FRANCE Pyrénées-Orientales · FRANCE Pyrénées-Orientales ... a stone’s throw away from the...

15 FRANCE Pyrénées-Orientales A « Sud de France » Languedoc-Roussillon destination GB

Transcript of FRANCE Pyrénées-Orientales · FRANCE Pyrénées-Orientales ... a stone’s throw away from the...

w w w . t o u r i s m e - p y r e n e e s o r i e n t a l e s . c o m


Pyrénées-OrientalesA « Sud de France » Languedoc-Roussil lon destination


By opening the doors of the natural and historical sites located throughout the Pyrénées-Orientales, the General Council invites you to discover the wonders of our department.

With its vast architectural heritage, traditions and vibrant culture, our department is brimming with treasures.

Here, over the centuries, unique works have been created by nature, art and history. The Palace of the Kings of Majorca, the Chapel of Notre-Dame des Anges, the Royal Castle of Collioure, the Priory of Serrabona or the UNESCO World Heritage-listed cities of Mont-Louis and Villefranche de Conflent are all sites that welcome each year visitors from around the world.

The Pyrénées-Orientales also boast protected nature areas and a preserved environment. The Regional Nature Reserve of Nyer, Mount Canigou and the lakes Bouillouses are sites that capture the spirit of mountain hikers.

The Regional Nature Park of the Catalan Pyrenees covers one-fourth of the territory of the Pyrénées-Orientales. The cove of Paulilles is one of the finest jewels of the Catalan coast. We should not omit to mention the marine reserve of Cerbère-Banyuls and the soon-to-be created nature marine park that will extend from Leucate to Cerbère.

As you can see, this department is undoubtedly well fitted for tourism and a place of “Art de Vivre”. Let us guide you on our roads and to these gateways, to this paradise, where you will be able to dream, learn, discover and understand the history of the Catalan Country as a whole.

Welcome to this land that is a source of pride and strength for its people.

Welcome to the Catalan Country!

Hermeline MALHERBE,President of the General Council.

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Pyrénées-OrientalesWelcome to the Catalan Country!

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Along the infinite curves of the seemingly never-ending beaches or in the hollows of the cosy creeks, the Catalan coast, parts sandy and parts rocky indolently stretches out under the hot sun.

Whether to completely relax on the sand,

a stone’s throw away from the tranquil murmur of the reeds, between Le Barcarès and Argelès-sur-Mer,

or to be drawn by the sweet smelling warmth of the creeks between Le Racou and Cerbère…

Is that really such a dilemma?

The seagulls laugh at such a question.

They are as free as the ‘white horses’ in the evening breeze,

and their territory covers the whole length of the coast.

Here we can see a trawler or a ”lamparo”,

a lamplight fishing boat, returning to port

in the setting sun, and there we can see

a white sailing boat slicing through the

blue sea in the wake of a couple of dolphins,

while over there, as you turn a corner into a square

or a narrow street in Collioure you can come

across an artist at his easel.

You can feel the incomparable atmosphere

of those never-ending evenings everywhere,

that start at the pre-dinner drinks and last until the final notes have been

played, along the quaysides and the promenades,

as well as the temptation of a late night swim under the stars…

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A forever-changing scene that is to be discovered from one end of this realm to the to be discovered from one end of this realm to the other.

A forever-changing scene that is to be discovered from one end of this realm to the other.

A forever-changing scene that

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The Mediterranean

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The Mountain The Pyrenees

The Catalan Pyrenees are not like other mountains. The Catalan Pyrenees are not like other mountains. They have a southern accent, a Mediterranean perfume They have a southern accent, a Mediterranean perfume and even more sun both in summer and in winter.and even more sun both in summer and in winter.

The pleasure of hiking from one refuge to another, The pleasure of hiking from one refuge to another, The pleasure of hiking from

of a simple walk or the joys one refuge to another, of a simple walk or the joys one refuge to another,

of trout fishing.of a simple walk or the joys of trout fishing.of a simple walk or the joys

The Catalan mountains exist in white.

Winter. The purity of an immaculate sky outlining the majestic peaks of the Canigou,

the Carlit, the Cambre d’Aze; the gentle warmth of the villages from which a sweet smell of wood

burning in the stoves wafts from the chimneys of the stone built houses; a gay liveliness at the heart of

the resorts where you can try every type of winter sport in a remarkably well-preserved environment.

