ForceField® FireGuard® XL 95™ - Shield Industries · FireGuard® XL 95™ Flame Retardant for...

ForceField® F F i i r r e e G G u u a a r r d d ® ® X X L L 9 9 5 5 Flame Retardant for Wood OVERVIEW FireGuard® XL95 ™ is a revolutionary, Class “A” water-based, fire- retardant treatment that can be easily and safely applied to interior woodwork, wood paneling, and wood framing. This product has been successfully tested in accordance with and meets the standards established by ASTM E-84, NFPA 255, and UL 723. FlameSpread Index = 25 Smoke Developed Index = 165 HOW & WHY FIREGUARD™ WORKS The key to FireGuard’s XL 95™ ability to retard flames is its organic ammonium salt formulation. When exposed to flames or intense heat, an acidic catalysis occurs resulting in the formation of an inert gas that blankets the surface. Because of this blanket, there is no oxygen available at the surface and flames cannot form. APPLICATIONS FireGuard® XL95™ penetrates into the substrate (wood) and becomes part of the finish. The application can be applied by (spray, brush, or roll) at a coverage rate of 125 feet per gallon. For best results, apply to clean, dry surfaces. Apply one coat, allow to dry, and apply 2 nd coat Over-spray or spills can be easily cleaned with gentle detergent and water. . HMIS Health: 0 Fire: 0 Reactivity: 0 Appearance: Water Clear Liquid pH: 7.0 to 8.0 Odor: Mild Solubility: Completely Water Soluble Specific Gravity: 1.08 +/- 0.02 (8.98 lbs/gal) Boiling Point: 100°C Chemical Family: Organic Ammonium Salt Storage: Above 0°C, Well-ventilated Caution: Keep out of the reach of children. Regulatory: Not Regulated AVAILABLE IN THE FOLLOWING SIZES Effectively Retards Flames Class “A” fire retardant Safe to Use – Nonhazardous Formula Environmentally Friendly Perfect For Clear Finishes Easy to Apply For Use in Residential, multifamily, institutional, and commercial. When Safety and Time Matter!

Transcript of ForceField® FireGuard® XL 95™ - Shield Industries · FireGuard® XL 95™ Flame Retardant for...

Page 1: ForceField® FireGuard® XL 95™ - Shield Industries · FireGuard® XL 95™ Flame Retardant for Wood a p OVERVIEW FireGuard® XL95 ™ is a revolutionary, Class “A” water-based,


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OVERVIEW FireGuard® XL95 ™ is a revolu tionary, C lass “A ” wa te r-based, fire -re ta rdan t trea tm ent tha t can be easily and sa fely applied to in te rior wood work, wood pane ling , and wood fram ing . T his product has been successfully tested in accordance w ith and m eets the s tandards established by AST M E -84 , NF PA 255 , and U L 723 .

F lam eS pread Index = 25 S m oke D eveloped Index = 165 HOW & WHY FIREGUARD™ WORKS T he key to FireGuard’s XL 95™ ability to re ta rd flam es is its organic am m on ium sa lt fo rm u la tion . W hen exposed to flam es o r in tense hea t, an ac idic ca talysis occurs resulting in the fo rm ation o f an inert gas that b lanke ts the su rface . Because o f th is b lanke t, the re is no oxygen ava ilable a t the surface and flam es canno t fo rm . APPLICATIONS FireGuard® XL95™ pene trates in to the substra te (wood) and becom es part o f the fin ish . T he applica tion can be applied by (sp ray, b rush , o r ro ll) a t a coverage ra te o f 125 feet pe r ga llon . F or best results , apply to c lean , dry su rfaces. Apply one coa t, a llow to d ry, and app ly 2 nd coa t O ver-spray o r spills can be easily cleaned w ith gen tle de te rgen t and wa te r. .

HMIS Health: 0 Fire: 0 Reactivity: 0 Appearance: W ater C lear L iquid pH: 7 .0 to 8 .0 Odor: M ild Solubility: C om ple te ly W ate r Soluble Specific Gravity: 1 .08 + /- 0 .02 (8 .98 lbs/gal) Boiling Point: 100°C Chemical Family: O rganic Am m on ium Sa lt Storage: Above 0°C , W ell-ventila ted Caution: Keep ou t o f the reach o f child ren . Regulatory: N o t R egula ted


• Effectively Retards Flames • Class “A” fire retardant • Safe to Use –

Nonhazardous Formula

• Environmentally Friendly • Perfect For Clear Finishes • Easy to Apply • For Use in Residential,

multifamily, institutional, and commercial.

When Safety and Time Matter!