for Russound and A-BUS Installation · Changhong...

Codes: Cable Converters ADB 01481, 01585, 01920, 10927, 02347, 02586, 03028 Changhong 03108 Chungwa 03647 Cisco 01877, 03256, 03028, 02947, 02742, 02589, 02563, 02506, 02401, 02378, 02345, 02271, 02132, 02047, 01982, 01883, 01582, 00858 Com Hem 00660, 02015, 02447, 02382 Darty Box 02436 DASAN 02683 Deutsche Telecom 02132 Digi 02762 Digicable 03382 DSD 03340 DST 03389 Du 02401 Durabrand 0171, 0178, 0463, 0180, 1570, 1665 Dynex 2049, 1785, 1463, 2184 Electrograph 1755 Electrohome 0463, 1570, 1670 Echostar 02995, 03452, Entone 03048 Evolution 02745, 02746 Fastway 03382 Finnet 02030, 02832 Freebox 01482, 01976 Hikari TV 03322 Hisense 02887 Homecast 02997, 03389 Huawei 02894, 03317 Humax 00660, 01981, 01983, 02043, 02165, 02447, 02620, 02683, 02762, 02832, 02889, 03075, 03101, 03560, 03670 HYA 02989 J:COM 02703 Kaon 02746, 02889, 03389, 03407 Kreatel 01385, 02030 Linksys 02271 Magio Sat 02132 Mio 02802 Mitsubishi 03444 MOD 03647 Motorola 01376, 00858, 01562, 01982, 10998, 02030, 02378, 02401, 02437, 02894, 02952 Moviestar 01585 Moxi 02187 Neuf TV 03107 Nex-Tech 02482 NIB 03322 NTL 01060 Pace 01376, 01877, 01060, 01582, 01883, 01982, 02401, 02620, Philips 01582, 02294, 03560 Pioneer 01877 Premiere 02620 Primestar 02030 Qrix 03465 Reliance 02452 Sagem 02407, 02436 Segemcom 02407, 02436, 02762, 03007, 03514 Samsung 01877, 01060, 03783, 03415, 03477, 03407, 03340, 03322, 03319, 03265, 02955, 20889, 02683, 02610, 20589, 02407, 02015, 01987 Scientic Atlanta 01877, 00858, 01982, 01987, 02047, 02345, 02401,02436, 02506, 03028 Seans Media 02162 Seokyung 03340 Serbia Broadband 02506 SFR 03170 Sky 02620 Skyworth 02982, 03492 Smartlabs 03611 Smile Content 02437 SMT 03527 SMtronics 03319 Stofa 02015 T-Home 02132 Technicolor 01982 Tele2 00660, 02447 Thomson 01582, 01981, 10982, 0193, 02407, 03007 Tivo 03265, 03560 Vector 02030 VeeTV 03231 Verizon 02378 Virgin Media 01060, 01987, 02563, 03265 Vodfone 02401 Wbox 02832 Ziggo 00660, 02015, 02401, 02447, 02589, 02762, 03607 Zinwell 03139 Codes: Satellite Receivers @sat 01300 @Sky 01334 Acoustic Solutions 01284 ADB 00642, 02553, 02743 AEG 02738, 02813 Agora 01284 Airis 02813 Airtel 02248 Akira 02738 Akta 01986 Akura 01626 Alba 01284, 02034 Alltech UEC 01959, 01775, 01662, 01693, 10848, 02467 Ansonic 02418 Aonvision 02279 Arnion 01300 ASA 00740 ASCI 01334 Astrell 01986, 02418 Atom 02289 Austar 00879, 00642, 01459 Austrisat 02631 Auvisio 02738, 02813 Beijing 03299 Blackdiamond 01284 Blapunkt 00173 BskyB 00847, 01175, 01662 Bush 01284, 01291, 01626, 01935, 02034, 02376, 02418, 02813, 03439, 03652 Cablecom 01195, 01197 Canal+/Digital 00853, 02466, 02631, 02957, 01334, 01780, 02553, 01986, 01995, 01997, 02107, 02657 Changhong 03308 Chess 01334, 01626, 02026 Cisco 00842 Claro 03787 CMX 02205 Com Hem 01176, 01915 Crown 01284 Cyfra+ 00853, 00253, 02262, 02527 D-Box 01114 Dantax 01626 DASAN 03321 Delta 02442 Digi 02026 Digihome 01284, 01935, 02034 DigitalBox 01100, 01631, 02289, 02540 Digiturk 02097 DirecTV 01377, 00099, 01442 DishNetwork 00775 DishTV 01300, 01780 Dream Multimedia 01237, 01652, 01923, 01284, 02034 DSE 02418, 02813 Durabrand 01284, 02034 Echostar 00775, 00853, 01409, 02262, 02572 Elless 00740 Embratel 02796 Engel 01631, 02289, 02418, 02813 Eurphon 00299, 01334 Eversham Technology 02034 Ferguson 01291, 01935, 02638 Foxtel 00879, 01176, 01356 Fubu 00173, 00299, 02750 Fuji Onkyo 01631, 02728 General Instrument 00869 Goodmans 01284, 02034, 02376, 03439, 03652 Gradiante 00856, 00099 Gran Prix 00740 Grandin 01626 Grundig 00847, 00853, 00173, 00879, 01284, 01291, 01672, 01780, 02034, 02376 Haier 02418 Hanseatic 01099, 01100 Hirschman 00173, 00299, 00740, 02026 Hitachi 101284, 02034 Huawei 03787 Hughes Network System 01377, 01442 Humax 01377, 01176, 01427, 01808, 01915, 02144, 02231, 02289, 02408, 02443, 02754, 03140, 03321 Icecrypt 02538 Illusion 01631 Imagin 01195, 01197 Imperial 01195, 01197, 01334, 01429, 01672 Inverto 03095 IPM 03567 IQ 02813 ITI Neovision 02743 Codes: TV A.R. Systems 10556, 10037 Accent 10037 Acoustic Systems 11037, 11523, 11585, 11667 Action 10650 Addison 10635 ADL 11217 Admiral 10093 Advent 11570 AEG 11037, 12197 Affinity 13577, 13717 Aiko 10037 Aim 10037 Aiwa 11362 Akai 10812, 10702, 10765, 10556, 10037, 10714, 10208, 10672, 11362, 11385, 11523, 12414, 12676, 13067, 13183 Akiba 10037 Akito 10037 Akura 10171, 10037, 10714, 11037, 10443,115851, 11667, 11687, Alba 10037, 10714, 11037, 10443, 11585, 11667,11687, 11983 Alfide 10672 Alien 11037 Allstar 10037 Amstrad 10171, 10037, 11037 Anam 110250, 10037, 10650 Andersson 11585, 12676 Anitech 10037 Ansonic 10037 AOC 10093, 10625, 11589, 12087 Apex Digital 10765, 11217, 12397 Ardem 10037, 10714 Arena 10037 Ario 12397 Aristona 10556, 10037 ART 11037 Art Mito 11585 Asberg 10037 Astra 10037 ATD 10698 Atlantic 10037 Audiosonic 10037, 10714, 11983, 12104 Audiovox 11564 Auria 12087 Autovox 12676 Aventura 10171 Axxon 10714 Baird 10208 Barco 10556 Base 10698, 11570 Basic Line 10556, 10037, 11037 Bauer 12197 BBK 11523 Beijing 10812, 10208 Beko 10037, 10714, 12125 Bell & Howell 10017 Belson 10698 Belstar 11037 BenQ 11523, 11756 Bensten 11326, 11570 Beon 10037 Berthen 10556 Bestar 10037 Bestwell 11326 Bexa 12493 BGH 10898, 12414 Black Diamond 11037 Blapunkt 10195, 12426 Blue Sky 10556, 10037, 10625, 10714, 11037, 13997 BlueDiamond 12426 Bluetech 12561, 12844 bogo 10898, 12414 BPL 10037, 10208 Brandt 10625, 10714, 11585 Brinkmann 10037 Brionvega 10037 Britania 12414 Broksonic 11892 Bush 10556, 10037, 10714, 11037, 10698, 10208, 10443, 11585, 11589, 11667, 11983, 12104, 12125, 12676 Cameron 11523 Camper 10037 Canca 11326 Carad 11037 Carena 10037 Carrefour 10037 Cascade 10037 Casio 10037 Cathay 10037 CCE 10037, 13782 Celcus 11585, 12676 Celera 10756 Centrum 11037 Centurion 10037 Champion 11362 Changhong 10156, 10765, 10508, 11498, 13434, 13538 CHL 13067 Chun Yun 11687, 11756 Cinema 10672 Clarivox 10037 Clatronic 10037, 10714 Clayton 11037 CMX 13067, 13327 Coby 12344, 13478, 13627 Commercial Solutions 11447 Condor 10037 Conia 11498, 11523, 11687 Conrowa 10156, 10698 Contec 10037 Coradir 12844 Cosmel 10037 CPTEC 10625 Crown 10037, 12352, 12397, 12855, 13382, 13577 Crown Mustang 10672 Crypton 11667 CTX 11756 Curtis 11326, 12352, 12397, 12855, 13382, 13577 Curtis Mathis 10093, 10702, 11661, 11959 Cyperpix 11667 Cyrton 11326 D-Vision 10556, 10037, 12197 Daenyx 10672 Daewoo 11661, 19556, 10037, 10634, 10672 Dansai 10037, 10208 Dantax 10714, 11037, 12676 Datsura 10208 Dawa 10037 Daytek 10672 Daytron 10037 De Graaf 10208 DEC 11326 Decca 10037 Dell 11863 Denver 10037, 12197, 13067 Demet 10037 Diamant 10037 Diamond 10698, 10672 Digatron 10037 Digihome 11667, 12676 Digiline 10037 Digitor 10037, 10698 Digitrex 13067 Dikom 12561 diVision 12197 Dixi 10037 DL 11326 Drean 10037 DSE 10698, 11326 Dual 10037, 10714, 11037, 11570 Dumont 10017 Durabrand 10171, 10714, 11037, 11570 Dux 10037 Dynatron 10037 