt, Executive Msneion, Alban.v. N.Y.

Dear Miss Tully:

I want to thank: you for all your kind helptu.lness about Mrs. Roosevelt I s photo{;raph. and "The New Yorker" article. Thank you very much.

Very sincerely yours.


Page 20: Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library & Museum ...P~rk--)ick uo the Ford and re~nlng to Rosooe Sundny to tAke the other "I'1eelt of my vaoatt .n. If you ow f1n'i the time to err

• . , ,

• • •



Deoember 27,1935.

)(iss Graoe Tully f The White House, Washington, D. C.

Dear Grace:

I have lived through the first ot the major holidays and expeot to live throaan the seoond. but despite a lot ot tUD I'll be glad when they're over.

The enclosed will indioate that I have not forgotten I agreed to send you the Cardinal's speech.

I called Jim Kieran when I got home and asked him it he would be interested 1n coming out. He said his marriage had ohanged a lot ot things and that he would write me in detail. It must be in very, very great detail beoause he hasn't oompleted it yet. The same old Jim, I'll probably get the letter next Easter.

It was a lot ot tun to see you all ag9..1n.

Looking forward to future visits, and oonveying to you and yours the best rrom all the "Ruppels", I am.


Page 21: Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library & Museum ...P~rk--)ick uo the Ford and re~nlng to Rosooe Sundny to tAke the other "I'1eelt of my vaoatt .n. If you ow f1n'i the time to err



." £AST •• _ ,.".,ErT

NEW Y O RK ' 1. N . Y .

J.h,.. 7;:lIy -_ I /e .. { tv.> :; I hO'_p h> ~-c I

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w:/i "- Un.~_ /~t- {.. ).c4-.l nce ... t'r"_ •••••• ----I _n. -'=:h- ---...... . _-,--_. -.~-~-~.

----=,....---;w;-;1t~h~.;;.;:.;;r,.rbb.~9t wish, Sincerely yours,

Page 22: Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library & Museum ...P~rk--)ick uo the Ford and re~nlng to Rosooe Sundny to tAke the other "I'1eelt of my vaoatt .n. If you ow f1n'i the time to err

--Cc -c



10 Ju1 1944


Nary No. 128 (one two eiXht) e/o FI.,et POII t Ofl'ice

San Franeisco, CAlifornia

J, .. ,.dt., $"1 I-'c..I y- iU~ ';I,,~ ' 10

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Page 23: Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library & Museum ...P~rk--)ick uo the Ford and re~nlng to Rosooe Sundny to tAke the other "I'1eelt of my vaoatt .n. If you ow f1n'i the time to err

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Navy No. 129 (one t wo eight) c/o Fl_t Poet Ollice



NEW Y OR K Z1. N . Y .

rI S' .. ~ A, frn.~" ycnt /n- A<!r-

s:; /Of ..... , fL ... k i;' ,oIee.~ r ",.. .. d I~

Page 24: Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library & Museum ...P~rk--)ick uo the Ford and re~nlng to Rosooe Sundny to tAke the other "I'1eelt of my vaoatt .n. If you ow f1n'i the time to err






~:;;=~~ j;~ . 'Y1bilOi-:'V8 been IS. sea A11 States, save tor IS. tew day.

eoom'lor, many strange things have occurred. I have

not heard ot any procedure or ca~nlzatlon tor the President, and I wish you would notity me it suoh bas occurred. I know he has IS. great-aunt who 1s being

oanaonlzed, but such things are not hereditary. , The Admiral insiate that I take some "rehabilitation leave",

80 I amy see you 1n the not distant future. Until then,

with every best wish,

Sinoerely yours,


Page 25: Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library & Museum ...P~rk--)ick uo the Ford and re~nlng to Rosooe Sundny to tAke the other "I'1eelt of my vaoatt .n. If you ow f1n'i the time to err



10 July 1944

Miss Grace Tully The White House Washington, D. C.

Dear Graoe:


Navy No. 128 (one two eil:ht)

c/o F1H t Past OlJice San Francisco, California

A matter bas arisen whioh must be referred to Higher Authorities.

Yesterday we bad a large oonfirmation class at the Catholic Cathedral in Honolulu. As you know, it 18 customary to take a Saint I s name 10 Confirms. tion. Everyth1ng progressed n10ely until Chaplain Dan O'Brien asked one sailor his Patron Saint's name. He responded 1n a voioe that all could hear "Roosevelt".


While not unsympathetio to the general idea, Chaplain O'Brien was stumped by the Latin torm at the name, wbether it should be "Roos8veltus" or not.

During the eighteen months I have been at sea and out ot oo~loatlon with the United States, save tor a tew days in Deoember, many strange things have occurred. I have not heard ot any procedure ot ca~nization tor the President, and I wish you would notity me it such has occurred. I know he has a great-aunt who is being oanaonized, but such things are not hereditary. , The Admtral insists that I take some "rehabilitation leave", 80 I emy see you in the not distant tuture. Until then, with every best wish,

Sincerely your ••

Page 26: Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library & Museum ...P~rk--)ick uo the Ford and re~nlng to Rosooe Sundny to tAke the other "I'1eelt of my vaoatt .n. If you ow f1n'i the time to err

. •

l'p) . :li 'lbeth r, • T •

C d . Fo . lB , 19'..4 .