In summer, the Catalan mountains are very colourful.

The green reflection of a pine tree in the deep blue of a lake;

the gold of the broom bushes; the crimson of the rhododendrons,

the flamboyance of the leaves as autumn approaches.

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History is everywhere from the convents to the museums, from the chapels to

the processions. Life is everywhere, in a sardane step, a harmony of jazz, the plucking of an electric guitar or the strumming of a Gypsy on his guitar, an Arabic chant wafting from a window.

In town

The heart of the south and a spicy accent, Perpignan is turned towards Spain and the East,

an eye on its past and a smile towards the future.

In Perpignan it is said that to live in the present is at every instant, to unite both here and there, as well as today and tomorrow.

Plane trees and palm trees cohabit along

the wide avenues that bathe

in the sun. They offer shade to the beauties sculpted by Maillol

that are both naked and proud, to be found in the

corner of a courtyard or a small square where a

marble fountain gently sings.

The lofty splendour of the Palace of the Majorcan

Kings dominates the narrow popular streets

overflowing with spices, fruit or fish, a

thousand different aromas from around the world.


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Near the river beds, the market gardeners have dug

into the soft, silty land to make vast rectangles of artichokes,

lettuces, or the colourful tomato plants that blend with the

large buildings in “cayrou” stones and white pebbles.

In spring, the orchards of peaches, apricots, and cherries are bedecked with every shade of pink

and white... It is so pleasant to stroll the fabulous gardens that run the length of bubbling irrigation canals

or the skilfully made aqueducts...

Further afield, on pungent striped hills, low walls built of

dry stones, used where man was unable to bring water, you

will find the realm of vines and olive trees, almond

trees as well as the powerful aroma of plants, such as

rosemary and thyme, growing on the scrubland.

Take your Time ...Take your Time ...Take The landscapes of the Catalan

region radiate a natural beauty. On this generous land there are traces of the work of man, of his

will to live here that dates back a thousand years.

And, watching over all these treasures, the imposing silhouette of the Canigou Mountain with its snow-capped peak that can And, watching over all these treasures, the imposing silhouette of the Canigou Mountain with its snow-capped peak that can And, watching over all these treasures, the imposing silhouette

be seen from afar. of the Canigou Mountain with its snow-capped peak that can

be seen from afar. of the Canigou Mountain with its snow-capped peak that can

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Time for Cultural Heritage

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From the stone built monasteries to the fortified castles, from the language of poets to the specific sound of the sardane, from the language of poets to the specific sound of the sardane, from the language of poets to the

these are all proof of a prestigious specific sound of the sardane, these are all proof of a prestigious specific sound of the sardane,

past and the specific culture built these are all proof of a prestigious past and the specific culture built these are all proof of a prestigious

on Catalan roots with some French past and the specific culture built on Catalan roots with some French past and the specific culture built


From the prehistoric vestiges

of the “Tautavel Man” to the Roman

or Visigothic periods

up to the loveliest examples of

Romanesque and Baroque art or Vauban’s fortifications,

we have a “gigantic open-air museum”spread out over

the whole territory of the Pyrénées-Orientales.

A former possession of the Realms

of Aragon and Majorca during

the Middle Ages, then becoming

a far off province of the Realm

of Castille, the Roussillon was

only annexed to France after

the signing of the Treaty of

the Pyrenees in 1659. © P

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Hundreds of religious, civil or military monuments can still be found in a remarkable state of preservation, thousands of ancient works of sacred or profane art show the richness of this history, which is both complex and original.

Hundreds of religious, civil or military monuments can still be found in a remarkable state of preservation, thousands of ancient works

Hundreds of religious, civil or military monuments can still

state of preservation, thousands of ancient works of sacred or profane art show the richness of

Hundreds of religious, civil or military monuments can still be found in a remarkable state of preservation,

Hundreds of religious, civil or military monuments can still

thousands of ancient works

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The strong and invisible breathe of inspiration has always blown across the Catalan region, inherited from

a prestigious past and the birthplace of contemporary art.

The artistic genius can be felt here in all

its forms, marked by a Catalan

identity open to all sorts of influences.