Dynex 12049 e-motion 12426 E.S.C. 10037 Easy Living 11217, 12005, 12104 ECE 10037 ECG 12125, 12197 Elbe 10556, 10037 Electrograph 11755 Electrohome 11570, 11670 Electron 12855 Elektra 10017, 11661 Element 11687, 11886, 12183, 12964, 13559 Elfunk 11037, 11208 ELG, Elin, Elite 10037 Emerson 10171, 11661, 10037, 10714, 11394, 11864, 11886, 11944, 11963, 12183, 13559 Envision 11506, 11589, 12087 Erres 10037 ESA 10812, 10171, 11944, 11963 Essentials 12486 Euroman, Europa 10037 Evesham Technology 11667 Evolution 11756 Evotel 12561 Excello 11037, 11326 Exquisit 10037 F&U 12676 Fair Mate 11326 Faitec 11585 Ferguson 10037, 10625, 10195, 11037, 10443, 11585, 12426, 12676 Fidelity 10171, 10037, 10512 Finlandia 10208 Finlux 10556, 10037, 10714, 11667, 12676 Firstline 10056, 10037, 10714, 11037, 10208 Fisher 10208, 11362 Flint 10037 Fluid 12964 Formenti 10037 Fortress 10093 Fraba 10037 Freesat 11636 Friac 10037 Fujimaro 11498, 11687 Fujimaru 11687 Funai 10171, 10714, 11037, 11394, 11963 Gaba 11037 Galaxi, Galaxis 10037 Gateway 11755, 11756 GE 10093, 10765, 11447, 11454, 10625 GEC, Genesis, Gennexa 10037 Gericom 11217 GFM 10171, 11864, 11886, 11963 Gibralter 10017 Godrej 11585 GoGen 12676 Goldstar 10037, 10714 Goodmans 10556, 10037, 10625, 10714, 10634, 11037, 11523, 11585, 11667, 11687, 11983, 12676 Gorenje 11585, 12676 Gradiente 10037 Graetz 10714 Gran Prix 12197 Granada 10037, 10208 Grandin 10556, 10037, 10714, 11037 Grundig 10556, 10037, 10195, 10443, 10672, 11223, 11523, 11667, 12125, 12561, 12676, 13067 GVA 11326, 13067 H-Buster 13620 Haier 10037, 10698, 10508, 11570, 11748, 11753, 11983, 12293, 12309, 12876, 13382, 13620 Hannspree 11348 Hanseatic 10556, 10037, 10625, 10714, 10634 Hantarex, Hantor 10037 Harwood, Hauppauge 10037 Havermy 10093 HB, HCM, Highline 10037 Hikona 11983 Hinari 10037, 10208, 10443 Hisawa 10714 Hisense 10156, 10556, 10508,10208, 11208, 12183,12846, 13382, 13519 Hitachi 10156,10150,10037, 10634, 11037, 10508,10679,11576,11585, 11643,11667,12005,12170, 12433, 13639 Hitachi Fujian 10150 Hitec 10698 Höher 10714 Hongmei 10093 Hornyphone 10037 Hugoson 11217 Hypson 10556, 10037, 10714, 11037 Hyundai 11037, 10698, 11326, 11523, 12676 Iberia, ICE, Imperial 10037 Iiyama 11217 iLo 11394 Inno Hit 11037, 11585 Insignia 10171, 11326, 11385, 11423, 11564, 11641, 11892, 11963, 12049 Inteq 10017 Interbuy 10037 Interfunk 10037, 10512 Internal 10556 Intervision, Irradio 10037 IRT 11661, 10698 Isis 12676 Isukai 10037 iSymphony 12094, 13118, 13382 ITS 10037 ITT, ITT Nokia 10208, 11523, 12125, 12676 ITV 1 10037 Jay-Tech 13067 JCM 12256 Jean 10156 Jensen 11326 Jinfeng 10208 Jinxing 10156, 10556, 10037, 10698 JMB 10556, 10634, 10443, 12676 JVC 10093, 10650, 10653, 10508, 11601, 11670, 11774, 11892, 12264, 12271, 12321, 12676 Kaisui 10037 Karcher 10714, 12125 Kathrein 10556 KDS 11498, 11687 Kendo 10037, 11037, 11585, 12676 Kennex 11037 Keymat 11326, 11570 Kioto 10556 Kiton 10037 KLH 10756 KLL 10037 Kneissel 10556, 10037 Kolin 10150, 10037, 11217, 11240, 1610, 11755 Kolster, König 10037 Konka 10037, 10714, 10707, 11385, 13419 Korpel, Kosmos 10037 Kunlun 10208 Küppersbusch 12676 L&S Electronics 10714 Lavis 11037 Lecson 10037 Lenco 10037, 11037, 11983 Leyco 10037 LG 10017, 10556, 10037, 10714, 10698, 11423, 11840, 11860, 12182, 12358 Liesenkötter 10037 Lifetec 10037, 10714, 11037 Linetech 12676 Linsar 11585, 11667, 12676 Llyod 13639 Lodos 11037 Loewe 10512 Logik 11037, 10698, 11217, 11585, 11687, 12486 Luma 11037 Lumatron, Lumenio 10037 Luxor 11037, 10208, 12676 LXI 10156 Madison 10037 MAG 11498, 11687, 13327 Magnavox 10171, 11454, 11506, 11755, 11866, 11867, 11944, 11963, 12372, 12597, 13292 Magnum 10037, 10714 Manesth 10037 Manhattan 10037, 11037 Manta 13327 Marantz 11454, 10556, 10037 Mark 10037, 10714 Mascom 12125, 12197 Mastro 10698 Masuda 10037 Matsui 10556, 10037, 10714, 10195, 11037, 10208, 10443, 11667, 12486, 12676 Matsushita 10250, 10650 Maxent 11755 Maxess 12493 Meck 10698 Mediator 10556, 10037 Medion 10556, 10037, 10714, 11037, 10698, 10512, 11585, 11667, 12676 MEI 11037 Melectronic 10037, 10714, 10634, 10195, 10512 Memorex 10250, 10150, 11037,11570, 11670, 11924,11927 Memory 11983 Mercury 10037 Metronic 10625 Metz 10195, 11037 MGA 10150 Micromaxx 10037, 10714, 11037 Microsonic 11326 Midland 10017 Mikomi 11585, 11667 Minota 10037 Minerva 10195 Ministry of Sound 11667 Minoka 10037 Mitsubishi 10250, 10093, 10150, 11250, 10556, 10037, 11037, 10512, 11797, 13330 Mitsui 13565, 13658 Mivar 10609 Moree, Morgan’s 10037 Morsbaer 11585 Motorola 10093 MTC 10512 MTlogic 10714, 12104 Mudan 10208 Multitec 10037, 11037 Murphy 12005 MX Onda 11498, 11687, 11983 Myryad 10556 NAD 10156, 10037 Naiko, Nakimura 10037 National 10508, 10208 Naxa 12104, 13382 NEC 10156, 10653, 10508, 11585, 11797, 12293, 12461 Neckermann 10556, 10037 NEI 10037, 11037 Netsat 10037 NetTV 11755 Neufunk 10556, 10037, 10714 Nevir 12676 New Tech 10556, 10037 Newave 10093 Nexus Electronics 12183 Nikkai 10037 Nikkei 10714, 12197 Nimbro 12104 Noblex 11362, 13803 Nokia 10208 Norcent 11589 Nordmende 10037, 10714, 10195, 11585, 11667, 13327, 13419 Normerel, Novatronic 10037 Novex 11523 Novita 11585 NPG 13434 Oceanic 10208 OK Line 11037 OK. 12676, 13047, 13434 Okano 10037 OKI 11585. 11667, 12125, 12676, 13434 Ölevia 11144, 11240, 11610 Omni 10698, 11570 Onei 11667 Onida 10653, 12414 Onimax 10714 Onix 10698 Onn 11667, 12125 Opera 10037, 10714 Optimus 10250, 10650, 11924, 11927 Optoma 11348 Optonica 10093 Orava 11037 Orbit 10037 Orion 10556, 10037, 10714, 11037, 10443, 12005, 12676 Orline 10037 Ormond 11037 Osaki 10556, 10037 Osio/Osume 10037 11326, 11498, 11687, 11983 Otto Versande 10093, 10556, 10037, 10195, 10512 Pacic 10556, 10714, 11037, 10443 Palladium 10556, 10037, 10714, Palasonic 10037, 10698, 11326, 12461, 13067 Panama 10037 Panasonic 10250, 10037, 10650, 10508, 10208, 11291, 11480, 11636, 11650, 11924, 11927, 11941, 11947, 12170, 12264, 13825 Panavideo 13825 Panavision 10037 Panda 10698, 10508, 10208 Park 12104 Penney 10156 Perdio, Perfekt 10037 Philco 10171, 11661, 10037, 11362, 11394, 11963, 12414, 13426, 13639 Philips 10017, 10171, 11454, 10556, 10037, 13614, 13292, 12800, 12768, 12597, 12372, 11944, 11887, 11867, 11866, 11756, 11506, 11394, 10512 Phocus 10714 Pheonix 10037 Phonola 10556, 10037 Pioneer 10037, 10698, 10512, 10679, 11260, 11457, 11636 PJ 11506 Planar 11589 28-1382 09.08.15, Rev.2 USRC Universal System Remote Control for Russound and A-BUS ® Installation Manual Introduction The USRC Remote Control is the complete solution for all of your remote control requirements. It is designed to operate source devices and all Russound and A-BUS audio systems via the system keypad or IR receivers. Pre-programmed to control Russound devices, the remote also features learning capabilities. The USRC is pre-programmed to control Russound and A-BUS devices. For Russound devices use code 31302 For A-Bus devices use code 31413 USRC manual.indd 1 9/10/15 1:30 PM

