Fortnightly Progress Report on SWIA Improvement … · Appendix 1 SWIA Improvement Plan –Page 1...

Appendix 1 SWIA Improvement Plan –Page 1 of 44 Fortnightly Progress Report on SWIA Improvement Plan and Social Work Scrutiny Review Action Plan 17 March 2008

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Fortnightly Progress Report on SWIA Improvement Plan and

Social Work Scrutiny Review Action Plan

17 March 2008

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SWIA Improvement Plan

NB Please note in terms of Pyramid Performance Monitoring a lead manager is required. Where more than one manager has responsibility for the actions the name highlighted will have overall responsibility for updating the plan.

Recommendation 1

The social work service should continue to develop a systematic approach to recording, measuring and analysing planned outcomes for people who use social work services and report any findings

Key Drivers

Action Required (Input)

What we aim to


Related Plans

Lead and Resources needed

Timescale Monitoring

Arrangements Progress Traffic Light


1.1 Planning, Commissioning and Performance Management

Ensure the successful development and implementation of the Social Work Performance Framework. To enable this, Social Work will develop a suite of performance measures that are used on a weekly/fortnightly or monthly basis covering the range of issues from unallocated work, Delayed Discharge/Reports to Children’s Panel/Court etc.

Effective performance management and reporting in all areas of service, allowing sound service planning and development.

Service Plans Partnership Plans Social Work Strategic Plan Corporate Plan Argyll and Bute Local Outcome Agreement (April 2008 on)

Joanna Hynd Mark Lines Janne Preston

Report to the DMT January 2008 for approval of performance framework. Thereafter monitoring in terms of applied framework.

Members quarterly Quarterly DMT Quarterly SWMT Monthly Adult Care (ACMT) & Children & Families (C&F MT) Management Meetings Joint Health & Social Care Partnership Argyll & Bute’s Children

Report approved at DMT 21 January Review of local resource groups and their role in performance management currently taking plans in adult services. Target for Completion March 2008. Suite of indicators now developed and agreed for both Children and Families Services and Adult Services. Monitoring reports from CareFirst being developed by Planning and Information Team for agreement with


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Key Drivers

Action Required


What we aim to


Related Plans

Lead and Resources needed

Timescale Monitoring

Arrangements Progress Traffic Light


This information will be used by local managers to lead operational practice both in terms of meeting reporting timescales, allocation and workload management issues and issues relating to balance of care across the range of client groups. This will be complemented by audit processes undertaken on a service wide basis in conjunction with the QA Section.

Heads of Service.

1.2 Planning, Commissioning and Performance Management

All service planning to contain clear and measurable outcomes for service users. As part of this, routine electronically derived reports from Care First/Care Assess will be available to local managers. Electronic reports will provide a management tool for the management of the National Minimum Standards framework for Adult Care Single Shared Assessment, Child Care Services and Criminal Justice

To develop outcome framework that meets the outcomes agenda for all service users, which will demonstrate an effective service.

Joint Performance Information and Assessment (JPIAF) Annual Return. Children and Families Performance Framework Argyll and Bute Local Outcome Agreement (April 2008 on)

Joint Future Planning Officer

Mark Lines

June 2008

Annual at DMT

Carefirst reports on unallocated cases and SSA’s over 56 days now available weekly for Adult Services Area Managers. 30% reduction in Adult Care unallocated CareFirst cases since November 2007. 10% reduction in outstanding SSAs at January 2008. A further 10% reduction in outstanding SSAs at February 2008.


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Recommendation 2

The Council should move quickly to implement the recommendations of the Scrutiny Review to reduce the need for

children to be placed out of the authority

Key Driver

Action Required


What we aim to


Related Plans

Lead and Resources needed

Timescale Monitoring

Arrangements Progress Traffic Light


2.1 Process and Practice

Prepare and implement a strategy for the development of foster care that includes kinship care and permanent placements. This strategy will complement improvement in care and permanency planning arrangements.

The number of children placed out of the authority is reduced A higher % of children are placed in foster care Increase in numbers of foster carers from baseline of 31 to 40 by 2010.

Children and Families Service Plan Child Placement Strategy Children and Families Service Plan

R Wilson Additional funding to establish foster care scheme

Strategy paper to Executive Committee December 2007. Full implementation of the scheme by December 2008.

Fortnightly reports to DMT on implementation of Strategy. Monthly reports on LAC to the Children and Families Management Team. Quarterly reports to DMT on profile of LAAC.

Strategy agreed at DMT in December. Strategy implementation commenced Report will be presented to DMT in April 2008. Consultation events held with foster carers on 09/02/08 and 15/03/08.


2.2 Process and Practice 2.3 Planning and Commissioning

Strategy for the development of community support arrangements to be presented to Members. Undertake a best value review of Council managed children’s homes

The number of children affected by disability placed outwith the authority is reduced from a baseline of 18. To ensure achievement of a high quality responsive service

Children Affected by Disability Strategy Children and Families Service Plan

M. Lines Additional funding to develop support services for CABD Rodger Wilson

Strategy paper to Executive Committee December 2007. Implementation December 2008 June 2008

Monthly reports to C&FMT on number of out of authority placements. Quarterly reports to DMT on profile of LAAC. Fortnightly at DMT

Report will be presented to DMT in April 2008 Report regarding residential respite facility recommends formal tendering for partnership to go to Executive in March. Initial stages of process under way


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Recommendation 3

Social work services should take steps to ensure that they provide SCRA with reports within the required


Key Driver

Action Required (Input)

What we aim to


Related Plans

Lead and Resources needed

Timescale Monitoring

Arrangements Progress Traffic

Light Status

3.1 Process and Practice

Provide additional support to teams with poor performance in producing SCRA reports on time. This will include improved managerial processes and additional resource where required which will be detailed within a specific SCRA improvement plan. This will reflect reconfiguration of area teams with a team based action plan being developed in each area.

