For far too long we’ve been stalemated in darkness in...


Transcript of For far too long we’ve been stalemated in darkness in...

For far too long we’ve been stalemated in our battle against the spiritual forces of darkness in Canada.

When a teenager at a youth group hears the name of Jesus mentioned and he thinks the leader is cursing, you know the country is in a spiritual slide. When a little girl raises her hand and asks, “Who is Mary and Joseph?”, you know that darkness is descending. Unfortunately, a growing ignorance of even the basic facts of Christianity, let alone an understanding of the Gospel, characterizes the rural communities of Canada.It would be foolish and faithless for us to give up the battle. Not when we know how effective Village Missions has been at reaching rural communities for Christ and developing spiritually vital churches. Not when we know that men, women, boys, and girls are perishing without a knowledge of Jesus Christ, not in a far off land but right in this country.

Honestly, our recruiting has fallen off in recent years. Some of the churches that have asked us for help have waited many years for a Village Missionary and they are still waiting. We are hesitant even to talk to a church needing help when we have no one to send.Why has our recruiting declined? Certainly, the far fewer number of graduates from Bible colleges and seminaries and the increasing amount of college debt are major factors. But the board of Village Missions also believes that our base salary has not kept up with living costs. Simply put, families today cannot make ends meet on our base salary.Village Mission has launched an initiative to bring the Gospel to rural communities in Canada, called Forward Again 2015. Our vision is to recruit 10 new Village Missionaries in the next two years to serve the churches that have waited so long to have a Village Missionary. To serve the people in rural communities who so desperately need to hear the good news of a Savior who died for them and rose again!How can we recruit ten new couples in two years?

1. By praying earnestly to the Lord of the Harvest. God must call these new workers to the rural harvest field.

2. By raising the base salary by $500 a month. Missionaries will then have a base salary of $2,200 a month, a salary with which they can provide for their family.

3. By implementing Bible schools in our own churches—a program that already has several enrolled in our churches.

To accomplish this lofty goal we will need to raise $285,000 by January 2016. By God’s grace we can do it!Just recently I met a couple, Dale and Margaret, at MissionsFest Manitoba. As I explained to him what Village Missions does, I could see his growing interest. Although active in his church, he had no Bible school training. Then I told him about our Contenders Bible School—a tuition paid, online Bible school we provide. He has already enrolled in the first class!

God is on the move! God is moving Village Missions forward again!

For His glory!

Rev. Brian S. WechslerExecutive DirectorVillage Missions Canada

The urgency for pastors in rural Canada is great. The mission field is ready, but

pastors are needed to continue the harvest. With the desire growing, and the answer to the call in decline, the need has never been so large. Lee Gregory is a Board Chairman for Village Missions Canada, living in Western Rural Canada.

“We live twenty five miles away from the nearest four way stop and fifty miles away from the first traffic light. It is difficult for people to grasp where we live.”

The desire of the Village Missions Board in Canada is to see Village Missionaries go out to those small towns, and reach the lost and hurting.

“There are three towns within twenty-five miles of us that don’t have any witness whatsoever. They are not large towns. The towns average thirty to seventy five people. The need is real.

“What I can say on behalf of the board: our biggest concern at this point is finding missionaries to serve the fields that are vacant, or the new fields that are requesting leadership. We have seen a decline in people coming forward and expressing an interest in becoming Village Missionaries.

“One of the areas of control we have is how much people get as a salary. So we said to the board, ‘We need to step this up and give them a 30 percent increase in salary.’ It is a step of faith.

“We as a mission have said that as a missionary you almost have to take a vow of poverty, and that is fine. It is not easy.”

Lee and others on the board knew that it is a time for change. To take a step of faith, and trust that God would open the doors for more missionaries to answer the call.

Lee talked about his desire to not only gain new pastors on the field, but the impact that raising the salary would have on those already serving.

“There is a pastor who left a church that was fully supported, with a very good salary. But for health reasons he left and went to a non-supporting church. His salary dropped in half.

We have a couple in their early 60’s never owned a

home. No equity built up. With health issues and family issues. This salary increase is such a godsend to them.”

People like the couple above have no other means of support. They answered the call and trust that God will provide the funds to support the Village Missionaries

already working towards bettering the kingdom.

“In rural western Canada, hundreds of thousands don’t have a pastor. One out of three towns don’t have any form of Christian doctrine


Overwhelming amounts of people are in need of a pastor. Towns scattered all over rural Canada are left without someone to turn to in time of trouble. It is time to move forward again, to win Canada for Christ!

