Follicle-stimulating Hormone and Human Spermatogenesis · 2014-01-30 · during initiation of...

Follicle-stimulating Hormone and Human Spermatogenesis WILLLAM J. BREMNER, ALVIN M. MATSUMOTO, ALLEN M. SUSSMAN, and C. ALVIN PAULSEN, Division of Endocrinology, Department of Medicine, University of Washington, School of Medicine, U. S. Public Health Service Hospital, Veterans Administration Medical Center, Seattle, Washington 98108 A B S T R A C T The role of follicle-stimulating hor- mone (FSH) in the control of spermatogenesis is not well established in any species, including man. We studied the effect of an experimentally-induced, selec- tive FSH deficiency on sperm production in normal men. After a 3-mo control period, five normal men received testosterone enanthate (T) 200 mg i. m. weekly to suppress luteinizing hormone (LH) and FSH, until three successive sperm counts revealed azoospermia or severe oligospermia (sperm counts <3 million/ml). Then, while continuing T, human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) 5,000 IU i. m. three times weekly was administered simultaneously to replace LH activity, leaving FSH activity suppressed. The effect of the selective FSH deficiency produced by hCG plus T administration on sperm production was determined. Sperm counts (performed twice monthly throughout the study) were markedly suppressed during T ad- ministration alone (1.0+1.0 million/ml mean± SE, compared with 106±28 million/ml during the control period, P < 0.001). With the addition of hCG to T, sperm counts returned toward normal (46±16 million/ ml, P < 0.001 compared with T alone). In two subjects, sperm counts during hCG plus T returned into the individual's control range. Sperm motility and mor- phology were consistently normal in all men during hCG plus T. Serum FSH levels by RIA were normal (110±10 ng/ml) in the control period and were suppressed to undetectable levels (<25 ng/ml) in the T alone and hCG plus T periods. Urinary FSH excretion was Portions of this work have been published in abstract form. 1980. Clin. Res. 28: 69A. and 1980 Proc. Endocr. Soc. (62nd Annual Meeting.), 623. Address reprint requests to Dr. William J. Bremner, Veterans Administration Medical Center, 4435 Beacon Ave. S., Seattle, Wash. 98108. Receivedfor publication 20 March 1981 and in revisedform 5 June 1981. markedly suppressed in the T alone (60±15 mIU/h- 2nd IRP, P < 0.01) and hCG plus T (37±9 mIU/h, P < 0.01) periods compared with the control period (334±78 mIU/h). We conclude that spermatogenesis as assessed by sperm counts, motilities, and morphologies may be reinitiated and maintained at normal levels in men with undetectable blood FSH levels and urinary excretion of FSH less than that of prepubertal children. This con- clusion implies that, although FSH may exert effects on human testicular function, maintenance of normal spermatogenesis and reinitiation of sperm production after short-term suppression by exogenous steroids can occur in spite of nearly absent FSH stimulation. INTRODUCTION It is clearly established in man, as in other mam- malian species, that normal spermatogenesis requires the stimulatory actions of pituitary gonadotropins (1, 2). Both luteinizing hormone (LH)1 and follicle-stimu- lating hormone (FSH) exert effects on testicular func- tion, but the specific role played by each in con- trolling spermatogenesis is unclear. Soon after gonadotropins were partially purified, in the 1930s, the concept was proposed that LH stimulates testosterone production and FSH controls spermatogenesis (3). More recent work in animals has generally supported this concept. It has been demon- strated that LH binds specifically to Leydig cells, where it stimulates cyclic AMP accumulation and the conversion of cholesterol to pregnenolone, leading to increased formation of testosterone, the major testicular steroid product (4). LH has not been demonstrated to bind to cells within the seminiferous tubules nor to 'Abbreviations used in this paper: FSH, follicle-stimu- lating hormone; hCG, human chorionic gonadotropin; LH, luteinizing hormone; LHRH, luteinizing hormone releasing hormone; RIA, radioimmunoassay. TheJournal of Clinical Investigation Volume 68 October 1981 *1044-1052 1044

Transcript of Follicle-stimulating Hormone and Human Spermatogenesis · 2014-01-30 · during initiation of...

