Forces of Khador

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Transcript of Forces of Khador

  • ISBN: 978-1-933362-58-8 PIP 1025 $34.99



    Play WARMACHINE against

    For the empress and the motherlandIn the cold north of western Immoren lies the mighty Khadoran

    Empire, whose massive military epitomizes the national ideals of

    strength and resilience. Legions of Winter Guard march at the call

    of the empress, bent on conquest of the entire Iron Kingdoms. Led

    by powerful warcasters as unrelenting as the Khadoran winter and

    backed by elite soldiers such as the disciplined Iron Fang Pikemen

    and the imposing Man-O-War troopers who stride into battle in

    great steam-powered suits of armor, the army of Khador is ready to

    crush all who stand against them.

    Lead the empires conquest with Forces of WARMACHINE: Khador,


    Complete faction rules and profiles for using all current Khador models in WARMACHINE Mk II.

    New troops to bring to the fight, plus the all-new warcaster Kommander Strakhov.

    An in-depth look at the history and structure of Khadors military.

    A painting and modeling guide to help you ready your forces for battle.

    Khador Theme Force lists and rules, which allow you to create armies based on specialized forces from the Khadoran Empire.

    Crush all Beneath Your Iron mIght!

  • SPIN


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    behemothheavy warjack

    war dogsolo

  • 142

    destroyerheavy warjack

    yUri the axesolo

  • 143

    battle mechaniksunit

    classic maraUderheavy warjack

    classic jUggernaUtheavy warjack

    classic destroyerheavy warjack

    classic orsUs zoktaVir, bUtcher of khardoV


  • 144


    heavy warjack

    extremejUggernaUtheavy warjack

    classic kommandant irUsk


    classic kommander sorschawarcaster

  • SPIN
