Food For Thought

By: Amy Root, Stacie Stringfellow, Trevor West, Lucas Goebel, Janae Curnutt



Transcript of Food For Thought

Page 1: Food For Thought

By: Amy Root, Stacie Stringfellow, Trevor West, Lucas

Goebel, Janae Curnutt

Page 2: Food For Thought

Teachers Perspective:

-Adaptive-Understanding-Flexible-hands-on-Available-Reflective-Active Learning-Students desiring to Learn

Students Perspective:

-Understanding-Flexible (able to teach in a variety of ways)-Available-Activities that Matter-Hands-on-Working towards Goals-Knows expectations

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*With advances in technology, old styles of teaching students does not necessarily work anymore. As a result, teachers are now challenged with finding new methods to motivate and give students more than just textbook knowledge.

Signs of Learning:-Vision of Learning-Tasks-Assessment-Instructional Model-Learning Context-Grouping-Teacher Roles-Student Roles

Signs of High Technology Performance:-Access-Operability-Organization-Engageability-Ease of Use-functionality

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-students evaluated their own health“you are what you eat”

-involved a lot of internet activities (calorie calculator and spreadsheets)-incorporate different subjects into one lesson-started with individual study and finished as group

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-Characteristics of Projects…

-Allows students to think deeper and express their creativity

-Answer questions

-Hands-on Learning

-Use of Technology

-Projects encourage collaboration with peers

-Samples give students a visual goal to aim for

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-designed food logs-created a restaurant

-made video commercials-made power points with facts and figures

-food pyramid

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The Teachers:-tells students the big idea, requirements, and how they will be evaluated-holds their interest-ongoing feedback-uses many resources

The Students:-aware of goals and know why they are doing what they are doing-engaged in activities-able to explain and justify answers and opinions-desire to know more

The Classroom: the activities all relate to big idea and goals, high expectations, all ideas and thoughts are respected, examples are given

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-class discussion over healthy diets-made menus with healthy food items-students know what the goal is and how their choices will affect their lives-they are learning how to track and record their diets-teachers are using multiple ways to show students how to make healthy choices

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Learning in Context----when students learn they will naturally call upon

previous knowledge and try to relate it to other things, this helps their understanding and to rememberLearning is Active---

“tell me, I forget…show me, I’ll remember…involve me, I’ll understand” -Chinese proverbLearning is Social---

students learn from hearing their peers perspectives, this allows students to see the topic from other anglesLearning is Reflective---

if students have the opportunity to reflect upon what they have learned, they will remember more and know what to change the next time around

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-People eat everyday, so it is easily relatable to everyday life

-learning new healthy habits

-able to reflect on what they have eaten and their eating patterns by their recordings

-many group activities to compare diets and habits = good learning

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Curriculum: expand the width and depth of curriculum, go beyond textbooks, individualized and adapted, enhance overall knowledge

Instruction: shift from expert to facilitator, learning can take place anywhere

Assessment: students can obtain frequent and accurate feedback, assessment can now be ongoing

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-Created food logs on spreadsheets

-Calorie calculators on the internet

-Compared nutritional value on the internet

-Calorie Burner calculator

-homework was watch TV food commercials

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Behaviorism: “a developmental theory that measures observable behaviors produced by a learner’s response to a stimuli”

*behavior is shaped by positive or negative reinforcement

^Social Learning Theory

Constructivism: learning is an active and constructive process…learning takes place by reflecting on our experiences

*impacts learning by giving students the opportunity for hands-on problem solving

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Jean Piaget

B.F. Skinner: “learning is not doing, it’s changing what we do”

Lev Vytgotsky

Jerome Bruner

John Dewey: learning is active and involves reaching outside of the mind, it involves organic assimilation starting from within…learning is what you do!

