Fotografii incredibile din spatiu

The Space Station basking in blue Earthshine as the rising sun pierces our razor-thin atmosphere to cover the Space Station with blue light. I’ll never forget this place…seeing this makes the heart soar and the soul sing (11-7-2010). Space Photo: NASA, Astronaut Wheelock

Transcript of Fotografii incredibile din spatiu

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The Space Station basking in blue Earthshine as the rising sun pierces our razor-thin atmosphere to cover the Space Station with blue light. I’ll never forget this place…seeing this makes the heart soar and the soul sing (11-7-2010). Space Photo: NASA, Astronaut Wheelock Click to advance

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Incredible Space Pics from ISS by NASA astronaut Wheelock

On September 22, 2010, with the departure of the Expedition 23 crew, Colonel Douglas H. Wheelock assumed command of the International Space Station and the Expedition 25 crew. He is also known as @Astro_Wheels on twitter, where he has been tweeting space photos to his followers since he arrived at the space station.

We thought that we should put some of the space photos together as a tribute to him and the whole ISS crew. The space photos bring breathtaking views from our only off planet Vista point.

The following space photos are all visible on Astro_Wheels' twitpic ( account, and we are eternally grateful to him for sharing these space photos with the world. Many have commented directly to him but we want to make it clear Triggerpit does not have any affiliation with Astronaut Wheelock nor NASA. The confusion might have been since all the captions are all his own words as can also be seen on his twitpic account.

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It was October 23, 2007 at 11:40am EST when I had my first ride to space on Discovery. She's beautiful... just sad that this will be her last voyage. Looking forward to climbing aboard the flight deck when Discovery arrives at the Space Station in November. (9-23-2010). Space Photo: Larry Tanner, NASA. Special thanks: Bethbeck's blog

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NASA astronaut Douglas H. Wheelock

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Moon from the ISSFly me to the Moon…let me dance among the Stars…” I hope we never lose our sense of wonder. A passion for exploration and discovery is a noble legacy to leave to our children. I hope we set our sails and venture out one day. That will be one glorious day… (8-22-2010). Space Photo: NASA, Astronaut Wheelock

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Wanted to share this view out of the Cupola. We said farewell to our teammates Sasha, Misha and Tracy this weekend and they are safely back on planet Earth. Tracy in quiet reflection of an incredible journey…homeward bound…(9-26-2010). Space Photo: NASA, Astronaut Wheelock

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The Cupola from the outsideThe ‘Cupola’, attached to the nadir side of the Space Station, gives a panoramic view of our beautiful planet. Fyodor took this picture from the window of the Russian Docking Compartment (Airlock). Here I am in the Cupola preparing a camera for our late evening Hurricane Earl flyover…trying to capture the moment…(8-31-2010). Space Photo: NASA, Astronaut Wheelock

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Astronaut working on the outside of ISSTraveling at 17,500 miles per hour (5 miles per second)…we orbit the Earth every 90 minutes, with a sunrise or sunset every 45 minutes. So half of our space walk is in complete darkness. The helmet lights are essential at the work sight. Here I am getting the bail drive lever ready for my arch nemesis…the ‘M3 Ammonia Connector’. The dance begins (8-14-2010). Space Photo: NASA, Astronaut Wheelock

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Progress 39POur ‘Progress 39P’ unmanned resupply spaceship on final approach for docking this past Sunday. It was laden with food, fuel, spare parts, and much needed supplies for our orbiting outpost. The greatest gift was just inside the hatch…some bags of fresh fruit and vegetables. Such a wonderful treat after 3 months of eating out of tubes and plastic pouches (9-15-2010)! Space Photo: NASA, Astronaut Wheelock

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Soyuz 23s above the Caspian SeaSoyuz 23S, “Olympus” docked to the nadir side of the Space Station. This will be our ride back home to planet Earth when our work is complete here. Thought I would tweet this view out of the Cupola, as we were passing over the majestic snow-capped Caucuses. The sun rising and reflecting off the Caspian Sea (9-26-2010). Space Photo: NASA, Astronaut Wheelock

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ISS solar panel with Earth in the backgroundEvery moment I get to look out the window at our beautiful planet, my soul just sings!!...”I see skies of blue…and clouds of white…the bright blessed day…” (6-29-2010). Space Photo: NASA, Astronaut Wheelock

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Hurricane EarlOut over the central Atlantic, just before another spectacular sunset, with the spiral bands of Hurricane Earl visible in the setting sun. An interesting view of the life-giving energy of our sun. The solar arrays on the port side of the Space Station as well as Hurricane Earl…both gathering the last bit of energy before they fall into eclipse (8-30-2010). Space Photo: NASA, Astronaut Wheelock

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The Nile and Egypt by dayOver the Sahara Desert approaching ancient lands and thousands of years of history. The Nile River flowing through Egypt past the pyramids of Giza up to Cairo in the delta; the Red Sea, Sinai Peninsula, Dead Sea; Jordan River; and the Sea of Galilee are visible, as are the island of Cyprus in the Mediterranean Sea and Greece coming over the horizon (9-6-2010). Space Photo: NASA, Astronaut Wheelock

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Where natural beauty and human recklessness collide in a big way. Madagascar is so beautiful and so unique, but seeing the streams choked with silt as a result of inland deforestation really saddens me. I hope things can turn around there and future generations will be able to experience this place.

