F.R. DANISt Proprietor, - NYS Historic...

0 1 6 6 3 S '• Local and Miscellaneous. n AN ANODYNE EXPECTORANT Pfi*ptft'il to m*\ l thettrgphtdemand for A *un\ tiiaitiittti Antt«iott» tv*t« Dltoani of ibo Throat and Lungbl t il h«« ttt*ft *•*«! With jtoftot Ut***** fori* __Mnvtfe tjntith* *ftd Uvhli, ttln'A »< Q U OAi|!i>f H*iin*>dbs hud fallal ^ O | •ifTh»l*«pf X, wrltlPii oh pnticri or wrapper-* shuuiduwdunstruvdtorueati » cull fur payment of ttrriMirages. - - Annual fait for Otiuton Cofinty, Bnpt. nth, 10th and lltli. Aurmal horso l?MXAil»TI!TOW!l.—AltffUfit SO, 1872.— The ralni whlcli have fallen during thu last 6 "Mut Hvi»»»dh>f hud failed #*< 3 The morltt of lUlimtillU flirir, uttn of It* 4 O Ut"<^»^lii f»»r I t.ttftt AftolU»»«, it u o w*li »*own to b* qupit»*t,*d. If your U jiish I* #ti"h M to prevent yon irom r»Jit- ln< m night, i«M» l*J6, fur It wilt gite >ou rt?st I lfymirOu\i<fe U »ooompu»h«i with thill*, Ukw 1«.0, fur It wilt »ur»ly *•*!* y l! try It and Judge tor Yeurielf! Huii bj L>iu*j*ut* «ud Merchant* gvm»rull>» F.R. DANISt Proprietor, IM.AT 1*111 HOII. N. V« srMU f%,,Fort*i* t*> W UuLitii) Ac H O N , Kt#*tjvili*j BHKtUAu flOTHJEB, ERROROF YOUTH; \ fH:*ri.i:«l,t* WHO «(H^URn l' nfl, *Ml nil khv Otwts of youthful Indian tlott ^rUI, n*r tlu» mikv wf suffering humanity, send free lu nil who ht'fd H, the rtsHuv and direction fur titrikliitJ IIIMsingle romi'dy >») which he wn*«ur»*d« Hiittvfi*r» W shin* to tifuiU l«) the advertiser's * t|iwrl«u«« unit «!<• no by addressing, in perreet VUIIIMCIM e. tr*it NMW V IHtvUt W#. Ill Uvdar it Nil ufk, To Consumptives, Th* advtirllstrT, having bwn ^rmrtuetitly Mifed of thai dfead disease, UuttiHHitptloii, by n sitniitu r» i me tl/. Uftttftiuim to make known to Ms fvliow sutfVrer* tr»M mvan* ul imr«. To ml who <t< «ire It, he will send fttHpy o(thi> tmwrlptlohutvd, Onwuf uharg«,j will t^* •Iirwlhiii* lor pre * tame ton rgu in* •Jirwilon* for (jta'iMtitttf nn«l using thv' u whMt ttiMjf win Hnd ii n u n Cw*t run Cu»*t«nrt A4tn%i*, nmiNOKfin,4« t l*«rti^ wishing UIMfttefttfrtfittonwilt ftwtM id U'l^jl 1*4 INnui Ht., \Vuil4fiiituirgh, N. M>V<i»IC? OIL, u "U*v»k« nkuftchtrro " U U «ork« iikv II chiirm. M *lt wor^i hlv tioh.iriu *' 11 jl WHr^«h^»^^^|lmrlll. , * Mt wmtiiikonoiMriu/' ' ' U W . i r l i hfcy ttohariM. H .. *,**.' I* ^«»th« nli» «*h^riti M It« RiUhniI u*« eiitv« Cool Mi tin* tt**»«t, tf|iA.ti«ll» VtfUrn'glA, ttnrimh4t r.iionvhw, Hurr Kytt, r^mt rutetrrh, rHlu in thi».tilling JMIIIJ rthuUKbrn, Htltt " t v l l i hMrn%-itfH( Uilwi Iti th«* H.idi,H l*tk*, Lum«- < rt »* ••*»»' FOIOM, Hprnlni, Omi»> Huh •. Krt*««%*•, I l.ihUum. Mur«§ »•> MruUcf», MIU' o; lOl*, tjhOlM Wn«l Wwttii •rn Murbtii, Or»mi^, ritt, Hi.rtunn/u ttu IMU, l,>«k .Uw, Uuitiuaiuhi, H^lnul SVi-ufc. AM tn »tl ntti tttc tUnttu^ tdngio Oil And in »ll U I U U«M Hvhh*'* Mng|i> (Hi. And Innti Milt *<«•> iti#ho 'H M.uiv f MI. An I in ttu nix ui" H«uti" Mugt. nti, And ill all «IU y4t> lii*nnc> M i^lc (Mli And In Mil mit M«M itvuim'rt M>«gtu uth And In till Mil* iim> U«hi.t» Mi^lr Oil, nitty *t whirv ion trtiAiM Hu^ i«rg» •)!>•• If ititi gvt itiMin Iki* g«mmtt». WM Hltm»f».f», I'UUH.M I, Mitt* :«rgw It fit! •« tt rrvKhr: HKN5flt 4»I»NH, tokrittuttu uiw it fnUhlohy, y«i «^t Hold b> (^l> 4 tJo, |f " id A k » , h.tliN * **«,, t*l>iUiitotr«li; Moo MY REASONS, Inowtnf ghhfm»r»ypr«jadUnt tnUttni ti \U |«l»ll« Mind, M w»li nt It the mind of ifct '*r#g»lur rhjf§»i?i«it, M tgftliiit tp««l«tuti or »MFtv»lln| pii>»i •tn n," I fgti mftt i feWrtptttnttoTy wordtln rrfti-d m mf foiltftn, nn i lh« t'rcomtUnot* whloh Induct •• to "iTR^I/'lTi^gO to lh« public •• Will fit to •y«»lf, tWtorv 'ttitfif •ngngem^ntt to vim dlflVr- •H pottti in Vermont *tul vklhUiy, t wit Altnen Huy IftrMftlptoflvtUrt from p«ni«i In tho ooun. »> wlw, thoggh tnitou* to tonntm mt, ATowtuI »%Mru<^r Iftrtkiliiy t o w m t u tlurlM^oit for tti«t fllfoit fti,4 bvl'ig AfilloU* 10 nifH thoWUbnluf Hn»t«tppiienAti l bulfnt»|B« i M| of ttt« uttlotint-tt •ml dnng^rof prowertblng without A previous f^ tinAt i<iAmihfttttt» t Annliy dfttrmtnvd on wnklrtg WgttHr vitlti to M mtny tuftii* In Vonnoht nn 1 tl. tditlty A«my ttmt will ndmlt of, itnA thUi nftxrd Wilt pvnoni nn npporloult> of oontuttlnt mt, Prom ihtoomntt'iitoaent of my profviilonftl ti> ftor, my ttmo and Atttntlon HAI bttn ttottttlv^ty Ovoted to tht itndy And tuvrtugAtlot §f lu«Atet • f th«» N«U t^flfV.I^RflAf, l.ljgfll And (jrttlt U Atfcgtloftfuf t h t H v i n h d KAH, md dvmititimenti thn NiAVntt PTtfgji* My uptfiatty «mbnto«i •tti tfutltAllort tf V9MHmpihn t CWnrfA, Tht$*t mH«4U % Afnttom «/ t*t v**t ^>#««^ Auhm t wml *t( harm(«i, 8 ,ntMm (i «rf />utmvn<\ry tj>m- pinthHi tho rcmfitii of />in/>t#«, lnnhtf$M /\*n Mi Afm», .Vnt#t# m fA« too*!, thi> rumorntlAA of fi*/Htt*t «N|ft/, hy modlriAl And itlf|lc«l mtAnt.ind wil tf«Atmi*nt of All Atftrtm Undtng to Cfin#r«f li^ffffy, or to tht tttAblitlimtot vtLohhtmptm* tn»¥tfyp**tAomttttf for etnmlnAtbn, A enndtd Ofdttltirt will tr# flv«n to thn probability of A ettrt t •n 1 no tAlo will bt Atttpted for troutmvnt whtth ItfPl not oHtf A ttrttttOAbto ohftftto of lUtOll, ttt opfhlnf A pvtmAiitttt oftWi in tht T Hit RtMttm, Mufltf^iton, for tht turt of All lAronK ^tn^tn, whtrt t will bv found In peuon*! AUoid* tAiiv r>ottgf tnt tlm», I nm dottrmlovd to do tvory fhtnf in my powtr in ordtr to itr«ngth«n tht t*td tpt'tlon, wbt«h, fhir» my ?*pMAt!on, m%y bt Alrmdy #nttirtAin#dtfmt,And to run royivif to thn ot* •o«t in bvHtlf Af thoto who mAy t o n l d o t b t l r ^ t t t IP Aty pfOf>IIIOtil «AfA, In .wAtflitfnt ptrrnli «*t la A«AAI*O Ut^ pabtlt IftAt WirAttdn-AUng tfiltf my rAff,m%y ^ i p i t to ro* t«»tfP tvtry bpntnt gunmntetd » t tifin««, «Afft, And A tompfth' I*lvt «i|wrl«nft. I, VV, t»y YTIt. nrtNithiihtftttdbttakpn by eorreiponduntt not WUJR) llndrltrtntto Unit tluy Will rvtudi only by -,hu mnlli ol Tueidny vwtiing. Ordtimrlly tbvy will Uo tuulnti* for lho Uepubllenti of that week. KY*t*mnli Trtultngpf of thottepuldlunn,eonlttlulng tuvul nrtivU'ti obliunrv nutlci-t, or other mutter of pprtontiMhtfrett, nri' frequently wimU'd. Thi'y %V\ b« rurnlthi'd uii thv following tirmt; 9 L 1 ot>lt>t.Mi«tMtt»»t*ttt.t«4t*»«*ti 10 Ct'htt* I " i,i« i.•»•>«,, ...,., 16 u 6 " IIIIMMItlllllllllltMMIII 'Ik '* 10 u ».,4,.,,..w t 6o *i yo '* »»* * *»* * i * •«»i«»• • • t •, •, • • » . 1 ,oo " For Ward tho ordur nn«1 thi» monvy, uud ihey Will bo tiirtllt «t tit onct*, potttigi* phld. Ouutt T( mplurfl' Dtreitory fur to*n*x Vo* A«*W4 V AMW^. AW. iV O. AtMrtti* Mating, Utiliui,»» t »i •.»»»• 11,4ftt Wi>tt port, liltlh" Kuuninn 4"9 i'rowniMtl.d, Hounding \Vmvr .... 4yt 'riooixb-rogn, MIIMT.O ..,,.,. 60'4 Morluh, PtMHtntit Vrtlky,,w.Mt KltKkialhtoWh, K«'A . . , i ,614 KMOI, KvM««vlllr ,.. .61** UiM»n«*vl1td« Monduy, Tui'tiluy. Vrldny. Hatnrday. Kriiluy *l'ui-ntluy Mon<ltty Kvi'iiing 8tnr, ».,.•, ,6i6 Whallunnhurgh. Thurmlny. Wllltlioruugh..,.,, «.6 l Winttwrni', Wodni'tilay. IroriMi^le, .... •,...,,.we Uruwii|ulnt| Thurtduv. Mount ttiRt , uvi'ry..«.<n*y l.i'wU, Thurtduy. Adlrwtuluc.«,«••«4 >,.V47 (^nittwadvUle, Hutunhiy. Jtiy• «*«*••«utt,i»»,,0W das, H^tturdiiy. L t,. UALkfN, (Munty ^>puty. Kwiii«vllli>. N V , I.AWi fletnttttK to ^fewipttpprt. M \ pub.mli the toll'jwing ut ftiett in luw relating to nt-'WipftpiTt nnd tuhtcriUrt: t, iuMicrltn-rt who do not gt¥o finroM notice to thr lonthtf) nrv ooutldurud withlng to uontltiuo their 4 i. If tuhti'rlbofi nntnr Ihr iltteohttntmneo of tt»dr purtHdh-Hln, thu puhllibtrt may cotiUtiuu lotendihvin until nil ttrrt-itr.txft ur*> p,ml, 9. tf tubtrrthMM iwkUM-t or roftit*' to tnko thidr pr rtodleult from the oltU'i' lo whit h tlioy nri* dlrvctvd, thvy tire hi*Id rutnoimlbtti till they have tulUvd their bill, find urdi-rvd thctii dttconUiiucd. 4. If •uhtirlht'rt movi- to other plucpn wlthnut In* formloit tin- publltliHrt, and the pa|icr» arc tent to the former dlruction, they an* held ren|>otnitble. A. Thi' eourtt have deoidi'd that ntutuig to *f\kn |>u- flodh'ittt from the otHee, or nMitovfng tunl IUKVIOK them tinentled fur li prima fuel* evidence of luteutionftl fraud. A. Any prhton who reeolvet A nnwtpnpef and makna Utuuf It, whclhtr he hat ordertni li ur not, hukl In taw to be a luhti'rlber DR. S. W, SMYTH, T*-\TB OF BOSTOV, Aid now prrtiAAontly lot-Aled In flarttnglon, Vt,, wtlt r\*\\ . in^A'TTWttTTtCm, On tht tttond TttfidAy And WedhtidAy o^ th«A month, And irtty \* nohiulud, rniu or rft a a s , - At- Wlihrriiri TTotblt M TrEStttT AXD WEOXESOAT, •tnTmnicfi tmti iinti nth. WTtttn* of treatment wttbtn thi rnAeh af ill. Iron In tho Blood ! v The Peruvian Syrup AN IRON TONIC, Mull/ct nod KnrtthH Ibt Ulood> Tern np thi Ijritim. Builds un tho Bfokeft aown, Cures Dyipepua. DeWtty &e r >ntttntw tt<t turt fmt t t KHI MAN Synp. Tain* I h'« i+ Ifee. , niN^ntUt^, rraprtetctr, •Ut l*ey Mtn-ti N»-w Vurk, Hold ly l)rU^»fi-U gentfAlty^ Political Banners f N.KT AND CANVAS, lltrrKUKNt HIZM AND VM\('M, With or without Portrait!. Mv Itiuibs! I lnvod thorn so Ttmt Wlitii thu ttdti Shopliurd of ihv futd CiuiiOtCiivurod with tin 1 tturtii, und puh' and i«idd, And uotfui'd fur «MIU of my nwt'tt lumh-4 to hold, I budo hint gu. TTP idahnod the tint i A ttttk* fondling thliitf. thtu (<> thy bfcttst Clttttn tthvuys, olthiT In utth'l or uuront t I thuught of all my htiubs 1 loved tilui bt^t; And yet—and yot, T laid htm down Ttt ttioai' white, «diruttdud tirinn, Wllh hitter tenm, l''or nonto video told tiu* that, hi aftor-yenr*, lUihuuldknownniitflitof oasilon,tft'lt'f,orfuars, At< t had known, And yet tttfntn The «htarbhi*|ihi»i-il eamot my henrturew faint, Ho tdutiiird another hiinb, with stuulur plaint— Attothot! f»Uf who ^nUe if- a saint, Hour gave me pain, "UUthvwittr My Father, any, nm*t this pet iamb bo iflvrn? t >h! thott hast inany atteh. th'tir Lord, In heaven;" And a soft voleo a aid t "Nobly hunt thou striven, Hut peaee—bu utlll. ,r Oh! how T wept, And ela*ped hw to my bosom withrtwild Ami yearning low! mylainb, my hlea^iuitehttd— I tor. too, I iraw ; the little angel smiled And Hiept." •i <•» ' i*rtrnuritm«4 —noolltllu IB a myth I —Wo art) havlug cool weather. --All departments of tho Union School opened on Monday, --J, 1). Klngslan 1, K«q M of Burlington, wan In tnwit the lust of thu week* --Current Opinions m«»l lay over for A few weeks while wc finish thu laws. •-U tl fiRld wo are to havu some more eqttestt tan performances on two horses ? - - W e Invite the attention of the proper officers to thu hoto of our District Attorney, —•Wo Invite Attention to Mr, and Mrs. Pot tens' notice of You^g Ladles' School at lUnllttgtnti. --Mr. Charlos Ames^ of TttusvUlc, Pa,, hA«i boon tn town a few days, visiting with his brother, tho Senator. •-Occasionally a correspondence reaches tit on Tuesday evening. Nine times out of ton It Is too Ute for ttmt that week* —Mr. Mosher, late of Cumberland TTcad, ttoW of Iowa, has bought the Asa 1). Mooru place, and will som. occupy tho same. —Wo aro glad our correspondents keep US to Well posted on the weather. It is es- pecially Interesting to Subscribers in other Statos* -Mm. 8. Ford, and Miss Fsank Norton, for the last two years residents of Kcene, N. it., aro spending a few days with their foiends tn Kemcvttlt)* —Mr. A. Macombcr sends us a splendid n.Uskmeton. When tho big watermelon comes around again won't wo be happy, eh! Shan't pine away after that. —At all Presidential elections ottr Subscri- ber* have mora or loss words of encourage- ment, but never havo so much deep feeling and real earnestness been manifested as now. Tho railroads are talking of taking up tho express business* We hope they will get the rates on small packages below letter postage* Indeed, the Companies havo Im- proved latterly. —A friend of oufi at ottr elbow, who has ft Very extensive acquaintance with tho Tourists and Sportsmen In that region re- ports having heard or seen only one Gree- ley ite, and Ac the Clerk of a State Prlm>n t —We are not certain but our friend Mr, William Httssell Is after a u position. 11 The other day he left half u bushel of first class eating apples at the Republican otllce, and the same at tho posUoillce, At both places the boys were Invited to ••Wade in." —A Young Men's Association of Keese- vltle has been organised fur a few enter- tainments. The first will be given on Tues- day evening, September 10th, at Adirondack Hall, When an Interesting Drama in two acts will be brought out, and will conclude with a laughable farce In one act. See Small mils* —Tho Asa H. Monro family U now en- tirely broken up. The auction last Satur- day disposed of tho last of tho household goods, and nn Monday Mrs. Moore accom- panied her son, Mr. K. P. Moore, to a home tn the West, And so, tu some form, must all families be broken up. —A Grant and Wilson Flag will he giv- en to the breeze at Attsablo Forks this af- ternoon* We are glad to notice the activi- ty of our friends at the Forks* Some De- mocratic Insolence there needs rebuking.— Recattse ffotttc men can "straddle the zebra," \ there Is ftc propriety In their undertaking j to ride alt creation. Guess they wont do It cither. —MeLcar's Troupe will perform at Adi- rondack Hall Friday (to-morrow) evening. The Music will consist of a Brass Rand.— The performers aro experts* and the fun will be Immense. Among the Plays will be tho "Rough Diamond/ 1 or, the "Coun- | try Cousin. 11 Tho "Laziest Man In Town 11 | will make a gt n at ittlko* Free List entire- ty suspended—you pays your money and sees the show. Admission 25 Cents. Re- served Seats 85. Opeu at 7. Commence at 6. - Mr. tan font A, Scrtbnef, of the flrtn of Low Rnm. & Co,, Chicago, has ]ust ^ ! made Keeseville a call for a week, and en- joyed a pleasant visit with numerous old 1 friends. Mr. Scribner Is a member \>f one ; of the most re«5pectablo firms In Chicago. ! At the time of the great fire L o * Rros. & ' Co. had a serious Interruption to their busl- trot, Mepteliber 12th and 13th. Won- j three weeks have done a great damage. Ma- tlerful appearance of the (Jaluthumpiau j ny wheat fields had ripened, and being kept Horribles, Sept* 11th, at the fair I wet so long, that thu berry germitmled, and grounds. the sprout put out for the second crop, and - Doctor OrldioV, now ttt Witherl!!'* j Is only fit for feed. Some patches rotted Hotel, respectfully announces that ltU present ProfoHHiouul visit at Ptattsburgh, will terminate Oct* 1st, Those desiring his mode of treatment Ire requested to cull within the time specified. —•-Remember that the greatest doings ever had in Ptattsburgh, ainoe liept, 11, 1HH, will come off ou Wednesday, the 11th of Sept., 1872, at which the time (Jul- athumpiau Horribles, tinder the Marshal- ship of the war-Beared veteran, Count Kuandurango, will certainly appear. All parties desiring fun enough to last them u whole yeur, should put in un appear- ttuce on tl&is occassion. For full partic- ulars nco small and largo bills. —Dr. Hotohkin, of Truss and Sup- porter fame, will be at Adirondack Hotel, in Keeseville, to-day and to-morrow, Thursday and Friday, Sept, 5th aud 0th. *~The Forty-first Annual Exhibition of the American Institute opened at its Exhibition Hull, on Third Avenue, between Sixty-third and Sixty-foutrh Streets, in tho city of Now York, on Wednesday, September 4th, and will close on Wednesday, November 13th, 1872* - Mr* Charles E, THiy hew lately re- turned from Chicago, where ho has been attending the National Normal Musical Instituto, under the direction of Carl Zerrnhn, Geo. F. Root and others, The instituto was held at the Chicago Uni- versity, and had representatives from ov- er 20 different States. - Dr. llotchkiu tells us that a great many complain that they do not know the times and places, when and where he can bo found on his visits to this section with his celebrated springless trusses and supporters. Such persons should subscribo for the Jie]wbltcan t and then they will know; for Dr. llotch- kiu is always very particular to make his announcements through our columns at least two weeks before his arrival, and will certainly do so previous to his future visits. A RICH FIHM.—Until Monday it was not known that we had among us so many en- terprising capitalist. We can tell what we mean by relating the story, One of the clerks In Adgate'i store got a little excited after a mouse, and noticed that to make his escape the little fellow ran into a vacant place tu the rear of tho money drawer.— The clerk, Intent on his game, took the drawer from its place where it had done service a great many years, and there the riches were uufolded. There must have been broiurnt to view Some two quarts of bank bills and small currency mostly chew- ed and torn to pieces, This accumulation must have commenced under Curtis, and far back as 1850, and continued under Prcs- cntt & Downs at a later period. Six differ- ent five dollar bills, and more than that number of ones, were identified, all but some of the latter on the old State banks. Tho scrip was mostly of the early Issues, and In the aggregate was no inconsiderable sum, Some four dollars only was found In a situation to bo available. The c.Ulre amount thus hoarded could not have been less than one hundred dollars, which Is a nice little sum for the independent retire- ment of a few mice. • •••' A GOOD RAHN* —Almost every we year aro Called upon to give an ucmunt of n new burn built by some enterprising farmer who has improved upon all others eveer put up In tho county, and now* stands forth proud- ly pre-eminent as the owner of the best barn tn his part of the country, Those things wo always chronicle with a great deal of pleasure, The good and true far- mer, though not unmindful of his house, will ever take pride In his 1mm, and will bo sure to give it all the conveniences the surroundings and his circumstances will al- low. Last Week We heard it whispered on tho street that J, P. Willard, Esq., was getting up a barn, carriage house and stables, that for beauty, tasto aud convenience, would throw everv thing into the shade that had t)*en heard of yet, So Saturday afternoon we made our way quietly on to the ground that we might see for ourself whether the reality would compare with the account that had been heralded, We found there had been no exaggeration. The carpen- ters were well along with Uic work, so that It was not at all difficult to see the design al. through to completion. Hut wo cannot describe it In detail. The Stalls for the hor- ses are little Inferior to bed rooms, aud the manner of feedtug the hay and grain is on true philosophical principles of health and economy. And so with stock It may be fouiut necessary to keep, every arrange- ment and fixture are properly adapted to the end to be attained, The front gate, the drivo to the barn, the general outside embellishment, the ingress and egress, all have their studied conveniences, and make it peculiarly Willard'^ establishment, with nothing like It In this Valley. And yet there was no folly in any part, not a nail foolishly driven. The whole work in plain common sense, and such ns any man with the necessary means may have If ho only have the enterprise aud taste, We not undertake to say that In all re- spects this should take precedence of eve- rything of the kind in the twocouutieB. It Is small in comparison with farmers 1 barns. Nevertheless as a model of taste and con- venience, it Is well worthy a little examin- ation, and the expenditure of the few mo- ments of time necessary for the purpose, thin.;* l.fii term, falehtm Unlit*. Iire w»rk«, Mness, but wero quite fortunMe in their In- Puvoi'rtlluh*. and alt maimer of IMUIeal i ...«-. i *i % i * tUH H [* t ; surance matters, and on the whole came out Movltngi jrot up at •imrt tmtlei, and everything of the ruins In pretty good shape. We are aAv? required nmtUht'd. itWi7ut9 ., « M ^ . , , t . , , . . .. * U THAR! MTATtl.tlHTD. * M n o W , 0 ,CRrn of lUclr reftl Bub8 "" ltl » 1 JOHN W. TYLKR, If*n«f*ctfrrT, QlQ toreftdvAft finciriiTwqoh w<mic AHirniwf our * T twt ^Uufrninl Itub Huiimu fi»r •*!" *»> .. . ^ B, 1). ObAtV * Vi\ r><wfmUr 11, tilt* teal situation and prosperity, •-The annual horse trot will come off at Cumberland Park, Pittsburgh, Thurs- day and Friday, September 12th and UUli, immediately after the close of tho Fair. ESSEX.— An^ 27th, 1R72.—Another storm coming tip as t write, Plums and potatoes are beginning to rot. Tt really seems that wo aro being punished for our evil deeds by an excessive quan- tity of rain. —•Last week Mr. ITftyeH began drawing the stone for tho Albany locks, down to the dock* Tho beautiful worked stone, which has required tho work of fifteen "cutters" all Rummer, will keep two boatB busy till the close of navigation taking it to Albany. Mr. Parkbill will make a good profit from his quarry this season. —This villngc seems to l»e dead as to politics. Of courso one will now and then hear the name of Grant or Greeley, but wait I there's no telling what a week or two may bring forth, •--Thoro is nothing more worth writing about tl li time, but next week wo will send something ft little out of the track. ULYRflKB. W^The above Came by Tuesday even- ing's mail last week—ono mail too late, SAHAKAO LAKR.—Aug* 51, 1872.—Mr. R. J. 