For the Writers’ Workshop 1 Electronic Submission Only.

Welcome to the Thesis Format Presentation For the Writers’ Workshop 1 Electronic Submission Only

Transcript of For the Writers’ Workshop 1 Electronic Submission Only.

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  • For the Writers Workshop 1 Electronic Submission Only
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  • 2 Hard copy Hard copy The submission choice you make for the 1 st deposit First DepositFinal Deposit must be the same for the final deposit An M.F.A. student may elect to submit a traditional hard-copy thesis or an electronic thesis - dissertation (ETD) Both are bound by the same deadlines and format requirements or ^ S= stop N= next P= previous Esc= bye This is the ETD presentation.
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  • 1. Thesis Paperwork: Deadlines, Forms, and Where and What to Submit 2. Standard Thesis Format and Style. This is a Three-part Presentation This is a Three-part Presentation 3. Formatting Guidelines for the. Writers Workshop 3
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  • 4 THESIS PAPERWORKTHESIS FORMAT AND STYLE Online ResourcesFormat Thesis DeadlinesPreliminary Pages First Deposit Text Final DepositReferences ETD (Electronic Thesis Resources) Formatting Guidelines for the Writers Workshop Creating an ETD Account S= stop N= next P= previous Esc= bye
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  • 6 Room 6 Gilmore Hall Iowa City, Iowa 52242 Hours: (M-F) (8:00 Noon 1:00 5:00) Phone: (319) 335-2144
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  • The Academic Calendar may be found online at: 7 Commencement Ceremony Dates Spring 2013May 17: Carver Hawkeye Arena Summer 2013August 2: Degree Conferral (No Ceremony) Deposit Deadlines First DepositFinal Deposit Spring 2013March 28May 8 Summer 2013July 3July 24
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  • 8 1. Create an account at: 2. First time users- start at the circled area. 3. Fill out the application. Create a password and send. 4. An email will be sent to you with your new account information. When you have completed your thesis
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  • . No hard-copy pages are required at first deposit 9 What to Submit to 6 Gilmore Hall What to Submit to UMI One electronic copy of your thesis The thesis should be complete and in final form. It should not be a working draft. It is best to deposit as early as possible. Turn-around time is shorter with an early deposit. M.F.A. Student
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  • 1 Title Page (paper) 1- Signed Certificate of Approval (paper) 10 What to Submit to 6 Gilmore Hall ETD is Submitted to M.F.A. Student
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  • Thesis Format Help: Kris Grinstead: (319) 335-3599 Matt Pollard: (319) 335-3432 Room 6 Gilmore Hall Thesis Technical Support: Contact the Graduate College (319) 335-0244 or 335-2144 in Room 6 Gilmore Hall Contact the Help Desk at Information Technological Service (ITS) (319) 384-4357 2800 University Capitol Centre. 11 S= stop N= next P= previous Esc= bye
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  • UMI ETD Submission, Viewing and Revision Site: Electronic Theses and Dissertations: Thesis and Dissertation Support at The University of Iowa Frequently Asked Questions: UMI-ETD Support and training 12 Submit - View - Revise Dissertation/Thesis: S= stop N= next P= previous Esc= bye
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  • UI Thesis Template: Includes University Styles The Graduate College Thesis Manual: Format and Style Guidelines for the Thesis Publications and Forms: Degree Completion, Plan of Study, Exam Requests Thesis Template Support: Desktop Applications and Template Selection Academic Calendar: Graduate College Deadlines Online Thesis Resources. 13 S= stop N= next P= previous Esc= bye
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  • A comment review. sheet will be created. No notes will be.... written on the thesis. The thesis will be... checked for format. and style as well as. completeness. Thesis Comments. 15
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  • ii Be sure the page numbers are centered inch from the bottom of the page. Number preliminary pages using non-capitalized Roman numerals. Begin with ii on the first page following the Certificate of Approval. The Certificate Page is not numbered.. 17