Increase in numbers of reports submitted on time to SCRA Initial target 10% increase on September 2007 baseline (22%) by 31/3/08 with 40% of reports on time by December 2008.

Children and Families Service Plan Area Children’s Service Plans

Alex Taylor March 2008 Monthly reports to C&FMT Quarterly to DMT Annual SPI

Action Plan in relation to this agreed. Weekly monitoring now in place. Monthly reports in place. Performance for October – November 2007 indicates returns of 26%.


3.2 Process and Practice

Ongoing performance management with development of centralised process for monitoring individual reports. Outcome and process benchmarking to be undertaken with group of similar authorities.

Sustained improvement in numbers of reports submitted on time

Children and Families Service Plan Area Children’s Service Plans

Alex Taylor June 2008 Monthly reports to C&FMT Quarterly to DMT Quarterly with Authority Reporter. Annual SPI

Centralised allocation and monitoring process now in place. Quarterly report will be available in April 2008.


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Recommendation 4

Social work services should consider benchmarking with comparative authorities and interrogate the information further to ensure that this way of targeting of services is the best way of meeting need

Key Driver

Action Required


What we need to achieve

Related Plans

Lead and Resources needed

Timescale Monitoring

Arrangements Progress Traffic

Light Status

4.1 Planning Commissioning and Performance Management

Identify similar and best in class Authorities to form a benchmarking family using Local Authorities identified in Council’s Pyramid reporting format. Initial benchmarking will focus on the Statutory PI’s and thereafter on the general Outcomes Framework

The ability to share good practice and drive up effective service delivery.

Social Work Service Plans

Planning and Information Manager

Reports to the SWMT and DMT May 2008. First report on benchmarking on Statutory PI’s for all client groups June 2008.

Quarterly reporting of benchmarking family performance to SWMT and DMT

Benchmarking family identified: Clackmannanshire, East and North Ayrshires, East and West Dunbartonshires, East, Mid and West Lothians Inverclyde, East Renfrewshire, Perth and Kinross, Stirling Much interest shown by other authorities and initial meeting to take place in March 2008.


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Recommendation 5

Social work services should increase the number of carers assessments they offer. They should monitor

performance in relation to the number of carers assessments they do

Key Driver

Action Required (Input)

What we aim to


Related Plans

Lead and Resources needed

Timescale Monitoring Arrangements

Progress Traffic Light Status

5.1 Process and Practice

Redesign the primary clients form to ensure that:

• Carers of all adult care and children with disability clients, initially offered a separate assessment

• If separate assessment refused, carers will be offered assessment as part of primary client’s assessment.

• If carers assessment refused the reasons why etc will be formally recorded.

• Information/Leaflets etc will be produced specifically to promote this process and the uptake of carer’s assessment will be developed as part of recommendation 8.

Provide an explicit prompt to ensure all aspects of carers needs are considered in assessment process.

Adult Services Plan Children & Families Service Plan

Joanna Hynd, Service Manager (Operations)

Alex Taylor Service Managers (Operations) Designated CHP Manager.

January 2008 March 2008

ACMT, CFMT & Joint Implementation Group (Bi-monthly)

Updated primary assessment form agreed and circulated to Social Work and Health colleagues on 010/2/08. Meeting arranged for 29/02/08 to agree proposals for Care access. Target for implementation is 31

st May 2008.


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Key Driver

Action Required


What we aim to


Related Plans

Lead and Resources needed

Timescale Monitoring Arrangements

Progress Traffic Light Status

5.2 Process and Practice

Develop a Carer’s Strategy and Action Plan in partnership with carers groups and the Argyll and Bute CHP.

Ensure carers assessments completed in all appropriate cases.

Adult Services Plan Children & Families Service Plan

Anne Austin

Alex Taylor Service Managers (Operations) Designated CHP Manager.

April 2008

ACMT, CFMT & Joint Implementation Group ( Bi-monthly) A&B Health and Social Care Partnership

Strategy completed – Action Plan being worked up. Anne Austin met with Carers Groups and agreed training plan.


5.3 Process and Practice

Implement the carers element of the electronic assessment module by April 2008 including the self assessment tool devised by carers.

Provision of an effective tool for the management of carers assessments

Care First Re-implementation Plan.

Head of Service, Adult Care

April 2008 Care First Project Board.

Meeting of 29/02/08 to progress format of Care Assess, including the carers element


5.4 Process and Practice

Training for Social Work, CHP care management staff and voluntary sector providers on assessment and care management.

Improve operational practice.

Community Services Training Plan Joint Training Plan

Service Managers, Joanna Hynd,

Allen Stevenson Mark Lines Voluntary Sector and Carers representatives will be involved in the presentation and uptake of the training.

Training for current staff completed by June 2008. Thereafter ongoing programme to be implemented

Social Work Training Board Joint Training Board SWMT

Policy and procedures currently being drawn up. Visit arranged by North Lanarkshire Council to assess their recent implementation of new guidance. Joint management developmental day (adult services) arranged for April 22

nd which will

promote strategic ownership of assessment and care management. Training for social work, CHP and homeless staff scheduled for May/June 2008. Guidance for recording Carers Assessments on Carefirst and updated. Carenap will improve performance management of carers assessment review April 2008.


