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CROESYCEILIOG SCHOOL HOMEWORK Croesyceiliog School PARENTS’ GUIDE TO HOMEWORK 2018-19 YEAR 10 Page 1 of 46 V.DTR.02.10.2018

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Croesyceiliog School




Head of Year: Mrs R Edwards

Pastoral Support Officers: Miss K Dickens and Mrs B Webb

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Your child’s Subjects

During Key Stage 4 (Years 10 & 11) your child studies 3 Core Subjects (English, Maths and Science) as well as 4 Full Course Optional subjects and 2 Short Course Optional Subjects. Parents might find it helpful to complete the table below, to remind themselves of their child’s option choices, before using this booklet.

Core Subjects: My Childs Optional Subjects:English Full Course Option 1.Maths Full Course Option 2.Science Full Course Option 3.Welsh Full Course Option 4.

Short Course Option 1:Short Course Option 2 (if applicable):

What is Homework?

Homework is the work set regularly by teachers for your child to complete outside the timetabled curriculum. Not all homework can be done at home; for some children who find it difficult to work at home, or for some tasks that require particular resources that are more readily available in school, it is necessary or desirable for homework tasks to be completed in school.

The aims of Homework in Years 10 & 11

1. To enable your child to develop the independent study skills needed to help them to become effective independent and self-directed learners. These include the skills associated with personal organisation, research, planning, time-management, self-discipline and meeting deadlines.

2. To give your child the opportunity to take responsibility for their own learning3. To enable parents to engage effectively in support of their child’s learning4. To enable your child to consolidate and extend work covered in class5. To enable your child to contribute work completed outside the classroom to their portfolio’s for Essential

Skills Wales and the Welsh Baccalaureate where appropriate6. To enable your child to access resources not available in the classroom or in school

How much Homework will your child be set and by which subjects?

Families are advised, wherever possible, to take family holidays during the school holidays. Your child will therefore not normally be set Homework to complete during school holiday time. However, your child may need to complete revision for tests and examinations during some of their school holidays, as advised by their teachers. The table below sets out (for Years 10 & 11) the recommended time that your child should spend on homework and also clarifies which subjects will be setting Homework for your child to complete.

Subjects Recommended time per 2 week cycle (Hours)Years 10 & 11

English 1.5Maths 1.5Science 1.5Welsh 1.54 Full Course Optional Subjects 4 x 1.5 = 6.0Up to 2 Short Course Optional Subjects 2 x 0.75 = 1.5Total per cycle 12.0Written homework is not normally set for Work Skills or Compulsory PE at Key Stage 4What sort of tasks will your child be expected to complete?

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Examples of tasks that your child’s teachers might set include:

Independent Learning Projects (ILPs) lasting several weeks Consolidation of work completed in class Writing up/recording activities completed in class Further practice of skills/techniques covered in class – learning by doing/repeating Completion of BTEC (and other vocational course) assignments Completion of past examination questions Memorising vocabulary for Modern Foreign Languages and Welsh Memorising spellings Research Reading Drawing/making Using ICT where there is an outcome for the teacher to mark


1. The role of your child To listen carefully to homework instructions in class To copy instructions relating to homework tasks and deadline dates into their planner To ensure that homework is completed and handed in by the deadline To attempt all homework and try their best To inform their class teacher before the deadline of any difficulties

2. The role of parents/carers You have the key role in ensuring that homework is completed on time and to a good standard. It is first and foremost the responsibility of parents to ensure that their child completes all Homework set by the deadlines and to the best of their ability. You can best support your child in relation to homework by: Providing a table and chair in a quiet space where your child can work effectively. Helping your child (without doing it for them) to plan their private study time to ensure that the

workload resulting from Homework is spread across time so that overloading on certain days is avoided. This is an important skill for your child to develop.

Ensuring that outside clubs/interest/activities do not have a negative effect on the quality of homework produced by your child, or put your child under unnecessary pressure. Homework should come first.

Ensuring that your child completes all their homework and hands it in by the deadline. Checking the time spent by your child on individual homework activities. Checking the presentation and content of all homework being returned to school and helping

(without doing it for them) your child to improve their work. Signing your child’s planner each week. Contacting the school in relation to any problems relating to Homework. For general Homework

issues you should contact your child’s Head of Year. For subject specific Homework issues, you should contact the person named at the bottom of the relevant subject’s page in this Guide.

Ensuring that your child promptly copies up and completes all work missed due to absence.

3. The role of the subject teacher To set your child homework in-line with the plan detailed on their subject’s page within this Guide

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To set your child a clear deadline for each homework task and issue reminders To ensure that your child understands what they need to do to complete their homework successfully To provide help and support to your child To mark and return all homework promptly To communicate any problems in relation to homework, particularly the missing of deadlines,

promptly to you via your child’s planner To evaluate and grade your child’s ‘Attitude to Homework’ for inclusion in your child’s Progress

Checks (twice a year) and Profile Report (once a year)

In addition to Homework set by teachers, what other work should your child be completing at home?

Homework set by teachers is not the only study that your child should be completing at home. In addition, your child should also be regularly spending some time on self-directed independent study, which should include:

Copying up and completing work missed due to absence. General reading for pleasure to develop literacy skills and specific subject related reading to develop

interest and knowledge. Reading newspapers and watching news, current affairs and documentary type programmes. Sorting and organising their files and folders of work. Reviewing and learning lesson notes to reduce dependency on last minute revision prior to tests and

exams. Retention of knowledge and understanding is more effective if your child learns their notes regularly as they go along throughout the year, rather than leaving this task until the period just prior to a test or exam.

Revision activities in preparation for tests and examinations, particularly mock and external examinations. Teachers will advise your child on how to revise effectively at home and provide revision materials as appropriate. Your child will need to spend extended amounts of time undertaking revision activities at home, particularly in the period prior to tests and examinations. Revision at home of this type would not normally be classed as Homework (as defined at the start of this guide). Inevitably, your child will have to complete some of their revision during their school holidays.

Homework Policy

The School has adopted a Homework Policy, which is available on the School Website or via request directly from the school.

Individual Subject Homework Plans

Each subject has an individual Homework Plan in the following section, which we hope that parents will find helpful.

Year 10 Homework PlanCore Subject: English Recommended homework time per 2-week cycle: 1.5 Hours

Half Term 1 (Early Autumn):

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Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Shakespeare for Controlled Assessment, Poetry for Controlled Assessments and Unseen Poetry.