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A view of the Iberian Peninsula, the Strait of Gibraltar, the Mediterranean, and northern Africa .

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Peru, Bolivia, and Chile with the majestic Andes stretching the length of the continent. Lake Titicaca takes center stage in this photo, on the border of Peru and Bolivia.

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CyprusBeautiful reflection of sunlight on the eastern Mediterranean Sea. No borders or conflict visible from space…just breath-taking beauty like this view of the island of Cyprus (6-21-2010). Space Photo: NASA, Astronaut Wheelock

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Of all the places on our glorious planet, few rival the brilliant colors of The Bahamas.

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Part of the Great Barrier ReefAn explosion of color, motion, and life painted on the canvas of our wonderful world. This is a section of the Great Barrier Reef off the eastern coast of Australia, captured through a 1200mm lens. I think even the great Impressionists would be awestruck with this natural display (8-22-2010). Space Photo: NASA, Astronaut Wheelock

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Isle Juan de Nova In the Mozambique Channel between Madagascar and the African mainland. The beautiful colors rival the amazing places in the Caribbea (11-15-2010). Space Photo: NASA, Astronaut Wheelock

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Atoll in South PacificBeautiful atoll in the South Pacific through a 400mm lens. About 1200 miles south of Honolulu . In the ‘Line Islands’ along ‘Christmas Ridge’, either ‘Teraina’ or ‘Tabuaeran’? (11-15-2010). Space Photo: NASA, Astronaut Wheelock

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The breathtaking Banks Peninsula near the picturesque city of Christchurch, New Zealand

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Cape of Good Hope

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Mountain in the Andes in South AmericaMorning breaking over the majestic Andes in South America . I really am not sure of the name of this mountain…just was in awe of its majesty, reaching into the windswept heights and the rising sun. Another day... another chance to stand tall and be counted (10-30-2010). Space Photo: NASA, Astronaut Wheelock

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Magnificent Mount Elbrus, dominating the landscape of the Caucasus Mountains, between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea, in southern Russia. Elbrus is the tallest mountain in Europe

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The Kamchatka peninsula in the Russian Far East is a breathtaking display of the majesty of pristine wilderness. Seeing these active volcanoes and the vast forests breathes life into your soul, much like the beauty of Patagonia.

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Patagonia glacierAt the southern end of South America lies the jewel of Patagonia. The awe-inspiring beauty of rugged mountains, massive glaciers, fjords, and the open sea collide in a breathtaking display. I have dreams of this place and wonder what it would be like to breathe this air. Pure majesty (8-28-2010)! Space Photo: NASA, Astronaut Wheelock

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Coastal Mountains, in British Columbia, Canada . The Silverthrone Glacier

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Cascada Iguazu

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A peaceful view of the Holy Land, without any borders. Israel – Jordan – Lebanon – Syria – Palestine …all framing this shot of the port city of Haifa and east to the Sea of Galilee and the Jordan River. In the center of the photo, the city of Nazareth.

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The ‘American Falls’ and ‘Horseshoe Falls’ on the Niagara River…’Niagara Falls’.

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View of the Corinthian Channel in Greece, just west of Athens. A relatively new man made channel in an ancient land. The channel connects the Gulf of Corinth to the Aegean Sea.

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Incredible Manicouagan ancient impact crater in north-central Quebec, Canada . Now the site of stunning beauty, crystal clear lakes, breathtaking forest, and abundant life. You can still see the impact scar from space.

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A clear beautiful summer day in Acapulco , Mexico .

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San Francisco Bay Area

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Roma and Vatican

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Port and city of Melbourne, Australia. I have never been there but dream of going one day.

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Paris--City of Lights

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New York City and New York harbor, with Lady Liberty lifting her lamp beside the Golden Door. “Give me your tired…your poor…your huddled masses yearning to breathe free!”

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Chicago , “The Windy City”

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Beautiful Brasilia! A uniquely designed and culturally enriched city in the highlands of Brazil

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SunsetIt is the season for viewing Polar Mesospheric Clouds, and with our high beta-angle we were able to capture this thin layer of noctilucent clouds at sunset (6-25-2010). Space Photo: NASA, Astronaut Wheelock

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The Earth at night, when viewed from space, is a beautiful mosaic of light that stirs the imagination. Landscape - water - climate - coastline - technology - accessibility, all defining the brilliant fingerprints and patchwork of lights that mark our presence on the planet. Here is a night image of Capetown, South Africa. An explosion of life and motion at the southern tip of the continent.

