
Pre Processing of LiDAR data Classification DSM, nDSM, DTM, and DSM Structural Classification Classified objects of Buildings, Coconut, Mango, Spectral Classification Using Ortho-photo and DSM intensity Classified objects of Rice field, Corn, Shrub, Other grass, Palm Oil, Banana, Re- Classification of Misclassify objects SVM algorithm for Structural classification SVM algorithm for Spectral Classification Manual Classification



Transcript of Flow

Manual Classification Re- Classification of Misclassify objectsSVM algorithm for Spectral ClassificationClassified objects of Rice field, Corn, Shrub, Other grass, Palm Oil, Banana, Uncultivated, Roads, Classified objects of Buildings, Coconut, Mango, Other TallStructural Classification using nDSMSVM algorithm for Structural classification ClassificationSpectral Classification Using Ortho-photo and DSM intensityDSM, nDSM, DTM, and DSM intensityPre Processing of LiDAR data