Flora Terrace Local Centre Parking & Urban Design Study ... · Flora Terrace Local Centre Parking &...

Flora Terrace Local Centre Parking & Urban Design Study Vision Workshop Summary Report 3 December 2016

Transcript of Flora Terrace Local Centre Parking & Urban Design Study ... · Flora Terrace Local Centre Parking &...

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Flora Terrace Local

Centre Parking &

Urban Design Study

Vision Workshop

Summary Report

3 December 2016

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Table of Contents

Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 3

Welcome | Cr Karen Caddy ............................................................................................ 4

Workshop Introduction | Warren Giddens ...................................................................... 5

Project Overview | Daniel Heymans ................................................................................ 6

Group Workshop Sessions | Activity, Movement, Character and Vision ..................... 7

Questions and Next Steps................................................................................................ 14

Attachment 1 | Workshop Agenda ................................................................................ 15

Attachment 2 | Workshop Presentation ......................................................................... 17

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This report has been prepared by ConsultWG Pty Ltd on behalf of the City of Stirling.

The report provides a summary of the discussions and outcomes of the Flora Terrace

Local Centre Parking & Urban Design Vision Workshop that was held at the North

Beach Community Centre, Kitchener Street, North Beach on Saturday 3rd

December 2016 from 10.00 am – 1.00 pm.


Flora Terrace is a local centre in the City of Stirling, servicing the Trigg, North Beach

and Watermans Bay areas. Recent developments within and surrounding Flora

Terrace have raised concerns among the local community in regards to the impact

on the area. City of Stirling engaged ConsultWG to independently facilitate the

community consultation process. Hames Sharley led discussion on urban design,

and Opus contributed traffic, transport and movement expertise.

Workshop Format

The workshop followed the following format:

1. Welcome.

2. Workshop Introduction.

3. Project Overview.

4. Group Workshop Sessions: Activity, Movement, Character, and Vision.

5. Questions, Next Steps and Workshop Close.

The agenda can be found at Attachment 1.

Workshop Purpose

To engage with key stakeholders to refine a vision on the future design of Flora

Terrace and identify actions to deliver the vision.

Workshop Objective

To inform the future planning on Flora Terrace on issues relating to the challenges

and opportunities for the future of the local centre.

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Welcome | Cr Karen Caddy

Introduced by Daniel Heymans, City of Stirling Coordinator of City Planning Projects,

Cr Caddy welcomed and thanked all attendees. Cr Caddy advised that the

Workshop was being held in response to local community concerns surrounding

recent developments in and around Flora Terrace. Cr Caddy emphasised the

workshop was about offering the community a chance to have their say and

contribute to the future vision of the precinct, with the goal to make the Flora

Terrace Local Centre an even better place for local residents and businesses.

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Workshop Introduction | Warren Giddens

Warren Giddens of ConsultWG provided an introduction emphasising to attendees

the aim to truly listen and engage with what the community is saying.

Workshop discussions were intended to provide an opportunity for the local

community to explore their desired future for Flora Terrace. The workshop series

covers three themes: Activity, Movement, and Character. The intent of the

workshop is to finish with a community vision and aspirations for the future Flora


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Project Overview | Daniel Heymans

Daniel Heymans, City of Stirling Coordinator of City Planning, provided a project

overview of the Flora Terrace site. The presentation incorporated project context,

study area, historic form, project timeline, aims and objectives. A site and context

analysis introduced regional context, planning context, land ownership, and

redevelopment potential.

A copy of the full presentation can be found at Attachment 2.

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Group Workshop Sessions | Activity, Movement,

Character and Vision

This session combined the “three themes” and “vision and aspirations” and

facilitated by Warren Giddens of ConsultWG as four group workshop sessions.

Participants were divided into ten groups to work through a variety of questions. A

short presentation on each theme: Activity, Movement, Character, and Vision,

prompted participants on the relevant topics to be discussed. Group worksheets

encouraging discussion were provided to participants along with aerial maps of the

study area, zoning maps, and session questions.