'Joleman, of New York ctty, while with mo at Hitchins Pond, near Tupper's Lake, August 28th, caught a brook trout measuring twenty inches in length, aud twelve Inches around the waist, and weigh- ing five pounds. This we believe to be the largest brook on the ground. There has been some hay lost by mould and mt, and much more par- tially spoiled, Two weeks ago potatoes never looked better, but now many fields are killed with rust, and we cannot count on much more than half the amount formerly expected, and a po T quality at that, Every thing out-doors and in-doors (except living beings,) was mouldy, Rev. Harrows and C. N. Williams had to produce artificial heat to keep their books and goods from moulding and spoiling. Some tanners ap- peared mouldy and sad, and a few loungers were also struck with rust. The asthmatics and rheumatics suffered terribly, and the bowel complaints raged alarmingly and in many caseB fatally, But God has brought us out from under the cloud of rain and fearful thunder and dangerous lightning, and given us a few days of cheerful sun- shine. The farmers kept one Sabbath by saving their hay and grain. As wet as it was, it did not often rain here—the bottom of some overhanging lake gave out and let its waters drop upon us as a deluge, - -There appears to be no falling off of city cmeets as yet, but we notice quite a number of new arrivals* —The Second week of the Teacher's In- stitute was very interesting, The Rev. J. N, Fradeuburgh, A. M,, delivered some very interesting lectures. The first was "The Olpsys," in which he gave us a very brief history of that race of strange and wicked being**, and showed great research, for some of his ideas were obtained by translating Latin authors, Tho subject was new to most all, and w*as a feast to listen to, The second was "Manhood/' an Important theme and powe. fully handled. He is a fluent speake r and a powerful reasoner, and his audience appeared spell-bound and charmed and closed with deafening applause, —-As A, J. Durand was driving over the bridge on Water bt,, his horse slepp .'d into a hole and fell, breaking a thill, and cramping his leg critically. Several men held the horse down, while one man cut out the plank, and thus they succeeded in saving the valuable animal. Commissioners who will let a hole remain in a bridge, should be hung up to dry, —A Mr. Dickinson and son, from the city, Were out to tuke a bf >at ride. The son stepped upon the bank and it caved off, and the lad fell on to a sharp iron fastened to the boat, and cut a fearful gash across his bowels, near the pit of his stomaeh, Dr. Hale was Bent for, but being absent they got Dr. Strong, of Lewis. He dressed the wound and found the cut to be six inches long, but not so deep as to reach his vitals, There it» n >w hope of Ids recovery, —There are a great many sick amnng us with fevers, but the dry aud bracing atmos- phere, recently produced by a clear sun, we hope will relieve them somewhat* —Died on the 22d, of summer complaint, a Sprightly son of Horatio Doming, three years old, —The Mite Society had a largo gathering at the new and splendid house of C, N, Williams, They had a cheerful time, and added to their treasury bountifully. —There was a Festival at the M. E. Church, on the eve of the 22d, and the re- ceipts were $10.01, TRUTH, • • -• - « • » • "Nothing Like Leather.'* A rAJfflMIft* SOIVCJU IVrittenfor the Timn. t. In enrly days our fathers wore Their home-made Imekhkin breeches, Cut out hy irucHS-wnrk measurement, With leather wining* for tUitchea. And now their *o\i* are eutled again To rally 'neath the httmicr Borne by*these men of leather craft— The cobbler and the tanner. The North and gouth. the Ea«taud West, Will work and sin^ together, And march to gloriuti* victory. For nothing wean* like leather IT, We have some jobs on mongrel pelts. And have the hand- to do them; Our (Iruut will neatly curry thcin, And Wilson wax it to them! The chopper up at fhappa<iua May go on with bin planning; We'll"let him furnish all the bavk But Urunt will do the tanning! The thln-pkinned chaps will uppers make, The tough old hides the nether : The bolting >*orcheud crowd will do Fur uothhig but split-lcutlicr. ITT. Tlie "later Franklin," statesman, page, Philosopher and farmer, Kctlred In cool and rural shades, An days grow long and warmer, Can milk the gentle butternut That gra/.CH round with bell on, And pan out butter sweet for drat* To spread his watermelon ! Or he may nelzt* his ready pen In Ktormy, rainy weather, And tell the world how Muie-prR* grow, Or modes, of smelting leather! tr, To Ppoii so fine a husbandman, Who, perched up In the city, Write* "piirts at what he never knew, It surely were a pity— So ; let him breed the short-horn duck And Poland-China gobbler i We'll burden with the cares of State The Tanner and the Cobbler! The grand arrav <>f Commonwealths, They'll bind aa with a tether. Thai ne'er a*zaln shull broken he— For uotbiug holda like leather. v, The virtues, brains, and honesty Of Horace they poke at U*, Ah if the Clncimlaii fraud Made him a I'tneinnatus! Aud while he Keeks a season brief Of rural peace aud quiet, Vure water is hi* only drink, And herbs his onlvdletl lb* old white hat and old white coat Have served all kinds of weather ; Tiut they are like his principles— They'will not wear like leather* rt. The Pfpmd that "rtiu" old ChappaiiUft, Our onset will remember, When they confront our phalanScd Hnei In battle next November ; Our Hag Is borne by gallant hatidft, Four million votes behind it ,— Alts ; where l* the mongrel hope } "Go West"—thev cannot Una it! Uke flrant. when in the Wilderness, We'll "push" In splto of weather i And " on this line we'llflightIt out "— Tk*r« nothing U like lcr.ther! WRSTCOIVT.—Sept. % 1872.—Not much that is new the past week* —I believe the Democrats ahd Liberals held some kind of a meeting at Fort Henry last Thursday, Have not learned yet what wa3 the result of the meeting. —Some additions to the arrivals the pa*t week tu our place. Rev. Bewail Cuttibg and wife stopping at Jas. A* Allen's, Jo- seph Alden and family, from Troy, stopping at Person's Hotel for the present. Hpencer Cole and wife, from Hew York, visiting at his father's. Asa Lyon, from Troy, has been with us for a few days. —Mr. Marvin and family have left for Schroon Lake, from there home to New York, —C. II. Eddy has just returned from New York with a large and well-selected assortment of dry goods which he will Bell cheap for cash. By the way, Eddy & Son keep a good assortment of all kinds of goods usually kept in any Country Store, and are winning hosts of customers. —Camping out is getting to be all the rage for the paat two years or more. I nee by your paper that you have had a very fine description of the one that was at Button Bay, just opposite to us here. A party of six young gents, from Troy, have been camping out at Barber's Point for sixteen days. Geo. I)efreest. Chas. DefrecBt, Fred. Barnum, J. Hawley, Win, Mosher and Chas. Htone. They employed James E. Barnes for guide, and H, II. Merrill for cook. Had a splendid time and caught lots of fish. They broke up camp and left for homo last week, well pleased with their excursion. A CITIZEN. ConNKLifs C. PmtBToN,—We were much gratified to learn by the Carthage (III.) Ga- zette of August 22d, that this gentleman was nominated for State Senator by a Con- vention held at Dallas City August luih.— In its notice of candidates then and there | nominated, the Gazette speaks thus l and- somely of Mr. Preston : C. C. Preston, candidate presented for fltate Senator, i* an Attorney residing at Lu llarpe. j tie Is a man of unblemished character, honora- ble In his dealings, popular with the people where best known, is u good speaker, and pon- seses all the necessary uhtlitic* to make him a useful and etUeient .Senator. Mr. Preston is a native of the town of Wilmington, Essex County, We knew him there as one of the good and true boys of the town. Subsequently he read law with Mr. Trumbull, ut Ausable Forks, and in due time was admitted as an Attorney.— After the election of Mr. Lincoln, the Re- publican friends strcnuoUHly urged his ap- pointment as Postmaster, but Democratic influence was the strongest, and Mr. Ro- gers succeeded in securing the appointment of Mr. Whitley, that gentleman having no idea of giving any chance for even an ex- istence to a young man of force and char- acter who promised in his future career to be only au annoyance to his darling Demo- cratic party, Mr. Preston weut West, and the Democrats have cairied Jay most of the time since. We refer to it even now with not a little mortification, but at the same time congratulate Mr. Preston that he i* making his mark west, and establishing an honorable reputation as a citizen and law- yer. That his record a legislator will prove equally favorable we have no doubt. BAPTIST AiwomTtox,—The Essex and Champlain Baptist Association will bold its thirty-eighth anniversary with the Baptist Church of Moriah, on tha third Wednesday and Thursday of the prescut month, the 18th and PJth, commencing on Wednesday at 10 A. M. C. BAIXEY, Cor. Sec. lAWSOFlfRWTORK Ity Authority. ( K** iy iiiw, uoU *#tttJuU rent time *>l.*!i l* »>u»u rt. hid thvhiti, nhiill cominpiict* iui«l tnki' fft'tvi through* if Paid ln«UtuUon had origl.iaUy boeu named in the said NectlouK rc>pocLlvely. §2. TUU act ftball lake cfiect Immediately. MTATI or N*w YORK, I WiLLBDoitouon.—&cpt t 2, 18?2.—The stirring music of the choir, yesterday, was owing in part to the generous voice of Frank Ferris, of Peru* His old friends are not only glad to sec, but also to hear him. —Mrs. Laura Bailey has returned to Troy. —Loyal Bigelow has decamped, who knows where i and taken one of our best girls. —Mi». Julius Falrchild Is visiting friends In town. —Mrs. Dr. Camp, of Richmond, Vt., Is amoug the many welcome visitors, —Mrs Eliza Calkins makes the old home glad again by her presence. •—The types of last week made MUs Nan- nie Barton who enters Vassar this month, prepare for college at Barton, Vu It should have read Burre, Vt, —Charles Lyon lost his foothold While elambering on tho -ide of the mountain, and suffered serious inj-iry from along, sliding, catching fall. According to report his re- covery is doubtful, —The Sunday School excursion last week proved an unusual success* Besides a de- lightful boat ride and plenty of good cheir, the school realizes a trifle over stxty-aeven dollars, already being invested infinenew- books for the children, Considerable praise is due to our long stand ng and kind heart ed Superintendent, Mr. Jesse Adams, and also to Solomon W. Clark, the man who never tlreB In any exercise connected with the Sunday St bnol, And the boat, too, that deserves notice. Not only is the Oakci Ames a pleasant boat, but she is manned by a 11 picked crew." Her considerate aud gen- tlemanly captain won the admiration of the ladles und captivated the hearts of the chil- dren. *' The captain is the nicest gentleman I ever saw," said a little girl to he! grandma upon her return home. It is safe to say that site expressed the sentiment of the entire troop. „• ^»» UPPEB JAY.—The farmers hare, pretty nearly, brought their harvesting to a very successful closo. Notwithstanirig tho many rains of late, there aro very good crops though slightly damaged. —A stalk of common yellow corn was cut from the field of t. O. McLeuathen, measuring ten feet eight inches. This will indicate tho immense growth of vegetation in our fertile valley, —The fall School opens Monday, Sep- tember 0th. Miss M. Nellie McLenathcn has engaged tho Rchool room, and offers the same liberal terms to those attending, viz: $8.00 for the term of ten weeks. Miss M has obtained an enviable repu- tation where she hat* taught. We expect a good school fully attended. Board may be obtained very reasonable, Btu- ilents wishing to board themselves will be able to find convenient rooms. —Work has been resumed on tho M, E. Parsonage. Tho job is let to C. M. Smith, and wo hope to bo able to *'take possess- ion" in a few weeks. L, A. D-—-. 8. B. CONVENTION.—The Essex and Champlain Baptist 8, 8. Convention will meet ut Moriah, on Tuesday, tho 17th of September, at 2 P. u. Major C, R. Knowles, of Albany, is expected to ad- dress tho Convention on Tuesday eve- ning. C. ftST We would call special attention to the following letter from Mr. N. 8. K. Miles, of Vcrgcnnes, Vt, It speaks for itself and proves that Dr. Bmyth, of Burlington, Vt., has been successful in performing ono of tho most intricate operations known in opthalmic surgery. ()peration for cataract by the removal of tho VryntalUne Law from tho eye. The doctor will be at Witheriirs Hotel for consultation, Tuetultiy and Wednesday of next week. I)n. tt. W. SMYTH, Burlington, Vt. ! Ihar Sir:- DoubtleM you will recollect hav- ing operated upon the e\e» of my mother, n- movhig a cataract from which nhe had suffered ! for fifteen yeur». It U with a heart full of gratitude that I now advise you of her com- plete restoration, and that she \n able to see perfectly well ^wlth the aid of upeetaclo). You | not only removed the cataract, but also a heavy burden from the heart of each member of our family, for we had begun tu consider her case I beyond the aid of all human skill. Do us the kindness to accept our heartfelt thanks and best wishe* for your future *uceu»*. We regard the money paid vou as a mere nothing compared with the beiietlt received. CoUblder us ever your friends and servants. Hespeetfally, N. 8. K. Mass, Firm of Kendall A: Miles. Door Manufacturers. Vcrgcnuei*, Vt., Bee. 1st, 1871. --••• • • «•»» f. B. Of 6. Tt The Clinton County Lodgo of Good Templars will hold their next annual meeting at Haranac. commencing Tues- day morning, 8cpt. 21. Klcteion of ofil- eers and other important business will come before the Convention, A, W, LANKINO, Secretary, ArsAiiLK FoitKs.—At a regular meeting of Arable bodge. No. 40*.i. held on Tuesday evening, Aug. 'JOtli. 1HT2. the following ollleera* were In- stalled for the ensuing quarter W. C. T.-liev. Henj. Merrill. W. V.T.-Muscarinic Jones. W. S . - G . 11. Charltttid. W. F. tt.-W. tf. Junes. W. T.~Mr». Henj. Merrill. W, M.—Charles Joues. W. I. G. -Miss Kin in a Kendall. W. O. O . - P . Dtiall. W. A. 8.--Mlsn Klla Carpenter. W. 1). M.- MU.S Jennie Torrance. W. H. II. S.-MIM. Sarah Trumbull. W. b. II. 8.~ Miss Kate beadleston. W. Chap. -Uev. C. N. Merrilicld. Y. W. C. T.—Anion Bobley. EMZABBTIITOWX.—At a regular meeting of Pleasant Valley Lodge, No, 511, held on Friday evening, Aug. Wh, 187'J, the following officers were installed for the ensuing quarter by P. A. Brown, I, 1).: W. C. T.—Bvron A. Ferry. W. V. TV Nfi^ France* E. Gold. W. » . - B . P. AdaniM. W. A. tt.-M. V. H. McDougal. W. K. S.—John Adam*. W. T.- Mrs. Mary K. Gold, W. M.- M. A. Patridge. W. 1). M. - MUs Achsah Durand. W. I. <». MUM Jennie McDougal. W. O. (b—William Hviictt. W. C- -George S. Gold. AV. It. II. 8.- MU Minnie Robert*. \V. L. II. P.---Miss Jennie Durand. V. W. C. T.—Win. lioherti*. Our Business Columns CBTitR rsa of this column belongs to those who pay for it. Term**, fifteen cents a Hue foi ili-Ht Insertion. Subsequent Insertions at reduc ed rates. Office of thettocrcUryof Hute, , I havo compared i4ie prvcodiiig with the origin*! Uw on tile In iliU office, and do In-ruby ctreUfy Umt tho Mitif Isftrorrrct trunner!pt therefrom, and of tbs S T 8CKI11NBR, Becrcury of WlAte. DAUCHY X CO. out the 4tutu ott and not before* the twentieth dny »f U'Mlu'tUy of its filial psMAtf', as cvrtillvd by tho Hfcrctiiry of Hut*.- -Dec. K', UU« 4, chap. 7, part 1, lk'Vlsi'4 Buiutcs.) CHAP. 7G6. AS ACT to legalize payment* made hy the >•»*•* •** «*»'«' Jjfr ' RCKinNKR Comptroller to Jubilee* of the Supreme Court Ul ULT0 ^Vo t ir\ f H!_ of the Second Judicial DUtrlcl. and to au- * ^crcuri or BL thorlr.o further pay menu by said Comp- troller to said Justice*. Pa#K'd May 17,1872; three-fifths being prcmint, Tht 7\«o//cV of the State of Xett York, reprt* *'HM in SittaU and Astnn t l>iy t dUj i-navt as folr lowt: SECTION 1, All pavmenU heretofore made by the Comptroller of the StaU to Justice* of the Supreme Court of the Second Judicial District out of moneys received by him under aud pur- suant to the provisions of au act of the legisla- ture, entitled "An act authorizing the Supervi- sors of the several couutie* iu the Second Judi- cial District, not including the county of Kings. •tvTWi! AHK KOW nncnivixo and will open for Inspection on Monday, Sept. Nth, our entire purchase* of Pall and Winter Dry Goods and Clothing. STBHX* A: UOUBHS. Keesevillc, Sept. 4, 1872. lOOTwl tirRKMNE'ttPahi-Killlng Magic Oil U excel- lent for Farmers and Teamsters to use ou cat- tle Hint horses for Inirtn. trails, horse colic, lame* new*, kills lice on cattle or colts, cures distem- per and is equally good for family u*e ; when you try It fairly you will thank us for tills ad- vice. mmmmm _—, C»yWrnnK THE WHOLE RANOR of tonic and alterative medicines known, none is eutitled t<> more consideration than the Feruvlau Syrup, tu all cases of eiifcybled and debilitated eousti- tution it Is the very remedy needed. The most positive proof of this can be adduced. tfyTiiE PEOPLE'S STAMP OF VALVE.—The Government endorsement, which legalize* the talc of Plantation Hitlers. Is not the only slainb allixcd to that famous Vegetable Tonic. It b.ars, iu addition to that olUcial sanction, the -till more valuable stamp of nubile approbation. This Inestimable voucher of iu rare properties as a Tonic, Corrective aud Alterative, is of much earlier date than the Government credential; for millions of sick persons had pronounced It the Grand Specific of the Age lorn, before Con- gress thought of taxing proprietary medicine*. It is unnecessary to repeat, in detab, the prop- erties of this wonderful Vegetable luvlgoratit. The best reference that eau be offered to tbust who desire the full particulars of Its virtues, b the general public. Ask those who have tried it as a remedy for dyspepsia, constipation, bil- iousness, Intermittent fevers, nervous debility, rheumatism, sea sickness, low stdrlu, or loss of vital power, what IMuiitution Hitters has done for thi i/4, and be governed bv the response they make to your Inquiries. W Rbttssisoi RHTOHTEM AS THEY TAKK TUEIII PLIGHT.--The chief of blessings U good health, without which nothing is worth the hav- ing; H Is always appreciated at its true value after it Is lost/hut, too often, not before. Llv* properly, and correct tiilments before they be- come seated. For diseases of the liver, kidneys •*kin, stomaeh. and all arising from impure oi feeble blood. I)it. WAI Kiut'sCALiroitNiA VINE OAK HlTTKiis are a sure and speedy remedy. It has never yet fulled in a single instance. 0U2w4»r CTTIowToGo WEST.—This is an inquiry which everv one should have truthfully answer- ed before he starts «u his journey, and a little care taken in examination of Routes will In ma- ny cases save much trouble, time and motiey, 'The "C H. A: <h K. H.," running from Chi- cago through GalesUurg to Hurlington, hat- achieved a splendid reputation In the last two years as the leading Passenger Route to the west. At Hurlington It connect* with the great Hurlington Route which runs direct through Southern Iowa to Nebraska and Kansas, with close connections to California and the territo- ries { and passengers starting from Essex coun- tv, on their way westward, cannot dotietlcr thun lb take the C. It. *\ t}. and Hurlington Route. This Line has published a pamphlet called "How to go West," which contains much valu- able information; a large, correct map of tin- Great West, which can be obtained free by ad- dressing the General Passenger Agent H. A: M. R. R. Hurlington. Iowa. KW2\T BlftTH*. pun ,,,11*1111 r i r i rrr-T *-••=..... «.—»»•• Iu Selotu. August**. l«7'^ t a hon to Mr. and Mrs. WILLIAM SKNKCAL, ^ ^ vnrmm;iA. to appropriate and pay condensation to Justi- ces of the Supreme Court and to stenographers of said court/* pa**cd May nine, eighteen hun- dred and sixty-eight, are hereby declared to be In all things legal and valid. $2. The said Comptroller Is hereby authori- zed and directed to pay to the Justice of the Supreme Court, referred to Inthe afore- said act, uud hi the manner therein specifi- ed, all the moneys heretofore received by him for said Justices, under the provisions of said act, and now remaining unpaid to said Justices, und also all moneys which may here- after l»e received for them by him, under the provisions of such act; the said moneys are hereby appropriated to the above purposes. Jli. 'This act shall take effect humedtatlely. KfATK <>f KSW Yt'HK, ) Ofllee of the »?<•<-ret it ty ol Htate. S 1 htvo computed the prccedm* with tho ortulnal tttw on file 111 this ofllce, and d«> h.-reby certify lti.it the mine is a correct lraii«cript then from, uud of the whole of said oritftim! I»w. U. HILTON SCRIRNKR, SecreUry of fcluie. LAWS OF KKW YOflK ny Authority. j iwveiy hit/, ut*)«ft*u tbli^U'.'U lltuc bltuii be UtvtH'.ri bed iher<'i i, shall commence j.nl t*»kc eflVcl through' out the Htite, on slid not before the twentieth dtty af- ter tho day of Us fbml ps*#Atte. ceriifled by the HeereUrv of State.