Homework assignments: Reading ‘Of Mice and Men’; Writing up notes/answering questions on Of Mice and Men’ and poetry as preparation for GCSE Literature Unit 1 exam in January.Also revision and preparation for Poetry Controlled Assessment. Revision for Shakespeare Controlled Assessment.(Usually 1.5 hours for each piece except revision time which would be longer.)

Half Term 2 (Late Autumn):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Of Mice and Men novel

Homework assignments: Revision for Of Mice and Men; GCSE past paper questions including extract and essay questions from ‘Of Mice and Men’; Practice of unseen poetry questions. (Usually 1.5 hours for each piece except revision time which would be longer.)

Half Term 3 (Early Spring):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Reading/revision of set texts An Inspector Calls and Heroes.

Homework assignments: Writing up notes/answering questions on An Inspector Calls and Heroes as preparation for GCSE Literature Unit 2 exam in May.(Usually 1.5 hours for each set of homework except revision time which would be longer)

Half Term 4 (Late Spring):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: As above.

Homework assignments: As above.

Half Term 5 (Early Summer):

Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Oracy Individual speech for GCSE English Language.Homework assignments: Preparation for the above.

Half Term 6 (Late Summer):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Reading and Writing skills as practice for GCSE English Language.Homework assignments: Activities based on the above.

If you would like to contact someone about your child’s homework in English please contact Mrs Wilkie (Head of English) in the first instance, by telephoning the school or via email at [email protected]

Year 10 Homework PlanCore Subject: Maths Recommended homework time per 2-week cycle: 1.5 Hours

Pupils working at Foundation LevelHalf Term 1 (Early Autumn):

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Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Number, Algebra, Shape

Homework assignments: 5 or 6 pieces of homework will be set this half term and should take students between 45 - 60 minutes to complete each piece of work. The assignments will cover:

Types of numbers; multiples, factors, primes Simplifying algebraic expressions Finding perimeter and area

Half Term 2 (Late Autumn):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Algebra and Shape

Homework assignments: 5 or 6 pieces of homework will be set this half term and should take students between 45 - 60 minutes to complete each piece of work. The assignments will cover:

Transformations including reflection and rotation Solving Equations Units of measure including metric and imperial

Half Term 3 (Early Spring):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Number, Shape and Data Handling

Homework assignments: 5 or 6 pieces of homework will be set this half term and should take students between 45 - 60 minutes to complete each piece of work. The assignments will cover:

Fractions Angles Averages

Half Term 4 (Late Spring):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Number and Algebra

Homework assignments: 4 or 5 pieces of homework will be set this half term and should take students between 45 - 60 minutes to complete each piece of work. The assignments will cover:

Percentages Number Patterns

Half Term 5 (Early Summer):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Shape and Data Handling

Homework assignments: 3 or 4 pieces of homework will be set this half term and should take students between 45 - 60 minutes to complete each piece of work. The assignments will cover:

2D and 3D Shapes Probability

Half Term 6 (Late Summer):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Number, Handling Data and Revision of key topics.

Homework assignments: 4 or 5 pieces of homework will be set this half term and should take students between 45 - 60 minutes to complete each piece of work.

Decimals and place value Presenting Data

Pupils working at Intermediate LevelHalf Term 1 (Early Autumn):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Number, Algebra, Shape

Homework assignments: 5 or 6 pieces of homework will be set this half term and should take students between 45 - 60 minutes to complete each piece of work. The assignments will cover:

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Types of numbers including indices Algebraic expressions including factorising Finding area and volume; including surface area

Half Term 2 (Late Autumn):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Algebra and Shape

Homework assignments: 5 or 6 pieces of homework will be set this half term and should take students between 45 - 60 minutes to complete each piece of work. The assignments will cover:

Transformations including translation and enlargement Solving Equations Units of measure including compound measures

Half Term 3 (Early Spring):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Number, Shape and Data Handling

Homework assignments: 4 or 5 pieces of homework will be set this half term and should take students between 45 - 60 minutes to complete each piece of work. The assignments will cover:

Fractions Angles in polygons and bearings Averages using grouped data

Half Term 4 (Late Spring):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Number and Algebra

Homework assignments: 4 or 5 pieces of homework will be set this half term and should take students between 45 - 60 minutes to complete each piece of work. The assignments will cover:

Percentages Number Patterns

Half Term 5 (Early Summer):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Shape and Data handling

Homework assignments: 3 or 4 pieces of homework will be set this half term and should take students between 45 - 60 minutes to complete each piece of work. The assignments will cover:

2D and 3D Shapes Probability

Half Term 6 (Late Summer):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Number, Data Handling and Revision of key topics.

Homework assignments: 4 or 5 pieces of homework will be set this half term and should take students between 45 - 60 minutes to complete each piece of work.

Decimals and place value including the use of standard form Presenting Data

Pupils working at Higher LevelHalf Term 1 (Early Autumn):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Number, Algebra, Shape

Homework assignments: 5 or 6 pieces of homework will be set this half term and should take students between 45 - 60 minutes to complete each piece of work. The assignments will cover:

Laws of indices Algebraic expressions including factorising quadratics

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Finding area and volume; including spheres and conesHalf Term 2 (Late Autumn):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Algebra and Shape

Homework assignments: 5 or 6 pieces of homework will be set this half term and should take students between 45 - 60 minutes to complete each piece of work. The assignments will cover:

Transformations including negative and fractional enlargements Solving quadratic equations Units of compound measure

Half Term 3 (Early Spring):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Number, Shape and Data Handling

Homework assignments: 5 or 6 pieces of homework will be set this half term and should take students between 45 - 60 minutes to complete each piece of work. The assignments will cover:

Algebraic fractions Pythagoras and Trigonometry Averages and measures of central tendency

Half Term 4 (Late Spring):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Number and Algebra

Homework assignments: 4 or 5 pieces of homework will be set this half term and should take students between 45 - 60 minutes to complete each piece of work. The assignments will cover:

Percentages Number Patterns

Half Term 5 (Early Summer):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Number and Data handling

Homework assignments: 3 or 4 pieces of homework will be set this half term and should take students between 45 - 60 minutes to complete each piece of work. The assignments will cover:

2D and 3D Shapes Probability

Half Term 6 (Late Summer):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Number, Data Handling and Revision of key topics.

Homework assignments: 4 or 5 pieces of homework will be set this half term and should take students between 45 - 60 minutes to complete each piece of work.

