Four basic quranic terms

Four Basic Quranic Terms… Sayyid Abul A’la Maududi

Transcript of Four basic quranic terms

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Four Basic Quranic Terms…

Sayyid Abul A’la Maududi

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Introduction Four basic terms in Quran

Ilah, Rabb, Deen and Ibadah, are four terms basic to the whole teaching of the Qur’an.

It stresses again and again that Allah Almighty is the Rabb and the Ilah.

It also demands that we should give our Ibadah to him and him alone.Make our Deen exclusive to him and reject all other deens.

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For proper comprehension of the teachings of the Qur’an, it is essential to know these four terms.

It will not be possible for an individual to make his ‘Ibadah, or his deen, exclusive for Allah alone without knowing these terms.

As centuries passed, these terms came to stand for only very limited meanings or restricted and rather vague concepts.

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• Ilah is mentioned 120 times in Quran. In 37 cases, it is used for false gods. In the rest, it is either used for God specifically or in the general sense. 

“Your god (God) is the one god, there is no god except Him, the All-beneficent, the All- merciful.”

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Worshipping Allah

Idol Worshipping

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No idol, no person, no grave, no prophet, no imam, no dai, nobody is worthy of worship but

Allah Alone…

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The basic meaning is to bring up. It has following connotations:One who brings up, rear, fosters or nourishes, or is

responsible for doing all or one of these,Guardian, one who supervises or is responsible for

carrying out improvements;Owner or Master

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Few beautiful creations of ALLAH (swt)

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Last but not the least, A HUMAN!!!Allah says in 95:4;Verily We created man (al-insān: the generic) in the best of forms, [in the best] proportioning of his shape.

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What does Ibadah Mean?

• Surrendering oneself totally to God’s authority• This word also carries a sense of submission and

obedience.• It includes feeling of gratitude for God’s kindness and


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He has let loose the two seas (the salt water and

the sweet) meeting together. Between them is a barrier which none of them can transgress” [ar-Rahmaan 55:19-20]

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Clouds rain when they

receive Allah’s command.

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• Usage and Meaning – Sovereignty and supreme authorityObedience and submission to such authorityThe system of thought and action established through the

exercise of that authority.

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Prophet Muhammad (saws) said: "Seeking Knowledge is

obligatory upon every Muslim." (Related by Ibn 'Adiyy, Al-Bayhaqi & Al-


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Lifestyle of Muslim Men and Women

Say to the believing men that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty: that will make for greater purity for them:

And Allah is well acquainted with all that they do. ... The Qur'an admonishes Muslim

women to dress modestly.

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Sunnah For Men?Sunnah For


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