—Sec. 12, title 4, chap. % part 1, Reviled Statutes.) CHAP. 721. AN ACT to amend chapter three hundred and i-lxiy-six of the laws of eighteen hundred and seventy, eutitled 4, An act In regard to public libraries incorporated lu the Slate of New York/' Passed May 14, 1872; thrc-fifth» being present, The Peoph' of live State of A>»/> York, repr*" iented in ,Sen<i«V and Awmbly, do enact a* foU town; SECTION 1. Section one of chanter three hun- dred and sixty-six of the laws of eighteen hun- dred and seventy 1* hereby amended so a* to read as follows; $1. If any officer, clerk, agent or member of any public library, duly Incorporated under the laws of the Slate of New York, or any other person whatever, shall thereafter wilfully cut. mark, mutilate, UJ otherwise Injure any book, volume, map, chart, magazine, newspaper, painting or engraving, belonging to or deposit- ed hi any public library so hicorooratcd as H- foresuid. or shall procure such Injury to be done as herein stated, every auch i»ersoii shall l>e deemed tol>e guilty of a misdemeanor, and. up- on conviction thereof hy anv court of compe- tent jurisdiction, shall be liable for each offence to a fine of not mort than one hundred dollars, at the discretion of the court; provided, how- ever, that no prosecution shall he maintained under this aet. unless the library prosecuting shall have al least two orbited copies of this act conspicuously placed upon Its premise*. §2. This act ahull take effect immediately. HTATS o r N i w YORK. I Ofllce of the Si«-nury of Suu», S 1 have compared the preceding with tho orielnaf taw on flit* In this olllcc, und do hereby c?rlifythat the •ante 1« a correct transcript therefrom, aud of the whoio ol stdi original litw. O . H I L T O N SCIUHKKU, Secretary of s*Uto. LAWSOF!VE\V YOHIC By Authority. [ f.Mry Uw, unh•** tttbib-reht luee «h.*!i he prencrb tk'U therein, *hftil commence and take effect through* out the 8u*te on and not tn'fore the twentieth d a y **f- ur the dny of iti dual ptUMOtge. an certified hy the Secretary of State. Sec. 12, title 4, chap. 7, part 1, IU*vised Statutes.) CIIAP. 788. AN ACT to amend part one. chapter eleven, ti- tle three, article two, section forty-three of the Revised Statutes, lu relation to constables. Passed May 20,1872; three-fifths being present. Ttw People of tfu> State of AVtc 5 r orA\ repre- uted in Si'nate and A*Mtnbljf 9 do enact as fol- lows : SECTION 1. Section forty-three of article two of title three of chapter eleven of part one of the Revised Statutes Is hereby amended so as to read as follows : $43. Every person chosen or ap{>oluted to tho otllce of constable, before he enters on the du- ties of his olllee, and within eight days after he shall be notified of his election or appointment, shall take and subscribe the oath of Olllee pro- vided by the Constitution, aud shall execute in the preseuce of the supervisor or town clerk of the town, with at least two sufficient sureties, to be approved of by such supervisor or town clerk, un instrument lu writing, by which such constable and his sureties shall jointly and sev- erally agree to pay to each and every person who may tie eutitled thereto, all such sums of money as the said constable may become ltaM«, to j'<»j '->•» M*V'..,.«/ •'/ unj OAH udui, •* liKii snail be delivered to him for collection; and shall also jointly and severally agree and become liable to pay each and every such person for any damages whkh he may sustain from or by any Ml or thing doue by said constable by virtue of hia ofllce o? constable. Every constable so cho- sen or appointed shall, in good faith, be an ac- tual resident of the town or ward lu which he sliull be chosen or appointed. HTAT* or Hsw Voai. ) OnVc of the Secretary tit Stat*?, S 1 hav** compared the preceding with the original uw on tlta lu this (illlce, and do hereby certify thai the same Is a eorrect trattactspt thcrulrota, aud of the whole of said original Uw. (J. IULTON SCRIHNKK, Secretary of Slate. LAW* OF *R\V YORK Uy Authority. WELLS' CARBOLIC TABLETS! FOR COUQKS. COLDS AND HOARSENESS. 1 bese fab.'U previa the Ac»d iu CkmiMnatiOB wiih other efficient remedies, in a popular form, for the Cure t f *|| Til KM AT and I.UNU Disoaac*. ItOAKSKNKHSadUl.CKHATlMNoftheTbroat are Immediately relieved, and sUtementa ure con- stantly beit it *otu to ihe proprictorof relief In cast* of Throat d'lticuttlea of ye*ra at an ding. fAIITiriN ItanH be deceived by worthless lint. VHU I I U I I attona. Get only WcliV Carbolic Tab, let*. Pi ice 2h Cts per bor. MUw4 JOHN (^. KKLLOOO,I8PUttBL,N. Y. Stud for Circular. Sole Aisenl for the U. 8. * £ O f r / \ A MONTH e»#ily made with BteiJ. 9 f e V V cil and Key-Check Dies Secure «'Hi-..,.»!.-> ..n-i SatLplen, free, ltratllelx.ro, Vt. S. M. SPKNCKU, 89lw4 gl P| a day to Agents, selling Campaign Badges, for V 1 " Ladiea ana Gents as breast and scarf pins, *oid |)Ute«1, with photographs of Proaideotiat <'an* didaler. Hamplea mailed tree for 10centa. WCKAT & Co., 93 Cedar St., New York. Mtf«4 n OltACK cnKELEY AKD FAMILY, Aneiegaui Kugraviinf, peifect i i k e u e s s , 2ii*'-J* iu sent by mail |i. Also, Campalgn Goods, 1 allk Grant Radge aud 1 p l a t o d *26c Suuipb latest styles W e d d i n g car<1a K o t c a , * « . , 2&c. A. DKMAKKST, Kngraver, 1W Broadway, N . V . ¥W8w4 A g e n u Wan ted for a remarkable book. Trn* t stiangc and atmorblriifly tnU'reatlng. Clergymen n*c«>'ii««end St Do good and make money. Ad'ireaa C o L t M R l A N B O O K CO .Hartford, Conn. «93w4 *pO TUB WORK!KG CI***!*, male or fe. k. u uie. $'>u ,t wirk guaranteed. Keapcctahle em* l» o y m e t i t at home, day or evening; no tapital re* quired: fall tTittruciions and valuable ptck.ige of ifoods Ut »lart w i* b sent fre*» »*v mall. Add-eat*, with 6 c*Mit r e t u r n a t a m p . II. VOCNG A C O , 16 <-ourt- Undl St., New York $9Sw4 A c; n\iN;rA^iPAin!« HAKD BOOR U'ANTKU ^ AKH t'lT^KK't. M>»eal.. A fill .md ••omplcte i'tUreal t;om^n4, Ceatgned for voter* of all jmrtttt I'reaidential Candldaes, Cnbitieta, Constitnti m, Cotiventlons, flatforms, Election return*. T.ettere of Aoeoptancc, Oenaus, other StatUtUat Tahlt-*, Ac. Pitce |L20 . ftella at " - ' Addr«*a* F. ««8w4 a^ght : flo to f20 p«*r day easily made. C BLlhH A C O , Uarlford, Conn. FREE TO BOOK At.EMS. An Klegautly Ui)t;NI> CANVASSING lit>OJf for the best and che««peal Fani'ly Bible ever published, will \u* sent free of charge to any book agent. It contafns nearly IHIO line Scripture illut*tratton*. and agents are meeting with unprecedented success. Addreaa, slating eKperivtice, etc., and we will ahow you what our agent** are d o i n g . N A T I O N A L PUS* LIHI1.-NO CO.,Ph ladelphia, Pa. 69»w4 AGENTS TO THE RESCUE! Si.iUti trinb* atoung the. people. Hit H AHD* PON^S PKKSONAL UISTOUY OF GRANT tells mote truth about the man than all the papers in the wond. If you want to know if Grant la a thief, liar or drunfcard read this book. Agents oan make large wmtei tor ihe next few months selling it as it ia wanted, and we give overwhelming onimlsaion*. Addrea*. AMERICAN PUbUSlUNG CO., Hurl. foid.Ct. 80$w4 It is not a physic which may give temporary re* llof to the sullen r for the first few dose*, out which, from continued use bring* t*:le« and kindred diseas- es to aid in weakening the invnlM, nor is it a doo* tored liuuor, which, under the popular name of "Bitter*" is so <?*ten*ivety palmed otf on the pubho u* sovereign remedies, hut it ie a uioat povi^erful Tcttilc a.ml Alterative, pronounced so by the leading ineuical auttioritiea of London and Paris, and has been long used by the leading phyatciana of otb.rcountriea witli wonderful remedial results. Dr. Wells' Extract of Jurubtba retain* alt the medicinal virtues peculiar to the plant and must be taken a s a permanent curative agent. Ia t h e r e w a n t of action lit your IJrer a n d S p i e e n 1 Unless relieved <*t one*., the blood bctoim-s impure by deleterious secretlO.iS. produc- ing scrofulous or skin diseases, blotches, Mon*,pus- tulea, canker, pimple*. * c , etc. T a k e J i i r i i b r b a to clean**, purify *nd restor* the vitiated Snood io healthy action. Have you M D y s p e p t i c Stomsrh t Unless dit(<'*.»on n* prompt l> ..id. d tu*- sjbtetn is debilitated with loss of vital force, poverty of the Blood, Drop- sical Tendency, General Weakn**** or Laaaltude. Take It t o *ssial iMgeaiion *Ailhoutrca<tion,it will Impart you'hful vigor to the weary suflVrer. Have you wenknett ut the 1nte*ffne*T Yo:i are in «iang»*r ot t-liridiic 1» arrb«ca or the dread- ful li tbimmaUon of the Bowels. Tak • it to allay Irritation and ward oft tendency to lull *m nation*. lUveynu weakness o f t h e Fferln* or Vrliinry Or«Hiis 1 You must procure inhtant reii'-i t>i jui) are lUhle to aulTering worse than death. Take it lo strengthen organic weakness or life be- co<nua a burden. Finally it should be frequently taken to keep the •>*>IA:>*. it* |>viiv^*y m » m » wi >«/a «*o VJO.V... »-• *• great, danger ol malarial, mlaamatlc or contagions JOUN Q. EKLLOGG, 18 Piatt Pt.New York. Sole Agent for the United States. l*rlee, |1 per bottle. Seud for Circular. 898w4 —J i i i * • • IMPDHTANT NOTICKI—TO the Bevnral Jus- tices of lilt* Peace of the County of Essex: —You will confer ft great favor, and BHYC the County much necdness expense, by re- turning all Kecotfnizmces and Exnmlnailom for criminal offence*, taken by or before you, to tin! County Ckrk or to the District! VACATED PROM CLTKTOH PmsOK.-Pivo Vttomey, immediately after the samo M < | priannorn escaped from Clinton Triton -*•*» taken ; and also forwarding a fitutement to the District Attorney at once, showing the nature ot the crime charged, the time when and place where committed, th^ names and repidence of material witnesses; and in cases where examination Is waived, this statement ifl absolutely nercsflnry in order to prepare the rape for the Grand Jury. A, K. DUDLEY, Di«t. Atl'y. Dated Elizabelhtown, Aug. 20, 1672, Tioosminnru.— Aug. 3i. 1872.-**-A large and very cnrncBt meeting of the Republican Electors of this town was held at the Lower FalU, mi the 24th day of August Inst., tt which a Grant and Wilson Club was organ i7!ed. The following were elected Officers, viz: Clayton If. DeLano, President. Charles II. Bennett, Vice President, A. M. Pinehin, Treasurer, John C. Fcnton, Secretary. Tucsduy, Hopt. 3d: James McOrnw, con- victed in New York, March 14, 1872, of burglary; Arthur Perry, convicted in Saratoga County, Feb. 24, 1871, of grand larceny: John Walker, convicted in New York, March 27,1872, of burglary; Jameu llobinnon, convicted in Saratoga County, May 13, 1809, of murder in second degree, (a large*, powerful negro); John Dillon, convicted in Albany County, March 17, 1871, of burglary. Fifty dollars reward is odered for each* In Willshorouiili. Aug. li'.t. 1874, hy He v. A. S Hitfdow, LOYAL A. BHSKLOW. teiuherlnthe *New York Institute for the lilind." and son of the ofllelalhig elericvttiau, and Mis* LIHHIK HoFKNACiLB, uf \S'ilishorou«h. In Kllznbethtowii. AtifftiKt 30. 1872, hy \\?\. (1. H. fluid. Mr. MOSF..S IM.GOK. of Eiizaheth- towii, uiul Mist- MAKTI1A THOMPSON, uf New Husslu. I>I:ATII«4* 'OiiTtyAktiSAfDPoiff.TFrTtCtiitPiLili.' NOTIOBS or DSITBS Fata. ».».»•.••• !•*- The entire proceedings wero marked by trout ever caught In Northern New York. \ ^ m™t complete hBrm ^ a ^^J^ c J r liil ANDHENY J. BAKElt. enthusiasm* J. C. FENTON. BmAWS.—A eanvass wafi liad on th© train from Ogdensbtirg to KOIHICH Point, August 20th, with the following result; (Irani Greeley, AtiguHt 2'2d, on wame train, ntood Grant, Greeley, Moms STRAW*.—A vote recently taken on car« from Saratoga to Whitehall, was 54 for Grant, 20 for Greeley, 5 for Louis- ville Convention. In PhittshurKh. Aiurust tfl, lb74, WILLIAM T. HKNN8, uged 45 years. During Mr. Henii* brief residence in PlutU- hurKh he acquired many warm friends, and. we think no enemies. All feel that wc have lo=t u valuable eltizen. The remains were taken to Blaek Brook for Interment, last Monday, Kov. K. A. Bulkley, I). I)., offl* luting at the House, hi Pittsburgh, and Kev. M'. Merrill, of Arable Fork*, preaehlng the funeral discourse at the Cbureh, at Black Brook.—Sentinel* In Seirita. August 30, 18TO, JOHN WOOD- LEY, ttKcd 48 years. In Sehtivlet Falls. Aug. 20,1372, Mr. DAVID JOHNSON, aged <V> years. In CheMerfleld, Aug. 28. 1872. MTTCTIELL MARTIN, JR.. only son of Mitchell Martin, Sr., aged 1 year and 4 months. in Jav, July 4. 1872, ELLA MATtY, aged 2 vears andftmonths, and at Port Henry, Autft^t 10.1872, <;roK<JE KDMONI). aitel ten months, ehlldreii »d Nathan and KlizaJ. OaJ«. Little Ella thou hast left us, Gone to join the angels bright, Thou art tree from pain and suffering, Iu that world where all Is light, Thy little brother's KOW to meet thf'e, Gone to join the angel band ; Yes, huV free from pain and suffering In that holy, happy land. Tn Wtllsborotigh. AuiriM 24. 1872. OHRIM C, youngest "<m offt.W. and lihoda P. Clark, I aged 14 mouth*. (Kvery law, unU*s* a different time shall l»c prcaert* »»'«j \ herein,ahull ecumnchcv nnd itukv cAV'Ct throuich* tut the StMt**, on and not before tlu* twculu'th dit) ;if- er the diiy of >U flnal p*taa*Kft ft* ccrtihed hy the •Wr<*tsr) of State. *Wc. 12, title 4, chap. 7, purtl, ttevl^d Sttttuie*.) CHAP. 611. AN ACT In relation to capital stock of corpora- tion*. Passed May 0. 1872. The People of t\*> State of Xew York, repre- r,$enled in Senate and Assembly, do enact as foU luie*.: SECTION I. Au incorporation, Incorporated company, society or association formed under the laws of thir State, excepting hanks, banking Association*, trust compaiiles, life, heultli, aeei- Jetit, marine and lire Insurance companies, railroad, navigation and ga»* compunles, may in- crease Its capital *u*ck. a* provided by section twentieth of "Au act to authorise the formation of corporations for manufacturing, mining, me- chanical or chemical purpose*," passed Febru- ary nevenleenth. eighteen hundred and forly- •iiilit; provided that this act shall not apply to corporations created bv special act of Incorpo- ration, tha capital SUK-K of which originally ex- ceeded two hundred thousand dollars, and that «uch luereoac shall not exceed iu the aggregate the amount of capital stock specllled lu the suid ict of Incorporation, and any such corporation the capital of which shall be Increased under the provisions of this act. and the stockholders there- of shall he subject to all the liabilities, as re- gards such additional capital as is provided hi the original act or charter lu relation to Its cap- ital. §2. This act shall take effect immediately. ST*T* or Kuw t oar, t Ofllci' of lh<< HvcrHi.r> ot StaU*. \ pp * I have com'tared tho preceding with the original law on illo in this olllee, nnd do h<r«-by certify that the same Is tt eorrect tran*< ri(>t then, from and of the whole of said original law. 0 . H I L T O N SCHIRNER, BecriUry ot Stat*. TiAWHOP *rc\vToitK Br Authority. tKr»»ry law, unh>*s a diflr««rrnt t i m e s h a l l W preaeri* '•ud Ihervln. shall commence and t a k e <-ftVet t h r o u g h - •Ut tint So^le, on and hot before the twentieth day bf- er the day of it* Html pusaa^v, a* certilled hy tho Sueri-fary of Suite. Sec. 12, title 4, chap. 7, pari 1, tU'vlacd StatuU*.} CHAP. 599. AN ACT to amend chapter three hundred and forty-six of the laws of eighteen hundred and fifty-nine, entitled "Au ad concerning the salt springs aud the manufacture of salt, pass- ed April fifteenth, eighteen hundred and fifty- nine. Pawed May 8,1872; three-fifths being present. Th> People of 0w State of Xnr York, repre tented in Si'nate awl Amiably, do enact as fob* Utwn: flBCTiox 1. Section thirty-three of chapter three hundred and forty-six of the law* of eigh- teen hundred and fifty-nine, entitled "An act concerning the salt springs and the manufac- ture of salt," passed April fifteenth, eighteen hundred and fifty-nine, is hereby amended by adding thereto at the end thereof, the following: "Any property taken by virtue of this section shall be paid for by agreement or appraisement, lu the manner provided for In the thirty-first sec- tion of this act. §2. This act shall only apply to water taken from the nlne-mllc creek during the period of suspended navigation of tlu Erie Canal, for the purpose of working the State pumps on the salt springs reservation. |3. This art shall take effect immediately. HfATt. or NKW YCSK. ; M Office of the Reorotarv - f Htsts, \ ™* 1 have compsrod thy prsrydimg with the original hjwonflla 1* tht* otli •*, AUA do In rehy rsrtify th*t tb? same is a corrsct tranacript ihsr* from i*nd of the whok of taid original hiw. U. IULTON PCRtnNKR. Hecrelarj of State. 1,AW* Or XFAV VOHK By A«(1iorltr» ( Kv«'ry IHW, uniea* a, dilftitiit time ahull lu* pr-^orl- hod ther«'(n. sh*>ll commence and Uke dfccl thr Jiwh out thi? Stale, on and not h^fttre thc« twentieth day *.*t'-r tho day of It* float passage, a* certified by th^ H.Tr«'t*rv of State. Sec. 12, title 4, chsp. 7, part 1, Revised Statue* J CHAP. 670. AS ACT relative to the core and education of deaf mutes. TV Peortle of the Stat* of .AVif York, rpprp* trntetl in Senate and A*Mnblg % do enact as f>U loir*; SKCTIOH 1. Section* nine and ten of tltla one of an act entitle*! "An act to revise and consol- idate the general octs relating to the public hi- st ruction, passed May second, eighteen hun- dred and sixty-four, arc hereby amended so that the same shall extend and apply to the IAI Couteulx St. Marv'a Institution for the Impro- ved Instruction of deaf unites In the city «>f Btif- J falo, lu like manner aud with the like effect a* AOKNTS WAftTED-for the Live* of Grant Greeley WILSON BROWN " ld rr ,,, « ol all polk'** 0*-er l U K t e e l P o r t r a l l * * w o r t h twtcu the co*t of th»* h<»ok Wanl-d ••wrywhew. A g e n u h a v e w o n d e r f u l sue*** 1 ***. Send for circular. Andre** X.I KG LICK & MoCUUDY. 5U Arch Street, i'liilttdelphia, Fa. «HJw4 I f\(\V U r Q C I'hcftnnals of medicine Ix-ar LUUlX nLrlu* no record of auch fame in tho I'M- ui H iofula,Hkln Dlaeas^a and llu* nor*, a* that ot the OKKAT HllOHO- SKKS<f«</uin) KKUhDY -'las RKAL I LOOD reairiBH K«>i t h e c u r e of dt*i-aa- |e*of tht- Liver. Kidney* and Bittddcr. it i* hc\ond moiA) »nd price ; and i*an an- iird of rncivv to iheae suffering from Cos- It ivenes*. K»mah'We44kneaa, It heumat ism {or any nerve dtacaai^. For Killtoti*ne**, Hi%dHch<s D>*pep*la and Debility, it ntutid* pre emitu'i.U) at the laad of all oiht-r n inw ii«a: and in Primary Consumption posit- ively i^mdually curea the dtseaae. The btauty of thw f<wt9 is, th** art tmphuiuaily true >*>*rrunt>d to 'Wv it once. F»r sale ever where. KKN»<»N t I'OTTKK A- C O . Syracuae, N. Y , Oen'l Ag*. MI3w4 A g e u l K t V i t n t r d for the AUTOBIOORAHl Y o f HORACE GREELEY. 'the bt^at und only Mitton written hy htttnteU , und for our 1 N T * < ' A n i ' A I G N WA^IAh,* book Of the oiii«-- K»r at! p«titi«-a. 1.lueir.it..-d. *Mi« Agent aold *o in three drt>*. Also, for lleadley** Life of [*re*ideiit Grant, and splendid Fortran* of Candi- d»te*. I^ouamonth made. K. K. TKEAT. Fub- Usher. Hii Bioadway, New York. 8©0w4 AGENTS '.LOOK HERE !.M tl tl H'KM f.Uii'!\ WANT 41..1 WM. HIV %\ MOHT I ttlC* i*T«s NKW ILLUSTRATED MRK81D*. KLU* TMNof ROBINSON CRUSOE, J0*T out. An etegnnt octavo, 6?.« pa»e*; over 40 ttf- p*rh tiiuatrHtlot'S. tinted p i p e r , «rwpet A binding, OSLT t'jLftO 'I h e oBitAPitsT and moat popular book lu print. i, a treat Hir. Will sell aVKhYWBSR* llkeUoTCAXKi. Peter*, circular*, term**, and our A gem** Fotket Companion, malh-d free. H U B I i A U D BKO«*., Pub* baher*. W Sa-s<»m St., Phda. 81*^*'* 10,000 YA'DS PRINTS, New Designs, FIRST QUALITY —Xol Remnants- tor f»ale in lots to suit, at 10 cents per yard, by GEO. 8, POTTEK. Keescvdle, May 25, 1872. 1647 Notice* T", I-; ST*r,Sl H I B K l t (ilVRf NOTICWa That l'u«iinhi*i il.ue In-linn »ii\en hi* son, KM- 1 OX l l . H H K l . D o N . h l * tiin««, and henceforth will collect none of hi* wages, and pay none of^ -J**!**- al. *N. S*i*»''»"'*'• I/>nK Lake, A««. 17,U?2* l***" 3 Medical Society* A X A D J O I ' H S r . l t MKKTINCi OF TIIR KSr*KX (»H:M'V MKulOAI.SOCIK'l V will be held at IVrHon's Hotel, Weatport^Sentomher l^th, *t 2 o'clock F. M. . . . . . . The Annual A<idrc*« will be delivered by Dr. Kd* gcrly. of Port Henry.. 16>»6 B. B. ITALK, SccVy. Tlose Wood and Black Walnut CASKETS. A ^ B W STOt ' K ?K^rJ?!^?^^ " Y Kowipviiw-, P.b. 15, is;:. i«ii Tor tlie West. (M<.ll TltKlvTS T<t U I U ,. <iivo. St. L<' .if, Omaha, louver,Han I 1 ail point* Weal.South-W r »»*t and North-West, e at the Klptess Ollk-e, K<«*aevjlle, N. V. T IIH(M<.ll TltKlvTS TO UI't'PAT,0« <;i,•«-I4IO. St. Lo .ih, Omaha. l»enver,Han Krajj'if*- ( O, Hll«' forsaU . ^ M MOULl>, Ticket Agoni Kecacvtlle, April l,lb71 M*^ Annual Fair* T lin i HOUSPOIXT ASD BRlDPOnT KAKMKK.-' ANI> MKilAllNK^' ASSOCIA- TION will hold their Kahili Annu..l Fair at Cruwn* point, N. Y..Tueaday aud Wodneaday, September U M ,Jlltimwt c M_PE.V8VBocrot.rr__ Hi si IK*.—Whitewash Bru*hes, Window HruM.H, carpet Brushes, Scruh Bru*h«-a, Shoo Ihiahea, Ilorae Brushes, Faint and Varnl*h Bmsliea. *nd Feather Du-tera, all in variety, for s»jj ly II. D. CLA1I * J^»- June 15, lUTl. m W9 L- 7oliioix\ni WILL m;v A !'**<?*• BM HLASKXT.S, to clua^.Hi^o.^1 jlc^^ •• .ii^ »..w 09 I*»?*J» t<wa Kfoaevtlle, F e b . « , 1*72. MiH•V\^IC« , UTAXDtHII SCAI.R* - it 1 CLA1T A ^ o . 1 !•• t . . . ) May II, 1*71. ^ pwTlVK A^fn COfin\<;K~-ln varlrtyot*U* L -nd.^aug.lo.-.. t) B p c l J k ? r 4 C 1 > . Junel,UTl. »*»•

