F'ORTY NINTH ANNUAL REPORT - NSW Australian Football ...-2-Tho substantiaL incroaso in rcvonuo froin...

t i r , NE"IT SOUTH WALES AUSTRALIAH NATIONAL FOOTBALL LEAOUE lqrrDE 190! traa O lcrguroa 1 - Foa Sedrctrry :, ::-" ' : F'ORTY NINTH ANNUAL REPORT rID tlltAxo?ri sla8Elnm Scarol 1961 TO tE PRESHTBD AT lI{S Allt\l{tll, nrIeTIrO 0F lHE LBlfltl fO B tlllrn Af BOUIJ lIPIRl S0CfETI'S H'AIifr' l'? BLI0H 8t' SIDf,lI' 0f rc[Ddl trd LAR0II' ls5'l AT ? E0 Pf Iprllr f laylor Prosldot 'j ...

Transcript of F'ORTY NINTH ANNUAL REPORT - NSW Australian Football ...-2-Tho substantiaL incroaso in rcvonuo froin...

Page 1: F'ORTY NINTH ANNUAL REPORT - NSW Australian Football ...-2-Tho substantiaL incroaso in rcvonuo froin corpotition mrrtchcs ves duo to fnrm3ror Par]:, belng rogalnetl for Sunday use.


ir ,



lqrrDE 190!

traa O lcrguroa 1- Foa Sedrctrry

:, ::-" ' :




tlltAxo?ri sla8Elnm

Scarol 1961

TO tE PRESHTBD AT lI{S Allt\l{tll, nrIeTIrO 0F lHE LBlfltlfO B tlllrn Af BOUIJ lIPIRl S0CfETI'S H'AIifr' l'? BLI0H 8t'SIDf,lI' 0f rc[Ddl trd LAR0II' ls5'l AT ? E0 Pf

Iprllr f laylorProsldot

'j ...

Page 2: F'ORTY NINTH ANNUAL REPORT - NSW Australian Football ...-2-Tho substantiaL incroaso in rcvonuo froin corpotition mrrtchcs ves duo to fnrm3ror Par]:, belng rogalnetl for Sunday use.



,3,USl_li_ESS.Minutes,Arurual Report and. Financial StatementElsction of OfficersEleotion of CornmitteesGeneral Business.

I(. 0. FERCUSON, Eon. SeerotarSr.

W IC-E-D!-4BEB$ :-HEAgglL-1.95t

E'J. IIallstrom, Esq.e F,R.Z.So

L.J. Taylor, Esq,,

tr4essrs, J, Curry (Senior), A, 3utt, D.S. CrayrC. Kean, J. Ross, P.P, Smith, 1i.H. ffoodri(.R. 1[i11er (resi6ned. L4-9-5f), N.T,Fenguson( appointed. 22,10. 51. )

A, J, Sno'w, Esq.

K, G. Ferguson, Esq.

A,F, T'lilliams, Esq, rcsigned. 3,9,51i3, Eeafoy, appointod, 22,LO,JL,

F. WilLianson, Esq.

/r.J. Snow, Esg,

Msssrs. J. I(ea1ey (Cbairman), H.R. Conlonand Y{..1r. Robertson.

ldessrs. L,J, Taylor (Clairrnan), K.G. Ferguson,Ir. Ealrye J.R. Rand.e11, A.J, Snow ard. W.II. Wood..

Messrs. J. Ross (Cuairnan)r A. Rad.cliffe and.A.F. Tfilli.arns.

Messrg, J. Curry (Chairman), W, Eunkin and.E. Snith,

Ilossrs. F.J, Dixon (Chairnan), F. La.:rkin and.K.R, M111or,

F. J, Dixon, Esq.

Mossrs, K.D, Manion & Conpany.

B"C. Oxonham, Esq,1 Chcrrterod. iiccountant (Aust.)





s0N" SnSRET'.Arye



DSLEaATE Tg*A.$. X','..-C, a





FTiiTE COi.tEc






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Page 3: F'ORTY NINTH ANNUAL REPORT - NSW Australian Football ...-2-Tho substantiaL incroaso in rcvonuo froin corpotition mrrtchcs ves duo to fnrm3ror Par]:, belng rogalnetl for Sunday use.

GLIJB pELJlciUcES (sFAqoN -195-1)

3TI,IIAIN:A, GoldburgJ. Iong'1ey

Ei\StmN SUBUFBSgN. FergusonS. Oldroyd.

],fVERPOOLTlrrl . BarryK. T[ilcoxon

NFliTOENsT ,J, Jones1. I,fcFarlane

NOlSiE SBOREgI. CartorB. Heafoy

L. Alexand.er (")L. A, Salhausen0. W, Salbausen (x)J. V. Baruo.onE, Vf. ertler (x)R, }Io-,oieS. Ii. Donnelly (>:)K.G. FergusonL, HarrXr

ST. GEOROSrJ. Cn'oBbe11J.R. Randell

SOUIE SYDNETgTi. SirksA. Young

SYDNEYeF. 81 encol've1"[, Hellwig

TIESTEMI SUBIIBSS;E.[. Mc0onnellD. Fitzgerald.

