Focus on your unique ability - intro

Focus on your unique ability (genius) - Delegate everything else I Recently attended a 2 day seminar run by Taki Moore titled the "Million Dollar Coach Intensive". So much valuable content was delivered by Taki. One of the ideas that really changed my thinking was the idea of unique ability and genius. We learn at a young age that the secret to success in life is working on our weaknesses. Unfortunately, this focus on weaknesses creates a sense of inadequacy, failure and guilt. As a result, our lives are filled with frustration, wasted potential and missed opportunity. Letting go of these perceived deficiencies and limits to focus on the things you love is the secret to enhancing your performance. I believe that it is more about working on our strengths to become the masters in our chosen field. Have you heard of the saying "jack of all trades, master of none?", well that is the trap we should avoid like the plague if we are to reach our full potential. Dan Sullivan's teaches us that that all people spend their lives in four zones of activity: incompetent, competent, excellence and Unique Ability. Incompetent Zone : This is an area of your life where you feel frustrated and stressed because you are just not good at the tasks involved. The activities in this category drain your confidence and would make you happy to get rid of. These are things that you have no desire to ever master (For me, bookkeeping and housekeeping top this list!).

Transcript of Focus on your unique ability - intro

Page 1: Focus on your unique ability -  intro

Focus on your unique ability (genius) - Delegate everything else

I Recently attended a 2 day seminar run by Taki Moore titled the "Million Dollar Coach Intensive". So much valuable content was delivered by Taki. One of the ideas that really changed my thinking was the idea of unique ability and genius.

We learn at a young age that the secret to success in life is working on our weaknesses. Unfortunately, this focus on weaknesses creates a sense of inadequacy, failure and guilt. As a result, our lives are filled with frustration, wasted potential and missed opportunity. Letting go of these perceived deficiencies and limits to focus on the things you love is the secret to enhancing your performance.

I believe that it is more about working on our strengths to become the masters in our chosen field. Have you heard of the saying "jack of all trades, master of none?", well that is the trap we should avoid like the plague if we are to reach our full potential.

Dan Sullivan's teaches us that that all people spend their lives in four zones of activity: incompetent, competent, excellence and Unique Ability.

Incompetent Zone : This is an area of your life where you feel frustrated and stressed because you are just not good at the tasks involved. The activities in this category drain your confidence and would make you happy to get rid of. These are things that you have no desire to ever master (For me, bookkeeping and housekeeping top this list!).

Page 2: Focus on your unique ability -  intro

Competent Zone : These are activities where you compete with others and work hard but where your performance is merely adequate. A lot of other people could do these tasks with less effort and greater success than you. These are activities that create boredom in your life.

Excellence Zone : You have superior skill in conducting these activities. People can count on you to accomplish these tasks. You may have even developed a reputation for your ability in these areas. Deep down, however, you do not have a burning passion for these activities. Even with external positive reinforcement, these activities do not fuel your passion. This is essentially your comfort zone.

Unique Ability - genius Zone : These are activities that create energy and enthusiasm. When you engage in them, you bubble over with excitement. You could do these activities all day long and never get tired or bored. They offer you endless possibilities for improvement, no matter how skilled you are at them. This is the set of activities that you are uniquely suited to do, your special gifts and strengths. These are the things that you are passionate about and that you do better than just about everyone around you.

Your success or failure in life depends on how much time you spend in each of these four zones. Unsuccessful people spend most of their time in the incompetent zone. Successful people spend most of their time in the zones of competence and excellence. And those who achieve extraordinary success and happiness spend most of their lives in the Unique Ability zone.

Find Your Unique Ability Quadrant

Incompetent Zone Unique Ability - genius Zone Zone

Competent Excellence Zone