Focus on Insights - FPA · Focus on Insights Consumer Perceptions of Flexible Packaging Prepared...

Focus on Insights Consumer Perceptions of Flexible Packaging Prepared for Flexible Packaging Association – February 2013

Transcript of Focus on Insights - FPA · Focus on Insights Consumer Perceptions of Flexible Packaging Prepared...

Page 1: Focus on Insights - FPA · Focus on Insights Consumer Perceptions of Flexible Packaging Prepared for Flexible Packaging Association – February 2013. CoCo te tntext • Project Objective

Focus on InsightsConsumer Perceptions of Flexible Packaging

Prepared for Flexible Packaging Association – February 2013

Page 2: Focus on Insights - FPA · Focus on Insights Consumer Perceptions of Flexible Packaging Prepared for Flexible Packaging Association – February 2013. CoCo te tntext • Project Objective

ContextCo te t

• Project Objective

T d li lit ti d tit ti h– To deliver qualitative and quantitative consumer research as it relates to flexible packaging

– Analyze and interpret said research

– Provide actionable insights and recommendations

• Project Approach/Scope

– BrandBrand

– Shoppers and Shopper/Consumer Experience

– Graphics, Structure, Function

– Sensation Transference

– Synesthetic/Experiential Design


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Page 3: Focus on Insights - FPA · Focus on Insights Consumer Perceptions of Flexible Packaging Prepared for Flexible Packaging Association – February 2013. CoCo te tntext • Project Objective

The Journey of Truth©

• Where can the consumer

“The role of conventional media is to get products inserted into the consumer repertoire set – the package is the crucial link at point of purchase”

– Dr. Hugh Phillips, Shopper Insight Expert

“The role of conventional media is to get products inserted into the consumer repertoire set – the package is the crucial link at point of purchase”

– Dr. Hugh Phillips, Shopper Insight Expert

• What does the retail shelf look like?

• Who is the shopper?• Where is the product

displayed?• What is the consumer

• Where can the consumer learn about the product before ever seeing it in a store?

• Social Networks? Media? Internet? Word of Mouth? FSI? Etc What is the consumer

need?FSI? Etc.


• Where will the product be• How will the consumer

recognize the product theSMOTTMOT

• Where will the product be stored?

• How will it be opened?• How will it be dispensed?• Is reseal desired?• How ill the package be

disposed of?

recognize the product the next time they shop?

• What visual cues will create the greatest recall?

• How can the package tell the consumer it is time to buy more?

Source: PTIS 2006 Package Innovation Report

disposed of?buy more?

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Page 4: Focus on Insights - FPA · Focus on Insights Consumer Perceptions of Flexible Packaging Prepared for Flexible Packaging Association – February 2013. CoCo te tntext • Project Objective

The Product Formula©:Consumers buy products not packagesConsumers buy products, not packages

• Great packages:Fit the product and brand– Fit the product and brand

– Have shelf impact– Use experience and benefits for the occasion

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Page 6: Focus on Insights - FPA · Focus on Insights Consumer Perceptions of Flexible Packaging Prepared for Flexible Packaging Association – February 2013. CoCo te tntext • Project Objective

Research Project Stagesesea c oject Stages

• Leverage existing secondar research

Research • Expert Team™ re iesecondary research

• Methodology & background assessment

• Research design & preparation

• Consumer insight testing

review• Report &

presentation development



Discovery Analysis


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Page 7: Focus on Insights - FPA · Focus on Insights Consumer Perceptions of Flexible Packaging Prepared for Flexible Packaging Association – February 2013. CoCo te tntext • Project Objective

2012 Original Consumer Roadmap Research:The Predictive Benefit FrameworkThe Predictive Benefit Framework

This study used the Predictive Benefit framework as an organizing principle toThis study used the Predictive Benefit framework as an organizing principle to understand consumer motivations and the role that packaging plays in delivering against consumer needs.





Safety / Peace of Mind Wellness Gratification /

EnjoymentConvenience /



“It won’t hurt me, my family or the planet”

“ It’s really good for me” “It makes me feel good” “It’s so easy for me”

© Copyright GfK Custom Research Worldwide Proprietary and Confidential

Page 8: Focus on Insights - FPA · Focus on Insights Consumer Perceptions of Flexible Packaging Prepared for Flexible Packaging Association – February 2013. CoCo te tntext • Project Objective

2012 Original Consumer Roadmap Research: Diff b Lif StDifferences by Life Stage

Real Worlders Established Families• Very price sensitive• Buy generic• Still influenced by parents• Less likely to cook

• Willing to pay a premium for wellness

• Looking for value• Figured out trade-offs


Me to We Empty NestersDIS



• Overwhelmed by new lifestyle

• Concern with safety and health• Need for ergonomic options

Empty Nesters• Value continuity and

brand icons• Looking for smaller packages• Concerns around arthritis


Need for ergonomic options • Concerns around arthritis and dexterity

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Page 9: Focus on Insights - FPA · Focus on Insights Consumer Perceptions of Flexible Packaging Prepared for Flexible Packaging Association – February 2013. CoCo te tntext • Project Objective

2012 Original Consumer Roadmap Research: Dimensions of DriversDimensions of Drivers

“Green”/ Sustainable

“Green”/ Sustainable

Integrity/ Integrity/ Professional/











Nutritionally Sound Authentic/ RealAuthentic/ Real


V tilV til



Dimensions of Drivers







Opposite:Bad for Me SensorialSensorial Less

Mess/ FussLess

Mess/ Fuss


SafetySafety Wellness GratificationGratification ConvenienceConvenienceOverarching Drivers

© Copyright GfK Custom Research Worldwide Proprietary and Confidential

Page 10: Focus on Insights - FPA · Focus on Insights Consumer Perceptions of Flexible Packaging Prepared for Flexible Packaging Association – February 2013. CoCo te tntext • Project Objective

2012 Original Consumer Roadmap Research: Key Findings & OutputKey Findings & Output


Role of Packaging in Cueing Dimension

LessV l

LOW HIGHMore individually defined/

emotional in natureStronger ‘standard’ or common language/ functional in nature


Less Mess/ Fuss


PortableValue Customized








Sound Authentic/ Real

Premium Fun






Bad for Me“Green”/




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Page 11: Focus on Insights - FPA · Focus on Insights Consumer Perceptions of Flexible Packaging Prepared for Flexible Packaging Association – February 2013. CoCo te tntext • Project Objective

Materials - Top of Mind Associationsate a s op o d ssoc at o s

Kraft Paper Foil Bags Cloth Bags Stand-upPouchesPouches


• Fresh• Higher quality

• Fresh• High quality

• Fresh• Authentic

• Fresh• High qualityD



• Higher quality• Organic• Local• Small batch

• High quality• Premium

• Authentic• Expertise• From the

source• Imported

• High quality• More shelf



• Imported

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Page 12: Focus on Insights - FPA · Focus on Insights Consumer Perceptions of Flexible Packaging Prepared for Flexible Packaging Association – February 2013. CoCo te tntext • Project Objective

2012 Original Consumer Roadmap Research: Auditory CuesAuditory CuesThough largely subconscious, sound contributes to the overall product experience. Respondents were asked to close their eyes and share product perceptions based on different sounds they heard

Certain sounds are strongly tied to

specific products or categories

For example, respondents instantly

recognize the “pop” of a Pringles top or “hiss” of a

soda bottle.

While these sounds “Engage the Senses,” they can also cue “Bad

for Me.”