II{TVERSIIY:A. BarclayT. Lawler

HoN.oR48Y trn'E l@rQ$lE. C. EarteT. J. BayosH. Eed,ger (")S. Bod.6sonM. Iting (*)A. A. Laird (=)G. Leibs (r.)R.. IlcDou6all (")J.F. }icltreill

(=) . r. Decoased..

.l', E. ltrasbJ.E, Phelan (x)A. D. ProvanI[. A. Ryal1G. I[. Sand.ersE. G. Shepherd.'8.W. SmithA.J. SnorrG.Ii. turner (*)

$ETf SOIITE T.O,I&S FOOTBATT UI{rcS(Controt s football)

Presid,entr Ifoi S.K. Stubley.Eon. Secrctarya l,[r. A, Snithr 116 Eastorn Avonue, Kingsford.. (ef'.2035;

gl}l0 4}Rl_-flff. IqB_o R G./.{IEE& .

tr&r. E.G. Shopb.ord., Sports C1ub, 1O Huntor Strcot, Syarr"y, or Phono !14.4369,


h, Roy Be4ros.

Page 4: F'ORTY NINTH ANNUAL REPORT - NSW Australian Football ...-2-Tho substantiaL incroaso in rcvonuo froin corpotition mrrtchcs ves duo to fnrm3ror Par]:, belng rogalnetl for Sunday use.



The Forty-ninth .&nnuaI Report and. Financlalare presented. for your oonsid.eration and. ad.option.

IEE-EEASONa Bigh hopes were held. at tbe co,n'encembnt

ftrorts CJ-ubp10 $unter Streetl

lEpg.3rd. Maroh, 1952,

Statement for Sea.son L951

d.ue to the follorting



factorg:-(") Regailning Trunpor Parlc for Sunclays (though tbis was not finalised. until

late March);(t) Ad.mittance of Liverpool CIub into the conpetitlone itith a Sundq/ ground,

1ocallye thoreby broaking novr territory ririth an imned.iate population of15 rooo;

(") Appointment of a fuIl tj.rso Schools' Coach in Ur' Roy Hayesg

(a) Appointnent of an Honorary Junior 0r6'aniser in }fo. E.C. Shepherd.g

(u) Polj-cy to curtail e4rend.itr:re ra.berever possible; ono movo being not to und.er-take any trips avray d.uring 1951.

/.'11 concerned. (Loa6ue and. CIub o::ecutj.ves and. their committsesr r16htd.own to the playors) gwe of thejr best andr although from a playing point ofviow tbo soason wa.s a hugo succcssl unhapBily the financial position sbovled. ad.oclino, duo nainly to tbe sharp increase in costs.

Tho various phasos aao briofLy commontod upon und.or thc followlnghcadings. -! IE-EB$HIPq len (fO) clubs connprised. the sonior competition, viz.s 3almain,ffi3T$n-Stbuxbs, Liverpoolr Norvtorvn, l{orth shorel St-. Goorgoi Soutl Syd.ney,Sydnoy, Univereity End Tiestorn Suburbs, oach field.ing a flrst and. reservegrade sid.o,

Bahnainl University end. flestern Suburbs conrplotod. their fourth se&sonin tho Loaguo, r&ilst Livorpool oelebratod. its inauslrral year in sonior football,in placo of tho lllanarra CLub.

/,.ffiltating bod.ios wore tbo Brokon Ei1I Football Lea6ue ttd. r the$errcastle Australian National Football Lea6uo and. the N.S.Ytr. Football Union.

4Eq./lfCS_r - Statornent of recoipts and. oc?ond.iturs for the season ls appondod..

Ilith ten (fO) toams cornprising' tbo senior cornpoti.tion jn each Ip.f!,1950 end. 1951r tb.o und.ormontioned. compmison of receipts is jntorostinge-

Club coryetition natchesFinal natchesSoa.son tickots





Page 5: F'ORTY NINTH ANNUAL REPORT - NSW Australian Football ...-2-Tho substantiaL incroaso in rcvonuo froin corpotition mrrtchcs ves duo to fnrm3ror Par]:, belng rogalnetl for Sunday use.

-2-Tho substantiaL incroaso in rcvonuo froin corpotition mrrtchcs ves duo

to fnrm3ror Par]:, belng rogalnetl for Sunday use.

Tho value of Srrnd.ey footbell is eijsrix orcpbasisod. in the receipts forthe final matchos; in 1!)0 Erdcineville 0va1 was obtainod. on Sund.rys for the pre-liminory final aed grand. final natcbes, r,&reroas in 1951 it could. be obtained onlyfor the Sxana final.

Tho vast increaso in tbo numbcr of soason ticlcet boLd.ors was the resultof greator cffort by tho clubs gonerer.lly in pushing tho salosr which incidentallyalso provod to bo a r:relcomo sourco of revonue so fal as thoy r'rere concornod intbe ecrangenent vrhoreblr they shered. n/fl in tbo salos.

liittr all the clubs right behjnd. this phasor thoro is no reason s,ty theresult of 1951 should. not bo doubled. tl:is coning sea.eon.

