Formal Letter

writing. - greetings. to unknown people. dear sr, or. madam. you finish with, yours faithfully. if you know the person. dear mr, or. mrs, and, surname. you finish with, yours sincerely. - formal letter to complain. reason for writing. i am writing in order to complain about, a coupon i bought last week, or. repairs service that i hired last week, or. my stay in your hotel last week, or. the meal in your restaurant, or. the last invoice that you sent me. the first thing i would like to draw your attention to is. the extremely poor quality of the food, or. the awful management, or. on the wrong shipping of goods, i am two cases short, or. the wrong articles have been delivered, or. the breach of contract on the part of vendor, or, supplier, or. the breach of certain clauses of the contract, on the part of vendor or supplier. there were several problems with the offer. i felt extremely disappointed, not only because the food was terrible, but also, because i was mistreated, by an impolite waiter. i am afraid there may be a misunderstanding. i am afraid it is not your fault. important, introducing further complaints. in the second place, or. the customer service was also unacceptable, or. to make matters worse. other phrases. you have charged additional goods, or. items, or. articles, or. content, or. manufactures. the goods are so severely damaged, as to be unsaleable, or. irreparable, or. useless. although i have followed your user guide to the letter. i am unable to obtain, the performances promised, or. quality indicated in your prospectus. i have had repeated breakdowns. the quality is not at all up to sample, or. up to standard, or. i am disappointed that, the quality is not at all up to sample. you promised me a discount that, has not been fulfilled. your shipment is already late. this involved me in additional expenses. i have been waiting for days. the overall effectiveness, leave much to be desired, or. the proposed ways and means, leave much to be desired.



Transcript of Formal Letter

Page 1: Formal Letter


- greetings. to unknown people. dear sr, or. madam. you finish with, yours faithfully.

if you know the person. dear mr, or. mrs, and, surname. you finish with, yours sincerely.

- formal letter to complain.

reason for writing. i am writing in order to complain about, a coupon i bought last week, or. repairs service that i hired last week, or. my stay in your hotel last week, or. the meal in your restaurant, or. the last invoice that you sent me.

the first thing i would like to draw your attention to is. the extremely poor quality of the food, or. the awful management, or. on the wrong shipping of goods, i am two cases short, or. the wrong articles have been delivered, or. the breach of contract on the part of vendor, or, supplier, or. the breach of certain clauses of the contract, on the part of vendor or supplier.

there were several problems with the offer.

i felt extremely disappointed, not only because the food was terrible, but also, because i was mistreated, by an impolite waiter.

i am afraid there may be a misunderstanding.

i am afraid it is not your fault.

important, introducing further complaints. in the second place, or. the customer service was also unacceptable, or. to make matters worse.

other phrases. you have charged additional goods, or. items, or. articles, or. content, or. manufactures.

the goods are so severely damaged, as to be unsaleable, or. irreparable, or. useless.

although i have followed your user guide to the letter. i am unable to obtain, the performances promised, or. quality indicated in your prospectus.

i have had repeated breakdowns.

the quality is not at all up to sample, or. up to standard, or. i am disappointed that, the quality is not at all up to sample.

you promised me a discount that, has not been fulfilled.

your shipment is already late.

this involved me in additional expenses.

i have been waiting for days.

the overall effectiveness, leave much to be desired, or. the proposed ways and means, leave much to be desired.

also there have been improvements, to the current facilities, since my first visit, they leave much to be desired.

other, other. demanding actions.

therefore, i suggest that, you replace the item or. therefore, i suggest, i be given a full refund.

therefore, i would appreciate, a visit as soon as possible, from your mechanical, or. engineer.

therefore, i am returning the broken items, to you forthwith, and i would be grateful, for immediate shipment of replacement, or. full refund, OR. rectify the contract.

I feel the obligation to cancel the contract, or. the order.

Other, other. End part.

I trust you will make, personal investigation into the matter.

I would like to know, when I can expect delivery of the items, I ordered some four months ago.

Otherwise, I shall have to turn, to another supplier.

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Other, other. Ending the letter.

I look forward, to hearing from you, or. I look forward to, receiving your explanation.