Software design and developed by Logicsoft, New Delhi, INDIA 1 | Page Food Safety and Standards Authority of India Reference Manual for Licensing and Registration System Food Business Operator Module Version-2.0 Brought to you by Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) Bal Bhavan, Kotla Road New Delhi

Transcript of FLRS-Ver2(FBO)

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Licensing and Registration System– Quick User Guide

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Food Safety and Standards Authority of India

Reference Manual for Licensing and Registration System

Food Business Operator Module


Brought to you by

Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI)

Bal Bhavan, Kotla Road

New Delhi

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Licensing and Registration System– Quick User Guide

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Introduction ....................................................................................................... 3

How to Access the System? ............................................................................... 3

Sign UP for Food Business Operator (FBO) ......................................................... 4

Guidelines .......................................................................................................... 6

Food Business Operator’s Home Page ............................................................... 8

Apply For New License ..................................................................................... 10

Registration Certificate .................................................................................... 13

State License .................................................................................................... 16

Central License ................................................................................................. 23

Clarification/Incident(s) ................................................................................ 32

Edit /Update Profile ......................................................................................... 34

Conclusion ...................................................................................................... 34

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Introduction About Online System

FSSAI provides an opportunity for Food Business Operators (FBOs) to apply for Registration/Licensing through online Registration/Licensing System. It also provides an option to track the status of application online through an Application Reference No. provided by the system during the submission of application.

The FBOs should take a print out of the Online Application Form generated through the system and submit the application to Regional Authority/State Authority with all supportive documents within fifteen days from the date of submission of application online.

FBO can register themselves online for the username and password (or) by providing the contact details can apply for Licensing / Registration.

How to Access the System?

The system can be accessed by using the URL: - http://foodlicensing.fssai.gov.in in any standard web browser like IE, Firefox etc. To access this system, the Food Business Operators (FBOs) need to register themselves online.

It is a web enabled system, hence can be used 24* 7 by all the stakeholders. The stakeholders can access this online system through any web browser.

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Sign UP for Food Business Operator (FBO) Type the URL: - http://foodlicensing.fssai.gov.in on the address bar of the browser. On the screen which appears (below), click on ‘Sign-up (For Self-Care Portal)’ link to find the FBO Sign Up page.

The screen below shows the FBO Sign Up form for FBO (Food Business Operator).

The fields in this form are as explained in the following section.

1 Name of Applicant: -Enter the name of the applicant.

2 Company: -Enter the company name.

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3 Address: -Enter the Address of your company.

4 State: -From the drop down field, select the state.

5 District: -All the districts in the selected State will be listed in this drop down field. Select the district.

6 Postal Pin Code: -Enter the pin code.

7 Email-ID: -Enter a valid & active email id to which communications are to be sent. After successful registration, the FBO Login Credentials will be sent to this email id.

8 Mobile No: -Enter a valid Mobile number for contact purpose.

9 User-ID: -Type the User-ID of your choice. Once you type the User-ID the system will check for the availability. If the User-ID already exists in the system then an alert message “This UserID already exists. Please try another.” will appear.

10 Password:-Type the password (Password length should be 6 to 20 characters including at least one special character.).

11 Confirm Password: -Retype the password to confirm it.

12 Security Question: - Select a Security Question from the drop down list.

13 Answer: - Provide an answer for the Security Question.

Click on “Register” to submit the application.

As shown in the screen below, the FBO sign-up success message will appear.

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Guidelines The Login page contains some guideline sections which will be useful for new

License/Registration applicants.

Click on the required topics to view the details

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FBO Login Page

Type the URL: - http://foodlicensing.fssai.gov.in on the address bar and login to the application using the User Name and password obtained at the time of FBO sign up.

Once logged in, the Home page can be found with all functional modules. All these functionalities are explained in the following document.

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Food Business Operator’s Home Page The home page for the logged in user will be displayed as shown below.