5.5 Process and Practice

Monitor number of assessments undertaken

Performance manage the increase in

Carers Strategy (see 5.2 above)

Joanna Hynd Alex Taylor




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Key Driver

Action Required


What we aim to


Related Plans

Lead and Resources needed

Timescale Monitoring Arrangements

Progress Traffic Light Status

Baseline figures reported for JPIAF return from March 2007/March 2008 will provide the baseline

carers assessments. A 100% target for all carers assessments to be offered within Children Affected by Disability and Adult Services.

Quarterly Report to Health & Social Care Partnership May 2008

Annual JPIAF

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Recommendation 6

In order to inform strategic planning the social work service should move more quickly to ensure that it has a clear profile of the community it serves and of the current and potential future needs of all service user groups

Key Driver

Action Required (Input)

What we aim to achieve

Related Plans

Lead and Resources needed

Timescale Monitoring

Arrangements Progress Traffic Light


6.1 Planning, Commissioning and Performance Management

Extend the level of information already held on older people, child protection & children at risk of offending to all client groups. This information will be available on a locality basis and will be used to engage with local groups and providers in meeting our strategic objectives and analysis. Evaluation of pilots in Mental health CABD Older people

Better knowledge of the needs of our communities now and in future to inform service development. Information obtained from the evaluation of pilot initiatives will be used for appropriate service development.

All client service plans

Planning Manager/

Service Managers

Locality information available for service planning process beginning April 2008. September 2008

Joint Implementation Group ACMT & CFMT annually

Arrangement for update on youth justice and CABD information being developed and on track for publication in April.


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Recommendation 7

Social work service should work with community groups to target resources to meet priorities identified in the

community plan and social work services plan

Key Driver

Action Required (Input)

What we aim to achieve

Related Plans

Lead and Resources needed

Timescale Monitoring

Arrangements Progress Traffic Light


7.1 Planning, Commissioning and Performance Management

Community Groups to be identified Establish a programme of meetings with community groups Implement an agreed framework between May – September 2008 linking outcomes to strategy and commissioning plans. Develop strategy for engagement with hard to reach groups including parents of children on CPR/looked after, and mental health and substance misuse service users.

Open dialogue with Community Groups in order to formulate an agreed framework of communication and participation

Communication Strategy; Public Involvement Strategy; Service Plans

Service Managers Mark Lines

March 2008 March – July 2008 September 2008 October 2008

DMT March 2008 SWMT July 2008 DMT October 2008

Programme for meeting with CABD groups now in place. Adult Services; two meetings with Oban Mental Health Forum to establish positive contact and develop strong working relationships have taken place. Funding is available from Scottish Government to engage with OLI & MAKI Mental Health For a. Helensburgh and Lomond progressing with


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Key Driver

Action Required (Input)

What we aim to achieve

Related Plans

Lead and Resources needed

Timescale Monitoring

Arrangements Progress Traffic Light


Better Government for Older People (BGOP).

7.2 Planning, Commissioning and Performance Management

Undertake effective consultation with community groups using methods including focus groups, surveys, consultation visits and utilising CHP fora as appropriate.

Community Groups to be active partners in developing priorities and models of service delivery

Service Plans for all client groups

Service Managers Mark Lines

Sept 2008 ACMT & CFMT half yearly Fortnightly at DMT

Older Peoples consultation programme commencing on 18


February 2008 with meetings arranged across A&B and the islands engaging with older people and people who represent older people. Consultation to be completed by end of March.


7.3 Planning, Commissioning and Performance Management

Agree outcomes with community groups to ensure their efforts support the priorities of the service Sign off SLA’s Community Groups

Increase community involvement in the delivery of priorities and service developments.

Service Plans for all client groups

Service Managers Mark Lines

September 2008 September 2008

ACMT & CFMT half yearly Fortnightly at DMT

Dialogue underway with key groups.


7.4 Planning, Commissioning and Performance Management

Explore Social Enterprise model for future service delivery

Community ownership and provision of some services thereby extending community capacity

Service Plans for all client groups

S Greer/

J Robb September 2008

Report to DMT

Feasibility study at proposal stage for Social Enterprise development Preliminary discussions re Mental Health, Garden Project, Lochgilphead.


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Recommendation 8

The social work service should establish a public information strategy, including producing a comprehensive range of leaflets and complimentary web pages. Information should cover eligibility and the range of service


Key Driver

Action Required (Input)

What we aim to achieve

Related Plans

Lead and Resources needed

Timescale Monitoring

Arrangements Progress Traffic

Light Status

8.1 Communication & Consultation

Develop house style for publications

A consistent image to help the public identify with the work of the council

Service Plans for all client groups

Sandra Greer

March 2008 SWMT/DMT approval April 2008

House style agreed Green

8.2 Communication & Consultation

Develop eligibility criteria.

Provides criteria for the allocation and prioritisation of resources.

Service Plans for all client groups

J Hynd/ D Dunlop

Report to Council Executive April 2008

DMT - March Health and Social Care Partnership - June

Eligibility Criteria for Older People agreed jointly with Health Eligibility Criteria for CABD will be completed April 2008 Prioritisation of need framework briefing paper to DMT 31/3/2008


8.3 Communication & Consultation

Produce a public information strategy involving service users, carers and community groups

The public will be informed about the range of services available

Service Plans for all client groups

Sandra Greer

Report to Council Executive June 2008 and Health and Social Care Partnership June 2008.

