Flyer for Titanic Dinner amended revised...

Cedar Lodge #60 along with The White Star Line in Clarkston, MI would like to invite you on board the R.M.S. TITANIC Come experience the music, and food of 1912. On Saturday, April 22, 2017. Taste the past of the Edwardian French Cuisine, enjoy the Music of the era such songs as Alexander’s Rag Time Band, Glow Worm, and Oh, You Beautiful Doll, to name a few. This is a Formal Dinner which was typical of the 1912 period and period costumes are welcome. Upon arrival to the R.M.S. Titanic present your tickets to the Officer on deck which will be exchanged for your Boarding Pass. Boarding starts and 7 pm the ship leaves the dock at 8 pm. This is a role playing evening, once you are handed your boarding pass you will be that passenger for the evening. At the end of the evening you will find out whether your character survived the ill faded steamer’s tragedy. Dirk Hughes from the Michigan Masonic Museum will be discussing the 19 Freemasons that were on board the R.M.S. TITANIC at the end of the evening. (This is a fund raiser for Cedar Lodge #60 with part of the proceeds going to one of the lodges many charities. There will also be a silent auction of 10 donated items to raise money for the Michigan Masonic Charitable Foundation) Price of the Tickets are: $30.00 per Person For Tickets Please Contact Ticketing Agent: Sean Miller Phone Number: (248) 420-8670 Seating is limited so get your tickets early Final ticket sales by April 12, 2017 Make Checks payable to: Cedar 60 Event Hosted by: Cedar Lodge #60 is located at: 1 East Washington Street, Clarkston, MI 48382

Transcript of Flyer for Titanic Dinner amended revised...

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