Page 1: Follicle-stimulating Hormone and Human Spermatogenesis · 2014-01-30 · during initiation of spermatogenesis at the time of puberty or reinitiation ofsperm production following hypophysectomy

Follicle-stimulating Hormone and Human


WILLLAM J. BREMNER,ALVIN M. MATSUMOTO,ALLEN M. SUSSMAN,and C. ALVINPAULSEN, Division of Endocrinology, Department of Medicine, University ofWashington, School of Medicine, U. S. Public Health Service Hospital,Veterans Administration Medical Center, Seattle, Washington 98108

A B S T RA C T The role of follicle-stimulating hor-mone (FSH) in the control of spermatogenesis is notwell established in any species, including man. Westudied the effect of an experimentally-induced, selec-tive FSH deficiency on sperm production in normalmen. After a 3-mo control period, five normal menreceived testosterone enanthate (T) 200 mg i. m.weekly to suppress luteinizing hormone (LH) andFSH, until three successive sperm counts revealedazoospermia or severe oligospermia (sperm counts<3 million/ml). Then, while continuing T, humanchorionic gonadotropin (hCG) 5,000 IU i. m. three timesweekly was administered simultaneously to replaceLH activity, leaving FSH activity suppressed. Theeffect of the selective FSH deficiency produced byhCGplus T administration on sperm production wasdetermined.

Sperm counts (performed twice monthly throughoutthe study) were markedly suppressed during T ad-ministration alone (1.0+1.0 million/ml mean± SE,compared with 106±28 million/ml during the controlperiod, P < 0.001). With the addition of hCG to T,sperm counts returned toward normal (46±16 million/ml, P < 0.001 compared with T alone). In two subjects,sperm counts during hCG plus T returned into theindividual's control range. Sperm motility and mor-phology were consistently normal in all men duringhCGplus T.

Serum FSH levels by RIA were normal (110±10ng/ml) in the control period and were suppressed toundetectable levels (<25 ng/ml) in the T alone andhCG plus T periods. Urinary FSH excretion was

Portions of this work have been published in abstract form.1980. Clin. Res. 28: 69A. and 1980 Proc. Endocr. Soc. (62ndAnnual Meeting.), 623.

Address reprint requests to Dr. William J. Bremner, VeteransAdministration Medical Center, 4435 Beacon Ave. S., Seattle,Wash. 98108.

Receivedfor publication 20 March 1981 and in revisedform5 June 1981.

markedly suppressed in the T alone (60±15 mIU/h-2nd IRP, P < 0.01) and hCG plus T (37±9 mIU/h,P < 0.01) periods compared with the control period(334±78 mIU/h).

We conclude that spermatogenesis as assessed bysperm counts, motilities, and morphologies may bereinitiated and maintained at normal levels in menwithundetectable blood FSHlevels and urinary excretion ofFSH less than that of prepubertal children. This con-clusion implies that, although FSHmay exert effects onhuman testicular function, maintenance of normalspermatogenesis and reinitiation of sperm productionafter short-term suppression by exogenous steroids canoccur in spite of nearly absent FSH stimulation.


It is clearly established in man, as in other mam-malian species, that normal spermatogenesis requiresthe stimulatory actions of pituitary gonadotropins (1, 2).Both luteinizing hormone (LH)1 and follicle-stimu-lating hormone (FSH) exert effects on testicular func-tion, but the specific role played by each in con-trolling spermatogenesis is unclear.

Soon after gonadotropins were partially purified,in the 1930s, the concept was proposed that LHstimulates testosterone production and FSH controlsspermatogenesis (3). More recent work in animals hasgenerally supported this concept. It has been demon-strated that LH binds specifically to Leydig cells,where it stimulates cyclic AMPaccumulation and theconversion of cholesterol to pregnenolone, leading toincreased formation of testosterone, the major testicularsteroid product (4). LH has not been demonstrated tobind to cells within the seminiferous tubules nor to

'Abbreviations used in this paper: FSH, follicle-stimu-lating hormone; hCG, human chorionic gonadotropin; LH,luteinizing hormone; LHRH, luteinizing hormone releasinghormone; RIA, radioimmunoassay.

TheJournal of Clinical Investigation Volume 68 October 1981 *1044-10521044

Page 2: Follicle-stimulating Hormone and Human Spermatogenesis · 2014-01-30 · during initiation of spermatogenesis at the time of puberty or reinitiation ofsperm production following hypophysectomy

exert direct biochemical effects there. FSH binds toSertoli cells and spermatogonia (5) within the semini-ferous tubules. Binding of FSH to Sertoli cells is fol-lowed by cyclic AMPaccumulation, protein kinaseactivation, and androgen binding protein production(6). FSH also stimulates the conversion of testosteroneto estradiol by Sertoli cells (7).