Tbe only "big" fi:cture played. vas that against Sroken Eil-l at Tru.qrerPark on June 10th, This occrmed durina a r'tet period.r in rihich tlo round.s ofmatches ruerettwa^sbed. out", but fortunately on this d.ate tbe rain subsided tenpor-arily and. a gate of €.2,+3. 5. 6d.. v;as recorcled. Sirty per cent of the net recoiptsv;ent to the visitors.

Itrotvithst?.rrding increasod. costs in pri:rtingl the Football Record. d.is-closod. a snall profit.

Items of expendituro were conserved. to an &solute miniutrm. Unfortun-atel;", honsver, all costs shovod. a steed.T incroaso.

9ROU^{DSg The folloving vere in use:-Saturd.aysl Trumper Pa.rlcr exclusivelyr

Erskinevi.Lle 0va1; Share with Rugby League.Burstville 0va1: Share with ,?ugby Unj.on.Benson Parkr Shme rritb hrgby Union:1'Ia*rerley 0va1r Sub-Let to 3aso 3a11.


Trurper Park. Exolusively:Liverpool. Shovgrounde Ercluslvely.

COlIPErylI0_N ].IATCEESS The teaas \.rere a1]. well attired.r reflocting €peat cred.iton the c1ubs, rrhilst the stand.ard. of pIry generally uas most gratiffing,

The final rorrnd. provicled, thrilLing football, Eaoh of tbe ganes vaskoenly contosted., stith excitement intense.

.: good. tbing for the ood.o vas that the renormod llortotm C1ub, rilo bad,a mortgago ovor the competltion by haring von six sucoessivo promiershipsr vcred.efeated by'tlestern Subrrbs, only in tbeir fourtb yoap in the Leaguer ftilst inthe reservo Grado Newtom, a,fter winning four zucocssivo premiersbips, vrere cl,o-foated. by St. Coorge.

Tho new\r' adnitted Liverpool Club performecL cornmonttably, and oa oneocoasion marJ.o tho boadlinos \r accounting for Ner-rtown.

Page 6: F'ORTY NINTH ANNUAL REPORT - NSW Australian Football ...-2-Tho substantiaL incroaso in rcvonuo froin corpotition mrrtchcs ves duo to fnrm3ror Par]:, belng rogalnetl for Sunday use.

1st Seni-finql2nd Seni-finalFinalGrand. Final

1st Scroi-flnal2nd. Semi-fixalFinalCrand. Final



FIRE _giADE.1r.-12 ( ?B) Y.

Subs. 12-1ri (86) voSubs. 12-15 (S?) Yrsubs. 11-15 (Sr) v.


PRB,fiERffi{L. q,.A3tE._

Sydney 6-14Western Subs. 11-13Nswtorin 13- 4Eastorn Subs. 10- 9




St. Georgo 4- B (:z) v. ITostern Subs. I' 4Newtorm 6-12 (+g) Y. Eastern Subs. 2- 3St, George 9-13 (6?) v. Eastesr Subs. 4-10St. Georgo ?- B (P) v. Newtor'no ,- 7


tl?i( rr)


CL1I3: L.If. Agst. Pts.

FestornEastornltrer*o.wnSydneyI{orth ShoroSouth SydaeySt. GoorgoSalnoainLiverpoo1TJniversity












r53,91L54.25145.8011?. ?B103.68


f'l3'ST GRi,DE:

T':estern SuburbsEa*stern Sui:r:rbs1[errlovqrSyd.ney







247 237L55 160L5g 13?50 77




Eastern $rbulbsNe\TtoYmTiestern SuburbsSt. GeorgcSouth SydneyNorth Shors3alnai.nUniversitySyclneyT,ivorpool



*A -41













Page 7: F'ORTY NINTH ANNUAL REPORT - NSW Australian Football ...-2-Tho substantiaL incroaso in rcvonuo froin corpotition mrrtchcs ves duo to fnrm3ror Par]:, belng rogalnetl for Sunday use.



CLID. L.1{. For I,gst. Pbs.

St. GeorgeNerrtor-m-Eastern SuburbsWestorn SuburbsST. OSRGE PRSII]3RS: NLSITOTN RU']MRS-UP.

SPECIJ,JT_MI,TCEES-g Tbo Syd,ney tean rscord.ed a fino viotory over Sroken Ei1l atfnrmper Park on $:nd.ay, June 10th, the sr.lores boing:-

Sydney rB-14 Qzz) Sroken Hilt 12-1t (Bf)The folloqing playcrs represented. your Leaguos- 3. And.rens, F. Clovror

J. Crac.r:neL1, L. Dalton, J. Dean, R. Duffy, E. Free, G. ga11 (Captain), J. I{ard.y,-11. Harper, F. trazelIe R. KloDSge G. Mason, P. l'fiIes, D. $rnroe V, $c&.tinnesstA. Perm.o, A. Richard.son, P. Synons, D. ifliIson.

coal-kieJ<erss Hardy (0), wifson, Duffy (4), narre Richard.son, Dean,Cracknell r

0n June !th, a Second. Syd.ney teaer d.efeated. lTeircastle 23-28 (f00) to3-2 (20). Tho Syd.ney players y{arcs- J. Arnstrong, 1I, Srycee K. Clark, E, Dunham,K. Espositor lt. I'reako, J, Grosel. J. Eard.ingr C. Barrise J. Itl.rinr A. llacDonald.tK..l6cr1ey, li. Ifu.rphy, A.lIc0rud"d.onr',1. Nonrsus, J, Tbomas, !. Thonpsone D. Symonds,G. frcnough, R. \Tilliams.

