Food for Thought By: Sophia & Saadia Computers 8 Period 1 By: Sophia & Saadia Computers 8 Period 1.

Food for Thought By: Sophia & Saadia Computers 8 Period 1

Transcript of Food for Thought By: Sophia & Saadia Computers 8 Period 1 By: Sophia & Saadia Computers 8 Period 1.

Food for Thought

By: Sophia & Saadia Computers 8

Period 1


• Carries oxygen & removes toxins• Cushions joints• Regularizes metabolism• Found in all foods and drinks• Sources: tomatoes, zucchini, peaches, etc.• 7 glasses needed daily• 70% of body


• Body’s source of energy• Lowers blood cholesterol• Essential for colon health• 2 main types: Simple < Sugar, saturated fats, etc.

Complex < Grains, red meat, fruit, etc.

• 4 calories per gram• Stored in blood, kidney & liver


• Indigested & unabsorbed carbs• Decreases blood cholesterol levels• Normalizes bowel movements• 2 main types: Insoluble= Control/balance PH acids

Soluble = Bind with fatty acids

• Defends body against diseases (colon cancer)• Sources: Leafy greens, beans, fruit skins


• One of the most essential nutrients• Contributes to blood clotting• Groups of amino acids• Essential in metabolism development• 2 main types: Complete < Meat/ Poultry sourced

Incomplete < Plant sourced

• Sources: Beans, dairy, fish, grains, etc.


• Supports brain • Essential for hormones & immunity• Main types: Unsaturated < Healthiest option; from plants,

liquid at room temperature

Trans < Raises cholesterol; more hydrogenated

Saturated < Negative health impacts; solid at room temperature/ fairly stable

• 30% of our daily calories• Makes up about 14% of human body


• Essential substances found in food • Reduce infections • Aid metabolism • 2 main categories: Fat soluble < A, K, E, D

Water soluble < B Complex, C

• Sources: Milk, whole grains, nuts, etc. • In the form of capsules, tablets, liquids.


• Fuel for our body• Helps body grow and develop• 2 main types: Macro < Calcium, Magnesium,

Chloride, Phosphorus, etc.

Trace < Iron, Zinc, Iodine,

Manganese, Copper, etc.

• Sources: Leafy greens, fruit, seafood, etc. • 16 most essential ones