Manipulation of standard form Presenting Data

If you would like to contact someone about your child’s homework in Maths please contact Miss N Price (Acting Head of Maths) in the first instance, by telephoning the school or via email at [email protected]

Year 10 Homework PlanCore Subject: Science Recommended homework time per 2-week cycle: 1.5 Hours

Half Term 1 (Early Autumn):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Cells and movement across cell membranes; The Periodic table and Water; Features of Waves;

Homework assignments: Past paper questions/ PiXL diagnostic assignments/Educake app and PISA style questions and Revision for end of unit tests,

Half Term 2 (Late Autumn):

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Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Respiration and respiratory system in humans,; Ever changing earth; Making use of energy; Revision for end of unit tests

Homework assignments: Past paper questions/ PiXL diagnostic assignments/Educake app and PISA style questions and Revision for end of unit tests,

Half Term 3 (Early Spring):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Digestion and the digestive system, circulatory system, Elements, compounds and chemical reactions, Electric Circuits

Homework assignments: Past paper questions/ PiXL diagnostic assignments/Educake app and PISA style questions and Revision for end of unit tests,

Half Term 4 (Late Spring):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Plants and ecosystems, Rate of chemical change, Generating electricity

Homework assignments: Past paper questions/ PiXL diagnostic assignments/Educake app and PISA style questions and Revision for end of unit tests,

Half Term 5 (Early Summer):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Preparing for GCSE Science Examinations in June

Homework assignments: Past papers and Educake app

Half Term 6 (Late Summer):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Classification and biodiversity, Bonding and structure, speed and distance time graphs

Homework assignments: Past paper questions/ PiXL diagnostic assignments/Educake app and PISA style questions and Revision for end of unit tests,

If you would like to contact someone about your child’s homework in Science please contact Mr Norman (Head of Science) in the first instance, by telephoning the school or via email at [email protected]

Year 10 Homework PlanCompulsory Subject:Welsh

Recommended homework time per 2-week cycle: 1.5 Hours

Half Term 1 (Early Autumn):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Welsh grammar

Homework assignments:• One spelling/ vocabulary/ literacy learning homework per week• One skills, reading or writing homework per fortnight from homework booklet per weekHalf Term 2 (Late Autumn):

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Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Youth; Welsh grammar

Homework assignments:• One spelling/ vocabulary/ literacy learning homework per week• One skills, reading or writing homework per weekHalf Term 3 (Early Spring):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Youth; Welsh grammar

Homework assignments:• One spelling/ vocabulary/ literacy learning homework per week• One skills, reading or writing homework per week Revision/ consolidationHalf Term 4 (Late Spring):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Wales; Welsh grammar

Homework assignments:• One spelling/ vocabulary/ literacy learning homework per week• One skills, reading or writing homework per week Revision/ consolidationHalf Term 5 (Early Summer):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Wales; Welsh grammar

Homework assignments:• 2x spelling/ vocabulary/ literacy learning homework per week• 2x skills, reading/ writing/ skills homework per week Revision/ consolidationHalf Term 6 (Late Summer):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: the World of Work; Welsh grammar

Homework assignments:• 2x spelling/ vocabulary/ literacy learning homework per week• 1x skills, reading/ writing/ skills homework per week

Please note that all KS4 students will be issued grammar booklets during the first month of the academic year. These, along with their exercise books and any additional materials issued, are to be brought to class every lesson. Note that on occasion individual students/classes may be set additional or differentiated homework. Students are also expected to make regular use of recommended digital resources and use Welsh language media in order to further improve their language skills.

If you would like to contact someone about your child’s homework in Welsh please contact Mrs L Williams (Head of Welsh) in the first instance, by telephoning the school or via email at [email protected]

Year 10 Homework PlanFull Course Option Subject:Art

Recommended homework time per 2-week cycle: 1.5 Hours

Half Term 1 (Early Autumn):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Portraits – Observational studies of features.

Homework assignments:A2 Portrait – work in progress; Sketchbook work – Artist research, experiments with media, and reflecting on work in progress ; AO1 – Contextual Understanding; AO2 – Creative Making; AO3 – Reflective Recording; AO4 – Personal PresentationHalf Term 2 (Late Autumn):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Portraits – painting, printmaking, drawing, sculpture tasks,

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developing work in progress.

Homework assignments:Sketchbook work – Artist research, experiments with media, and reflecting on work in progress; AO1 - Contextual Understanding; AO2 – Creative Making; AO3 – Reflective Recording; AO4 – Personal PresentationHalf Term 3 (Early Spring):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Portraits – painting, printmaking, drawing, sculpture tasks, developing work in progress.

Homework assignments:Sketchbook work – Artist research, experiments with media, and reflecting on work in progress; AO1 – Contextual Understanding; AO2 – Creative Making; AO3 – Reflective Recording; AO4 – Personal PresentationHalf Term 4 (Late Spring):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Portraits – painting, printmaking, drawing, sculpture tasks, developing work in progress.

Homework assignments:Sketchbook work – research of the chosen artist. Critical, contextual, development and investigations; AO1 – Contextual Understanding; AO2 – Creative Making; AO3 – Reflective Recording; AO4 – Personal PresentationHalf Term 5 (Early Summer):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Portraits – painting, printmaking, drawing, sculpture tasks, developing work in progress.

Homework assignments:Sketchbook work – research of the chosen artist. Critical, contextual, development and investigations; AO1 – Contextual Understanding; AO2 – Creative Making; AO3 – Reflective Recording; AO4 – Personal PresentationHalf Term 6 (Late Summer):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Portraits – painting, printmaking, drawing, sculpture developing work in progress.

Homework assignments:Sketchbook work – research of the chosen artist. Critical, contextual, development and investigations; AO1 – Contextual Understanding; AO2 – Creative Making; AO3 – Reflective Recording; AO4 – Personal Presentation

If you would like to contact someone about your child’s homework in Art please contact Mrs Broughton (Head of Art) in the first instance, by telephoning the school or via email at [email protected]

Year 10 Homework PlanFull Course Optional Subject:Business Studies (BTEC)

Recommended homework time per 2-week cycle: 1.5 Hours

Half Terms 1 & 2 (Autumn Term):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Unit 1 Assignment 1

Homework assignments:Pupils are working on UNIT 1 currently and will be required to complete or improve by the end of term: Unit 1 Assignment 1. This consists of P1, P2, M1 and D1

Half Terms 3 & 4 (Spring Term):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Unit 1 Assignment 2

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Homework assignments:Pupils are working on Unit 1 currently and will be required to complete or improve by the end of term: Unit 1 Assignment 2. This consists of P3 and M2.

Half Term 5 (Early Summer):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Unit 1 Assignment 3

Homework assignments:Pupils are working on UNIT 1 currently and will be required to complete or improve by the half term: Unit 1 Assignment 3. This consists of P3 and M2.

