footprint books PROFESSIONAL AND...

www. Republic of Numbers: Unexpected Stories of Mathematical Americans through History DAVID LINDSAY ROBERTS Once upon a me in America, few knew or cared about math. In Republic of Numbers, David Lindsay Roberts tells the story of how all that changed, as America transformed into a powerhouse of mathemacal thinkers. Covering more than 200 years of American history, Roberts recounts the life stories of twenty-three Americans integral to the evoluon of mathemacs in this country. Beginning with self-taught Salem mathemacian Nathaniel Bowditch’s unexpected breakthroughs in ocean navigaon and closing with the astounding work Nobel laureate John Nash did on game theory, this book is meant to be read cover- to-cover. 22 black and white illustraons. Hbk | 256pp | 9781421433080 | 2019.10 Johns Hopkins University Press A$59.99 | NZ$68 | 229x152mm | USA Visualizing Taste: How Business Changed the Look of What You Eat AI HISANO Visualizing Taste explores how our percepons of what food should look like have changed over the course of more than a century. By examining the development of color-controlling technology, government regulaon, and consumer expectaons, Hisano demonstrates that sciensts, farmers, food processors, dye manufacturers, government officials, and intermediate suppliers have created a version of “natural” that is, in fact, highly engineered. Retailers and marketers have used scienfic data about color to smulate and influence consumers’—and especially female consumers’—sensory desires, triggering our appetes and cravings. Grasping this pivotal transformaon in how we see, and how we consume, is crical to understanding the business of food. Harvard Studies in Business History series. Hbk | 320pp | 9780674983892 | 2019.10 Harvard University Press | A$80 | NZ$91 210x140mm | UK When Animals Speak: Toward an Interspecies Democracy EVA MEIJER In When Animals Speak, Eva Meijer develops a new, ground-breaking theory of language and polics, arguing that non-human animals speak—and, most importantly, act— polically. From geese and squid to worms and dogs, she highlights the importance of listening to animal voices, introducing ways to help us bridge the divide between the human and non-human world. Drawing on insights from science, philosophy, and polics, Meijer provides fascinang, real- world examples of animal communies who use their voices to speak, and act, in polical ways. When Animals Speak encourages us to rethink our relaons with other animals, showing that their voices should be taken into account as the starng point for a new interspecies democracy. Pbk | 304pp | 9781479863136 | 2019.10 NYU Press | A$70 | NZ$80 229x152mm | USA Will You Be Alive 10 Years from Now?: And Numerous Other Curious Questions in Probability PAUL J. NAHIN What are the chances of a game-show contestant finding a chicken in a box? Is the Hanukkah dreidel a fair game? Will you be alive ten years from now? These are just some of the one-of-a-kind probability puzzles that acclaimed popular math writer Paul Nahin offers in this lively and informave book. Nahin brings probability to life with colorful and amusing historical anecdotes as well as an electrifying approach to solving puzzles that illustrates many of the techniques that mathemacians and sciensts use to grapple with probability. He looks at classic puzzles from the past—from Galileo’s dice- tossing problem to a disarming dice puzzle that would have astonished even Newton—and also includes a dozen challenge problems for you to tackle yourself, with complete soluons provided in the back of the book. 28 line illustraons, 17 tables. Pbk | 256pp | 9780691196367 | 2019.10 Princeton University Press | A$39.99 | NZ$45.99 235x156mm | USA November 2019 footprint books PROFESSIONAL AND ACADEMIC NEW IN PBK NEW IN PBK

Transcript of footprint books PROFESSIONAL AND...

Page 1: footprint books PROFESSIONAL AND · wish to move up the management ladder and progress. Air Transport Management

Republic of Numbers: Unexpected Stories of Mathematical Americans through HistoryDAVID LINDSAY ROBERTSOnce upon a time in America, few knew or cared about math. In Republic of Numbers, David Lindsay Roberts tells the story of how all that changed, as America transformed into a powerhouse of mathematical thinkers. Covering more than 200 years of American history, Roberts recounts the life stories of twenty-three Americans integral to the evolution of mathematics in this country. Beginning with self-taught Salem mathematician Nathaniel Bowditch’s unexpected breakthroughs in ocean navigation and closing with the astounding work Nobel laureate John Nash did on game theory, this book is meant to be read cover-to-cover. 22 black and white illustrations.

Hbk | 256pp | 9781421433080 | 2019.10 Johns Hopkins University Press A$59.99 | NZ$68 | 229x152mm | USA

Visualizing Taste: How Business Changed the Look of What You EatAI HISANOVisualizing Taste explores how our perceptions of what food should look like have changed over the course of more than a century. By examining the development of color-controlling technology, government regulation, and consumer expectations, Hisano demonstrates that scientists, farmers, food processors, dye manufacturers, government officials, and intermediate suppliers have created a version of “natural” that is, in fact, highly engineered. Retailers and marketers have used scientific data about color to stimulate and influence consumers’—and especially female consumers’—sensory desires, triggering our appetites and cravings. Grasping this pivotal transformation in how we see, and how we consume, is critical to understanding the business of food.Harvard Studies in Business History series.

Hbk | 320pp | 9780674983892 | 2019.10 Harvard University Press | A$80 | NZ$91 210x140mm | UK

When Animals Speak: Toward an Interspecies DemocracyEVA MEIJERIn When Animals Speak, Eva Meijer develops a new, ground-breaking theory of language and politics, arguing that non-human animals speak—and, most importantly, act—politically. From geese and squid to worms and dogs, she highlights the importance of listening to animal voices, introducing ways to help us bridge the divide between the human and non-human world. Drawing on insights from science, philosophy, and politics, Meijer provides fascinating, real-world examples of animal communities who use their voices to speak, and act, in political ways. When Animals Speak encourages us to rethink our relations with other animals, showing that their voices should be taken into account as the starting point for a new interspecies democracy.

Pbk | 304pp | 9781479863136 | 2019.10 NYU Press | A$70 | NZ$80 229x152mm | USA

Will You Be Alive 10 Years from Now?: And Numerous Other Curious Questions in ProbabilityPAUL J. NAHINWhat are the chances of a game-show contestant finding a chicken in a box? Is the Hanukkah dreidel a fair game? Will you be alive ten years from now? These are just some of the one-of-a-kind probability puzzles that acclaimed popular math writer Paul Nahin offers in this lively and informative book.Nahin brings probability to life with colorful and amusing historical anecdotes as well as an electrifying approach to solving puzzles that illustrates many of the techniques that mathematicians and scientists use to grapple with probability. He looks at classic puzzles from the past—from Galileo’s dice-tossing problem to a disarming dice puzzle that would have astonished even Newton—and also includes a dozen challenge problems for you to tackle yourself, with complete solutions provided in the back of the book. 28 line illustrations, 17 tables.

