FOREIGN CONSULTANTS, INC. Credential Evaluation Services 3000 Dundee Rd., #209, Northbrook. IL 60062 Phone (847) 498-4499 Fax (847) 412-9570 Page I of 4 COMPARABILITY EVALUATION Member of Association of International Educators (NA FSA) ID NO.:000000009787 Name: Member o fAmerican Association of Collegiate Registrars and Registration NG: ~dmissions Date: Oficers (AACRAO) ID No. : 127-081 -0001 COU~~W: Education is Equivalent to U.S. Associate Degree in Ecological Engineering Ms. Lovsepyan, Nodira 213099 August 25,2005 Kazakhstan Member of European Associationfor Institution(s) Attended: Kazakh Leading Academy of Architecture and International Civil Engineering Education (EAIE) Years of Attendance: 2003-2005 ID No.: 107457 Purpose of Evaluation: Further Education, Employment 1. This Certificate was awarded to Ms. Lovsepyan, Nodira by the authority of the Examination Board of the Kazakh Leading Academy of Architecture and Civil Engineering upon completion of a two-year Study Program Majoring in Ventilation Gas and Heat Supply and Protection of Air Basin, leading to the qualification of an Ecological Engineer. 2. Ms. Lovsepyan, Nodira attended the Kazakh Leading Academy of Architecture and Civil Engineering in Kazakhstan. This is a recognized (accredited) Kazakh university. 3. Prerequisite to admission into this institution is the completed secondary education. "Atestat o Srednem Obrazovanii" (Certificate of Complete Secondary Education) (or comparable to it) is issued upon completion and is equivalent to the U.S. High School Diploma. 4. This Certificate gives right to get involved in professional activities in Kazakhstan in accordance with the acquired level of education and qualification. 5. This is an estimation of academic records from Kazakhstan in terms of U.S. equivalence which is made in accordance with Article 1, 2 and 5 of the "Regional Convention on the Recognition of Studies, Diplomas and Degrees in Higher Education in Asia and the Pacific" (Bangkok, UNESCO, December 16, 1983). Summarv: This evaluation is based on the presented documents and it is true and correct to the best of our knowledge and belief. This report is of an advisory nature and is not binding on any agency or institution. Only the appropriate U.S. licensing board may determine whether a professional educated in a foreign country may be licensed to practice within his or her profession in the United States. It is the judgment of Foreign Consultants, Inc. that Ms. Lovsepyan, Nodira has the qualification equivalent to the following degree(s), granted by regionally accredited academic Colleges and Universities in the United States: k Associate Degree in Ecological Engineering 1 - Annette Epstein, MS, MBA Senior Evaluator SAMPLE FCI INC


FOREIGN CONSULTANTS, INC. C r e d e n t i a l E v a l u a t i o n S e r v i c e s

3000 Dundee Rd., #209, Northbrook. IL 60062 Phone (847) 498-4499 Fax (847) 412-9570

Page I of 4


Member of Association of International Educators (NA FSA) ID NO.: 000000009787 Name: Member o f American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Registration NG: ~dmissions Date: Oficers (AACRAO) ID No. : 127-081 -0001 C O U ~ ~ W :

Education is Equivalent to U.S. Associate Degree in Ecological Engineering

Ms. Lovsepyan, Nodira

213099 August 25,2005

Kazakhstan Member of European Association for

Institution(s) Attended: Kazakh Leading Academy of Architecture and

International Civil Engineering Education (EAIE) Years o f Attendance: 2003-2005 ID No.: 107457 Purpose of Evaluation: Further Education, Employment

1. This Certificate was awarded to Ms. Lovsepyan, Nodira by the authority of the Examination Board of the Kazakh Leading Academy of Architecture and Civil Engineering upon completion of a two-year Study Program Majoring in Ventilation Gas and Heat Supply and Protection of Air Basin, leading to the qualification of an Ecological Engineer. 2. Ms. Lovsepyan, Nodira attended the Kazakh Leading Academy of Architecture and Civil Engineering in Kazakhstan. This is a recognized (accredited) Kazakh university. 3. Prerequisite to admission into this institution is the completed secondary education.

