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1 © Teepa Snow, Positive Approach, LLC to be reused only with permission. © Teepa Snow, Positive Approach, LLC to be reused only with permission. For the slides from this presentation, visit: Slides will be available for 2 weeks © Teepa Snow, Positive Approach, LLC to be reused only with permission. Handouts are intended for personal use only. Any copyrighted materials or DVD content from Positive Approach, LLC (Teepa Snow) may be used for personal educational purposes only. This material may not be copied, sold or commercially exploited, and shall be used solely by the requesting individual. Copyright 2017, All Rights Reserved Teepa Snow and Positive Approach® to Care Any redistribution or duplication, in whole or in part, is strictly prohibited, without the expressed written consent of Teepa Snow and Positive Approach, LLC 1 2 3

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© Teepa Snow, Positive Approach, LLC – to be reused only with permission.

For the slides from this presentation, visit:

Slides will be available for 2 weeks

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Handouts are intended for personal use only. Any copyrighted materials or

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Caring at the

End of Life

© Teepa Snow, Positive Approach, LLC – to be reused only with permission.

Terms to Know:

• Advanced Directives: you do

• Living Will: you develop

• DNR Orders: MD does based on your input

• Durable HC-POA: who will decide?

• Palliative Care: comfort care, not curing

• Hospice Care: entire system of end-of-life care

© Teepa Snow, Positive Approach, LLC – to be reused only with permission.

Why is Dementia Different

as the End of the Journey


- It has taken a long time

- The person has changed, and changed, and

changed, and changed….

- You have lost the person, even as they remain

- You have changed over the journey

- How it was is not how it is

- What should happen/work, doesn’t always




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What are the Different Care

Approaches to Consider?

- Health Promotion

- Curative

- Restorative - Rehabilitative

- Maintenance

- Compensatory

- Palliative

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Health Promotion:

- Check-ups

- Annual vaccinations

- Lower the numbers

- Increase activity level

- Eat well and moderately

- Monitor all conditions for careful control

- Do what you should to be the best you can be!

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- Fix what is wrong

- Test to figure out what is happening, then

do something about it




- Full recovery of function: good as new!




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- Recovery of some degree of function or


- Focuses on the person regaining skills

and abilities with help

-Rehab personnel

-Special equipment

-New techniques

- Not perfect, but back to a higher level of


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- Maintaining the ‘status quo’, keepin’ on

- Not losing ground

- Depends on:

-Physical environment not changing

-Caregiver consistency

-Sustained abilities of the person

-All other things staying the same

- It’s hard work, so is what is had worth


© Teepa Snow, Positive Approach, LLC – to be reused only with permission.

Compensatory:- Providing what the person can’t do to ‘fill in

the gaps’ so that life goes on

- Supportive

-Physical environment changes

-Caregiver cueing and helping changes

-Expectations change

-Schedules and routines change to


- End point is the same, but how we get there





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- Comfort Care

- Top Priorities:

-Honor personal preferences and choices

-Manage Pain, Distress, Anxiety, Fear,


-Identify and seek to meet social, physical,

psychological, and spiritual needs

- Let go of fixing and move on to comforting

© Teepa Snow, Positive Approach, LLC – to be reused only with permission.

Acute Illness vs. Dementia:You can fix it!

It gets better and goes away

It lasts only a short time

Doctors know what to do to make it better

The person goes back to how they were pre-illness

You can’t change it

It keeps getting worse no matter what you do

It lasts a long time – maybe years

Doctors can offer only help – they can’t fix it

You can’t go home again –the person is never the same

© Teepa Snow, Positive Approach, LLC – to be reused only with permission.

Progression of Dementia:

- Early Loss: Habits and Routines

- Moderate Loss: Just Get it Done!

- Middle Loss: Hunting and Gathering

- Severe Loss: Constant Go or Down and Out

- Profound Loss: Stuck in Glue




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The GEMS® Progression of


Sapphires: True Blue – Slower but Fine

Diamonds: Repeats and Routines, Cutting

Emeralds: Going – Time Travel – Where?

Ambers: In the Moment – Sensations

Rubies: Stop and Go – Big Movements

Pearls: Hidden in a Shell - Immobile

© Teepa Snow, Positive Approach, LLC – to be reused only with permission.

What Does this

Look Like?

© Teepa Snow, Positive Approach, LLC – to be reused only with permission.

‘Letting Go’

Versus ‘Giving Up’:- When is it time?

- How will you know?

- What is enough?

- Who should help decide?

- How to balance old wishes/promises and

the current realities

- How can we make it happen?

- What do we do instead?




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So When Should You Say


- Cost versus benefit to the person

- What is possible versus what is probable

- Best case outcome: is it worth it?

- See the ‘big picture’ for the person

- What did they tell you before?

- Who are they and are they still able to be

that person?

- Is this about them or about you or about

someone else?

© Teepa Snow, Positive Approach, LLC – to be reused only with permission.

Skills for Success:

- Meeting unmet needs with or without

words: using empathy and validation

and detective work

- Coping with and resolving distress one-


- Helping with challenging behaviors using

a problem-solving approach

- Providing coaching support and guidance

to teammates

© Teepa Snow, Positive Approach, LLC – to be reused only with permission.

What if There are

No Words?

- Observe their cues to you:



-Touch and movement or lack of it

-Olfactory: any unusual smells or odors

-Taste: changes in eating/drinking/preferences

- Use your other cueing systems

- Make your cues bigger and simpler




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Indications that You Are

Getting Near the End of the


Ambers… Rubies … Pearls

© Teepa Snow, Positive Approach, LLC – to be reused only with permission.

