Floating With Bagmati

FLOATING WITH BAGMATI Many scientist have revealed that we use a very few percentage of our brain. Even the great scientist Einstein used less than 5% of the total brain. In that respect, I am damn sure that I haven’t used even 2 percentage of my brain. Even at this situation, various ideas come into my mind and the life goes on with it. It’s a gloomy Sunday; sun is making acute angle to the land of Kathmandu valley. Peoples and their vehicles, both are in a rush. The peak hour has just started and traffic jam is clearly seen in the dusty roads. I am on the middle of Bagmati Bridge near Gaushala, heading towards Tinkune. Since there is a huge jam near Tilganga hospital, I had to wait nearly 5 minutes there. Waiting in a queue is really boring unless beautiful girls come around or something extra passes by that distracts our mind. But today, there are neither beautiful girls on the scooty, nor some sensational gazals on the backside of vehicles to read. My mind was sensing something different that was compressed in the mind my past activities. Bagmati is clean these days. Every Saturday, there is a Bagmati cleaning moment these days. I have also participated in that moment 2/3 times. But people throw plastic bags in the river at their ease. My eyes captured my attention on a plastic bag that was floating on the river coming across a long distance. it used to go to the corner and kept on fighting with water to reach the main stream. My mind suddenly compared the plastic bag with human. I don’t know whether it’s because of non-life factor that plastic bag that kept on fighting with water to keep on floating. I asked the same question to me, why do I give up even after small obstacles comes into a way. Why do I change my way knowing that it’s not a perfect idea. Why don’t I fight with myself, especially my mind to keep on searching the caves in the jungles

Transcript of Floating With Bagmati


Many scientist have revealed that we use a very few percentage of our brain. Even the great scientist Einstein used less than 5% of the total brain. In that respect, I am damn sure that I haven’t used even 2 percentage of my brain. Even at this situation, various ideas come into my mind and the life goes on with it.

It’s a gloomy Sunday; sun is making acute angle to the land of Kathmandu valley. Peoples and their vehicles, both are in a rush. The peak hour has just started and traffic jam is clearly seen in the dusty roads. I am on the middle of Bagmati Bridge near Gaushala, heading towards Tinkune. Since there is a huge jam near Tilganga hospital, I had to wait nearly 5 minutes there.

Waiting in a queue is really boring unless beautiful girls come around or something extra passes by that distracts our mind. But today, there are neither beautiful girls on the scooty, nor some sensational gazals on the backside of vehicles to read. My mind was sensing something different that was compressed in the mind my past activities.

Bagmati is clean these days. Every Saturday, there is a Bagmati cleaning moment these days. I have also participated in that moment 2/3 times. But people throw plastic bags in the river at their ease. My eyes captured my attention on a plastic bag that was floating on the river coming across a long distance. it used to go to the corner and kept on fighting with water to reach the main stream. My mind suddenly compared the plastic bag with human. I don’t know whether it’s because of non-life factor that plastic bag that kept on fighting with water to keep on floating. I asked the same question to me, why do I give up even after small obstacles comes into a way. Why do I change my way knowing that it’s not a perfect idea. Why don’t I fight with myself, especially my mind to keep on searching the caves in the jungles of opportunities? What makes me to surrender myself even with the single ant on the way?

I recalled the flashback of my whole life in the waiting queue of 5 minutes of traffic jam of Gaushala. I remembered how my boss takes credit in my hard work and I keep quiet. I remembered how I restarted to smoke even after my parents scolded at me, how I left memorizing the mathematics formula and wrote a cheat for examination. It urged a big impression on my mind about my past activities that I did in my life.

The traffic jam is over and I kicked my bike and moved towards my way towards office. Although the way was different, I was moving parallely with the plastic bag. The plastic bag was fighting with water to keep on floating and I was finding the way out of vehicles on the road. When I reached Tinkune Bagmati Bridge, I faced another jam. At that time I was wondering, whether the plastic bag was moving parallel with me or not. I looked at the distance, my vision could capture, but I didn’t see it. There could be only two options, either it was lost on the way before I reached there or it already over crossed me. Whatever may be the result; I become 100% assured that it was fighting for its way towards the endless upward destination.

My parents scolded me, my teachers slapped me, my friends advised me and even my office boss talked me various times to change my attitude. Today I am amazed myself how I changed my attitude with the plastic bag floating in Bagmati.