Half Term 6 (Late Summer):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Unit 2 Assignment 1

Homework assignments:Students will have started Unit 2 and will be required to complete or improve by the end of term: Unit 2 Assignment 1. This consists of P1, P2, P3, M1 and D1.

If you would like to contact someone about your child’s homework in Business Studies please contact Mrs P Davies (BTEC Co-ordinator) in the first instance, by telephoning the school or via email at [email protected]

Year 10 Homework PlanFull Course Optional Subject:Child Development

Recommended homework time per 2-week cycle: 1.5 Hours

Half Term 1 (Early Autumn):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Contraception / Pregnancy / Birth

Homework assignments: Using ICT and the NHS website – pupils are to produce an advice booklet for pregnant women. Each topic will be covered and supported by separate homework assignments which lead to the completion of the above task.

Half Term 2 (Late Autumn):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Physical, Intellectual, Emotional & Social development

Homework assignments: Presentation of the physical, intellectual, emotional and social development

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milestones of a child under the age of 5 years. Pupils will conduct research of approximately half an hour for each of the developmental areas before preparing a body of work which will be presented to the class.

Half Term 3 (Early Spring):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Child study – child under 5 years of age

Homework assignments: Pupils are to conduct three separate one hour observational visits with the child. During this time, pupils must undertake observations of the child carrying out a variety of physical development tasks to establish whether or not the child is hitting their milestones. Guidance is given to pupils that identify the requirements of the task.

Half Term 4 (Late Spring):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Child study

Homework assignments: Pupils are to conduct three separate one hour observational visits with the child. During this time, pupils must undertake observations of the child carrying out a variety of physical development tasks to establish whether or not the child is hitting their milestones.

Half Term 5 (Early Summer)Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Child study

Homework assignments: Controlled Assessment Task: Analysis of the task; Improvements to the task; CAT related preliminary research - ongoing

Half Term 6 (Late Summer)Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Child study

Homework assignments: Controlled Assessment Task: CAT related preliminary research - ongoing

If you would like to contact someone about your child’s homework in Child Development please contact Mrs J Davies (Head of Technology) in the first instance by telephoning the school or via email at [email protected]

Year 10 Homework PlanFull Course Optional Subject:Drama

Recommended homework time per 2-week cycle: 1.5 Hours

Half Term 1 (Early Autumn):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: NA

Homework assignments: Pupils are to complete one entry per week in their log books

Half Term 2 (Late Autumn):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: NA

Homework assignments: Pupils are to complete one entry per week in their log books

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Half Term 3 (Early Spring):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Unit 1

Homework assignments: Research to be completed on their chosen topic in preparation for their devising project. Preparation for Unit 1 practical performance, including after school rehearsal

Half Term 4 (Late Spring):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Unit 1

Homework assignments: Pupils are to keep a working notebook for their devised performance which should be completed

after every lesson. Preparation for Unit 1 practical performance, including after school rehearsal

Half Term 5 (Early Summer):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Unit 1

Homework assignments: Completion of Unit 1 written Portfolio.

Half Term 6 (Late Summer):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Set text for written examination

Homework assignments: Research social and cultural context of set text for written exam text.

If you would like to contact someone about your child’s homework in Drama please contact Mr Morgan (Acting Head of Drama) in the first instance, by telephoning the school or via email at [email protected]

Year 10 Homework PlanFull Course Optional Subject:Food & Nutrition

Recommended homework time per 2-week cycle: 1.5 Hours

Half Term 1 (Early Autumn):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Highlighting hygiene and food safety, Healthy eating, Macro & Micro nutrients, Use of energy, Effects of sugar/fats/eggs in the diet. Research and produce a fact sheet for 5 a day.Homework assignments: Plan and prepare ingredients for practical activity - Rice salad, Risotto, Cakes - different methods ‘creaming’, ‘rubbing in’, ‘melting’, ‘whisking’; Evaluation of practical activity; Carbohydrate question sheet.Half Term 2 (Late Autumn):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Starchy foods/ thickening agent, Analysing fat in diet, protein showing coagulation. Demonstrate different uses for pastry.

Homework assignments: Plan and prepare ingredients for practical activity - cheese sauce, quiche, sausage rolls/pasties, and Christmas food product based on cookies; Evaluation of practical activity; Dos and don’ts of fat worksheet; Protein homework questions

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Half Term 3 (Early Spring):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Salt and sodium notes, Food spoilage/ bacteria/ high risk foods, bread and raising agents

Homework assignments: Plan and prepare ingredients for practical activity - chocolate mousse, chicken stir-fry, Bread/ pizza; Evaluation of practical activity; Food poisoning worksheets; Vitamins and minerals worksheets.Half Term 4 (Late Spring):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Controlled Assessment e.g. Reduce salt in the diet, Increase and encourage the use of fruit and vegetables and Uses and function of eggs.

Homework assignments: Task 1 Individual Investigation chosen task; Research and planning and preparation of information for WJEC exam controlled hours in school - three hours planned over four weeks.Half Term 5 (Early Summer)Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Analyse labelling and legislation and new government initiatives, understanding various factors for food choices, religion, culture, elderly, pregnancy, children

Homework assignments: Essay style question, factors affecting food choice; Understanding diet through life; Plan and prepare ingredients for practical activity; Evaluation of practical activityHalf Term 6 (Late Summer)Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Sensory analysis-disassembly, Cultural foods, typical Welsh foods, Cooking Methods and equipment.

Homework assignments: Write a newspaper article outlining changing times, influenced by other cultures; Plan and prepare ingredients for practical activity; Evaluation of practical activity

If you would like to contact someone about your child’s homework in Catering please contact Mrs J Davies (Head of Technology) in the first instance by telephoning the school or via email at [email protected]

Year 10 Homework PlanFull Course Optional Subject: Geography

Recommended homework time per 2-week cycle: 1.5 Hours

Half Term 1 (Early Autumn):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: CHANGING LANDSCAPES

Homework assignments: Exam questions, including extended 6 mark questions Revision for End of Topic Test Booklet with skills questions

Half Term 2 (Late Autumn):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT – RIVERS AND COASTS

Homework assignments: Exam questions, including extended 6 mark questions Revision for End of Topic Test

Half Term 3 (Early Spring):

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Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: RURAL AND URBAN ISSUES

Homework assignments: Exam questions, including extended 6 mark questions Revision for End of Topic Test

Half Term 4 (Late Spring):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: GLOBALISATION

Homework assignments: Exam questions, including extended 6 mark questions Revision for End of Topic Test

Half Term 5 (Early Summer):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: GCSE Controlled Assessment Fieldwork (specific data collection sheets and planning information to be given to pupils)

Homework assignments: Research as specified by class teacher to enhance Controlled Assessment