Signs that it may be time…

Repeated infections

Antibiotics seem ineffective

Refusals to eat, even favorite items

Holding food in mouth or spitting it out

Soft coughs, wet voice

Stops moving, curling up

Sleeping a lot

Lots of low grade fevers

Primitive reflexes show up

Withdrawal from those around, closing eyes

Drifting in and out

Says ‘good-bye’

Talks about ‘going home’

Asks permission to go

Albumin drops very low

Wounds won’t heal

Can’t keep weight on

Skin and bones

Moaning but not actively communicating

© Teepa Snow, Positive Approach, LLC – to be reused only with permission.

What Does This Mean?

- Reduce or stop monitoring if there is not

a ‘treatment’ that will be pursued

- Provide what the person wants or needs,

not what is ‘best’ for them

- Provide comfort

-Assess for and manage pain, discomfort,

or distress

- Give them permission to ‘go’




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What Does This Mean?

-Don’t treat infections, but treat the discomfort

of infections

-Don’t force intake, but offer tastes and


-Don’t push fluids or put in IVs, but offer fluids

(possibly thickened)

-Don’t force movement, but use touch,

massage, and controlled repositioning

-Don’t just ‘do the care’ then leave alone, but be


-Don’t force interaction but balance offerings of

silence with communication/contact

© Teepa Snow, Positive Approach, LLC – to be reused only with permission.

Changes Near the End:

- Primitive reflexes become strong

- Flexor tone dominates

- Temperature control is broken

- ‘Skin and bones’ appearance, not hungry or thirsty

- Spends more time drowsy or ‘inside’ themselves

- Infections are common

- Startles easily, harder to calm

- Pain from stiffness, immobility, dry mouth/skin, etc.

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The Care that Works is

Comfort Care!




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Building Skills to Help

in Late Stages

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Special Programming:

- Focuses on the spirit of the person

- Recognizes the changing needs of the person

- Provides support to meet those needs

- Provides a space where a caregiver can provide for the care of several residents in a meaningful way

-Reducing distress and discomfort

-Addressing caregiver distress over behaviors

-Reducing distress of other residents

© Teepa Snow, Positive Approach, LLC – to be reused only with permission.

What Is It?

- A more specific way to do what you

already do: accompany the person in

the final steps of this journey

- Mostly it is ‘being there’ for the person

who is the final stage of dementia

- Knowing the person: who is this, who has

this person been, what is important to

them, what offers them comfort, what

distresses them?




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What Is It?

- Using comfort measures that help

- Providing a supportive sensory and

physical environment

- Meeting the needs of the body through

temperature, positioning, touch,

smells, taste, sight, sound, movement

- Celebrating and connecting to the spirit

within through your presence and


© Teepa Snow, Positive Approach, LLC – to be reused only with permission.

Some Specifics:

- Warmer room temperature

-Sunlight offered

-Warmed, lightweight blankets

-Foot and hand warmers: bean/rice socks

-Head covers

-Warm your hands before touching them

-Warm lotion and cloths for cleaning, warm

towels for drying

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Some Specifics:

- Reclining chairs that are comfortable and

support the hip angle

-Shifting position smoothly and slowly to

allow circulation

-Gentle and slow rotational movements to

relax muscles that cannot relax on

their own




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Some Specifics:

- Your Touch:

-Flats of fingers

-Contact over joints, first

-Still, unmoving pressure first before moving

-Slow movement

-Slow, rhythmic, circular motions

-Massage: hands, feet, temples, jaw, back, hips, shoulders

-Hand clasp: Hand-under-Hand®, sandwich their hand in between your two hands

© Teepa Snow, Positive Approach, LLC – to be reused only with permission.

Some Specifics:

- Their Touch:

-Be aware of grasp reflex – plan for it

-Be aware of hand-to-mouth – plan for it

-Offer various textures to hold, touch,


-Offer familiar objects that can be explored

and handled, such as a stuffed

animal or doll to cuddle and nurture

- Warm objects or cloth: use a heating pad

or a nearby clothes dryer

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Some Specifics:

- Taste:

-It’s not about eating for nourishment

-Connect smell and taste experience, but

smell first

-Try straws

-Try an infant spoon: small, plastic-


-Mouth care: moisten lips and mouth

-Wet washcloth

-Vaseline-type moisteners




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Some Specifics:

- Smells: connect us to our past

-Lavender is calming

-Citrus is arousing

-Mint is stimulating

-Other possibilities: cinnamon, incense,

bacon, cut grass, chocolate, sun-dried

cloth, etc.

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Some Specifics:

- Sights:

-Your face with a smile and a nod

-Dim lights overhead

-A candle or covered lamp within visual field

-Familiar and favorite objects presented

-Pictures or symbols that offer comfort

-Nature posters, videos, or DVDs, or a


-Objects at a distance that move, spin, blow

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Some Specifics:

- Sounds:

-Silence at times, with your presence

-Quiet rhythmic sounds: waves, streams, wind

-Wind chimes

-Favorite music from their youth

-Your calm, deep, gentle, still voice

-Prayers of their faith

-Readings from their faith, poetry, favorite books

-Bird songs, cat purr, your deep and slow breathing




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Some Specifics:


-Glide rockers that offer smooth rhythmic


-Trips outside: go slowly

-Trips to new location in the room

-Slow shifts, give info as you go, watch


-Support at the hips and shoulders

-Draw sheets/blankets up close to the body

© Teepa Snow, Positive Approach, LLC – to be reused only with permission.

With dementia,

it’s not the destination,

it’s how you get there!

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