Food Pyramid

The Food Pyramid By: Morgan Eifert


Project 3

Transcript of Food Pyramid

Page 1: Food Pyramid

The Food PyramidBy: Morgan Eifert

Page 2: Food Pyramid

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Page 3: Food Pyramid

What are you learning today?

Today you will be learning about the food pyramid and all the different food groups!

At the end of this lesson you will be an expert on foods and what groups they belong to and you can even start packing your own lunches to help out mom and dad!

Lets get started!

Page 4: Food Pyramid

The Food Pyramid


Fruits Vegetables

Dairy Meat

Oils and Fats

Quiz at the end!


Click on the orange words first. Once you have clicked each one, click on “Review”

Page 5: Food Pyramid

Grains Servings daily: 6-

11 Too many

carbohydrates from the grains can upset the blood sugar level

The HealthCentral Network, Inc

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Grains The body will

feel irritated and tired

Examples: bread, rice, cereal, pasta, oatmeal, bagels

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Fruits Servings

daily: 2-4 Eat a variety

of fruits, but go easy on the juices

The HealthCentral Network, Inc

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Fruits Major nutrients:

Vitamins and fiber

Examples: Apples, bananas, plums, oranges, grapes, melons, raisins, strawberries

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Vegetables Servings Daily: 3-5 Major nutrients:

Vitamins and Fiber Eat dark green

vegetables and dark orange vegetables for more vitamins

The HealthCentral Network, Inc

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Vegetables Vegetables are

very healthy for your body

Examples: broccoli, carrots, green beans, peas, potatoes, tomatoes, spinach

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Dairy Servings Daily:

2-3 Major nutrients:

Mineral, Protein

The HealthCentral Network, Inc

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Dairy Eat low fat or fat

free, if you can not consume milk, choose other calcium sources

Examples: Milk, cheese, yogurt, ice cream

Page 13: Food Pyramid

Meat Servings daily: 2-

3 Major nutrients:

protein Eat low fat, lean

meats, bake, broil, grill. Mix up the protein you eat

The HealthCentral Network, Inc

Page 14: Food Pyramid

Meat Protein is essential

for our bodies and can also be found in other foods like eggs, beans, and nuts

Examples: pork, chicken, beef, tuna, eggs, shrimp

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Oils and Fats Servings daily: 3-

11 teaspoons Oils and fats

should be consumed very lightly because they are high in calories and eating too much can be harmful to the body

The HealthCentral Network, Inc

Page 16: Food Pyramid

Oils and Fats Major nutrient:

Fat Examples: butter,

greasy foods, oil, sugar, candy, jelly, soft drinks

Page 17: Food Pyramid

What food group do these foods belong to?

Click here to look at some other foods!

Page 18: Food Pyramid

What food group do these foods belong to?

Click here to look at some other foods!

Page 19: Food Pyramid

What food group do these foods belong to?

Lets learn about exercise!

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EXERCISE Everyone should be active for at least

30 minutes a day Children and teens should be physically

active for 60 minutes/1 hour everyday

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Need a little extra review?


Page 32: Food Pyramid


Page 33: Food Pyramid


What is an example of the grains food group?Bread Pork

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Correct! Awesome job! You know your grains You may now answer the next question!

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Wrong It’s okay, keep going and try hard! The correct answer is bread because

pork is a type of meat so it would belong in the meat food group!

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QUESTION 2: How long should kids and teens exercise for in one day?

3 Hours 1 Hour

Page 37: Food Pyramid

Correct! Awesome job! One hour is the ideal time

a kid or teenage should exercise their bodies!

You may go to the next question

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Wrong Its okay! Keep trying Kids and teens shouldn't’t exercise for 3

hours at a time. It could be harmful to their bodies. 1 hour od exercise is recommended for a healthy body!

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What is an example of the fruits food group?Apple Lettuce

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Correct! Awesome job! You really know your

fruits Lets see if you can get the next question


Page 41: Food Pyramid

Incorrect Sorry lettuce is not a fruit it is a

vegetable Keep Trying!

Page 42: Food Pyramid


How many servings of fats and oils should someone eat/consume?

5-8 3-11

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Correct! Awesome job! Lets see if you can get the next question


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Incorrect Sorry the correct answer is 3-11

servings Keep Trying!

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QUESTION 5:Do nuts and eggs belong in the same food group?

Yes No

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Correct! Awesome job! Both eggs and Nuts

belong in the same group believe it or not!

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Incorrect Sorry the correct answer is yes they do

belong in the same group!

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The End! If you didn't’ miss any questions you got

a 100%!!!! Great job! You have completed the

lesson over the health food pyramid and the food groups

Now you can officially pack your own lunches and put healthy foods in your body!

Recap of what you have learned!

Page 49: Food Pyramid

Watch the movie below to recap what you have learned about!