-1 t . toO \!lS ""t 17 f' ldr."'" f"l" 'I", -- . d "'!hot.n"r' ~rrlt. ich sbe

e) ur . r l.' n, ~chol's 'r\c> ,t.orr . l~~ . sl-nod rtl" t: 'For :icholas ... h ~t.or{' f1"l:, his i'r~end "'rm1.1n D. Roosovelt . " 1Ir~ . Sholllnptorr ..n-t ers to send a picture to LUSH 'l'Ill1y u."ld in :lCk . GOT s<\¥s she would be v r1 glad. t o have ..-ne .

: 7.l~ 10k

Page 27: Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library & Museum ...P~rk--)ick uo the Ford and re~nlng to Rosooe Sundny to tAke the other "I'1eelt of my vaoatt .n. If you ow f1n'i the time to err



Page 28: Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library & Museum ...P~rk--)ick uo the Ford and re~nlng to Rosooe Sundny to tAke the other "I'1eelt of my vaoatt .n. If you ow f1n'i the time to err

, •

" , L<

~ ~ !r l' ~ 1,-

.l.-- ) " " oro(.,

Page 29: Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library & Museum ...P~rk--)ick uo the Ford and re~nlng to Rosooe Sundny to tAke the other "I'1eelt of my vaoatt .n. If you ow f1n'i the time to err

" · ,

_. M .

-Dear Grace,

Though I do ~ot always ~elleve what I read 1n the newspapers, saw this / in today'e paper and the thought oocurs to me that if eventually, the permanent organization for war on paralysie were formed 1n Wash., Be present indications S8em to point, there w11l be a few good jobe--one or two of a managerial nature--poBslble one or two contact jobs. In work of thie kind one must be 80c1al1y minded and understand 80me of the fundamentals of Bocial Bcience. I feel that I do, and tbat-coupled with my former ~fflcl~ experience would make me eligible for a Job of that kind.

Am encloeing the clipping and al&o a brief outline of my former business experience. If you think it worth whIle, would you forward them on to Yr. Yorgsn asking that it be filed for future referenoe If the permanent organization oomes here • If you do ~t think it worth while or would not want to ask bim to consider it--Just forget it.

In asking him to oonsider the applioation, I would muoh rather stand on my own aobievments and ability than have bim feel he would oonsider it because of friend-· ship for you.

Pete Cuzaok, who 1B with liorgan may recall "bat a tire1es lEI worker I am. I think be is of the opinion that loan produce and am not afraid to taokle any Job. (A woman of my mentality 1 I})

Am afraid that I will forget to discuss tbis "ith you "hen we meet. so "ill drop it in the mail today. Yy neck pains again and I hnve been trying to take it easy so am not gaing to the hospital today.

'Phone me when you get tYBe time. Love from all.

Yours as ever~

[, «( .

Page 30: Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library & Museum ...P~rk--)ick uo the Ford and re~nlng to Rosooe Sundny to tAke the other "I'1eelt of my vaoatt .n. If you ow f1n'i the time to err


leaders Here Plan Series of Fetes January 30 to Help President's New Institute

With nation-wide approval accorded President Roose­plan for a National Foun­

Infantile Para17sia, officials are viewing

as one of the .;;;;u in the fresh move out the diaease.


ice Lee TUlly Slnton 3000 Connecticut Ave., fssbington, D.C.

ral Experience ----------- EDrTORlAL. ADVERTISING. PRODUCTION (a~ -Editing of trade magazine (b)-Purchasing of art work. engraving, printing c) - Advertising copy-writing d) - Advertising sales-contact work e) - Proof-reading f) - Correspondent for group trade publications g) - Writer of special feature articles for

newspapers and magazines.

- EXECU'TIVE (a) - Supervision of stenographic force (b) - General manager of advertising agency

- MERCHANDISING a - Comparison shopper dept. stores b - Fashion writer ready-t~ear merchandise c - Assistant to Mgr. in Buying Organi8ation

- POLITICAL (a) - Act he (b) - Active

on 1n

staff Nat'l Dem. DEm. Club Work.


- SOCIOLOGICAL (a)- Volunteer Worker for general work in Charity

Agency \ _ (b) - Volunteer WarIer i~uvenile Court for Cath­

olio Charities of Washington.

_ Specific experience furnished upon request five or six letters of reference tram former

as to ability and character •

Page 31: Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library & Museum ...P~rk--)ick uo the Ford and re~nlng to Rosooe Sundny to tAke the other "I'1eelt of my vaoatt .n. If you ow f1n'i the time to err


MONDAY, NU loe Lee TUlly Stbton

O G O[GlAA[O '000 Connectlcut Ave •• faebington, D.C.

• •


leaders Here Plan Series 01 Fetes January 30 to Help President's New Institute

Witb nation.wide approval being accorded President Roose­velt's plan for a National Foun· dation for Infantile, District officials are viewing Wuhington n one or the pivotal points in the fresh move to wip~ out the disene.

Comml.a!oner Oeoru E. Allen . .. ho hu madft DlAtrlct dlnCN In honor of the President'. blrthd.y a ,10 .. 1111" success, and IohO tim year t.. servinK on the nlUcmli comm!t~. belle".,. WIshlnrton .. ill hIVe an lrnportant part In the .......,.rch .. ork th.t w1I1 TUUIt from the loundltlon.

NlIlion Will Ben./it

ral Experienoe

----------- EDITORIAL, ADVERTISING, PRODUCTION (&~ _Editing of trade magazine (b)-purchas1ng of art .ork, engraving, printing c) - Advertising copy-writing d _ Advert1sing salee-contact work e - Proof-reading f - Correspondent for group trade publicatione g - Writer of special feeture articlee for

newspapers and magazinee.