Moving ForwardWe are seeing God move Village Missions Forward Again. Over the past six months Village Missions has seen over 65 individuals begin the Contenders Discipleship Initiative classes across Canada. Dale and Margaret Unger are one couple that is excited about Contenders Discipleship Initiative and going and serving in the small country churches.

Dale and Margaret grew up in a small hamlet in southern Manitoba and has a passion for teaching and instructing people. Recently, Dale was able to go on a short term mission trip to Busby, MT, to serve the people in this rural community who suffered from a devastating prairie fire. However, Dale’s true passion lies in reaching people with the Gospel message and proclaiming the Jesus Christ is the way and the truth.

Please help Village Missions move Forward Again in 2015 for Dale, Margaret and the many called to serve in rural Canada. Scan this QR Code with your phone to visit our secure donation page.

2014 Annual Report

Combined US & Canada statistics:

Salvation decisions in 2014: Adult: 275 Children: 339

Baptisms: Adult: 201 Children: 152

146,504 calls by missionaries over the year, 148,543 hours spent in visiting.

Median Sunday morning attendance (per church):

US: 48 Canada: 32

United States (as of June, 2014): 185 fields served by Village Missions with 77 fields or 42% in need of help from Village Missions for the missionary’s salary/health insurance. 187 couples serving as Village Missionaries, 6 District Representative Couples, 4 Administrators (Executive Director, Assistant Director, Director of Stewardship and C.F.O.) 3 full-time office staff and 2 part-time staff.

Canada (as of June, 2014): 22 fields served (2 Associate) with 8 fieldsor 37% in need of help from Village Missions for missionary’s salary, 2 District Representative Couples, and 1 Regional Administrator.

“It is for this we labor and strive…” (1 Timothy 4:10)Purpose Statement: Village Missions exists to glorify Jesus Christ by developing spiritually vital churches in rural North America.

New Membership: Adult: 816 Children: 53

Other Commitments: Adult: 816 Children: 650

2014 Annual Report

New Field – Maidstone, SK

Maidstone, Saskatchewan is situated between the Battlefords and Lloydminster on highway #16 which is the Yellow Head route to Edmonton, AB.

The population of Maidstone is 1200 but serves approx. 9000 people from the surrounding area.

Maidstone is right in the middle of the oil and gas fields of northern Saskatchewan and many have come there to find work in this industry.

The Maidstone church has been faithfully served by Bob and Beth Cottrill who are retired but have kept the services going for a number of years. They were instrumental in contacting Village Missions Canada for leadership.

There is a tremendous need for a Village Missions couple to come to this community. The Cottrills have a number of health related problems that hinder them from carrying on a full ministry in the church and to the community.

So many young families live in the area and they need someone to love them and present the gospel to them.

The right family would have many opportunities to reach out with the love of Christ to the church families, the community, the many farming families in the area, and the workers in the oil and gas industry.

2014 Annual Report

Bill and Lorna PowellEastern District Representatives

Village Missions of Canada, Board of DirectorsBack Row: Roy Adrian (Regional Administrator), Bill Powell (Eastern District Rep), Henry Vandermeer (Western District Rep), Brian Wechsler (Executive Director), Tom Gerbrandt (Village Missionary), Lee Gregory (Chairman)

Front Row: Ernie Munchinsky, Hal York, Don Fairholm (Treasurer), Murray Graham, Jim Cross (CFO), Bob Hillhouse

Henry and Marilyn VandermeerWestern District Representatives

General Fund Income and Expenses, for the year ended June, 2014 (Canada)

Income by Source $837,132 (Canada) Operating Expenses $721,482 (Canada)

Administration, $50,7027%

Development, $5,2411%

Missions, $665,53992%

Other Revenue, $98,15511.5%

Village Missionaries,$21,999

2.5% Donors, $169,40320%

Donors – Designated toMissions Work,


Affiliated Churches,$191,410


Help Us Move Forward in 2015!

1715 Davies Road Sorrento, BC V0E 2W1


Roy Adrian, Regional [email protected]

Our Commitment to You:As associate members of the Canadian Council of Christian Charities, we are committed to the highest level of financial stewardship and accountability.

We ask only for genuine ministry needs.

All contributions to Village Missions will be used as indicated in accordance with the policies and procedures. As stewards of your gift, we exercise complete control and administration over all funds.

We trust God to meet the financial needs

of our ministry through those who see the potential in the country churches.

Thanks for partnering with us to bring God’s Word and His love to country places.