Half Term 6 (Late Summer):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: GCSE Controlled Assessment Fieldwork (specific data collection sheets and planning information to be given to pupils)

Homework assignments: Research as specified by class teacher to enhance Controlled Assessment

If you would like to contact someone about your child’s homework in Geography please contact Miss Negri (Head of Geography) in the first instance, by telephoning the school or via email at [email protected]

Year 10 Homework PlanFull Course Optional Subject:Graphic Products

Recommended homework time per 2-week cycle: 1.5 Hours

Half Term 1 (Early Autumn):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Isometric Drawing; Rendering; Designer Research

Homework assignments: Isometric drawing – produce several designs using support material on Isometric grid paper. Rendering – using coloured pencils, render several different shapes to represent different materials. Designer Research – research key information about Neville Brody in preparation of producing an A3

information poster about the designer in his style of design.Half Term 2 (Late Autumn):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Fonts; Research Logos; Leaflets

Homework assignments: Fonts – produce an A3 collage of fonts cut from magazines / catalogues / newspapers. Using the internet, research a variety of logos and brand identities – cut and paste on to an A3 sheet

in MS Publisher. Obtain a leaflet e.g. Oakwood, Folly Farm etc., and list all key information.

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Half Term 3 (Early Spring):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Design Briefs; Specifications; Design Ideas

Homework assignments: Design briefs – Open/Closed briefs - Writing a design brief. Specifications – Write a detailed, measureable product specification. Finalising design ideas and adding critical information (annotation).

Half Term 4 (Late Spring):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Production methods; Industrial processes; Planning

Homework assignments: Worksheet – Production methods. Worksheet – Identifying industrial processes. Planning – Producing a detailed manufacturing plan – listing, materials, tools and processes.

Half Term 5 (Early Summer)Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Signage; Research; Evaluation

Homework assignments: Research Brochure Types Evaluations Signage CAT related preliminary research

Half Term 6 (Late Summer)Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Signage; Past examination questions

Homework assignments: Sign (Final Design Idea) Examination style questions (1) Examination style questions (2)

If you would like to contact someone about your child’s homework in Graphic Products please contact Mrs J Davies (Head of Technology) in the first instance by telephoning the school or via email at [email protected]

Year 10 Homework PlanFull Course Optional Subject:History

Recommended homework time per 2-week cycle: 1.5 Hours

Half Term 1 (Early Autumn):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: America In depth

Homework assignments: Revision for October ass. Examination question x2 Revision for Nov ass

Half Term 2 (Late Autumn):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: America 1930-2000

Homework assignments: Revision for Nov ass Revision for Dec ass Examination questions x 2

Half Term 3 (Early Spring):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Controlled Assessment & American In depth

Homework assignments:

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Research for controlled assessment part A Preparation notes for part A of the controlled assessment Research for controlled assessment part B Revision on American in depth Mock paper

Half Term 4 (Late Spring):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Controlled Assessment & American In depth

Homework assignments: Research for controlled assessment part B Preparation notes for part B of the controlled assessment Revision for mock papers x 2 Examination questions x 2

Half Term 5 (Early Summer):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Past examination questions for external examination

Homework assignments: Examination questions on American In depth. Revision for external examination

Half Term 6 (Late Summer):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: America in Depth& Depression, War and Recovery.

Homework assignments: Revision for external examination Mock questions Depression, War and Recovery examination type questions.

If you would like to contact someone about your child’s homework in History please contact Mrs Seymour (Head of History/Citizenship) in the first instance, by telephoning the school or via email at [email protected]

Year 10 Homework PlanFull Course Optional Subject:Information Technology (BTEC)

Recommended homework time per 2-week cycle: 1.5 Hours

Half Term 1 (Early Autumn):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Case study tasks

Homework assignments:Students will have to complete pieces of case study tasks. Tasks could include: Completing presentation; Complete all marketing materialHalf Term 2 (Late Autumn):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Revision

Homework assignments:Students will be covering areas of revision for the January examination. Revision books available from WJEC and the CGP Revision Guide from WH SmithsHalf Term 3 (Early Spring):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Case study tasks

Homework assignments:Students will have to complete pieces of case study tasks. Tasks could include: Completing presentation; Complete all marketing materialHalf Term 4 (Late Spring):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Case study tasks

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Homework assignments:Students will have to complete pieces of case study tasks. Tasks could include: Completing Finance.Half Term 5 (Early Summer):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Case study tasks

Homework assignments:Students will have to complete pieces of case study tasks. Tasks could include: Completing data base tasksHalf Term 6 (Late Summer):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Revision/Case study tasks

Homework assignments:Students may be planning a resit and therefore will have to revise for the June session. Revision books available from WJEC and the CGP Revision Guide from WH Smiths

Students will have to complete pieces of case study tasks. Tasks could include: Completing data base tasks

If you would like to contact someone about your child’s homework in IT please contact Mr Evans (Head of ICT & Business) or Mr Willis (the class teacher) in the first instance, by telephoning the school or via email at [email protected]

Year 10 Homework PlanFull Course Optional Subject:Information Technology Essentials (BTEC)

Recommended homework time per 2-week cycle: 1.5 Hours

Half Term 1 (Early Autumn):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: CISCO notes

Homework assignments:Pupils will be completing chapter Notes for CISCO: This could include Chapters 1 - 3

Half Term 2 (Late Autumn):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: CISCO notes

Homework assignments:Pupils will be completing chapter Notes for CISCO: This could include Chapters 4 - 6

Half Terms 3 & 4 (Spring Term):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: CISCO notes, Unit 1 Assignment 1.2

Homework assignments: Pupils will be completing chapter Notes for CISCO: This could include Chapters 7 – 10 UNIT 1 Assignment 1.2 This consists of P2, P3, P4 & M2

Half Terms 5 & 6 (Summer Term):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Unit 1 Assignment 2

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Homework assignments:Pupils are working on UNIT 1 currently and will be required to complete or improve by the end of term: Unit 1 Assignment 2. This consists of P5, P6, M3, D1

If you would like to contact someone about your child’s homework in IT Essentials please contact Mr Evans (Head of ICT & Business) in the first instance, by telephoning the school or via email at [email protected]

Year 10 Homework PlanFull Course Optional Subject:Modern Foreign Language: French and Spanish

Recommended homework time per 2-week cycle: 1.5 Hours

Half Term 1 (Early Autumn):The four language skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) are developed within the following contexts, specified by the WJEC.

