FOUNDED BY H. P. BLAVATSKY. · Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, Mabel Collins, Annie Besant, George...

LUCIFER. 'tLheosophical JHaga^itte DESIGNED TO “ BRING TO LIGHT THE HIDDEN THINGS OK DARKNESS.” FOUNDED BY H. P. BLAVATSKY. EDITED BY ANNIE BESANT. The Light-bearer is the Morning Star, or Lucifer; and “ Lucifer is no profane or Satanic title. It is the Latin Lnciferus, the Light-bringer, the Morning Star, equivalent to the Greek 'bwcr^dpos . . . . the name of the pure, pale herald of Daylight.”—Y onge . VOLUME XII. MARCH—AUGUST, 1893. L ondon : THEOSOPHICAL PUBLISHING SOCIETY, 7, Duke Street , Adel phi, W.C.

Transcript of FOUNDED BY H. P. BLAVATSKY. · Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, Mabel Collins, Annie Besant, George...

Page 1: FOUNDED BY H. P. BLAVATSKY. · Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, Mabel Collins, Annie Besant, George Robert Stow Mead Created Date: 20150130230350Z ...

L U C I F E R .'tLheosophical JHaga^itte






The Light-bearer is the Morning Star, or Lucifer; and “ Lucifer is no profane

or Satanic title. It is the Latin Lnciferus, the Light-bringer, the Morning Star, equivalent to the Greek 'bwcr^dpos . . . . the name of the pure, pale herald

of Daylight.”— Y o n g e .



L o n d o n :

T H E O S O P H I C A L P U B L I S H I N G S O C I E T Y , 7, Du k e St r e e t , Ad e l ph i, W.C.

Page 2: FOUNDED BY H. P. BLAVATSKY. · Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, Mabel Collins, Annie Besant, George Robert Stow Mead Created Date: 20150130230350Z ...

T h e H. P. B. Pr e s s ,42, Henry Street, Regent’s Park,

London, N.W.(Printers to the Theosophical Society.)

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Page 3: FOUNDED BY H. P. BLAVATSKY. · Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, Mabel Collins, Annie Besant, George Robert Stow Mead Created Date: 20150130230350Z ...

INDEXAn Interesting Letter 101Aphorisms on Karma 63Ashtavdkra SanhitS 222, 491Australia, a Cry from . . 208Beautiful, The . . . . . 47Body, Life, Soul . . . . 481Brahman? Who is a •


Christian Mysticism, Foundation of . 37, 123, 291, 469Correspondence . . . . • 68, 159, 514

Death—and After? 55. 134. 228Dream of Ravan: a Mystery . 30, 198Easter Island Inscriptions 66Edgar Allan Poe and Occultism 601Elementals . . . . . 537Esoteric Teaching . . . . • 577Evil, Cause of . . . • 463,583Executive Notice . . . . 272French Spiritism . . . . 193Free Will and Karma . . . . 283Forging of the Blades 121Fourth Dimension, The 326Gospel according to John, Notes on the . 20Gospel of Peter, A Note on the 324Gurus and Chelas . . . . • 210, 550Heresy of Separateness, The . 247Infinite Universe and Worlds, On the . 492India; a Trumpet Call at a Crisis ■ . 143Kabalah, A Further Glance at the . 147, 203Karma, Aphorisms on 63Karma and Astrology . . . . . 319Karma and Free Will 283Maya . . . . . . 192Metaphysic, The Necessity for the Study of 273Negators of Science . . . . 97Nirvana, Notes on . 9, h i , 185Nirvana According to Kant . . 488Notes and Queries . . . . 602Our Budget . . . . . 82, 176, 257, 346, 523, 610Phallicism in the Fifth Commandment . 108

Page 4: FOUNDED BY H. P. BLAVATSKY. · Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, Mabel Collins, Annie Besant, George Robert Stow Mead Created Date: 20150130230350Z ...

Philosopliumena, Selections from the 508, 559Philosopher’s Stone, The . . 513Pilgrim Glimpses of India Poetry—

■ 449

Diana-Hecate-Luna 512Reality in Personal Theosophy Reviews—


Alchemy . . . . 515Amenities of the Commonplace Woman 71Apres la Mort . . . . 250Azoth; or, The Star in the East. 68Bhagavad Gita, The, in German 249Elves, Fauns, and Fairies 603Helena Blavatsky, Annie Besant, e la Teosofia Moderna . 336Magic, White and Black . • 516Nine Circles. The 160Ocean of Theosophy, The . 516Rajayoga Brahmajnambhuti Sangraha Veda 71Reincarnation; A Study of the Human Soul 604Schliissel zur Theosophie 517Song of Solomon . . . . 250Vivisection . . . . 337World Dreams . . . . 249

Science and the Esoteric Philosophy 43. 130, 218, 314, 504, 573“ Secret Doctrine,” The, and our Solar System 17Self-control and Truth, On 154Speeding the Message 104Theosophy and Christianity * 498, 589Theosophy and its Practical Application • 309Theosophy and Occultism 570Theosophy of Schopenhauer, The • 599Theosophy, or Psychological Religion 237, 297, 456Theosophical Activities 72, 160, 252, 338, 517, 605Theosophical Discussion, A 576Theosophical and Mystic Publications 83. 170, 258, 347, 525, 612“ They that go Down into Silence” 593Tibetan Buddhism . . . . 244Trust, the Essence of True Religion 555Unconscious Development • 333Watch-Tower, The . 1, 89, 177, 265, 441, 529Yoga in Linga Purana • 548

By a regrettable accident a mistake was made in the paging of the July issue, and it was commenced on p. 441 instead of on p. 353. Sub­scribers, in having the volume bound, should inform the bookbinder that p. 441 follows p. 352.