Forbiden Treatments2

Methyl-Sulfonyl-Methane (MSM). Sulfur is found in every cell of all animals and plants on Earth. MSM is an easily-absorbable, odorless, organic form of sulfur which is a derivative of DMSO. If the body is deficient in sulfur, there is a stiffening and hardening of cell walls which acts to trap allergy-producing foreign substances within the cells. MSM combats both environmental and food allergy symptoms by increasing the permeability of cell membranes, enabling allergenic foreign particles including free radicals to be more easily excreted from the cells. MSM has been shown to be as effective in the treatment of allergies as traditional antihistaminic drugs such as Chlor-Trimeton,® Benedryl,® and Allegra.® MSM is discussed in detail in the section on Arthritis. AllerPhase.® Only recently available in the West, AllerPhase is a natural formulation consisting of 10 traditional Chinese herbs. It not only quickly and safely relieves allergic symptoms, but also attacks the root problem by exerting an immune- normalizing (balancing) effect. Many who have used AllerPhase report that after using only one bottle, their symptoms did not return even after discontinuing the product. To order Aller-



Transcript of Forbiden Treatments2

Page 1: Forbiden Treatments2

Methyl-Sulfonyl-Methane (MSM). Sulfur is

found in every cell of all animals and plants on

Earth. MSM is an easily-absorbable, odorless, organic

form of sulfur which is a derivative of

DMSO. If the body is deficient in sulfur, there is

a stiffening and hardening of cell walls which acts

to trap allergy-producing foreign substances within

the cells. MSM combats both environmental and

food allergy symptoms by increasing the permeability

of cell membranes, enabling allergenic foreign

particles including free radicals to be more

easily excreted from the cells. MSM has been

shown to be as effective in the treatment of allergies

as traditional antihistaminic drugs such as

Chlor-Trimeton,® Benedryl,® and Allegra.® MSM

is discussed in detail in the section on Arthritis.

AllerPhase.® Only recently available in the

West, AllerPhase is a natural formulation consisting

of 10 traditional Chinese herbs. It not only

quickly and safely relieves allergic symptoms, but

also attacks the root problem by exerting an immune-

normalizing (balancing) effect. Many who

have used AllerPhase report that after using only

one bottle, their symptoms did not return even

after discontinuing the product. To order Aller-

Phase, contact Tango Advanced Nutrition, (866)

778-2646, or visit

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Curcumin. The Journal of Neuroscience20 reported

in 2001 that curcumin, an extract of the

spice turmeric, reduces inflammation and amyloid

plaque deposits in animals. The study authors

reported that although long-term use of ibuprofen

suppressed inflammation and amyloid plaquerelated

pathology in an Alzheimer’s transgenic

mouse model, excessive use of NSAIDS can cause

gastrointestinal, liver, and kidney toxicity. With

low-dose but not high-dose curcumin, insoluble

beta-amyloid (Abeta), soluble Abeta, and plaque

burden were significantly reduced by 43-50%.

Other natural, side-effect free anti-inflammatories

include fish oil (such as cod liver oil), ginger,

flax oil, and feverfew. Seanol, an abstract of

brown algae, is also a powerful anti-inflammatory.

For a discussion of its many medicinal uses,

see Seanol under General Treatment Methods.

(As anti-inflammatories, these substances also are

useful in treating arthritis and many other conditions

where inflammation is a component.)

CT Scan—useful in diagnosing appendicitis and

excluding other diseases. The helical CT scan is

about 98% accurate in diagnosing appendicitis. Surgery of any type is a serious procedure,

and should be considered only as a final option.

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Particularly in the case of appendectomy (removal

of the appendix), there is an additional factor

to consider. The wall of the appendix contains lymphatic

tissue which is part of the immune system,

the body’s front-line defense against illness and

disease. Before consenting to (possibly unnecessary)

surgery, it would be prudent to first employ

helical CT imaging and, if indicated, laparoscopy

to finalize the diagnosis and ensure its accuracy.