Pbk | 256pp | 9780691196367 | 2019.10 Princeton University Press | A$39.99 | NZ$45.99 235x156mm | USA

November 2019

footprint books




Page 2: footprint books PROFESSIONAL AND · wish to move up the management ladder and progress. Air Transport Management

AVIATION MANAGEMENTAir Transport Management: Strategic Management in the Airline IndustryEYDEN SAMUNDERUThe aviation industry is a major driver of world trade. As global markets and economies are constantly evolving, practitioners and academics need more quality information and a broader perspective of aviation management rather than just silo-based knowledge, particularly if they wish to move up the management ladder and progress. Air Transport Management presents the dynamic shifts which have influenced structural changes in the aviation industry, such as the emergence of low cost carriers. These changes have transformed the market, leading to deregulation and consolidation. The author provides a viable road map aimed at giving students and managers in the aviation industry a rigorous understanding on how to manage strategically in complex and turbulent market conditions.

Pbk | 288pp | 9780749484569 | 2019.11 Kogan Page | A$108 | NZ$125 234x156mm | UK

BUSINESS EDUCATIONThe Gig Academy: Mapping Labor in the Neoliberal UniversityADRIANNA KEZAR, TOM DEPAOLA AND DANIEL T. SCOTTIn The Gig Academy, Adrianna Kezar, Tom DePaola, and Daniel T. Scott assess the impact of this disturbing workforce development. Providing an overarching framework that takes the concept of the gig economy and applies it to the university workforce, this book scrutinizes labor restructuring across both academic and nonacademic spheres. By synthesizing these employment trends, The Gig Academy reveals the magnitude of the problem for individual workers across all institutional types and job categories while illustrating the damaging effects of these changes on student outcomes, campus community, and institutional effectiveness. A pointed critique of contemporary neoliberalism, the book also includes an analysis of the growing divide between employees and administrators.Reforming Higher Education: Innovation and the Public Good series.“A useful and timely work that ties together significant issues under one framework. The inclusion of nonacademic university workers makes this book extremely valuable. Pointing out larger trends in higher education and how they are affecting workers across institutions, The Gig Academy is likely to attract attention among contingent workers, unions, professional organizations, and sociologists, as well as in the classroom.”—Timothy Reese Cain, University of Georgia, author of Establishing Academic Freedom: Politics, Principles, and the Development of Core Values

Hbk | 224pp | 9781421432700 | 2019.10 Johns Hopkins University Press | A$64 | NZ$73 229x152mm | USA

Nothing Succeeds Like Failure: The Sad History of American Business SchoolsSTEVEN CONNIn throwing down a gauntlet on the business of business schools, Conn’s Nothing Succeeds Like Failure examines the frictions, conflicts, and contradictions at the heart of these enterprises and details the way business schools have failed to resolve them. Beginning with founding of the Wharton School in 1881, Conn measures these schools’ aspirations against their actual accomplishments and tells the full and disappointing history of missed opportunities, unmet aspirations, and educational mistakes. Conn then poses a set of crucial questions about the role and function of American business schools. The results aren’t pretty.“Nothing Succeeds Like Failure is a brilliant and long-overdue puncturing of the business school mystique. Conn vividly outlines the creation and growth of the business school culture on America’s university campuses. That culture helped deliver the Great Depression, the Great Recession, gaping inequality, the corporate titan perp walk and, of course, Donald Trump, while it helped wreck the best parts of American capitalism. Conn’s skewering is delicious.”—Brian Alexander, author of Glass House

Hbk | 280pp | 9781501742071 | 2019.10 Cornell University Press | A$67 | NZ$75 229x152mm | USA

CARTOGRAPHYCartographic Humanism: The Making of Early Modern EuropeKATHARINA N. PIECHOCKICartographic Humanism sheds new light on how humanists negotiated and defined Europe’s boundaries at a momentous shift in the continent’s formation: when a new imagining of Europe was driven by the rise of cartography. As Piechocki shows, this tool of geography, philosophy, and philology was used not only to represent but, more importantly, also to shape and promote an image of Europe quite unparalleled in previous centuries. Engaging with poets, historians, and mapmakers, Piechocki resists an easy categorization of the continent, scrutinizing Europe as an unexamined category that demands a much more careful and nuanced investigation than scholars of early modernity have hitherto undertaken. Unprecedented in its geographic scope, Cartographic Humanism is the first book to chart new itineraries across Europe as it brings France, Germany, Italy, Poland, and Portugal into a lively, interdisciplinary dialogue. 23 halftones.“Cartographic Humanism is a deeply ambitious, exhaustively researched, and carefully argued book that covers a number of literary and historical issues in Renaissance European culture. Piechocki successfully brings together the unwieldy materials of language, local identification, a multidisciplinary approach, and temporal breadth, providing valuable insight into Latin humanist texts that undergird more familiar vernacular cartographic texts.”—William J. Kennedy, author of Petrarchism at Work: Contextual Economies in the Age of Shakespeare

Hbk | 304pp | 9780226641188 | 2019.10 University of Chicago Press | A$87 | NZ$99 229x152mm | USA

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CRIMINOLOGYThe Rise of Big Data Policing: Surveillance, Race, and the Future of Law EnforcementANDREW GUTHRIE FERGUSONIn a high-tech command center in downtown Los Angeles, a digital map lights up with 911 calls, television monitors track breaking news stories, surveillance cameras sweep the streets, and rows of networked computers link analysts and police officers to a wealth of law enforcement intelligence.This is just a glimpse into a future where software predicts future crimes, algorithms generate virtual “most-wanted” lists, and databanks collect personal and biometric information. The Rise of Big Data Policing introduces the cutting-edge technology that is changing how the police do their jobs and shows why it is more important than ever that citizens understand the far-reaching consequences of big data surveillance as a law enforcement tool.Winner, 2018 Law & Legal Studies PROSE Award. “The first-ever comprehensive overview, The Rise of Big Data Policing strikes an adept balance in covering both the promise and the peril of predictive policing... Ferguson’s legal expertise serves well as he addresses the dilemma of translating predictions based on data into police remedies and it serves well throughout the other varied topics of this multi-faceted, well-researched book.”—Eric Siegel, Big Think

Pbk | 272pp | 9781479869978 | 2019.10 NYU Press | A$42.99 | NZ$48.99 229x152mm | USA

ECOLOGYThe Culture of Feedback: Ecological Thinking in Seventies AmericaDANIEL BELGRADWhen we want advice from others, we often casually speak of “getting some feedback.” But how many of us give a thought to what this phrase means? The idea of feedback actually dates to World War II, when the term was developed to describe the dynamics of self-regulating systems, which correct their actions by feeding their effects back into themselves. By the early 1970s, feedback had become the governing trope for a counterculture that was reoriented and reinvigorated by ecological thinking.The Culture of Feedback digs deep into a dazzling variety of left-of-center experiences and attitudes from this misunderstood period, bringing us a new look at the wild side of the 1970s. “This book is a glittering kaleidoscope, spinning through cybernetic theory, ecofeminism, the music of Brian Eno, and the songs of whales. As important as it is fun, The Culture of Feedback shows us how science and American culture shaped each other in the 1970s and, in the process, shaped our lives today.”—Fred Turner, author of From Counterculture to Cyberculture

Pbk | 264pp | 9780226652535 | 2019.08 University of Chicago Press | A$59.99 | NZ$69 229x152mm | USA

Phylogenetic Ecology: A History, Critique, and RemodelingNATHAN G. SWENSONOver the past decade, ecologists have increasingly embraced phylogenetics, the study of evolutionary relationships among species. As a result, they have come to discover the field’s power to illuminate present ecological patterns and processes. Ecologists are now investigating whether phylogenetic diversity is a better measure of ecosystem health than more traditional metrics like species diversity, whether it can predict the future structure and function of communities and ecosystems, and whether conservationists might prioritize it when formulating conservation plans. In Phylogenetic Ecology, Nathan G. Swenson synthesizes this nascent field’s major conceptual, methodological, and empirical developments to provide students and practicing ecologists with a foundational overview. 30 halftones, 10 tables.