Pitch plays a major role in respondents’ quality perceptions

Lower pitched sounds cue durable materials, larger packages and

higher quality

Higher pitched sounds cue flimsy materials

commonly associated with unsafe, processed products & lead to low

quality perceptionsDIS



The pop of a jar or click of a flip cap communicates

freshness and safety

The more pronounced, the better

Flip-caps that double-click, are loud or have a high pitch are thought to require effort to secure,

so they are perceived as fresher and safer


For some products, the absence of sound can lead to concern,

and the “need to i ti t ” f th

If a package is expected to ‘pop’ upon opening,

for example, the absence of that sound

can cause safety or freshness concerns

Absence signals tampered with/ safety


investigate” further freshness concerns

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Page 13: Focus on Insights - FPA · Focus on Insights Consumer Perceptions of Flexible Packaging Prepared for Flexible Packaging Association – February 2013. CoCo te tntext • Project Objective

Research MethodologyResearch Methodology

• Hybrid quantitative & qualitative CLT consisting of quantitative support of key


consisting of quantitative support of key dimensions via sequential Monadic Comparison Central Location Testing

– 30-45 minutes / session



C – 4 category proxies / respondent– Data analysis conducted across total population

• Qualitative consumer feedback was gathered following each CLTR following each CLT

– Mini group exit interviews– 45 minutes each to probe key issues

• 41 total pen and paper tests completed41 total pen and paper tests completed• 8 total qualitative exit interviews• 2 sessions (1/17/2013 in Ann Arbor, MI)

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Page 14: Focus on Insights - FPA · Focus on Insights Consumer Perceptions of Flexible Packaging Prepared for Flexible Packaging Association – February 2013. CoCo te tntext • Project Objective

Consumer Test PanelsConsumer Test Panels

• Moms - (ages 25-54)Mix of martial status– Mix of martial status

– Mix of employment status– At least one minor child residing in

householdCH household

– Household income of $35,000+ – Primary or equal share household

purchasing/decision makingRES



p g g• Acceptors of product categories• Standard articulation/industry screening• Cannot have participated in a related


• Cannot have participated in a related research study within past three months

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Page 15: Focus on Insights - FPA · Focus on Insights Consumer Perceptions of Flexible Packaging Prepared for Flexible Packaging Association – February 2013. CoCo te tntext • Project Objective

Packaging Samples

• Four Categories and proxy products tested:1. Dry Food: Cerealy2. Household Product: Laundry Detergent (Pods) 3. Direct from Package Consumption and Beverage:

Single Serve Beverage4. Liquid Foods: SoupC

H q p

• Respondents/consumers were familiar with the category and use experience of the products, and were regular users of the products, but buy them in a R



g p , yvariety of formats

• Objective was to test a variety of product types packaged in flexibles and ask respondents to focus


packaged in flexibles, and ask respondents to focus on flexible packaging suitability for that product type –not for the specific brand or product

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Page 16: Focus on Insights - FPA · Focus on Insights Consumer Perceptions of Flexible Packaging Prepared for Flexible Packaging Association – February 2013. CoCo te tntext • Project Objective

Proxy Product Imageso y oduct ages





Proxy: Liquid Food

Proxy: Pods

Proxy: Dry Food

Proxy: Liquid FoodProxy: Single-Serve Beverage

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Page 17: Focus on Insights - FPA · Focus on Insights Consumer Perceptions of Flexible Packaging Prepared for Flexible Packaging Association – February 2013. CoCo te tntext • Project Objective

Five Quantitative Attributes

1. Sight Evaluation (ZMOT, FMOT)

2. Opening Experience (SMOT)


3. Accessing/Dispensing the Product (SMOT)

4. Use of Flexible Packaging Appropriate for RES



g g pp pProduct Type (SMOT)

5 Overall Opinion Post-Test (SMOT TMOT)


5. Overall Opinion Post Test (SMOT, TMOT)

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Page 18: Focus on Insights - FPA · Focus on Insights Consumer Perceptions of Flexible Packaging Prepared for Flexible Packaging Association – February 2013. CoCo te tntext • Project Objective

Qualitative AttributesQua tat e tt butes

• Two qualitative attributes were included to understand respondents decision-making andunderstand respondents decision-making and mindset about flexible packages

• Attributes tested in this research include:CH

• Attributes tested in this research include:– Why did you feel as you did (about

appropriateness of flexible packaging for this product type)?R



product type)?– What, if anything, frustrated or delighted you

about this package type?


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Page 19: Focus on Insights - FPA · Focus on Insights Consumer Perceptions of Flexible Packaging Prepared for Flexible Packaging Association – February 2013. CoCo te tntext • Project Objective

Mini-insight groups with Videos g t g oups t deo

From each of the two sessions, four respondents were selected for a follow-up video exit interview in a mini-selected for a follow-up video exit interview in a mini-insight group.

• These respondents shared their views with oneCH

• These respondents shared their views with one another and the moderator

• Participants also discussed the products they typically purchase in each category and what typesR



typically purchase in each category, and what types of packaging they use and prefer for these products

• Respondents brought representative products in their typical packaging from home; these were used


their typical packaging from home; these were used to elicit discussion about flexible packaging and other types of packaging

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Page 20: Focus on Insights - FPA · Focus on Insights Consumer Perceptions of Flexible Packaging Prepared for Flexible Packaging Association – February 2013. CoCo te tntext • Project Objective

Respondent Product ImagesRespondent Product Images

Product sort from first set





Product sort from second set

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Page 21: Focus on Insights - FPA · Focus on Insights Consumer Perceptions of Flexible Packaging Prepared for Flexible Packaging Association – February 2013. CoCo te tntext • Project Objective

Universal Truths - Overall Qualitative FindingsU e sa ut s O e a Qua tat e d gs

Flexible packaging was viewed as having wide extendibility by consumers into diverse categories

( h t f d l k f d d dS (such as pet food, cleaners, snack foods, dry goods, garden, auto care and dairy to mention a few) for both

first purchase and refill options. AN




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Overall Qualitative FindingsO e a Qua tat e d gs

• Convenient for Storage

• Environmentally Friendly

• Portable


• Enables Visibility of Contents

• Indicates FreshnessAN



• Aesthetically Pleasing


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Page 23: Focus on Insights - FPA · Focus on Insights Consumer Perceptions of Flexible Packaging Prepared for Flexible Packaging Association – February 2013. CoCo te tntext • Project Objective

Aggregate of All Proxies Across Study

Across all Proxies, participants had a very favorable opinion of packages upon initial sight evaluation. This confirms secondary research indicating a positive halo around flexible packaging.


Sight Evaluation Only


Like Extremely 10.37%

Like Very Much 26.22%

Like Moderately 19.51%




Like Slightly 20.12%

Neither Like NorDislike 10.37%

Dislike Slightly 6.10%

Dislike Moderately 4.27%



Dislike Very Much 2.44%

Dislike Extremely 0.61%

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Aggregate of All Proxies Across Studygg egate o o es c oss Study

Across all Proxies, opening experiences vary and thus easy and difficult both increase. Impact of functionality is a significant contributor to satisfaction and a key takeaway from this research.

Opening Experience



Extremely Easy 18.29%

Very Easy 25.61%

Moderately Easy 14.63%AN



Slightly Easy 9.76%

Neither Difficult NorEasy 2.44%

Slightly Difficult 20.73%


Moderately Difficult 6.10%

Very Difficult 1.22%

Extremely Difficult 1.22%

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Page 25: Focus on Insights - FPA · Focus on Insights Consumer Perceptions of Flexible Packaging Prepared for Flexible Packaging Association – February 2013. CoCo te tntext • Project Objective

Aggregate of Flex Packaging Across Study

As with opening features, the impact of functionality is a significant contributor to satisfaction and a key takeaway from this research. Ability to access or dispense the product was a

somewhat polar attribute across all proxies.