Transcript of F.R. DANISt Proprietor, - NYS Historic...

0 1 6 6 3 S '• Local and Miscellaneous. n AN

ANODYNE EXPECTORANT Pfi*ptft'il to m*\ l the ttrgpht demand for

A *un\ tiiaitiittti Antt«iott» tv*t« Dltoani of ibo Throat and Lungbl t i l h«« ttt*ft * • *« ! With j to f to t U t * * * * * f o r i *

__Mnvtfe t jnt i th* *ftd Uvh l i , ttln'A »< Q U O A i | ! i > f H*iin*>dbs hud fal la l ^ O

| • ifTh»l*«pf X, wrltlPii oh pnticri or wrapper-* shuuiduwdunstruvdtorueati » cull fur payment of ttrriMirages.

- - Annual fait for Otiuton Cofinty, Bnpt. nth, 10th and l l t l i . Aurmal horso

l?MXAil»TI!TOW!l.—AltffUfit SO, 1872.— The ralni whlcli have fallen during thu last

6 "Mut Hvi»»»dh>f hud failed # * <

3The morltt of l U l i m t i l l U flirir, uttn of It* 4 O U t " < ^ » ^ l i i f»»r I

t.ttftt AftolU»»«, it uo w*li »*own to b* qupit»*t,*d. If your U jiish I* #ti"h M to prevent yon irom r»Jit-

ln< m night, i«M» l*J6, fur It wilt gite >ou rt?st I lfymirOu\i<fe U »ooompu»h«i with thill*, Ukw

1«.0, fur It wilt »ur»ly *•*!* y l ! try It and Judge tor Yeurielf!