Goa.l-kickersg Bryoo (7), uarr:.s (s), tiaclonald. (!), crose (4)rEard.ing, [honas, Froa]ce,

1,o1longong playcd. a thrilling crrtain-ralser to the Sroken BiLL c,latchin d.ofeating Conbinea neiervo Gred.e 12-1{ (65) to L2-7 Q9),. 0n 9,6.!1 Syd.ncy Und.cr 18 10-18 (le) d.efeated. llevcastle Under 18 3-7(Zl), at frumper Park.

Und.or the hea.&ing of Special rlatches mentj.on is roade of the tbamltaysCarnival r;hich took plaoe at Erskinwille 0va1 between toams fron Victorial Soutbjtustralia and Now South. Tlalos. 0n this oeoe.sion N.S.II. rlas victorious. Cred.itis due to tho local ootmittoo v&ich so succossfully organised. the cs[nivaltspocial praise being erbend.od. to the Socretaryl ffr, Berb 0rant,

fhe Sydney llniversity tean participated in the llter-state Canival inEobeet. This \"ias & btg venture BnA tbe oost involved. was arrarged by the localolub. Here agaln the greatest cred.it is due to the Secretery, l4r. f. Lavler,end his coronlttee,











Page 8: F'ORTY NINTH ANNUAL REPORT - NSW Australian Football ...-2-Tho substantiaL incroaso in rcvonuo froin corpotition mrrtchcs ves duo to fnrm3ror Par]:, belng rogalnetl for Sunday use.

-5-d,,a4ps.._ J.gjL sE4so.lr .

Lca6rro Pennarrt, First 0rado Prer.riers ....... r.. ,.. .. . ,......."Nornan P. Josoph" Shield.l First Grad.o Promiers,. r c.... c...,

(Donor 1o. A.J. Snov)"stamina" Jubiloo cupg First Grad.o Prenicrs .. .... .. o...... .

(Donatod. Uy S{anj.na Clothin5 Coy.)Lca6uo Pennantr Resorve Grad.o lromiers. r.. .. ., .. ,. . c . ... r ...... . c. St, Georgo Club"I{en trterquson" Shiold., Resorve Gred.e Proraiors .....,....r,.......,St. Goorge Club

(Donor l,h. .fr, J. Snoiu)

"Pirol an" Trophy, Sost and. Fairost plryorr First Grad.e.........,..... ,l . Earay (US)"Sartd.ers" Trophy, Sost and Fairost Playor, Roserve Grad.e,,....,...,A, J. Ttlhite (\6)Prosid.ontts Trophy, 1ea^d.in6' goal-kioker., tr'irst Grad.o,............,..R. Duffy (rqcr*)

{"€{1.-i9-0-T.3..!T:! {I1[IONa The follovin; tearns perticipated. in this section:-A. -c;-ad.o--(;,iT',I66f5t B. und.er 18 years 2E c. und.Lr td, ,+, and D. und.or 1.{, 10.

Tho mattor of closer oo-or&inatiorr bctween tho soni.or clubs and. tl:ojutriors I'o.s invostigatod" by a spocial sub-oornmittes comprising ].[ossrs. N.tr'erguson,B. I{oafoy and J.R. Rand.oll, rud it is eqrcctod. their ti.niings v111 be tho neans ofstrongthening this inportant fioldr ffidr j-n ad.*ltion, givo ile hard lyorking officialsono oncoura6emont to carxJr on,

F.CiUOI,S, fir. E. G. Shephord., Life ltonber of the Lea.;ue , nho has been carrying onthis phase of the rlork.' alnost singlo he.nd.od. rvas a;ssisied. on thj.s occasion ly trcappointnont of l,[r. Roy iiayes as Schoolsr Coach.

1'b. Hayes lv€.s raost officiont and. enthusia-stic in his rvorlc and. lrill a6ainact in this capacity during 1952,

Teans playing midtqedc incrcased. frorn seven to ten and the found.ation has.,beon lald. for quito a nunbor of ad.d.itional toans.

lr'n imovation vras tho fornation of an Und.er 1z| Saturd.ay rnorning conpeti-tlon, conprising 1O teamg.