Access/Dispense Product


p p


Extremely Convenient 23.17%

Very Convenient 29.27%

Moderately 14 63%AN



ode ate yConvenient 14.63%

Slightly Convenient 9.76%

Neither InconvenientNor Convenient 3.05%

Slightly Inconvenient 12.20%


Moderately Inconvenient 2.44%

Very Inconvenient 4.27%

ExtremelyInconvenient 1.22%

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Page 26: Focus on Insights - FPA · Focus on Insights Consumer Perceptions of Flexible Packaging Prepared for Flexible Packaging Association – February 2013. CoCo te tntext • Project Objective

Aggregate of Flex Packaging Across Study

Appropriateness of flexible packaging for product types closely follows scores for opening and access of product. While most were seen as very easy, there were a significant number of

ratings for difficult as well

Use of Flexible Packaging Appropriate for Proxy Type

ratings for difficult, as well.



Extremely Easy 18.90%

Very Easy 23.78%AN



Moderately Easy 20.12%

Slightly Easy 5.49%

Neither Difficult NorEasy 3.66%

Slightly Difficult 14.63%


Slightly Difficult 14.63%

Moderately Difficult 7.93%

Very Difficult 4.88%

Extremely Difficult 0.61%

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Page 27: Focus on Insights - FPA · Focus on Insights Consumer Perceptions of Flexible Packaging Prepared for Flexible Packaging Association – February 2013. CoCo te tntext • Project Objective

Aggregate of Flex Packaging Across Studygg egate o e ac ag g c oss StudyAcross all Proxies, participants were far more likely to like than dislike flexible packaged

products after package use.

Overall Opinion Post-Test



Like Extremely 14.02%

Like Very Much 22.56%AN



Like Moderately 18.29%

Like Slightly 14.63%

Neither Like NorDislike 8.54%

Di lik Sli htl 9 76%


Dislike Slightly 9.76%

Dislike Moderately 5.49%

Dislike Very Much 3.66%

Dislike Extremely 3.05%

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Page 28: Focus on Insights - FPA · Focus on Insights Consumer Perceptions of Flexible Packaging Prepared for Flexible Packaging Association – February 2013. CoCo te tntext • Project Objective

Aggregate of All Proxies Across StudyAcross all Proxies, a comparison shows that participants both increased and decreased their

acceptance of flexibles after use. Product proxy segmentation analysis reveals that the package function and appropriateness for product type is the key factor to satisfaction with flexibles.





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Page 29: Focus on Insights - FPA · Focus on Insights Consumer Perceptions of Flexible Packaging Prepared for Flexible Packaging Association – February 2013. CoCo te tntext • Project Objective

Learning from Category Specific ProxiesLearning from Category Specific Proxies

• Consumers want packaging that aligns with the product brand occasion of use andthe product, brand, occasion of use and their expectations.

– They have paradigms about the way a package should perform, and while these can change, they S

also color their opinions.

• Package and product are intertwined in the consumer perception set.




– Understanding the inherent product properties and designing packaging that supports use is critical to consumer acceptance.

• Consumers can’t always articulate the why


Consumers can t always articulate the why or what they would prefer.

– Good testing methodologies triangulate and infer to find this out. But, consumers are pretty good at t lli h t it i ht!telling us when we got it right!

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Page 30: Focus on Insights - FPA · Focus on Insights Consumer Perceptions of Flexible Packaging Prepared for Flexible Packaging Association – February 2013. CoCo te tntext • Project Objective

Proxy: Dry Food – Qualitative LearningsPet Treats, Cereal, Cookies, Crackers, Dry Fruit, , , , y

• Of the 41 respondents tested:• 37 purchased in Box WITH Inner bag• 1 purchased in Box WITHOUT Inner Bagp g• 2 purchased in Plastic Bag (lays flat)• 1 purchased in Plastic Pouch (stands up)

• Current/Recognized Advantages to Flexible S

Packaging• Less material waste than current bag-in-box cartons • Package is resealable• Perceived product freshnessA




• Food is easy to pour out of the pouch. (For most)• Visibility of product• Stand up feature for pantry

Opportunities for Growth/Enhancement


• Opportunities for Growth/Enhancement• Some consumers struggled with opening the pouch –

there is no one right way. Explore human factors and design opportunitiesC b t d t hi• Concern about product crushing

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Page 31: Focus on Insights - FPA · Focus on Insights Consumer Perceptions of Flexible Packaging Prepared for Flexible Packaging Association – February 2013. CoCo te tntext • Project Objective

Proxy: Dry Food – Overall Opinion

Now after having tried the product, please place an “X” in the ONE box that best describes your

overall opinion on your experience.

• “The seal opened completely though it needed an extra pull form the other end. The resealing bag is very appealing to maintain freshness. I also like how the bag can stand on its own (doesn’t fall over) so it

ill t fl i t G t k i ! ILike Extremely 19.51%

Like Very Much 26.83%

Like Moderately 26 83%

will not flop over in my pantry. Great packaging! I especially like the open window of the product to see it as it really is.”

• “I like the fact that you can see what the actual Like Moderately 26.83%

Like Slightly 14.63%

Neither Like Nor Dislike 4.88%

Dislike Slightly 7 32%

ycereal looks like. No surprises when you pour it into a bowl. Easy to close and store, keeps fresh a lot better than conventional cereal box with inner bag. No extra packaging and takes up less room to store ” Dislike Slightly 7.32%

Dislike Moderately 0.00%

Dislike Very Much 0.00%


• “The package opened without a problem. The product poured easily into the cup and it is appropriate packaging for cereal. You can see the

Dislike Extremely 0.00%product so you can see what you are purchasing and it eliminated extra package such as a box which is not necessary.”

Note directional shift in top 2 box scores, increased from 41 47% pre use to 46 34% after use suggesting

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from 41.47% pre-use to 46.34% after use suggesting that the experience was generally positive.

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Learning from Dry Food Proxyea g o y ood o y

• Consumers perceived theConsumers perceived the package positively upon sight evaluation, and the package delivered

• Opening and dispensing experiences were quite positive, and consumers articulated reasons to believe that this package fit the category for dry food, and even enabled them to use the product elsewhere anduse the product elsewhere and with less mess

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Page 33: Focus on Insights - FPA · Focus on Insights Consumer Perceptions of Flexible Packaging Prepared for Flexible Packaging Association – February 2013. CoCo te tntext • Project Objective

Proxy: Liquid Foods – Qualitative LearningsSoups Body Wash Shampoo & Conditioner etcSoups, Body Wash, Shampoo & Conditioner, etc.

• Of the 41 respondents tested: • 30 purchased in Metal Can• 4 purchased in Plastic cup4 purchased in Plastic cup• 1 purchased in plastic pouch• 4 in cardboard carton• 2 purchased in other packaging types such as a

paper pouch and a plastic cartonpaper pouch and a plastic carton

• Current/Recognized Advantages to Flexible Packaging:

• Portable – Great for work or travelPortable Great for work or travel• Easy to open• Ability to heat and eat product out of pouch• No metallic taste from pouch (relative to cans)

• Opportunities for Growth/Enhancement• Feature to help control the flow of liquid and

decrease splatter/ mess created when pouring• Make the pouch resealable

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Page 34: Focus on Insights - FPA · Focus on Insights Consumer Perceptions of Flexible Packaging Prepared for Flexible Packaging Association – February 2013. CoCo te tntext • Project Objective

Proxy: Liquid Foods– Overall Opinion“G t f k t l D t d

Now after having tried the product, please place an “X” in the ONE box that best describes your overall opinion on your


• “Great for work or travel. Do not need a can opener to open. No need to add extra in to the dish to make complete.”