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*constructivism theory used in this curriculum*

-Dewey’s Theory -Skinner’s Theory

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Brain: -Left Hemisphere

-Right Hemisphere

**learning style theory that implies students learn better if education experience is geared towards their type of learning

Psychological Types: ^Perceivers



Bloom’s Taxonomy: 3 types of learning1. Cognitive2. Affective3. Psycho meter

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Traits of Human Nature:-To be curious -To be active-To initiate thought and behavior-To make meaning from experience-To be effective at what we value

Extrinsic Motivation vs. Intrinsic Motivation

Ways to create Intrinsic Motivation…

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-Different activities help both right and left brain students get involved

-All the food for thought exercises promote cognitive learning

-Intrinsic motivation is created because…

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Engaged Learning•Teacher be the facilitator•Hands on activities that get students up and involved•Active Learning

Project Based Learning•Teach kids to work together•Listen to and accept others views•Give a driving question for the students to strive towards•Gives a non-traditional way of learning

Technology Integration

Collaborative Learning•Students become teachers and help each other•Set up groups with all different social backgrounds•Develop the students social skills and self-esteem

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Cooperative Learning

1. Promotes student learning and academic achievement.

2. Increases student retention.

3. Enhance student satisfaction.

4. Help students develop oral skills.

5. Promotes student self-esteem.

6. Help promote positive race relations.

Outcome based Education

1.Promotes high expectations and greater learning for all students.2.Prepares Students for life and work in the 21st century.3.Fosters more authentic forms of assessment.4.Encourages decision making regarding curriculum, teaching, methods, school structure, and management at each school or district level.

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Socratic Questioning1.Conceptual clarification

2.Probing rationale reasons3.Probing assumptions

4.Questioning viewpoints and perspectives5.Probe implications and consequences

6.Questions about the question

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Engaged LearningProject Based Learning

Technology Integration

Collaborative Learning

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NETS for Teachers•Facilitate & Inspire Student Learning and Creativity•Design & Develop Digital Age Learning Experiences & Assessments•Model Digital-Age Work & Learning•Promote & Model Digital Citizenship & Responsibility•Engage in Professional Growth & Leadership

NETS for Students•Creativity & Innovation•Communication & Collaboration•Research & Information Fluency•Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, & Decision Making•Digital Citizenship•Technology Operations & Concepts

Indiana Academic Standards

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Differentiated Instruction* Molding curriculum to best fit your classroom. *

How to Differentiate Instruction:

1. Know your students

2. Have a Repertoire of Teaching Strategies

3. Identify a variety of Instructional Activities

4. Identify Ways to Assess of Evaluate Student Progress

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Understanding is….ability to think and act flexibly with what one knows

Teachers Role:-Informs students of big idea-holds interest-variety of strategies-active learning-ongoing assessment

Students Role:-Able to describe goals-Know the criteria-Demonstrate learning and understanding-Generate questions-Involved

Teaching for Understanding:-Students take active roles-Application of knowledge

-Making connections-Solve Problems

-Transfer of knowledge

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Goals:-Aware of Interests-Consider Standards-Acknowledge ability of students

Plan Activities:-Plan things that will encourage students to think and discuss-Make it effective-Be sure students will actually gain from the activityPerformance Recognition:

-Use multiple assessment methods-How will students demonstrate their level of understanding for the material?

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1. Knowledge:exhibits previously learned material by recall

2. Comprehension:demonstrating understanding of facts and ideas

3. Application:ability to solve problems

4. Analysis:examining and breaking information into parts

5. Synthesis:combining information together

6. Evaluation:presenting and forming opinions on the material at


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A. Active Learning-activities rely on the material

B. Constructive Learning-students build on what they already know

C. Authentic Learning-students connect their learning's to the real world

D. Cooperative Learning-students work with each other on the material

E. Intentional/Reflective Learning-students generate their own questions about the


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A. EnglishB. World LanguageC. ScienceD. EconomicsE. ArtsF. MathematicsG. HistoryH. GeographyI. Government and Civics

A. Digital Age Literacy-basic technology skills, visual information skills, global awareness

B. Inventive Thinking:-creativity, deeper

thinking, and sound reasoningC. Quality, State-of-the-Art Results:

-teams, collaboration, social and personal responsibility interactive communicationD. Interactive Communication:

-planning and using technology efficiently

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The students did a variety of projects which allowed students to learn in various ways while being hands-on.

They experimented with their own eating habits, which allowed them to relate the material to their own lives

They were able to assess themselves and their peers, which helped them remember their healthy choices

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