Founder Leadership Workshop 07-16-15

Founder Communication InnerSpace Joe Greenstein & Semira Rahemtulla July 2, 2015

Transcript of Founder Leadership Workshop 07-16-15

Founder Communication

InnerSpaceJoe Greenstein & Semira Rahemtulla

July 2, 2015

Why am I doing this? (Part 1)

One Big Idea



Reality #1



Reality #2Common



Reality #3

The Net

3 Realities (The “Net” Model)

Feelings & Emotions – Why??

Everyone feels them; we just pretend we


Convey crucial information; absence of emotion leaves out

half the story.

Emotions indicate importance. Most

powerful motivator?

They are an early warning


Feelings & Emotions – Why??


Will I be less liked,

respected, influential


Is it relevant? Will it further the discussion – the


Will others use this

information against me?

How will others

see/assess/ judge me?

“What in my ‘bubble’

should I share?”

We are constantly making the choice of letting our self be more fully known



“I define vulnerability as

the expression of

uncertainty, risk, and

emotional exposure.”


Authentic Leaders

“The single factor distinguishing top quartile

managers from bottom quartile managers was

strength of affection – both given & received – with

their team.”

--“Encouraging the Heart: A Leader’s Guide to Recognizing and Rewarding Others”, Kouzes & Barry

Authentic Leaders

Authentic Leaders

You prefer to look strong rather than “weak.”

Problem: Everyone knows that.

Result: Willingness to show (some)“weakness” is perceived as sign of strength.

Paradox of Trust?

Benefits of Self-Disclosure / Vulnerability

• Build connection, trust• Repair distortions• Avoid “progressive impoverishment”

Benefits of Self-Disclosure / Vulnerability

Photo by Rita Willaert [link]

Richard Francisco

In what ways do we communicate?

Increasing levels of difficulty, risk & learning

5 Levels of Communication

1: Ritual

2: Extended Ritual

3: Content

4: Feelings About Content

5: Feelings About Each Other

Photo by Rita Willaert [link]

5 Levels of Communication

5: Feelings About Each Other



Most powerful for feedback

Photo by Rita Willaert [link]

5 Levels of Communication

Benefits of Self-Disclosure / Vulnerability

1. Disclosure & vulnerability are critical to connection.

2. Effective leaders form strong connections.

Conclusion: Consider being more open.

The Bottom Line

Photo by Woodleywonderworks [link]

Team & Culture

Photo by Woodleywonderworks [link]

Effective Teams

1. Participation

2. Collaboration

3. Cooperation (Commitment)

Research: All of these are correlated to Group EQ

“Building Emotional Intelligence”, Wolfe & Druskat, Harvard Business Review, 2004

Photo by Woodleywonderworks [link]

Inward (my emotions)

Outward(others’ emotions)

Emotional Awareness

Emotional Regulation

EQ (Individual)

Photo by Woodleywonderworks [link]

Inward (Our Team)

Outward(Other Teams)

Emotional Awareness

Emotional Regulation

EQ (Group)

High EQ individuals ≠ High EQ group

Group norms determine group EQ

Photo by Woodleywonderworks [link]

Group EQ

Photo by jm3 [link]

Our Norms

What norms do we have?

What norms do we need?

What can you do as leaders?

Photo by jm3 [link]

Our Norms

Feedback & Influence

Working AgreementsJohari Window



I know I don’t know

You know

You don’t know




Benefits of Self-Disclosure / VulnerabilityWhy is Feedback Important?

1. Personal Development

2. Team Effectiveness

3. Stronger Relationships

Bottom Line: Feedback is how we grow

Photo: Robbie Grubbs

Can I give you some feedback?

Photo by State Farm [link]Social situations ≈ Physical threats

Threat Response

Photo by Andrew Vargas [link]

David RockWhat social situations triggera threat response?



So… how do we communicate feedback while minimizing defensiveness?

Old Mental Model

Goal: Get you to change

Assumption: I know the full truth

Action: I will tell you what you are doing wrong

Mental Models of Feedback

New Mental Model

1. Assumption: I know something you don’t (my reactions) – you may also know things I don’t.

2. Action: Share my news, listen for yours

3. Goal: Expand our shared information, enter into joint problem solving



Reality #1



Reality #2Common



Reality #3

The Net

The Net (again)


Old Mental Model

Goal: Get you to change

Assumption: I know the full truth

Action: I will tell you what you are doing wrong

New Mental Model

Goal: Expand our shared information, enter into joint problem solving

Assumption: I know something you don’t (my reactions) – you may also know things I don’t.

Action: Share my news, listen for yours

Mental Models of Feedback

Benefits of Self-Disclosure / VulnerabilityHow to Give Effective Feedback

1. Focus on specific, observable behavior

2. Describe the impact of that behavior on you

3. Do not address my motives or intentions (Do ask about them & listen actively if I choose to share.)

Stay on your side of the net!

Benefits of Self-Disclosure / VulnerabilityThe Simplest Feedback Model

When you do [x], I feel [y].

Benefits of Self-Disclosure / VulnerabilityLet’s try some examples…

1. Joe, you clearly don’t care about this presentation.

2. Joe, I noticed that you are looking at your phone. You are clearly bored with this presentation.

3. Joe, I noticed that you are looking at your phone. I am feeling anxious about whether I am doing a good job with this presentation.

Photo by Ana Karenina [link]

1:1 Feedback

Benefits of Self-Disclosure / VulnerabilityTips for Receiving Feedback

• Look for “Grains of Truth”– Learning is better than being right– Goal is understanding, not winning

• Listen and ask clarifying questions• Acknowledge your feelings• Gift mentality

– Say “Thank you!”

Benefits of Self-Disclosure / VulnerabilityTips for Complimentary Feedback

• Give more!!!• Do not praise to buffer criticism

– Avoid “The Sandwich”

• Do not praise to overcome resistance• Avoid platitudes. Be specific:

– Weak: “Joe, you’re killing it.”– Strong: “Joe, I’ve noticed you’ve been on time to almost

every meeting this week. I feel grateful for the extra effort.”

Benefits of Self-Disclosure / VulnerabilityTips for Constructive Feedback

• Assume good intent; be curious• Use a soft start

– Emphasize mutual goals & positive intent:

My intention is…

When you do [x], I feel [y].

• Be aware of your own stress• Goal is joint problem solving

Benefits of Self-Disclosure / VulnerabilityLast Reminder

Stay on your side of the net

When you do [x], I feel [y].

Use the Vocabulary of Emotions.

Photo by Daniel Oines [link]

Challenge Yourself

Thanks, good-bye, and stay on your side of the net