Nevr South lTal€s rras represented. at the Txter-state SchooJ.-boyst Ce,rnivalin l,ielbourne by the folloving Iad.s:-B. trIilnesr R. OtDt{rerr D. Peroyr R: Squlre (Sroken gill)i R. .rlrmstrong, irrd.lethan;f' Tfa!_e1s, l{arrand.gat I, Comanir gb*yi I, n:.cheyr Leeion; l.!. Lynchr-}{. Blackebyi!1anvi]Leg R. Sinkinsl Panarnatti,rnr. ttighg K. Figuson, R: Arnbr;;er's/iney Tech.Eislr T{. Freestone, 3-, Iods", ra Ealdr9g, a. 4relyny E. Bennett, Bermore! R. Ritton,l. fr.", R, G1ov"t-t -I:_ladonlr Burstvili_eg T. Tretb.eqelle Kogarahg J. -{,[cDermott,Gard'enerts Road.g R. Ellis, Newcestle. Slanegers; r. UcDonata, J. carner.

This proJect cost C,397, 5. 6d.. ffidr beyond. a grant of SIOO fronr tbe.\ustralian i[atibnai Foo',,ba.ll coun"if, the tr].p oras financed. tb.rough the genius ofllr' shepherd, without cost to the Ner-r south ',la1es League.

1.lestorn Suburbs C1ub,

ilcstcrn Suburbs C1ub.

llestorn Suburbs Club,

Page 9: F'ORTY NINTH ANNUAL REPORT - NSW Australian Football ...-2-Tho substantiaL incroaso in rcvonuo froin corpotition mrrtchcs ves duo to fnrm3ror Par]:, belng rogalnetl for Sunday use.


-6-Previously the rules pernitted. lads flora $reensland and. llew South i{ales

(other than Broken Eill and. the Rlverina) leing seleoted. e year old.er than lad'sfrom tho Soutb.ern States, brrt follorring our victory at llobart in 1950r they vereamend.ed, to rnako the ages unlforn, i.e.1 16 yoars at tbe lst Ju1y.

0n this occsslon the Soutbern lad.s provod. too robust anclr in ftrturecarnivals, it lril1 bo nooessery for our seloctors to look for biggor boys.

Trhe 1I.S,Ti. P.S,A.A.A, nad.e the iLotailed. erangements regarding selection,trarrcl and billoting at $yd.noy on tbe forward and. return journeys w'it&out hitchand. thc Socretary, fu. J.-flinstonr md. Assistant Secretary, F: R: CoolcSrr together$-ith tbe organisiig ao'n",rittoe uncler tbo chairnanship of 1Ir. T.S. CarroLll aro tobo corn-neniled. for tbo oxcollent nanner in v*rlcb tbe r&o1o business was transacted.Praise is atso ortenrtod to the reqpectivo country footbe.lI controlling bodios vhoco-oporatod. to tho f\rllest axtent.

For close on forty years tho name of lfr, hrpert Snomao hes been mentionod'in tbis portion of the ar:nual roport regard.ing his e,otivitios in the sohooLs,particularly at Gard.enerts Road. fublio Scbool'

Yhilst rcst nombers can see 1ittlo chenge in our old. friond. to nbat hoh'as, say 20 yoaas ago, the ti4o bes aarrivod. flhen he has retired. from the &LucationDepartnont. Beforo d.oing so, howovor, he took a perty of lad.s on ono last tripthrough the Riverina Area duiing tho iast Arr.gust vacation, ltr' Brovrno d.oarlylovecl theso tours, and. thoy were rnrch appreciatod. by the 1a.d.s and. thoir parents'

}fu. Srorrnots seryices to the cod.o ?ore reoognisod nen;r years ago tLenhe vsas honoured. rrith life nomborsb.ip, and it is hoped. that in his retirement botil1 find. it conveniont to atterd. md. enjoy our footbell.

ausTR.aIIAN NASIOl{/it, ICIOTBtrJ,I, COUIICIL. N.S.i{. .aDVISORY 3oj\BDc This Soardr corryris-a1lt A'J' Snowr L'J'

Taylor and I{,J. \Tarlon (ilon. Soorotery)r was establishod. end. set about the taskfor tho progrossive d.evolopnant of the gelae i-n Norv South Ttrales in the inmed.isteand. long-terra t\rture. Thoirs is a silont corxritteee in diroct contact with thoStandlng Conmittec of the &rstralien National Football Council'

jJtSlRiitIIN I{}IIONAL FOOTBJiLL @UNCILc fhe anrmeL neotin6 rsa"s b.e].cL at Ceaborrae' 1tr. ir.J. Snoq had' tbc &istinstion of

belng ro-eloctod. Vico-Rresid,ont of tbat august boEy.

It vas d-ocid-otl that the nexbSection 1. Yictorien Football League,anct. Vlctoriaa lbotball Agsociation ,..

Chanpionships tako plece ee foll-ovs:-South J,ustralia, $ost. Justraliar fasnanlald,ol-aid.or 1953.

Section_ 2-r irustraliar Lnatsuss, N'ew $outb Tiales, Quoonsland. €nil Canberra,,. Sydnoyt L954.

Subsequently the lowost teen 1n Section 1 wlll play a e,lallenge matdla6ainst tbe vrinner of Section 2. The winner of such natch will tben td<e itspLer.co as a contestent in the next Section l Cher4rionships end. the loser in tbeSection 2 Cha:pionsbLps.

Page 10: F'ORTY NINTH ANNUAL REPORT - NSW Australian Football ...-2-Tho substantiaL incroaso in rcvonuo froin corpotition mrrtchcs ves duo to fnrm3ror Par]:, belng rogalnetl for Sunday use.