Transcript of for Russound and A-BUS Installation · Changhong...

Page 1: for Russound and A-BUS Installation · Changhong 03308 Chess 01334, 01626, 02026 Cisco 00842 Claro 03787 CMX 02205 Com Hem 01176,

Codes: Cable ConvertersADB 01481, 01585, 01920, 10927, 02347, 02586, 03028Changhong 03108Chungwa 03647Cisco 01877, 03256, 03028, 02947, 02742, 02589, 02563, 02506, 02401, 02378, 02345, 02271, 02132, 02047, 01982, 01883, 01582, 00858Com Hem 00660, 02015, 02447, 02382Darty Box 02436DASAN 02683Deutsche Telecom 02132Digi 02762Digicable 03382DSD 03340DST 03389Du 02401Durabrand 0171, 0178, 0463, 0180, 1570, 1665Dynex 2049, 1785, 1463, 2184Electrograph 1755Electrohome 0463, 1570, 1670 Echostar 02995, 03452,Entone 03048Evolution 02745, 02746Fastway 03382Finnet 02030, 02832Freebox 01482, 01976Hikari TV 03322Hisense 02887Homecast 02997, 03389Huawei 02894, 03317Humax 00660, 01981, 01983, 02043, 02165, 02447, 02620, 02683, 02762, 02832, 02889, 03075, 03101, 03560, 03670HYA 02989J:COM 02703Kaon 02746, 02889, 03389, 03407Kreatel 01385, 02030Linksys 02271Magio Sat 02132Mio 02802Mitsubishi 03444MOD 03647Motorola 01376, 00858, 01562, 01982, 10998, 02030, 02378, 02401, 02437, 02894, 02952Moviestar 01585Moxi 02187Neuf TV 03107Nex-Tech 02482NIB 03322NTL 01060Pace 01376, 01877, 01060, 01582, 01883, 01982, 02401, 02620,Philips 01582, 02294, 03560Pioneer 01877Premiere 02620Primestar 02030Qrix 03465Reliance 02452Sagem 02407, 02436Segemcom 02407, 02436, 02762, 03007, 03514Samsung 01877, 01060, 03783, 03415, 03477, 03407, 03340, 03322, 03319, 03265, 02955, 20889, 02683, 02610, 20589, 02407, 02015, 01987Scientic Atlanta 01877, 00858, 01982, 01987, 02047, 02345, 02401,02436, 02506, 03028Seans Media 02162Seokyung 03340Serbia Broadband 02506SFR 03170Sky 02620Skyworth 02982, 03492Smartlabs 03611Smile Content 02437SMT 03527SMtronics 03319Stofa 02015T-Home 02132Technicolor 01982Tele2 00660, 02447Thomson 01582, 01981, 10982, 0193, 02407, 03007Tivo 03265, 03560Vector 02030VeeTV 03231Verizon 02378Virgin Media 01060, 01987, 02563, 03265Vodfone 02401Wbox 02832Ziggo 00660, 02015, 02401, 02447, 02589, 02762, 03607Zinwell 03139

Codes: Satellite Receivers@sat 01300@Sky 01334Acoustic Solutions 01284ADB 00642, 02553, 02743AEG 02738, 02813Agora 01284Airis 02813Airtel 02248Akira 02738Akta 01986Akura 01626

