for young learners-Guided Reading Pow.point

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Transcript of for young learners-Guided Reading Pow.point

  • 8/20/2019 for young learners-Guided Reading Pow.point



    Advisory Teaching Team

    NET Section, EMB

    Paula Pacey

    Guided Reading

     An effective strategy forreaders who have

    developed some skills

    and strategies in


  • 8/20/2019 for young learners-Guided Reading Pow.point



    Workshop Objectives:

    To introduce the key features and enefits of!uided "eading To develo# an understanding of the

    characteristics of Beginner, Emergent and

    Proficient readers and the features of suitaleooks for each level To revie$ ideas for a Su##orted "eading


  • 8/20/2019 for young learners-Guided Reading Pow.point



      Components of a School-based

    English LanguageCurriculum

    English Language Curriculum Guide 2004 P.98

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    English Language Curriculum Guide (2004) A29

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    "ationale for !uided "eading

    (t gives readers the o##ortunity to #ur#osefully talk, read and

    think their $ay through a ne$ te)t*

    (t #rovides a setting for good instructional teaching of the

    al#haet, #honics, vocaulary, #unctuation and grammar*

    +hildren develo# their a$areness of styles, structures and

    organiations of #articular te)t ty#es*

    (t lets children learn and #ractice ne$ strategies for making

    sense of a story* They are guided to think critically aout the


  • 8/20/2019 for young learners-Guided Reading Pow.point



    !uided "eading also.

    #resents manageale challenges that encourage reading formeaning

    encourages children to take control of the first reading, to give acritical res#onse and to talk aout messages and meaning in thete)t

    allo$s the teacher to identify areas of need and #rovide su##ortaccordingly

    hel#s children develo# #ositive attitudes to$ards reading andmotivates them to read $idely and fre/uently

  • 8/20/2019 for young learners-Guided Reading Pow.point


    (n a Nutshell (n guided reading, $e $ork $ith a small grou# of

    children $ho are at the same develo#mental stage of


    e select an unknown or unfamiliar book  that

    #rovides ust the right alance of su##orts and

    challenges so that children can read most of itinde#endently 3-45 vocaulary kno$n6

    +hildren use the reading strategies they have learnt

    as they read for meaning

  • 8/20/2019 for young learners-Guided Reading Pow.point


    8evels of 9uestioning

    8iteral : the relevant information is found directly

    from the te)t 3on the lines6

    (nter#retive : readers are re/uired to reflect on

    literal information and see relationshi#s et$een

    statements 3et$een the lines6

    (nferential : readers relate o$n ackground

    kno$ledge 3eyond the lines6

  • 8/20/2019 for young learners-Guided Reading Pow.point


    !eneral introduction

    to ook to#ic


    may read

    softly tothemselves

    , teacher

    iscussion and




    ste#s in!uided


  • 8/20/2019 for young learners-Guided Reading Pow.point


    @o$ do $e conduct

    !uided "eading

    (ntroduce the ook

    >iscuss the ook cover and title, activateackground kno$ledge and e)#eriences, and getthe readers to make #redictions aout the content

    >ra$ childrens attention to the use of $ords andstructures in the te)t

    Set the reading task and encourage children to read

    #art of the ook silently or aloud

  • 8/20/2019 for young learners-Guided Reading Pow.point



    hat else

    E)#lore the characters, #lot and setting in greaterde#th* Ask a variety of /uestions : literal, inter#retive

    and inferential

    >iscuss the story, evaluate it, reflect on it and makecom#arisons $ith other ooks

    >iscuss and raise childrens a$areness of thefeatures of different te)t ty#es, including the styleorganiation and grammar 

    E)tend the story through follo$Cu# activities

  • 8/20/2019 for young learners-Guided Reading Pow.point



    The "eading Strategies

    !ra#ho#honic strategies : letter sha#es and sounds

    Semantic strategies : conte)ts

    Disual clues : #icture diagram su##ort

    Syntactic clues : sentence #atterns


  • 8/20/2019 for young learners-Guided Reading Pow.point



    Activity 2. Follo$:u# Activity

    ith a #artner, use the ook #rovided tocom#lete think u# a follo$ u# activity for theook*

    Be #re#ared to feedack to the $hole grou# :focus on the activity and the level of childrenfor $hom it $ould e a##ro#riate

  • 8/20/2019 for young learners-Guided Reading Pow.point



    +haracteristics of a Beginner "eader 

    E)#ects ooks to e enoyale Early attem#ts at using #ictorial and #honic clues

    Early attem#ts to antici#ate the storyline from title and illustrations +an use #rior kno$ledge to relate to te)ts $hen #rom#ted (s estalishing one to one matching, return s$ee#, and

    directionality "ecognies some letters and $ords "ecognies and names some letters of the al#haet and sho$s an

    a$areness of letterCsound relationshi#s and sim#le rhymes Beginning to recognie #arts of a ook e*g* title, cover, author and

    illustrator  Gnderstands that the te)t and illustrations carry a message

  • 8/20/2019 for young learners-Guided Reading Pow.point



    Features of Books

    Suitale for Beginner "eaders

    A close #icture te)t match

    +lear te)t $ith good s#acing et$een $ords Hne to t$o lines of te)t in the same #lace on each

