Français III. * At the end of the unit students will be able to describe childhood memories and...

Français III Les Souvenirs d’Enfance

Transcript of Français III. * At the end of the unit students will be able to describe childhood memories and...

Page 1: Français III. * At the end of the unit students will be able to describe childhood memories and events.

Français III

Les Souvenirs d’Enfance

Page 2: Français III. * At the end of the unit students will be able to describe childhood memories and events.

Unit Objectives

*At the end of the unit students will be able to describe childhood memories and events.

Page 3: Français III. * At the end of the unit students will be able to describe childhood memories and events.

l'enfance = childhood

les souvenirs d'enfance= childhood memories

un bébé = a baby

un petit enfant = a toddler

un enfant = a child

une mère/maman = a mother/a mom

un père /papa = a father/ a dad

un frère= a brother

une sœur = a sister

ADD: ainé(e) = oldestcadet (te) youngerbenjamin(e) =

youngestElle est ma sœur cadette.

Il est mon frère ainé.Je suis le/la benjamin(e).

Page 4: Français III. * At the end of the unit students will be able to describe childhood memories and events.

une famille de cinq

1. le papa

2. la maman

3. le frère ainé

4. la sœur cadette

5. la sœur benjamine 1 2 3 4


Page 5: Français III. * At the end of the unit students will be able to describe childhood memories and events.

*un voisin = a neighbor

*mon voisinage = my neighborhood

*un cousin = a cousin

*un ami = a friend

*unmeilleure ami = a best friend

*une grande personne= an adult

*un chiot = a puppy

*un chaton = a kitten

Page 6: Français III. * At the end of the unit students will be able to describe childhood memories and events.

*mon jouet favori = my favorite toy

*un nounours = a teddybear

*(un animal) en peluche = a stuffed (animal)

*une couverture = a blanket

*une bouteille = a bottle

*un pacificateur= a pacifier

*un berceau = a crib

*une couche = a diaper

*un hochet = a rattle

*une bavette = a bib

*mon jeu favori = my favorite game

un canard en peluche

Page 7: Français III. * At the end of the unit students will be able to describe childhood memories and events.

*au cache-cache = hide and seek

*aux jeux de société= board games

*aux dames = checkers

*aux cartes= cards

*aux cubes = blocks

*dehors = outside

*au ballon = ball

*à la poupée = dolls

*à chat perché= tag

*à la marelle = hopscotch

JOUER = to play…

Page 8: Français III. * At the end of the unit students will be able to describe childhood memories and events.

*au cirque = to the circus

*à la crèche = to day care

*à l’école maternelle= to nursery school

*au cour de récré= to the playground

*à un parc d’attractions = to a theme park

ALLER = to go…

Page 9: Français III. * At the end of the unit students will be able to describe childhood memories and events.

*des attractions = to go on rides

*de la balançoire = to go on the swings

*des châteaux de sable = to make sand castles

*des bêtises = to mess around (be silly)

*des farces = to joke around (prank)

*dodo = to go to sleep (baby talk for dormir)

*semblant (d’être) = to pretend (to be)

Faire Expressions

Page 10: Français III. * At the end of the unit students will be able to describe childhood memories and events.

*un petit ange = a little angel

*sage = well-behaved

*timide = shy

*un petit diable = a little devil

*bavard(e) = talkative (chatty)

*vilain(e) = naughty

*pénible = annoying

*ennuyeux/ennuyeuse = boring

être= to be…

Page 11: Français III. * At the end of the unit students will be able to describe childhood memories and events.

*regarder des dessins animés = to watch cartoons

*lire des bandes dessinées = to read comics strips

*chanter une berceuse = to sing a lullaby

*grimper des arbres = to climb trees

*sauter à la corde = to jump rope

*raconter une histoire = to tell a story

*taquiner = to annoy

*gronder/être grondé(e) = to scold to be scolded

*baver = to drool

Page 12: Français III. * At the end of the unit students will be able to describe childhood memories and events.

*pleurer = to cry

*crier= to scream

*collectionner = to collect

*marcher à quatre pas = to crawl

*démurer = to reside (live)

*déménager = to move (houses)

*ressembler à= to look like (someone)

*se graduer de = to graduate from (nursery school)

*s’amuser = to have fun

*s’ennuyer = to be bored

Page 13: Français III. * At the end of the unit students will be able to describe childhood memories and events.

*Quand j'avais _____ ans = When I was ___ years old.

*Quand j'étais petit(e) = When I was little

*Quand j'étais plus jeune= When I was younger

*je m’appelais = I was called /I used to be called

*j’avais= I had/I used to have

*j’étais= I was/I used to be

*il y avait = there was/there were/there used to be

Page 14: Français III. * At the end of the unit students will be able to describe childhood memories and events.

*en général = in general

*d'habitude = usually

*normalement = normally

*autrefois= In the past

*toujours= always

*tous les (jours) = every(day)

*tout le temps= all of the time

*rarement = rarely

*ne…jamais = never

*souvent= often

*chaque= each/every

*de temps en temps= from time to time

Page 15: Français III. * At the end of the unit students will be able to describe childhood memories and events.

*le (lundi) = every Monday/on Mondays

*lundi = Monday/on Monday

*(lundi) dernier = last Monday

*une fois = once, one time

*hier = yesterday

*hier matin = yesterday morning

*hier après-midi = yesterday afternoon

*hier soir = last night

*le weekend dernier = last weekend

*le mois dernier = last month

*la semaine dernière = last week

*l’été dernier = last summer

*l’année dernière = last year

Page 16: Français III. * At the end of the unit students will be able to describe childhood memories and events.

*il y a + time frame = AGO

*il y a cinq minutes = five minutes ago

*il y a deux heures = 2 hours ago

*il y a trois jours = 3 days ago

*il y a une semaine= a week ago

*il y a deux mois = two months ago

*il y a cinq ans = five years ago

*il y a plusieurs jours= several days ago