- EXECUTIVE (a) - Supervie10n of stenographi0 force (b) _ General manager of advertising agenoy


~'l -Comparison shopper dept. stores b _ Fashion writer ready-t~ear merchandiee c _ Assistant to Mgr. in Buying Organisation

- POLITICAL (a) - Active (b) - Active

on ln

_ SOCI.LOGICAL (a)- Volunteer


staff Nat'l Oem • OEm. Club Work .


Worker for general work in Cbarity

(b) _ Volunteer Worler 0110 Charities of

i~uvenile Court Washington.

for Catb-

'''I'IllII1I one of the T1!&lOln," ht ald ..... hy .... are de~lned to breat ell prenODl tKOrd.t on \lui PT1!&IdEllt'. bIrthday. It ,bould be T1!Dlmlbeted, too, that WIIh­InIJ\OD will benefit toctthtT with nU7 community In Ihe na· bon from \lui bendlbl Of the re- f 1 h d t ,e - Specific experience urn e e upon reques

Plans tor the lUlea of balls to lO five or s1x letters of reference from former be held In le&dln, botfll hue Jan· billt d h t uary 30 In cooJunctkrD with othtl1)loyere as to a y an 0 arac er. thro\lChout the Dllloo. are ahap. InI: UP rapidly under the ehalnnan· 6hIp of commisIJoner Welyln C. H.".n. ~dinl ctt~m 10 aU ... Ib of

!lfe ere eothUilutiellly indoniDr the new IN:rmlnent found,tlon oow belli. orlanJud. l<:C(lrdlo, to Keith Morlao. ch.lrman of the nillona! commlttee lor celebration 01 the President·, birthday.

Fund. to lrufifaf.

~ .... Ptesldeot ROoteveit h .. de­clared," he laid. "the oe .. oltlonal foundation ... m lead. dlceet .nd uolfy the fl,ht on every phlse of thlll .Ielme"".

"Onder the plao aU fundt ralHd for InfantUe paralYl1i ... 111 be turned over by Pte.ldent Roole'elt to the NaUooal l"oundlUOII

''Throu,h PToper planni~1 and direct Ictlon "aeh et&~, dty and to.... will benefit to the UtmOSt Zaeh lectlOD 01 the elty wlJ! b! equipped with far better fI.CUI~ to !labt the dlse ....

Imp'aved Fad"_

"More research ceot.eq and t. d!vldual .ewarcher. "II'\U btl IIdtd HOIIplla! flclllUes 1I1lI be !Jr.Plo.'td·. AnliQualed melhods and dfl", In trfltlnent. Which are a ellIIII 01 lhe Iatlt ptr cellt 01 the ertppltd bodies of InflnUle PAnIYIIi rul • • ffren, ... m be combated,"

Amonl tht molt reemt Indo ... en of tho! foundallon pla.n ar. W.I. ler J. Cumminn. chairman of Ihe board. Continental lUlnot. 1'1' .. Ilona' Bank Ind Trult CompllI1 Clllc.,o, Ill.; EdHll'Ord, prflldeo.t I ot lhe Purd Molor Co., and Clly 1 Williaml, ch.lrtrulII Of Ih, board I R. J. Reynoldt TobIc:~o CODlP&o.1: I


Page 32: Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library & Museum ...P~rk--)ick uo the Ford and re~nlng to Rosooe Sundny to tAke the other "I'1eelt of my vaoatt .n. If you ow f1n'i the time to err


Allee Lee TUlly S1ilton 3000 Connect icut Ave., Washington , D.C.

General Experience -------------(1)


(3 )

( 4)


- EDlTORlAL, ADVERTISING, PRODUCTION (aO - Editing of trade magazine (b)-Purchasing of art work, engraving, printing c) - Advertising copy-writing dl - Advertising sales-contact work e - Proof-reading fl - Correspondent for group trade publications g - Writer of special feature articles for

newspapers and magazines.

- EXECUTIVE (al - Supervision of stenographic force (b - General manager of advertising agency

- MERCHANDISING a - Comparison shopper dept. stores b - Fashion writer ready-t~ear merchandise c - Assistant to Mgr. in Buying Organisatio n

- POLITICAL (al - Active on (b - Active in


staff Nat ll Dem. DEm. Club Work .

Headquarters ,1932

(a)- Volunteer Worker for general work in Charity Agency \_

(b) - Volunteer Warier inyuvenile Court for Cath-olic Charities of Washington .

Note _ Specific experience furnished upon request also five or six letters of reference from former employers a6 to ability and character.

Page 33: Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library & Museum ...P~rk--)ick uo the Ford and re~nlng to Rosooe Sundny to tAke the other "I'1eelt of my vaoatt .n. If you ow f1n'i the time to err

-- -

• -



• -•

• •

- •

• u ci i 0 • 0 z -, • < •


Page 34: Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library & Museum ...P~rk--)ick uo the Ford and re~nlng to Rosooe Sundny to tAke the other "I'1eelt of my vaoatt .n. If you ow f1n'i the time to err

U. s . ...... RINES


t.J ~ "' ..... ",.) GA-vl ~ f<- ~ t,<..·~ ~ .