    #age Predictale sentence #atterns using natural language

    @igh fre/uency vocaulary throughout !radual introduction of content 3interest6 $ords "hythm and rhyme to foster #honological a$areness

    and familiarity $ith the al#haet

  • 8/20/2019 for young learners-Guided Reading Pow.point



    +haracteristics of an Emergent "eader 

    (s eginning to co#e $ith less #redictale structures$ithin a te)t

    (s eginning to integrate sources of information (s eginning to understand that te)ts are $ritten for a

    variety of #ur#oses "ecognies features of fiction and nonCfiction te)t

    "ecognies and names letters of the al#haet andsho$s an a$areness of letterCsound relationshi#s andsim#le rhymes

    +an e)#lain some conce#ts and #rocedures

    Beginning to understand and look for ans$ers tointer#retive /uestions

  • 8/20/2019 for young learners-Guided Reading Pow.point



    Features of Books

    Suitale for Emergent "eaders

    8onger, more varied sentence #atterns

    Multi#le lines of te)t #er #ageAn increasing numer of $ord changes #er


    Dariation in the #lacement of te)t on the #age

    A greater use of ook language and different

    te)t ty#es

    More characters, locations and incidents

    >irect s#eech, elli#ses and contractions 

  • 8/20/2019 for young learners-Guided Reading Pow.point



    +haracteristics of a Proficient "eader 

    Ale to summarie I make inferences 3te)t I #ictures6 +an identify I discuss authors vie$#oint "eads a variety of te)tCty#es Building fluency I #hrasing (ntonation, facial e)#ression I gesture $hen reading


    Been e)#osed to inferential /uestions I e)#loredans$ers ider kno$ledge of te)tCty#es Evaluating the te)t I creating ideas 3e*g*, roleC#lay6 SelfCselects ooks from various sources Sustained reading on a regular asis

  • 8/20/2019 for young learners-Guided Reading Pow.point



    Features of Books Suitale for

    Proficient "eaders

    "ich and varied vocaulary

    ider variety of #unctuation More com#le) sentence structures $ithin familiar

    themes Themes that challenge readers to think critically

    8onger storylines !reater use of ook language and traditional story#atterns

    !reater develo#ment of events $ithin narratives (nclusion of sim#le charts, diagrams and technical

    information in nonCfiction ooks

  • 8/20/2019 for young learners-Guided Reading Pow.point



    Matching Students $ith Te)ts

    The te)ts are carefully matched to the children so they can a##ly

    their strategies to overcome the challenges in the te)t and read it

    inde#endently, with success*

    +hildren should e ale to read ; out of 14 $ords and have a asic

    understanding of $hat they read*

    Su##orted reading allo$s children to sho$ ho$ they manage a te)t

    on the first reading*

    (f the te)t is too difficult, students are #revented from #rolem

    solving and the reading #rocess reaks do$n into meaningless$ord calling*

  • 8/20/2019 for young learners-Guided Reading Pow.point




    hen selecting ooks for yourreading #rogramme, match the titles

    $ith the suggested modules and units

    for ?S1 and ?S2*  (ELCG 2004 PA!"

  • 8/20/2019 for young learners-Guided Reading Pow.point



    +hoose a Balance of

    !enres and Te)t Forms

    (nclude oth fiction C story ooks, realistic fiction,

    multicultural folk tales, fantasy stories, #oetry,

    songs, rhymes

    and nonCfiction : ne$s#a#ers, rochures, timetales,ma#s, re#orts, reci#es, diaries, letters, notes,

    re#ort cards, magaines, intervie$s,

    encyclo#edias etc*

  • 8/20/2019 for young learners-Guided Reading Pow.point



    +urriculum +onnections

    Allocate an a##ro#riate #ro#ortion of total curriculum time 3&456 to

    reading activities C storytelling, reading aloud, shared reading,su##orted reading and inde#endent reading

    (ntroduce ooks of different te)t ty#es and use different teachingstrategies

    >evelo# crossCcurricular links 

    ELCG 2004 (A#4$A#!"


  • 8/20/2019 for young learners-Guided Reading Pow.point



    Summa y

    Students input:

    background!cultural and



    #eachers input:

    readingstrategies and


    strategies $


    Profcient Readers

  • 8/20/2019 for young learners-Guided Reading Pow.point



    Thank youJJJ

    %he End