A summary of session responses are listed below:

Session 1 - Activity

Shannon O’Shea, Senior Urban Designer at Hames Sharley offered a short

presentation on Activity covering the mix of land uses, day and night time activity,

and street activation and permeability.

The main themes from the discussion were:

Parking - concerns for increasing demand without adequate supply.

Open space - general support across the board with differing perspectives

on removing parking to provide space.

Rezoning - changes to the built form will be supported conditional on good


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Responses generated by the workshop participants on each of the ten tables (i.e.

group consensus) is provided below:

Question Responses

Are there any other

opportunities or challenges in

regards to Activity that haven’t

been identified?

Parking for residents/visitors spilling onto surrounding streets

Bottleneck at southern end

Unused parking on Community centre site (approx. 21 bays)

Car speed

Confusion between public/private parking

Small Bar?

Centre to serve the locality over time

Under-utilised lane way

Universal access needs improvement

Limited footpath space

Weekend use of private parking is a challenge

Offices sometimes take away from community feeling

What are your views on

providing a public space for

people to meet or for people to

gather on Flora Terrace?

Supportive Conditionally

Supportive Not Supportive

40% 50% 10%

Good idea (general support), but not a top priority

Concerns regarding loss of parking

Support only if parking unaffected

Supportive of more alfresco space

Opportunity to extend study area including Apex Park -

using an arcade to link as focal point

Want to create a ‘village feel’

Build a sense of community

Night market potential for space

Garden relaxed spaces

What are your views on rezoning

the lots on the western side to

allow continues mixed use on

both sides of the street or any

other rezonings?

Supportive Conditionally

Supportive Not Supportive

0% 90% 10%

Most tables were conditionally supportive

Concerns that the rezoning and associated redevelopment

would just lead to more parking issues.

Many tables were only supportive of rezoning the section

south of Castle St .

Would enable the creation of a central mixed use area

Subject to maximum height of 3 storeys.

Subject to acceptable built form (height, amenity)

Subject to additional parking being provided on site (e.g. 2

parking bays per unit).

Subject to amalgamation of smaller lots should be required

– must allow for integrated development

Rezoning houses could be ineffective - may not lead to any

change in short term.

Concerns about implications of rezoning on adjoining

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Question Responses

residents and/or landowners

Surrounding residential zoning should otherwise be


What are your views on bringing

the buildings to the street edge

to create a continuous footpath

and areas for alfresco on the

eastern side to allow


Supportive Conditionally

Supportive No

20% 80% 0%

Subject to no loss of parking

May help slowing down traffic

Alfresco on footpath

Concerns about loss of space for pedestrians.

Could this create wind tunnel (coastal environment)

Landscaping could also assist

Additional Information Apex Park: City of Stirling currently working on upgrade


Keep Apex Park for the community

No fast food outlets - small local businesses favoured

Session 2 - Movement

Shannon O’Shea, Senior Urban Designer at Hames Sharley and Dianne Hayes,

Senior Traffic and Transport Engineers at Opus, led the introductory presentation on

Movement. Topics included pedestrian movement, traffic movement, parking

provision, opportunities and challenges.

The main themes from the discussion were:

Reducing road width and increasing landscaping, encouraging pedestrian

movement in green open space and slowing vehicle traffic.

No paid parking - unanimous response.

Bicycle racks - increase provision, as well as bicycle paths.

Responses generated by the workshop participants on each of the ten tables (i.e.

group consensus) is provided below:

Question Responses

Are there any other

opportunities or challenges in

regards to Movement that

haven’t been identified?

