Form research


Transcript of Form research

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Regional magazines usually all contain a similar font style and language style. They usually use a formal language and manner in articles such as the editors letter and other extended pieces of text.

Depending on the topic usually discussed, these are usually in an informal, sans serif font which shows that they aim to target a wider more informal audience for these pieces.

The articles that are based around formal and more high brow and sophisticated topics, usually use a serif font and a more formal style of language. However, the articles that have more of a chatty and informal language style tend to use a sans serif font which suggests that it aims to appeal to a wider more non formal audience.


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Regional magazines often follow forms of normal magazines with the addition or lack of certain features. For example; regional magazines, like all magazines, use a masthead and other features such as plugs.

Plugs are used within regional magazines to directly address the audience with the use of pronouns and just generally attract the attention of the reader.

Free magazines of this style use buzz words to advertise the extra selling points such as ‘FREE!’ to further grasp the attention of a potential audience.

Mastheads are used as these are the most important part of the cover as it works as branding and acts as a company logo for the magazine name.


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The contents page of a regional magazine often follows certain forms of others as they need to be distinctive and recognisable.

The typeface and language style used is normally quite formal and serif style because this connotes professionalism and formality amongst the stories and articles within the magazine.

The images are usually laid out in similar ways in regional magazines, this is juxtaposed with the text, and they usually have a number that represents which image links to which page number of each article, to make it clear what the image refers to.

The layout of the text is also very similar as they usually are laid out in headings to make the page easier to navigate and locate specific articles without having to look through every single title, because of this, they are usually clearly labelled in categories