However, the effects of FSHare peculiar in that theycan be demonstrated only in prepubertal animals or inadults following hypophysectomy (1, 6, 7). In intactrats, for example, effects of FSH administration can bedemonstrated in 21-d-old animals, but not in 80-d-oldanimals (6). Similarly, studies in immature rats usingantibodies of FSH, specifically neutralizing its biologi-cal activity, have demonstrated decreases in testicularsize and androgen binding protein production (8).Analogous studies in adult rats have demonstratedno effect on testicular function (9). Such data haveraised the possibility that FSH may be important onlyduring initiation of spermatogenesis at the time ofpuberty or reinitiation of sperm production followinghypophysectomy and not be important in the main-tenance of normal spermatogenesis in adults.

The use of antibodies to FSH in adult male non-human primates has yielded results different fromthose found in rats. Either passive or active (10 induc-tion of neutralizing antibodies to FSH in normal adultmonkeys has been reported to lead to decreases insperm production and fertility, with no detectableeffect on LH and testosterone levels. The reasons forthe differences between the antibody studies inmonkeys and rats are not clear and the results have beenascribed to species differences in the biological roleof FSH.

The role of FSH in the control of human testicularfunction is also unclear. Studies of gonadotropin re-placement in patients with hypogonadotropic diseasehave suggested that FSHis usually (11), but not always(1, 12), required for the initiation of spermatogenesis.The interpretation of such studies has been difficultbecause of uncertainties as to the purity of the hormonepreparations administered and the degree of hormonedeficiency in the patients. No agent is presentlyavailable for experimental use that is capable ofproducing a selective deficiency in FSH production(13) so that the effect of this deficiency might be studiedin man. A few menhave been reported to have selectivedeficiencies of FSH, generally associated with defec-tive spermatogenesis (14). Some of these reports havebeen unconvincing due to inadequacies in demon-strating the FSHdeficiency and none has shown returnto normal sperm production with the selectivereplacement of FSH.

Weresolved to study the effect of an experimentally-induced selective deficiency of FSH in normal men.We administered testosterone (T) to normal men,

suppressing both LH and FSH levels until three suc-cessive sperm counts revealed azoospermia or severeoligospermia. Then, while T injections were con-tinued, human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) injec-tions were added. In this way, a selective deficiency ofblood FSH levels was produced since hCG containsalmost exclusively LH-like bioactivity (15). Levels ofLH and FSH were carefully monitored by immuno-assay of blood and urine and by bioassay of blood. Theeffect of this FSH-deficiency state on sperm productionwas assessed.

METHODSSubjects. Five normal men aged 25-40 yr were studied

over a period of 10-22 mo. Normality was established bycomplete medical histories, physical examinations, and meas-urement of routine hematological variables, blood chemistries,and urinalyses. In addition, six seminal fluid analysescollected over 3 mowere normal2 as were basal LH, FSH, andT levels. Normality of the gonadotropins was confirmed by 20-min sampling for 6 h and by responsiveness to 4 h infusions ofluteinizing hormone releasing hormone (LHRH) (see below).

The experimental protocol was approved by the HumanSubjects Review Committee of the University of Washing-ton. Informed consent was obtained from volunteers whoagreed to participate after being provided with a full ex-planation of the purpose and extent of the study.

Experimental design. The first 3 mo of the study con-stituted a control period during which observations andmeasurements (see below) were performed in each subject,but no hormones were administered. After the controlperiod, testosterone enanthate (Delatestryl, E. R. Squibb andSons, Princeton, N. J.) administration was begun (200 mg,i. m. weekly). The injections of T alone were continued untilthree successive seminal fluid analyses (obtained every 2wk) revealed sperm counts <5 million/ml. At this point, whilethe injections of T were continued, administration of hCG(Profasi, Serono Laboratories, Inc., Braintree, Mass.), 5,000 IUi. m. three times weekly, was added. The combination of hCGand T injections was continued in all five men until three suc-cessive sperm counts were within the individual's controlrange or a minimum of 17 wk.

At this time, to demonstrate that the increases in spermcounts found were due to hCG and not to a decline in thesuppressive effect of testosterone, hCG injections werestopped in two subjects and T alone was continued until spermcounts were again suppressed to very low levels. Then T wasdiscontinued and the two subjects entered a posttreatmentcontrol period lasting until three successive sperm countswere within the subject's control range.

In one subject, following the hCG plus T phase of thestudy, T injections were stopped and hCGwas maintained for6 mo to assess the effect of hCGalone on the normal humantestis. This subject also underwent posttreatment observa-tion until three successive sperm counts were within his con-trol range. The remaining two subjects left the study at theend of the hCG plus T phase. All injections were adminis-tered by the investigators or their nursing assistants. Injectionrecords allowed assessment of each subject's compliancewith the experimental protocol.