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Page 35: Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library & Museum ...P~rk--)ick uo the Ford and re~nlng to Rosooe Sundny to tAke the other "I'1eelt of my vaoatt .n. If you ow f1n'i the time to err

• •

.... -

• ". ". , , • ,


Page 36: Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library & Museum ...P~rk--)ick uo the Ford and re~nlng to Rosooe Sundny to tAke the other "I'1eelt of my vaoatt .n. If you ow f1n'i the time to err

• •

H eron, Burchette, Ruckert & Rothwell 1025 Tbom .. l clJulIOO Stt t. N .W. W··hifl8'Dl!.. D .C. 20007

(202) 337-noo TWX 710 W-9270 FAX (202) 898-7723

September IS, 1988

Miss Alice Sinton 1301 - 20th Street, NW washington, DC 20036

Dear Snoo:

-,~ :IlIIOO ...... C II A_ PL [ AZ. I.!OIl4 (IIOZ) lo. r(l)t

,,u (eo2) :141114

-"'­JlOL-'_IUCI , . CA_~

(II1f) ~1U1 p,u Iflf) "I [ iU

1400101 __

1l1_Sidl_ A_. TX 1ml ('12) III xx p,u (.ILZ) 09H1'l!I

I just had my pictures from Campobello developed. I thought you would enjoy having a photo of Grace's painting hanging over the living room fireplace and also one of the exterior of the house.

Sincerely, •

Cynthia L. Moore


Page 37: Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library & Museum ...P~rk--)ick uo the Ford and re~nlng to Rosooe Sundny to tAke the other "I'1eelt of my vaoatt .n. If you ow f1n'i the time to err


(L ....... >v' J) +-0 f !c.,I0'(',p"'-. C"II.~" { -Z.-IO

T.!. cQ<WJ.-

~~J"87 A"c.I-II;",.


Page 38: Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library & Museum ...P~rk--)ick uo the Ford and re~nlng to Rosooe Sundny to tAke the other "I'1eelt of my vaoatt .n. If you ow f1n'i the time to err

'" "\,

~'" •

" ~ \

< ~ ~ , ~

< I-~

_.' .-

, ,






1 have _iased you an awful lot - aince you went


I ,till ~et just .5 tired and I don't have you

to run to _ to tell me "not to worry" and that "1t will

paa, .... ay".

PIe ale drop in ,:ad aee UI 1010& dey when you are

ada Itllitb

P. 5 . The two couchee are atill there - and are very

popular. COW: TRY ONE.

8. •••

Page 39: Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library & Museum ...P~rk--)ick uo the Ford and re~nlng to Rosooe Sundny to tAke the other "I'1eelt of my vaoatt .n. If you ow f1n'i the time to err


• • • • •

• •

ORRY : tr~ ~""- .

~ 1Rr I ~ . ~



Page 40: Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library & Museum ...P~rk--)ick uo the Ford and re~nlng to Rosooe Sundny to tAke the other "I'1eelt of my vaoatt .n. If you ow f1n'i the time to err

, ( .l

t J ~"'" t,. L YOU Jt;

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Page 41: Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library & Museum ...P~rk--)ick uo the Ford and re~nlng to Rosooe Sundny to tAke the other "I'1eelt of my vaoatt .n. If you ow f1n'i the time to err


Cfi .. ( J'..: « -7"

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Page 42: Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library & Museum ...P~rk--)ick uo the Ford and re~nlng to Rosooe Sundny to tAke the other "I'1eelt of my vaoatt .n. If you ow f1n'i the time to err



you a to t il; publ1l is on

last I of th, aerve \ the o.

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Page 43: Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library & Museum ...P~rk--)ick uo the Ford and re~nlng to Rosooe Sundny to tAke the other "I'1eelt of my vaoatt .n. If you ow f1n'i the time to err

_0 o

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, r ,

'l ',4- • "'4 ~ L

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Page 44: Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library & Museum ...P~rk--)ick uo the Ford and re~nlng to Rosooe Sundny to tAke the other "I'1eelt of my vaoatt .n. If you ow f1n'i the time to err

Dear Gr

you a bo to t h e public 1s one

last n1 of that served the old

,~,.-,97 /}

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I-" 7~ '.u",

~ /C , ~~ 7<.1'....-(

-C~~L~--M~ ~ #V· ht.

r;LJ!...,.:. ~ ~ -..f'~ ~'-'-- h7

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~~~ ,

4.J! z;t;?~ /'



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Page 45: Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library & Museum ...P~rk--)ick uo the Ford and re~nlng to Rosooe Sundny to tAke the other "I'1eelt of my vaoatt .n. If you ow f1n'i the time to err

,J;h (C]/tI!l/1!xll'" CONNECT I CU~ .V£ UO D< .. C" ST

March 1 8 , 1946

Dear Grace: Here is the Roosevel t dime I told

you about las' night. The "reasury sen t eOl'l!e over to the IVhlte House b, fore' they ~7ere Loued to the public for the n"'arch of Dices II th1e year. This 1s one of the f1 ve whIch I bought at· that time.

It was grand to ee you nnd your nother l ast nlr,ht. as It nlwp.ys I s . "nd r ' m still dre8J!l1ng of that luscious St. P~trlck's uay dinne r AlIce served us ! It was good to be \'11th you a I, as In the olden days .