“Th h t d diLike Extremely 4.88%

Like Very Much 19.51%

Lik M d t l 19 51%

p• “The pouch was easy to open and dispense.

It splattered slightly. I like the concept of soup in a pouch and microwaveable. Quicker than opening a can, etc.”

Like Moderately 19.51%

Like Slightly 24.39%

Neither Like Nor Dislike 4.88%

• “A much healthier way of having soup than metal cans. Easier to store; faster; looks like actual homemade soup. Convenience of b i bl t h thi d t h Dislike Slightly 12.20%

Dislike Moderately 7.32%

Dislike Very Much 4.88%

being able to have this product anywhere without having to worry about how to open it like a can would.”

Dislike Extremely 2.44%

Note directional shift in top 2 box scores, decreased from 29.27% pre-use to 24.39% after use suggesting that the experience created slight dissatisfaction.

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gg g p gHowever, lack of familiarity with this format for liquids such as soup.

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Learnings from Liquid Food Proxyea gs o qu d ood o y

Pre and Post Test Evaluation of Liquid Food Proxy• Consumers were fairly positive

about this package which has




q y

Pre TestPost Test

about this package, which has significant graphic shelf appeal

• Opening and dispensing experiences were mixed leading




of R

esp Post Testexperiences were mixed, leading

some consumers to downgrade their positivity after use.

• There seemed to be some

PercThere seemed to be some

skepticism about the functionality of microwaving in the pouch, which was not tested, but is part of the product promise as well as the

Participant Evaluation

product promise, as well as the ease of pouring of a liquid from a pouch without mess.

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Page 36: Focus on Insights - FPA · Focus on Insights Consumer Perceptions of Flexible Packaging Prepared for Flexible Packaging Association – February 2013. CoCo te tntext • Project Objective

Proxy: Single-Serve Beverages – Qualitative LearningsSi l S B B d W h Sh & C diti EtSingle-Serve Beverages, Body Wash, Shampoo & Conditioner, Etc.

• Of the 41 respondents tested: • 11 purchased in Metal Can• 2 purchased in Glass Jar• 2 purchased in Glass Jar• 26 purchased in Plastic Cup• 1 purchased in Pouch • 1 purchased in Other packaging type such as a juice box

• Current/Recognized Advantages to Flexible Packaging Spill proof Stands on its own Light weightg g Portable Intuitive Easy to dispose of

O t iti f G th/E h t• Opportunities for Growth/Enhancement• Improve ease of opening• Some consumers struggled with opening the pouch – there

is no one right way. Explore human factors and design opportunities

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Page 37: Focus on Insights - FPA · Focus on Insights Consumer Perceptions of Flexible Packaging Prepared for Flexible Packaging Association – February 2013. CoCo te tntext • Project Objective

Proxy: Single-Serve Beverages – Overall O i iOpinion

Now after having tried the product, please place an “X” in the ONE box that best describes your overall opinion on your

experience. • “Its spill proof and stands alone. I am

delighted to experience this packingLike Extremely 7.32%

Like Very Much 12.20%

Like Moderately 9 76%

pdelighted to experience this packing product.”

• “This is easy to transport, it sits on the table well so it won’t spill, no plastic Like Moderately 9.76%

Like Slightly 12.20%

Neither Like Nor Dislike 17.07%

Dislike Slightly 17 07%

table well so it won t spill, no plastic straws to waist or get on you while opening up the product, very easy to open and dispense. I like this product.”

Dislike Slightly 17.07%

Dislike Moderately 9.76%

Dislike Very Much 7.32%

• “The pouch is lightweight. I live the fact that it’s thin and I can just put it my purse or pocket. It’s also easy to hold and dispense.”

Dislike Extremely 7.32%

and dispense.

Note directional shift in top 2 box scores, decreased from 21.95% pre-use to 19.52% after use suggesting that the experience created some

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dissatisfaction. However, lack of familiarity with this format for liquids.

Page 38: Focus on Insights - FPA · Focus on Insights Consumer Perceptions of Flexible Packaging Prepared for Flexible Packaging Association – February 2013. CoCo te tntext • Project Objective

Learnings from Single Serve Beverage Proxyea gs o S g e Se e e e age o y

Pre and Post Test Evaluation of Single Serve Beverage Proxy

• Consumers were unsure about this package on sight evaluation, and they remained rather di ided on it after se





Pre Test

remained rather divided on it after use

• Opening and dispensing experiences were least positive on this proxy, and participants were observed to struggle




nt o

f Resparticipants were observed to struggle

with an opening feature that frequently frustrated the consumers

Product consumption from the package Pe• Product consumption from the package or dispensing were viewed in the least positive manner for this package

• Consumers seemed to view thisParticipant Evaluation

• Consumers seemed to view this application with skepticism; many wanted a straw to provide a better interface for consumption

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Page 39: Focus on Insights - FPA · Focus on Insights Consumer Perceptions of Flexible Packaging Prepared for Flexible Packaging Association – February 2013. CoCo te tntext • Project Objective

Proxy: Pods – Qualitative LearningsLaundry Detergent, Dishwasher Soap (Tablets = Dish Soap)

• Of the 41 respondents tested: • 38 purchased in Plastic Bottle• 2 purchased in Pouch

1 purchased in other type packaging such as a• 1 purchased in other type packaging such as a plastic container with a snap top

• Current/Recognized Advantages to Flexible PackagingPackaging

• Convenient to store (takes up less shelf space) • Easy to carry• Light weight – can store in cabinet (relative to

heavy detergent containers)heavy detergent containers)• Opened and closed easily• Less mess than liquid and powder detergent• Less packaging, therefore environmentally

friendlye d y

• Opportunities for Growth/Enhancement• Some consumers struggled with opening the

pouch – there is no one right way. Explore fhuman factors and design opportunities

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Page 40: Focus on Insights - FPA · Focus on Insights Consumer Perceptions of Flexible Packaging Prepared for Flexible Packaging Association – February 2013. CoCo te tntext • Project Objective

Proxy: Pods – Overall Opinion

Now after having tried the product, please place an “X” in the ONE box that best describes your overall opinion on your


• “It was sturdy but easy to open. The product was easy to access. It closed easily so the

d ld f h I hi k i ldLike Extremely 24.39%

Like Very Much 31.71%

Like Moderately 17 07%

experience. product would stay fresh. I think it would stand easily on a shelf or in the cabinet. I like the design very much.”

“It i th f t d t f i d Like Moderately 17.07%

Like Slightly 7.32%

Neither Like Nor Dislike 7.32%

• “It is the perfect product for convenience and ease of use. No mess. No fuss. Doesn’t spill. Love this packaging and product.”

“I f l thi b th k t k Dislike Slightly 2.44%

Dislike Moderately 4.88%

Dislike Very Much 2.44%

• “I feel this way because the package takes up far less room than bulky containers Also, its environmentally friendly. I love the colorfulness of the package was well.”

Dislike Extremely 2.44%• “Handy and stores nicely.”

Note directional shift in top 2 box scores, increased from 53 66% pre-use to 56 1% after use suggesting

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from 53.66% pre-use to 56.1% after use suggesting that the experience was positive.