2 Sperm count >20 million/ml, motilities >50% and mor-phology demonstrating >60% normal oval forms (16).

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During each month of the study, each subject submittedtwo seminal fluid specimens, obtained by masturbation after2 d of abstention from ejaculation. In addition, one of theinvestigators interviewed each of the subjects monthly con-cerning his general health and sexual function and per-formed a brief physical examination. A venous blood sampleand a urine sample were obtained at each visit for measure-ment of routine hematological and blood chemical variablesand urinalyses. In addition, serum levels of LH, FSH, and Twere determined. During the experimental periods, bloodsampling for hormone measurement was performed im-mediately before the injections of T or of hCGand T.

Near the end of each of the three phases of the study (con-trol, T alone and hCG plus T administration) each subjectunderwent 2 d of intensive study. On the first of these days, anindwelling venous cannula was placed in an arm vein andblood samples were obtained every 20 min for 6 h formeasurement of LH and FSH levels. During this same 6 h,urine was collected for measurement of FSH. On the secondday, an LHRHinfusion (0.2 ,ug/min for 4 h) was administeredto each subject through a cannula in an arm vein. Venousblood samples were obtained from a cannula in the oppositearm for measurement of LH and FSH levels. Three sampleswere obtained at 15-min intervals before the infusionbegan; sampling continued at 15-min intervals during theinitial 120 min of the infusion, after which sampling wasat 30-min intervals until the end of LHRHadministration.Both the repeated sampling study and the LHRH infusionwere begun between 0800 and 1000 h.

Radioimmunoassays (RIA). The RIA for serum FSH (17)used reagents distributed by the National Pituitary Agency.The reference standard was LER 907, a partially purifiedpreparation of human pituitary gonadotropin. The hormoneused for iodination (18) was HS-1 and the first antibody wasrabbit anti-human FSH, batch No. 5. Assay results were cal-culated using the computer program of Burger et al. (19).Sensitivity was 25 ng/ml; intra-and interassay variability were7.3 and 9.7%, respectively.

The RIA for serum LH used a standard (LER 907) and afirst antibody (anti-human LH, batch 2) supplied by theNational Pituitary Agency. The tracer was hCGpurified in thislaboratory and radioiodinated with 125I using chloramine T(18). The sensitivity of this assay was 6 ng/ml; the intraassayvariability was 5.5% and the interassay variability was 8.4%.

Testosterone was measured by radioimmunoassay, usingreagents supplied by the World Health Organization MatchedReagent Programme (20). The sensitivity was <10 pg/tube(0.1 ng/ml). The intraassay coefficient of variation was 5.1%and the interassay coefficient of variation was 9.8%.

The RIA for urine FSH was performed courtesy of Dr.Richard J. Santen. Aliquots of urine (80 ml) were precipitatedwith acetone, centrifuged, and resuspended in RIA buffer(21). FSHwas then measured by RIA with the Second Inter-national Reference Preparation of Human MenopausalGonadotropin (2nd IRP-hMG) used as the reference standard.

The in vitro bioassay of LH-hCG was a modification (20) ofthe procedures described by van Dammeet al. (22) and byDufau et al. (23). This assay is based on the measurement ofT production by dispersed Leydig cells from immature mice.The standard used was partially purified hCGobtained fromSerono, Inc. (Profasi). Serial dilutions of serum samplescontaining high LH levels were shown to be parallel to thestandard. The minimally detectable amount of LH was 5 ,uIU/tube. All samples were run in duplicate, frequently at twodilutions. The mean intra- and interassay coefficients ofvariation for pooled human sera were 14 and 24%, re-spectively.

Seminal fluid analysis. Measurement of spermatozoal

concentrations in seminal fluid (sperm count) was performedas described previously (24). Most counts could be assessedaccurately using the Coulter counter (Coulter Instruments,Inc., Hialeah, Fla.), but those < 15 million/ml were confirmedusing a hemocytometer. To normalize the distribution ofsperm counts, log transformation was employed before statis-tical analysis. No significant changes in seminal volumeoccurred with hormonal treatment, so the sperm counts gavean accurate estimate of total sperm output in the ejaculate.Sperm motility and morphology were assessed as describedby MacLeod (25).

Statistical analysis. Mean sperm counts during the controlphase and during the last 6 wk of the T alone phase of thestudy were calculated for each subject. These data were com-pared, using Student's paired t test, to mean sperm countsduring the lOth-30th wk of the hCGplus T phase of the study.The lOth-30th wk were chosen to eliminate the transition ef-fects of gradually rising sperm counts in the first 9 wk afterinitiating hCGadministration.