With love and good wishes , always ,

17 EAST 48,. .. !5TR£ET ' NEW YORK 17 N y . WICK'''.''.'' 2 1127


Page 46: Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library & Museum ...P~rk--)ick uo the Ford and re~nlng to Rosooe Sundny to tAke the other "I'1eelt of my vaoatt .n. If you ow f1n'i the time to err

II&J'ch 21, 194&.

Dear 1Ir1. Stout:

I reo,iT.d TOUP •• r, nla. letter. together with the handlooa tabrio ot your own d •• ign, .hlob 11 lndeed 10.ely. You are eore than kind to haT. takln all 'thie trouble to 100at. thl ... tlr1al and I want 70u to know 1t wl11 11.' .. grl.t pl •• .url.

I ... '.'1'7 IOPr)' tbat laauguraUon Jla7 ... ao bectlo that I n ••• r ..... d to be near the telephone when 70ur o~l. 0... In. t "lib .uoh I oould haT. bad thl ple.lurl ot nel. both 70U and your claughter. Pirhapi we .b·]l haT. better luok nlx\ t1 .. 700 are lD W •• h1ng\on.

7bat 1, grl"" ,..w • .s Mr. Stout"";' expeot.a lv ill loon. I kllOW bow happy U: will _ 7011 both.

VUh .,. .117 Unded regarda ~ 7~u, ,"our baeban4 and Barbara,

Al..,1 line.reIJ.

GraCI G. "'-.11J' PrlYat. Secretary

lire. Re][ 8~"t, 17 Ea,t 48th atr •• t, W •• York 17, W. Y.

17 ''''''!IT "8T" STFlEIlT' NEW YORI( 17 NY' Wlc~Il~ . "." 2 1127

Page 47: Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library & Museum ...P~rk--)ick uo the Ford and re~nlng to Rosooe Sundny to tAke the other "I'1eelt of my vaoatt .n. If you ow f1n'i the time to err

r.ass prace C. Tully rfhlte House l/ashingtOti, D. C.

Dear Miss ~ully:


!.:aroh 13,1%.5

Late but here are my heartiest " thank you" from Barba r a a nd myself to you for being to us so very nice at your busiest moments.

On the way to you has been sent a hsndloorn f~bric that I designed and mad e myself as far back ago as 1937 , but I feel very much t ha t it wl11 express your personality (before me I rl8.Ve your photograph from Look Magazine). I was terribly happy to find out tha t t h is fabric was still available at the Winston Sto re in St.Louis who carr y a special department o j my fab rios fo r many years. I am Tory glad indeed that this p~r­tlcular cloth was their pet and they kept very smal l yardage, because they like it so much. I love such incide n ts because tha t is the cloth 1 would love you to have and I am so happy that they kept it. i do hope you wil l like it too , which is very importan t.

~Ville uay I do wish we caD meet and I hope at that time I will have my new Qesi gns in wool, silk and co tton al l co-ord inated, so tha t you will be one of tile fi rst ones to own it .

~est wisnes and hearty r you .

~ .~. 1 am stil l a gra~s widow t ut we expect hex ~tout in t he next few days and our he~rts are beating for him.

11 E"ST "eT" 5T"I!:IlT' NEW YO"K 17 NY' WICM .......... 2. 1127

t ••

Page 48: Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library & Museum ...P~rk--)ick uo the Ford and re~nlng to Rosooe Sundny to tAke the other "I'1eelt of my vaoatt .n. If you ow f1n'i the time to err



llI, Houle of F" b,i <;1 & Apparel

4954 Maryland

i1 hI t '" u' '':3~1 -

Fl'o~lse n :; to n D. C.

PLEASE O NPACK I .\'MEDIATELY ,'," <>f Payment B.low

-Town or C,ty _______ _

COunly' ________ Stat"' __ _ Charge My Accoun"' __

\Vhcn ordering from -!Cmplcs, make ~cond choice In case the f,rsl should be sold, before your order is ~cclVcd,


- -- -


DEUVERY CHARGES. In confonn ity with ,,. policy ..:Iopted by Ihe lH'l!e. St. ,,~ .... .u .

or cha , "* '" .u,omobil. del ;" tty .r •• !>nly.

eo.. of 'taruport.olion fot goodt .. no ou,.;doo of ,hi ...... wiU bot " harKed '<>r. AU tnnsport.,ion ch,rlle> for I-t. ... h. C.O.D. will b. coll.ClO<! On d~livlOry.

We <eornoe .... n,h. '0 .hip ,oocIs in ....... , ........ way .ppe ... '0 W '0 be bet •.




ndlng letten town such 8S rived tbe J"uetice at being a

br Evening

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n to llark jllre President.­lew York I

• 11 •

~ ) wben I aidency in dge, and loyal ty.

Imd yourself.

i .,... ... ,._--I

Page 49: Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library & Museum ...P~rk--)ick uo the Ford and re~nlng to Rosooe Sundny to tAke the other "I'1eelt of my vaoatt .n. If you ow f1n'i the time to err


Datc--_____ ----- -

Send to Mr. Mrs. Miss - - ~.

Ind"3t., M.thod of P~y"'.nt Bdow

Strut or P. O. Bo;L~~.~ ---- ---- ._------- Am!. Enclosed ---. -----_ ...

Town or City _____ -------------- ...• ---_ ... _- ---"'--- " ' -0 Send CO 0 -_._--_ ....• .. .• -

County StatL-__ ._ .... ", ____ __ ------_ ... Charge My AccounL. __ .•. -When ordering from 5.lIffiples. make second choia in usc the f,rst should

~ .sold, befo re your ordn is received.