Alba 01284, 02034Alltech UEC 01959, 01775, 01662, 01693, 10848, 02467Ansonic 02418Aonvision 02279Arnion 01300ASA 00740ASCI 01334Astrell 01986, 02418Atom 02289Austar 00879, 00642, 01459Austrisat 02631Auvisio 02738, 02813Beijing 03299Blackdiamond 01284Blapunkt 00173BskyB 00847, 01175, 01662Bush 01284, 01291, 01626, 01935, 02034, 02376, 02418, 02813, 03439, 03652Cablecom 01195, 01197Canal+/Digital 00853, 02466, 02631, 02957, 01334, 01780, 02553, 01986, 01995, 01997, 02107, 02657Changhong 03308Chess 01334, 01626, 02026Cisco 00842Claro 03787CMX 02205Com Hem 01176, 01915Crown 01284Cyfra+ 00853, 00253, 02262, 02527D-Box 01114Dantax 01626DASAN 03321Delta 02442Digi 02026Digihome 01284, 01935, 02034DigitalBox 01100, 01631, 02289, 02540Digiturk 02097DirecTV 01377, 00099, 01442DishNetwork 00775DishTV 01300, 01780Dream Multimedia 01237, 01652, 01923, 01284, 02034DSE 02418, 02813Durabrand 01284, 02034Echostar 00775, 00853, 01409, 02262, 02572Elless 00740Embratel 02796Engel 01631, 02289, 02418, 02813Eurphon 00299, 01334Eversham Technology 02034Ferguson 01291, 01935, 02638Foxtel 00879, 01176, 01356Fubu 00173, 00299, 02750Fuji Onkyo 01631, 02728General Instrument 00869Goodmans 01284, 02034, 02376, 03439, 03652Gradiante 00856, 00099Gran Prix 00740Grandin 01626Grundig 00847, 00853, 00173, 00879, 01284, 01291, 01672, 01780, 02034, 02376Haier 02418Hanseatic 01099, 01100Hirschman 00173, 00299, 00740, 02026Hitachi 101284, 02034Huawei 03787Hughes Network System 01377, 01442Humax 01377, 01176, 01427, 01808, 01915, 02144, 02231, 02289, 02408, 02443, 02754, 03140, 03321Icecrypt 02538Illusion 01631Imagin 01195, 01197Imperial 01195, 01197, 01334, 01429, 01672Inverto 03095IPM 03567IQ 02813ITI Neovision 02743

Codes: TVA.R. Systems 10556, 10037Accent 10037Acoustic Systems 11037, 11523, 11585, 11667Action 10650Addison 10635ADL 11217Admiral 10093Advent 11570AEG 11037, 12197Affinity 13577, 13717Aiko 10037Aim 10037Aiwa 11362Akai 10812, 10702, 10765, 10556, 10037, 10714, 10208, 10672, 11362, 11385, 11523, 12414, 12676, 13067, 13183Akiba 10037Akito 10037Akura 10171, 10037, 10714, 11037, 10443,115851, 11667, 11687, Alba 10037, 10714, 11037, 10443, 11585, 11667,11687, 11983Alfide 10672Alien 11037Allstar 10037Amstrad 10171, 10037, 11037

Anam 110250, 10037, 10650Andersson 11585, 12676Anitech 10037Ansonic 10037AOC 10093, 10625, 11589, 12087Apex Digital 10765, 11217, 12397Ardem 10037, 10714Arena 10037Ario 12397Aristona 10556, 10037ART 11037Art Mito 11585Asberg 10037Astra 10037ATD 10698Atlantic 10037Audiosonic 10037, 10714, 11983, 12104Audiovox 11564Auria 12087Autovox 12676Aventura 10171Axxon 10714Baird 10208Barco 10556Base 10698, 11570Basic Line 10556, 10037, 11037Bauer 12197BBK 11523Beijing 10812, 10208Beko 10037, 10714, 12125Bell & Howell 10017Belson 10698Belstar 11037BenQ 11523, 11756Bensten 11326, 11570Beon 10037Berthen 10556Bestar 10037Bestwell 11326Bexa 12493BGH 10898, 12414Black Diamond 11037Blapunkt 10195, 12426Blue Sky 10556, 10037, 10625, 10714, 11037, 13997BlueDiamond 12426Bluetech 12561, 12844bogo 10898, 12414BPL 10037, 10208Brandt 10625, 10714, 11585Brinkmann 10037Brionvega 10037Britania 12414Broksonic 11892Bush 10556, 10037, 10714, 11037, 10698, 10208, 10443, 11585, 11589, 11667, 11983, 12104, 12125, 12676Cameron 11523Camper 10037Canca 11326Carad 11037Carena 10037Carrefour 10037Cascade 10037Casio 10037Cathay 10037CCE 10037, 13782Celcus 11585, 12676Celera 10756Centrum 11037Centurion 10037Champion 11362Changhong 10156, 10765, 10508, 11498, 13434, 13538CHL 13067Chun Yun 11687, 11756Cinema 10672Clarivox 10037Clatronic 10037, 10714Clayton 11037CMX 13067, 13327Coby 12344, 13478, 13627Commercial Solutions 11447Condor 10037Conia 11498, 11523, 11687Conrowa 10156, 10698Contec 10037Coradir 12844Cosmel 10037CPTEC 10625Crown 10037, 12352, 12397, 12855, 13382, 13577Crown Mustang 10672Crypton 11667CTX 11756Curtis 11326, 12352, 12397, 12855, 13382, 13577Curtis Mathis 10093, 10702, 11661, 11959Cyperpix 11667Cyrton 11326D-Vision 10556, 10037, 12197Daenyx 10672Daewoo 11661, 19556, 10037, 10634, 10672Dansai 10037, 10208Dantax 10714, 11037, 12676Datsura 10208Dawa 10037Daytek 10672Daytron 10037De Graaf 10208

DEC 11326Decca 10037Dell 11863Denver 10037, 12197, 13067Demet 10037Diamant 10037Diamond 10698, 10672Digatron 10037Digihome 11667, 12676Digiline 10037Digitor 10037, 10698Digitrex 13067Dikom 12561diVision 12197Dixi 10037DL 11326Drean 10037DSE 10698, 11326Dual 10037, 10714, 11037, 11570Dumont 10017Durabrand 10171, 10714, 11037, 11570Dux 10037Dynatron 10037Dynex 12049e-motion 12426E.S.C. 10037Easy Living 11217, 12005, 12104ECE 10037ECG 12125, 12197Elbe 10556, 10037Electrograph 11755Electrohome 11570, 11670Electron 12855Elektra 10017, 11661Element 11687, 11886, 12183, 12964, 13559Elfunk 11037, 11208ELG, Elin, Elite 10037Emerson 10171, 11661, 10037, 10714, 11394, 11864, 11886, 11944, 11963, 12183, 13559Envision 11506, 11589, 12087Erres 10037ESA 10812, 10171, 11944, 11963Essentials 12486Euroman, Europa 10037Evesham Technology 11667Evolution 11756Evotel 12561Excello 11037, 11326Exquisit 10037F&U 12676Fair Mate 11326Faitec 11585Ferguson 10037, 10625, 10195, 11037, 10443, 11585, 12426, 12676Fidelity 10171, 10037, 10512Finlandia 10208Finlux 10556, 10037, 10714, 11667, 12676Firstline 10056, 10037, 10714, 11037, 10208Fisher 10208, 11362Flint 10037Fluid 12964Formenti 10037Fortress 10093Fraba 10037Freesat 11636Friac 10037Fujimaro 11498, 11687 Fujimaru 11687Funai 10171, 10714, 11037, 11394, 11963Gaba 11037Galaxi, Galaxis 10037Gateway 11755, 11756GE 10093, 10765, 11447, 11454, 10625GEC, Genesis, Gennexa 10037Gericom 11217GFM 10171, 11864, 11886, 11963Gibralter 10017Godrej 11585GoGen 12676Goldstar 10037, 10714Goodmans 10556, 10037, 10625, 10714, 10634, 11037, 11523, 11585, 11667, 11687, 11983, 12676Gorenje 11585, 12676Gradiente 10037Graetz 10714Gran Prix 12197Granada 10037, 10208Grandin 10556, 10037, 10714, 11037Grundig 10556, 10037, 10195, 10443, 10672, 11223, 11523, 11667, 12125, 12561, 12676, 13067GVA 11326, 13067H-Buster 13620Haier 10037, 10698, 10508, 11570, 11748, 11753, 11983, 12293, 12309, 12876, 13382, 13620Hannspree 11348Hanseatic 10556, 10037, 10625, 10714, 10634Hantarex, Hantor 10037Harwood, Hauppauge 10037Havermy 10093HB, HCM, Highline 10037Hikona 11983Hinari 10037, 10208, 10443Hisawa 10714Hisense 10156, 10556, 10508,10208,