Following the 3-mo control period, administration oftestosterone led to severe inhibition of sperm produc-tion (Fig. 1). Three subjects became azoospermic,



w0 FC',




MONTHSFIGURE 1 Monthly sperm concentrations and serum FSHdata in five normal men during the control, testosterone ad-ministration alone, and hCGplus testosterone phases of thestudy (mean+SE). Note the increase in sperm concentrationinduced by hCG in spite of very low serum levels of FSH.

1046 W. J. Bremner, A. M. Matsumoto, A. M. Sussman, and C. A. Paulsen

Page 4: Follicle-stimulating Hormone and Human Spermatogenesis · 2014-01-30 · during initiation of spermatogenesis at the time of puberty or reinitiation ofsperm production following hypophysectomy

TABLE IUrinary FSHLevels (mIU/h)

Testosterone hCG hCG Prepubertal HypogonadotrophicControl alone + testosterone alone children* hypogonadism*

(n = 5) (n = 5) (n = 5) (n = 1) (n = 11) (n = 4)

334+78 60±+15t 37+9t 45 77±+12 54+ 14

* Data taken from Kulin and Santner (29).t P < 0.01 compared to control using Student's paired t test.

whereas two consistently exhibited sperm counts of<3 million/ml. While the testosterone injections werecontinued, hCGwas added (5,000 IU i.m., three timesweekly). Sperm counts (Fig. 1) increased markedlyduring hCGadministration (P < 0.001 compared withtestosterone injections alone). In two subjects, spermcounts during hCGplus T injections returned into thenormal control range for each man. In the other threemen, although sperm counts increased markedly onhCG plus T, reaching mean levels of 12, 13, and 94million/ml, they did not consistently reach the men'scontrol ranges. Medication records revealed that thetwo men with the lowest counts did not receive alltheir scheduled hCGinjections. Sperm motility (>50%motile sperm) and morphology (>60% normal ovalforms) were consistently normal in all menduring hCGplus T injections.

Serum FSH values (Fig. 1) were normal (111±+10ng/ml) in the control period and were suppressed toundetectable levels (<25 ng/ml) in the T alone and inthe hCGplus T phases of the study. Urine FSH levels(Table I) revealed a marked decrease from control tovery low levels during T alone, and hCG plus Tinjections. Excretion of FSH during hCG plus T ad-ministration was lower than that of adults withgonadotropin deficiency leading to hypogonadism andmuch lower than that of normal prepubertal children(Table I). In the man who was maintained on hCGalone, the urine FSH level remained markedly sup-pressed (Table I).

Serum T levels during T administration were in-creased significantly above control levels (Table II).When hCGwas added, T increased further, to levelssignificantly above those when the subjects were re-ceiving T alone (Table II). Serum LH-like bioactivity,as assessed by in vitro bioassay decreased significantlywhen the men were receiving T alone; these levelsincreased to values approximately six times greaterthan control when hCG injections were added(Table II).

Blood samples obtained at 20-min intervals for 6 hin each of the three phases of the study revealed nor-mal levels of LH and FSH in the control period, andconsistently undetectable levels of FSH in all menduring the T alone and hCGplus T phases of the study(an example shown in Fig. 2). Evidence of episodic LHsecretion was noted in the control period in all subjects.During T administration, LH (measured by RIA) wassuppressed to very low levels (14+5 ng/ml) comparedwith the control period (38±8 ng/ml), P < 0.001.During hCG plus T administration, FSH levels re-mained undetectable while the LH assay yieldedvalues >200 ng/ml due to the cross-reactivity of hCG.

Gonadotropin responses to the 4-h LHRHinfusions(Fig. 3) in the control period revealed the normalbiphasic pattern of LH increase and monophasic FSHincrease (26). During both T administration alone andduring hCG plus T, FSH levels were undetectablethroughout the LHRHinfusion in four of the five sub-jects. One man exhibited a slight FSH response in

TABLE IISerum Levels of Testosterone and LH-like Bioactivity

Testosterone hCG hCGControl alone + testosterone alone

(n = 5) (n =5) (n = 5) (n = 1)

Serum testosterone, nglml 6.0+ 1.1 13.3±0.7* 18.4+0.8t 8.0Serum LH-like bioactivity, mIUlml 52.4+ 11.3 9.7±2.4§ 313t52§ 314

* P < 0.001 compared with control.P < 0.001 compared with T alone.

§ P < 0.01 compared with control.

Follicle-stimulating Hormone and Human Spermatogenesis 1047

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Urinary FSH levels (Fig. 5) were suppressed to belowthose of prepubertal children during the T alone, hCGplus T, and hCG alone phases of the study. Spermcounts in this man (Fig. 5) were severely suppressed onT alone, but returned to normal on hCG plus T andremained normal on hCGalone and in the posttreat-ment control phase.