, , ~= ~. ~ DESCRIPTION! "" .. Y1), =~

. .

DELIVERY OiARGES. '" ~nf"",,ity with ,," policy adoplod by the 1·'1"' S" Loui.

"",","", we d.liv .. fro •• 11 o. <hara_ pu~ __ in our automobile del;,.. • .,. .rta only.

Cool of .... """'IUI;an for good. tent outsi<k of ,hi, n O' .... ill ~ cho'atd fo •.

All truuporbtion chatl" for aoodo .. "II C.O,D. will be ",n ... ed On d.livfty • . . w • • -",e lhe "eh. '0 "up eoodo In wh.tever w.y .ppe .... '0 ... 10 be !>eo •.

n ding lettere own such ... ivsd tbe ueUce

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daye o one of introduced to llark

Vr. Presid.ent.­.." York I •

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11. ) when I a1dency in 4ge, and loyalty.

and yourself.

I . .......... --

Page 50: Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library & Museum ...P~rk--)ick uo the Ford and re~nlng to Rosooe Sundny to tAke the other "I'1eelt of my vaoatt .n. If you ow f1n'i the time to err


Dear Madam:

ill ~SI~WS, inC. 7M dI..,." 0/ 1lJa/wc4 "95 ...... ARyLAND AVENUe; SAINT LOUIS, MI SSOUR I

We thank you for your leiter a{ _________ * _ __ . ____ _

and are pleased to S('nd herewith the samples of mate';als, requested, trusting a satisfactory selection can he made.

When ordering we suggest that you make a second choice in case the fiut selection has been sold before: your

order is received; otherwise do not hesitate to let us know

your special desires.

We will appreciate the ttlUm of the enclosed samples as they are of value only to us.

Anticipating an early opportunity to serve you, we are,

Very truly yours,



\ ~ . • c • -;. , .

1-e ~ < !I>

Page 51: Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library & Museum ...P~rk--)ick uo the Ford and re~nlng to Rosooe Sundny to tAke the other "I'1eelt of my vaoatt .n. If you ow f1n'i the time to err


• I • S


m S

Send 10 Mr. M r$. M1S5._

W ~~I~W~I 74£ .,1/""", of. qaiwcJ. .~S_ MARYLAND AVENUE SAINT lOUIS , ..... ISSOURI


-_ ..• -----


In d i c~\. Method 01 P.~m'N Below

Stn'e t or P 0. Box

T own O r C ity ------- -- Scnd C.O,D __

COunty ________ State~_ - - -- Charg~ My AccounL' __ _


When ordering from samples, make $Ccond choice in C,lK the f"'st should be sold, befo re your order is received.






DEUVERY OiARGES. In confonniry ... jth the policy adopted by .he Jaq;:u St.. Loui •

•• or .... _ d~J i ...... fr" aU paid or d>arti:e pu"", __ i" OUt automobile ~. only.

Coo< of ,.o""'P0".,ion for ,00<1 . .. n. outside of .hi . ....... ill be charlN for.

All , .. nopo,,".;on chMJIc, for ,ood, .... I C.O,D. win be collected On delivery.

W. re .. ",. 'he na:h •• " .hip eood. on .. hatc,'u wa y .PJ>Ou, t .. '" t .. be be ...


Page 52: Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library & Museum ...P~rk--)ick uo the Ford and re~nlng to Rosooe Sundny to tAke the other "I'1eelt of my vaoatt .n. If you ow f1n'i the time to err

Dear Madam:

W ~~I~W~, \nCo 'ike ~ '" lfJaIvuc& 4954 MARYLAND AVENUE SAINT LOUIS, MISSOURI

We thank you for your leiter oL .............. _._ ... _ .. __ ._. ___ .. _

and are pleased to send herewith the samples of m.uerials, requested, trusting a satisfactory selenion can be made.

When ordering we suggest that you make a second choice in case the first selection has been sold before your order is received; otherwise do not hesitate to let us know your special desires .

Wt: will appr«iate the rerum of the enclosed samples as they are of value omy to us.

Anticipating an early opporrunily to serve you, we are,

Very truly yours,




Page 53: Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library & Museum ...P~rk--)ick uo the Ford and re~nlng to Rosooe Sundny to tAke the other "I'1eelt of my vaoatt .n. If you ow f1n'i the time to err

January 8. 1938.

Dear Grace.

You should be more ·careful about sending letter" marked "The White Houae" to an intimate little town Buch as Saratoga is in the winter. Since your note arrived the whole town thinks I haTe been named to succeed Justice Sutherland. And don't go modest on me about not being a celebrity. Whose name did I see in the Saturday Evening Post thie week?

I was in Washington for two or three days last Yay but I was told you were away. I went to one of the President's press conferences and Yr. Early introduced me afterward. The President said, "Any relation to Mark Sullivan?" I said, "Smile when you say that. llr. President.­At least that is what I told the boys back in New York I said, after I had had time to think it up.

Do you remember a 8mm er night at CeUa Patten's house many years ago (1931, to be exact) when I told you Al Smith was the man to run for the Presidency in '32. Well, a lot of water has run under the bridge, and out of my brain, since I held to that misguided loyalty. Phooey on Yr. Smitht

Happy Twelfth Night to your mother and yourself.

Page 54: Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library & Museum ...P~rk--)ick uo the Ford and re~nlng to Rosooe Sundny to tAke the other "I'1eelt of my vaoatt .n. If you ow f1n'i the time to err


""''' FIFTH A""'N"t: Ngw yO ....