The context for learning the language is organised under three broad themes:● Identity and culture● Local, national, international and global areas of interest● Current and future study and employment

The intention is to deliver the new course as follows:

Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Present tense revision School/college life School/college studies Topic based exam style skills questions in preparation for reading and listening examinations Fortnightly vocabulary tests

Half Term 2 (Late Autumn):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments:Youth Culture

Self and relationships Technology and social media

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Homework assignments: Weekly extended topic based writing tasks, following on from lessons in preparation for speaking and

writing examinations Topic based exam style skills questions in preparation for reading and listening examinations Fortnightly vocabulary tests

Half Term 3 (Early Spring):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments:Lifestyle

Health and fitness Entertainment and leisure

Homework assignments: Weekly extended topic based writing tasks, following on from lessons in preparation of speaking and

writing examinations Topic based exam style skills questions in preparation for reading and listening examinations Fortnightly vocabulary tests

Half Term 4 (Late Spring):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments:Customs and Traditions

Food and drink Festivals and celebrations

Homework assignments: Weekly extended topic based writing tasks, following on from lessons

in preparation of speaking and writing examinations Topic based exam style skills questions in preparation for reading and listening examinations Fortnightly vocabulary tests

Half Term 5 (Early Summer):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments:Home and Locality

Local areas of interest Transport

Homework assignments: Topic based exam style skills questions in preparation for reading and listening examinations. Fortnightly vocabulary tests Revision for mock examinations

Half Term 6 (Late Summer):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments:Global Sustainability

Environment Social issues

Homework assignments: Weekly extended topic based writing tasks, following on from lessons in preparation of speaking and

writing examinations Topic based exam style skills questions in reading and listening Fortnightly vocabulary tests.

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Grammar booklet and reading material will be provided as summer holiday revision

If you would like to contact someone about your child’s homework in French and/or Spanish please contact Ms Voisin (Head of Modern Foreign Languages) in the first instance, by telephoning the school or via email at [email protected]

Year 10 Homework PlanFull Course Optional Subject:Music

Recommended homework time per 2-week cycle: 1.5 Hours

Half Term 1 (Early Autumn):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments:BTEC Unit 1: This unit is worked on in class time, but will need to be completed at home.GCSE areas of study - Composition 1: This coursework element of the course is started and worked on, but pupils are encouraged to continue work at home or in coursework clinic periods.

Homework assignments: BTEC Unit 1 – Working on task 1 Composition 1 – Initial ideas and exercises

Half Term 2 (Late Autumn):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments:BTEC Unit 1 & Unit 4. These units will be continuously worked on through some Music lessons, but pupils are expected to complete these tasks at home.GCSE areas of study - Composition 1. This coursework element of the course is started and worked on, but pupils are encouraged to continue work at home or in coursework clinic periods.

Homework assignments: BTEC Unit 1 – Completion of task 1 Unit 4 – Working on task 1 Composition 1 – Check point 1

Half Term 3 (Early Spring):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments:BTEC Unit 1 & Unit 4. These units are worked on in class time, but will need to be completed at home.GCSE areas of study - Composition 1. This coursework element of the course is started and worked on, but pupils are encouraged to continue work at home or in coursework clinic periods.

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Homework assignments: BTEC Unit 1 – Working on task 2 BTEC Unit 4 – Completion of task 1 Composition 1 – Check point 2

Half Term 4 (Late Spring):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments:BTEC Unit 4 & Unit 16. These units are worked on in class time, but will need to be completed at home.GCSE areas of study - Composition 1. The coursework element of the course is started and worked on, but pupils are encouraged to continue work at home or in coursework clinic periods.

Homework assignments: BTEC Unit 4 – Working on task 2 BTEC Unit 16 – Completion of task 1 Composition 1 – Check point 3

Half Term 5 (Early Summer):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments:BTEC Unit 4 & Unit 16. These units are worked on in class time, but will need to be completed at home.GCSE areas of study - Composition 1. This coursework element of the course is started and worked on, but pupils are encouraged to continue work at home or in coursework clinic periods.

Homework assignments: BTEC Unit 4 – Completion of task 2 BTEC Unit 16 – Completion of task 2 Composition 1 – Completion

Half Term 6 (Late Summer):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments:BTEC units: Unit 1, Unit 4 & Unit 16. These units are worked on in class time, but will need to be completed at home.

Homework assignments: BTEC Unit 1 – Working on task 3 BTEC Unit 4 – Preparation for ‘in-class’ performances next academic year. BTEC Unit 16 - Completion

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If you would like to contact someone about your child’s homework in Music please contact Mr Parker (Head of Music) in the first instance, by telephoning the school or via email at [email protected]

Year 10 Homework PlanFull Course Optional Subject:Photography

Recommended homework time per 2-week cycle: 1.5 Hours

Half Term 1 (Early Autumn):Homework assignments:

Summer holiday shoot – contact strip, annotation, final shots. Sketchbook Tasks - Understanding a shoot and photography techniques; ICT Skills and Popplets;

Analysis of a photographer’s work.Half Term 2 (Late Autumn):Homework assignments:

Power point presentation. Continued sketchbook tasks. Individual shoots – ‘Colour’, ‘Angles’ and ‘Christmas’. Analysis of a photographer’s work.

Half Term 3 (Early Spring):Homework assignments:

Personal Shoots. Sketchbook Presentations. Contact sheets, editing and evaluations. Analysis of a photographer’s work.

Half Term 4 (Late Spring):Homework assignments:

Personal Shoots. Sketchbook Presentations. Contact sheets, editing and evaluations. Analysis of a photographer’s work.

Half Term 5 (Early Summer):Homework assignments:

Personal Shoots. Sketchbook Presentations.

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Contact sheets, editing and evaluations. Analysis of a photographer’s work.

Half Term 6 (Late Summer):Homework assignments:

Personal Shoots. Sketchbook Presentations. Contact sheets, editing and evaluations. Analysis of a photographer’s work.