Page 41: Focus on Insights - FPA · Focus on Insights Consumer Perceptions of Flexible Packaging Prepared for Flexible Packaging Association – February 2013. CoCo te tntext • Project Objective

Learnings from Household Product Proxyea gs o ouse o d oduct o y

Pre and Post Test Evaluation of Household Product Proxy

• Consumers were exceptionally positive about this product on sight evaluation,





Pre TestPost Test

and most remained very pleased with the package post-use

• Some increase in consumer dislike may




nt o

f Restrace to concerns that the package was

oversized for the product, dislike of the product itself, or confusion that the package included the pod film


• Opening was a concern for some consumers, as well

Participant Evaluation• Some consumers were unfamiliar with this product, and the halo of uncertainty may have impacted package scoring post use

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Page 43: Focus on Insights - FPA · Focus on Insights Consumer Perceptions of Flexible Packaging Prepared for Flexible Packaging Association – February 2013. CoCo te tntext • Project Objective

WIIFY (What’s in it for you?)( at s t o you )

• Consumers are open to flexible packagingShelf impact is key– Shelf impact is key

– There is an overall positivity about flexible– Seen as convenient protection that is

convenient and responsibleconvenient and responsible– Move away from old paradigms about


• Call to action– Look for markets where the natural

attributes of flexibles fit• Transparency• Packaging reduction• Portability• Freshness

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Page 44: Focus on Insights - FPA · Focus on Insights Consumer Perceptions of Flexible Packaging Prepared for Flexible Packaging Association – February 2013. CoCo te tntext • Project Objective

Flexible PackagingOpening New OpportunitiesOpening New Opportunities

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Page 45: Focus on Insights - FPA · Focus on Insights Consumer Perceptions of Flexible Packaging Prepared for Flexible Packaging Association – February 2013. CoCo te tntext • Project Objective

What does all of this mean for us?at does a o t s ea o us

• Function, Function, FunctionConsumers expect packaging to work this is a must have– Consumers expect packaging to work – this is a must have

– The package needs to fit the occasion – most consumers do not want to trade down for sustainability

– How the package functions is critical to repurchase; we wouldHow the package functions is critical to repurchase; we would expect to see that after scores are the same or better than before

• Call to actionCall to action– Invest in functional enhancements for flexibles replacement

opportunities (follow Universal Design principles)• Opening• Reclosing• Thermal stability• Dispensing

M i l i• Material properties


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Page 46: Focus on Insights - FPA · Focus on Insights Consumer Perceptions of Flexible Packaging Prepared for Flexible Packaging Association – February 2013. CoCo te tntext • Project Objective

Functional Improvement: P f i M t HPerformance is a Must Have

Consumer frustration with package opening and evacuation are commonly cited as complaints. Ensuring that packages perform as promised protects repeat purchase; opening reclosing andEnsuring that packages perform as promised protects repeat purchase; opening, reclosing and

proper orientation are expected.

“Somewhat harder to get the product out because the zipper closureSomewhat harder to get the product out because the zipper closure was closed and I had to break through that opening. Probably not for children’s safety though (not a lot of kids could probably open it).”

“I don’t personally like the look as well as it feels flimsy

“While the package was easy to open it is look, as well as, it feels flimsy

to have a liquid product to heat and pour in a pouch.”

was easy to open, it is much harder to

dispense without spilling.”

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Page 47: Focus on Insights - FPA · Focus on Insights Consumer Perceptions of Flexible Packaging Prepared for Flexible Packaging Association – February 2013. CoCo te tntext • Project Objective

What does all of this mean for us?at does a o t s ea o us• Close the loop and watch for bad actors

– Consumers believe in packaging reduction as a sustainability effortsustainability effort

– LOHAS and savvy consumers will look for recyclability in the future as the category evolves

• Call to action– Be aware of opportunities to move from customer cost

reduction as the measure of sustainability; as EPR and y;other pressures increase, end of life issues will continue

• End of life claims are key to some LOHAS consumers• Source reduction is valued

– Invest in safer materials• Consumers are increasingly aware of bad actors• Not always factual, but real to them

The choose based on comple set of beliefs and changes• They choose based on complex set of beliefs and changes

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Page 48: Focus on Insights - FPA · Focus on Insights Consumer Perceptions of Flexible Packaging Prepared for Flexible Packaging Association – February 2013. CoCo te tntext • Project Objective

Functional ImprovementP f i M t HPerformance is a Must Have

Consumers are generally accepting of flexibles as a way to get convenience and function g y p g y gwithout excess packaging. However, over time expect consumers to continue to expect more, and concerns to elevate especially due to social media.

“Th k d il“Less packaging;

less waste; resealable; stays

“The package opened easily, poured simply into the cup.

Resealing of the packaging is fast and easy.” resealable; stays

fresh longer”fast and easy.

“I really like how t it i dcompact it is and

everything in one little pkg. Very easy to open

and access.”

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Page 49: Focus on Insights - FPA · Focus on Insights Consumer Perceptions of Flexible Packaging Prepared for Flexible Packaging Association – February 2013. CoCo te tntext • Project Objective

What does all of this mean for us?at does a o t s ea o us• Get it in the cart

– Consumers like the promise of flexibles, but expect the same l l f f i f h flevel of function of other formats

– Graphics, windows, shape and reclose features assure consumers of product quality in flexibles

C ll t ti• Call to action– Invest in design and graphics capabilities as they are a flexible

packaging differentiator• Leverage transparency whenever possible and advantageous• Leverage transparency whenever possible and advantageous• Printing and decoration enhancements for flexibles• Pay attention to sensory elements like touch, scent and auditory

enhancements• Shape, form and structural design will be differentiators of other

products; invest in technologies to enable them in flexibles• Bringing truly premium attributes to flexibles will bring big wins

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Page 50: Focus on Insights - FPA · Focus on Insights Consumer Perceptions of Flexible Packaging Prepared for Flexible Packaging Association – February 2013. CoCo te tntext • Project Objective

High-Value Flexible PackagingRi ht Sid f th W ll C E lRight Side of the Well Curve Examples

Flexible packages such as those pictured which leverage structural, graphic and decorative elements are making significant gains in replacing other packaging formats. Each of the i t d d t l d i d i f t t d li ht hilpictured products leverage design and convenience features to delight consumers while

offering benefits to retailers and brand owners.


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Page 51: Focus on Insights - FPA · Focus on Insights Consumer Perceptions of Flexible Packaging Prepared for Flexible Packaging Association – February 2013. CoCo te tntext • Project Objective

Recommendationseco e dat o s• Review all of the results to understand relevance to your

business– Qualitative written answers/verbatims– Review videos to observe consumers as they experience

the package formats – look for design improvement opport nitiesopportunities

– Review mini-group discussion videos to identify sound bites that can be used to support your stories - in consumer languagelanguage

• Identify new products and categories where flexible packaging can enable value and deliver relevant differentiation throughout the consumer’s ‘journey of truth’differentiation throughout the consumer s journey of truth

• Continue to use Consumer Insight Research to strengthen your customer presentations and collateral material – in a more holistic waymaterial in a more holistic way

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For Questions or Comments: o Quest o s o Co e ts

Brian Wagner and Jill Ahern3075 Highland Pkwy, Suite 200 Downers Grove, IL 60515 Phone: 269-806-4566Fax: 630-442-6385

Packaging Technology Integrated Solutions is focused on one goal – delivering bottom line business value by making sure your packaging helps to grow your business. We partner with clients to maximize their packaging value through design, consulting, and execution services. Packaging Technology Integrated Solutions is a division of HAVI Global Solutions, LLC, a leader in packaging solutions, i t t d k ti d l h i l ti h di iintegrated marketing and supply chain analytics, merchandising planning and promotions management. The world's most respected brands rely on HAVI Global Solutions to deliver a competitive advantage for their business, and an unshakable respect for their corporate and environmental program impacts. p p p g pTo learn more, go to or

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Page 54: Focus on Insights - FPA · Focus on Insights Consumer Perceptions of Flexible Packaging Prepared for Flexible Packaging Association – February 2013. CoCo te tntext • Project Objective

Proxy: Dry Food – Sight Evaluation Onlyo y y ood S g t a uat o O y

• “I like the size of the package for snacking, on the go, or at work. I love that you can see the

Please by SIGHT EVALUATION ONLY; place an “X” in the ONE box best describing

your general opinion of the sample.the go, or at work. I love that you can see the product through the packaging before you buy.”