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  • Please single-space the lines: THESIS TITLE by John Henry Doe A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Master of Fine Arts degree in English (Writers Workshop) in the Graduate College of The University of Iowa May 2013 Thesis Supervisor: Professor Hyde Separate by and authors name, by one single space Single space the paragraph. 18 Thesis Title Page Instructions for the Title Page pp. 10, 23 Online Thesis Manual Capitalize all letters in the Title
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  • Single space paragraph Single space Heading Signature lines must be same length Graduate College The University of Iowa Iowa City, Iowa CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL _________________________ MASTERS THESIS ____________ This is to certify that the Masters thesis of Paige Turner has been approved by the Examining Committee for the thesis requirement for the Master of Fine Arts degree in English (Writers Workshop) at the May 2013 graduation. Thesis Committee: _____________________________ Sarah Bellum, Thesis Supervisor _____________________________ John Miller _____________________________ Judith Jones. 19 Left align paragraph Certificate of Approval Instructions for the Certificate of Approval pp. 11, 25 Online Thesis Manual
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  • 20 year To my little son Jack who tried to smile when he saw the work presented here. Center vertically and horizontally Dedication (optional) The dedication is to be brief and single-spaced ii
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  • 21 Sorry doesnt put thumbs on the hand, Marge. - Homer J. Simpson Align the source with the right margin of the epigraph The epigraph is centered and single-spaced. The Epigraph (optional) iii Instructions for Epigraph pp. 11, 26 Online Thesis Manual
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  • TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES.... iv LIST OF FIGURES.. v CHAPTER I. DESCRIPTIVE TITLE.... 1 First-order Subhead.. 1 Second-order Subhead. 3 Third-order Subhead...11 2. DESCRIPTIVE TITLE.24 First-order Subhead.24 First-order Subhead.29 APPENDIX A. DESCRIPTIVE TITLE .....41 APPENDIX B. DESCRIPTIVE TITLE .....67 REFERENCES.....78 ii 1 inch 1 inch 1 inch 1.5 inch Margins. 22 No spacing within subheadings Instructions for the Table of Contents pp.12, 27, 28 Online Thesis Manual One (12 point) space above and below major headings
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  • Be sure all text page Numbers appear 1 inch from the right and page. 250 inch 1 inch 250 Be sure all text page numbers appear 1 inch from the right and inch from the top of the page.. 24 The numbers should be arabic in 12-point font.
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  • M Archer, Walter. 2009, Book title. City : Publisher. Inghram, Gerald B. 2008. Journal article title. Journal Title 4 (March): 193-254. Whitesell, Amanda. 1966. Doctoral dissertation title, State University. REFERENCES I would like to acknowledge Linotype as a fine font. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The spacing below the major heading must be consistent throughout the thesis. CHAPTER 2 DESCRIPTIVE HEADING CHAPTER 1 DESCRIPTIVE HEADING The major headings are centered in all capital letters at the top 1 inch margin. 1 inch 1 20 320 Instructions for Major Headings pp. 13, 30, 31 Online Thesis Manual 25
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  • 23 CHAPTER 22 Major divisions are divided into a numbered chapter. Followed by a DESCRIPTIVE TITLE MAJOR HEADING 28 A thesis is comprised of a series of major divisions. Each chapter and appendix is a major division. All are to be captioned in a consistent style throughout the thesis. Each major heading begins on a new page and is centered in all capital letters at the top, 1-inch margin. Spacing around major division headings is to be consistent throughout the thesispreliminaries, text, reference material.
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  • 23 CHAPTER 22. You may have a CHAPTER with no descriptive titles 29 A thesis is comprised of a series of major divisions. Each chapter and appendix is a major division. All are to be captioned in a consistent style throughout the thesis. Each major heading begins on a new page and is centered in all capital letters at the top, 1-inch margin. Spacing around major division headings is to be consistent throughout the thesis preliminaries, text, reference material.