SWMT Public Involvement strategy out for comment to community groups.


8.4 Communication & Consultation

Provide information on Social Work services electronically via the council’s website and by hard copies at appropriate Council, NHS and Partner

Provide public information for existing and potential service users and carers.

Service Plans for all client groups

Sandra Greer/Laura Cameron

July 2008 after strategy approved by Council Members & Health and


Information leaflets being redesigned


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Key Driver

Action Required (Input)

What we aim to achieve

Related Plans

Lead and Resources needed

Timescale Monitoring

Arrangements Progress Traffic

Light Status


First tranche of leaflets and electronic information will include:

• Adult Protection

• FPC/Home Care

• Direct Payments

• Child Protection

• Children Affected by Disability

• Family Support

Social Care Partnership

Leaflets to be developed re FPC and Home Care also for Direct Payments.

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Recommendation 9

The social work service should review systems of the allocation of resources for care packages at a local level. Building on existing practices, this should include the further development of inter-agency arrangements and a

scheme of delegated financial authority

Key Driver

Action Required (Input)

What we aim to achieve

Related Plans

Lead and Resources needed

Timescale Monitoring

Arrangements Progress Traffic Light


9.1 Process and Practice

Establish Resource Review Groups with Health and Education for appropriate service areas including children with disabilities Continue to operate Adult Care weekly resource groups from 1

st April 2008.

There will be consistency in the allocation of resources. The cost of care packages will be shared across agencies

Children and Families Service Plan

Alex Taylor

Joanna Hynd

March 2008 Six weekly review by Children’s Management Group Adult Care Management Team Joint Managers Team

Inter-agency Resource Review Group for children scheduled to begin March 2008. Update on RRG process will be presented to JIG on 13/03/08.


9.2 Process and Practice

Establish scheme of delegated financial authority for managers from 1

st April

2008. Adult Services

All budgets associated with community based services will be managed by Area Manager to a maximum of £20k per package.

All Community based care

Funding decisions will be made as near to the point of delivery as possible to avoid delay

Children and Families Service Plan Adult Care Service Plan

D Dunlop

J Robb

March 2008

As Above

In place for Children’s Services In place for Adult Care as


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Key Driver

Action Required (Input)

What we aim to achieve

Related Plans

Lead and Resources needed

Timescale Monitoring

Arrangements Progress Traffic Light


packages above £20k per annum to be authorised by Service manager. All Care Home placements to be authorised by the Service Manager. Access to Supporting People revenue will be via Service Manager Mental Health subject to priorities set at Adult Care Management Group. Children’s Services

Local Area Children’s Managers delegated authority up to £1,000 per package. Service Managers up to £20,000 All admissions to care to be authorised at Service Manager level.

Equitable access to services across A&B

Joanna Hynd Allen Stevenson


Weekly reports to CEO.

described. System streamlined to expedite decision making. Patter of meetings established and database managed on a monthly basis.


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Key Driver

Action Required (Input)

What we aim to achieve

Related Plans

Lead and Resources needed

Timescale Monitoring

Arrangements Progress Traffic Light


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Recommendation 10

Building on existing management information, social work senior managers should strengthen reporting and monitoring of unallocated work. From this there should be a clear set of actions designed to ensure that service priorities are being consistently met and that any unmet need is clearly and accurately drawn to the attention of

elected members

Key Driver

Action Required (Input)

What we aim to


Related Plans

Lead and Resources needed

Timescale Monitoring

Arrangements Progress

Traffic Light Status

10.1 Planning Commissioning and Performance Management

Record unallocated work on CareFirst. This to be managed by a combination of weekly, monthly and quarterly reports that direct performance activity for all client groups which enables differentiation between unallocated cases and those awaiting a service.

Introduce CareFirst to residential and day units by April 2008 to allow for the implementation and Care Management/Care Coordination framework which will assist in the management of this issue and assist in meeting the agreed

No gaps in the allocation of cases and a consistent level of provision across the authority

Children and Families Service Plan Adult Service Plan Criminal Justice Plan

Alex Taylor / Joanna Hynd

March 2008 Monthly reports to: C&F MT ACMT

Monthly reports regarding unallocated work are being submitted to management teams. Installation of CareFirst on track. Paper to DMT 14/03/08 for “Prioritisation of Need” framework. Draft CareFirst policy develop, due to be implemented by 31/03/08..


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Key Driver

Action Required


What we aim to


Related Plans

Lead and Resources needed

Timescale Monitoring

Arrangements Progress

Traffic Light Status

monitoring and review standards. Decision on allocation of new work to be made on a weekly basis and recorded on CareFirst/Case File.

10.2 Planning Commissioning and Performance Management

Report trends on unallocated work to Elected Members

Council priorities for service endorsed by members including acknowledgement and management of any unmet need

As above D Dunlop/

J Robb May 2008 Quarterly reports to

SWMT, DMT and members in May – June 2008

Green Green

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Recommendation 11

Service managers should ensure that all care plans including looked after and accommodated children and

adults have clearly targeted outcomes that are monitored and reviewed

Key Driver

Action Required (Input)

What we aim to achieve

Related Plans

Lead and Resources needed

Timescale Monitoring

Arrangements Progress Traffic Light


11.1 Process and practice

Agree and record targeted outcomes in care plans. Performance to be supported by training for key staff on outcome focused care planning. Provision of monitoring reports will be through Care Base system which will provide performance information for operational managers. Monitoring arrangements to be complemented by case file audit process undertaken in conjunction with QA Section. This issue to be addressed within individual staff supervision and PDR process.