If you would like to contact someone about your child’s homework in Photography please contact Mrs Broughton (Head of Art) in the first instance, by telephoning the school or via email at [email protected]

Year 10 Homework PlanFull Course Optional Subject:Physical Education (PE)

Recommended homework time per 2-week cycle: 1.5 Hours

Half Term 1 (Early Autumn):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Healthy lifestyles and Diet & Nutrition

Homework assignments:Past Paper bookletsAttendance of extra-curricular clubs

Half Term 2 (Late Autumn):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Components of Fitness & Fitness Testing

Homework assignments:Past Paper bookletsAttendance of extra-curricular clubs

Half Term 3 (Early Spring):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Methods of Training

Homework assignments:Past Paper bookletsAttendance of extra-curricular clubs

Half Term 4 (Late Spring):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Training Programmes & Fitness Logs

Homework assignments:Past Paper bookletsPractical Assessment of Winter Games

Half Term 5 (Early Summer):

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Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Short and Long term benefits of exercise

Homework assignments:Past Paper bookletsAttendance of extra-curricular clubs

Half Term 6 (Late Summer):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Energy Systems

Homework assignments:Past Paper bookletsPractical Assessment of Summer Games

If you would like to contact someone about your child’s homework in Physical Education please contact Mr N Pryce (Head of PE) in the first instance, by telephoning the school or via email at [email protected]

Year 10 Homework PlanFull Course Optional Subject:Product Design

Recommended homework time per 2-week cycle: 1.5 Hours

Half Term 1 (Early Autumn):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Isometric Drawing / Rendering / Plastics

Homework assignments: Isometric drawing – produce several designs using support material on Isometric grid paper; Mobile phone holder sketches – add colour and annotate; Worksheet – Vacuum forming and line bending processes

Half Term 2 (Late Autumn):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: 2D Design / Woods / Designer Research

Homework assignments: Worksheet - Wood Joints (linked with Pentominoes project); Worksheet – Woods and man-made boards; Designer Research – research key information about the designer Philippe Starck in preparation of producing an A3 information poster about the designer

Half Term 3 (Early Spring):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Design Briefs / Specifications / Design Ideas

Homework assignments: Design briefs – Open/Closed briefs - Writing a design brief; Specifications – First draft - Write a detailed, measureable specification; Finalising design ideas and adding critical information (annotation)

Half Term 4 (Late Spring):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Production methods / Industrial processes / Orthographic Drawing

Homework assignments: Worksheet – Production methods; Worksheet – Identifying industrial processes; Working drawings – first / third angle project and BS8888

Half Term 5 (Early Summer)

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Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Planning / ProDesktop / Evaluation

Homework assignments: Draft of manufacturing plan; ProDesktop Presentation drawing of final design; Evaluations worksheet

Half Term 6 (Late Summer)Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Examination past paper questions

Homework assignments: Examination style questions (1); Examination style questions (2); Examination style questions (3)

If you would like to contact someone about your child’s homework in Product Design please contact Mrs J Davies (Head of Technology) in the first instance by telephoning the school or via email at [email protected]

Year 10 Homework PlanFull Course Optional Subject:Public Services

Recommended homework time per 2-week cycle: 1.5 Hours

Autumn Term:Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Unit 1 Public Service Skills; Unit 4 Career Planning

Homework assignments: Unit 1: Assignment 1: Task 1 Unit 1: Assignment 1: Task 2 Unit 1: Assignment 2: Task 1 Unit 1: Assignment 2: Task 2 Unit 4: Assignment 2: Task 1

Spring Term:Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Unit 1 Public Service Skills; Unit 4 Career Planning

Homework assignments: Unit 1: Assignment 2: Task 1 Unit 1: Assignment 2: Task 2 Unit 1: Assignment 3: Task 1 Unit 4: Assignment 1: Task 1 Unit 4: Assignment 1: Task 2 Unit 4: Assignment 2: Task 1

Summer Term:Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Unit 1 Public Service Skills; Unit 4 Career Planning

Homework assignments: Unit 1: Assignment 2: Task 1 Unit 4: Assignment 3: Task 1 Unit 4: Assignment 3: Task 2

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For the Public Services course homework is only required from those pupils working to extend their work to a Merit and/or Distinction standard

If you would like to contact someone about your child’s homework in Public Services please contact Mr Sainsbury (Head of Inclusion) in the first instance, by telephoning the school or via email at [email protected]

Year 10 Full Course Homework PlanFull Course Optional Subject:Religious Studies (RS)

Recommended homework time per 2-week cycle: 1.5 Hours

Half Term 1 (Early Autumn):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: ChristianityHomework assignments:

Produce an information sheet on one Christian denomination. Revision and preparation for timed assessment of past examination question. Produce an information sheet on Tear Aid, The Salvation Army or Shelter. Revision and preparation for timed assessment of past examination question.

Half Term 2 (Late Autumn):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: BuddhismHomework assignments: Revision and preparation for timed assessment of past examination question. Produce a guide for someone interested in meditation. Produce a brochure showing how one Buddhist festival is celebrated in a given Asian country. Revision and preparation for timed assessment of past examination question.

Half Term 3 (Early Spring):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Issues of Good and EvilHomework assignments: Create diary entries for a prison chaplain. Revision and preparation for timed assessment of past examination question. Revision and preparation for timed assessment of past examination question.

Half Term 4 (Late Spring):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Issues of Good and Evil/ Issues of Life and DeathHomework assignments: Produce a piece of art or collage demonstrating the main ideas of either the Irenaean or Augustinian

Theodicy. Revision and preparation for timed assessment of past examination question. Produce a brief biography on the life and work of Chico Mendes. Revision and preparation for timed assessment of past examination question.

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Half Term 5 (Early Summer):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Issues of Life and DeathHomework assignments: Revision and preparation for timed assessment of past examination question. Produce a pamphlet either for or against euthanasia. Revision and preparation for timed assessment of past examination question.

Half Term 6 (Late Summer):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: ChristianityHomework assignments: .Creation of a piece of art that represents Christian views on the afterlife. Revision and preparation for timed assessment of past examination question.

If you would like to contact someone about your child’s homework in RS please contact Mr Ireland (Head of Religious Studies) in the first instance, by telephoning the school or via email at [email protected]

Year 10 Homework Plan

Full Course Optional Subject:BTEC SPORT

Recommended homework time per 2-week cycle: 1.5 Hours

Autumn Term:

Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Assignment 1 - Planning and leading Sporting Activities

Homework assignments:Create a poster or number of PPT slides that identify and explain; Skills, Qualities, Responsibilities and different types of sports leaders.

Spring Term:

Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Assignment 2 – Plan, lead and review a sports activity

Homework assignments:Create a lesson plan for a short PE lesson (20-30 mins). You will need to decide on a suitable sport, length of activity (20- 30 mins), resources, a warm up, cool down and element to teach.

Summer Term:

Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Assignment 3 – Plan, lead and review a sports event

Homework assignments:With help from your teacher, decide on a suitable sporting event to plan and deliver. The different aspects of the event can be created individually or as a team, with each person responsible for different elements.