Pbk | 240pp | 9780226671505 | 2019.10 University of Chicago Press | A$77 | NZ$88 229x152mm | USA

ECONOMICS AND FINANCEBig Mind: How Collective Intelligence Can Change Our WorldGEOFF MULGANA new field of collective intelligence has emerged in the last few years, prompted by a wave of digital technologies that make it possible for organizations and societies to think at large scale. This “bigger mind”—human and machine capabilities working together—has the potential to solve the great challenges of our time. So why do smart technologies not automatically lead to smart results? Gathering insights from diverse fields, including philosophy, computer science, and biology, Big Mind reveals how collective intelligence can guide corporations, governments, universities, and societies to make the most of human brains and digital technologies.

Pbk | 280pp | 9780691196169 | 2019.10 Princeton University Press | A$37.99 | NZ$44.99 235x156mm | USA

The Economics of Oil and GasXIAOYU MUThe availability of low-cost energy from fossil fuels—in particular oil—has been the driving force behind postwar global economic growth, such that the petroleum industry has some of the world’s largest state- and public-owned companies. In 2015, Exxon Mobil had revenues of $394 billion (more than the GDP of South Africa) and posted profits of $32 billion.This book examines the economics of the entire value chain of the oil and gas industry, from exploration, development and production, to transportation, refining and marketing. At each stage, the key economic costs, considerations and appropriate business strategies are explored in order to provide the reader with a comprehensive understanding of the workings of the petroleum industry.The Economics of Big Business series.

Pbk | 240pp | 9781911116288 | 2019.10 Agenda Publishing Ltd | A$33.99 | NZ$38.99 210x148mm | UK



Page 4: footprint books PROFESSIONAL AND · wish to move up the management ladder and progress. Air Transport Management

The Global Bourgeoisie: The Rise of the Middle Classes in the Age of EmpireDAVID MOTADEL, CHRISTOF DEJUNG AND JURGEN OSTERHAMMELWhile the nineteenth century has been described as the golden age of the European bourgeoisie, the emergence of the middle class and bourgeois culture was by no means exclusive to Europe. The Global Bourgeoisie explores the rise of the middle classes around the world during the age of empire. Bringing together eminent scholars, this landmark essay collection compares middle-class formation in various regions, highlighting differences and similarities, and assesses the extent to which bourgeois growth was tied to the increasing exchange of ideas and goods. The contributors indicate that the middle class was from its very beginning, even in Europe, the result of international connections and entanglements.

Pbk | 296pp | 9780691177342 | 2019.11 Princeton University Press | A$59.99 | NZ$69 235x155mm | USA

The Japanese EconomyHIROAKI RICHARD WATANABEThe Japanese economy was once considered a “miracle”. Although still the world’s third largest economy, it continues to feel the effects of the collapse of a massive asset price bubble in the early 1990s. In recent years further setbacks, including both the Asian and global financial crises, and the 2011 Fukushima earthquake, have only added to the economy’s difficulties and made its prospects under Abenomics at best mixed.Hiroaki Richard Watanabe examines the ups and downs of Japan’s postwar economic history to offer an up-to-date and authoritative guide to the workings of Japan’s economy. He highlights the country’s distinct modes of business network and Japan’s state-market relationship.World Economies series.

Pbk | 224pp | 9781788210515 | 2019.11 Agenda Publishing Ltd | A$35.99 | NZ$40.99 234x156mm | UK

Law and the Wealth of Nations: Finance, Prosperity, and DemocracyTAMARA LOTHIANEconomic stagnation, financial crisis, and increasing inequality have provoked worldwide debate about the reshaping of the market economy. But few are willing to risk a reorientation of dominant ideas and a reform of entrenched structures. Right-wing populism has stepped into the void created by a failure to imagine structural alternatives. Tamara Lothian offers a deeper view showing the path to the reconstruction of the economy in the service of both growth and inclusion. She probes the institutional innovations that would reignite economic growth by democratizing the market. Progressives have traditionally focused only on the demand side of the economy, abandoning the supply side to conservatives. Law and the Wealth of Nations offers a progressive approach to the supply side of the economy and proposes innovation in our fundamental economic arrangements.

Pbk | 416pp | 9780231174671 | 2019.11 Columbia University Press | A$57.99 | NZ$66 229x152mm | USA

Meeting Globalization’s Challenges: Policies to Make Trade Work for AllLUIS CATAO AND MAURICE OBSTFELDMeeting Globalization’s Challenges draws on new research to examine the channels through which international trade and the diffusion of technology have enhanced the wealth of nations while also producing unequal benefits within and across countries. The book provides needed perspectives on the complex interplay of trade, deindustrialization, inequality, and the troubling surge of nationalism and populism—perspectives that are essential for crafting sound economic policies. It tackles the vexing issue of how to most effectively compensate globalization’s losers and reintegrate them into job markets. The book also explores how to design social insurance policies that can mitigate the risks posed by automation and offshoring, such as mass unemployment and its inherent dangers to democracy.

Hbk | 280pp | 9780691188935 | 2019.10 Princeton University Press | A$69 | NZ$79 235x156mm | USA

ENVIRONMENT Selling Daylight: A commercial strategy to address global energy poverty 2edMARTIN BELLAMYThough driven by ethical convictions, Selling Daylight is explicitly commercial. It is a dynamic business strategy for how to make money supplying dependable and versatile energy services to energy-poor countries and the wider world. At the heart of this is the justification that the user should be positioned at the centre of their energy services if we are to make a positive impact on global energy poverty. Stand-alone photovoltaic (PV) systems have been marginalized as an ‘alternative’ to grid electricity, when in fact their benefits represent a stronger proposition than the grid itself in many parts of the world. The focus must be on quality and value, not just selling hardware at the lowest cost.

Pbk | 346pp | 9781788530682 | 2019.07 Practical Action Publishing | A$65 | NZ$74 234x156mm | UK

HERPETOLOGYSnakes of Central and Western AfricaJEAN-PHILIPPE CHIPPAUX AND KATHERINE JACKSONNobody knows exactly how many snake species live in the biodiversity hotspots of Western and Central Africa. While field guides abound that make mammals, birds, and even insects identifiable for residents, travelers, and scientists, half a continent’s herpetological richness has remained shrouded in mystery. Chippaux and Jackson provide detailed accounts for the more than 200 species of snakes that inhabit the region.Snakes of Central and Western Africa illuminates a previously little-known part of the natural world, provides vital information that could save many lives, and will make an excellent addition to any herpetology library. 429 color photos, 155 maps.