There is effective care planning in place for LAAC and adults

Children and Families Service Plan Adult Service Plan Area Service Plans Criminal Justice Plan

Alex Taylor

/ J Hynd June 2008 June 2008 April 2008 March 2008 March 2008

Monthly monitoring at Children’s Joint Services Management Group Area Adult Care Managers responsible for countersigning care plans/carers /service users Annual audit of sample of care plans

Care planning training scheduled for April 2008. New “Outcome” section agreed for inclusion in new Care Assess document. First audit of care planning completed.


11.2 Planning Commissioning and performance

All care plans are reviewed by responsible manager or Independent Reviewing Officer within stipulated timescales.

Any difficulties or delays in implementing care planning requirements

As above M Lines/ A

Taylor / J Hynd

31 March 2008 Monthly monitoring at JSMG Quarterly report from Care Assess to Adult

First monthly monitoring report submitted to JSMG in February.


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Key Driver

Action Required (Input)

What we aim to achieve

Related Plans

Lead and Resources needed

Timescale Monitoring

Arrangements Progress Traffic Light


management This will include analysis of service user and carer involvement.

are identified and appropriate remedial action taken

Care Management Team and DMT

Annual audit of sample of care plans

First audit completed. Green

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Recommendation 12

The social work service should develop and implement a systematic and comprehensive approach to the assessment and management of risk, building on the work carried out in relation to child protection, adult

protection and criminal justice services

Key Driver

Action Required (Input)

What we aim to achieve

Related Plans

Lead and Resources needed

Timescale Monitoring

Arrangements Progress Traffic Light


12.1 Process and Practice

Establish a framework for the identification, assessment & management of risk. This will include:

• Generic Risk Assessment tool in place for adult client groups as part of the assessment process and managed via the local resource group process.

• If required the generic risk assessment will be supplemented by a further specialist risk assessment

In addition, specialist risk assessment tools are established for Mental Health, Child Protection,

Staff undertaking risk assessments have access to a comprehensive suite of risk assessment tools

Children’s service plan Adult Service Plan

M Lines/ Adrian Patterson

March 2008 Risk assessment processes to be endorsed by SWMT and DMT April 2008

Risk Assessment framework presented to Children & Families Management Team March 2008.


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Key Driver

Action Required (Input)

What we aim to achieve

Related Plans

Lead and Resources needed

Timescale Monitoring

Arrangements Progress Traffic Light


Criminal Justice and Youth Justice.

12.2 Planning , Commissioning and Service Management

Establish audit processes to ensure compliance by December 2007.

Evidence that risk assessment processes are being consistently applied

Children’s service plan Adult Service plan Planning and Performance Service Plan

Mark Lines/ Adrian Patterson /

Janne Preston

March 2008 Quarterly reports to SWMT and DMT in March 2008

Audit processes established


12.3 Process and Practice

Provide training for staff on risk assessment & management Training for key Council and CHP staff will be part of the generic assessment/care management training noted in recommendation 5.

Staff can demonstrate competence in accurately assessing risk

Children’s Service Plan Adult Service Plan

M Lines / Ernie Brown/ Allen Stevenson

June 2008 Evaluation of training presented to Social Work Management Team

Training scheduled for May 2008. Risk Assessment training is included in Assessment & Care Management training.


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Recommendation 13

The social work service should produce a three year plan, to be updated annually, clearly setting out priorities, targets and resource implications for modernising social work services. The plan should

demonstrate progress against social work Scrutiny Review recommendations and include joint targets where these have been agreed

Key driver

Action Required (Input)

What we aim to achieve

Related Plans

Lead and Resources needed

Timescale Monitoring

Arrangements Progress Traffic Light


13.1 Planning Commissioning and Performance Management

Develop a service wide social work plan linked to service and unit plans which will include service aims, resource information and SMART Action Plans.

The Social Work service has an overarching plan which sets the direction for future development

Corporate plan Service plans

D Dunlop

J Robb S Greer

April 2008 Plan will be agreed and reviewed annually by DMT & Members.

On track.


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Recommendation 14

A framework for operational and unit plans with clear targets and priorities should be agreed and implemented by the social work services to support decision making and target setting by service managers. Locality

managers in the Argyll and Bute CHP should be included in the development of joint plans.

Key Driver

Action Required (Input)

What we aim to achieve

Related Plans

Lead and Resources needed

Timescale Monitoring

Arrangements Progress Traffic Light


14.1 Planning Commissioning and Performance Management

Develop a framework and format for operational plans which identifies clear targets and priorities in conjunction with strategic partners.

Clear linkages between all plans, Corporate, Departmental, Service and Joint Plans will be evident

Social Work Strategic Plan

D Dunlop

J Robb CHP Manager

February 2008 DMT Health & Care Strategic Partnership Argyll & Bute’s Children

Framework agreed February


14.2 Planning Commission and Performance Management

Produce operational and unit plans Local service plans will focus on: Developing integrated services in the community. Shifting the “balance of care” via investment in social and health community based services. Investment in community involvement.

All operational units have in place a service plan which identifies local actions in line with strategic priorities

Service Plans Service Managers & CHP Locality Managers for all client groups

June 2008 Joint Implementation Group (Joint Future) & Argyll & Bute’s Children Social Work Management Team

On track. Green

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Recommendation 15

The social work service, along with its partners should increase and support the active involvement and

participation of people who use services and their representatives in strategic joint planning structures and arrangements

Key Driver

Action Required (Input)

What we aim to achieve

Related Plans

Lead and Resources needed

Timescale Monitoring

Arrangements Progress Traffic Light


15.1 Communication and Consultation

Produce a consultation & public involvement strategy which builds on links to service user groups and provider fora.