Hui i bj L>iu*j*ut* «ud Merchant* gvm»rull>»

F.R. DANISt Proprietor, I M . A T 1*111 H O I I . N . V« srMU

f % , , F o r t * i * t*> W U u L i t i i ) Ac HON, Kt#*tjvili*j


ERROROF YOUTH; \ f H : * r i . i : « l , t * W H O « ( H ^ U R n

l' nfl, *Ml nil khv Otwts of youthful Indian tlott rUI, n*r tlu» mikv wf suffering humanity, send free lu

nil who ht'fd H, the rtsHuv and direction fur titrikliitJ IIIMsingle romi'dy >») which he wn*«ur»*d« Hiittvfi*r» W shin* to tifuiU l«) the advertiser's * t|iwrl«u«« unit «!<• no by addressing, in perreet VUIIIMCIM e.

tr*it NMW V I H t v U t W#. Ill Uvdar it Nil ufk,

To Consumptives, Th* advtirllstrT, having bwn ^rmrtuetitly Mifed of

thai dfead disease, UuttiHHitptloii, by n sitniitu r»ime tl/. Uftttftiuim to make known to Ms fvliow sutfVrer* tr»M mvan* ul imr«. To ml who <t< «ire It, he will send fttHpy o(thi> t m w r l p t l o h u t v d , O n w u f uharg«,j wi l l t^* •Iirwlhiii* lor pre * tame


rgu in* •Jirwilon* for (jta'iMtitttf nn«l using thv' u whMt ttiMjf win Hnd ii nun Cw*t run Cu»*t«nrt A4tn%i*, nmiNOKfin,4«t

l*«rti^ wishing UIM fttefttfrtfitton wilt ftwtM id U'l^jl 1*4 INnui Ht., \Vuil4fiiituirgh, N. V»

M>V<i»IC? O I L , u "U*v»k« nkuftchtrro " UU «ork« iikv II chiirm.M

*lt wor^i hlv tioh.iriu *' 11 jl WHr^«h^»^^ |lmrlll.,* Mt wmtiiikonoiMriu/' ' ' U W . i r l i hfcy ttohariM.H

. . * , * * . ' I* ^«»th« nli» • «*h^riti M

I t« RiUhniI u*« eiitv« Cool Mi tin* tt**»«t, tf|iA.ti«ll» VtfUrn'glA, ttnrimh4t r.iionvhw, Hurr K y t t , r ^ m t rutetrrh, rHlu in thi».t i l l ing J M I I I J rthuUKbrn, Htltt " t v l l i hMrn%-itfH( U i lw i Iti th«* H. idi ,H l * t k * , Lum«-

<rt»* ••*»»' F O I O M , Hprnln i , Omi»> Huh • . Krt*««%*•, I l.ihUum. Mur«§ »•> MruUcf», MIU' o; lOl*, tjhOlM Wn«l Wwttii

•rn Murbtii, Or»mi^, ritt, Hi.rtunn/u ttu IMU, l,>«k .Uw, Uuitiuaiuhi, H lnul SVi-ufc.

AM tn »tl ntti tttc tUnttu^ tdngio Oil A n d in »ll U I U U«M Hvhh*'* Mng|i> (Hi. And Innti Milt *<«•> iti#ho 'H M.uiv f MI. An I in ttu nix ui" H«uti" • Mugt. nti, A n d ill all «IU y4t> lii*nnc> M i^lc (Mli And In Mil mit M«M itvuim'rt M>«gtu uth A n d In till Mil* iim> U«hi.t» • Mi^lr Oi l ,

nitty *t whirv ion trtiAiM Hu i«rg» •)!>•• If ititi gvt itiMin Iki* g«mmtt». W M Hltm»f».f», I ' U U H . M I, Mitt*

:«rgw It fit! •« tt rrvKhr: u«

HKN5flt 4»I»NH, tokrittuttu uiw it fnUhlohy,

y « i « ^ t

Hold b> ( ^ l > 4 t J o , |f

" id A k » , h.tliN * **«, , t*l>iUiitotr«li; Moo


Inowtnf ghhfm»r»ypr«jadUnt tnUttni ti \U |«l»ll« Mind, M w»li nt It the mind of ifct '*r#g»lur rhjf§»i?i«it,M tgftliiit tp««l«tuti or »MFtv»lln| pii>»i •tn n," I fgti mftt i feWrtptttnttoTy wordtln rrfti-d m mf foiltftn, nn i lh« t'rcomtUnot* whloh Induct • • t o " i T R ^ I / ' l T i ^ g O to lh« publ i c • • Wil l fit to

•y«»lf, tWtorv 'ttitfif •ngngem^ntt to vim dlflVr-•H pottti in Vermont *tul vklhUiy, t wit Altnen Huy IftrMftlptoflvtUrt from p«ni«i In tho ooun. »> wlw, thoggh tnitou* to tonntm mt, ATowtuI »%Mru< r Iftrtkiliiy towmt u tlurlM^oit for tti«t f l l f o i t fti,4 bvl'ig AfilloU* 10 n i f H t h o W U b n l u f

Hn»t«tppiienAtilbulfnt»|B«iM| of ttt« uttlotint-tt •ml dnng^rof prowertblng without A previous f^ tinAt i<iAmihfttttt»t Annliy dfttrmtnvd on wnklrtg WgttHr vitlti to M mtny tuftii* In Vonnoht nn 1 t l . tditlty A«my ttmt will ndmlt of, itnA thUi nftxrd Wilt pvnoni nn npporloult> of oontuttlnt mt,

Prom ihtoomntt'iitoaent of my profviilonftl ti> ftor, my ttmo and Atttntlon HAI bttn ttottttlv^ty Ovoted to tht itndy And tuvrtugAtlot §f lu«Atet • f th«» N « U t^flfV.I^RflAf, l.ljgfll And (jrttlt U Atfcgtloftfuf thtHvinhd KAH, md dvmititimenti € thn NiAVntt PTtfgji* My uptfiatty «mbnto«i •tti tfutltAllort tf V9MHmpihnt CWnrfA, Tht$*t mH«4U% Afnttom «/ t*t v**t ^>#««^ Auhmt

wml *t( harm(«i, 8 ,ntMm (i«rf />utmvn<\ry tj>m-pinthHi tho rcmfitii of />in/>t#«, lnnhtf$M /\*n Mi Afm», .Vnt#t# m fA« too*!, thi> rumorntlAA of fi*/Htt*t «N|ft/, hy modlriAl And itlf|lc«l mtAnt.ind wil tf«Atmi*nt of All Atftrtm Undtng to Cfin#r«f li^ffffy, or to tht tttAblitlimtot vtLohhtmptm*

tn»¥tfyp**tAomttttf for etnmlnAtbn, A enndtd Ofdttltirt will tr# flv«n A« to thn probability of A ettrtt

•n 1 no tAlo will bt Atttpted for troutmvnt whtth ItfPl not oHtf A ttrttttOAbto ohftftto of lUtOll,

ttt opfhlnf A pvtmAiitttt oftWi in tht T Hit RtMttm, Mufltf^iton, for tht turt of All lAronK ^tn^tn, whtrt t will bv found In peuon*! AUoid* tAiiv r>ottgf tnt tlm», I nm dottrmlovd to do tvory fhtnf in my powtr in ordtr to itr«ngth«n tht t*td tpt'tlon, wbt«h, fhir» my ?*pMAt!on, m%y bt Alrmdy #nttirtAin#dtfmt,And to r u n royivif to thn ot* •o«t in bvHtlf Af thoto who mAy tonldotbtlr^ttt IP Aty pfOf>IIIOtil «AfA,

In .wAtflitfnt ptrrnli «*t la A«AAI*O Ut pabtlt IftAt WirAttdn-AUng tfiltf my rAff,m%y ^ i p i t to ro* t«»tfP tvtry bpntnt gunmntetd »t tifin««, «Afft, And A tompfth' I*lvt «i|wrl«nft.

I, VV, t»y YTIt.

nrtNithiihtftttdbttakpn by eorreiponduntt not W U J R ) llndrltrtntto Unit tluy Will rvtudi only by -,hu mnlli ol Tueidny vwtiing. Ordtimrlly tbvy will Uo tuulnti* for lho Uepubllenti of that week.

KY*t*mnli Trtultngpf of tho ttepuldlunn, eonlttlulng tuvul nrtivU'ti obliunrv nutlci-t, or other mutter of pprtontiMhtfrett, nri' frequently wimU'd. Thi'y %V\ b« rurnlthi'd uii thv following tirmt;

9 L 1 o t > l t > t . M i « t M t t » » t * t t t . t « 4 t * » « * t i 10 Ct'htt* I " i , i « i . • » • > « , , . . . , . , 16 u

6 " I I I I M M I t l l l l l l l l l l t M M I I I 'Ik '*

10 u » . , 4 , . , , . . w t 6o *i

yo '* »»* * *»* * i * • « » i « » • • • t • , • , • • » . 1 ,oo " For Ward tho ordur nn«1 thi» monvy, uud ihey Will bo

tiirtllt «t tit onct*, potttigi* phld.

Ouutt T( mplurfl' D t r e i t o r y fur to*n*x Vo* A«*W4 V AMW^. AW. iV O. AtMrtti* Mating,

Util iui ,»» t»i • .»»»• 11,4ftt Wi>tt port, liltlh" Kuuninn 4"9 i'rowniMtl.d, Hounding \ V m v r . . . . 4 y t 'riooixb-rogn, M I I M T . O . . , , . , . 60'4 Morluh,

PtMHtntit Vrtlky,,w.Mt KltKkialhtoWh, K«'A . . , i ,614 K M O I ,

KvM««vlllr , . . .61** UiM»n«*vl1td«

Monduy, Tui'tiluy.

Vrldny. Hatnrday.

Kriiluy *l'ui-ntluy Mon<ltty

Kvi'iiing 8tnr , » . , . • , , 6 i 6 Whal lunnhurgh. Thurmlny. W l l l t l i o r u u g h . . , . , , «.6li« Winttwrni', Wodni't i lay. I r o r i M i ^ l e , . . . . • , . . . , , . w e U r u w i i | u l n t | Thurtduv . Mount ttiRt ,uvi'ry..«.<n*y l.i'wU, Thurtduy . Adlrwtuluc.«,«••«4 >,.V47 (^nittwadvUle, Hutunhiy. Jtiy• « * « * • • « u t t , i » » , , 0 W d a s , H^tturdiiy.

L t,. UALkfN, (Munty ^>puty. Kwii i«vl l l i> . N V ,

I.AWi fletnttttK t o ^fewipttpprt. M \ pub.mli the toll'jwing ut ftiett in luw relating

to nt-'WipftpiTt nnd tuhtcriUrt: t, iuMicrltn-rt who do not gt¥o finroM notice to thr

lonthtf) nrv ooutldurud withlng to uontltiuo their 4i. If tuhti'rlbofi nntnr Ihr iltteohttntmneo of tt»dr

purtHdh-Hln, thu puhllibtrt may cotiUtiuu lotendihvin until nil ttrrt-itr.txft ur*> p,ml,

9. tf tubtrrthMM iwkUM-t or roftit*' to tnko thidr pr rtodleult from the oltU'i' lo whit h tlioy nri* dlrvctvd, thvy tire hi*Id rutnoimlbtti till they have tulUvd their bill, find urdi-rvd thctii dttconUiiucd.

4. If •uhtirlht'rt movi- to other plucpn wlthnut In* formloit tin- publltliHrt, and the pa|icr» arc tent to the former dlruction, they an* held ren|>otnitble.

A. Thi' eourt t have deoidi'd that n t u t u i g to *f\kn |>u-flodh'ittt from the otHee, or nMitovfng tunl IUKVIOK them tinentled fur l i prima fuel* ev idence of luteutionftl fraud.

A. A n y prhton w h o reeolvet A nnwtpnpef and makna Utuuf It, w h c l h t r he ha t ordertni l i ur not, t« hukl In taw to be a luhti'rlber



Aid now prrtiAAontly lot-Aled In flarttnglon, Vt,,

wtlt r\*\\ .

i n ^ A ' T T W t t T T t C m ,

On tht tttond TttfidAy And WedhtidAy o th«A

month, And irtty \* nohiulud,

rniu or rft a a s ,

- A t -

Wlihrriiri TTotblt


•tnTmnicfi tmti iinti nth.

W T t t t n * of treatment wttbtn thi rnAeh af ill.

Iron In tho Blood !v The Peruvian Syrup

AN IRON TONIC, Mull /ct nod KnrtthH

Ibt Ulood>

Tern np thi Ijritim. Builds un tho Bfokeft


Cures Dyipepua. DeWtty &e r >ntttntw tt<t turt fmt

t • t KHI MAN Synp. Tain* I h'« i+ Ifee.

, n i N ^ n t U t ^ , r r a p r t e t c t r , •Ut l*ey Mtn-ti N»-w Vurk,

Hold ly l)rU^»fi-U gentfAlty^

Political Banners f N.KT AND CANVAS,

l l t rrKUKNt HIZM AND VM\('M,

With or without Portrait!.

Mv Itiuibs! I lnvod thorn so Ttmt Wlitii thu ttdti Shopliurd of ihv futd CiuiiOtCiivurod with tin1 tturtii, und puh' and i«idd, And uotfui'd fur «MIU of my nwt'tt lumh-4 to hold,

I budo hint gu.

TTP idahnod the tint i A ttttk* fondling thliitf. thtu (<> thy bfcttst Clttttn tthvuys, olthiT In utth'l or uuront t I thuught of all my htiubs 1 loved tilui bt^t;

And yet—and yot,

T laid htm down Ttt ttioai' white, «diruttdud tirinn, Wllh hitter tenm, l''or nonto video told tiu* that, hi aftor-yenr*, lUihuuldknownniitflitof oasilon,tft'lt'f,orfuars,

At< t had known,

And yet tttfntn The «htarbhi*|ihi»i-il eamot my henrturew faint, Ho tdutiiird another hiinb, with stuulur plaint— Attothot! f»Uf who ^nUe if- a saint,

Hour gave me pain,

" U U t h v w i t t r My Father, any, nm*t this pet iamb bo iflvrn? t >h! thott hast inany atteh. th'tir Lord, In heaven;" And a soft voleo a aid t "Nobly hunt thou striven,

Hut peaee—bu utlll.,r

Oh! how T wept, And ela*ped hw to my bosom with rt wild Ami yearning l o w ! mylainb, my hlea^iuitehttd— I tor. too, I iraw ; the little angel smiled

And Hiept." • i < • » '

i*rtrnuritm«4 —noolltllu IB a myth I —Wo art) havlug cool weather. --All departments of tho Union School

opened on Monday, - -J , 1). Klngslan 1, K«qM of Burlington,

wan In tnwit the lust of thu week* --Current Opinions m«»l lay over for A

few weeks while wc finish thu laws. • - U tl fiRld wo are to havu some more

eqttestt tan performances on two horses ? - - W e Invite the attention of the proper

officers to thu hoto of our District Attorney, —•Wo Invite Attention to Mr, and Mrs.

Pot tens' notice of You^g Ladles' School at lUnllttgtnti.

--Mr. Charlos Ames^ of TttusvUlc, Pa,, hA«i boon tn town a few days, visiting with his brother, tho Senator.

•-Occasionally a correspondence reaches tit on Tuesday evening. Nine times out of ton It Is too Ute for ttmt that week*

—Mr. Mosher, late of Cumberland TTcad, ttoW of Iowa, has bought the Asa 1). Mooru place, and will som. occupy tho same.

—Wo aro glad our correspondents keep US to Well posted on the weather. It is es­pecially Interesting to Subscribers in other Statos*

- M m . 8. Ford, and Miss Fsank Norton, for the last two years residents of Kcene, N. it., aro spending a few days with their foiends tn Kemcvttlt)*

—Mr. A. Macombcr sends us a splendid n.Uskmeton. When tho big watermelon comes around again won't wo be happy, e h ! Shan't pine away after that.

—At all Presidential elections ottr Subscri­ber* have mora or loss words of encourage-ment, but never havo so much deep feeling and real earnestness been manifested as now.

• Tho railroads are talking of taking up tho express business* We hope they will get the rates on small packages below letter postage* Indeed, the Companies havo Im­proved latterly.

—A friend of oufi at ottr elbow, who has ft Very extensive acquaintance with tho Tourists and Sportsmen In that region re­ports having heard or seen only one Gree­ley ite, and Ac the Clerk of a State Prlm>nt

—We are not certain but our friend Mr, William Httssell Is after a u position.11 The other day he left half u bushel of first class eating apples at the Republican otllce, and the same at tho posUoillce, At both places the boys were Invited to ••Wade in ."

— A Young Men's Association of Keese-vltle has been organised fur a few enter­tainments. The first will be given on Tues­day evening, September 10th, at Adirondack Hall, When an Interesting Drama in two acts will be brought out, and will conclude with a laughable farce In one act. See Small mils*

—Tho Asa H. Monro family U n o w en­tirely broken up. The auction last Satur­day disposed of tho last of tho household goods, and nn Monday Mrs. Moore accom­panied her son, Mr. K. P. Moore, to a home tn the West, And so, tu some form, must all families be broken up.

— A Grant and Wilson Flag will he giv­en to the breeze at Attsablo Forks this af-ternoon* We are glad to notice the activi­ty of our friends at the Forks* Some De­mocratic Insolence there needs rebuking.— Recattse ffotttc men can "straddle the zebra,"

\ there Is ftc propriety In their undertaking j to ride alt creation. Guess they wont do

It cither. —MeLcar's Troupe will perform at Adi­

rondack Hall Friday (to-morrow) evening. The Music will consist of a Brass Rand.— The performers aro experts* and the fun will be Immense. Among the Plays will be tho "Rough Diamond/ 1 or, the "Coun-

| try Cousin.11 Tho "Laziest Man In Town1 1

| will make a gtnat ittlko* Free List entire­ty suspended—you pays your money and sees the show. Admission 25 Cents. Re­served Seats 85. Opeu at 7. Commence at 6.

- Mr. tan font A, Scrtbnef, of the flrtn of Low Rnm. & Co,, Chicago, has ]ust

^ ! made Keeseville a call for a week, and en­joyed a pleasant visit with numerous old

1 friends. Mr. Scribner Is a member \>f one ; of the most re«5pectablo firms In Chicago. ! At the time of the great fire L o * Rros. & ' Co. had a serious Interruption to their busl-

trot, Mepteliber 12th and 13th. Won- j three weeks have done a great damage. Ma-tlerful appearance of the (Jaluthumpiau j ny wheat fields had ripened, and being kept Horribles, Sept* 11th, at the fair I wet so long, that thu berry germitmled, and grounds. the sprout put out for the second crop, and

- Doctor OrldioV, now ttt Witherl!!'* j Is only fit for feed. Some patches rotted Hotel, respectfully announces that ltU present ProfoHHiouul visit at Ptattsburgh, will terminate Oct* 1st, Those desiring his mode of treatment Ire requested to cull within the time specified.

—•-Remember that the greatest doings ever had in Ptattsburgh, ainoe liept, 11, 1HH, will come off ou Wednesday, the 11th of Sept., 1872, at which the time (Jul-athumpiau Horribles, tinder the Marshal-ship of the war-Beared veteran, Count Kuandurango, will certainly appear. All parties desiring fun enough to last them u whole yeur, should put in un appear-ttuce on tl&is occassion. For full partic­ulars nco small and largo bills.