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For the BTEC Sport course homework is only required for those pupils who are behind on their assignments

If you would like to contact someone about your child’s homework in BTEC Sport please contact Mr Rogers (BTEC SPORT co-ordinator) in the first instance, by telephoning the school or via email at [email protected]

Year 10 Homework PlanShort Course Optional Subject:French (NVQ)

Recommended homework time per 2-week cycle: 0.75 Hours

Half Term 1 (Early Autumn):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Writing a CV in French including: polite form “vous”/ personal details / school subjects / jobs and nationalities / hobbies / ICT skills / work experience / phone numbers

Homework assignments: Weekly ICT tasks focusing on accuracy (literacy) Reading and research tasks on above topics Preparation for portfolio task 1, level 2: writing a CV Grammatical exercises: polite form / present and past tense/ adjectival agreement

Half Term 2 (Late Autumn):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Understanding job adverts, including jobs, qualifications, work experience, qualities and skills

Homework assignments: Reading and research tasks on above topics Preparation for portfolio task 2, level 2: Understanding Job adverts (reading) Grammatical exercises: adjectival agreement

Half Term 3 (Early Spring):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Letter of introduction / Business introduction

Homework assignments: Reading and research tasks on above topics Preparation for portfolio task 3, level 2: letter of introduction (writing) Preparation for portfolio task 4, level 1: business introduction (speaking) ICT tasks focusing on accuracy, including inserting French written accents and presentation

Half Term 4 (Late Spring):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Job interview / health and safety

Homework assignments: Reading and research tasks on above topics Preparation for portfolio task 5, level 2: attending job interview (listening)

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Working on portfolio task 6, level 2: “Health and safety” (reading): grammar exercise on imperative tense (formal vous)

Design a health and safety poster Grammatical exercises: asking questions / 24-hour clock

Half Term 5 (Early Summer):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Health and Safety; Business travels

Homework assignments: Working on reading task 2 “Health and safety”: grammar exercise on imperative tense (formal vous) Design a health and safety poster Research internationally recognised airport signs Exercise on large numbers including phone numbers, flight numbers and times

Half Term 6 (Late Summer):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Use of social networking sites in the world of work

Homework assignments: Research French Facebook homepage including key vocabulary Grammar exercises on past tense to describe holidays Written task: Update a status following a visit to Paris Preparation for portfolio task (title to be provided on the day)

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If you would like to contact someone about your child’s homework in French please contact Ms Voisin (Head of Modern Foreign Languages) in the first instance, by telephoning the school or via email at [email protected]

Year 10 Homework PlanShort Course Optional Subject:ICT

Recommended homework time per 2-week cycle: 0.75 Hours

Half Term 1 (Early Autumn):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Case study tasks

Homework assignments:Pupils will have to complete pieces of case study tasks. Tasks could include: Gathering resources; Completing NewsletterHalf Term 2 (Late Autumn):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Revision for January examinations

Homework assignments:Pupils will be covering areas of revision for the January examination. Revision books available from WJEC and the CGP Revision Guide from WH SmithsHalf Term 3 (Early Spring):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Case study tasks

Homework assignments:Pupils will have to complete pieces of case study tasks. Tasks could include: Completing presentation; Complete all marketing materialHalf Term 4 (Late Spring):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Case study tasks

Homework assignments:Pupils will have to complete pieces of case study tasks. Tasks could include: Completing FinanceHalf Term 5 (Early Summer):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Case study tasks

Homework assignments:Pupils will have to complete pieces of case study tasks. Tasks could include: Completing data base tasksHalf Term 6 (Late Summer):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Revision/Case study tasks

Homework assignments:Pupils may be planning a resit and therefore will have to revise for the June session. Revision books available from WJEC and the CGP Revision Guide from WH Smiths

Pupils will have to complete pieces of case study tasks. Tasks could include: Completing data base tasks

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If you would like to contact someone about your child’s homework in IT please contact Mr Evans (Head of ICT & Business) in the first instance, by telephoning the school or via email at [email protected]

Year 10 Homework PlanShort Course Optional Subject:Religious Studies (RS)

Recommended homework time per 2-week cycle: 0.75 Hours

Half Term 1 (Early Autumn):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: ChristianityHomework assignments: Produce an information sheet on one Christian denomination. Revision and preparation for timed assessment of past examination question.

Half Term 2 (Late Autumn):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Christianity

Homework assignments: Produce an information sheet on Tear Aid, The Salvation Army or Shelter. Revision and preparation for timed assessment of past examination question.Half Term 3 (Early Spring):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Buddhism

Homework assignments: . Revision and preparation for timed assessment of past examination question. Produce a guide for someone interested in meditation.

Half Term 4 (Late Spring):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: BuddhismHomework assignments: Produce a brochure showing how one Buddhist festival is celebrated in a given Asian country. Revision and preparation for timed assessment of past examination question.Half Term 5 (Early Summer):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Issues of Good and Evil

Homework assignments: Create diary entries for a prison chaplain. Revision and preparation for timed assessment of past examination question.

Half Term 6 (Late Summer):Topics/areas covered by homework assignments: Issues of Good and Evil

Homework assignments: Produce a piece of art or collage demonstrating the main ideas of either the Irenaean or Augustinian

Theodicy. Revision and preparation for timed assessment of past examination question.

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If you would like to contact someone about your child’s homework in RS please contact Mr M Ireland (Head of Religious Studies) in the first instance, by telephoning the school or via email at [email protected]

Year 10 Homework Plan

The Welsh Baccalaureate(WB) Award The completion of the WB (which is worth the equivalent of 3 GCSEs) requires pupils to complete a number of one-off tasks throughout the year.

Half Term 1 (Early Autumn):Assignments required:

WB Diary Completed

Half Term 2 (Late Autumn):Assignments required:

WB Diary Completed

Half Term 3 (Early Spring):Assignments required:

WB Diary Completed

Half Term 4 (Late Spring):Assignments required:

WB Diary Completed

Half Term 5 (Early Summer):

Assignments required:

WB Diary Completed

Half Term 6 (Late Summer):

Assignments required:

Individual Investigation Title complete

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Further information about the Welsh Baccalaureate


Communications Application of Number ICT Working with Others

Diary Work experience Community participation Individual investigation

Every element (above) must be passed to achieve the Welsh Baccalaureate qualification. Pupils start to accumulate the work in year 9 and finish gathering it in year 11.

The diary and individual investigation are taught through Welsh Baccalaureate lessons in years 10 and 11 and generate homework.

The Essential Skills are taught through history, English and ICT lessons in Year 9, through P.E. lessons in Year 10 and through maths lessons in Year 11. There will be homework associated with these, as and when the elements are being taught.

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If you would like to contact someone about the work your child needs to complete for their Welsh Baccalaureate Award please contact Miss S Murphy (Acting Welsh Baccalaureate Co-ordinator) in the first instance, by telephoning the school or via email at [email protected]

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