Frank Alaniz Missouri Regional Workforce...

Labor Market Information Frank Alaniz Missouri Regional Workforce Liaison

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Labor Market Information

Frank Alaniz

Missouri Regional Workforce Liaison

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Frank Alaniz Missouri Workforce Regional Liaison

LinkedIn Advanced Search

LinkedIn Boolean Search

Advanced Search

Build in Notepad only


Using Boolean Logic Search Strings

• With over 15 billion web pages and over 40,000 job boards and resume databases, how does a recruiter sift through the data to discover the candidates who truly shine?

• The answer lies in effective search methods. One of the most popular methods is the use of Boolean logic in the search criteria.

Boolean Logic


– The use of AND allows the searcher to find documents containing all of the specified words or phrases. For example, entering Tax AND Finance finds documents containing both words.

Boolean Logic

• OR

– Using OR will generate documents containing at least one of the specified words or phrases. For example, entering Biology OR Chemistry finds documents containing either word, but not necessarily both words.

Boolean Logic

• ( )

– Use parentheses to group Boolean phrases. For example, (Tax AND Specialist) AND (finance OR accounting)

• “”

– Combine multiple words into one. For example “HR Manager”

• Must use note pad version of quotes

Boolean Logic Accountant

(Accountant OR Bookkeeper OR "cost accountant" OR "Staff Accountant" OR "Tax Accountant" or "Accountant 1" OR "Accountant I" OR "Accountant II" OR "Accountant 2" OR "Accountant III" OR "Accountant 3" OR "Public Accountant" OR "General Accountant" OR "Corporate Accountant" OR "Junior Accountant")


Additional Filters

Greater St Louis Area

Additional Filters


• (Recruiter OR Recruiting OR Sourcing OR HR OR "Talent Acquisition" OR "Human Resources" OR SPHR OR PHR OR "HR Generalist" OR "Talent Acquisition Manager" OR Recruiting OR "Senior Talent Acquisition Manager" OR "Senior HR Manager" OR "Senior Human Resources Manager")

Advance Search


Final Filter

LinkedIn Help

Hidden Jobs

Search Formats

• Natural Phrase Searching

– Google (Jobs St. Louis)

Search Formats

• Semantic

– Monster (#1)

– Most Job Boards

– Resume Parsing Software

• Slices and dices resumes and extracts useful information “contextually” based on the STRUCTURE of most resumes

• Breaks down to its component parts and “understands” a person’s experience

Applicant Tracking Systems

• Using companies ATS programs to find hidden jobs (not active/posted)

– Aplitrak

– Taleo

– BullHorn Reach

– SmartRecuiters

Aplitrak intitle:”java developer” AND “St Louis”

BullHorn Reach intitle:”java developer” AND st louis

Notice / “job”

SmartRecruiters intitle:”java developer” AND St Louis

Play with job titles to insure best fit

Taleo (inurl:careersection OR inurl:requisition) “java developer” AND St Louis

Taleo has separate pages when the job postings are contained. Note “inurl”

Jobs intitle:”administrative assistant” AND st louis

Groups jobs by keywords “administrative” and “assistant” and within “Monsanto Groups”

This string works with most companies (not all) and you must find the “RIGHT” job title!

Google Alerts

Jobs “Search” (Natural Search)

jobs administrative assistant AND st louis mo

LinkedIn - How Recruiters Find You

New Search Algorithm

• LinkedIn Changed Search Results

– Search is based on two parameters

• Relevance

• 100% complete profile

Top Three Search Results

1. 1st degree contacts that are 100% complete or nearest to it, have the most in-common connections and shared groups, and ranked in descending order

2. 1st degree contacts, that are 100% complete or nearest to it, and ranked in descending order

3. 2nd degree contacts, that are 100% complete or nearest to it, and ranked in descending order

All the Rest

4. 3rd degree contacts, that are 100% complete or nearest to it, and ranked in descending order

5. Shared group contacts that are otherwise unconnected to you, from 100% complete or nearest to it, and ranked in descending order

6. Everyone else with high profile completeness

7. Everyone else who have low profile completeness.


The term 100% complete profile

So is your profile complete?

• According to LinkedIn only 50.5% of users have a 100% complete profile.

Complete Profile

• According to LinkedIn the following items are required by LinkedIn to give you a complete profile.

– Photo

– Headline (First searchable item)

– Complete information on the last two jobs

– Summary (must have good keyword content)

– Specialties (NR but good to have)

More Requirements

• Skills (up to 50)

• Schools/College Information

• Connections (minimum of 100) (LinkedIn says you should have a minimum of 50)

• Recommendations (NR but nice to have)

• Active (post or add comments or like posts)

Keywords in Certain Fields Rank Higher

• Keywords in your Name, Headline, Company Name, Job Title and Skills rank higher in the search results.

– If these key fields are blank or filled with generic terms, the lower you will show up in the search rankings

– If you don’t show up on the first page of results, update these key sections (Headline, Job Title, Skills) and try again

Use a Variety of Keywords

• Using a variety of keywords that mean the same thing increase your results

– If you’re not using a variety of terms and keywords, then you may not show up in search results.

– Use them in the correct context so they make sense to the reader

• LinkedIn uses a contextual search algorithm – i.e. Java or web page development using Java

Search Trends

• How many times you’ve shown up in the search results and how many have viewed your profile

• Use this to determine your search strategy effectiveness

• Are you on the first page or 10th of the search results?

SEO – Search Engine Optimized

• 1st – Get Connected

– As many recruiters / HR managers in your industry

• Recruiters often post positions to their network via updates first

• Recruiters are the ones conducting the most searches


• 2nd – Keywords – Describe yourself as specifically and as accurate as


– Remember the search ranking order

• 3rd – Adjust your profile – Appearances in Search

– The better you write about yourself the more this graph will grow.

Understanding LinkedIn

• Simply by shifting your perception of LinkedIn from an online resume to an online advertising platform, you can approach your career opportunities from a quantifiable perspective.