Service users will inform the development of services

Social Work Strategic Plan Service Plans Joint Service Plans

Sandra Greer, CHP Manager

July 2008 Plans agreed by SWMT & Joint Implementation Group

Plan out for comment to community groups, Social Work and Health staff – return date end March. Plan to be presented at JIG in April.


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Recommendation 16

In order to ensure that their proposals to develop a more integrated approach to planning and delivering

services come to fruition, the partner agencies should work more closely together to develop a comprehensive and specific action plan. This must include establishing clear funding and governance arrangements

Key Driver

Action Required (Input)

What we aim to achieve

Related Plans

Lead and Resources needed

Timescale Monitoring

Arrangements Progress Traffic Light


16.1 Planning, Commissioning and Performance Management

Review the template for strategic inter-agency plans for all client groups.

Template for the development of the plans will be agreed by key partners

Social work strategic plan Service plans Joint Service Plans

D Dunlop J Robb D MacVicar

CHP Manager

April 2008

Framework for service and finances agreed by Health & Social Care Partnership and Argyll & Bute’s Children

Framework for Children’s Services completed and agreed at Argyll and Bute’s Children on 06/03/08.


16.2 Planning, Commissioning and Performance Management

Produce Integrated Children’s Service Plan by June 2008 and a suite of interagency service plans for adult services, including:

• Joint Older Person’s Plan Completed

• Joint Substance Misuse Plan Completed

• Joint Learning Disability Plan to be completed by 31


March 2008

• Joint Rehabilitation Plan to be completed by September 2008

Plans will capture all joint initiatives, funding and governance

Social work strategic plan Service plans Joint Service Plans

D Dunlop

J Robb D MacVicar CHP Manager

March - September 2008

Plans and financial framework endorsed and monitored by Health and Social Care Partnership, Strategic Children’s Group and Argyll & Bute’s Children

Revised timescale of September for ICPS in line with new framework which was jointly agreed with partners following the report of a short life group to Argyll and Bute’s Children.


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Key Driver

Action Required (Input)

What we aim to achieve

Related Plans

Lead and Resources needed

Timescale Monitoring

Arrangements Progress Traffic Light


• Joint Mental Health Plan to be completed September 2008

Option appraisal and consultation underway to be concluded by August 2008.

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Recommendation 17

The social work service should review its practice in relation to staff working regular weekly hours whilst being

employed on zero hours contracts

Key Driver

Action Required (Input)

What we aim to achieve

Related Plans

Lead and Resources needed

Timescale Monitoring

Arrangements Progress

Traffic Light Status

17.1 Management and Support of Staff

Implement the review of homecare after single status finalised (Feb 2008). Key elements of this will be:

• The development of a two tiered home care service focussing on personal and intensive personal care needs, to enable a review all conditions of service including zero hour contracts

• A community based service across health and social care to assist in “shifting the balance” of care towards community services.

• Implement SVQ training programme

Development of service that provides contracted hours for home care staff focussing on delivery of personal and complex home care tasks.

Home Care Review Implementation of Single Status (Job Evaluation) Adult Service Plan Joint Older Person’s Plan

Service Manager, Community Care (Resources) Anne Austin

Implement new salary scales and job descriptions- April 2008 Home Carers in post by June 2008 Ongoing

Quarterly ACMT DMT

Single Status implemented February 2008 Stages of Implementation Meeting with HHO staff on Monday 11

th February 2008.

Ground work in place for interim arrangements for rotas from the implementation of single status – 18

th February, 2008.

Suggested dates for meeting with unions sent out Friday 15

th February –

purpose of meeting to finalise the details of the home care review with a view to implementation by the end of April 2008. Health and Social Care staff are actively working towards shifting the balance of care towards community services. This currently stands at 58.4% of people


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Key Driver

Action Required (Input)

What we aim to achieve

Related Plans

Lead and Resources needed

Timescale Monitoring

Arrangements Progress

Traffic Light Status

receiving a community care service.

17.2 Management and Support of Staff

Present options on the future delivery of homecare services to members

Council endorsement of future direction of delivery of personal and complex home care tasks.

Adult service plan

Sandra Greer

July 2008 to DMT August 2008 to Council members

Project Board Council Executive

On target, Consultation Strategy and Workplan agreed Service specifications being developed


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Recommendation 18

The social work service should ensure that team leaders have clear criteria about what work requires the professional skills of a qualified social worker and that which other staff can appropriately carry out. An audit

process should be put in place to ensure that these criteria are applied consistently

Key Driver

Action Required (Input)

What we aim to achieve

Related Plans

Lead and Resources needed

Timescale Monitoring

Arrangements Progress Traffic Light


18.1 Management and Support of Staff

Establish criteria for the allocation of work to para-professionals & unqualified staff in line with “Changing Lives” based on outcome of initial review. Individual case loads monitored through supervision and workload management.

Staff are allocated work of appropriate complexity within a standard set of criteria

Children and Families Service Plan Adult Service Plan Area Service Plans

D Dunlop J Robb

May 2008 Ongoing

Criteria agreed by SWMT April 2008.

On track Green

18.2 Management and Support of Staff

Audit undertaken of work allocated to para-professional and unqualified staff. Make any adjustments to allocated work as a result of the audit.