-?-Tho mcu:y otl:or nattors d.ealt witir have becn includ.ed. in the printed.

ninutos circulatod. to tho nenbors.

Eistory was created. vrleon the Executivo e,nd. Finance Corurittee, togothorwith Socretaries fron i{ost. i,ustra}ia, South i,ustralia and Victoria, who regularlyhe1d. their annual neoting in l,{olbourno, emanged. to neet in Syd.ney from 26 to28.11.51. Tho Cour:.ci1 Off ioials End. Secroteries conferr,ed. uith the New Southfiales /'dvisory Soarcl arid. nonbers of youx Lea6uo, end. viewod. all aspocts of thocod.o in this Stato, at tho sarjlo tino sooing, at first ha:rd. tho 6round. amangencnts.

Ono notable achievenont rias tho securing of the Syd.ney Cricket Ground.for June 14th for a Victorian Lea6ue conpetition natch.

I,h. Sruce Andrer-r was eq:pointod. Socrotary of the Councilr in placo ofi'.h. Percy l{itctrell, who has reti-rod" through pressure of privato business. Ourd.eepest appreciation goes to }fu. I'Iitchell for bis outstanding r+ork during histern of offico. At the sane tine lle congratulato }tr. Andreli on his a4rpointnontand. assuro hira of our utnost loyalty and. support,

OiE P-ATR03T AIID PRESID_$SI \le are i.:rd.eed honoured. to rstain at the holir tvlo suchiinessnenas]jr'E.J.Ba11stron(latron)arrd'}1r.I,.J.

Taylor (Presiaent),

l.fenbers appreciato tho ca.Lls on tbo tin:e and. servicos of l-tr' Ballstronand. ars d.eeply ind.ebted. that hc can find. tine to assist in the 5'ood. and. solfareof the cod.o, partictrlarl-y in actin6'as Ci:airrnan of the /'d.visory Soar<l,

ilr. Iiallstrora also again entcrtained. all visiting tearns at an officialluncheon at Taronga Park Zoological Gard.errs, r-diich vas rcuch appreciated..

So far as our Frosid.ente lb. Taylor, is concernod.e no one could. rorkhard.er than ho for tho {\rture of the cod.e in Nev Soutb Tfales.

/,t Lea6uc raeotings tributes are frequantly paid, for his nargl acts ofkind.nesses a.nd. benevolcnce. ilis tgophies to the various clubs are mueb apprec-iat ed....

Our tha.nks, Les, for alL )'ou have clone and are d.oing for the galoegenerally, iJe trust your cfforts in the future vlilI be croneeii l;rith the successtbey so riohly d.esorver

IJI{PIRES; This irnportant phase was well governod by the Unpires fupointnentffiTf'fessrs. J. C\ury, ril. uuntcin and. E.-Snitb). ilr. Snith also coached. thoumpiros.

The stand.ard. gonerally was quite satisfactory a.ntl it is eq>octed, anumber of the youngor unrpires will shor-r stj-11 greater improvement this yeacr

4SPEECIarJ0N 0_F SBVJCES. lnsrK,D. llanion & Coy. and. llr. B.C.Honorarir Aud.itor, rospect ivoly.

Once more tho thariks of tho Leaguo go to ldessrs,0xerrhan for anting as Eonorary Solicitors and.

Page 11: F'ORTY NINTH ANNUAL REPORT - NSW Australian Football ...-2-Tho substantiaL incroaso in rcvonuo froin corpotition mrrtchcs ves duo to fnrm3ror Par]:, belng rogalnetl for Sunday use.

-B-Donations sre gratefully acknovLodg'ed. flom llegsrs, E.J. Hallstron,

I'{. Strickland., R. Scolton, L.J. Brylor, l{. 3ugry, B.A, Ryall ard. A.J. Snofi, Aspecial tributo is accord.od. llr. Taylor for his ready responso in making possiblothc Loa6tre rs over&raft at tbo benk.

ieep approoiation is ertend.od. to tbe St, George and. Syd.noy Clubs forentortaining vislting Sroken Eill and. Nelrcastle playorsg tho Salmain Cl.ub forloan of jorsoys, and to all tboso good. peoplo errd. clubs r&o so band.sonoly con-tributed. to'ward.s tho cost of eend.ing tho ssbool-boysr teaa to Molbourne,

Praise is also e:rtend.ed. to the various sub-committces. (Pernit and. iiatch,Protests alrd. Disputos, Salection anC. Un'pirest Sppointnent 3oard.) for jobs wellC.ono, and also to the feri hard. vorking junior offi.cj.sfls libo badly nesd. assistance,

To tire respective Broad.cesiing Orgarisations and. the Prese thanks isalso duo. ]Iay ve bo pard.oned by lnd.ivid.ualising in this instenco i:r referring toIb. 3ob Dan:cs rdro contributes tioso vory intoresting articles in thetSond.i Dai1t'Our speoiar.l praiso tc you lh. Dalros.

