
Fluoroscopy Biomedical Engineering System

Transcript of Fluoroscopy

FluoroscopyBiomedical Engineering System

What is Fluoroscopy?• Fluoroscopy is a radiologic technique used to

examine the body or an organ.• It uses X-rays for this purpose.• While the X-ray machine is able to take one

picture at a time, fluoroscopes are able to take multiple shots per second to show it as a moving picture.

• This immediate imaging, when coupled with an image intensifier in invaluable in many situations.

X-Rays and Fluoroscopy• Fluoroscopes are used mainly for organs because

they do involuntary work. Bones do not do anything unless they are commanded.

• Because of this, fluoroscopes are used to check if the organ(s) is(are) functioning properly.• In short, X-ray machines

are used for anatomical imaging and is static, as

compared to fluoroscopy, which is typically used for physiological imaging and hence, is dynamic.

Parts of a Fluoroscope• The main part that differs a fluoroscope from an X-ray

machine is an Image Intensifier. • Image Intensifiers are used to amplify low light level

images in a wide wavelength range to observable levels.• Since X-ray photons are not visible, they are sent to

image intensifiers. • This work is done by

input phosphor.• Photocathode responds to light stimulation with emission of electrons, a process called photoemission.

Uses• Fluoroscopy is used in many types of

examinations and procedures:• Barium X-rays • Cardiac catheterization • Arthrography (visualization of a joint or joints) • Lumbar puncture • Placement of intravenous (IV) catheters (hollow

tubes inserted into veins or arteries)• Biopsies