Hbk | 448pp | 9781421427195 | 2019.06 Johns Hopkins University Press A$168 | NZ$193 | 254x178mm | USA

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LITTLE QUICK FIXFind the Theme in Your Data: Little Quick FixROBERT THOMASWorking with even small amounts of qualitative data can be intimidating. Students may not know where to start, how much detail to involve, what themes really tell you, and why they matter in the larger context of the research. Focused on building confidence and decreasing anxiety from information overload by helping students build a manageable system that works for digging into and making sense of their individual data, this Little Quick Fix answers questions like: what is a theme?; how do I start looking for themes?; how do I turn my transcriptions into themes?; how do I turn my codes into themes?; how do I turn my categories into themes?; how will I know if my themes are any good?; and how will I know if my themes are meaningful?Little Quick Fix series.

Pbk | 132pp | 9781529701241 | 2019.10 SAGE Publications Ltd | A$19.99 | NZ$23.99 UK

Turn Your Literature Review Into An Argument: Little Quick FixROBERT THOMASFrequently students confuse literature reviews with summaries of existing research, and they can easily get overwhelmed by the amount of material they have to consider and filter as part of their review. Likewise, they don’t often realize that a considered, planned, structured and balanced argument forms the bedrock of a successful research project. Outlining what a literature review is - and isn’t - and showcasing how to use the literature to your advantage to construct a strong academic argument, this Little Quick Fix answers important questions.Little Quick Fix series.

Pbk | 132pp | 9781529701258 | 2019.10 SAGE Publications Ltd | A$19.99 | NZ$23.99 174x110mm | UK

Choose Your Statistical Test: Little Quick FixMAUREEN HAAKERLecturers teaching big mixed cohort intro statistics courses cite one of the more frequent challenges their students encounter involves choices over which statistical test to use. Students, even if they have a basic grasp of statistics and which types of tests are out there, often make the wrong choice, or have difficulty in distinguishing between the types of tests for different types of data. This Little Quick Fix provides step-by-step support in narrowing down possible tests they could use so they know which test fits their data and variables, and which test will actually help them answer the questions they want to answer and create maximum impact from their data.Little Quick Fix series.

Pbk | 132pp | 9781526492524 | 2019.09 SAGE Publications Ltd | A$19.99 | NZ$23.99 174x110mm | UK

MANAGEMENTAgile Transformation: Structures, Processes and Mindsets for the Digital AgeNEIL PERKINTraditional organizational structures and cultures are no longer fit for purpose in a digitally-empowered world. The number of new and disruptive technologies is increasing, the speed of change shows no sign of slowing down and organization development practitioners and business leaders need to act urgently to enable their companies to succeed in the digital age. Agile Transformation is the much-needed guide on how to achieve this success. Packed full of practical advice, this book covers everything from why new operating models are needed, how to apply agile principles at scale, leverage digital-native processes and why change managers need to think big but start small.

Pbk | 256pp | 9780749497477 | 2019.10 Kogan Page | A$51.99 | NZ$58.99 234x156mm | UK

Driving Performance through Learning: Develop employees through learning in the flow of workANDY LANCASTERLearning and Development (L&D) professionals are uniquely placed in an organization to improve both individual employee performance as well as the overall performance of the business. To maximise the impact of learning, activities must be aligned with the goals of the organization and delivered in the flow of work so that performance improvement is continuous. The course can no longer be the default learning option and creative workplace solutions are now vital. Driving Performance through Learning shows L&D professionals how to identify business needs and leverage learning that drives performance improvement to enable an organization to achieve its objectives.

Pbk | 232pp | 9780749497439 | 2019.10 Kogan Page | A$50.99 | NZ$57.99 234x156mm | UK

Global Brand Management: A Guide to Developing, Building and Managing an International BrandLAURENCE MINSKY AND ILAN GEVAIn today’s hyper-connected world, any brand with a website or digital presence is ‘global’ by its very definition; yet in practice it takes an enormous amount of strategic planning and adaptability to successfully manage an international brand. Global Brand Management explores the increasingly universal scope of brand management. In an era when many brand managers will find themselves working for large multinationals operating across varied territories, categories and consumer groups, developing an understanding of both the opportunities and risks of multinational brands is truly essential. Meticulously researched, Global Brand Management shows readers how to manage an existing global brand, while simultaneously equipping them with the skills to build one from scratch.

Pbk | 320pp | 9780749483609 | 2019.11 Kogan Page | A$98 | NZ$113 240x170mm | UK

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Integrating Blockchain into Supply Chain Management: A Toolkit for Practical ImplementationMATTHEW A. WALLER, REMKO VAN HOEK, MARAT DAVLETSHIN AND BRIAN FUGATEBlockchain provides a secure ledger of transactions, programmable smart contracts, and real-time trustworthy visibility and insight into the supply chain process. For all the promises it offers to supply chain professionals, however, there’s very little guidance available on how organizations should begin evaluating and using it. Integrating Blockchain into Supply Chain Management provides that much needed step by step guidance. It is a very practical book of tools, frameworks and case studies. It will help students and supply chain managers to evaluate the value proposition blockchain brings. It will then guide them through essential processes for making informed, practical, timely, and business-savvy decisions for using blockchain as an effective supply chain tool.

Pbk | 264pp | 9780749498269 | 2019.11 Kogan Page | A$108 | NZ$125 234x156mm | UK

IT Governance: An International Guide to Data Security and ISO 27001/ISO 27002 7edALAN CALDER AND STEVE WATKINSFaced with the compliance requirements of increasingly punitive information- and privacy-related regulation, as well as the proliferation of complex threats to information security, there is an urgent need for organizations to adopt IT governance best practice. IT Governance is a key international resource for managers in organizations of all sizes and across industries, and deals with the strategic and operational aspects of information security. Now in its seventh edition, the bestselling IT Governance provides guidance for companies looking to protect and enhance their information security management systems (ISMS) and protect themselves against cyber threats.

Pbk | 360pp | 9780749496951 | 2019.10 Kogan Page | A$121 | NZ$140 234x156mm | UK

The Knowledge Manager’s Handbook: A Step-by-Step Guide to Embedding Effective Knowledge Management in your Organization 2edNICK MILTON AND PATRICK LAMBEThe way an organization manages and disseminates its knowledge is key to informed business decision-making, effectiveness and competitive edge. The Knowledge Manager’s Handbook takes you step by step through the processes needed to define and embed an effective knowledge management framework within an organization. This second edition now includes clear guidance on the best practice requirements from the first ever internationally recognised standard for knowledge management, ISO 30401, as well as content on the impact of AI and data analytics.