The logged in FBO can apply for new License/Registration, send Clarification/Incident(s), and can find Applications for Editing. All these functions are explained in the following sections of this document.

Forgot Password?

If the Password is forgotten, then click on the link “Forgot Password?” in the login


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Enter your User ID and your Registered Email ID and click on “Submit”. The

password will be reset and the new password will be sent to the email ID


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Apply For New License To apply for a new license move the mouse over “License / Registration” and from the drop down option click on ‘Apply for License / Registration’.

Select the State for which you want to apply for license.

The List of “Category of Business” will be displayed.

Select the Business categories which are located in a single premise for which you want to apply for License.

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For each “Category of Business” you select check the capacity for determining the eligibility for that category.

If you select ‘yes’ for the question “Are you already holding License given under other laws existing prior to Food Safety And Standards Regulations, 2011?” , then the License application will come under ‘Conversion’ type.

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Then the FBO will have to provide the previous license details (already holding license details).

If you select ‘no’ for the question “Are you already holding License given under other laws existing prior to Food Safety And Standards Regulations, 2011?”, then the License application will come under ‘new’ type.

Click on Proceed and then the eligibility will be displayed.

Click on ‘OK’ to proceed further.

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Registration Certificate The Registration process is explained in the following document.

Based on the Pre-check if the FBO is directed to registration then the application form for registration will appear as shown in the screen below.

Fill the registration form.

Name of Applicant / Company: - Enter the Name of Applicant / Company.

Designation: - Select the Designation.

Kind of Business

The Kind of Business selected in the first page will be automatically selected. If the users want to add more business types they can select any other Kind of Business.

Address of Premises where food business is located

State: - The selected state will be displayed.

Address: - Enter the Address of Premises for which license is applied.

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Nearest Landmark: - Enter the Nearest Landmark.

District: - All the districts in the selected State will be listed in this drop down field. Select the district.

Sub-Division:- All the sub divisions in the selected district will be listed in this drop down field. Select the sub division.

Village: - All the Villages in the selected Sub-Division will be listed in this drop down field. Select the Village.

Pin Code: - select the pin code.

If the Correspondence Address is different from the Address of Premises, then choose “No” for the option “Is your Correspondence Address same as Address of Premises?” and fill the Correspondence Address details.

Details of food items proposed to be manufactured or sold

Provide the details and add the food category details as shown in the screen below.

Select the number of years for which you want to apply.

Select the Payment Mode and fill the details.

Personal Identification Details

Provide the Personal Identification Details in this section.

Upload Photo: - Upload the scanned copy of the Photo of applicant.

Upload the Document for Identity Proof by selecting any ID from the drop down field and upload the scanned copy of the same ID.

Supporting documents (if any): Provide any other Supporting documents (if any) by uploading those documents.

Other Details

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In case of new business – intended date of start: select the date from the calendar.

In case of Seasonal business, State the opening and closing period of the year: - Select the months.

Source of Water Supply: - select the Source of Water Supply

If user selects ‘yes’ for “Whether any electric power is used in manufacturing of food items” then provide the Sanction Electricity Load or HP Used.

Submit the application. .

After successfully submitting the Registration application, the Application number will be generated and will be displayed as shown in the screen below.

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State License The State License application process is explained in the following document.

Based on the Pre-check if the FBO is directed to State License then the application form for State License will appear as shown in the screen below.

Name of Company/Organization: - Enter the Name of your Company/Organization

Address: - Enter the Address of Premises for which license is applied.

State: - The selected state will be displayed.

District: - All the districts in the selected State will be listed in this drop down field. Select the district.

Sub-Division:- All the sub divisions in the selected district will be listed in this drop down field. Select the sub division.

Postal Pin Code: - select the pin code.

Click on ‘Save & Next’ button to proceed.

The ‘Product’ details section will appear as shown in the screen below.

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Select the product Description from the drop down list of HS codes. To select any product, type the first three letters of that product and find the particular product and click the product.