11208, 12183,12846, 13382, 13519Hitachi 10156,10150,10037, 10634, 11037, 10508,10679,11576,11585, 11643,11667,12005,12170, 12433, 13639Hitachi Fujian 10150Hitec 10698Höher 10714Hongmei 10093Hornyphone 10037Hugoson 11217Hypson 10556, 10037, 10714, 11037Hyundai 11037, 10698, 11326, 11523, 12676Iberia, ICE, Imperial 10037Iiyama 11217iLo 11394Inno Hit 11037, 11585Insignia 10171, 11326, 11385, 11423, 11564, 11641, 11892, 11963, 12049Inteq 10017Interbuy 10037Interfunk 10037, 10512Internal 10556Intervision, Irradio 10037IRT 11661, 10698Isis 12676Isukai 10037iSymphony 12094, 13118, 13382ITS 10037ITT, ITT Nokia 10208, 11523, 12125, 12676ITV 1 10037Jay-Tech 13067JCM 12256Jean 10156Jensen 11326Jinfeng 10208Jinxing 10156, 10556, 10037, 10698JMB 10556, 10634, 10443, 12676JVC 10093, 10650, 10653, 10508, 11601, 11670, 11774, 11892, 12264, 12271, 12321, 12676Kaisui 10037Karcher 10714, 12125Kathrein 10556KDS 11498, 11687Kendo 10037, 11037, 11585, 12676Kennex 11037Keymat 11326, 11570Kioto 10556Kiton 10037KLH 10756KLL 10037Kneissel 10556, 10037Kolin 10150, 10037, 11217, 11240, 1610, 11755Kolster, König 10037Konka 10037, 10714, 10707, 11385, 13419Korpel, Kosmos 10037Kunlun 10208Küppersbusch 12676L&S Electronics 10714Lavis 11037Lecson 10037Lenco 10037, 11037, 11983Leyco 10037LG 10017, 10556, 10037, 10714, 10698, 11423, 11840, 11860, 12182, 12358Liesenkötter 10037Lifetec 10037, 10714, 11037Linetech 12676Linsar 11585, 11667, 12676Llyod 13639Lodos 11037Loewe 10512Logik 11037, 10698, 11217, 11585, 11687, 12486Luma 11037Lumatron, Lumenio 10037Luxor 11037, 10208, 12676LXI 10156Madison 10037MAG 11498, 11687, 13327Magnavox 10171, 11454, 11506, 11755, 11866, 11867, 11944, 11963, 12372, 12597, 13292Magnum 10037, 10714Manesth 10037Manhattan 10037, 11037Manta 13327Marantz 11454, 10556, 10037Mark 10037, 10714Mascom 12125, 12197Mastro 10698Masuda 10037Matsui 10556, 10037, 10714, 10195, 11037, 10208, 10443, 11667, 12486, 12676Matsushita 10250, 10650Maxent 11755Maxess 12493Meck 10698Mediator 10556, 10037Medion 10556, 10037, 10714, 11037, 10698, 10512, 11585, 11667, 12676MEI 11037Melectronic 10037, 10714, 10634, 10195, 10512Memorex 10250, 10150, 11037,11570,

11670, 11924,11927Memory 11983Mercury 10037Metronic 10625Metz 10195, 11037MGA 10150Micromaxx 10037, 10714, 11037Microsonic 11326Midland 10017Mikomi 11585, 11667Minota 10037Minerva 10195Ministry of Sound 11667Minoka 10037Mitsubishi 10250, 10093, 10150, 11250, 10556, 10037, 11037, 10512, 11797, 13330Mitsui 13565, 13658Mivar 10609Moree, Morgan’s 10037Morsbaer 11585Motorola 10093MTC 10512MTlogic 10714, 12104Mudan 10208Multitec 10037, 11037Murphy 12005MX Onda 11498, 11687, 11983Myryad 10556NAD 10156, 10037Naiko, Nakimura 10037National 10508, 10208Naxa 12104, 13382NEC 10156, 10653, 10508, 11585, 11797, 12293, 12461Neckermann 10556, 10037NEI 10037, 11037Netsat 10037NetTV 11755Neufunk 10556, 10037, 10714Nevir 12676New Tech 10556, 10037Newave 10093Nexus Electronics 12183Nikkai 10037Nikkei 10714, 12197Nimbro 12104Noblex 11362, 13803Nokia 10208Norcent 11589Nordmende 10037, 10714, 10195, 11585, 11667, 13327, 13419Normerel, Novatronic 10037Novex 11523Novita 11585NPG 13434Oceanic 10208OK Line 11037OK. 12676, 13047, 13434Okano 10037OKI 11585. 11667, 12125, 12676, 13434Ölevia 11144, 11240, 11610Omni 10698, 11570Onei 11667Onida 10653, 12414Onimax 10714Onix 10698Onn 11667, 12125Opera 10037, 10714Optimus 10250, 10650, 11924, 11927Optoma 11348Optonica 10093Orava 11037Orbit 10037Orion 10556, 10037, 10714, 11037, 10443, 12005, 12676Orline 10037Ormond 11037Osaki 10556, 10037Osio/Osume 10037 11326, 11498, 11687, 11983Otto Versande 10093, 10556, 10037, 10195, 10512Pacic 10556, 10714, 11037, 10443Palladium 10556, 10037, 10714, Palasonic 10037, 10698, 11326, 12461, 13067Panama 10037Panasonic 10250, 10037, 10650, 10508, 10208, 11291, 11480, 11636, 11650, 11924, 11927, 11941, 11947, 12170, 12264, 13825Panavideo 13825Panavision 10037Panda 10698, 10508, 10208Park 12104Penney 10156Perdio, Perfekt 10037Philco 10171, 11661, 10037, 11362, 11394, 11963, 12414, 13426, 13639Philips 10017, 10171, 11454, 10556, 10037, 13614, 13292, 12800, 12768, 12597, 12372, 11944, 11887, 11867, 11866, 11756, 11506, 11394, 10512Phocus 10714Pheonix 10037Phonola 10556, 10037Pioneer 10037, 10698, 10512, 10679, 11260, 11457, 11636PJ 11506Planar 11589

28-1382 09.08.15, Rev.2

USRCUniversal System Remote Control

for Russound and A-BUS® Installation Manual

IntroductionThe USRC Remote Control is the complete solution for all of your remote control requirements. It is designed to operate source devices and all Russound and A-BUS audio systems via the system keypad or IR receivers. Pre-programmed to control Russound devices, the remote also features learning capabilities.

The USRC is pre-programmed to control Russound and A-BUS devices.