Bottleneck at southern end

Poor sightlines

Clearer distinctions between road and parking

Parking nearby along coast in general

Street parking should be at right angle, not parallel

Where are additional locations

for public parking in the short


Apex Park

Underground parking

Back of buildings

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Question Responses

Multi-storey building opposed

City of Stirling properties

Lawley Street

Public parking on private lots

What parking management

measures do you think will work

in this centre i.e. Time

restrictions, paid parking, permit


Measure Yes No Maybe /


Paid Parking 1 5 1

Time restricted

parking 6 0 2

No change (aka no

restrictions) 1 5 0

Majority did not support paid parking

Majority did support introduction of time restricted parking

Majority did support changes to the current situation to

allow some form of parking restrictions to be introduced

Mixture of restrictions would be ideal (i.e. combo of 15

minute and 2 hour limits)

Some thought that time restrictions should only apply during

the day (i.e. when parking is in high demand)

Moped/motorcycle parking provision

What improvements could be

made to encourage walking

and cycling?

Tree canopy

Speed reduction

Bicycle racks

Wider, continuous footpaths

More landscaping, community garden

Curvature road and patterned materials e.g. cobblestones

Close off the street – village feel

Additional Information Increase bus frequency

Delivery access should be behind shops

Consistent parking policy

Make area more dog friendly

Session 3 - Character

Shannon O’Shea, Senior Urban Designer at Hames Sharley led the introductory

presentation on Character. Topics included built form, the environment, sense of

community, and opportunities and challenges.

The main themes from the discussion are:

Apex Park Linkage - strong support to link Apex Park in the Local Centre with

green arcade

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Nature’s influences - the coastline and bush both influence a laid back,

relaxed identity that wishes to be included in the character

Height limit - three storeys supported across the board, with integration and

support for public good.

Responses generated by the workshop participants on each of the ten tables (i.e.

group consensus) is provided below:

Question Responses

Are there any other

opportunities or challenges in

regards to Character that

haven’t been identified?

More community consultation with developers

Greener future

Fitting buildings within their environment

Need for a community identity

Celebrating Flora Terrace, events

Limited public spaces to sit

Shops signs on foot path as hazard

More trees required for coastal theme

No public toilets

What do you think a suitable

height and scale of buildings in

the Centre should be?

Height Supportive Conditionally Supportive

2 storeys 1 0

2 - 3 storeys 6 3

3+ storeys 1 1

No limit 0 1

Majority supportive of maintaining current height limit of 2 –

3 storeys.

“Maybe / Conditional” only supported subject to conditions

requiring a higher quality architecturally designed outcome,

more parking, setbacks to higher levels, and/or provision of

a public space.

Important to note the area is not overly busy/large scale like

neighbouring Scarborough – height needs to suit this


Do you have any ideas for how

a more “human scale” main

street can be achieved?


Time management of uses for 24 hour activity

Consistent street scape

Relaxed/casual coastal theme

More street trees

“Staggering” of multi-storey buildings

Continuous awning provision

Crosswalks to support promenading

Council should have specific design guidelines for area

Do you have any ideas on how

improved landscaping; building

design, and a community-

meeting place could be

More landscaping, greenery

Setbacks of garages detracts from streetscape

Beach to bush 300m celebration

Street party concept

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Question Responses

accommodated within the


Narrowing road

Alfresco dining

Strong support for green arcade between Flora Terrace and

community centre

Shading trees

“Practicality in beauty”

Water feature

Trees as wind breakers

Mix of hard and soft landscaping

Additional Information Greening

Attracting back local native species

Study area to be expanded to include Apex Park

Passive surveillance

Community vegetable garden

Session 4 – Vision and Aspirations

Warren Giddens of ConsultWG led the introductory presentation on Vision and


The main themes from the discussion were:

Village atmosphere - continuing theme throughout the workshop.

Unique - supporting and celebrating the things that make Flora Terrace


Landscaping - desire to move towards a greener Flora Terrace.

Responses generated by workshop participants is provided below:

Question Responses

Think about the space as it if

was a person, how would you

describe it?




Small and specialised

Warm, welcoming

Maintains uniqueness

Fun and exciting


Village atmosphere




Driver (too many vehicles)


What makes Flora Terrace Location! Location! Location!

