Focus on the WHY: Driving the next 25 years of change

Focus on the WHY Driving the next 25 years of change Cali Morrison


This was a pecha kucha presentation given in 2013 during the WCET 25th Annual Meeting. It draws on inspiration from Simon Sinek.

Transcript of Focus on the WHY: Driving the next 25 years of change

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Focus on the WHYDriving the next 25 years of change

Cali Morrison

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The What

• As Educators, our what is educating students. • As Educational Technologists,

our what is using technology to educate students EFFECTIVELY.

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The How

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Gloucestershire College Library by James Clay

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Write on Tablet by David Lankford

Tablet Use 2 by ebayink

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Mobile Learning by Clemens Locker Mobile Learners in train by Tero Toivanen

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Nadia playin on a tablet by Larry Armstrong

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The Why

This is where most institutions, and frankly, many individuals get lost – in the why. The why is personal and as our days are infiltrated with more and more activity, we lose the opportunity to focus on the why. As institutions we get caught in the business of policy and regulations and the hype of what’s new and sometimes lose sight of our why – of our mission.

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Page 10: Focus on the WHY: Driving the next 25 years of change

The basic currency of higher education — the credit hour — represents the root of many problems plaguing America's higher education system: the practice of measuring time rather than learning. – Amy Laitinen, Cracking the Credit Hour

College Lecture Hall – Sean MacEntee

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Start with the Why.

• I Believe Focusing on the WHY not the WHAT will bring more success. The WHY inspires those who lead & inspires others to find their WHY.

– Simon Sinek TEDxPuget Sound, Sept.2009

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Smithsonian EdLab Mobile Learning Workshop F Delventhal

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Here’s to the crazy ones — the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently — they’re not fond of rules. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them, but the only thing you can’t do is ignore them because they change things. They push the human race forward, and while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius, because the ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do. – Steve Jobs

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GlassMakesFriends 28685 by Ted Eytan

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Nostalgic Augmented Reality by Sndrv

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Nursing students Lower Columbia College

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‘Borrowed’ from Pearson Research & Innovation (If you haven’t watched the videos, DO! Thanks to Jeff Borden who introduced me to these)

School of Thought Videos -

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Page 19: Focus on the WHY: Driving the next 25 years of change

What drives my next 25 years:

• “I am neither especially clever nor especially gifted. I am only very, very curious.” – Albert Einstein

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What drives yours?Join the me in the conversation of how we get

enable change over the next 25 [email protected]: @calimorrisonGoogle+: CaliMorrisonLinkedIn: Cali Koerner MorrisonDefunct (but hopefully soon revived)