All subjects remained in good general health with nochange in sexual function as assessed by questionnaire

* throughout the study. Except for the development ofmild acne during T administration in three of the five

"I subjects, there were no adverse effects of T or hCGtreatment. No significant changes in amount of pal-

J pable breast tissue (within 1 cm of control measure-ments laterally from the areola) or testicular size(within 1 cm of control measured by calipers) occurred

200 during any of the hormonal treatments. Routinehematological studies, blood chemistries and urinal-yses were essentially unchanged during the study. No



< 25- I 8 I I- -* bI I I I I I I I I I I I I

O 40 80 l) 200 240 M00 380MINUTES

FIGURE 2 Serum LH and FSH levels measured at 20-minintervals for 6 h in a representative subject during the control,testosterone alone, and hCG plus testosterone phases ofthe study. Both LH and FSH were markedly suppressed bytestosterone alone. FSH suppression continued during thehCG plus T phase of the study, while the apparent "LH"levels were high due to cross reactivity of hCG in the LHassay.

both of these periods. No detectable increase in LHduring LHRHadministration was found in three sub-jects on T alone, while small increases were noted inthe other two volunteers.

Following the hCG plus T phase of the study, inwhich all men participated, two men received only Tinjections for 2.5 and 4.0 mo. Sperm counts during theT injections alone returned to azoospermic or severelyoligospermic levels (data from one subject in Fig. 4).After stopping the T administration, sperm counts inthese men returned to normal values. Serum FSH levels(Fig. 4) were undetectable throughout the T alone,hCG plus T and second T alone phases of the study.Urinary FSH values were suppressed below those ofprepubertal children during the T alone and hCGplusT phases of the study (Fig. 4).

In another subject (Fig. 5), following the hCGplusT phase of the study, T injections were stopped andhCGalone was continued for 6 mo. Serum FSHvalues(Fig. 5) were suppressed from normal during the con-trol period to undetectable levels during the T alone,hCG plus T and hCG alone phases of the study.




FIGURE 3 Serum LH and FSH levels in five normal men

during 4-h constant LHRH infusions (mean±+SE). The re-

sponse of FSH to LHRHwas markedly suppressed duringboth the testosterone and the hCG plus testosteronephases of the study. LH responsiveness was also sup-pressed by testosterone and was not determined duringhCGplus T.

1048 W. J. Bremner, A. M. Matsumoto, A. M. Sussman, and C. A. Paulsen





I 300-

,E 200-C -

I 100-LL







< 25i- -- 61 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -T--r--r I

Page 6: Follicle-stimulating Hormone and Human Spermatogenesis · 2014-01-30 · during initiation of spermatogenesis at the time of puberty or reinitiation ofsperm production following hypophysectomy

Z _____ 200~~mg ini/wk.__0150 HCG 5000 tU






- UG1

100- .~~~~~~~~~4002E

T5- .~~~~~~~~~~~~~30050- -~~~~~~~~~~~~~200

-3 -2-1 0 12 4 56789 11II213 14 ~i7SMOTHS

FIGURE 4 Sperm concentrations and serum and urinary FSHlevels in one of two men in whom testosterone injectionswere continued beyond the end of the hCGplus testosteronephase of the study. FSHexcretion rates were measured on 6-hurine aliquots obtained near the end of each study period.Note the stimulation of sperm production by hCG in spite ofthe very low FSH levels and the resuppression of spermcounts by testosterone after stopping hCG administration.In addition, sperm counts and serum FSH levels returnedto normal after stopping all hormone administration.

limited duration of the hCGplus T phase of this studymay also have contributed to the failure to achieve fullnormalization of sperm counts. Human spermato-genesis requires 74+5 d to produce mature sperma-tozoa from immature spermatogonia (27). It may be thatlonger hCG stimulation would have allowed a morecomplete recruitment of germ cell production inthese men.

That endogenous FSH production was severely de-pressed during the administration of hCGplus T wasdemonstrated clearly in several ways. Serum levels ofFSHwere undetectable in a radioimmunoassay that issufficiently sensitive to differentiate reliably betweenthe low end of the normal adult range and the valuesfound in prepubertal boys or hypogonadotropic sub-jects (28). Serum levels of FSHin this assay were alwaysundetectable in basal sampling in the men during hCGplus T administration in this study, even when sam-pling was at 20-min intervals for 6 h. Infusion ofLHRHdemonstrated that even with 4 h of stimulation,four of five subjects failed to increase their FSH levelsinto the detectable range, whereas the fifth man had aslight increase late in the infusion. Measurement 'ofthe excretion of FSH in urine has been shown to be amore sensitive method than serum analysis for de-tecting low levels of FSH production (29). Using thisurinary assay, FSH production in the men duringhCG plus T administration was demonstrated to belower than that of hypogonadotropic hypogonadal

subject developed significant erythrocytosis (hemato-crits all <51).