Enter the Quantity, select the unit and select any one option for the field “Per day/Per annum” suitably. Click on “Save & Add” button under Action to add the product.

Users can add more than one product details.

Note: - If your product is not in approved product list (HS Code), then do not add

product by typing the name of product in the “Product(s) Description” field. The

System will not accept user typed input for this field. Kindly follow the steps given

below to add a new product.

Procedure to add a new Product

Step 1: Click on the link “If your product is not in approved product list please click here.” given on the bottom of the page.

Step 2:- Click yes for the pop up message.

Step 3:- On the form which appears, fill the product details and the personal details and submit the form.

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Step 4:- The Name of the new “Product” will appear in the “Product(s) Description” field.

Enter the Quantity, select the unit and select any one option for the field “Per day/Per annum” suitably. Click on “Save & Add” button under Action to add the product.

Users can add more than one new product by following these steps.

Select the Source of Water Supply

Sanction Electricity Load or HP Used (in KVA):- Enter a numeric value for this field.

If you choose yes for “Whether Unit is Equipped with an analytical laboratory?” field, then the laboratory details should be provided.

After completing this section click on ‘Save & Next’ button.

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The Office details form will appear. Fill all the fields in this section of the form as explained below.

Registered Office Detail(s):-

Fill the address of the registered office.

If the “Correspondence address” is same as the “Registered Office address” then click ‘yes’ for the field “Same as Registered Office” and all the fields in the Registered office will get copied in the Correspondence address fields.

If the Correspondence address is different from the Registered Office address, then click ‘no’ and enter the correspondence address.

Contact Information:-

Enter the contact information.

Person In charge of Operations:-

Fill all the fields in this section based on the examples given.

Person responsible for complying with conditions of License:-

If the Person responsible for complying with conditions of License is the same as the Person In charge of Operations, then select yes for the field ‘Same as Person In-charge of Operations’ and all the fields in the Person Incharge of Operations will get copied in the Person responsible for complying with conditions of License fields.

If the Person responsible for complying with conditions of License is different from the Person In-charge of Operations, then click ‘no’ and enter the details of the Person responsible for complying with conditions of License.

Already Holding License Detail(s):-

If you have selected “Yes” for the question “Are you already holding License given under other laws existing prior to Food Safety And Standards Regulations, 2011?” at the time of selecting the business category, then at least one license detail should be provided.

Add one or more license details.

Other License Detail(s):-

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If there are any other licenses related to your Food Business, then you can provide the details and add it.

Add one or more license details accordingly.

After completing this section click on ‘Save & Next’ button.

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Upload/Attach Document(s):-

The Upload document page will appear as shown in the screen below.

Click on ‘Choose File’ and select the file from your system and click on ‘Upload’.

Select ‘How many years (1 – 5) you want to apply’ from the drop down and proceed for the payment.

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For ‘Pay via Demand Draft’ option the following screen will appear.

Enter the Demand Draft No, Issuing Bank, Branch and select the Issue Date from the calendar. Click on Submit.

The Reference Number will be generated. Print all the three annexure and fill it. Send them physically along with other documents mentioned earlier to the concerned office.

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Central License The Central License application process is explained in the following document.

Based on the Pre-check if the FBO is directed to Central License then the application form for Central License will appear as shown in the screen below.

Fill the form details as explained below.

Name of Company/Organization: - Enter the Name of your Company/Organization

Address: - Enter the Address of Premises for which license is applied.

State: - The selected state will be displayed.

District: - All the districts in the selected State will be listed in this drop down field. Select the district.

Postal Pin Code: - select the pin code.

Click on ‘Proceed’ button to proceed.

The ‘Product’ details section will appear as shown in the screen below.

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Select the product Description from the drop down list of HS codes. To select any product, type the first three letters of that product and find the particular product and click the product.