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Aurora BorealisIn the distance on this beautiful night over Europe. The Strait of Dover is pretty clear as is Paris, the City of Lights. A little fog over the western part of England and London. It is incredible to see the lights of the cities and small towns against the backdrop of deep space. I am going to miss this view of our wonderful world... (11-8-2010). Space Photo: NASA, Astronaut Wheelock

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Italy by nightThe beauty of Italy, on a clear summer night, stretching out into the Mediterranean Sea. You can see many of the beautiful islands lit up and adorning the coastline including Capri, Sicily, and Malta. The city of Naples and Mt. Vesuvius stand out along the coast. Viva Esperia (8-22-2010)! Space Photo: NASA, Astronaut Wheelock

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London – Brussels – Antwerp – Rotterdam – Amsterdam and seemingly countless towns and villages sing out on this peaceful night. A nightscape that reveals familiar coastlines, prominent ports, and metropolitan areas. A scene more beautiful than spoken words can tell.

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The Nile and Egypt by nightA night view of the Nile River winding up through the Egyptian desert toward the Mediterranean Sea, and Cairo in the river delta. Such a stark contrast between the dark desolate lifeless desert of northern Africa and the Nile River teeming with life along its shores. In the distance... the eastern Mediterranean on a beautiful autumn evening (1-31-2010). Space Photo: NASA, Astronaut Wheelock

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Greece by nightThe Isles of Greece during a clear night pass over Europe. Athens shining brightly along the Mediterranean Sea. A very surreal feeling to view the splendor of this ancient land from outer space (9-4-2010). Space Photo: NASA, Astronaut Wheelock

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Florida by nightThe Florida peninsula and the southeastern U.S. on the kind of evening that I miss most about our planet. A clear autumn night with moonlight over the water and the sky filled with a billion stars (11-2-2010). Space Photo: NASA, Astronaut Wheelock

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Middle East by nightA clear starry night over the eastern end of the Mediterranean Sea . Ancient lands with thousands of years of history stretching from Athens, Greece all the way around the Med to Cairo, Egypt. Storied lands, fabled cities, and alluring islands... Athens - Crete - Rhodes -Izmir - Ankara - Cyprus - Damascus - Beirut - Haifa - Amman - Tel Aviv - Jerusalem - Cairo are beacons on this cool November night. Grace and Peace from the sanctity of space... (11-7-2010). Space Photo: NASA, Astronaut Wheelock

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Ireland at Night. This was a beautiful night pass over the Emerald Isle ...a little foggy, but otherwise a clear night.

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The Mediterranean Riviera and beautiful mosaic along the coastline from Valencia, Spain to Livorno, Italy and all the magical places in between. Can you see Monte Carlo? How about Pisa, Italy? Barcelona, Spain? Or, maybe you can find Andorra nestled in the Pyrenees mountains... or have memories of one of the islands..

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A bright shimmering city with an ancient and storied history. A city that has witnessed the rise and fall of empires. The only city in the world that bridges two continents. A hub of commerce, culture, and religion... connecting the Black Sea with the Sea of Marmara and the Mediterranean Sea beyond. Istanbul, Turkey ..

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Flying over the Gulf of Oman looking west-northwest on this peaceful evening. Around the bend through the Strait of Hormuz and into the Persian Gulf. Iran on the eastern shore, and the bright lights of Oman, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Kuwait on the western shore. The vibrant cities on the Arabian Peninsula include: Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Doha and Kuwait City.

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The lights of Japan on a clear November night. These mosaics and patterns of light from our cities, towns and villages are unintentional works of art when viewed from space... a silent and brilliant mapping of our coastlines and landscapes.

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Another sacred autumn night from space, looking south along the Atlantic coast of Europe and into Africa. From Lisbon, Portugal south across the Strait of Gibralter and down the coast of Morocco to Casablanca, and beyond. Took this photo for my friend Fabiano in Lisbon.

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The city in the foreground on Lake Michigan is Chicago…then looking E-NE is the city of Detroit and then further east is Toronto….almost forgot about Milwaukee just north of Chicago.

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“The City That Never Sleeps”… New York , New York on a clear summer night.

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Crew leaving the ISSShannon, me, and Fyodor all suited up in our Sokol (Russian word for 'Falcon') pressure suits in the Russian MRM-1 module. We strapped into our Soyuz capsule 'Olympus' to conduct pressurization and leak checks on our suits. All systems 'go'... the countdown tolanding has begun. Leave a light on for us... we’ll be home soon... (11-20-2010). Space Photo: NASA, Astronaut Wheelock