—Dr. Hotohkin, of Truss and Sup­porter fame, will be at Adirondack Hotel, in Keeseville, to-day and to-morrow, Thursday and Friday, Sept, 5th aud 0th.

*~The Forty-first Annual Exhibition of the American Institute opened at its Exhibition Hull, on Third Avenue, between Sixty-third and Sixty-foutrh Streets, in tho city of Now York, on Wednesday, September 4th, and will close on Wednesday, November 13th, 1872*

- Mr* Charles E, THiy hew lately re­turned from Chicago, where ho has been attending the National Normal Musical Instituto, under the direction of Carl Zerrnhn, Geo. F. Root and others, The instituto was held at the Chicago Uni­versity, and had representatives from ov­er 20 different States.

- Dr. l lotchkiu tells us that a great many complain that they do not know the times and places, when and where he can bo found on his visits to this section with his celebrated springless trusses and supporters. Such persons should subscribo for the Jie]wbltcant

and then they will know; for Dr. l lotch­kiu is always very particular to make his announcements through our columns at least two weeks before his arrival, and will certainly do so previous to his future visits.

A RICH FIHM.—Until Monday it was not

known that we had among us so many en­terprising capitalist. We can tell what we mean by relating the story, One of the clerks In Adgate'i store got a little excited after a mouse, and noticed that to make his escape the little fellow ran into a vacant place tu the rear of tho money drawer.— The clerk, Intent on his game, took the drawer from its place where it had done service a great many years, and there the riches were uufolded. There must have been broiurnt to view Some two quarts of bank bills and small currency mostly chew­ed and torn to pieces, This accumulation must have commenced under Curtis, and far back as 1850, and continued under Prcs-cntt & Downs at a later period. Six differ­ent five dollar bills, and more than that number of ones, were identified, all but some of the latter on the old State banks. Tho scrip was mostly of the early Issues, and In the aggregate was no inconsiderable sum, Some four dollars only was found In a situation to bo available. The c.Ulre amount thus hoarded could not have been less than one hundred dollars, which Is a nice little sum for the independent retire­ment of a few mice.

— • • • • '

A GOOD RAHN* —Almost every we year aro Called upon to give an ucmunt of n new burn built by some enterprising farmer who has improved upon all others eveer put up In tho county, and now* stands forth proud­ly pre-eminent as the owner of the best barn tn his part of the country, Those things wo always chronicle with a great deal of pleasure, The good and true far­mer, though not unmindful of his house, will ever take pride In his 1mm, and will bo sure to give it all the conveniences the surroundings and his circumstances will al­low.

Last Week We heard it whispered on tho street that J, P. Willard, Esq., was getting up a barn, carriage house and stables, that for beauty, tasto aud convenience, would throw everv thing into the shade that had t)*en heard of yet, So Saturday afternoon we made our way quietly on to the ground that we might see for ourself whether the reality would compare with the account that had been heralded, We found there had been no exaggeration. The carpen­ters were well along with Uic work, so that It was not at all difficult to see the design al. through to completion. Hut wo cannot describe it In detail. The Stalls for the hor­ses are little Inferior to bed rooms, aud the manner of feedtug the hay and grain is on true philosophical principles of health and economy. And so with stock It may be fouiut necessary to keep, every arrange­ment and fixture are properly adapted to the end to be attained, The front gate, the drivo to the barn, the general outside embellishment, the ingress and egress, all have their studied conveniences, and make it peculiarly Willard'^ establishment, with nothing like It In this Valley. And yet there was no folly in any part, not a nail foolishly driven. The whole work in plain common sense, and such ns any man with the necessary means may have If ho only have the enterprise aud taste,

We not undertake to say that In all re­spects this should take precedence of eve­rything of the kind in the twocouutieB. It Is small in comparison with farmers1 barns. Nevertheless as a model of taste and con­venience, it Is well worthy a little examin­ation, and the expenditure of the few mo­ments of time necessary for the purpose,

t h i n . ; * l.fii term, falehtm Unlit*. Iire w»rk«, Mness, but wero quite fortunMe in their In-Puvoi'rtlluh*. and alt maimer of IMUIeal i . . . « - . i *i % i *

tUHH[*t ; surance matters, and on the whole came out Movltngi jrot up at •imrt tmtlei, and everything of the ruins In pretty good shape. We are aAv? required nmtUht'd. itWi7ut9 ., « M ^ . , , t. , , . . .. *

U T H A R ! M T A T t l . t l H T D . *M n o W , 0 , C R r n o f l U c l r r e f t l B u b 8 " " l t l » 1

JOHN W. TYLKR, If*n«f*ctfrrT, QlQ toreftdvAft

finciriiTwqoh w<mic AHirniwf our * T twt Uufrninl Itub Huiimu fi»r •*!" *»> .. . ^ B, 1). ObAtV * Vi\ r><wfmUr 11, tilt* teal

situation and prosperity, • -The annual horse trot will come off

at Cumberland Park, P i t t sburgh , Thurs­day and Friday, September 12th and UUli, immediately after the close of tho Fair.

E S S E X . — A n ^ 27th, 1R72.—Another storm coming tip as t write, Plums and potatoes are beginning to rot. Tt really seems that wo aro being punished for our evil deeds by an excessive quan­tity of rain.

—•Last week Mr. ITftyeH began drawing the stone for tho Albany locks, down to the dock* Tho beautiful worked stone, which has required tho work of fifteen "cutters" all Rummer, will keep two boatB busy till the close of navigation taking it to Albany. Mr. Parkbill will make a good profit from his quarry this season.

—This villngc seems to l»e dead as to politics. Of courso one will now and then hear the name of Grant or Greeley, but wait I there's no telling what a week or two may bring forth,

•--Thoro is nothing more worth writing about t l li time, but next week wo will send something ft little out of the track.

ULYRflKB. W ^ T h e above Came by Tuesday even­

ing's mail last week—ono mail too late,

SAHAKAO LAKR.—Aug* 51, 1872.—Mr. R. J. 'Joleman, of New York ctty, while with mo at Hitchins Pond, near Tupper's Lake, August 28th, caught a brook trout measuring twenty inches in length, aud twelve Inches around the waist, and weigh­ing five pounds.

This we believe to be the largest brook

on the ground. There has been some hay lost by mould and mt, and much more par­tially spoiled, Two weeks ago potatoes never looked better, but now many fields are killed with rust, and we cannot count on much more than half the amount formerly expected, and a po T quality at that, Every thing out-doors and in-doors (except living beings,) was mouldy, Rev. Harrows and C. N. Williams had to produce artificial heat to keep their books and goods from moulding and spoiling. Some tanners ap­peared mouldy and sad, and a few loungers were also struck with rust. The asthmatics and rheumatics suffered terribly, and the bowel complaints raged alarmingly and in many caseB fatally, But God has brought us out from under the cloud of rain and fearful thunder and dangerous lightning, and given us a few days of cheerful sun­shine. The farmers kept one Sabbath by saving their hay and grain. As wet as it was, it did not often rain here—the bottom of some overhanging lake gave out and let its waters drop upon us as a deluge,

- -There appears to be no falling off of city cmeets as yet, but we notice quite a number of new arrivals*

—The Second week of the Teacher's In­stitute was very interesting, The Rev. J. N, Fradeuburgh, A. M,, delivered some very interesting lectures. The first was "The Olpsys," in which he gave us a very brief history of that race of strange and wicked being**, and showed great research, for some of his ideas were obtained by translating Latin authors, Tho subject was new to most all, and w*as a feast to listen to, The second was "Manhood/' an Important theme and powe. fully handled. He is a fluent speaker and a powerful reasoner, and his audience appeared spell-bound and charmed and closed with deafening applause,

—-As A, J. Durand was driving over the bridge on Water bt,, his horse slepp .'d into a hole and fell, breaking a thill, and cramping his leg critically. Several men held the horse down, while one man cut out the plank, and thus they succeeded in saving the valuable animal. Commissioners who will let a hole remain in a bridge, should be hung up to dry,

—A Mr. Dickinson and son, from the city, Were out to tuke a bf >at ride. The son stepped upon the bank and it caved off, and the lad fell on to a sharp iron fastened to the boat, and cut a fearful gash across his bowels, near the pit of his stomaeh, Dr. Hale was Bent for, but being absent they got Dr. Strong, of Lewis. He dressed the wound and found the cut to be six inches long, but not so deep as to reach his vitals, There it» n >w hope of Ids recovery,

—There are a great many sick amnng us with fevers, but the dry aud bracing atmos­phere, recently produced by a clear sun, we hope will relieve them somewhat*

—Died on the 22d, of summer complaint, a Sprightly son of Horatio Doming, three years old,

—The Mite Society had a largo gathering at the new and splendid house of C, N, Williams, They had a cheerful time, and added to their treasury bountifully.

—There was a Festival at the M. E. Church, on the eve of the 22d, and the re­ceipts were $10.01, TRUTH,

• • • -• - « • » •

"Nothing Like Leather.'*

A r A J f f l M I f t * SOIVCJU

IVrittenfor the Timn.

t. In enrly days our fathers wore

Their home-made Imekhkin breeches, Cut out hy irucHS-wnrk measurement,

With leather wining* for tUitchea. And now their *o\i* are eutled again

To rally 'neath the httmicr Borne by*these men of leather craft—

The cobbler and the tanner. The North and gouth. the Ea«taud West,

Will work and sin^ together, And march to gloriuti* victory.

For nothing wean* like leather

IT, We have some jobs on mongrel pelts.

And have the hand- to do them; Our (Iruut will neatly curry thcin,

And Wilson wax it to them! The chopper up at fhappa<iua

May go on with bin planning; We'll"let him furnish all the bavk

But Urunt will do the tanning! The thln-pkinned chaps will uppers make,

The tough old hides the nether : The bolting >*orcheud crowd will do

Fur uothhig but split-lcutlicr.

ITT. Tlie "later Franklin," statesman, page,

Philosopher and farmer, Kctlred In cool and rural shades,

An days grow long and warmer, Can milk the gentle butternut

That gra/.CH round with bell on, And pan out butter sweet for drat*

To spread his watermelon ! Or he may nelzt* his ready pen

In Ktormy, rainy weather, And tell the world how Muie-prR* grow,

Or modes, of smelting leather! tr,

To Ppoii so fine a husbandman, Who, perched up In the city,

Write* "piirts at what he never knew, It surely were a pity—

So ; let him breed the short-horn duck And Poland-China gobbler i

We'll burden with the cares of State The Tanner and the Cobbler!

The grand arrav <>f Commonwealths, They'll bind aa with a tether.

Thai ne'er a*zaln shull broken he— For uotbiug holda like leather.

v, The virtues, brains, and honesty

Of Horace they poke at U*, Ah if the Clncimlaii fraud

Made him a I'tneinnatus! Aud while he Keeks a season brief

Of rural peace aud quiet, Vure water is hi* only drink,

And herbs his onlvdletl lb* old white hat and old white coat

Have served all kinds of weather ; Tiut they are like his principles—

They'will not wear like leather* rt.

The Pfpmd that "rtiu" old ChappaiiUft, Our onset will remember,

When they confront our phalanScd Hnei In battle next November ;

Our Hag Is borne by gallant hatidft, Four million votes behind it ,—

Alts ; where l* the mongrel hope } "Go West"—thev cannot Una it!

Uke flrant. when in the Wilderness, We'll "push" In splto of weather i

And " on this line we'll flight It out "— Tk*r« nothing U like lcr.ther!

WRSTCOIVT.—Sept. % 1872.— Not much that is new the past week*

—I believe the Democrats ahd Liberals held some kind of a meeting at Fort Henry last Thursday, Have not learned yet what wa3 the result of the meeting.

—Some additions to the arrivals the pa*t week tu our place. Rev. Bewail Cuttibg and wife stopping at Jas. A* Allen's, Jo­seph Alden and family, from Troy, stopping at Person's Hotel for the present. Hpencer Cole and wife, from Hew York, visiting at his father's. Asa Lyon, from Troy, has been with us for a few days.

—Mr. Marvin and family have left for Schroon Lake, from there home to New York,

—C. II. Eddy has just returned from New York with a large and well-selected assortment of dry goods which he will Bell cheap for cash. By the way, Eddy & Son keep a good assortment of all kinds of goods usually kept in any Country Store, and are winning hosts of customers.

—Camping out is getting to be all the rage for the paat two years or more. I nee by your paper that you have had a very fine description of the one that was at Button Bay, just opposite to us here. A party of six young gents, from Troy, have been camping out at Barber's Point for sixteen days. Geo. I)efreest. Chas. DefrecBt, Fred. Barnum, J. Hawley, Win, Mosher and Chas. Htone. They employed James E. Barnes for guide, and H, II. Merrill for cook. Had a splendid time and caught lots of fish. They broke up camp and left for homo last week, well pleased with their excursion. A CITIZEN.

ConNKLifs C. PmtBToN,—We were much gratified to learn by the Carthage (III.) Ga­zette of August 22d, that this gentleman was nominated for State Senator by a Con­vention held at Dallas City August luih.— In its notice of candidates then and there | nominated, the Gazette speaks thus l and-somely of Mr. Preston :

C. C. Preston, candidate presented for fltate Senator, i* an Attorney residing at Lu llarpe. j tie Is a man of unblemished character, honora­ble In his dealings, popular with the people where best known, is u good speaker, and pon-seses all the necessary uhtlitic* to make him a useful and etUeient .Senator.

Mr. Preston is a native of the town of Wilmington, Essex County, We knew him there as one of the good and true boys of the town. Subsequently he read law with Mr. Trumbull, ut Ausable Forks, and in due time was admitted as an Attorney.— After the election of Mr. Lincoln, the Re­publican friends strcnuoUHly urged his ap­pointment as Postmaster, but Democratic influence was the strongest, and Mr. Ro­gers succeeded in securing the appointment of Mr. Whitley, that gentleman having no idea of giving any chance for even an ex­istence to a young man of force and char-acter who promised in his future career to be only au annoyance to his darling Demo­cratic party, Mr. Preston weut West, and the Democrats have cairied Jay most of the time since. We refer to it even now with not a little mortification, but at the same time congratulate Mr. Preston that he i* making his mark west, and establishing an honorable reputation as a citizen and law­yer. That his record a legislator will prove equally favorable we have no doubt.

BAPTIST AiwomTtox,— The Essex and Champlain Baptist Association will bold its thirty-eighth anniversary with the Baptist Church of Moriah, on tha third Wednesday and Thursday of the prescut month, the 18th and PJth, commencing on Wednesday at 10 A. M.

C. BAIXEY, Cor. Sec.

l A W S O F l f R W T O R K Ity Authority. ( K** iy iiiw, uoU *# tt tJuU rent time *>l.*!i l* »>u»u rt.

hid thvhiti, nhiill cominpiict* iui«l tnki' fft'tvi through*

if Paid ln«UtuUon had origl.iaUy boeu named in the said NectlouK rc>pocLlvely.

§2. TUU act ftball lake cfiect Immediately. MTATI or N*w YORK, I

WiLLBDoitouon.—&cptt 2, 18?2.—The stirring music of the choir, yesterday, was owing in part to the generous voice of Frank Ferris, of Peru* His old friends are not only glad to sec, but also to hear him.

—Mrs. Laura Bailey has returned to Troy. —Loyal Bigelow has decamped, who

knows where i and taken one of our best girls.

—Mi». Julius Falrchild Is visiting friends In town.

—Mrs. Dr. Camp, of Richmond, Vt., Is amoug the many welcome visitors,

—Mrs Eliza Calkins makes the old home glad again by her presence.

•—The types of last week made MUs Nan­nie Barton who enters Vassar this month, prepare for college at Barton, Vu It should have read Burre, Vt,

—Charles Lyon lost his foothold While elambering on tho -ide of the mountain, and suffered serious inj-iry from along, sliding, catching fall. According to report his re­covery is doubtful,

—The Sunday School excursion last week proved an unusual success* Besides a de­lightful boat ride and plenty of good cheir, the school realizes a trifle over stxty-aeven dollars, already being invested in fine new-books for the children, Considerable praise is due to our long stand ng and kind heart ed Superintendent, Mr. Jesse Adams, and also to Solomon W. Clark, the man who never tlreB In any exercise connected with the Sunday St bnol, And the boat, too, that deserves notice. Not only is the Oakci Ames a pleasant boat, but she is manned by a 11 picked crew." Her considerate aud gen­tlemanly captain won the admiration of the ladles und captivated the hearts of the chil­dren. *' The captain is the nicest gentleman I ever saw," said a little girl to he! grandma upon her return home. It is safe to say that site expressed the sentiment of the entire troop.

• „ • ^ » »

U P P E B JAY.—The farmers hare, pretty

nearly, brought their harvesting to a very successful closo. Notwithstanirig tho many rains of late, there aro very good crops though slightly damaged.

—A stalk of common yellow corn was cut from the field of t. O. McLeuathen, measuring ten feet eight inches. This will indicate tho immense growth of vegetation in our fertile valley,

—The fall School opens Monday, Sep­tember 0th. Miss M. Nellie McLenathcn has engaged tho Rchool room, and offers the same liberal terms to those attending, v iz : $8.00 for the term of ten weeks. Miss M has obtained an enviable repu­tation where she hat* taught. We expect a good school fully attended. Board may be obtained very reasonable, Btu-ilents wishing to board themselves will be able to find convenient rooms.

—Work has been resumed on tho M, E. Parsonage. Tho job is let to C. M. Smith, and wo hope to bo able to *'take possess­ion" in a few weeks. L, A. D - — - .

8. B. CONVENTION.—The Essex and

Champlain Baptist 8, 8. Convention will meet ut Moriah, on Tuesday, tho 17th of September, at 2 P. u. Major C, R. Knowles, of Albany, is expected to ad­dress tho Convention on Tuesday eve­ning. C.

ftST We would call special attention to the following letter from Mr. N. 8. K. Miles, of Vcrgcnnes, Vt, It speaks for itself and proves that Dr. Bmyth, of Burlington, Vt., has been successful in performing ono of tho most intricate operations known in opthalmic surgery. ()peration for cataract by the removal of tho VryntalUne Law from tho eye. The doctor will be at Witheriirs Hotel for consultation, Tuetultiy and Wednesday of next week. I)n. tt. W. SMYTH, Burlington, Vt. !

Ihar Sir:- DoubtleM you will recollect hav­ing operated upon the e\e» of my mother, n-movhig a cataract from which nhe had suffered ! for fifteen yeur». It U with a heart full of gratitude that I now advise you of her com­plete restoration, and that she \n able to see perfectly well ^wlth the aid of upeetaclo). You | not only removed the cataract, but also a heavy burden from the heart of each member of our family, for we had begun tu consider her case I beyond the aid of all human skill. Do us the kindness to accept our heartfelt thanks and best wishe* for your future *uceu»*. We regard the money paid vou as a mere nothing compared with the beiietlt received. CoUblder us ever your friends and servants.