For Russound devices use code31302

For A-Bus devices use code 31413

USRC manual.indd 1 9/10/15 1:30 PM

Page 2: for Russound and A-BUS Installation · Changhong 03308 Chess 01334, 01626, 02026 Cisco 00842 Claro 03787 CMX 02205 Com Hem 01176,

Plantron 10037Playsonic 10037, 10714Polaroid 10765, 11326, 11385, 11498, 11523, 11687, 12125, 12676Polyvision 11144Portland 11661Powerpoint 10037, 10698Prestiz 13419Prima 11749, 11753, 12197Princess 11326Prinston 11037Pro Vision 10556, 10037, 10714, 12197Protronic 10037Proline 10037, 10625, 10634, 11037, 12676Proscan 11447, 12147, 12183, 12256, 13382, 13577Prosco 10156Prosonic 10037, 10714, 11523, 11585, 11667, 12125, 12197, 12676Protech 10037, 11037Proview 11498, 11687Pulsar 10017Pye 10556, 10037Qingdao 10208Quadro 11326, 11667Quasar 10250, 10650, 11291, 11924, 11927Quelle 10037, 10195, 11037, 10512R-Line 10037Radiola 10556, 10037Radiomarelli 10037Radioshack 10037Radiotone 10037,11037RCA 10093, 11661, 11447, 11454, 10625, 13717, 14577, 13426, 13419, 13382, 12932, 12855, 12746, 12434, 12247, 12187, 12183, 11959, 11718, 11385Recor, Rectilgne, Red Star 10037Reflex 10037, 11037Relisys 11585Remotec 10250, 10093, 10171, 10037Reoc 10714, 12197Revox, RFT 10037Roadstar 10037, 10714, 11037Rowa 10037, 10698, 10898Runco 10017S-Media 11217Saba 10250, 10093, 10171, 10037Saga 12197Saivod 10037, 11037Sakura 11326Salora 10208, 12125, 12917Sampo 10093, 10171, 10650, 10898, 11385, 11755, 13419Samsung 10156, 10812, 10702, 10556, 10037, 10650, 10208, 11458, 11632, 11959, 12051, 12953Sandstorm 12197Sansui 10171, 10037, 10714, 10898, 11670, 11892, 13559Sanyo 10156, 11037, 10508, 10208, 11142, 11208, 11362, 11498, 11585, 11667, 12461, 12676Sanyuan 10093SBR 10556, 10037Sceptre 11217, 11360, 12528 Schaub Lorenz 10714, 11667, 12125, 12197, 12676Schneider 10556, 10037, 10714, 11037, 11585, 12676Schöntech 11037Scott 11983Sears 10156, 10171Seaway 10634Seelver 11037SEG 10037, 11037, 11523, 12125, 13434SEI, Sei-Sinudyne 10037Seiki 12694, 13559Semp, Semp Toshiba 10156, 11743, 13793Sencor 10714, 12197, 13067Senzu 12493Seria Dorada 10156Serino 10093Sharp 10093, 10650, 10818, 11393, 11423, 11659, 12360, 12676Sheng Chia 10093Shinelco 12104Shintoso 10037Shivaki 10037, 10443Silva, Silva Schneider 10037, 12125, 12197SKY 10037Skworth 10037, 10698, 12899Sogo 13067Solavox 10037Soniko 10037Soniq 12493Sonitron 10208Sonneclair, Sonoko 10037Sonolor 10208Sontec 10037Sontech 11983Sony 11505, 10810, 11385, 11651, 11825, 12778Soundwave 10037, 11037Sowa 10156Soyea 10698, 11743Spectroniq 11498, 11687Squareview 10171SR Standard 10037, 11037STI 13793Strato 10037

SunBriteTV 11610, 12528Sunny, Sunstar 10037Suntech 12676Sunwood 10037Superscan 10093, 10864, 11944Supersonic 10208, 11753, 12104Supertech 10556, 10037SVA 11326, 11398, 11963Svasa 10208Swisstech 12104, 12106Sylvania 10171, 11394, 11864, 11886, 11944, 11963Symphonic 10171, 11394, 11044Synco 10093, 11755Syntax 11144, 11240, 11610Sysline 10037Tandy 10093Tashiko 10650Tatung 10156, 10037, 11687, 11756Taurus 12197TLC 10698, 10898, 12414, 12434, 13047, 13183, 13426TCM 10714Teac 10171, 10037, 10714, 11037, 10698, 10512, 110898, 11755, 11983Tec 10037Tech Line 10037,11585Technica 11037, 12106, 12426Technics 10250, 10556, 10650Technika 11676, 11983, 12106, 12125 12197, 12426, 12676, 13067TechniSat 10556Technisson 10714Techno 11585Technosonic 10556, 10625, 11326Techwood 11037, 11667, 12676Tecnimagen 10556Teco 10093, 10653, 11523, 11687Tedelex 10208Teknika 10150Tele Systems 11585, 12125Telefunken 10702, 10037, 10625, 10714, 10698, 11326, 11585, 11667, 12414, 12676Telestar 10556, 10037Teletech 10037, 11037Tesco 12426Tesla 10556, 10037, 10714, 11037Tevion 10556, 10037, 10714, 11037, 11498, 11585, 11667, 11687, 12125, 12197Thomson 11447, 10037, 10625, 13047Thorn 10037, 10512Tiane 10093TML 11756TNCi 10017Top House 10672, 11385Toshiba 10156, 10093, 10195, 11037, 10650, 10508, 11508, 11524, 11656, 11743, 11959, 12676, 12724, 13105Transonic 10037, 10698, 10512, 11326Triad 10556Trio 11498, 11687Triumph 10556, 10037UMC 12106, 12426Uniden 11667, 12676United 10556, 10714, 11037, 11523, 11983, 12125Universal 10037, 10714V7 Videoseven 11217, 11755Venus 11326Vestel 10037, 11037, 11585, 11667Victor 10250, 10650, 10653Videocon 10037, 10508Vision Plus 12426Visual Innovations 12106Vivax 11326Vizio 10864, 10885, 11756, 11758, 12512, 12707, 12757, 13415, 13758Voxson 10037, 11667, 12197Vue 11570Walker 11585, 11667, 12676Waltham 10037, 11037, 10443Wards 10017, 10156Watson 10037, 10714, 11037Waycon 10156Westinghouse 10885, 11217, 11712,11755, 12293, 12397, 13094, 13382, 13470, 13579Westwood 11585Wharfedale 10556, 10037, 11667, 11983White Westinghouse 11661, 10037, 10556Wilson 10556Windy Sam 10556Wintel 10714World-of -Vision 11217Xenius 10634Xiahua 10698Xiron 11037, 10983XLogic 10698Xoceco 10037, 12461Xoro 11217Yamaha 10650, 11576Yapshe 10250Yokan, Yoko, YU-MA-TA 10037Zenith 10017, 11661, 11423, 12358Zepto 11585Zonda 10698

Codes: AmplifiersDenon 30272, 32706Harmon/Kardon 33045Logitech 31408Marantz 32138Onkyo 32878Vision Plus 12426Visual Innovations 12106Vivax 11326Vizio 10864, 10885, 11756, 11758, 12512, 12707, 12757, 13415, 13758Voxon 10037, 11667, 12197Vue 11570Walker 11585, 11667, 12676Waltham 10037, 11037, 10443Wards 10017, 10156Watson 10037, 10714, 11037Waycon 10156Westinghouse 10885, 11217, 11712, 11755, 12293, 12397,13094, 13382, 13470, 13579Westwood 11585Wharfedale 10556, 10037, 11667, 11983White Westinghouse 11661, 10037Wilson 10556Windy Sam 10556Wintel 10714World-of -Vision 11217Xenius 10634Xiahua 10698

Codes: Audio AccesoriesHarman/Kardon 33517JBL 33235LG 33217Panasonic 33409Polk Audio 33249Samsung 32660Sharp 33097Sony 32610Toshiba 33267VIZIO 32454Yamaha 32458ZVOX 32332

Codes: CD’sAH! 30157Aiwa 30157Arcam 30157Audio Research 30157Auditon 30157AVI 30157Cairn 30157California Audio Labs 30303Cambridge Audio 10037Carver 30157CCE 30157Cyrus 30157Denon 30626DKK 30000DMX Electronics 30157Dynaco 30157Genexxa 30000Goldmund 30157Harman/Kardon 30157JVC 30072Kenwood 30626, 30157, 30036Krell 30157Linn 30157Loewe 30157Magnavox 30157Marantz 30626, 30157Matsui 30157Meridian 30157Micromega 30157Miro 30000Mission 30157Myryad 30157NAD 30000, 30721Naim 30157NSM 30157Optimus 30000Panasonic 30303Philips 30636, 30721Polk Audio 30157Primare 30157Proton 30157QED 30157Quad 30157Radiola 30157Restek 30157Revox 30157Rotel 30157SAE 30157Sansui 30157SAST 30157Siemens 30157Silsonic 30036Simaudio 30157Sonic Frontiers 30157Sony 30490, 30000Sylvania 30157TAG McLaren 30157Technics 30303Thule Audio 30157Traxdata 30626Uiversum 30157Victor 30072Wards 30000, 30157Yamaha 30490, 30036Zonda 30157

