Focus Group

Focus Group Report Introduction: My name is Muhammed Mughni and I’m conducting this focus group along with my group fellow’s Hamza, Sufyan, Jahangeer and Tayyab. This focus group is the part of our consumer behavior project. Our focus group topic is counterfeit products. “Counterfeit is replica of original product or duplicate product” This focus group was designed to gather information from different peoples in regard to the following outcomes: To understand what motivates peoples to buy counterfeit products. When people buy counterfeit then how can they justify it. What is the intention of people behind purchasing of counterfeit products? Buying counterfeit product is ethical or unethical.



Transcript of Focus Group

Focus Group ReportIntroduction:My name is Muhammed Mughni and Im conducting this focus group along with my group fellows Hamza, Sufyan, Jahangeer and Tayyab. This focus group is the part of our consumer behavior project. Our focus group topic is counterfeit products.Counterfeit is replica of original product or duplicate productThis focus group was designed to gather information from different peoples in regard to the following outcomes: To understand what motivates peoples to buy counterfeit products. When people buy counterfeit then how can they justify it. What is the intention of people behind purchasing of counterfeit products? Buying counterfeit product is ethical or unethical.Participants demographics: 8 participants took part in focus group. Zeshan rasool Comsats University graduate in BBA Arsalan Fast niversity graduate in Software engineering Muhammed zubair done MA English from GCU Lahore Haris graduate from Comsats University in electrical engineering Gahni doing Mass Communication from Gujarat University Fahad doing job in HBL

Question no 1:Have you ever purchased counterfeit products?Every one agrees that they purchase counterfeit products in their life no one disagree that they not purchase counterfeit product. Question no 2?When you buy product do you know that you purchase original or counterfeit product?Obviously everyone know what they purchase it is clearly difference between original and counterfeit product. Place from where you purchase is define the quality of product there is hell of difference between place from where you purchase the product.Question no 3?What is the intention behind the purchase of counterfeit product?Price of product is main factor of purchasing counterfeit product, price of original brand is high and some time is out of range only few people afford or buy original product or you can say upper class of society purchase branded products and price of counterfeit products is low and in rang every one can afford it. But there is hell of difference between quality of original and counterfeit product you can use counterfeit product for 5 or 6 months but you can use original or branded products for 3 or 4 years. But you can purchase 3 or 4 products in the price of 1 branded product. Some time manufacturer make counterfeit products because they are people friendly they provide opportunity to other peoples to buy same product that is available in branded shops. Now people are more status conscious they want to wear branded products but they cannot afford it so they buy counterfeit products to strong their social belongings. Question no 4:Which counterfeit product you mostly buy?Mostly people answer they prefer to buy casual wear products like t-shirts, glasses and wrist watch. These products are commonly use products and its look good when you wear a branded t-shirt or jeans and it is difficult to identify weather it is original or counterfeit.Question no 5?From where you buy counterfeit products?Counterfeit products are easily available products in every mall in every market you can easily purchase counterfeit products. In our city there are less original branded products shops and more counterfeit products shops. Counterfeit products are easily available products now people open their own shops and they sell other branded counterfeit products. Question no 6How can you differentiate original and replica product?Stuff and quality of original and replica product is different. Quality of original product is good and quality of replica product is not so good. But both the product same in look there is no difference in look of replica product they look like original. You cannot differentiate original and counterfeit product on the basis of look but when you wear you can easily differentiate which one is original and which one is counterfeit. Question no 7:You feel guilty when you purchase counterfeit product?Every person answer this question in this manner why we feel guilty we are paying for it. Trend is rapidly changing and people cannot afford branded things so people prefer to buy counterfeit products because they can approach these products.In this era people want respect and the time in which we live they can only get respect by wearing good things. Person who wear cheep cloth no one person try to approach it and the other person who wear good or branded cloths every person try to approach.Question no 8What is your behind purchasing counterfeit product?Counterfeit products is just look like original products thats why people prefer to buy counterfeit products the price of original ray ban glasses is more than 50000 but the counterfeit ray ban glasses in easily available in 500 or 1000rs. People are now more materialistic they want to compete with other they want to buy things which other buy. Due to counterfeit products domestic industry of Pakistan is boom because these are the people, who make counterfeit products or some time they import thing from china to is this sense domestic industry of Pakistan is boom. Question no 9When someone buy counterfeit then what you consider it?It depends on mentality; its based on peoples perception. One person answers this question in this manner if I see my friend wearing good thing that attracts me I asked from where he purchases this product, so I can also purchase it. Question no 10Is branded products is effected by replica products?No branded products is not effected by replica products because branded products only target upper class of society and upper class of society is not the user of replica products. Target audience of brand and replica is different so brand is not affected by replica products. Person who buy original product never buy replica product because brand hit the mentality of people now brand not only provide the product now they provide services that attract the people like warmly welcome the people, discount their regular customer etc. Question no 11When you buy counterfeit product you tell your friend that you buy counterfeit product?No we never try to hide this thing from our friend infect we tell them we purchase this thing in less price and motivate our friend to buy same product. When people buy replica product they feel confidence and they tell other to buy. Question no 12Why people buy counterfeit?Brand name is the important thing when we purchase counterfeit product second price of counterfeit product is low thats why mostly people buy counterfeit product. Question no 13How people come to know about counterfeit products?Through word of mouth people come to know about replica product people tell other peoples about different offerings and the place from where replica products are easily available. Social media mostly advertise replica products like t-shirts, jeans, glasses etc. Question no 14Selling counterfeit products is ethical or unethical?According to business point of view it is unethical because a brand spend a lot of money to built their image, creating desirable place in consumer mind through advertise heavily and make other expenses to stand so it is unethical according to business point of view. But according to customer point of view it is ethical because they have the right to buy anything.But lower class people have different opinion they say selling expensive product is unethical because one thing that cost 1000rs but company sell it on 10000rs is this is not ethical.Question no 15 Replica of which brand is easily available?On this point different people say different things some people say Levis is easily available in market and mostly counterfeit product is Levis and according to other people Ray Ban is mostly copied brand.