• “This is something I would buy. I love that you can see the product, very easy to store and

Like Extremely 7.32%

Like Very Much 34.15%

Like Moderately 26.83%p y y

could be used by even young members of the household. Very nice pkg look would catch my eye.”

Like Slightly 21.95%

Neither Like Nor Dislike 2.44%

Dislike Slightly 4.88%

• “I like the small size and ‘Ziplock’ bag feature. Also, plastic window shows what is inside the box. Easy to see how much cereal there is –sometimes big box is empty.”

Dislike Moderately 2.44%

Dislike Very Much 0.00%

Dislike Extremely 0 00%

• “Like how little space it will take up in pantry.”Dislike Extremely 0.00%

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Page 55: Focus on Insights - FPA · Focus on Insights Consumer Perceptions of Flexible Packaging Prepared for Flexible Packaging Association – February 2013. CoCo te tntext • Project Objective

Proxy: Dry Food – Opening Experience

Now open the sample and place an “X” in the ONE box best describing your opinion of

the opening experience.

• “The package opened easily, poured simply into the cup. Resealing of the packaging is fast and easy.”

Extremely Easy 21.95%

Very Easy 26.83%

Moderately Easy 12 20%

p g p

• “It tore open easy and I was able to reseal the bag without any problem. The bag stands alone without effort.”

Moderately Easy 12.20%

Slightly Easy 12.20%

Neither Difficult Nor Easy 2.44%


• “The seal opened completely though it needed an extra pull from the other end. The resealing bag is very appealing to maintain freshness. I also like how the bag can stand on its own

Slightly Difficult 24.39%

Moderately Difficult 0.00%

Very Difficult 0.00%

a so e o t e bag ca sta d o ts o(doesn’t fall over) so it will not flop over in my pantry. Great packaging! I especially like the open window of the product to see it as it really is.”

Extremely Difficult 0.00%• “I like that is sealed for freshness and easy to open and reseal it after opening. Its easy to store not bulky and take up a lot of space. You can see the actual product through the

• Capital letters = 95% significant• Lowercase letters = 90% significant

can see the actual product through the packaging.”

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Page 56: Focus on Insights - FPA · Focus on Insights Consumer Perceptions of Flexible Packaging Prepared for Flexible Packaging Association – February 2013. CoCo te tntext • Project Objective

Proxy: Dry Food – Access/Dispense Product Please remove/dispense a portion of the product sample as you normally would

(placing in the cup provided). Place an “X” in the ONE box that best describes your

• “It was easy to dispense the cereal and to close. It seems like it would keep the cereal fresh. I like the limited use of material (i e not a box and a bag)

Extremely Convenient 21.95%

Very Convenient 29.27%

opinion of the sample's ability to provide access/easily dispense the product.

limited use of material (i.e. not a box and a bag). Ingredients were easy to read on package.”

• “I like the ease of pouring and sealing product. I liked the size of the package for easy storage y

Moderately Convenient 17.07%

Slightly Convenient 14.63%

Neither Inconvenient Nor 0 00%

liked the size of the package for easy storage (doesn’t take up a lot of room in pantry). Don’t like the name of the product at all (inappropriate). With such a small size bag, it probably isn’t a good value for your money.”

Convenient 0.00%

Slightly Inconvenient 12.20%

Moderately Inconvenient 2.44%

• “The bag as a little tough to open but the cereal poured out easily and the bag closed easily. I like being able to see in the package from the front too ”

Very Inconvenient 2.44%

Extremely Inconvenient 0.00%


• “Pours easily, there was no mess. Cereal seemed to be very fresh, and you could reseal package to continue freshness.”

• Capital letters = 95% significant• Lowercase letters = 90% significant

continue freshness.

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Page 57: Focus on Insights - FPA · Focus on Insights Consumer Perceptions of Flexible Packaging Prepared for Flexible Packaging Association – February 2013. CoCo te tntext • Project Objective

Proxy: Dry Food – Use of Flexible Packaging Appropriate for Proxy Type pp op ate o o y ype

Thinking about the package, place an “X” in the ONE box that best describes your

opinion of how appropriate it is for use with cereal. • “I very much like the pouch format. It stands up on

its own, it re-seals for freshness and it takes up Extremely Easy 19.51%

Very Easy 19.51%

Moderately Easy 31.71%

ts o , t e sea s o es ess a d t ta es upmuch less valuable cupboard space.”

• “love the fact that there is no box to fool with. The bag is a space saver. I also love the ease of the

Slightly Easy 7.32%

Neither Difficult Nor Easy 4.88%

Slightly Difficult 9.76%

packaging opening. I did not like having to tear the top away.”

• “The product was easy to open with the plastic

Moderately Difficult 4.88%

Very Difficult 2.44%

strip. Resealability will keep it fresher than a box cereal with an inner bag. I like that I can see the actual product before I open it. It was easy to dispense though the p0roduct could miss the bowl as it is being poured. Perhaps a re-sealable, spout

Extremely Difficult 0.00%as it is being poured. Perhaps a re sealable, spout like on a juice box may work well. Very appropriate for cereal.”

• The packaging was a good fit for the product p g g g pinside.

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Page 58: Focus on Insights - FPA · Focus on Insights Consumer Perceptions of Flexible Packaging Prepared for Flexible Packaging Association – February 2013. CoCo te tntext • Project Objective

Proxy: Liquid Foods – Sight Evaluation Only

Like Extremely 9.76%

Like Very Much 19.51%

Lik M d t l 21 95%

Please by SIGHT EVALUATION ONLY; place an "X" in the ONE box best describing your general opinion of the sample.

Top Two Boxes Aggregate

29 27%

“You can see a good picture of what the product looks like a modern look to package. Easy to open. Easy to carry not so heavy; healthier than cans. More portable. More and newer variety of

Like Moderately 21.95%

Like Slightly 17.07%

Neither Like Nor Dislike 14.63%

29.27%flavors than the traditional flavors.” Dislike Slightly 4.88%

Dislike Moderately 7.32%

Dislike Very Much 4.88%

“Happy with the packaging idea. Noticed the cool touch areas – clever. Again, easy for carry-out lunches too.”

Dislike Extremely 0.00%“I don’t personally like the look, as well as, it feels flimsy to have a liquid product to heat and pour in a pouch.”


Bottom Two Boxes Aggregate


• Capital letters = 95% significant• Lowercase letters = 90% significant


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Slide 58

GE2 Flip the scale positive first, then negative.GfK Employee, 1/23/2013

Page 60: Focus on Insights - FPA · Focus on Insights Consumer Perceptions of Flexible Packaging Prepared for Flexible Packaging Association – February 2013. CoCo te tntext • Project Objective

Proxy: Liquid Foods – Opening Experience

Extremely Easy 31.71%

Very Easy 39.02%

M d t l E 9 76%

Now open the sample and place an “X” in the ONE box best describing your opinion of the opening experience.

