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Article 1 Title : Prevention Of Baby Dumping Phenomenon: The Islamic Perspective Author : Ashgar Ali Ali Mohamed and Farheen Baig Sardar Baig Source : Ashgar Ali Ali Mohamed and Farheen Baig Sardar Baig (2010). Prevention Of Baby Dumping: The Islamic Perspective. Retrieved February 23, 2012 from http://agcwopac.agc.gov.my/e-docs/Journal/0000019379.pdf

Article 2 Title: Baby Dumping - The Mothers Need Help, Too. Author: Normila Noordin Source: Normila Noordin (2010, September 9) Baby Dumping - The Mothers Need Help, Too. Retrieved february 19,2012 from http://www.malaysiakini.com/letters/142339

Article 3 Title : Baby Dumping In Malaysia Author : Aairidi Source : Aairidi (2010, August 14) Baby Dumping In Malaysia. Retrieved March 12, 2012 from http://aarvidi.wordpress.com/2010/08/14/baby-dumping-in-malaysia/

Article 1 The prevention of baby dumping phenomenon, in the Islamic perspective is forbidden promiscuous relationship in Islam. It is been already stated in Holy Quran, illicit sexual intercourse between a man and a woman who are not validly married to each other is a sinful act and hence forbidden for Muslim (Ashgar Ali Ali Mohamed and Farheen Baig Sardar Baig, 2010). If they commit this sin, the punishment to be given to the accused is one hundred strips. Other prevention in Islamic perspective is prohibition of close proximity between man and woman. This had also been stated in Holy Quran that the close proximity between man and

woman who are not related to one another in degree of Mahram relationship (incest) is prohibited (Ashgar Ali Ali Mohamed and Farheen Baig Sardar Baig, 2010). The reason is, in the Holy Quran stated, when a woman and a man who are not related in Mahram relationship, are found alone in a place, it is believed that there will be a devil as a third party which will mislead the women and the man to a sinful act. Preservation of ones modesty is also a way of prevention in Islamic perspective (Ashgar Ali Ali Mohamed and Farheen Baig Sardar Baig, 2010). For Muslim women, it is prohibited for them to expose the attractive parts of their body. The only body parts of a Muslim woman that can be exposed are face and palm. Muslim Woman also cannot talk in a seductive manner to man. All the prevention in Islam perspective that be stated earlier are logically good because if really comply the prevention. The social problem like baby dumping will not exist and can be reduced if there is any.