Pbk | 416pp | 9780749484606 | 2019.10 Kogan Page | A$98 | NZ$113 234x156mm | UK

The Language of Global Success: How a Common Tongue Transforms Multinational Organizations TSEDAL NEELEYFor nearly three decades, English has been the lingua franca of cross-border business, yet studies on global language strategies have been scarce. Providing a rare behind-the-scenes look at the high-tech giant Rakuten in the five years following its English mandate, The Language of Global Success explores how language shapes the ways in which employees in global organizations communicate and negotiate linguistic and cultural differences. Drawing on 650 interviews conducted across Rakuten’s locations around the world, Tsedal Neeley argues that an organization’s lingua franca is the catalyst by which all employees become some kind of “expat” detached from their native tongue or culture. “An interesting and informative book full of practical lessons for any internationally ambitious organization.”—Richard N. Cooper, Foreign Affairs

Pbk | 200pp | 9780691196121 | 2019.10 Princeton University Press | A$36.99 | NZ$42.99 235x156mm | USA

Learning and Development Practice in the Workplace 4edKATHY BEEVERS, ANDREW REA AND DAVID HAYDENLearning and Development Practice in the Workplace is the definitive textbook for anyone studying the CIPD Level 3 Foundation Learning and Development (L&D) qualification. Part One provides practical guidance for L&D practitioners and Part Two provides essential coverage of all the underlying theories and models giving readers access to everything they need to excel as an L&D professional. Learning and Development Practice in the Workplace covers all aspects of L&D practice in an organization, including how to identify L&D needs, how to design, deliver and evaluate learning and development activities, and how to organise L&D events.

Pbk | 336pp | 9780749498412 | 2019.11 CIPD - Kogan Page | A$114 | NZ$132 246x189mm | UK

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Performance Management Systems: An Experiential ApproachARUP VARMA AND PAWAN BUDHWARAn experiential and skills-building approach, exploring the realities and complexities of performance management and encouraging a reflective, adaptable outlook and equipping readers to conduct performance management in the future. The book presents the theoretical underpinnings and the practical applications of key topics in detail, with practical concepts or skills highlighted in terms of how they fit into the Performance Management system. Learning features include: “Developing PMS Skills” boxes highlighting a particular skill; “PMS in Practice” boxes, showcasing real-life examples from around the world; and “Experiential Exercises” to encourage active learning.“This book is a must-read for anyone, researcher or practitioner alike, who appreciates the strategic value of human talent and the role managers have in unleashing its full potential.”—Paula Caligiuri, Distinguished Professor, International Business and Strategy, Northeastern University

Pbk | 272pp | 9781473975750 | 2019.10 SAGE Publications Ltd | A$88 | NZ$101 232x186mm | UK

Post Merger Management: Value Creation in M&A Integration Projects KIRSTEN MEYNERTS-STILLER AND CHRISTOPH ROHLOFFThis book pools the current know-how, and closes important knowledge gaps, to offer hands-on advice and practical answers to the many ‘how to’ questions relating to merger implementation. It also explains the broader M&A context in which integration projects are rooted, providing a crucially important understanding of how to assess the chances of realising synergy potential and evaluate integration risks. The book demonstrates how integration can succeed and provides a candid overview of everything that needs to be done to navigate one of the most challenging areas of entrepreneurial activity.

Hbk | 318pp | 9781838674526 | 2019.10 Emerald Publishing Limited | A$93 | NZ$106 229x152mm | UK

Societal Entrepreneurship and CompetitivenessLEO-PAUL DANA AND VANESSA RATTENSocietal Entrepreneurship and Competitiveness examines the role of society in the creation of entrepreneurial opportunities. As society undergoes demographic shifts, cultural change and technological advancement, the way individuals, companies and institutions see and react to entrepreneurship also diversifies.Chapters explore alternative dimensions of entrepreneurship by considering different societal components and assessing attitudes towards entrepreneurship, specifically in terms of competition. By focusing on competitiveness, the book provides new conceptual approaches to understanding societal entrepreneurship and considers future developments. Vanessa Ratten is an Associate Professor at La Trobe Business School, Australia.

Hbk | 287pp | 9781838674724 | 2019.10 Emerald Publishing Limited | A$138 | NZ$160 229x152mm | UK

MARKETING30-Minute Website Marketing: A Step By Step GuideLEE WILSON30-Minute Website Marketing: A Step By Step Guide utilizes over 15 years of website marketing experience and digital expertise to empower businesses to identify and act on untapped website success. With all actions taking 30 minutes or less, companies can work towards improving the results gained from their website marketing efforts, and by adhering to the practical steps in this book, businesses can be confident that those 30 minutes provide the returns on resource investment needed. Through this guide, Lee Wilson delivers impactful, instant value to the broader marketing and targeted website marketing field, with practical help, direction, and expert step-by-step advice for marketing professionals, business owners, entrepreneurs, and start-up organisations.“Lee Wilson’s experience and understanding of digital marketing has allowed him to distil complex marketing strategies and tactics into quick and easy process driven activities. With a focus on team management, this book is highly relevant to today’s enterprise internal digital marketing teams and agencies alike. Ensuring that every stakeholder is working to the best of their ability is just one of the key aspects of this book, and condensing the team environment, communication and delivery into 30 minute activities will drive ROI.”—Sam Osborne, SEO and Performance UX Specialist, Top 10 UK agency

Pbk | 186pp | 9781838670818 | 2019.10 Emerald Publishing Limited | A$62 | NZ$71 229x152mm | UK

Social Media Strategy: A Practical Guide to Social Media Marketing and Customer EngagementJULIE ATHERTONSocial Media Strategy provides a simple, structured way to create integrated customer engagement and social media campaigns that work. Organizations often talk of digital planning but struggle to know which channels to invest in, how to integrate them with content marketing activity, or fail to develop measurable outputs that align with business objectives. This book provides a clear road map for efficient planning, deliverance and financial accountability of social media’s contribution to the business. Social Media Strategy delivers practical guidance such as identifying and targeting audience segments, methods of two-way community engagement, reputation management, being present on the right channels, and driving action through influencers.

Pbk | 264pp | 9780749497071 | 2019.10 Kogan Page | A$74 | NZ$85 234x156mm | UK


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MATHEMATICSAn Introduction To Numerical Computation 2ed WEN SHENIntroduction To Numerical Computation 2ed covers many of the introductory topics for a first course in numerical computation, which fits in the short time frame of a semester course. Topics range from polynomial approximations and interpolation, to numerical methods for ODEs and PDEs. Emphasis is made more on algorithm development, basic mathematical ideas behind the algorithms, and the implementation in Matlab. The book is supplemented by two sets of videos, available through the author’s YouTube channel. Homework problem sets are provided for each chapter, and complete answer sets are available for instructors upon request.