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Question Responses

extraordinary? Cafes and restaurants unique to Flora Tce


Beach atmosphere

Dog friendly

Multi generational friendly

Good mix of residential and commercial

Community feel

What are your top 3 priorities to

make Flora Terrace even


Less cars, more people


Tree scaping

Local community businesses

Universal access

Community public space

Nature play area

Pedestrian safety, slowing traffic

Acknowledgement of historical context of the area

Street furniture, more inviting streetscape

Alfresco dining

Describe your Vision for the

Flora Tce Local Centre

Relaxed coastal hub

“Great place to live and share”

“World class mix of business and community that provides a

vibrant, relaxed feel that is inclusive of residents and all


A free and colourful area for all to belong

A unique and relaxed village environment which

acknowledges its local history and coastal location

A local community destination that draws together the

unique places and spaces of North Beach

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Questions and Next Steps

Daniel Heymans closed the workshop by thanking all participants for their

contribution. He also reminded attendees of the stages in the process occurring in

the future, as well as offering them the opportunity to fill out individual surveys on

the workshop in general, and individual question worksheets to provide more

information on Flora Terrace.

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Attachment 1 | Workshop Agenda

Agenda - Flora Terrace Vision Workshop

3 December 2016

10:00am Opening Outline Presenter/s

(5 mins) Daniel quick intro Daniel Heymans, Coordinator City


Cr Caddy’s Welcome Speech Cr Caddy

Introductions and Workshop Agenda Warren Giddens, Facilitator

10:05 Part 1: Project Overview

(10 mins) Project Context

Project Timelines

Project Aims & Objectives

Daniel Heymans, Coordinator City

Planning Projects, City of Stirling

10:15 Part 2: Site and Context Analysis

(5 mins) Regional Context

Study Area

Historic Form

Planning Context

Land Ownership

Redevelopment Potential

Daniel Heymans, Coordinator City

Planning Projects, City of Stirling

10:20 What Makes a Successful Local Centre?

(10 mins) Activity – Analysis

Mix of land uses

Street Activation

Activity – Opportunities & Challenges

Shannon O’Shea, Senior Urban

Designer, Hames Sharley


(20 mins)

(10 mins)

Workshop Session 1 - Activity

Facilitated Group Session -

Opportunities, Ideas & Issues

Group Feedback

Warren Giddens, Facilitator,



(10 mins)

Movement – Analysis

Pedestrian Movement

Traffic Movement

Parking Provision

Movement - Opportunities &


Shannon O’Shea, Senior Urban

Designer, Hames Sharley

Dianne Hayes, Senior Traffic &

Transport Engineer, Opus


(20 mins)

(10 mins)

Workshop Session 2 – Movement

Facilitated Group Session -

Opportunities, Ideas & Issues

Group Feedback

Warren Giddens, Facilitator,

Consult WG

11:40 10 Minute Break


(10 mins)

Character – Analysis

Character - Built Form

Character – Environment

Character - Opportunities & Challenges

Shannon O’Shea, Senior Urban

Designer, Hames Sharley


(20 mins)

(10 mins)

Workshop Session 3 – Character

Facilitated Group Session -

Opportunities, Ideas & Issues

Group Feedback

Warren Giddens, Facilitator,

Consult WG

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12:30 Part 3: Vision and Aspirations

(15 mins)

(10 mins)

Workshop 4

Vision and aspirations for the centre

under Activity, Movement, Character

Identify your top 3 priorities

Facilitated Group Session -

Opportunities, Ideas & Issues

Group Feedback

Anything that’s been overlooked?

Shannon O’Shea, Senior Urban

Designer, Hames Sharley

Warren Giddens, Facilitator,

Consult WG

12:55 Closing

(5 mins) Next Steps

Thanks and Close

Daniel Heymans, Coordinator City

Planning Projects, City of Stirling

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Attachment 2 | Workshop Presentation

Available to download at www.stirling.wa.gov.au/floraterracestudy

(File Size approx. 21MB)