Enter the Quantity, select the unit and select any one option for the field “Per day/Per annum” suitably. Click on “Save & Add” button under Action to add the product.

Users can add more than one product details.

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Note: - If your product is not in approved product list (HS Code), then do not add product by typing the name of product in the “Product(s) Description” field. The System will not accept user typed input for this field. Kindly follow the steps given below to add a new product.

Procedure to add a new Product

Step 1: Click on the link “If your product is not in approved product list please click here.” given on the bottom of the page.

Step 2:- Click yes for the pop up message.

Step 3:- On the form which appears, fill the product details and the personal details and submit the form.

Step 4:- The Name of the new “Product” will appear in the “Product(s) Description” field.

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Enter the Quantity, select the unit and select any one option for the field “Per day/Per annum” suitably. Click on “Save & Add” button under Action to add the product.

Users can add more than one new product by following these steps.

Select the Source of Water Supply

Sanction Electricity Load or HP Used (in KVA):- Enter a numeric value for this field.

If you choose yes for “Whether Unit is Equipped with an analytical laboratory?” field, then the laboratory details should be provided.

After completing this section click on ‘Save & Next’ button.

The Office details form will appear. Fill all the fields in this section of the form as explained below.

Registered Office Detail(s):-

Fill the address of the registered office.

If the “Correspondence address” is same as the “Registered Office address” then click ‘yes’ for the field “Same as Registered Office” and all the fields in the Registered office will get copied in the Correspondence address fields.

If the Correspondence address is different from the Registered Office address, then click ‘no’ and enter the correspondence address.

Contact Information:-

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Enter the contact information.

Person In charge of Operations:-

Fill all the fields in this section based on the examples given.

Person responsible for complying with conditions of License:-

If the Person responsible for complying with conditions of License is the same as the Person In charge of Operations, then select yes for the field ‘Same as Person In-charge of Operations’ and all the fields in the Person Incharge of Operations will get copied in the Person responsible for complying with conditions of License fields.

If the Person responsible for complying with conditions of License is different from the Person In-charge of Operations, then click ‘no’ and enter the details of the Person responsible for complying with conditions of License.

Already Holding License Detail(s):-

If you have selected “Yes” for the question “Are you already holding License given under other laws existing prior to Food Safety And Standards Regulations, 2011?” at the time of selecting the business category, then at least one license detail should be provided.

Add one or more license details.

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Upload/Attach Document(s):-

The Upload document page will appear as shown in the screen below.

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Click on ‘Choose File’ and select the file from your system and click on ‘Upload’.

If the soft copy of any document is not available, then select the “Submission type” as ‘Physically’.

Select ‘How many years (1 – 5) you want to apply’ from the drop down and proceed for the payment.

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For ‘Pay via Demand Draft’ option the following screen will appear.

Enter the Demand Draft No, Issuing Bank, Branch and select the Issue Date from the calendar. Click on Submit.

Click “OK” for the Pop up message.

The License application will be submitted.

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The Reference Number will be generated. Print all the three annexure and fill it. Send them physically along with other documents mentioned earlier to the concerned office.

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Clarification/Incident(s) The License applications that were sent back by the Designated Officer for some clarification can be found here.

In the home page move the mouse over “License / Registration” and click on “Clarification/Incident(s)” link to find the applications for clarification.

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Application for editing

The Applications sent by the Designated Officer for modification can be found


In the home page move the mouse over “License / Registration” and click on “Application for editing” link to find the applications for editing.

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Edit /Update Profile To view the logged in Food Business Operator’s (FBO) profile page and modify the details, click on ‘Edit /Update Profile’.

Modify the required fields and click on ‘Update’ to save the changes.

Conclusion This software system has been developed to create a database for all the Food Business operator’s Licenses issued by FSSAI. The software system can be improved and also be extended to other stakeholders who can become part of this system and can be asked to submit their relevant data online.

We would appreciate your valuable feedback in improving and extending the features of this system.