Pbk | 320pp | 9789811205187 | 2019.10 World Scientific | A$88 | NZ$101 USA

Leonhard Euler: Mathematical Genius in the EnlightenmentRONALD S. CALINGERThis is the first full-scale biography of Leonhard Euler (1707–83), one of the greatest mathematicians and theoretical physicists of all time. In this comprehensive and authoritative account, Ronald Calinger connects the story of Euler’s eventful life to the astonishing achievements that place him in the company of Archimedes, Newton, and Gauss. Drawing chiefly on Euler’s massive published works and correspondence, which fill more than eighty volumes so far, this biography sets Euler’s work in its multilayered context—personal, intellectual, institutional, political, cultural, religious, and social. It is a story of nearly incessant accomplishment, from Euler’s fundamental contributions to almost every area of pure and applied mathematics—especially calculus, number theory, notation, optics, and celestial, rational, and fluid mechanics—to his advancements in shipbuilding, telescopes, ballistics, cartography, chronology, and music theory. 55 halftones.

Pbk | 696pp | 9780691196404 | 2019.11 Princeton University Press | A$78 | NZ$89 235x156mm | USA

The Psychology of Problem SolvingALFRED S. POSAMENTIER, GARY KOSE, DANIELLE SAURO VIRGADAMO AND KATHLEEN KEEFE-COOPERMANThe art or skill of problem solving in mathematics is mostly relegated to the strategies one can use to solve problems in the field. Although this book addresses that issue, it delves deeply into the psychological aspects that affect successful problem-solving. Such topics as decision-making, judgment, and reasoning as well as using memory effectively and a discussion of the thought processes that could help address certain problem-solving situations.Most books that address problem-solving and mathematics focus on the various skills. This book goes beyond that and investigates the psychological aspects to solving problems in mathematics.

Hbk | 160pp | 9789811205705 | 2019.10 World Scientific | A$108 | NZ$124 USA

NEUROSCIENCEThe Brain in Context: A Pragmatic Guide to NeuroscienceJONATHAN D. MORENO AND JAY SCHULKINIn The Brain in Context, bioethicist Jonathan D. Moreno and neuroscientist Jay Schulkin provide an accessible account of the evolution of neuroscience and the neuroscience of evolution. They describe today’s transformative devices, theories, and methods, and show how theorizing about the brain and experimenting with it often go hand in hand.The human brain is the most complex object in the known universe. The field of neuroscience has made remarkable strides in recent years in understanding aspects of the brain, yet we still struggle with seemingly fundamental questions about how the brain works. What lessons can we learn from neuroscience’s successes and failures? What kinds of questions can neuroscience answer, and what will remain out of reach?“Moreno and Schulkin deftly deploy an irresistible array of fascinating stories and witty, accessible analysis to open up a new worldview of our poorly understood brains. They treat us to the very best in philosophical, historical, and scientific analysis and illustrate how we arrived at knowing what we know as well as what we only think that we know about our brain as a whole.”—Amy Gutmann, President, and Christopher H. Browne, Distinguished Professor of Political Science and Professor of Communication, University of Pennsylvania

Hbk | 240pp | 9780231177368 | 2019.10 Columbia University Press | A$58.99 | NZ$68 216x140mm | USA

POLITICAL SCIENCEAdvancing Equality: How Constitutional Rights Can Make a Difference WorldwideJODY HEYMANN, ALETA SPRAGUE AND AMY RAUBIn a world where basic human rights seem under attack in the face of widespread discrimination, Advancing Equality reminds us of the critical role of constitutions in creating and protecting equal rights. Providing a comparative analysis of equal rights in the constitutions of all 193 countries, the book traces the trends in constitution drafting over the past half century and examines the key differences between the world’s oldest constitutions and those adopted in the post-colonial era. Looking at equal rights across gender, race and ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation and gender identity, disability, social class, and other demographic characteristics that are often at the core of discrimination, the authors uncover which groups are increasingly guaranteed equal rights in constitutions, how far these rights on paper have been translated into practice, and which nations lag behind. 17 black and white figures, 30 colour maps.

Pbk | 342pp | 9780520309630 | 2019.11 University of California Press | A$64 | NZ$73 229x152mm | USA



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Amoral Communities: Collective Crimes in Time of WarMILA DRAGOJEVICIn Amoral Communities, Mila Dragojević examines how conditions conducive to atrocities against civilians are created during wartime in some communities. She identifies the exclusion of moderates and the production of borders as the main processes. In these places, political and ethnic identities become linked and targeted violence against civilians becomes both tolerated and justified by the respective authorities as a necessary sacrifice for a greater political goal.Dragojević augments the literature on genocide and civil wars by demonstrating how violence can be used as a political strategy, and how communities, as well as individuals, remember episodes of violence against civilians.“Amoral Communities is methodologically innovative as it takes the respondents’ understanding of violence seriously—not as a ‘test’ of preexisting deductive theory, but as an actual explanation. It is a wonderful contribution to the comparative study of ethnic violence.”—Jelena Subotić, Georgia State University, author of Hijacked Justice

Hbk | 224pp | 9781501739828 | 2019.10 Cornell University Press | A$87 | NZ$99 229x152mm | USA

Asia’s Trouble Spots in a Global Perspective: The Leadership Question in Conflict ResolutionA. S. BHALLAThe art of successful negotiations over protracted conflicts presupposes a political commitment to peace and a willingness to compromise, which are sorely lacking in the current disorderly world. Part of the blame for this lies in weak and ineffective national and global leadership. This book’s sharp focus on the role of leadership at different levels—national government, rebel and Western/regional government mediators—as well as that of the UN and non-governmental players in settling intra-state disputes, is a unique feature which sets it apart from others. Much of the existing literature does not adequately discuss the role of the above actors in developing countries. Asia’s Trouble Spots is a serious attempt to fill this gap. “Using an excellent selection of case studies, A. S. Bhalla provides a helicopter view of Asia’s trouble spots with a sharp focus on leadership at all levels, rebels, and national government as well as regional and international communities. In doing so, he fills an important niche in conflict resolution scholarship.”—Zulfan Tadjoeddin, Senior Lecturer in Development Studies, Western Sydney University

Pbk | 256pp | 9781786608352 | 2019.09 Rowman & Littlefield International A$69.99 | NZ$79.99 | 229x152mm | USA

Constructing Allied Cooperation: Diplomacy, Payments, and Power in Multilateral Military CoalitionsMARINA E. HENKEHow do states overcome problems of collective action in the face of human atrocities, terrorism and the threat of weapons of mass destruction? How does international burden-sharing in this context look like: between the rich and the poor; the big and the small? These are the questions Marina E. Henke addresses in her new book Constructing Allied Cooperation. Through qualitative and quantitative analysis of 80 multilateral military coalitions, Henke demonstrates that coalitions do not emerge naturally. Rather, pivotal states deliberately build them. They develop operational plans and bargain suitable third parties into the coalition, purposefully using their bilateral and multilateral diplomatic connections—what Henke terms diplomatic embeddedness—as a resource.“Marina E. Henke’s book is intriguing, interesting, and provocative. Her ability to insightfully explain the transactional nature of relationships between large and small actors attempting to complete their coalitions reveals in great detail the complicated nature of international coalition building.”—Jeffrey A. Engel, Southern Methodist University, author of When the World Seemed New

Hbk | 264pp | 9781501739699 | 2019.10 Cornell University Press | A$93 | NZ$106 229x152mm | USA

Pollution, Politics, and Power: The Struggle for Sustainable ElectricityTHOMAS O. MCGARITYPollution, Politics, and Power tells the story of the remarkable transformation of the electric power industry over the last four decades. Electric power companies have morphed from highly polluting regulated monopolies into competitive, deregulated businesses that generate, transmit, and distribute cleaner electricity. Power companies are investing heavily in natural gas and utility-scale renewable resources and have stopped building new coal-fired plants. They facilitate end-use efficiency and purchase excess electricity produced by rooftop solar panels and backyard wind turbines, helping to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions.But these beneficial changes have come with costs. The once-powerful coal industry is on the edge of ruin, with existing coal-fired plants closing and coal mines shutting down.