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  • You may have a number and title with no chapter designators. In the text, the major heading may consist of a chapter designation, a number (roman, arabic, or spelled out) followed by a descriptive title. It may also consist of a number followed by a descriptive title. The heading can be either double- or single-spaced; one practice or the must be followed consistently in the spacing of major division headings through- out the thesis. 52 I. YOUR TITLE HERE CHAPTER 30
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  • You may simply use a number. In the text, the major heading may consist of a number (roman, arabic, or spelled out). Use one style throughout. The number should be centered at the top, 1-inch margin, and the text begins no less than a double-space below. 2 The major heading style you choose, must be used throughout the thesis. 32 31
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  • A story heading is to be fully capitalized, centered, and one inch from the top. Each short story is treated like a chapter, beginning on a new page. Stories are to be double-spaced. SHORT STORIES 22 32
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  • The subheading scheme is left to the discretion of the author. The style must be consistent. The text, or a first-order subheading, will appear no less than a double-space below the major heading. The author is to use consistent spacing around each subheading level. This page illustrates on spacing method as well as one subheading style. 23 First order subheadings are to be included in the Table of Contents. The subheading is printed in upper-and lower-case letters. First-order Subhead MAJOR HEADING 33.
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  • Multi-line subdivisions may be single or double spaced, so long as spacing is consistent for all such subdivisions. A subdivision must be followed by at least two lines of text at the bottom of the page. No level of subheading may be skipped in the descent pattern. That is, first-orders are followed by second-order subdivisions, second by third. Two subheads of the same order, may not be placed together without text between them. 23 A subhead may be a number (roman numeral, arabic, or a spelled out number). This number is not to be included in the Table of Contents. II 2 Two 34
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  • POEM TITLE Poem Title POEM TITLE Either way, all titles need to be consistently formatted. or in upper- and lower- case letters. A poem title may be printed in all capital letters POEM TITLE Poem Title 22 POEM TITLE 36
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  • antucket. POEM TITLE The spacing between the title and the first line must be consistent throughout. POEM TITLE 23 The first line of a poem is to begin no less than a double space below the heading. 37 24
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  • Bleak, S. M. 2011. Influences on Aggravation, Peer Relations, and Academic Follies. Journal of School Psychology. 4 (March): 193-232. Mired, Robert. 2008. Responding to Young Animals without Backbones. Adolescent Invertebrates.(June): 23-43. Vexed, Anne, and Sacknoff, Ethel. 2011. Titles: Rich Sounding Headings. Iowa City: University Press. 252 Single space within a citation Double space between citations Instructions for the References pp.15 and 39 Online Thesis Manual 38
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  • Format Examples pp. 20 - 39 Online Thesis Manual 39
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  • Thesis Format Help: Kris Grinstead: (319) 335-3599 Matt Pollard: (319) 335-3432 Room 6 Gilmore Hall Thesis Technical Support: Contact the Graduate College (319) 335-0244 or 335-2144 in Room 6 Gilmore Hall Contact the Help Desk at Information Technological Service (ITS) (319) 384-4357 2800 University Capitol Centre. 40 S= stop N= next P= previous Esc= bye
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  • UMI ETD Submission, Viewing and Revision Site: Electronic Theses and Dissertations: Thesis and Dissertation Support at The University of Iowa Frequently Asked Questions: UMI-ETD Support and training 41 Submit - View - Revise Dissertation/Thesis: S= stop N= next P= previous Esc= bye
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  • UI Thesis Template: Includes University Styles The Graduate College Thesis Manual: Format and Style Guidelines for the Thesis Publications and Forms: Degree Completion, Plan of Study, Exam Requests Thesis Template Support: Survey, Desktop Applications and Thesis Walk-in Clinics Academic Calendar: Graduate College Deadlines Online Thesis Resources. 42 S= stop N= next P= previous Esc= bye
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  • 43 Academic Calendar: http://www.grad. emic-calendar : Thesis Technical Support: Contact the Graduate College (319) 335-0244 or 335-2144 in Room 6 Gilmore Hall) The Graduate College Thesis Manual: Format and Style Guidelines for the Thesis es-and-dissertations/graduate- college-thesis-manual Thesis Format Help: Contact the Graduate College Kris Grinstead: (319)335-3599) Matt Pollard: (319)335-3432 ETD Submission Viewing and Revision Site: http://dissertati owa/ S= stop P=previous Esc= bye