Also, if appendicitis is caught in the early stages

of infection, a large dose of antibiotics will sometimes

Methyl Sulfonyl Methane (MSM). The yellow,

non-metallic mineral sulfur is the 16th most

abundant mineral element in the soil and the 4th

most prominent mineral found in the human body,

following calcium, phosphorus and potassium. The

fact that sulfur is found in every cell of all animals

and plants on Earth underscores its essential role

in all living things.

MSM, also known as dimethylsulfone, should

not be confused with sulfa drugs, sulfite (a food

preservative), or sulfate (a salt of sulfuric acid),

which are inorganic forms of the mineral. The use

of MSM does not typically affect those who are

allergic or otherwise sensitive to these inorganic

forms of the mineral.

MSM is a derivative of DMSO, discussed in

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the section on Pain Relievers. Although MSM and

DMSO are chemically similar, each substance has

its own unique set of properties. Of the two, MSM

is considered the “nutritional” sulfur. Sulfur maintains

the permeability within cell membranes,

making certain that nutrients reach critical cell

components, and that cellular waste byproducts

are efficiently excreted. It is this specific attribute

of MSM that is the basis of many of its healthenhancing

benefits. Roughly 50% of the body’s total sulfur content

is found in the muscles, skin and bones. Sulfur

is a constituent of keratin, the tough fibrous

protein substance that forms the principal matter

of nails, hair and skin, as well as the horns of animals.

It is a required ingredient in the production

of collagen, which is the principal ingredient of

cartilage as well as the body’s connective tissues.

Supplementing with MSM in the range of

2,000-10,000 mg daily in divided doses with meals

often provides effective and prolonged relief to

arthritis sufferers, particularly when taken over a

period of several months. It is an analgesic, antiinflammatory,

and blood vessel dialator. Additionally,

it reduces muscle spasms, and has a normalizing

effect on the immune system.16

MSM is a powerful healing agent and its use

should not be overlooked. Although many “arthritis

formulas” include MSM in their list of ingredients,

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because the best effectiveness is obtained at

relatively high dosages, it should be considered

being taken by itself at the quantities mentioned,

up to 15 gm daily. MSM is available as crystals, in

capsules or as a gel. For more information, visit, or search online for “methylsulfonylmethane.”

n Lyprinol.® The Maori are the indigenous peoples

of New Zealand. Traditionally, Maori believe

that eating a specific type of mussel—the greenlipped

mussel (Perna canaliculus)—brings them

good health and a long life. Among the Maori living

in the costal areas where there is ready access

to the mussel, both osteo- and rheumatoid arthritis

are virtually unknown. Research into the anti-arthritic qualities of the

green-lipped mussel began in 1973. Over decades

of painstaking research, the active ingredients were

identified, stabilized, and subsequently marketed

under the trade name Lyprinol. The active ingredients

of Lyprinol are a specific type of polyunsaturated

fatty acids known as eicosatetraenoic

acids, which are related to omega-3 fatty acids

found in fish, flax seed, and other oils known for

their significant anti-inflammatory effects.

Direct comparison tests have been made between

Lyprinol and other oils known for their antiinflammatory

and anti-arthritic qualities including

flax, evening primrose, Norwegian salmon, and the

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high-potency fish oil MaxEPA.® Lyprinol proved

to be the most effective by reducing swelling 79%.

MaxEPA reduced swelling by 50%, but at a far

higher dosage. The anti-inflammatory constituents

in Lyprinol are some 200 times more potent than

high-potency fish oil and 350 times more potent

than evening primrose oil.

Comparing the effectiveness of Lyprinol to

the mainstream pharmaceutical indomethacin, at

5 milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg) for both treatments,

Lyprinol reduced swelling in 97% of the

cases versus 83% for the indomethacin group.

Lyprinol was found non-toxic and side-effect free.

Lyprinol is typically taken orally, but can also

be administered topically by opening the capsule

and rubbing the liquid into the affected areas. To

determine its availability worldwide, visit www. In the U.S., it’s available

as Lyprinol from Enzymatic Therapy.