Francisco kiko luna sanchez sports sailing

Competition Sailing By Francisco Kiko Sanchez Luna - COMPETITION SAILING By Francisco Kiko Sanchez Luna Sailing is one of the sports among others that have created more days of success & glory in Spain, as well as in Olympic competition as in Yacht Racing. Besides that, Spain has created some amazing beautiful spots and classy high standard places to enjoy this exiting sport. The city Valencia was chosen to organize the last two America’s Cups and because of that, right now at this moment, Valencia is the most important Spanish city in the sailing scene, something that was really very hard to believe just a few years ago. Another important city on the sailing map is the city Alicante, which is and will be for next three editions the departure harbor of the Volvo Ocean Race, the highest level in the sailing competition & adventure. Last mentioned can only be compared to climbing an 8K mountain! Last but not least, the Spanish island Palma de Mallorca is the unbeatable place to start one of the very best sailing competitions of the Mediterranean, named the ´KINGS CUP ´ ("Copa del Rey").


Sailing is one of the sports among others that have created more days of success & glory in Spain, as well as in Olympic competition as in Yacht Racing. Besides that, Spain has created some amazing beautiful spots and classy high standard places to enjoy this exiting sport.

Transcript of Francisco kiko luna sanchez sports sailing

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Competition Sailing By Francisco Kiko Sanchez Luna -

COMPETITION SAILING By Francisco Kiko Sanchez Luna

Sailing is one of the sports among others that have created more days of success & glory in

Spain, as well as in Olympic competition as in Yacht Racing. Besides that, Spain has created

some amazing beautiful spots and classy high standard places to enjoy this exiting sport.

The city Valencia was chosen to organize the last two America’s Cups and because of that,

right now at this moment, Valencia is the most important Spanish city in the sailing scene,

something that was really very hard to believe just a few years ago. Another important city on

the sailing map is the city Alicante, which is and will be for next three editions the departure

harbor of the Volvo Ocean Race, the highest level in the sailing competition & adventure. Last

mentioned can only be compared to climbing an 8K mountain! Last but not least, the Spanish

island Palma de Mallorca is the unbeatable place to start one of the very best sailing

competitions of the Mediterranean, named the ´KINGS CUP ´ ("Copa del Rey").

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Competition Sailing By Francisco Kiko Sanchez Luna -

Since quite some years, the most prestigious races of the world are organized in the

Mediterranean waters, the so called ´Rolex Mediterranean´, this race has become worldwide

one of the best known sailing events.

All these facts together allow us to state that Mediterranean and its coasts is currently world´s

epicenter of all sail races.

ECOLOGY ______________________________________________________________

The development and use of green, clean and renewable energy; basically the

environmental awareness, is one of the most important challenges of our current high tech


What is more ecologic and more respectful regarding environment than a sailboat?

The technology and engineering shown in a race-sailboat is an analogy to the investments and

research & development of a company preoccupied about being competitive and

environmentally conscious.

Our strength: Everything functions with wind; the most available, sustainable and

cleanest energy offered by nature.


Reasons like the ones above mentioned make sense to explain why important companies from

every industry are attracted to the sailing world; sponsoring events, supporting teams and

creating new projects. This allows the large audience to get familiar with sailing but at the

same time to maintain a high class image & status; which perfectly synchronizes with

environmental awareness, using clean energy as a challenge.

Innovation, effort, high tech, team work, environmentally awareness, clean energy, no waste,

... all these values are transmitted by sailing races and that is exactly the reason we strongly

believe that the next Sailing Racing Team MEDITERRANEAN CIRCUIT is the perfect frame for

your corporate company image.

Following, you will find attached a consultancy report about positioning different sports and

their values transmitted ; especially pointed out the values around sailing sports.

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Competition Sailing By Francisco Kiko Sanchez Luna -


Fifteen years ago we started this challenge to manage a Sailing Team, with the goal to make it successful and with a long term approach; growing every

year with the necessary resources as well as in technical aspects and as in human aspects; this approach has made us a very successful team, well known

across the European Sailing Competition. These are absolutely not just words; our curriculum is a guarantee as a sports team, here are just a few facts:

1st. place World Championship IMS Valencia 2001.

2nd. Place World Championship IMS 50’, Palma de Mallorca 2001.

2nd. Place World Championship IMS, Mahon 2005.

3rd. place Copa del Rey, Palma de Mallorca 2002.

1st. Place Copa del Rey, Palma de Mallorca 2005.

2nd. Place Copa del Rey, Palma de Mallorca 2006.

Around races during 2001-2006, podium (one to third place) on every sailing competition in Spain.

During 2008, 2009 and 2010, podium (one to third place) on every sailing competition of our racing schedule.

2011, 1st. Place race SM La Reina, Valencia.

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