Hbk | 552pp | 9780674545434 | 2019.10 Harvard University Press | A$110 | NZ$126 235x156mm | UK

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POLITICSAgainst Political Equality: The Confucian CaseTONGDONG BAIWhat might a viable political alternative to liberal democracy look like? In Against Political Equality, Tongdong Bai offers a possibility inspired by Confucian ideas.Bai argues that domestic governance influenced by Confucianism can embrace the liberal aspects of democracy along with the democratic ideas of equal opportunities and governmental accountability to the people. But Confucianism would give more political decision-making power to those with the moral, practical, and intellectual capabilities of caring for the people. While most democratic thinkers still focus on strengthening equality to cure the ills of democracy, the proposed hybrid regime—made up of Confucian-inspired meritocratic characteristics combined with democratic elements and a quasi-liberal system of laws and rights—recognizes that egalitarian qualities sometimes conflict with good governance and the protection of liberties, and defends liberal aspects by restricting democratic ones.The Princeton-China series.“In this rich, engaging, and important book, Bai’s perspective is that of a contemporary political philosopher influenced by both early Confucianism and Rawls. He thinks creatively about the challenges and needs of contemporary polities, and Against Political Equality is well-argued, provocative, and methodologically sound. This is a significant contribution to the emerging literature on Confucian political philosophy, and will attract much notice.”—Stephen C. Angle, Wesleyan University

Hbk | 328pp | 9780691195995 | 2019.11 Princeton University Press | A$79 | NZ$91 235x156mm | USA

Congress: The First BranchBENJAMIN GINSBERG AND KATHRYN WAGNER HILLAn introduction to the U.S. Congress, from seasoned political historians and teachers.In this accessible overview of the United States Congress’s past and present, Ginsberg and Hill introduce students to the country’s most democratic institution. This text surveys Congressional elections, the internal structure of Congress, the legislative process, Congress and the President, and Congress and the courts. Congress: The First Branch offers a fresh approach to the First Branch grounded in a historical, positive frame.

Pbk | 376pp | 9780300220537 | 2019.10 Yale University Press | A$59.99 | NZ$69.99 235x156mm | UK

Counterrevolution: The global rise of the far rightWALDEN BELLOThe far right is on the rise. The rhetoric of anger and resentment emanating from personalities like Donald Trump, Marine Le Pen, Rodrigo Duterte and Viktor Orban is captivating and mobilizing large numbers of people. In an increasing number of countries, the extreme right has already captured the government or is on the threshold of power. While this swift turn of events has shocked or surprised many in the North, the extreme right’s seizure of power is not an uncommon event in the South. In Counterrevolution, Walden Bello deconstructs the challenge from the far right by deploying what he calls the dialectic of revolution and counterrevolution and harnesses the methods of comparative history and comparative sociology. Agrarian Change & Peasant Studies series.

Pbk | 160pp | 9781788530521 | 2019.09 Practical Action Publishing | A$35.99 | NZ$40.99 234x156mm | UK

In Defense of Globalism DALIBOR ROHACCountering our divisive times, this innovative book makes the conservative case in favor of international organizations and cooperation. Dalibor Rohac persuasively argues that far from undermining national sovereignty, the mechanisms of international cooperation have been instrumental to humankind’s freedom, prosperity, and peace. Moreover, he shows that unlike the caricature of international cooperation as a top-down imposition, in reality it is characterized by extreme institutional diversity. Its structures have typically emerged from the bottom up, in response to concrete challenges transcending national borders. Moving beyond empty political rhetoric, Rohac’s meticulous research and clear analysis assess and explains the strengths, flaws, and relevant trade-offs of different forms of global governance.

Pbk | 192pp | 9781538120804 | 2019.10 Rowman & Littlefield Publishers A$49.99 | NZ$59.99 | 229x152mm | USA

Sovereignty, Inc.: Three Inquiries in Politics and EnjoymentWILLIAM MAZZARELLA, ERIC L. SANTNER AND AARON SCHUSTERWhat does the name Trump stand for? If branding now rules over the production of value, as the coauthors of Sovereignty, Inc. argue, then Trump assumes the status of a master brand whose primary activity is the compulsive work of self-branding—such is the new sovereignty business in which, whether one belongs to his base or not, we are all “incorporated.” Drawing on anthropology, political theory, philosophy, psychoanalysis, and theater, William Mazzarella, Eric L. Santner, and Aaron Schuster show how politics in the age of Trump functions by mobilizing a contradictory and convoluted enjoyment, an explosive mixture of drives and fantasies that eludes existing portraits of our era. TRIOS series.

Pbk | 224pp | 9780226668413 | 2019.10 University of Chicago Press | A$44.99 | NZ$50.99 216x140mm | USA



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A Republic of Equals: A Manifesto for a Just SocietyJONATHAN ROTHWELLIn this provocative book, economist Jonathan Rothwell draws on the latest empirical evidence from across the social sciences to demonstrate how rich democracies have allowed racial politics and the interests of those at the top to subordinate justice. He looks at the rise of nationalism in Europe and the United States, revealing how this trend overlaps with racial prejudice and is related to mounting frustration with a political status quo that thrives on income inequality and inefficient markets. But economic differences are by no means inevitable. Differences in group status by race and ethnicity are dynamic and have reversed themselves across continents and within countries. Inequalities persist between races in the United States because Black Americans are denied equal access to markets and public services. 72 black and white illustrations.

Hbk | 464pp | 9780691183763 | 2019.10 Princeton University Press | A$65 | NZ$74 235x156mm | USA

RESEARCHCase Studies in Needs AssessmentDARLENE F. RUSS-EFT AND CATHERINE M. SLEEZERThe cases in this book offer insights about the practice of needs assessment in dynamic, real-world organizations and communities. This book invites both novice and seasoned analysts to look over the shoulders of practitioners, to examine needs assessment practice in action, to grasp the real-world issues that arise, and to understand a variety of needs assessment strategies and issues. Each case in this book examines the implementation of needs assessment in a specific situation. As such, it bridges needs assessment theories and actual practice. The book is organized around five major approaches to needs assessment: knowledge and skill assessment, job and task analysis, competency assessment, strategic needs assessment, and complex needs assessment.