Appreoiation is also accord.ed. jh, .i.F. "Gusil lTillians, EonoraryAssistant iecretary.r rdro retired. in 3,9.5!. after 11 years of sterling servicoto the gernor

F-OjfAf-i A srb-conrrnittee in llessrs. N. Ferguson; E, IlqFaelane and. B, Eeafey,organised. a Combined 3a11, ri:ich vas held. at the Paddlbston Torar flaII on t.7,9.5LThis'vras a, ver-t d.eligbtflrl md. successful function, and. flIled a Long-felt want.

This year tbe d.ate bas been flred. for l8th June, at the Padd.ington tomHall1 and. this shouLd" be one of tho hig'l:liehts of th.e sea.son.

gSIlUiRYr iie d.esire to express our sincero syu'pathy to all associatsd. with thocod.e riho suff ered bereevoment d.uring 1951.

Tho passing of Jirn lfurpl:y (former Vice-?rosid.ent and lTorth Shored.elegate), Tom nyan (St, George trainer) and. Valter Thonpson (of the old. Raih'raysCIub) ronovcd. fron our rnid.st g?arld pioneers of tbe gane.

To the sorro\'tng fanilies and. all otbers ntro lost lovsd ones we ortend.our d.eepest oond.olerrcoso

NSICAST],Ea Interesting conpetitions nero holtl y{ith five tearns in flrst gradeand. for.:r teams in the Und.er 18 Years. ltayfielrt Club sas successful in wlruringboth soctions. In tbe sobooLs four toams conpeted. in a conpotitlon, wlth $elr-castlo Eigh rinning.

Congratulations to }tr. lloed.sl Presid.entn &. Elliott, Secrotary aldthoir connitteo on a. successful soason.

Page 12: F'ORTY NINTH ANNUAL REPORT - NSW Australian Football ...-2-Tho substantiaL incroaso in rcvonuo froin corpotition mrrtchcs ves duo to fnrm3ror Par]:, belng rogalnetl for Sunday use.

-9-/'t9ffi4l01[S [0 TEE CO1fS_II[Ijf.I0Ng fbe follofllng alterations and anendments werea5rootl to durin6 tho yema-


lfew Clause (U). Associate Vlce-hesld.entsl rdro nry be appointed by theLeague anil wbo shall have voice, but no voting poreeiro


Ad.tLitions to be lcrowrr as Clanses (b) and. (c)t(U) That it be a cond.ition of membershiB of tbe League for eacb olub to naJ.n-

tain at 1ea,st one junior teem,

(") [']:e afflllatlon of any club rnal.ntaining only one Junior tearn rnay be reviewed.at tbe end, of antrr football plafing seasron, provitlecl that 14 d.ayst notlce inmiting be given of stroh intencl.ed. review.


New Clar.rse (y); Any player, who during'the cumency of the season basnlayed five (5) o" Ercre gamss in flrst grade conpetition sball not be e1lgib1e to

rticipate.in- anJr r€serve grade seni-fina1 or firral, unless suob playor hasplayod. ten (fo) or moxe games in reservs grade during tbe season..

Existing cla.rse (v) to be lrrown as clause (z)

PROSPECTS.g liith the choers sti1l ringing i.n our ears ftorn the finals of lasttrrearr wl:en \,'estern Sutrurbs so moritori.ously uested tbe proniersbip from EasternSutnrrbs, after the rodoubtablo ]Iertoratr toan bad been elir"instecl.; the prornise ofe continuanoe of zucb. stirring qenf,estsl ancl the big ster attraction on June 14tbvhen Colling'wood. and. Riohmond. rilL meet ln a oorrpetition netcb ct the SydneyCricicot Ground., folLo'wed. by Ovons & l'lrrray Loague v, orrr Leegue et Tnr.rrper Parkon Sund.aye Juno L5th, we face up to 1ll2 full of confid.encs.

Consequent upon the persistent increasod. cost in proEpting tbe sport,houever, it j.s necossary tbat roore finance be obtained. ancl qittr this in vlen yourLea6uo has already adopted. a plan to iuprove tho roceipts, but lt is obvious thatonly an all-out effort by all tbo clubse (officials, pLayers, supportere - infactr alL rcho have tho interests of th.e game at hoart), can we achl.eve tbe tlesirod.CiIIGOOS B r

This thonl is an appeal to thoss refemed. to, to nake thj.s Ssaeon tbeturrajng point in the cod.ers long ard strsnuous endeavour to assume J.ts poaltlonin tho footbaLl history of this Stato. h lt we bayE a gemo of outstardingoxaellenoe - thriLlinSr skl1firLr speotacuLar - ono d.ovised t5r Aretraltsrs mileqrressive of the Groat .AustraLian charactoristios of in&ivltluality eacl resource.It has conplotely captured the four Soutbern States, arrd tbere is no reason wbyit should. not obtain a prouil position in the other trro, In tbis gfeat State ofNow South 13a1osr thare is anFle room for all tho football cod.es and prosperiffor alli blrt without the actlvo zupport of those interested., this cannot beaob,ioved,.