Staff in all areas of the authority have work allocated in line with established criteria

Children and Families Service Plan Adult Service Plan Area Service Plans

Alex Taylor, Joanna Hynd Allen Stevenson

September 2008 Initial audit by April 2008. Annual report to SWMT in September 2008

SWIA inspection Audit Tool for case files will be used in two Service Centres in April 2008.


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Recommendation 19

The social work service should develop an over-arching strategy for workforce planning, including staff support and development. Training priorities should be aligned with service plans and clearly linked to

supervision and appraisal processes.

Key Driver

Action Required (Input)

What we aim to achieve

Related Plans

Lead and Resources needed

Timescale Monitoring

Arrangements Progress Traffic Light


19.1 Management and Support of Staff

Undertake the workforce planning activities within the Corporate Human Resource Strategy Implementation Plan HR Strategic Board consider Departmental structure proposals Complete filling of posts to create necessary staff capacity. Finalise vacancy analysis and skills audit. Produce workforce planning scheme.

A clear picture of the staffing profile and forecast manpower needs of the service as established through strategic and service planning.

HR Strategy HR Manager January 2008 February 2008 April 2008 September 2008 December 2008

Annually DMT Half yearly Training Board Report to Council Executive March – April 2008

Departmental Structure approved by HR Strategic Board in February 2008.


19.2 Management and Support of Staff

A clear link between supervision and PDR outputs and the Training Programme.

A well trained workforce equipped to meet service demands.

PDR and Supervision Guidance Training Plan

Training Officer

July 2008 July 2008

Quarterly report to SW Training Board on Training Programme May 2008. Half yearly report to DMT

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Key Driver

Action Required (Input)

What we aim to achieve

Related Plans

Lead and Resources needed

Timescale Monitoring

Arrangements Progress Traffic Light


19.3 Management and Support of Staff 19.4 Management and Support of Staff 19.5 Management and Support of Staff

Use Person centred plans to inform the need for flexibility Explore the use of more appropriate premises Actively promote and support formal qualifications for staff. Meet SSSC requirements for qualified staff.

A service which can better meet individual need and promote independence Better equipped and qualified workforce to provide person centred services

“Same As You” Learning Disability Plan Partnership in Practice

Adrian Patterson Adrian Patterson Adrian Patterson

March 2008 March 2008 March 2008

on percentage PDR completions September 2008. Fortnightly at DMT Fortnightly at DMT Fortnightly at DMT

Discussions have taken place with the Trade Unions. Flexible working agreed and used in recruitment. Managers have finalised unit plans for each service to work in a person centred way. 54% staff working outwith core hours (33% total hours worked flexibly) 31 Staff have successfully completed SVQ Training 3 Managers have received their Registered Managers Award 11 Staff currently undertaking relevant SVQ Training

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Recommendation 20

The social work service should ensure that service plans are clearly linked to, and supported by, available resources and identified in detailed financial plans.

Key driver Action Required (Input)

What we aim to achieve

Related Plans

Lead and Resources needed

Timescale Monitoring

Arrangements Progress Traffic Light


20.1 Planning, Commissioning and Performance Management

Service and Strategic planning established within recommendations 13 & 14 to include information regarding resources and budgets. This to build on initial training provided to Service Managers and Area managers November 2007.

Service and Strategic Plans informed and supported by clear financial and resource information.

All Service Plans.

J Robb D Dunlop

Finance Manager

June 2008 DMT SWMT

On track Green

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Recommendation 21

All policies concerned with the safety and well-being of staff should be reviewed and updated at three-yearly intervals as a minimum standard

Key Driver

Action Required (Input)

What we aim to achieve

Related Plans

Lead and Resources needed

Timescale Monitoring

Arrangements Progress Traffic Light


21.1 Management and support of staff

Review lone working and other staff safety policies 3 yearly with frontline staff involvement.

The safety of staff will be secured

Corporate and Departmental Health and Safety Plans

Ernie Brown April 2008 Report to DMT Quarterly Corporate Health and Safety reports to DMT & SMT.

The Corporate Lone Working and Personal Safety policies have recently been reviewed. Departmental policy being prepared which is due for completion by end of March 2008.


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Recommendation 22

The Social work service needs to move more quickly to remove any unnecessary barriers to information sharing. This should include affording all social work staff appropriate access to electronic case records

Key Driver

Action Required (Input)

What we aim to achieve

Related Plans

Lead and Resources needed

Timescale Monitoring

Arrangements Comment Traffic Light


22.1 Process and Practice

Provide access to the My CareFirst Social Work assessment and case recording system for all staff in residential units and day centres.

Easy access to all case records and management information for appropriate staff

My CareFirst Implementation Plan.

Paul Cairns March 2008 My CareFirst Board, DMT,

Roll out continuing to meet target timescale.


22.2 Process and Practice

Develop an information sharing system with the NHS and the Police building on current data sharing partnership protocol.

Ease of electronic information sharing between key agencies in line with national initiative. Care Assess (Council) and Capito (NHS) will provide framework for Single Shared Assessment by April 2008.

SW Strategic Plan

Highlands/ Argyll & Bute Data Sharing Partnership Jim Robb

Sept 2009 Bi-monthly Highland Data Sharing Partnership Group Bi Monthly Joint Strategic Partnership Group.


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Key Driver

Action Required (Input)

What we aim to achieve

Related Plans

Lead and Resources needed

Timescale Monitoring

Arrangements Comment Traffic Light


Adaptors that link the two systems being developed by Scottish Government. Installation timescale to be established.

