Fluoride Is Rat Poison. WAKE UP!

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Fluoride Is Rat Poison. Please WAKE UP! It's safer for you & your family to drink DISTILLED water or water that has went through a vigorous Reverse Osmosis.

Transcript of Fluoride Is Rat Poison. WAKE UP!

FLUORIDEDid you know that the government has allowed for many years (since WW2) for our tap water to be treated with fluoride? Fluoride is yet, another substance that Nazis put into the water for the imprisoned Jewish population during World War II. Want to know why? Because fluoride made them easier to manage....docile. Despite what you've been told all of your life, Fluoride does not prevent cavities, but it does cause cancer and it's a very potent neurotoxin. This means that it lowers the IQ of a person by destroying the necessary neurons (electric signals-carry information) that the brain normally sends & receives. The result is an inability for the brain to function at its maximum potential. However, the affected individual remains unemotional, compliant, and will easily follow orders. Yippie! Don't just take my word for it. Go to any local hardware store and look at the ingredients label on the back of a box of Rat Poison. You'll see that fluoride is, in fact, the main ingredient. It's also the main ingredient in PROZAC, an anti-deppressant. Also, brushing your teeth with fluoridated toothpaste and actually ingesting it into your body are 2 different things. Just stop brushing your teeth with rat poisoning, okay. I only say these things because I care. You don't here this in the news because they don't care! Now, there are fluoride-free toothpastes that you can buy. The brand that I prefer for my family is called Tom's, but make sure it's their fluoride-free version because they also sell a toothpaste that contains fluoride. The back of your fluoride toothpaste says to notify a Poison Control Center if only a pea-sized amount or more is swallowed. Yet, this is 3X less the amount of fluoride that's in an 8 oz. glass of water... which we're told to drink 6-8 glasses of per day! Get distilled water; it's the purest form of water that you can buy, usually bottled in jugs at the grocery store. Remember: DISTILLED water is the purest water you can possibly find. Many "brand names" such as Nestle, Evian, Ozarka Spring water, and even bottles that are labeled as "Drinking Water" are useless because they come from public water sources and still contain regular amounts of fluoride, so it would be pointless to purchase these types. By the way, Evian spelled backwards is Naive. Yes, these huge companies are ruthless and they do certainly have an agenda, which includes you & I and the rest of the working class taxpayers. And cancer is always on the rise, along with autism, heart disease, respiratory illness, neurological disorders, etc. What's it going to take for us to realize the many sources of these endless health problems? It doesn't stop with fluoride, friends. There are even straight up cancer cures, HIV/AIDS cures, etc. that are deliberately suppressed! WHY? Because there's no money in the cure! Imagine "the cure for

cancer" being televised and publicized all over the world. The Pharmaceutical Industry would lose TRILLIONS of dollars overnight. Jobs would be lost and not just medical jobs. No more "Race For The Cure" fundraisers... No more "Cancer awareness" products to be marketed to the public... That all stops the moment any information of a true cure is released.

MORE INFORMATION:Studies based upon the U.S. Vital Statistics for fluoridated versus nonfluoridated U.S. cities indicate a significant (greater than 99% confidence level) increase in cancer death rates occurring within the first two years of artificial fluoridation. The nine organ sites affected and their increase above the normal are: Mouth, 15%; Oesophagus, 48%; Stomach, 22%; Large Intestine, 31%; Rectum, 51%; Kidney, 10%; Bladder and other urinary organs 22%; other organs specifically female: Breast 15%; Ovary and Fallopian Tube, 15%. Patients having cancers of these organ sites should be advised that they should not continue to drink or cook with fluoridated city water but should substitute distilled water that has been filtered by reverse osmosis.

Based on what I've studied, I do believe this has & still is another attempt to sedate society in order to make us apethetic and docile. Well, I refuse. I refuse. But that's just me. Do your own research... Yet, poisons like Fluoride are introduced into our food, water, and other products. Then, anyone within society (that's us) who questions any of this is always made to look like a paranoid freak or a "conspiracy theorist"... like there aren't conspiracies that have, do, and will continue to happen. What was it that made us so NAIVE as to unwittingly trust these elite government scum & the ruling class, that only seek to further enslave us to increasing debt, disease, poverty, and false freedom? Who or what is truly running this society? Do we really have the power to literally stop this machine from destroying us all? And the answer is YES, we DO have the power.