Top Two Boxes Aggregate

70 73%

Moderately Easy 9.76%

Slightly Easy 2.44%

Neither Difficult Nor Easy 2.44%

“I like this idea of packaging, the ease of opening. I’m starting to turn away from canned items the (tin) chemicals in it. I like the fact that there isn’t any sharp edges or if you dropped it you would break your toe.” 70.73%Slightly Difficult 7.32%

Moderately Difficult 7.32%

Very Difficult 0.00%

“There is no need for a can opener, so this would be convenient anywhere. Very easy to open which is nice that your not fighting container which would make you spill "

pp y y

Extremely Difficult 0.00%

container, which would make you spill.

“This was very easy to use if you are want soup at work or on the go (for microwave use). It was very easy to open. I didn’t get

Bottom Two Boxes Aggregate


use). It was very easy to open. I didn t get it all over my fingers or spill it.”

“While the package was easy to open, it is much harder to dispense without spilling.”

• Capital letters = 95% significant• Lowercase letters = 90% significant

Page 61: Focus on Insights - FPA · Focus on Insights Consumer Perceptions of Flexible Packaging Prepared for Flexible Packaging Association – February 2013. CoCo te tntext • Project Objective

Proxy: Liquid Foods– Access/Dispense Product

Extremely Convenient 7.32%

Very Convenient 31.71%

M d l C i 19 51%

Please remove/dispense a portion of the product sample as you normally would (placing in the cup provided). Place an “X” in the ONE box that best describes

Top Two Boxes Aggregate

39 03%

Moderately Convenient 19.51%

Slightly Convenient 14.63%

Neither Inconvenient NorConvenient 4.88%

your opinion of the sample's ability to provide access/easily dispense the product.

“The product opened easily, poured easily and without splashing I opened the top only 39.03%Slightly Inconvenient 14.63%

Moderately Inconvenient 2.44%

Very Inconvenient 4.88%

without splashing. I opened the top only halfway, thinking it might splash, but since the opening is narrow, it was easy to direct the pouring (unlike a can). It was also easy to pour a limited amount since I felt control over what I poured.”

Extremely Inconvenient 0.00%“Ripping the package was very easy. Pouring into the cup was also easy – package could be handled easily to avoid splatters. I like the idea of no – metal affecting the taste of the soup.”

Bottom Two Boxes Aggregate


• Capital letters = 95% significant• Lowercase letters = 90% significant

Page 62: Focus on Insights - FPA · Focus on Insights Consumer Perceptions of Flexible Packaging Prepared for Flexible Packaging Association – February 2013. CoCo te tntext • Project Objective

Proxy: Liquid Foods – Use of Flexible Packaging Appropriate for Proxy Type ac ag g pp op ate o o y ype

Extremely Easy 9.76%

Very Easy 17.07%

M d t l E 19 51%

Thinking about the package, place an “X” in the ONE box that best describes your opinion of how appropriate it is for use with soup.

Top Two Boxes Aggregate

26 83%

Moderately Easy 19.51%

Slightly Easy 9.76%

Neither Difficult Nor Easy 7.32%

“I think that this is a great idea for soup! I

“I liked that it’s skinner and more portable than a can and seems to pour better without splashing all over.”

26.83%Slightly Difficult 21.95%

Moderately Difficult 12.20%

Very Difficult 2.44%

I think that this is a great idea for soup! I love soup and don’t like the fact that it sits in a metal can. This is really a convenient option for soup. It did splatter when I poured it, but I don’t see that as a big deal. You could also just eat it out of the bag.”

Extremely Difficult 0.00%“Packaging was great, but it would have been nice if there was just a small tear at the corner of the pouch so that only an inch or so was used for pouring. This way the splattering and spilling would be minimized ” Bottom Two

Boxes Aggregate


spilling would be minimized.

• Capital letters = 95% significant• Lowercase letters = 90% significant

Page 63: Focus on Insights - FPA · Focus on Insights Consumer Perceptions of Flexible Packaging Prepared for Flexible Packaging Association – February 2013. CoCo te tntext • Project Objective

Proxy: Single-Serve Beverages – Sight Evaluation Onlyy

Like Extremely 7.32%

Like Very Much 14.63%

Lik M d t l 14 63%

Please by SIGHT EVALUATION ONLY; place an "X" in the ONE box best describing your general opinion of the sample.

Top Two Boxes Aggregate

21 95%

Like Moderately 14.63%

Like Slightly 29.27%

Neither Like Nor Dislike 9.76%

“Love that the package could be put in pocket before and after consuming.”

“Really like the design of the package. It stands 21.95%Dislike Slightly 9.76%

Dislike Moderately 7.32%

Dislike Very Much 4.88%

y g p gup even after ½ of the product is removed. It was easy to open and dispense , great shape for squeezing- not too large.”

“I like the light; easy to carry packaging; no

Dislike Extremely 2.44%

I like the light; easy to carry packaging; no risk of glass breaking; healthier than metal cans.”

“I like the packaging. I like the color combo. I like the slim lines, light weight teen friendly.”

Bottom Two Boxes Aggregate


teen friendly.

• Capital letters = 95% significant• Lowercase letters = 90% significant

Page 64: Focus on Insights - FPA · Focus on Insights Consumer Perceptions of Flexible Packaging Prepared for Flexible Packaging Association – February 2013. CoCo te tntext • Project Objective

Proxy: Single-Serve Beverages – Opening Experiencep

Extremely Easy 7.32%

Very Easy 9.76%

M d t l E 14 63%

Now open the sample and place an “X” in the ONE box best describing your opinion of the opening experience.

Top Two Boxes Aggregate

17 08%

Moderately Easy 14.63%

Slightly Easy 14.63%

Neither Difficult Nor Easy 2.44%

“The product is self-explanatory as far opening and dispensing. It’s small and easy to tote in your gym bag or purse.”

17.08%Slightly Difficult 34.15%

Moderately Difficult 9.76%

Very Difficult 2.44%

“Easy to find tear location and ripped easily.”

“It opened very easily. The beverage poured easily, and wasn’t messy at all. I really liked

Extremely Difficult 4.88%

eas y, a d as t essy at a ea y edthese containers/packages.”

Bottom Two Boxes Aggregate


• Capital letters = 95% significant• Lowercase letters = 90% significant

Page 65: Focus on Insights - FPA · Focus on Insights Consumer Perceptions of Flexible Packaging Prepared for Flexible Packaging Association – February 2013. CoCo te tntext • Project Objective

Proxy: Single-Serve Beverages –Access/Dispense Product p

Extremely Convenient 9.76%

Very Convenient 26.83%

M d l C i 14 63%

Please remove/dispense a portion of the product sample as you normally would (placing in the cup provided). Place an “X” in the ONE box that best describes your opinion of the sample's ability to provide

Top Two Boxes Aggregate

36 59%

Moderately Convenient 14.63%

Slightly Convenient 9.76%

Neither Inconvenient NorConvenient 4.88%

opinion of the sample's ability to provide access/easily dispense the product.

“The packaging delighted me. Thin, light weight, and easy to hold. I also liked the fact that there was a controlled flow. The liquid did 36.59%Slightly Inconvenient 17.07%

Moderately Inconvenient 4.88%

Very Inconvenient 7.32%

qnot just fall out. The material is easy to hold also.”

“The packaging can easily be punctured. It’s easy to open. Pouring from content to cup it easy.”

Extremely Inconvenient 4.88%“This product is easy to use, it was fast to open and pour from. I feel that if used as a primer for exercise, it may be drank right from the container with no need to pour. This


Bottom Two Boxes Aggregate


would be easy to carry and the packaging could be tucked away easily (if needed – say a runner who is not near a trashcan)”

• Capital letters = 95% significant• Lowercase letters = 90% significant

Page 66: Focus on Insights - FPA · Focus on Insights Consumer Perceptions of Flexible Packaging Prepared for Flexible Packaging Association – February 2013. CoCo te tntext • Project Objective

Proxy: Single-Serve Beverages – Use of Flexible Packaging Appropriate for Proxy Type e b e ac ag g pp op ate o o y ype

Extremely Easy 12.20%

Very Easy 21.95%

M d t l E 9 76%

Thinking about the package, place an “X” in the ONE box that best describes your opinion of how appropriate it is for use with single-serve beverages.