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Page 55: Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library & Museum ...P~rk--)ick uo the Ford and re~nlng to Rosooe Sundny to tAke the other "I'1eelt of my vaoatt .n. If you ow f1n'i the time to err





Dt:aI' Gn •. e :ul1:;:-

Jim Fnrl(:y llr...i ~en't r'l€ copies of lOur '.:nre ,ondenec ith , eoncerr:ing Ii job fo~ B'rne..; , .ho L I> broth :--in-llv, vf Hubo Joill1Joll . f,ha\' 1w nis hd lrt::,~? I hul ne(d thut in cr se Ilr.:rtLint; turns up , it .out-h, lot tile !'Ioment, the s i tuation is not ~romi -

inG . It 1. this yuy :

.h!lvhoo,)' coning fr::>m ~'OU \.;Ol l:l ~ ve1Y e .tlc:.;t cons 'Q~l'l.tior. , but , you see , .t-:e"i;o~ 1.,s1on h '.s no jot.: ",t 't.; C1i"FO~iil . 1<:5 bUUb"' f.S lot in­cr .et.;, ,lthou".:h its dutier; vcrc morc ,!;,.'1 ,101lhi.e • 7he <-ctw;.l 'udit 0: t. e ne~ ~:.-stelD of b tt1n .. 1::. in the nwl'': .,f tl.e ";tt.:.e T ..... " Dep;;.rt:ncnt, ~ ,.ie.l hilC to

akto :m <- nUlllbeI' of net, ,.eo.;1e . The C'lu.r,:lir.", of tt,e ~i.ines _ t"" ::elect':'on of t.he tier )Jl! e1 - i:: under

1.. "'n.n .. (. CI.t of the. v ... rio\;:> tn.el:s . The Coc:l1i:..~1on t. d to leal. f i U the tr&ck<. at ... r ' ., lcnl)th hJlcl 11tt~ .4-t i .('y h<...s be(:n bdlt '_p in th .... t ~clt.tion­shiI" "T-,\"U co \ I"illl I CWl. ; be SUT€ of .

I' My lI. ·e.~l r<1 to ':Otl , IOUI s1. .er bnd ,

if ou v'I' ee her , M.:-.,. - JOu 'J1~H. ~he l~d.\ I 'lle..rl j • he . .me ' .• LO h,5 Jeh an a~tructive .l'n.c of hUMor tolld

oe tJ ... 1 c-_t:.itting imitation of II''; . • Al .. o my vcrJ" bf"st vi hes to .'1':;":1 •

. 11. L:rt.CE TulJ.Y , 'l'he 'hi· e Hou ... ("

.,1ngt'.m , . C.



Page 56: Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library & Museum ...P~rk--)ick uo the Ford and re~nlng to Rosooe Sundny to tAke the other "I'1eelt of my vaoatt .n. If you ow f1n'i the time to err

..... Ib> ...... ,CQ 1'OfII"' ............ n ..... """"","".n_L P Oft'<ClO JOII<T ... O .. ,C DlDI ....

""""oc .... n C "OLIC" = ' .... nc:sn;EJO' .... WASHINGTON.O.C. 205 10

March 27, 1974

Miss Grace G. Tully 3000 Connecticut Avenue , N. W. Washington , D. C. 20008

Dear Grace :

Acknowledging your letter of recent date and the enclosed resume of James Blair Lovell -- I will be glad to keep him in mind if an opening occurs on this staff or if I hear of something elsewhere .

With warm personal regards,



SS :yw

STUART SYMINGTON .. ,soou .. ,

ST ..... LZV 11. Flt<£ ADM, ... ..-....... ..............


Page 57: Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library & Museum ...P~rk--)ick uo the Ford and re~nlng to Rosooe Sundny to tAke the other "I'1eelt of my vaoatt .n. If you ow f1n'i the time to err


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Page 59: Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library & Museum ...P~rk--)ick uo the Ford and re~nlng to Rosooe Sundny to tAke the other "I'1eelt of my vaoatt .n. If you ow f1n'i the time to err

, •



IOJ!lubminll Shrut.


16th March, 1943.

I have received safely your letter of the 18th February, and the photograph of the President. Will you ~lease offer him my grateful thanks for his kindness ln s ending me this photograph, which I shall always value most highly.

I would like at the same time to thank you and Captain McCrea forthe trouble which you have taken in the matter.

It was a great disappointment to us that you were not at Casablanca, as we had been looking forward to seeing you, and I hope that sometime we shall get together again.

I certainly shared your misgivings, but all's well that ends well, and I am sure the results are most valuable.

Will you please convey my respects to the President and Mrs. Roosevelt, and kindest regards to Harry and all my friends at the White House. I hope that under your i nstruction Harry i s improving at Gin Rummy!

With many thanks and best wishes,

Miss Grace TUlly, The \Vhi te House.


