Fo n ta n a Un ifie d Sch o o l D is tric t is an equal ......h a v e y o u r c h i l d e n r o l l...

2020/21 Student Meal Grab 'N’ Go Service Start Date: Wednesday, AUGUST 26 ALL ELEMENTARY & MIDDLE SCHOOLS Every Wednesday 9am - 11am HIGH SCHOOLS Every Wednesday 9am - 11am 2pm - 5pm 37 locations 5 locations REQUIREMENTS AT ALL LOCATIONS Must have student ID meal card for each student FUSD Students will receive 7 days worth of food, including milk and fresh vegetables/fruits Available via drive-thru or walk- up service Wear masks and practice social distancing Students do not need to be present We ask that you pick up meals at the school of your oldest child, if possible, to reduce wait times You may pick up meals at any of our schools, except at Eric Birch & Citrus High Schools. You do not have to have your child enrolled at that site but must be enrolled at FUSD Fontana Unified School District is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

Transcript of Fo n ta n a Un ifie d Sch o o l D is tric t is an equal ......h a v e y o u r c h i l d e n r o l l...

Page 1: Fo n ta n a Un ifie d Sch o o l D is tric t is an equal ......h a v e y o u r c h i l d e n r o l l e d a t t h a t s i t e b u t m u s t b e e n r o l l e d a t F U S D Fo n ta n

2020/21 Student Meal Grab 'N’ Go ServiceStart Date: Wednesday, AUGUST 26


Every Wednesday9am - 11am

HIGH SCHOOLSEvery Wednesday

9am - 11am 2pm - 5pm 




Must have studentID meal card for

each student

FUSD Studentswill receive 7 days

worth offood, includingmilk and fresh


Available viadrive-thru or walk-

up service

Wear masks andpractice social


Students do notneed to be present

We ask that you pickup meals at the

school of your oldestchild, if possible, to

reduce wait times

You may pick up meals at any of ourschools, except at Eric Birch & Citrus

High Schools. You do not have tohave your child enrolled at that site

but must be enrolled at FUSD

Fontana Unified School District is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

Page 2: Fo n ta n a Un ifie d Sch o o l D is tric t is an equal ......h a v e y o u r c h i l d e n r o l l e d a t t h a t s i t e b u t m u s t b e e n r o l l e d a t F U S D Fo n ta n

2020/21 Servicio de Alimentos Grab 'N' GoFecha de Comienzo: Miércoles, AGOSTO 26



Cada Miércoles9am - 11am


9am - 11am 2pm - 5pm 




Debe tener unatarjeta de

identificación decomida para cada


Estudiantes de FUSDrecibirán alimentos

suficientes para 7 días,incluyendo leche y

frutas/verduras frescas

Serviciodisponible a

través devehículos o a pie

Uso de máscaras ydistanciamiento


Los estudiantesno necesitan

estar presentes

Le pedimos querecoja las comidas enla escuela de su hijomayor, si es posible,

para reducir lostiempos de espera

Puede recoger las comidas encualquiera de nuestras escuelas,

excepto en las Preparatorias Eric Birch y Citrus, no es necesario que su hijo

esté inscrito en ese sitio, pero si debeestar inscrito en FUSD

El Distrito Escolar Unificado de Fontana es un proveedor y empleador de igualdad de oportunidades.