Top Two Boxes Aggregate

34 15%

Moderately Easy 9.76%

Slightly Easy 4.88%

Neither Difficult Nor Easy 2.44%

“+ This would be very convenient to pack in a gym bag and I like the size because these product are often packed in portions that are inappropriately large.”

34.15%Slightly Difficult 21.95%

Moderately Difficult 12.20%

Very Difficult 12.20%

“It keeps you from drinking in access. If you are traveling by car it is super easy. This product looks like it packs well.”

Extremely Difficult 2.44%“Package is handy for a single serve beverage, it seals nicely at the top. I would assume it would be consumed quickly and that is why a cap is not necessary. If it tipped over it would not all spill out After Bottom Two

Boxes Aggregate


tipped over it would not all spill out. After consumed there is not much packaging left.”

“It is a good size for single serve. Felt good in the hand pouring and would be easy to drink from pouch ”

• Capital letters = 95% significant• Lowercase letters = 90% significant

drink from pouch.

Page 67: Focus on Insights - FPA · Focus on Insights Consumer Perceptions of Flexible Packaging Prepared for Flexible Packaging Association – February 2013. CoCo te tntext • Project Objective

Proxy: Pods– Sight Evaluation Only

Like Extremely 17.07%

Like Very Much 36.59%

Lik M d t l 14 63%

Please by SIGHT EVALUATION ONLY; place an "X" in the ONE box best describing your general opinion of the sample.

Top Two Boxes Aggregate

53 66

Like Moderately 14.63%

Like Slightly 12.20%

Neither Like Nor Dislike 14.63%

“The packaging is great and very compact to save space in your laundry room but not super easy to open. The convenience of individual pouches is a great idea.”

53.66Dislike Slightly 4.88%

Dislike Moderately 0.00%

Dislike Very Much 0.00%

“I really like how compact it is and everything in one little pkg. Very easy to open and access.”

Dislike Extremely 0.00%“I like the package. It’s small and not heavy. It’s convenient and appealing. It gets your attention and make you want to try it.”

“I like portability and lightness of product Bottom Two Boxes Aggregate


I like portability and lightness of product. The only think that would make this better would to be able to recycle packaging.”

• Capital letters = 95% significant• Lowercase letters = 90% significant

Page 68: Focus on Insights - FPA · Focus on Insights Consumer Perceptions of Flexible Packaging Prepared for Flexible Packaging Association – February 2013. CoCo te tntext • Project Objective

Proxy: Pods – Opening Experience

Extremely Easy 12.20%

Very Easy 26.83%

M d t l E 21 95%

Now open the sample and place an “X” in the ONE box best describing your opinion of the opening experience.

Top Two Boxes Aggregate

39 03%

Moderately Easy 21.95%

Slightly Easy 9.76%

Neither Difficult Nor Easy 2.44%

“The plastic tore apart easily and opened easily. The packaging is small and you get many uses. Not only is the packing small, it’s a space saver if you have a small laundry room area.”

39.03%Slightly Difficult 17.07%

Moderately Difficult 7.32%

Very Difficult 2.44%

“The package was easy to open and re-seal. It was very easy to get a pod out. This feels much lighter than typical laundry detergent, so I could store it on a shelf instead of the floor.”

Extremely Difficult 0.00%“Opened very easily for me. Somewhat harder to get the product out because the sipper closure was closed and I had to break through that opening. It seems to be safe and containing package because of the zipper Bottom Two

Boxes Aggregate


containing package because of the zipper closure inside (probably not for children’s safety though (not a lot of kids could probably open it).”

“I love how easy the package is to open. I

• Capital letters = 95% significant• Lowercase letters = 90% significant

also love that you don’t have to measure and that you can just drop it in. Love the concept of the product though.”

Page 69: Focus on Insights - FPA · Focus on Insights Consumer Perceptions of Flexible Packaging Prepared for Flexible Packaging Association – February 2013. CoCo te tntext • Project Objective

Proxy: Pods – Access/Dispense Product

Extremely Convenient 53.66%

Very Convenient 29.27%

M d l C i 7 32%

Please remove/dispense a portion of the product sample as you normally would (placing in the cup provided). Place an “X” in the ONE box that best describes your opinion of the sample's ability to provide

Top Two Boxes Aggregate

82 93%

Moderately Convenient 7.32%

Slightly Convenient 0.00%

Neither Inconvenient NorConvenient 2.44%

opinion of the sample's ability to provide access/easily dispense the product.

“It is simple to use. They are premeasured amounts, no sticky or spilled detergent. The

82.93%Slightly Inconvenient 4.88%

Moderately Inconvenient 0.00%

Very Inconvenient 2.44%

package is not super heavy. Easy to handle.”

I love that there is no measuring or mess. The individual portions are awesome. I have never used anything like this myself.”

Extremely Inconvenient 0.00%“Once opened, it’s a simple matter of plucking one pod out and into the washer.”

Bottom Two Boxes Aggregate


“It is very easy to grab a “pod” from the bag and toss it into the washer (or cup in our case). The packaging would be fairly air-tight to avoid the product sticking together.”

• Capital letters = 95% significant• Lowercase letters = 90% significant

Page 70: Focus on Insights - FPA · Focus on Insights Consumer Perceptions of Flexible Packaging Prepared for Flexible Packaging Association – February 2013. CoCo te tntext • Project Objective

Proxy: Pods - Use of Flexible Packaging Appropriate for Proxy Type pp op ate o o y ype

Extremely Easy 34.15%

Very Easy 36.59%

M d t l E 19 51%

Thinking about the package, place an “X” in the ONE box that best describes your opinion of how appropriate it is for use with detergent.

Top Two Boxes Aggregate

70 74%

Moderately Easy 19.51%

Slightly Easy 0.00%

Neither Difficult Nor Easy 0.00%“For pods this packaging works. Easy to get in to. Size fits nicely on shelf in laundry room taking up less space.”

70.74%Slightly Difficult 4.88%

Moderately Difficult 2.44%

Very Difficult 2.44%

“Well, I think it’s obvious it would only be appropriate with pods, not liquid or powder! It was easy with its wide opening to reach in and grab a pod. I had a little difficulty opening it –several rips and tugs. But that’s one time only

Extremely Difficult 0.00%since it’s not food and I really never have to close it.”

“Package was tough to open first side ripped off therefore had to open at other end & hold the other side easy to get soap out no mess Bottom Two

Boxes Aggregate


the other side, easy to get soap out, no mess was nice, feel on hand (squishy) was surprising; this type of single dispensing of soap & packaging go well together.”

• Capital letters = 95% significant• Lowercase letters = 90% significant

Page 71: Focus on Insights - FPA · Focus on Insights Consumer Perceptions of Flexible Packaging Prepared for Flexible Packaging Association – February 2013. CoCo te tntext • Project Objective

Exit Interview Discussion Guidet te e scuss o Gu de

70 | 2/25/2013 | HAVI Global Solutions Confidential & Proprietary

Page 72: Focus on Insights - FPA · Focus on Insights Consumer Perceptions of Flexible Packaging Prepared for Flexible Packaging Association – February 2013. CoCo te tntext • Project Objective

Product Scorecardoduct Sco eca d

71 | 2/25/2013 | HAVI Global Solutions Confidential & Proprietary