The works of art by the masters of Romanesque art then

Baroque art, the audacious treasures created by Matisse and Derain in Collioure, by “the Picasso group”

in Céret, by Maillol in

Banyuls-sur-Mer are not just a fabulous

heritage for the pleasure of visitors but also

seed from which grew the talent of numerous painters

and sculptors who live and work here.

A land of inspiration, the Pyrénées-Orientales was the birthplace of, or has drawn the greatest names such as Pau Casals, Salvador Dali or Claude Simon, the Nobel Prize for Literature. But creation is still very much

alive and a hope for the future for many

artists from all different branches. They carry forth the flame

of talent from within the Catalan country.

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André Derain Collioure, le village et la mer, 1905

Huile sur toile 60,2 x 73,5 cmColl. The Scottish National Gallery

of Modern Art - Edinburgh, purchased 1973

Localisation : Quartier du Morer avec les maisons des militaires. Remblais du Fort Mirador

© Adagp, Paris 2005

InspirationTime for

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Time for

What we do best here is cultivate an ‘art de vivre’ supported by the riches offered by nature.An art that can turn out to be a science ...supported by the riches offered by nature.An art that can turn out to be a science ...supported by the riches offered by nature.

Including on a rugby pitch.

Whether it be in gastronomy or viticulture, discover the know-how, which has attained near perfection.

An impressive network of irrigation canals and aqueducts supply water to the plains as well

as the alpine pastures. The terraced vineyards, artfully sculpted in the rock overlooking the

sea; the centuries-old reputation of local weaving, wrought ironwork, and pottery continues today …

With the support of an entire population,

home-grown Olympic medallist Athletes, the USAP rugby union team and the

Dragons Catalans rugby league team bring to the pinnacle

of sport achievements the proud colours

of the Catalan Country and extend

its fame beyond its borders.

Perfection for the future can also be

found in the most advanced techniques using

solar energy as found in the Cerdagne.

A know-how inherited from the past and

forever being updated.

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Time for

Are our eyes bigger than our basket? Is there room for this Are our eyes bigger than our basket? Is there room for this honey and that fresh cheese rom the Aspres, these grapes

from the banks of the Agly river and those cherries from Céret, as well as those black or white “botifare” sausages

from Cerdagne, those anchovies from Collioure, those “bunyetes” from Millas and those “rosquilles”

from the Vallespir? And what about all those wines?

There are those dishes made from seafood, those from

the plain as well as those from the mountains.

The very authenticity of the natural products can be found in a simple meal of grilled

meats or fish, an assortment of local delicatessen

products accompanied by “pà amb tomaquet”,

bread rubbed with a clove of garlic and a ripe tomato

with just a dribble of olive oil, followed by a

basket of fresh fruit...

There is also the tasty Catalan way of serving rabbit and snails, chicken and prawns together like friends in a fable, mixed with the smell of saffron or green aniseed or

truffles ... Every day of a year, for each one of

these pleasures, there is a different wine. Côtes du Roussillon red, white or rosé wines; Muscat de Rivesaltes, Banyuls or Maury wines not only

for your pre-dinner drinks but also with a local foie gras

pâté, cheese or to accompany a dessert.


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Because they originate from our land, a land which is like no other, you are going to get a taste for the “Sud de France” products.

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Whether sacred or profane, serious or gay, celebrations and ceremonies follow a certain rhythm

Whether sacred or profane, serious or gay, celebrations and ceremonies follow a certain rhythm

Whether sacred or profane, serious or gay,

marking the passing of time in our Catalan country. celebrations and ceremonies follow a certain rhythm marking the passing of time in our Catalan country.

celebrations and ceremonies follow a certain rhythm

Before Christmas, the “pessebres”,

enacted nativity scenes that are vibrant with

songs and popular fervour, celebrate the

arrival of the Saviour. Towards the end of

winter, when nature gently lifts up its head,

laughter and masks invade the

streets at carnival time; in the Vallespir

each year the symbolic fight between the bear and the shepherds is tirelessly


Time for Festivals

For Holy Week, the lugubrious sound

of the bell and the drum used to

announce death accompany the long

processions of penitents who

hide their faces under their hoods.

In summer, the festivals of music, dancing and plays are everywhere.

The bonfires of St John’s Eve light up

the Canigou Mountain; the nights are never-ending during the

warmest of the “ferias”where the real

meaning of life’s many pleasures in the south

explodes to the rhythm of the bandas -

the local fanfares.