Pbk | 280pp | 9781544342337 | 2019.10 SAGE Publications, Inc | A$71 | NZ$81 229x152mm | USA

Dissertations and Theses From Start to Finish: Psychology and Related Fields 3edDEBORA BELL, SHARON L. FOSTER AND JOHN D. CONEFor over twenty-five years, Dissertations and Theses from Start to Finish: Psychology and Related Fields has guided student writers through the practical, logistical, and emotional struggles that come with writing dissertations and theses. It offers guidance to students through all the essential steps, including: defining topics; selecting faculty advisors; scheduling time to work on the project, and; conducting, analyzing, writing, presenting, and publishing research.Like previous editions, this fully-updated third edition includes guiding questions, checklists, diagrams, and sample research papers.

Pbk | 386pp | 9781433830648 | 2019.10 American Psychological Association A$69 | NZ$79 | 254x178mm | USA

The Mixed Methods Research Workbook: Activities for Designing, Implementing, and Publishing Projects MICHAEL D. FETTERSThe Mixed Methods Research Workbook by Michael Fetters is the perfect tool for doctoral students and researchers who want support throughout their research project, as well as a practical way to apply the knowledge they have learned. With this text, students can tackle their mixed methods research project with confidence. From start to finish, readers can follow along with this text as they work on their projects. The text begins by assisting readers in identifying topics and conducting literature reviews in the context of mixed methods, zeroing in to address mixed-methods-specific challenges like integration, advantages of qualitative and quantitative methods, theory incorporation, and personal backgrounds.

Pbk | 248pp | 9781506393599 | 2019.11 SAGE Publications, Inc | A$72 | NZ$82 279x216mm | USA

SCIENCEThe Age of Analogy: Science and Literature between the DarwinsDEVIN GRIFFITHSIn The Age of Analogy, Devin Griffiths argues that the Darwins’ writing style was profoundly influenced by the poets, novelists, and historians of their era. The Darwins, like other scientists of the time, labored to refashion contemporary literary models into a new mode of narrative analysis that could address the contingent world disclosed by contemporary natural science. By employing vivid language and experimenting with a variety of different genres, these writers gave rise to a new relational study of antiquity, or “comparative historicism,” that emerged outside of traditional histories. It flourished instead in literary forms like the realist novel and the elegy, as well as in natural histories that explored the continuity between past and present forms of life.

Pbk | 352pp | 9781421436326 | 2019.10 Johns Hopkins University Press | A$70 | NZ$80 229x152mm | USA

Wizards, Aliens, and Starships: Physics and Math in Fantasy and Science FictionCHARLES L. ADLERFrom teleportation and space elevators to alien contact and interstellar travel, science fiction and fantasy writers have come up with some brilliant and innovative ideas. Yet how plausible are these ideas—for instance, could Mr. Weasley’s flying car in the Harry Potter books really exist? Which concepts might actually happen, and which ones wouldn’t work at all? Wizards, Aliens, and Starships delves into the most extraordinary details in science fiction and fantasy - such as time warps, shape changing, rocket launches, and illumination by floating candle—and shows readers the physics and math behind the phenomena. 23 line illustrations, 9 tables.

Pbk | 392pp | 9780691196374 | 2019.10 Princeton University Press | A$42.99 | NZ$48.99 203x133mm | USA



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Nature Strange and Beautiful: How Living Beings Evolved and Made the Earth a HomeEGBERT GILES LEIGH AND CHRISTIAN ZIEGLERIn this rich, wide-ranging, beautifully illustrated volume, Egbert Leigh explores the results of billions of years of evolution at work. Leigh, who has spent five decades on Panama’s Barro Colorado Island reflecting on the organization of various amazingly diverse tropical ecosystems, now shows how selection on “selfish genes” gives rise to complex modes of cooperation and interdependence. With the help of such artists as the celebrated nature photographer Christian Ziegler, natural history illustrator Deborah Miriam Kaspari, and Damond Kyllo, Leigh explains basic concepts of evolutionary biology, ranging from life’s single-celled beginnings to the complex societies humans have formed today. The book covers a range of topics, focusing on adaptation, competition, mutualism, heredity, natural selection, sexual selection, genetics, and language. Leigh’s reflections on evolution, competition, and cooperation show how the natural world becomes even more beautiful when viewed in the light of evolution. 65 colour and 70 black and white illustrations.

Hbk | 304pp | 9780300244625 | 2019.10 Yale University Press | A$49.99 | NZ$54.99 235x156mm | UK

The Life and Science of Harold C. UreyMATTHEW SHINDELLHarold C. Urey (1893–1981) was one of the most famous American scientists of the twentieth century. Awarded the Nobel Prize in 1934 for his discovery of deuterium and heavy water, Urey later participated in the Manhattan Project and NASA’s lunar exploration program. In this, the first ever biography of the chemist, Matthew Shindell shines new light on Urey’s achievements and efforts to shape his public and private lives. Shindell follows Urey through his orthodox religious upbringing, the scientific work that won him the Nobel, and his subsequent efforts to use his fame to intervene in political, social, and scientific matters.Synthesis series.

Hbk | 248pp | 9780226662084 | 2019.10 University of Chicago Press | A$54.99 | NZ$63 229x152mm | USA

Neptune’s Laboratory: Fantasy, Fear, and Science at SeaANTONY ADLERWe have long been fascinated with the oceans, seeking “to pierce the profundity” of their depths. In studying the history of marine science, we also learn about ourselves. Neptune’s Laboratory explores the ways in which scientists, politicians, and the public have invoked ocean environments in imagining the fate of humanity and of the planet—conjuring ideal-world fantasies alongside fears of our species’ weakness and ultimate demise.The ocean today has become a site of continuous observation and experiment, as probes ride the ocean currents and autonomous and remotely operated vehicles peer into the abyss. Embracing our fears, fantasies, and scientific investigations, Antony Adler tells the story of our relationship with the seas.

Hbk | 224pp | 9780674972018 | 2019.10 Harvard University Press | A$79 | NZ$90 235x156mm | UK

STUDY SKILLSStudy Your Way to Your Perfect Career: How to Become a Successful Student, Fast, and Then Make It Count LUCINDA BECKERNew to university and not sure what you should be doing, or when? This book shows you how to make university work for you. Taking into account academic, personal, and practical experiences, it helps you make the most of all the opportunities your course has to offer. It offers savvy insider hints to help you prepare yourself for university ‘firsts’, like tutorials, lectures, group projects and dissertations; encourages you to think about how your achievements and experiences help you curate the skills and qualities future employers want to see; and demonstrates how making the right choices at university can be a springboard into professional and personal development. With a confidence-building tone, helpful tips and a host of relatable examples, this book doesn’t just help you get started at university—it helps you make it count.SAGE Study Skills series.

Pbk | 280pp | 9781526435019 | 2019.10 SAGE Publications Ltd | A$47.99 | NZ$54.99 242x170mm | UK 02 9997 3973 Facsimile 02 9997 3185

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