Our results demonstrate that spermatogenesis as as-sessed by sperm counts, motilities, and morphologiesmay be reinitiated and maintained at normal levels inmen with undetectable FSH levels in blood, andurinary excretion of FSH that is less than that of pre-pubertal children. Two of our five subjects demon-strated sperm counts, motilities, and morphologiesthat were indistinguishable from their own controlvalues during the period that they were receivinghCGplus T and had undetectable serum FSH levels.The other three subjects reinitiated spermatogenesisin spite of undetectable serum FSH levels, maintainednormal sperm motilities and morphologies anddemonstrated mean sperm counts within the normaladult male range. However, they did not achievemean counts within their own control range duringthe time of hCG plus T administration in this study.In two of these subjects, irregular administration ofhCG may have been important in their failure toachieve complete normalization of sperm counts. The


FIGURE 5 Sperm concentrations and serum and urinary FSHlevels in one man in whomhCG injections were continuedbeyond the end of the hCGplus T phase of the study. FSHexcretion rates were measured on 6-h urine aliquots obtainednear the end of each study period. Note that during adminis-tration of hCG alone, sperm counts remained within thesubject's control range in spite of very low serum andurinary levels of FSH.

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adults and much lower than that of normal prepubertalchildren. From these results, it is clear that spermproduction in man can be reinitiated and maintainedin spite of nearly absent FSH stimulation.

In two men (data from one subject in Fig. 4), stoppingthe administration of hCGafter the hCGplus T phaseof the study and continuing only the T injectionsled to suppression of sperm production equally ascomplete as when T was first administered alone.These results demonstrated clearly that the reinitia-tion and maintenance of sperm production were dueto the hCG injections and not to a decline in thesuppressive effect of T with time.

In one man (Fig. 5), continuing hCG alone afterthe hCGplus T phase of the study led to maintenanceof normal sperm production for 6 mo. This maintenanceof normal sperm production occurred in spite of serumFSH levels that were consistently undetectable duringthe time on hCG alone and urinary FSH levels thatwere suppressed to levels below those of pre-pubertal children.

While our results demonstrate clearly that FSHlevels were very low during the time spermatogenesiswas reinitiated and maintained by hCG, an FSHeffect was not completely absent. Very low levels ofendogenous FSHwere detectable in the urinary assayduring hCG administration (Table I). That thisamount of endogenous FSH is insufficient by itself tomaintain spermatogenesis was shown by the fact thatduring the T alone phase of the study, similaramounts of endogenous FSH were present and spermcounts were very low.

Another source for a slight amount of FSH-likebioactivity was within the hCGmolecule itself (15, 30).The FSH-like activity of hCGhas been demonstratedby a variety of techniques to be -1/1000 of the LH-like activity in this molecule (15, 30). It is unlikely thatthis very small amount of FSH-like activity was of sig-nificance in the present study. Wedemonstrated thatthe amount of LH bioactivity in the blood of the menreceiving hCG injections was approximately six timesthat found during the control period. This does notapproach the thousandfold increase required to pro-duce an FSH-like effect. It is of interest that the LHmolecule also has intrinsic FSH-like bioactivity -1/1,000 as potent as its LH activity (15).

Early work using hCG in three men (5,000 IU i. m.,three times weekly) suggested that it suppressedspermatogenesis (31). The mechanism for this effectwas thought to be stimulation of androgen andestrogen production from the testis, leading to inhibi-tion of pituitary FSH production (31), although serumlevels of androgens, estrogens and FSH could not bemeasured at that time. Heller et al. (32) have reporteda stimulatory effect of hCG(4,000 IU i. m., every 2nd d)

on spermatogenesis in men whose sperm productionwas suppressed by T. These workers did not measureserum FSH levels and assumed that these levels re-mained normal and stimulated spermatogenesis (32).More recent work (33) has demonstrated that hCGadministration to men with functional testes leads tomarked suppression of endogenous FSH production,a result confirmed by our present studies. In a carefulstudy, Sherins (33) demonstrated that hCGadministra-tion (1,000 IU i. m., every 2nd d) to menwith idiopathicoligospermia led to suppression of serum FSH valuesto undetectable levels, but had no effect on spermproduction.