Codes: ReceiversBose 31229Cambridge Audio 31647Daewoo 31293Denon 31360, 32516, 32681, 32857, 32861Digeo 32861Fonmix 31360Harman/Kardon 31304Integra 30135, 31320, 31805JBL 31304JVC 30074Kenwood 31313, 31293LG 31293, 32197Logitech 32436Magnavox 31269, 31831Marantz 31269, 31289, 32114McIntosh 31289Medion 31297NAD 30320Nakamichi 31313Onkyo 31035, 31320, 31805, 33259Optimus 31023Palladium 31293Panasonic 31518, 31763, 31779, 31831, 33309, 33425Philips 31269, 31289, 31673, 31831, 32459, 33005Pioneer 31023, 31123, 31459, 31935Polk Audio 31289Radionette 31293RCA 31023, 31123, 31459Samsung 31295, 31304, 31868, 32809Silsonic 30176Sony 31441, 31579, 31622, 31112, 31158, 31454, 31758, 31822, 31858, 32809Stereophonics 31023Sunre 31313Sungoo 31313Targa 31293Technics 31518, 31763Toshiba 31123Victor 30074Yamaha 30176, 31276, 31776, 31815, 32061, 32467, 33030Zenith 31293, 32197

Codes: VCR’sAdmiral 20048Aiwa 2037, 20032, 20742, 21137Akai 20037, 20240Alba 20081Allegro 21137Allorgan 20240Allstar 20240Anam 20037, 20240, 21562Aristona 20081ASA 20037, 20081Asha 20240Asuka 20037, 20081Audiolab 20081Audiovox 20037Awa 20037Beaumark 20240Blapunkt 20081Blue Sky 20037, 20742, 21137Broksonic 20742Bush 20081, 20742Calix 20037Carena 20081Carver 20081Changhong 20048, 20081CineVision 21137Citizen 20037Craig 2037, 20081Crosley 20081Crown 20037Curtis Mathis 20240Cybernex 20240Cyrus 20081Daewoo 21137Dantax 20742De Graaf 20048, 20081Decca 20081, 20067Diamant 20037Dual 20081Dumont 20081E.S.C 20240Electrohome 20037Electrophonic 20037Elin 20240Emerex 20032Emerson 20037, 20240ESA 21137Feruson 20742Fidelity 20240Finlux 20081Firstline 20037, 21137Fujitsu General 20037GE 20048, 20240GEC 20081Go Video 20240, 21137Goldstar 20037, 21137Goodmans 20037, 20081, 20240, 20742 GPX 20037Gradiente 21137Graetz 20240Granada 20037, 20048, 20081, 20240Grandin 20037, 20742Grundig 20081, 20742Hanseatic 20037, 20081

Haojie 20240Harman/Kardon 20081Hinari 20240Hitachi 20037, 20081, 20240Hornyphon 20081Humax 20739Hypson 20037Ingersoll 20240Interbuy 20037Interfunk 20081Intervision 20037Irradio 20037, 20081, 21137ITT 20240ITV 20037JMB 20742JVC 20081, 20037Kambrook 20037Karcher 20081KEC 20037Kenwood 20067Kneissel 20037Kodak 20037LG 20037, 21137Loewe 20037, 20081, 21562Logik 20240Lumatron 21137Luxor 20048LXI 20037Magnavox 20081Magnin 20240Manesth 20081Marantz 20081Marta 20037Matsui 20037, 20240, 20742Mediator 20081Melectronic 20037Memorex 20037, 20048, 20240Metronic 0081Metz 20240MGA, MGN 20240Mitsubishi 20048, 20081, 20067Motorola 20048MTC 20240Multitech 20037Myryad 20081NEC 20037, 20048, 20067, 21137Neckerman 20081 20037Neufunk 21137Newave 20037Nikko 20037Noblex 20240Nokia 20048, 20081, 20240Normende 20067Oceanic 20048, 20081Optimus 20037, 20048Orion 20742Osaki 20037Otto Versand 20081Pacic 20742Palladium 20037Panasonic 21562Penney 20037, 20240Philips 20081, 20749Phonola 20081Pilot 20037Pioneer 20081, 20067Polk Audio 20081Protronic 20081,20240Protech 20081Pye 20081Quelle 20081Radialva 20037, 20048, 20081Radiola 20081Radionette 20037, 21137Radioshack 20037Radix 20037RCA 20048, 20240RCN 20739Realistic 20037, 20480Rio 21137Roadstar 20037, 20081, 20240, 20742Sampo 20037, 20048Samsung 20240, 20742Sanky 20695, 20713, 21233, 22966Sansei 20048Sansui 20067Sanyo 20048, 20240, 20067, 21137Saville 20240SBR 20081ScanSonic 20240,Schneider 20037, 20081, 20240, 21137Sears 20037SEI, Sei-Sinudyne 20081Seleco 20037Sharp 20037, 20048, 21137Shivaki 20037Shogun 20240Siemens 20037, 20081Siera 20081Silva 20037Silva Schneider 21137Sinudyne 20081Sonocolor 20048Sontec 20037Sony 20032 Soundwave 20037Supra 20037Sylvania 20081Tashiko 20037, 20048, 20081, 20240Tatung 20048, 20081, 20067, 20742Teac 20037

Technics 20081Teco 20037, 20048Thomson 20067TiVo 20739Toshiba 20081, 20067, 20742Totevision 20037, 20240Universum 20037, 20081, 20240, 21137Victor 20037Wards 20048, 20081, 20240Yoko 20037, 20240Zenith 20037, 21137

Codes: DVD 3D LAB 20539Accurian 20675Acoustic Research 20730, 20713AEG 20770, 20675, 21233Aim 20672, 20833Airis 20672, 21224Aiwa 20533Akai 20770, 20695, 20675, 21233, 22966Akura 21233Alba 20672, 20539, 20695, 20730, 20713, 22966Allegro 20869Altacom 21224Ambiance 23052Amitech 20770Amstrand 20770, 20713, 22139AMW 20872Ansonic 20831Apex Digital 20672Aristona 20539, 20646Arrgo 21023ASDA 22213Asono 21224Atacom 21224Audix 20713Autovox 20713Awa 20730, 20872Axion 20730Basic Line 20713BBK 21224Bel Canto Design 21571Belson 22139Berthen 21634Best Buy 22139Black Diamond 20713, 20833Blu:sens 21233Blue Parade 20571Blue Sky 20672, 20695, 20713Brainwave 20770Brandt 20503, 20551Broksonic 20695Bush 20672, 20730, 20831, 20713, 20833, 22966Byd:sign 20872Califronia Audio Labs 20490CCE 20730Celcus 22966Centrex 20672Centrum 20675Changhong 20672Cinea 20831Cineral 20730Cinetec 20713, 20872CineVision 20833, 20869Citizen 20695CJ Digital 21643Classic 20730Claytronic 20672, 20675, 21233Clayton 20713CMX 21643Coby 20730, 22494Codex 21233Conia 20672Contel 22331Continetal Edison 20831, 20872Craig 20831Crown 20770, 20713Cybercom 20831Cyberhome 21023Daenyx 20872Daewoo 20770, 20833, 20869, 20872Dansai 20770Dantax 20539, 20713, 22966Datsun 21233Daytek 20872Dayton Audio 20872DCE 20831Decca 20770Denon 20490, 21634, 22258, 22748Denver 20672, 21642Dewo 21634Dgtec 20672Digihome 20713, 22966Digilogic 20713Digitor 20833Digitrex 20672DiK 20831Dikom 22494Disney 20831, 20675DK Digital 20831, 21643, 22095Dragon 20831DSE 20674, 20833, 22095Dual 20730, 20831, 20713, 21023, 22966Durabrand 20831, 20675, 20713, 21023DVS 20672Dynex 22596Dyon 23052