Page 13: F'ORTY NINTH ANNUAL REPORT - NSW Australian Football ...-2-Tho substantiaL incroaso in rcvonuo froin corpotition mrrtchcs ves duo to fnrm3ror Par]:, belng rogalnetl for Sunday use.

-10-Tho d,oninating factor of our success in other Statos has beon the

1ooal patriotism ard. koon rivelry botwocn tho various suburbs with roprosentativoLcague toams. Tbis rivalry and. entbusiasn communicatocl" to players end. officialsts tbo driving forco that has producorl suob notablo results and. is the founda-tton upsn nhicb wo mrst brild..

Let use thoreforel exort si/ery vigor to nake L952 an outstandingsuccoss for tbo Arstrallan cocLo errd. a fitting preLl;irinary to our 1953 JubiloeTear.

For and. on behal-f of tbs Comnittool

K. C. Fm,GLTSoN,

Eon._ Socretarl.r.

jpDENryga Onco again it af,ford.s mo rmrch prid.o on bohalf of ths nenbors of tb.eLea-le a,nd. on n{/ oyrr behalf to oxpress Erpreoiation to the excellent work por-foi ,d by tho Eonorery Socrotary, f,ir, Ken Forguson.

His many dutios wore, as u2a1, carried. out in the most offioientand, d.lgnified. manncr and. ho is d.esorving of tho highest prai-se.

L. J. [AYLoR,,


Page 14: F'ORTY NINTH ANNUAL REPORT - NSW Australian Football ...-2-Tho substantiaL incroaso in rcvonuo froin corpotition mrrtchcs ves duo to fnrm3ror Par]:, belng rogalnetl for Sunday use.


to Gate Receipbs:- REcErPTit'

rr Sale of Sea,son Ticketsrr Football Record.f €,393.6. g

Advertising 9O. 0. 0I Donations---ffirletronrEoq. loo. o. o

TI. Strickland.rEsq. 1. 1. 0R. Skolton, Esg. 6. 3. 9L.J. faylorr Esq. 7. '1. 6R. 3uggy, Esq. ,. O. 0H.A. RyalJ., Esg. 5. 5" 0A.J, Sncxr, Esq. 5. 0. 0

" Affiliationsrr liof\rnds" CIub Accounts L950 & 1951.tr Rents Reoeived" Special l{atches" League Ball Cor.rnitteen Sydney Cricket GrouncL Trl.rstrr Gra+ts by rhrst. ltrat.F.Council

Grant Accorrnt ScboolsCarniva.l L00. 0. 0

Per II.S.T. .A.dv.3d, 285. 3. 4Gren* Aocount 250. 0. 0

rr Intorost on Comomroalt& Bond.sSundries

€,2530. 5. 6

472,!2. 6

483. 6. g

By Staff Yfages: UnpiresGatomen,fr Renta-Ls

rr Football Rocordrr Footbal"lsrr Printingrr Stanps & Stationcrytr Jirlvortising


Etc. 16?-. 8. 9 €,82?,3. g1626. 2. O

479.a5. 7221.14.1133.16. B

30.J.4, 3371" 9. 527,11. 417.14. 6

390.11.Ll9.13. 6

3?.10. o5.15. 0

10. o. o138.12.72'(. 4. 11.0.0

3?0.16.1,0?.IL. o

35" 2. O

1.1.011. B. g

236. 6. 39.4.9

10. 4. 610. 0. 02.L0. O

2.10. 0. 16.gr.8.7

64. 0. 2



T3ophios & PresentationsInsurancoJunio::s & SchoolsEntertainnentAffiliationsSecretarial Sxponoosr' trd-itorts Honorariun lplo Arlc

" Spooial liatchestt Tolephonert lraurid"zytr Entertairulent Taxt' Sank Chargesrr Anbulancetr Treathsrr Plant hrchasesI' Sea.son TicJrct Sales - ConnLssionrr Unj-versity 1950 AooountIt A.N.F.C. Inspoction of Grourrd.srr Deposit Sotany CounciLfrGlazing Carniva.l photographsrr lledioa.l Erpensesrr Carta6or! Suncky Expend.iturerr E:ccess Reooi-pts cnrer Exponditurc

129.17.27. 6.29. 7.

151. LB.181. O.300. 0.54.U.22. 4.





1.11. 4

€,5019.10. I 5019.rO.1

..AIIDIIo!'rS IEPOIA - I havs aualted tbs books, a,coou.lrtE €rtl voudror8 of N,S.TT. .A.N.F.L. and. have obtaLtDAd1-Tf,;-TFoG,Tiorr ard. erlrlenations required. I oerJtify that, Ln ry optniou, tte iopgofng neooiptsald. E pend.ifulo_-.!'toount i6 p-r€perly alra\qn up €o es to oxhiblt a tru€ andL oor-€ct .\rief, of tbe Etate of!!9, !o?qug.l. effairs a6 at the-4atd thersof aoooittl-ns to tho infomtttorr ;6i.ild';rri 6E ;ho"a

-6t tt;Doore o! trl€ loagrr€. (SCO.) g. C, Om{EA}1, Eon. AuAi.tor.


SrSt Hon. Troa,sure 16th Jsnt y t 1952.