Hespeetfally, N. 8. K. Mass, Firm of Kendall A: Miles. Door Manufacturers.

Vcrgcnuei*, Vt., Bee. 1st, 1871. --••• • • « • » »

f. B. Of 6. Tt T h e Cl inton County L o d g o of Good

Templars will ho ld their next annual meet ing at Haranac. c o m m e n c i n g T u e s ­day morning, 8cp t . 21 . Klcte ion of ofil-eers and other important bus ines s will come before the Convention,

A, W, LANKINO, Secretary,

ArsAiiLK FoitKs.—At a regular meeting of Arable bodge. No. 40*.i. held on Tuesday evening, Aug. 'JOtli. 1HT2. the following ollleera* were In­stalled for the ensuing quarter •

W. C. T . - l i ev . Henj. Merrill. W. V . T . - M u s c a r i n i c Jones. W. S . -G. 11. Charltttid. W. F. tt.-W. tf. Junes. W. T.~Mr». Henj. Merrill. W, M.—Charles Joues. W. I. G. -Miss Kin in a Kendall. W. O. O . - P . Dtiall. W. A. 8.--Mlsn Klla Carpenter. W. 1). M.- MU.S Jennie Torrance. W. H. II. S . - M I M . Sarah Trumbull. W. b. II. 8.~ Miss Kate beadleston. W. Chap. -Uev. C. N. Merrilicld. Y. W. C. T.—Anion Bobley.

EMZABBTIITOWX.—At a regular meeting of Pleasant Valley Lodge, No, 511, held on Friday evening, Aug. Wh, 187'J, the following officers were installed for the ensuing quarter by P. A. Brown, I, 1).:

W. C. T.—Bvron A. Ferry. W. V. TV Nfi^ France* E. Gold. W. » . - B . P. AdaniM. W. A. tt.-M. V. H. McDougal. W. K. S.—John Adam*. W. T.- Mrs. Mary K. Gold, W. M.- M. A. Patridge. W. 1). M. - MUs Achsah Durand. W. I. <». MUM Jennie McDougal. W. O. (b—William Hviictt. W. C- -George S. Gold. AV. It. II. 8.- M U Minnie Robert*. \V. L. II. P.---Miss Jennie Durand. V. W. C. T .—Win. l ioherti*.

Our Business Columns CBTitR rsa of this column belongs to those

who pay for it. Term**, fifteen cents a Hue foi ili-Ht Insertion. Subsequent Insertions at reduc ed rates.

Office of the ttocrcUry of Hute, , I havo compared i4ie prvcodiiig with the origin*!

Uw on tile In iliU office, and do In-ruby ctreUfy Umt tho Mitif Is ft rorrrct trunner!pt therefrom, and of tbs

ST 8CKI11NBR, Becrcury of WlAte.


out the 4tutu ott and not before* the twentieth dny »f U'Mlu'tUy of its filial psMAtf', as cvrtillvd by tho Hfcrctiiry of Hut*.- -Dec. K', UU« 4, chap. 7, part 1, lk'Vlsi'4 Buiutcs.)

CHAP. 7G6. AS ACT to legalize payment* made hy the > • » * • * •** «*»'«' Jjfr ' R C K i n N K R

Comptroller to Jubilee* of the Supreme Court U l U L T 0 ^ V o t i r \ f H!_ of the Second Judicial DUtrlcl. and to au- * ^crcuri or BL thorlr.o further pay menu by said Comp­troller to said Justice*.

Pa#K'd May 17,1872; three-fifths being prcmint, Tht 7\«o//cV of the State of Xett York, reprt*

*'HM in SittaU and Astnntl>iyt dUj i-navt as folr lowt:

SECTION 1, All pavmenU heretofore made by the Comptroller of the StaU to Justice* of the Supreme Court of the Second Judicial District out of moneys received by him under aud pur­suant to the provisions of au act of the legisla­ture, entitled "An act authorizing the Supervi­sors of the several couutie* iu the Second Judi­cial District, not including the county of Kings.

•tvTWi! AHK KOW nncnivixo and will open for Inspection on Monday, Sept. Nth, our entire purchase* of Pall and Winter Dry Goods and Clothing. STBHX* A: UOUBHS.

Keesevillc, Sept. 4, 1872. lOOTwl

tirRKMNE'ttPahi-Killlng Magic Oil U excel­lent for Farmers and Teamsters to use ou cat­tle Hint horses for Inirtn. trails, horse colic, lame* new*, kills lice on cattle or colts, cures distem­per and is equally good for family u*e ; when you try It fairly you will thank us for tills ad­vice. mmmmm_—,

C»yWrnnK THE WHOLE RANOR of tonic and alterative medicines known, none is eutitled t<> more consideration than the Feruvlau Syrup, tu all cases of eiifcybled and debilitated eousti-tution it Is the very remedy needed. The most positive proof of this can be adduced.

tfyTiiE PEOPLE'S STAMP OF VALVE.—The Government endorsement, which legalize* the talc of Plantation Hitlers. Is not the only slainb allixcd to that famous Vegetable Tonic. It b.ars, iu addition to that olUcial sanction, the -till more valuable stamp of nubile approbation. This Inestimable voucher of i u rare properties as a Tonic, Corrective aud Alterative, is of much earlier date than the Government credential; for millions of sick persons had pronounced It the Grand Specific of the Age lorn, before Con­gress thought of taxing proprietary medicine*. It is unnecessary to repeat, in detab, the prop­erties of this wonderful Vegetable luvlgoratit. The best reference that eau be offered to tbust who desire the full particulars of Its virtues, b the general public. Ask those who have tried it as a remedy for dyspepsia, constipation, bil­iousness, Intermittent fevers, nervous debility, rheumatism, sea sickness, low stdrlu, or loss of vital power, what IMuiitution Hitters has done for thi i/4, and be governed bv the response they make to your Inquiries.

W Rbttssisoi RHTOHTEM AS THEY TAKK TUEIII PLIGHT.--The chief of blessings U good health, without which nothing is worth the hav­ing; H Is always appreciated at its true value after it Is lost/hut, too often, not before. Llv* properly, and correct tiilments before they be­come seated. For diseases of the liver, kidneys •*kin, stomaeh. and all arising from impure oi feeble blood. I)it. WAI Kiut'sCALiroitNiA VINE OAK HlTTKiis are a sure and speedy remedy. It has never yet fulled in a single instance.


CTTIowToGo WEST.—This is an inquiry which everv one should have truthfully answer­ed before he starts «u his journey, and a little care taken in examination of Routes will In ma­ny cases save much trouble, time and motiey,

'The " C H. A: <h K. H.," running from Chi­cago through GalesUurg to Hurlington, hat-achieved a splendid reputation In the last two years as the leading Passenger Route to the west. At Hurlington It connect* with the great Hurlington Route which runs direct through Southern Iowa to Nebraska and Kansas, with close connections to California and the territo­ries { and passengers starting from Essex coun-tv, on their way westward, cannot dotietlcr thun lb take the C. It. *\ t}. and Hurlington Route.

This Line has published a pamphlet called "How to go West," which contains much valu­able information; a large, correct map of tin-Great West, which can be obtained free by ad­dressing the General Passenger Agent H. A: M. R. R. Hurlington. Iowa. KW2\T

B l f t T H * . p u n ,,,11*1111 r i r i rrr-T *-••=.....«.—»»••

Iu Selotu. August**. l«7' t a hon to Mr. and Mrs. WILLIAM SKNKCAL, ^ ^


to appropriate and pay condensation to Justi­ces of the Supreme Court and to stenographers of said court/* pa**cd May nine, eighteen hun­dred and sixty-eight, are hereby declared to be In all things legal and valid.

$2. The said Comptroller Is hereby authori­zed and directed to pay to the Just ice of the Supreme Court, referred to Inthe afore­said act, uud hi the manner therein specifi­ed, all the moneys heretofore received by him for said Justices, under the provisions of said act, and now remaining unpaid to said Justices, und also all moneys which may here­after l»e received for them by him, under the provisions of such act; the said moneys are hereby appropriated to the above purposes.

Jli. 'This act shall take effect humedtatlely. KfATK <>f K S W Yt'HK, )

Ofllee of the »?<•<-ret it ty ol Htate. S 1 htvo computed the prccedm* with tho ortulnal

tttw on file 111 this ofllce, and d«> h.-reby certify lti.it the mine is a correct lraii«cript then from, uud of the whole of said oritftim! I»w.

U. HILTON SCRIRNKR, SecreUry of fcluie.

LAWS OF KKW YOflK n y A u t h o r i t y . j iwveiy hit / , ut*)« ft* u tbli^U'.'U lltuc bltuii be UtvtH'.ri

bed iher<'i i, shal l c o m m e n c e j . n l t*»kc eflVcl through' o u t the Ht i te , on sl id not before t h e t w e n t i e t h dtty af-ter t h o day of Us fbml ps*#Atte. a» ceriifled by the HeereUrv of State .—Sec. 12, t i t le 4, chap . % part 1, R e v i l e d Statutes . )

CHAP. 721. AN ACT to amend chapter three hundred and

i-lxiy-six of the laws of eighteen hundred and seventy, eutitled 4,An act In regard to public libraries incorporated lu the Slate of New York/'

Passed May 14, 1872; thrc-fifth» being present, The Peoph' of live State of A>»/> York, repr*"

iented in ,Sen<i«V and Awmbly, do enact a* foU town;

SECTION 1. Section one of chanter three hun­dred and sixty-six of the laws of eighteen hun­dred and seventy 1* hereby amended so a* to read as follows;

$1. If any officer, clerk, agent or member of any public library, duly Incorporated under the laws of the Slate of New York, or any other person whatever, shall thereafter wilfully cut. mark, mutilate, UJ otherwise Injure any book, volume, map, chart, magazine, newspaper, painting or engraving, belonging to or deposit­ed hi any public library so hicorooratcd as H-foresuid. or shall procure such Injury to be done as herein stated, every auch i»ersoii shall l>e deemed tol>e guilty of a misdemeanor, and. up­on conviction thereof hy anv court of compe­tent jurisdiction, shall be liable for each offence to a fine of not mort than one hundred dollars, at the discretion of the court; provided, how­ever, that no prosecution shall he maintained under this aet. unless the library prosecuting shall have al least two orbited copies of this act conspicuously placed upon Its premise*.

§2. This act ahull take effect immediately. H T A T S or N i w Y O R K . I

Ofllce of the S i « - n u r y of S u u » , S 1 have compared the preceding w i t h tho orielnaf

taw on flit* In th i s ol l lcc, und d o hereby c?rl i fythat the •ante 1« a correct transcript therefrom, aud of t h e whoio ol s t d i original litw.

O. H I L T O N S C I U H K K U , Secretary of s*Uto.

L A W S O F ! V E \ V Y O H I C B y A u t h o r i t y . [ f.Mry U w , unh•** tttbib-reht l u e e «h.*!i he prencrb

tk'U therein , *hftil c o m m e n c e and take effect through* out the 8u*te on and not tn'fore t h e t w e n t i e t h day **f-u r the dny of i t i dual ptUMOtge. an certified hy t h e Secretary of State . Sec . 12, t i t le 4, chap. 7, part 1, IU*vised Sta tutes . )

CIIAP. 788. AN ACT to amend part one. chapter eleven, ti­

tle three, article two, section forty-three of the Revised Statutes, lu relation to constables.

Passed May 20,1872; three-fifths being present. Ttw People of tfu> State of AVtc 5rorA\ repre-

*« uted in Si'nate and A*Mtnbljf9 do enact as fol­lows :

SECTION 1. Section forty-three of article two of title three of chapter eleven of part one of the Revised Statutes Is hereby amended so as to read as follows :

$43. Every person chosen or ap{>oluted to tho otllce of constable, before he enters on the du­ties of his olllee, and within eight days after he shall be notified of his election or appointment, shall take and subscribe the oath of Olllee pro­vided by the Constitution, aud shall execute in the preseuce of the supervisor or town clerk of the town, with at least two sufficient sureties, to be approved of by such supervisor or town clerk, un instrument lu writing, by which such constable and his sureties shall jointly and sev­erally agree to pay to each and every person who may tie eutitled thereto, all such sums of money as the said constable may become ltaM«, to j'<»j '->•» M*V'..,.«/ •'/ unj OAH udui, •* liKii snail be delivered to him for collection; and shall also jointly and severally agree and become liable to pay each and every such person for any damages whkh he may sustain from or by any Ml or thing doue by said constable by virtue of hia ofllce o? constable. Every constable so cho­sen or appointed shall, in good faith, be an ac­tual resident of the town or ward lu which he sliull be chosen or appointed.

HTAT* or Hsw Voai. ) OnVc of the Secretary tit Stat*?, S

1 hav** compared the preceding with the original uw on tlta lu this (illlce, and do hereby certify thai the same Is a eorrect trattactspt thcrulrota, aud of the whole of said original Uw.

(J. IULTON SCRIHNKK, Secretary of Slate.

LAW* OF * R \ V Y O R K Uy A u t h o r i t y .


1 bese fab.'U p r e v i a the Ac»d iu CkmiMnatiOB w i i h o ther efficient remedies , in a p o p u l a r form, for t h e C u r e t f * | | T i l KM A T and I . U N U Disoaac*.

I t O A K S K N K H S a d U l . C K H A T l M N o f t h e T b r o a t are Immedia te ly re l ieved, and s U t e m e n t a ure con­s t a n t l y beit it *otu t o i h e p r o p r i c t o r o f re l ie f In c a s t * of T h r o a t d'lticuttlea o f ye*ra at an ding. f A I I T i r i N ItanH be dece ived by w o r t h l e s s l int . V H U I I U I I attona. G e t on ly W c l i V Carbol ic T a b , let*. P i ice 2h C t s per b o r . MUw4 J O H N (^. K K L L O O O , I 8 P U t t B L , N . Y .

S t u d for Circular. S o l e Aisenl for t h e U. 8 .

* £ O f r / \ A M O N T H e»#i ly m a d e w i t h BteiJ. 9 f e V V cil and K e y - C h e c k D i e s S e c u r e «'Hi-..,.»!.-> ..n-i SatLplen, free, l tratl lelx.ro, V t . S. M. SPKNCKU,

8 9 l w 4

g l P| a day t o A g e n t s , s e l l i n g C a m p a i g n Badges , for V 1 " Ladiea ana G e n t s a s breas t and scarf p i n s , *oid |)Ute«1, w i t h p h o t o g r a p h s of Proaideotiat <'an* d ida l er . Hamplea m a i l e d tree for 10centa . W C K A T & Co. , 93 C e d a r S t . , N e w Y o r k . Mtf«4

nO l t A C K c n K E L E Y A K D F A M I L Y , A n e i e g a u i Kugraviinf, pe i fec t i i k e u e s s , 2ii*'-J*

iu s e n t by mai l | i . A l s o , C a m p a l g n G o o d s , 1 allk Grant Radge aud 1 p la tod *26c Suu ipb latest s t y l e s W e d d i n g car<1a K o t c a , * « . , 2&c. A . D K M A K K S T , Kngraver , 1W B r o a d w a y , N . V . ¥W8w4

A g e n u W a n ted for a remarkable book. T r n * t

s t i a n g c and atmorblriifly tnU'reatlng. C l e r g y m e n n*c«>'ii««end St Do good and make money. Ad' ireaa C o L t M R l A N BOOK C O . H a r t f o r d , C o n n . «93w4

* p O T U B W O R K ! K G C I * * * ! * , male or f e . k. u uie. $'>u ,t w i r k guaranteed . K e a p c c t a h l e em*

l» oymeti t at h o m e , day or e v e n i n g ; no t a p i t a l re* q u i r e d : fall tTittruciions and v a l u a b l e p t c k . i g e o f ifoods Ut »lart w i* b sent fre*» »*v mal l . Add-eat*, w i t h 6 c*Mit return a t a m p . I I . V O C N G A C O , 16 <-ourt-U n d l St . , N e w Y o r k $9Sw4

Ac; n \ i N ; r A ^ i P A i n ! « H A K D B O O R U ' A N T K U ^ AKH t'lT^KK't. M>»ea l . .

A f i l l .md ••omplcte i ' t U r e a l t ; o m ^ n 4 , Ceatgned for voter* of all jmrtttt I 'reaidential C a n d l d a e s , Cnbitieta, C o n s t i t n t i m, C o t i v e n t l o n s , f l a t f o r m s , E l e c t i o n return*. T.ettere of A o e o p t a n c c , Oenaus , o ther S t a t U t U a t Tahlt-*, A c . P i t c e | L 2 0 . ftella a t

• " - ' Addr«*a* F . ««8w4

a^ght : f l o to f20 p«*r day e a s i l y m a d e . C B L l h H A C O , Uar l ford , C o n n .

FREE TO BOOK At.EMS. An Klegautly U i ) t ; N I > C A N V A S S I N G lit>OJf for t h e best and che««peal Fani ' ly Bible ever p u b l i s h e d , w i l l \u* s en t free o f charge to a n y book a g e n t . I t conta fns nearly IHIO line S c r i p t u r e illut*tratton*. and agents are m e e t i n g w i t h unprecedented s u c c e s s . Addreaa , s l a t i n g eKperivtice, e t c . , and w e wi l l a h o w you w h a t o u r agent** are d o i n g . N A T I O N A L P U S * LIHI1.-NO C O . , P h l a d e l p h i a , P a . 69»w4

AGENTS TO THE RESCUE! S i . i U t i t r inb* atoung the. peop le . H i t H A H D *

PON^S P K K S O N A L U I S T O U Y O F G R A N T te l l s m o t e truth about the man than all t h e papers in t h e w o n d . If y o u want t o k n o w if Grant la a thief, l iar or drunfcard read t h i s book. A g e n t s oan m a k e large w m t e i tor i h e next f ew m o n t h s se l l ing it a s i t ia wanted, and w e g i v e o v e r w h e l m i n g o n i m l s a i o n * . Addrea*. A M E R I C A N P U b U S l U N G CO. , H u r l . f o i d . C t . 80$w4

I t i s not a p h y s i c w h i c h may g i v e t emporary re* llof to t h e s u l l e n r for t h e first few dose* , out w h i c h , from cont inued u s e bring* t*:le« and kindred d i s e a s ­e s to aid in w e a k e n i n g t h e invnlM, nor i s i t a doo* tored liuuor, w h i c h , under t h e popular n a m e o f "Bit ter*" i s so <?*ten*ivety p a l m e d otf on t h e p u b h o u* sovere ign remedies , h u t it ie a u i o a t p o v i ^ e r f u l T c t t i l c a . m l A l t e r a t i v e , pronounced so by t h e leading ineuical autt ior i t iea of London and Par i s , and has been long u s e d by the leading phyatc iana o f o t b . r c o u n t r i e a witl i wonderful r e m e d i a l resul t s .

Dr. Wells' Extract of Jurubtba retain* alt the medic ina l v i r t u e s pecu l iar to t h e p l a n t and m u s t be taken a s a p e r m a n e n t curat ive agent .