Our results agree with those of Heller et al. (32) inthat hCGadministration to men whose sperm produc-tion is suppressed by exogenous T led to reinitiationand maintenance of spermatogenesis. However, sincewe have measured FSHproduction in this situation andfound it to be severely suppressed, our interpretation ofthe results differs from that of Heller; endogenous FSHdoes not seem to be responsible for stimulatingspermatogenesis during hCG administration. Our re-sults in one man maintained on hCGalone (Fig. 5) areconsistent with those of Sherins (33); hCG alonesuppressed endogenous FSH production but led to nochange in sperm counts. In addition, we found noevidence that hCG, administered chronically in thismoderately supraphysiological dosage, led to testicularregression as has been reported with high dosage hCGand LH-releasing hormone administration to animals(34, 35). It may be that a higher dosage of hCG is re-quired to demonstrate this effect in men.

It is known from a variety of previous studies thatthe high concentrations of testosterone found nor-mally within the testis are of major importance ininitiating and maintaining normal sperm production(1, 2). High levels of intratesticular testosteroneare known to be able to maintain and possiblyinitiate spermatogenesis even in hypophysectomizedor prepubertal animals (1, 2). hCG is known tostimulate and maintain high levels of intratesticulartestosterone (36). It is likely that a major mechanismfor the stimulatory effect of hCGon spermatogenesisfound in this study is the ability of hCG to increaseintratesticular testosterone concentrations. The lack ofa direct relationship between the level of testosteronein peripheral blood and spermatogenesis was con-firmed in the T alone phase of the study; blood testos-terone levels were more than doubled and spermato-genesis was severely inhibited. Almost certainly,intratesticular testosterone levels at this time weremarkedly suppressed (37). Associated with the restimu-lation of intratesticular testosterone levels and sperma-togenesis by the addition of hCG, peripheral testoster-one levels increased further.

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Although hCGwas capable of reinitiating spermato-genesis in this study, and hCG alone stimulatessperm production in some patients with deficiencies inLH and FSH production (12), other patients have re-quired the addition of FSHto hCGto initiate spermato-genesis (11). Interestingly, FSH alone has never beenreported to initiate or maintain spermatogenesis inman (1, 2). The reason for the apparent requirementfor FSH stimulation in addition to hCG in somesituations and not others is unclear. Similarly, thereason for the apparent requirement for FSH to allownormal reinitiation of sperm production in the breedingseason in monkeys (10) while FSH was not requiredfor normal testicular function in rats (9) is not clearlyunderstood. A possible explanation for some of thesedisparate results is that the length of time that the testisis deprived of gonadotropin stimulation before hCGor LH is administered may be important. In pre-pubertal animals or adults that have been gonadotropindeficient for a sufficiently long time, both LH andFSH may be necessary to reinitiate spermatogenesis.In animals or men that have been gonadotropin de-ficient for only a short time, hCG (or LH) alone maybe sufficient for normal sperm production. We arepresently investigating whether suppression of LH andFSH for 8 to 9 mo in men before adding gonadotropinreplacement will allow us to demonstrate a require-ment for FSH stimulation.

Although our work has demonstrated that hCGcanstimulate human spermatogenesis in the absence ofsignificant levels of FSH, we do not conclude thatFSH has no role in this process. As described above,the dosage of hCGused or the time of suppression ofendogenous gonadotropins prior to adding hCGin thisstudy may have been important in masking an effect ofFSH. A closer approximation of serum LH-like bio-activity to that found normally or a longer deprivationof gonadotropin stimulation prior to adding LH-likeactivity may reveal an important role for FSH innormal testicular function in man.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTSWe appreciate the excellent technical assistance of PatriciaPayne, Judy Tsoi, Vasumathi Sundarraj, Elaine Rost, JeanHueckel, Connie Pete, Florita Flor, and Marian Ursic andthe secretarial assistance of Anne Bartlett, Pat Jenkins, andMaxine Cormier. The measurements of urinary FSH levelswere performed courtesy of Dr. Richard Santen and the CoreEndocrine Laboratory, Milton S. Hershey Medical Center,Pennsylvania State University, Hershey, Pa. We appreciatethe gift of reagents for the LH and FSH immunoassaysfrom the National Institutes of Arthritis and Metabolicand Digestive Diseases and for the testosterone assay fromthe The World Health Organization. The LHRH wasgenerously provided by Ayerst Laboratories, Inc.

This work was supported by National Institutes of Healthgrants P-50-HD 12629 and P-32-AM07247, U. S. Public HealthService grant SEA78-21 and by the Veterans Administration.


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