E:max 20770, 21233, 21643ECC 20730Elfunk 20713Elin 20770Elite 22854Elta 20672, 20741, 20770, 22966Eltax 21233Emerson 20675, 22213Euroline 20675, 21233, 21643Ferguson 20695, 20713, 22966Finlux 20672, 20741, 22966Firstline 20713, 20869Foen & Hirsch 23052Funai 20695, 20675G-Hans 22213GE 20522GFM 20675Global Link 21224Go Video 20741, 20833, 20869, 21044, 21075 Goldstar 20741, 20869Goodmans 20730, 20713, 20833, 22966GPX 20741Gran Prix 20831Grandin 20713, 21233Grundig 20539, 20551, 20695, 20713, 21643, 22966Grunkel 20770, 20831GVG 20831H & B 20713, 21233Hanseatic 20741Harman/Kardon 20702, 21229, 22927, 23228HE 20730Hello Kitty 20831Henss 20573, 20695, 20713, 22966Hitachi 20573, 20713, 21224, 21643Hiteker 20672, 23052Höher 20831, 20713, 21224, 21643Home Electronics 20770, 20730Home Tech Industries 21224, 21643Humax 20646HYD 21233Hyundai 20833, 22966i-Joy 23052Ingersoll 21023Inno Hit 20713Insignia 20741, 20675, 22095, 22428, 22596Integra 20571, 29627, 21634, 21769, 22147Irradio 20646, 20869, 21224, 21233ISP 20695ITT 21233JBL 20702JDB 20730JNC 20672JVC 20503, 20539, 21164, 21275, 21550, 21602, 22365, 22966jWin 20672Kansas Technologies 21233Kendo 20672, 20831, 20713Kennex 20770, 20713Kenwood 20490, 20534KeyPlug 21643Kiiro 20770King D’ Home 20833KingVision 21643Küppersbusch 22966Leiker 20872Lenco 20770, 20713, 23052Lexicon 22545LG 20741, 20869, 21233, 21602, 22811Lifetec 20831Limit 23052Linetech 22966Linsar 22966LM 21643Lodos 20713Loewe 20539, 20741Logik 20713Logitech 22639Lumatron 20741, 20695, 20713, 20833Lunatron 20741Luxman 20573Luxor 20713, 22966Magnavox 20503, 20539, 20646, 20675, 20713, 21354, 21506Manhattan 20713Marantz 20539, 22414, 22481Mark 20713Marquant 20770Matsui 20672, 20695, 20713, 22966Maxim 20713, 20872MBO 20730MDS 20713Mecotek 20770Medion 20630, 20741, 20831, 22966Memorex 20695, 20831, 22213, 22331, 23153Metz 20571, 20713Micromaxx 20695Micromedia 20503Micromega 20539Microsoft 20522, 21708Microstar 20831Minax 20713Minoka 20770Mitsubishi 20713Mizuda 20770Momitsu 23052Mustek 20730

Muvid 21643Mystral 20831NAD 20741Naiko 20770NEC 20741, 20869, 21602Neom 21643Nevir 20672, 20770, 20831Nisato 21233Noblex 21233Norcent 20872Normende 20831Nortek 21643OKI 22966Ölevia 22331Olidata 20672Omni 20833Onkyo 20503,20627, 21769, 22147Oppo 21224, 22545Orava 20713Orbit 20872, 21643Orion 20695, 20713, 21233Ormond 20713Pacic 20831, 20713Packard Bell 20831Palladium 20695, 20713Palsonic 20672, 20713Panasonic 20503, 20490, 21579, 21641, 21834, 22710, 23850, 23641, 23862, 23935peeKton 21224Philco 20675Philips 20503, 20539, 20646, 20675, 20713, 21340, 21354, 21506, 22056, 22084, 22434, 22789Pioneer 20571, 20142, 20631, 21531, 21571, 21965, 22442, 22854Polaroid 22966Polk Audio 20539Presidian 20675Prinz 20831Prizm 20831Pro Vision 20730Proceed 20672Proline 20672, 20833, 21643, 22966Proscan 20522Proson 20713Prosonic 22966Pye 20539, 20646, 20675Radionette 20741, 20869Radiotone 20713RCA 20522, 20571, 21769, 21965, 22213, 22919REC 20490RED 22213Red Star 20770Richmond 21233Rio 20869Roadstar 20672, 20730, 20713, 20833Ronin 20872Rotel 20623Rowa 20872Saba 20551, 21643Saivod 20831Salora 20741Samsung 20490, 20573, 20199, 21044, 21075, 21470, 21573, 21635, 22069, 22113, 22329, 22556, 22951Sanyo 20695, 20713, 21233, 22966ScanMagic 20730Schaub Lorent 20770, 21643Schneider 20539, 20646, 20831, 20713, 20869Schöntech 20713Scott 20672, 20872SEG 20713, 20872Semp 20503Shanghai 20672Sharp 20630, 20675, 20713, 20869, 22250, 23313Sherwood 20741, 20770, 23052, 23925Shinsonic 20533Sigmatek 21224, 22139Siltex 21224Silva Schneider 20741, 20831, 20869Sistemas 20672Skantic 20539, 20713Skymaster 20730SM Electronics 20730Smart 20713Sogo 20672Sony 20533, 20864, 21070, 21516, 21536, 21548, 21633, 22861Sound Color 21233Soundwave 20713Spectra 20872SR Standard 20831Starmedia 20831Strong 20713Sunkai 20770Sunstech 20831, 22139, 22966Superior 21643Supratech 22139SVA 20672Sylvania 20630, 20675Symphonic 20675Sytech 20831Tandberg 20713Targa 20741Tatung 20770TBoston 22139Tchibo 20741TCM 20741

Teac 20571, 20741, 20675, 20833, 22139Technica 20173Technics 20490Technika 20770, 20831Technisson 20672Technosonic 20730Technostar 21643Techwood 20713, 22966Telefunken 20551, 20833, 22966Teletech 20713Tensai 20770Tevion 20833Theta Digital 20571Thomson 29522, 20551, 20831Thule Audio 20551Tokai 21233Tom-Tec 20833Top Suxess 21224Toshiba 20503, 20695, 21154, 21608, 21769, 22006, 22277, 22551, 22705, 22966, 23157TRANS-continents 20831, 20833, 20872, 21233Trent 21643Trevi 20831TSM 21224TVE 20713United 20695, 20730, 20675, 20713, 21233, 21643Universum 20741, 20713, 20869Urban Concepts 20503Venturer 21769Vestel 20713Viewmaster 21224Viore 22553Vizio 22563Voxson 20730, 20831Waitec 20730, 21224, 21233Walker 22966Waltham 20713Welkin 20831Wellington 20713Welstar 20713Wharfedale 20713Wilson 20831, 20713Windsor 20713Windysam 20573Woxter 21224, 22139X-View 21233X-Box 20522, 21708Xiron 20713XMS 20770Yamada 20872Yamaha 20490, 20539, 20646, 20545, 20497, 21354, 22298, 23837Yamakawa 20872YBA 20872Yukai 20730Zenith 20503, 20741, 20869

Codes: Blu-Ray DVDAmbience 23052Denon 22258, 22748Elite 22854Foen & Hirsch 23052Funai 20675Harman/Kardon 20675Hiteker 23052i-Joy 23052Insignia 20675, 22428, 22596Integra 22147JVC 22365Lenco 23052Lexicon 22545LG 20741, 21602, 22811Limit 23052Magnavox 20675Marantz 22414Memorex 22331Momitsu 23052Ölevia 22331Onkyo 22147Oppo 22545Panasonic 21641, 22710, 23580, 23641, 23863, 23935Philips 22084, 22434, 22789Pioneer 20142, 22442, 22789Samsung 20199, 22951, 23195Sharp 22250, 23313Sherwood 23052, 23925Sony 21516Sylvania 20675Toshiba 22551, 22705, 23157Viore 22553Vizio 22563Yamaha 22298, 23837

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