I a t h e r e w a n t o f a c t i o n l i t y o u r I J r e r a n d S p i e e n 1 U n l e s s rel ieved <*t one*., the blood bctoim-s impure by d e l e t e r i o u s secretlO.iS. produc ­ing scrofulous or sk in d i s e a s e s , b l o t c h e s , M o n * , p u s -tulea , canker , p i m p l e * . * c , etc.

T a k e J i i r i i b r b a to c lean**, puri fy *nd res tor* the v i t iated Snood io h e a l t h y ac t ion .

H a v e you M D y s p e p t i c S t o m s r h t U n l e s s dit(<'*.»on n* prompt l> ..id. d tu*- s jbte tn is debi l i ta ted w i t h l o s s o f vital force, poverty o f t h e Blood , D r o p ­sical T e n d e n c y , General Weakn**** or Laaaltude.

T a k e It t o *ssial iMgeaiion *Ailhoutrca<tion, i t w i l l Impart y o u ' h f u l v igor t o t h e w e a r y suflVrer.

H a v e y o u w e n k n e t t ut t h e 1 n t e * f f n e * T Yo:i are in «iang»*r ot t-liridiic 1» arrb«ca or the dread­ful l i tb immaUon of t h e B o w e l s .

Tak • it to a l lay Irritation and ward oft t e n d e n c y t o lull *m nat ion* .

l U v e y n u w e a k n e s s o f t h e F f e r l n * o r V r l i i n r y O r « H i i s 1 Y o u m u s t procure inhtant reii'-i t>i jui) are lUhle t o aulTering w o r s e than d e a t h .

T a k e it l o s t r e n g t h e n organic w e a k n e s s or l i fe be-co<nua a burden.

F ina l ly i t s h o u l d be frequent ly t a k e n t o k e e p t h e •>*>IA:>*. it* |>viiv^*y m » m » wi >« /a « * o V J O . V . . . »-• * •

great, danger ol malarial, mlaamatlc or contagions JOUN Q. EKLLOGG, 18 Piatt Pt.New York.

Sole Agent for the United States. l*rlee, |1 per bottle. Seud for Circular. 898w4

• — J i i i * • •

IMPDHTANT N O T I C K I — T O the Bevnral Jus­tices of lilt* Peace of the County of Essex: — Y o u will confer ft great favor, and BHYC the County much necdness expense, by re­turning all Kecotfnizmces and Exnmlnailom for criminal offence*, taken by or before you, to tin! County Ckrk or to the District! VACATED PROM CLTKTOH P m s O K . - P i v o Vttomey, immediately after the samo M < | priannorn escaped from Cl inton Tr i ton

- * • * »

taken ; and also forwarding a fitutement to the District Attorney at once, showing the nature ot the crime charged, the time when and place where committed, th^ names and repidence of material witnesses; and in cases where examination Is waived, this statement ifl absolutely nercsflnry in order to prepare the rape for the Grand Jury.

A, K. DUDLEY, Di«t. Atl'y. Dated Elizabelhtown, Aug. 20, 1672,

Tioosminnru.—Aug. 3 i . 1872.-**-A large and very cnrncBt meeting of the Republican Electors of this town was held at the Lower FalU, mi the 24th day of August Inst., t t which a Grant and Wilson Club was organ i7!ed. The following were elected Officers, v iz :

Clayton If. DeLano, President. Charles II. Bennett, Vice President, A. M. Pinehin, Treasurer, John C. Fcnton, Secretary.

Tucsduy, Hopt. 3d : James McOrnw, con­victed in N e w York, March 14, 1872, of b u r g l a r y ; Arthur Perry, convic ted in Saratoga County , F e b . 24, 1871, of grand larceny: J o h n Walker , convicted in N e w York, March 2 7 , 1 8 7 2 , of burg lary ; Jameu l lobinnon, conv ic ted in Saratoga County , May 13, 1809, of murder in second degree, (a large*, powerful n e g r o ) ; J o h n Di l lon , conv ic ted in Albany County , March 17, 1871, of burglary. F i f ty dol lars reward is odered for each*

In Willshorouiili. Aug. li'.t. 1874, hy He v. A. S Hitfdow, LOYAL A. BHSKLOW. teiuherlnthe *New York Institute for the lilind." and son of the ofllelalhig elericvttiau, and Mis* LIHHIK HoFKNACiLB, uf \S'ilishorou«h.

In Kllznbethtowii. AtifftiKt 30. 1872, hy \\?\. (1. H. fluid. Mr. MOSF..S IM.GOK. of Eiizaheth-towii, uiul Mist- MAKTI1A THOMPSON, uf New Husslu.


' O i i T t y A k t i S A f D P o i f f . T F r T t C t i i t P i L i l i . '

N O T I O B S o r D S I T B S F a t a .



The entire proceedings wero marked by

trout ever caught In Northern New York. \ m™t complete h B r m ^ a ^ ^ J ^ c J rl i i l

ANDHENY J. B A K E l t . enthusiasm* J. C. FENTON.

BmAWS.—A eanvass wafi liad on th© train from Ogdensbtirg to KOIHICH Point, August 20th, with the following result;

(Irani Greeley, AtiguHt 2'2d, on wame train, ntood Grant, Greeley, Moms STRAW*.—A vote recently taken

on car« from Saratoga to Whitehall, was 54 for Grant, 20 for Greeley, 5 for Louis­ville Convention.

In PhittshurKh. Aiurust tfl, lb74, WILLIAM T. HKNN8, uged 45 years.

During Mr. Henii* brief residence in PlutU-hurKh he acquired many warm friends, and. we think no enemies. All feel that wc have lo=t u valuable eltizen.

The remains were taken to Blaek Brook for Interment, last Monday, Kov. K. A. Bulkley, I). I)., offl* luting at the House, hi Pittsburgh, and Kev. M'. Merrill, of Arable Fork*, preaehlng the funeral discourse at the Cbureh, at Black Brook.—Sentinel*

In Seirita. August 30, 18TO, JOHN WOOD-LEY, ttKcd 48 years.

In Sehtivlet Falls. Aug. 20,1372, Mr. DAVID JOHNSON, aged <V> years.

In CheMerfleld, Aug. 28. 1872. MTTCTIELL MARTIN, JR. . only son of Mitchell Martin, Sr., aged 1 year and 4 months.

in Jav, July 4. 1872, ELLA MATtY, aged 2 vears and ft months, and at Port Henry, Autft^t 10.1872, <;roK<JE KDMONI). aitel ten months, ehlldreii »d Nathan and KlizaJ. OaJ«.

Little Ella thou hast left us, Gone to join the angels bright,

Thou art tree from pain and suffering, Iu that world where all Is light,

Thy little brother's KOW to meet thf'e, Gone to join the angel band ;

Yes, huV free from pain and suffering In that holy, happy land.

Tn Wtllsborotigh. AuiriM 24. 1872. OHRIM C , youngest "<m of ft. W. and lihoda P. Clark,

I aged 14 mouth*.

(Kvery law, unU*s* a different t i m e shall l»c prcaert* »»'«j \ herein,ahul l ecumnchcv nnd itukv cAV'Ct throuich* tut t h e StMt**, on and not before tlu* twculu ' th dit) ;if-er t h e diiy of >U flnal p*taa*Kft ft* ccrt ihed hy t h e •Wr<*tsr) of State . *Wc. 12, t it le 4, c h a p . 7, p u r t l , t t e v l ^ d Sttttuie*.)

CHAP. 611. AN ACT In relation to capital stock of corpora­

tion*. Passed May 0. 1872.

The People of t\*> State of Xew York, repre-r,$enled in Senate and Assembly, do enact as foU luie*.:

SECTION I. Au incorporation, Incorporated company, society or association formed under the laws of thir State, excepting hanks, banking Association*, trust compaiiles, life, heultli, aeei-Jetit, marine and lire Insurance companies, railroad, navigation and ga»* compunles, may in­crease Its capital *u*ck. a* provided by section twentieth of "Au act to authorise the formation of corporations for manufacturing, mining, me­chanical or chemical purpose*," passed Febru­ary nevenleenth. eighteen hundred and forly-•iiilit; provided that this act shall not apply to corporations created bv special act of Incorpo­ration, tha capital SUK-K of which originally ex­ceeded two hundred thousand dollars, and that «uch luereoac shall not exceed iu the aggregate the amount of capital stock specllled lu the suid ict of Incorporation, and any such corporation the capital of which shall be Increased under the provisions of this act. and the stockholders there­of shall he subject to all the liabilities, as re­gards such additional capital as is provided hi the original act or charter lu relation to Its cap­ital.

§2. This act shall take effect immediately. S T * T * or K u w t o a r , t

Ofllci' of lh<< HvcrHi.r> ot StaU*. \ pp* I have com'tared tho preceding w i t h t h e original

law on illo in th i s ol l lee, nnd do h<r«-by certify that the same Is tt eorrect tran*< ri(>t then, from and of t h e whole of said original law.

0 . H I L T O N S C H I R N E R , B e c r i U r y ot Stat* .

T i A W H O P * r c \ v T o i t K B r A u t h o r i t y .

tKr»»ry law, unh>*s a diflr««rrnt t i m e shall W preaeri* '•ud Ihervln. shall c o m m e n c e and take <-ftVet through-•Ut tint So^le, on and hot before t h e twent i e th day bf-er the day of it* Html pusaa^v, a* certi l led hy tho

Sueri-fary of Sui te . Sec . 12, title 4, chap. 7, pari 1, tU'vlacd S t a t u U * . }

CHAP. 599. AN ACT to amend chapter three hundred and

forty-six of the laws of eighteen hundred and fifty-nine, entitled "Au a d concerning the salt springs aud the manufacture of salt, pass­ed April fifteenth, eighteen hundred and fifty-nine.

Pawed May 8,1872; three-fifths being present. Th> People of 0w State of Xnr York, repre

tented in Si'nate awl Amiably, do enact as fob* Utwn:

flBCTiox 1. Section thirty-three of chapter three hundred and forty-six of the law* of eigh­teen hundred and fifty-nine, entitled "An act concerning the salt springs and the manufac­ture of salt," passed April fifteenth, eighteen hundred and fifty-nine, is hereby amended by adding thereto at the end thereof, the following: "Any property taken by virtue of this section shall be paid for by agreement or appraisement, lu the manner provided for In the thirty-first sec­tion of this act.

§2. This act shall only apply to water taken from the nlne-mllc creek during the period of suspended navigation of tlu Erie Canal, for the purpose of working the State pumps on the salt springs reservation.

| 3 . This art shall take effect immediately. HfATt. o r N K W Y C S K . ; M

Office of the Reorotarv - f Htsts , \ ™* 1 have compsrod thy prsrydimg w i t h t h e original

h j w o n f l l a 1* tht* otli •*, AUA do In rehy rsrtify t h * t tb? same is a corrsct tranacript ihsr* from i*nd of t h e w h o k of taid original hiw.

U. I U L T O N P C R t n N K R . Hecrelarj of State .

1 , A W * O r X F A V V O H K B y A « ( 1 i o r l t r » ( Kv«'ry IHW, uniea* a, d i l f t i t i i t t ime ahull lu* pr-^orl-

hod ther«'(n. sh*>ll c o m m e n c e and U k e d f c c l thr Jiwh out thi? Sta le , on and not h^fttre thc« twent i e th day *.*t'-r tho day of It* float passage, a* certified by th^ H.Tr«'t*rv of S ta te . Sec . 12, tit le 4, c h s p . 7, part 1, Rev i sed Statue* J

CHAP. 670. AS ACT relative to the core and education of

deaf mutes. TV Peortle of the Stat* of .AVif York, rpprp*

trntetl in Senate and A*Mnblg% do enact as f>U loir*;

SKCTIOH 1. Section* nine and ten of tltla one of an act entitle*! "An act to revise and consol­idate the general octs relating to the public hi­st ruction, passed May second, eighteen hun­dred and sixty-four, arc hereby amended so that the same shall extend and apply to the IAI Couteulx St. Marv'a Institution for the Impro­ved Instruction of deaf unites In the city «>f Btif-

J falo, lu like manner aud with the like effect a*

AOKNTS WAftTED-for the Live* of

Grant Greeley WILSON BROWN " l drr , , ,« ol all polk'** 0 * - e r l U K t e e l P o r t r a l l * * w o r t h twtcu t h e co*t of th»* h<»ok W a n l - d • • w r y w h e w . A g e n u h a v e wonderful sue***1***. S e n d for c i rcu lar . Andre** X.I KG LICK & M o C U U D Y . 5 U A r c h S t r e e t , i ' l i i l t tdelphia, Fa. «HJw4

I f\(\V U r Q C I ' h c f t n n a l s o f m e d i c i n e Ix-ar L U U l X n L r l u * n o record of auch fame in tho

I'M- ui H i o f u l a , H k l n Dlaeas^a and l lu* nor* , a* t h a t ot t h e O K K A T HllOHO-SKKS<f«< /u in ) K K U h D Y - ' l a s R K A L I LOOD rea ir iBH K«>i t h e c u r e of dt*i-aa-

| e*o f tht- L i v e r . K i d n e y * and Bittddcr. i t i* h c \ o n d m o i A ) »nd price ; and i * a n an-iird of rncivv t o i h e a e suffering from C o s -It ivenes* . K»mah'We44kneaa, It h e u m a t i sm {or any nerve dtacaai^. F o r Killtoti*ne**, Hi%dHch<s D>*pep*la and D e b i l i t y , i t ntutid* pre emitu'i .U) a t the l a a d o f al l

oiht-r n inw i i«a: and in Pr imary C o n s u m p t i o n pos i t ­i v e l y i^mdually curea t h e dtseaae . The btauty of thw f<wt9 i s , th** art tmphuiuaily true >*>*rrunt>d to 'Wv it once . F » r sa le e v e r where . K K N » < » N t

I 'OTTKK A- CO . Syracuae, N . Y , Oen' l Ag*. MI3w4

A g e u l K t V i t n t r d for the A U T O B I O O R A H l Y o f

HORACE GREELEY. ' t h e bt^at und only M i t t o n wri t ten hy htttnteU , und for our 1 N T * < ' A n i ' A I G N W A ^ I A h , * book Of t h e oiii«-- K»r at! p«titi«-a. 1.lueir.it..-d. *Mi« A g e n t aold *o in three drt>*. A l s o , for l l eadley** Life o f [*re*ideiit Grant , and s p l e n d i d F o r t r a n * of Candi -d»te*. I ^ o u a m o n t h made . K. K. T K E A T . F u b -Usher. Hi i B i o a d w a y , N e w Y o r k . 8©0w4

AGENTS '.LOOK HERE ! . M t l tl H ' K M f .U i i ' ! \ WANT 41..1 WM. HIV %\ MOHT I t t l C * i*T«s NKW ILLUSTRATED MRK81D*. KLU* TMNof

ROBINSON CRUSOE, J0*T o u t . An etegnnt o c t a v o , 6?.« p a » e * ; o v e r 40 ttf-p*rh tiiuatrHtlot'S. tinted p i p e r , «rwpet A binding, O S L T t'jLftO 'I he oBitAPitsT and moat popular book lu pr int . i, a t reat Hir. W i l l sell aVKhYWBSR* llkeUoTCAXKi. P e t e r * , c ircular*, term**, and our A gem** F o t k e t C o m p a n i o n , malh-d free. H U B I i A U D BKO«*., Pub* baher*. W Sa-s<»m St. , P h d a . 81*^*'*

10,000 YA'DS PRINTS,

New Designs, FIRST QUALITY —Xol Remnants-

tor f»ale in lots to suit, at 10 cents per yard, by GEO. 8, POTTEK.

Keescvdle, May 25, 1872. 1647

Notice* T", I-; ST*r ,S l H I B K l t ( i l V R f N O T I C W a

That l'u«iinhi*i il.ue In-linn »ii\en hi* son, KM-1 OX l l . H H K l . D o N . h l * tiin««, and henceforth wi l l co l lect none of hi* w a g e s , and pay none o f ^ -J**!**-

al. *N. S*i*»''»"'*'• I/>nK Lake , A « « . 1 7 , U ? 2 * l * * * " 3

Medical Society* AX A D J O I ' H S r . l t M K K T I N C i O F T I I R

KSr*KX ( » H : M ' V M K u l O A I . S O C I K ' l V wil l be held at IVrHon's Hotel , Weatport^Sentomher l ^ t h , * t 2 o'clock F. M. . . . . . .

T h e A n n u a l A<idrc*« wil l b e del ivered b y Dr. Kd* gcrly. of Port Henry . .

16>»6 B. B . ITALK, S c c V y .

Tlose Wood and Black Walnut

CASKETS. A ^ B W STOt'K ?K^rJ?!^?^^ " Y

Kowipviiw-, P.b. 15, is;:. i«ii

Tor tlie West . ( M < . l l T l t K l v T S T < t U I U

,. <iivo. St. L<' .if, Omaha, l o u v e r , H a n I 1 ail point* Weal.South-Wr»»*t and N o r t h - W e s t , e at t h e K l p t e s s Ollk-e, K<«*aevjlle, N . V .

TI I H ( M < . l l T l t K l v T S T O U I ' t ' P A T , 0 « <;i,•«-I4IO. St. Lo .ih, Omaha. l»enver,Han Krajj'if*-

( O, Hll«'

forsaU . ^ M MOULl>, Ticket Agoni Kecacvtlle, April l,lb71 M*^

Annual Fair* Tl i n i H O U S P O I X T A S D B R l D P O n T

KAKMKK.-' ANI> M K i l A l l N K ^ ' A S S O C I A ­T I O N will hold their K a h i l i Annu. . l Fair at Cruwn* point , N. Y . . T u e a d a y aud Wodneaday , S e p t e m b e r

U M , J l l t i m w t c M_PE.V8VBocrot.rr__

H i s i I K * . — W h i t e w a s h Bru*hes , W i n d o w HruM.H, carpe t Brushes , Scruh Bru*h«-a, Shoo

I h i a h e a , Ilorae Brushes , Faint and Varnl*h Bmsl iea . *nd Feather Du-tera, all in variety, for s» j j l y

II. D . C L A 1 I * J^»-

June 15, lUTl. m W 9L-

7 o l i i o i x \ n i W I L L m ; v A !'**<?*•

BM HLASKXT.S, to c l u a ^ . H i ^ o . ^ 1 j l c ^ ^

• • . i i^ »..w 09 I*»?*J» t<wa Kfoaevtlle, Feb.«, 1*72. M i H • V \ ^ I C « , UTAXDtHII SCAI.R* -

it 1 C L A 1 T A ^ o . 1 ! • • t . . . )

May I I , 1*71. ^

p w T l V K A ^ f n C O f i n \ < ; K ~ - l n v a r l r t y o t * U * L - n d . ^ a u g . l o . - . . t ) B p c l J k ? r 4 C 1 > .

Junel,UTl. »*»•