"Atestat o Srednem Obrazovanii" (Certificate of Complete Secondary Education) (or comparable to it) is issued upon completion and is equivalent to the U.S. High School Diploma. 4. This Certificate gives right to get involved in professional activities in Kazakhstan in accordance with the acquired level of education and qualification. 5. This is an estimation of academic records from Kazakhstan in terms of U.S. equivalence which is made in accordance with Article 1, 2 and 5 of the "Regional Convention on the Recognition of Studies, Diplomas and Degrees in Higher Education in Asia and the Pacific" (Bangkok, UNESCO, December 16, 1983). Summarv:

This evaluation is based on the presented documents and it is true and correct to the best of our knowledge and belief.

This report is of an advisory nature and is not binding on any agency or institution. Only the appropriate U.S. licensing board may determine whether a professional educated in a foreign country may be licensed to practice within his or her profession in the United States.

It is the judgment of Foreign Consultants, Inc. that Ms. Lovsepyan, Nodira has the qualification equivalent to the following degree(s), granted by regionally accredited academic Colleges and Universities in the United States:

k Associate Degree in Ecological Engineering 1 -

Annette Epstein, MS, MBA

Senior Evaluator



FOREIGN CONSULTANTS, INC. C r e d e n t i a l E v a l u a t i o n S e r v i c e s

3000 Dundee Rd., #209, Northbrook, IL 60062 Phone (847) 498-4499 Fax (847) 412-9570

Puge 2 of 4


Member of Association of International Educators (NA FSA) ID No.: OOOO00009 787 Member of American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Oflcers (AACRAO) ID NO.: 127-081-0001 Member of European Association for International Education (EAIE) ID No.: 107457


Registration Ng:

Ms. Lovsepyan, Nodira




August 25,2005


Institution(s) Attended: Kazakh Leading Academy of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Years of Attendance:

Purpose of Evaluation: Further Education, Employment

I. The academic work completed in this program may be converted to U.S. Semester credits as follows:

No. Subject

Engineering Graphics

Higher Mathematics

History of Kazakhstan

Philosophy and Social Sciences


Engineering Geodesy

Higher Mathematics

Kazakh Language

Term Project in Architecture I

Computer Science

Engineering Systems

Architecture I

Annette Epstein, MS, MBA

U.S. Equivalent Semester Credit Hours 3 .O

U.S. Equivalent Grades

I Senior Evaluator



FOREIGN CONSULTANTS, INC. C r e d e n t i a l E v a l u a t i o n S e r v i c e s

3000 Dundee Rd., #209, Northbrook, I . 60062 Phone (847) 498-4499 Fax (847) 412-9570

Page 3 of 4


No. Subject


Heating Engineering

English Language


Culture Science


Building Materials

Mathematical Modeling

Building Physics

Applied Fluid Dynamics

Engineering Mechanics

Fundamentals of Economical Theory

U.S. Equivalent U.S. Equivalent Semester Credit Grades Hours 3 .o A

3 .o A

3 .o A



11. Methods of Grade Point Average Calculations (GPA): (Total Grades * Credits) / Total Credits

Country Grades Grades Value Grades

A 4

B 3

C 3

D 1

F GPA Value: 3.79

Annette Epstein, MS, MBA

Senior Evaluator +P&



FOREIGN CONSULTANTS, INC. C r e d e n t i a l E v a l u a t i o n S e r v i c e s

3000 Dundee Rd., #209, Northbrook, IL 60062 Phone (847) 498-4499 Fax (847) 412-9570

Page 4 of 4


III. General Comments on relevant Education System in Kazakhstan

1. Structure of Education System in Kazakhstan. Higher education:

At present, there are universities, academies, and institutes, conservatoires, higher schools and higher colleges. There are three main levels: basic higher education that provides the fundamentals of the chosen field of study and leads to the award of the Bachelor degree; specialized higher education after which students are awarded the Specialist's Diploma; and scientific-pedagogical higher education which leads to the Master's Degree. Postgraduate education leads to the Kandidat Nauk (Candidate of Sciences) and the Doctor of Sciences. With the adoption of the Laws on Education and on Higher Education, a private sector has been established and several private institutions have been licensed.

2. Grading System used by higher education institutions Full Description: Marking is on a 1 - 5 scale. 5: excellent; 4: good; 3: satisfactory; 2: unsatisfactory; 1 totally unsatisfactory

Highest on scale: 5

Passffail level: 312

Lowest on scale: 1

3. Resources Used in this report:

Higher Education Systems Database International Association of UniversitiesIUNESCO International Center on Higher Education Soros Educational Advising Centre, Almaty, 2001, updated from Swedish NARIC, 2004

(except for governing bodies, updated 2005)

Annette Epstein, MS, MBA

Senior Evaluator I