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Recommendation 23

The social work service should move quickly to develop commissioning strategies across each sector

Key driver

Action Required (Input)

What we aim to achieve

Related Plans

Lead and Resources needed

Timescale Monitoring

Arrangements Progress

Traffic Light System

23.1 Planning, Commissioning and Performance Management 23.2 Planning and Commissioning and Performance Management

Commissioning strategies to be established within children’s and adult services

• Older People - March 2008

• Learning Disability - September 2008

• Mental Health - March 2009

• Substance Misuse - March 2008

• Rehabilitation Services - September 2008

• Children Affected by Disability

June 2008 Prepare tenders for Market Test

Services are in place from a cross section of providers that reflect current and projected levels of need. Best Value through exploring commissioning arrangements

Social Work Strategic Plan Children and Families Service Plan Adult Service Plan Joint Service Plans

D Dunlop J Robb

CHP Manager

March 2008 – September 2009 March 2009

Report DMT; Health and Social Care Partnership Annual review Fortnightly at DMT

On track

Council agreed to take forward option appraisal including full tender, following successful expression of interest.


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Key driver

Action Required (Input)

What we aim to achieve

Related Plans

Lead and Resources needed

Timescale Monitoring

Arrangements Progress

Traffic Light System

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Recommendation 24

Senior managers should improve their communication with staff at all levels in the organisation to ensure they sustain the current commitment to change.

Such strategy should actively secure staff commitment to the implementation of the vision for planning, delivery and continuous improvement of services across Argyll & Bute, particularly front-line staff

Key Driver

Action Required (Input)

What we aim to achieve

Related Plans

Lead and Resources needed

Timescale Monitoring

Arrangements Progress

Traffic Light System

24.1 Communication and Consultation

Continue with formal cascade arrangements of team meetings throughout the service on a monthly basis.

Issues in respect of the service and the wider organisation and be discussed and information distributed

Corporate Plan Social Work Strategic Plan Children and Adult Service Plans Area Plans

D Dunlop

J Robb Ongoing from January 2008

Annual Review by DMT

Progress in place Green

24.2 Communication and Consultation

Undertake regular visits by senior managers to front-line services building on previous schedule of visits. Evaluation of process to inform further development of engagement strategy.

Staff have opportunity to engage on a personal level with senior managers to discuss operational issues in respect of change and implementation of the vision

Social Work Strategic Plan

D Dunlop

J Robb Ongoing from January 2008

Annual Review by DMT

Programme in place Green

24.3 Communication and Consultation

Continue to distribute regular newsletters and briefings on the implementation of the

Staff have the opportunity to be kept up to date with

Social Work Strategic Plan

S Greer Ongoing from January 2008

Annual review by DMT

Monthly bulletin – February edition distributed 28/02/08


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Key Driver

Action Required (Input)

What we aim to achieve

Related Plans

Lead and Resources needed

Timescale Monitoring

Arrangements Progress

Traffic Light System

Scrutiny Review/SWIA Improvement Plan

service developments

24.4 Communication and Consultation

Continue to produce the CSWO Newsletter of Social Work issues

Staff have the opportunity to hear of issues relating to social work as a profession

Social Work Strategic Plan

D Dunlop Ongoing from January 2008

Annual review by DMT

CSWO Newsletter circulated February.


Scrutiny Review Action Plan Progress as follows Recommendation 1 Completed Recommendation 2 Subsumed into SWIA Recommendation 7 Recommendation 3 Subsumed into SWIA Recommendation 7 Recommendation 4 Subsumed into SWIA Recommendation 7 Recommendation 5 Completed Recommendation 6 Completed Recommendation 7 Incorporated in SWIA 19.3 Recommendation 8 Incorporated in SWIA 19.4 Recommendation 9 Subsumed into SWIA Recommendation 23 Recommendation 10 Completed Recommendation 11 Completed Recommendation 12 Subsumed into SWIA Recommendation 2 Recommendation 13 Subsumed into SWIA Recommendation 2 Recommendation 14 Incorporated into SWIA Recommendation 2 Recommendation 15 Incorporated into SWIA Recommendation 23 Recommendation 16 Completed Recommendation 17 Completed Recommendation 19 Incorporated into SWIA Recommendation 18(Scrutiny Review)

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Recommendation 20 Completed Recommendation 21 Completed

Recommendation 18

The Council should undertake a process mapping exercise of all administrative functions carried out within Social Work

Key Driver

Action Required (Input)

What we aim to achieve

Related Plans

Lead and Resources needed

Timescale Monitoring

Arrangements Progress Traffic Light


Management and support of staff

Best value review to be completed

Effective and appropriate admin support

Social Work Plan

Douglas Hendry/ Janne Preston

March 2008

Fortnightly at DMT

Report agreed 21 January DMT Implementation commenced January Meeting arranged for 29 February


Recommendation 22

Community Services should provide a 6 monthly report to members on the progress and implementing this


Key Driver

Action Required (Input)

What we aim to achieve

Related Plans

Lead and Resources needed

Timescale Monitoring

Arrangements Progress Traffic Light


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Key Driver

Action Required (Input)

What we aim to


Related Plans

Lead and Resources needed

Timescale Monitoring

Arrangements Progress Traffic Light


Communication and Consultation

6 monthly report to be prepared taking account of progress made

Inform elected members of progress with the action plan

Scrutiny Review of Social Work

Douglas Hendry

March 2008

Council Executive meetings

Progress being monitored to inform report