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Page 60: Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library & Museum ...P~rk--)ick uo the Ford and re~nlng to Rosooe Sundny to tAke the other "I'1eelt of my vaoatt .n. If you ow f1n'i the time to err

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Page 61: Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library & Museum ...P~rk--)ick uo the Ford and re~nlng to Rosooe Sundny to tAke the other "I'1eelt of my vaoatt .n. If you ow f1n'i the time to err


Dear Miss ~ullV :

John :Jo/and

/ £Jon! ~/""'" 'J(oad Van6ury, Gonn",hro/06410

May 7, 19tiO

I hope you are feeling better by now and can see me . I can come dl')wo to ''1ashington at your cowenience ,

Since I last wrote you, I 've come across an interesting story that involves you. Dr . Henry Field informed me that lte you sumqoned him to the "/hite ·!ou.'~e on 'ijovember 26 , 1941 amI infifOmeoi him tha t the President WErl teo. him to gather as soon 85 nos s i ble all names and addresses of Jap­anese living in the US . vou directed hi,",! to go see Under ­Secretary of Corr:merce Taylor for further instructions . The collecti<":on of this information in short order was a remarkable achievement . Dr . Field has left harvard and is now living in Florida .

Cordially ,


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Page 62: Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library & Museum ...P~rk--)ick uo the Ford and re~nlng to Rosooe Sundny to tAke the other "I'1eelt of my vaoatt .n. If you ow f1n'i the time to err

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Page 64: Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library & Museum ...P~rk--)ick uo the Ford and re~nlng to Rosooe Sundny to tAke the other "I'1eelt of my vaoatt .n. If you ow f1n'i the time to err






Vlednesday .

Mary , Rabbit and Hack, today, Sailed off in an iron ship, So filled with spirits that one would say TheY're due for a joyful trip. "Vlhere are you go ing and what would you wish?" Reporters asked the three. "We are going boating , you poor dumb fish, On the English and Irish sea, And to Dublin , London and gay paree,n Sai d Mary, Rabbit and Hack .

!hose three American beauties c ~rtainly were happy over this vacation, which they apparently owe in no small measure to you.

The record book holds a good many pages of kind acts under your name . A long time from now, when you arrive at the gates , St . Peter will" pin a bright and lovely star on

• you .

Meanwhile, your friends on earth will lov~ you very much . •


• •

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Page 65: Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library & Museum ...P~rk--)ick uo the Ford and re~nlng to Rosooe Sundny to tAke the other "I'1eelt of my vaoatt .n. If you ow f1n'i the time to err

RHIEET "ET ... L RHO'" RItHC:H ..... c:H .... TOOL.

PACKHAM CRIMPER COMPANY ....... U~ ... c:TUR ER ...... 0 ..... c: H ... . . ~ . ' ''c:1t ' . " .

Monday Morning M 0 September


1 9 3 9 Dear Mias On The Stone Wal l With

The Roy Howards

When are you going to send us a coPY of that picture showing that: the Howards have others than the wife of tbeir Columbus Citizen Editor Brown as the kind of lookers tbey want in their pictures? The scbool Mann from Swanton Ohio i9 0 k

Will you all wi thin" the inner door" please think. about Generals Hunter and Liggett being right when they ins i sted that Nordic Yankeelanders march the streets of Berlin under arms .•••• .•.• had that happened: those high-pressure examples of American automobile salesmen would not, today, sold their Haymarket Mobster Blue/Prints to tbe have/nots

A youngster born and raised up Main Street from where this ia typed: walked the streets of Eerlin, in his American offi cer's uniform; because, that is what he left Central Ohi o to do, after being ordered home from Coblenz

You can talk cash and carry to the one million one hundred thousand Nordic Yankee l and Public High School.this June graduates, if you want to; but, they being as well 1nformed as is that "motor­cycle nut from Ll ttle Falla Minnesota" (L1nd<>urg'): they w111 tell you that 1t 1s credit and crash, - you have the wrong words

About a l l this I conoclast has 1s USSteel be i ng held unti l you all went through with your de-central - ization; so that, the m11l i on and one tenth youngsters will be absorbed by shops by the side of the road and the cancer spots big bUsiness has creatsd for cash and carry are where they be l ong, 1~ as much aa they are impotent to put them to work w1thout pract101ng Wall Street screw­ball mental1ty

Juat to find out what kind of Nordic Yankee l ande r you are : will you examine the New York Naval Court Record of the trial of Sam Tully who was one of Washington's QuarterHasters at Vallsy For@:e

Yours sincerel y


Page 66: Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library & Museum ...P~rk--)ick uo the Ford and re~nlng to Rosooe Sundny to tAke the other "I'1eelt of my vaoatt .n. If you ow f1n'i the time to err


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Page 68: Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library & Museum ...P~rk--)ick uo the Ford and re~nlng to Rosooe Sundny to tAke the other "I'1eelt of my vaoatt .n. If you ow f1n'i the time to err

· 0"" No . • llS.



or.". __ '" _ .... .s. •. und.,tIoo """",.- m"m,:lab> ... EC KERT, P r.s,d .nt and Gen .... " Ma ... ,.e •.

RECEIVED a. 16 Mon',oV" 8.1'''', J .... , "'" N. J.

8l. U GY AI • Pai4

... Br1chton S I BY June 22nd 1902

lire J ... '.~lF

201 Rarrison .A ....

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.1 • .., C1t;F !lJ enel t1me.

Rlg, n , •

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This Telecram has just been ret:eived at the Office, 16 Montcomery Streit, where ,II TeleCrlml OPE" DliY AND NICHT. will receive prompt attention. C.ULE A .. O MONIEY ORDIEIl OFFIO • •


Page 69: Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library & Museum ...P~rk--)ick uo the Ford and re~nlng to Rosooe Sundny to tAke the other "I'1eelt of my vaoatt .n. If you ow f1n'i the time to err


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