At Easter, Pentecost and many other times

of year there is the need to confirm some

ancestral roots and so the gay, shrill

music of the “coblas”- orchestras - tugs at

the heartstrings of the sardane dancers and,

they hold hands to form a circle and dance together. ©



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MovementTime for

Moving in the water or in the sky, on land and even under ground at every season and at every age, there is so much energy around !

It is quite rare to find both the sea and the mountains in

the same region and it opens an infinite perspective to

everyone: to those who love skiing down snowy slopes

or else across the salty waves, then there’s rock climbing

or scuba diving, ice skating or pedalos, deep sea fishing

or raspberry picking…

But that’s not all, there’s more to come! There are about ten natural reserves and numerous

remarkable sites to be visited by ramblers or hikers of all

levels, for amateurs of white water rafting or canyoneering,

potholing, pike or trout fishing, regattas at sea or

windsurfing competitions on the lakes…

There’s still more : whether for beginners or

specialists there are golf courses, tennis courts,

horse-riding centres, mountain bike or motocross

circuits, microlight or paragliding bases …

There is only one problem, with such a wide choice ...

where to start ?

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Time for ContemplationHere the land, the sea and the sky cannot be explained. You just gaze at them, listen to them, Here the land, the sea and the sky cannot be explained. You just gaze at them, listen to them, Here the land, the sea and the sky cannot be explained.

taste them, touch them, and smell them. You just gaze at them, listen to them, taste them, touch them, and smell them. You just gaze at them, listen to them,

The pleasure of it all needs time and silence.

To be in the sun or in the shade?

On the sand, near the waves or under a tree on the

banks of a lake?

In the centre of town or out in the countryside?

In the coolness of a river or in the bubbling water of a

hot water spa?

It doesn’t matter. Wherever you are, just listen, breathe deeply and then breathe once more. If necessary, close your eyes to get

the feeling and maybe even to see everything better.

A white sail slicing through the blue sea, the laughter

of a seagull, the cry of an eagle, the rustling of the

plane trees in the Tramontane wind, the muffled

cries of a distant festival, the murmur of a stream,

the delicate perfume of a copse of mimosa trees, the

promising scent of a fire of vine twigs. At siesta time, the sun plays hide and seek through the slats of the shutters, the

outline of the hills dominating the impeccable straight

lines of the orchards or the vineyards…

In the depths of nature you can find the welcoming intimacy of a country

where things change every day.

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By car• A9 motorway, exits Perpignan Centre /

Perpignan Sud / Le Boulou• Route Nationale 20 (through the Puymorens tunnel)• Route Nationale 9

By Train• Direct connections

TGV Lille/PerpignanTGV Paris/PerpignanTGV Lyon/PerpignanTGV Toulouse/Perpignan / Montpellier/PerpignanBarcelona Sants/Perpignan

• SNCF -

By Plane

• Perpignan - Rivesaltes Airport Phone: 00 33 (0) 4 68 52 60 70

• Air France - direct flights Paris Orly Ouest / Perpignan

• Ryanair - direct flights London Stansted / Perpignan and Brussels (Charleroi) / Perpignan -

• Flybe - direct flights Southampton / Perpignan

• Aer Lingus - direct flights Dublin / Perpignan


Come to our land of exceptions!So that your holidays are a moment of magic that is unforgettable, that is my wish and that of all the inhabitants of the Pyrénées-Orientales!

Everything is here to make your stay with us a precious moment for you: an incomparable style of life, a natural, cultural and gastronomic heritage which is very diverse, a network of tourism professionals who are motivated, always ready to listen to you and sensitive to you well-being, and of course, a sweetness of life which is inherent in our beautiful “southern“ region.

Come and meet us! We look forward to offering you our traditional Catalan hospitality. Because it is here and nowhere else.

The Chairman of the Departmental Tourism Committee



Comité Départemental du Tourisme16, avenue des Palmiers - CS 80540 - 66005 Perpignan cedex - France

Tel. 00 33 (0)4 68 51 52 53 - Fax 00 33 (0)4 68 51 52 50

A « Sud de France » Languedoc-Roussil lon destination

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w w w . t o u r i s m e - p y r e n e e s o r i e n t a l e s . c o mt o u r i s m e - p y r e n e e s o r i e n t a l e s . m o b i