Flirt Attract Seduce - Seduction Made Simple

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  • 7/22/2019 Flirt Attract Seduce - Seduction Made Simple


    Bnn [fehts [isirvic. La pbrt ad thfs puknfobtfal gby ki ripracuoic fl bly darg ar ky bly gibls, flonucfle sobllfle, phataoapyfle, ar

    athirwfsi wfthaut prfar wrfttil pirgfssfal ad thi oapyrfeht hancir. Oapyrfeht ;02? [btfssi

    Niebn Cfsonbfgir: Ky ribcfle thfs gbtirfbn. Vau bri beriifle thbt blythfle thbt oagis ta pbss, whithir eaac ar kbc, ky thi usi ad thfs

    gbtirfbn, thbt F bg lat fllblofbnny rispalsfkni ar nfbkni. Ufth thbt kifle sbfc, yau bri drii ta usi thisi strbtiefis, tiohlfquis blc smfnns

    ta pursui thi six ad yaur ohafoi.

    Shfs kaam fs cicfobtic ta:

    Iviry kay/gbl al thfs pnblit thbt wfshis ta nfvi b nfdi ad sixubn bkulcbloi.

    Iviry pirsal thbt bnale gy jaurliy gy iltfri nfdi thbt hbs tbueht gi, fluiloic gi ar hinpic gi shbpi gysind flta thi gbl F bg


    Bnn thi wagil F dbfnic gfsirbkny wfth, thblm yau dar hinpfle ta tiboh gi.

    Bnn thi wagil F haamic up wfth bnale thi wby, thblm yau dar hinpfle ta tiboh gi.

    Bnn thi wagil Fvi hbc bly typi ad six wfth

    Vau, thi ribcir .

    Gy duturi ohfncril. Gby thfs kaam tiboh yau whil yau kioagi ad bei.

    Blc ispiofbnny ta: Phailfx, gy cbuehtir. Fnn bnwbys navi yau

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    Shi purpasi ad thfs kaam fs ta bvafc thi drustrbtfal blc pbfl thbt fs flvanvic wfth oalstbltny lat mlawfle whbt ta ca blc nasfle wagil

    thbt yau cisfri. F'vi kiil thaueh thi dunn ebgut ad thi cbtfle warnc. Oagpnitiny onuiniss ta mlawfle haw ta bttrbot, sicuoi blc cbti thi

    wagil thbt F cisfri. Shiy la naleir eit ta ohasi gi. F eit ta ohasi thig.

    Shfs taam gi yibrs ad trfbn blc irrar. Shbt's thi mlawnicei, smfnns, gflcsits blc taans thfs kaam wfnn pravfci yau. Ali obvibt thaueh

    VAY gust ea blc prbotfoi whbt F tiboh. Mlawnicei wfthaut ixpirfiloi fs pafltniss. Fd yau obl lat oaggft ta yaursind ta ca whbt ft

    tbmis ta eit kittir, yau gfeht bs winn stap ribcfle thfs kaam.

    Sbkni ad oaltilts

    Ohbptir 2: Mlawfle whbt warms wfth wagil

    Ft's AM ta ki yau

    Fgpravi yaursind bs guoh bs yau passfkny obl

    Kufncfle bl bttrbotfvi nfdistyni

    Haw yau gflc obl fgpravi yaur bkfnftfis fl cbtfle wagil

    Shi Kfe 9 Bribs ad Vaur Nfdi ta _ind Fgpravi blc Uhy

    Haw ulcirstblcfle Bnfoi fl walcirnblc obl fgpravi yaur bkfnftfis wfth wagil

    Haw yau diin flsfci, bkaut yaursind blc yaur nfdi

    Gbstirfle yaur gflc ta bttrbot wagil

    Uhbt ta ca fd yau ribnfzi fl yaur gflc thbt yaur nfdi suoms

    Cbtfle smfnns fgpravigilt pnbl

    Ohbptir ;: Oaggulfobtfle Ufth Uagil Blc Eraups Blc Kufncfle B Pirsalbnfty Shbt FsBttrbotfvi Sa Uagil

    Prisuppasftfals bri yaur iligy

    Gari iligfis- Liicfliss blc Flsiourfty

    Eafle aut

    -Dfx yaur stfomfle paflts.

    _tbrtfle paflt dar nibrlfle haw ta kioagi kittir wfth wagil

    -_mfnn 2: Tfkfle

    -Ibsy ixirofsis dar thfs

    -_mfnn ;: Sibsfle

    -_mfnn ?: Rubnfflobtfal

    -Pnbofle Rubnfflobtfals

    Kufncfle [bppart

    -Ciip rbppart

    -Ufci rbppart


    -2. _aofbn

    -;. _pbtfbn

    -?. Sauoh

    -3. _ixubn

    -9. Igatfalbn

  • 7/22/2019 Flirt Attract Seduce - Seduction Made Simple


    Igatfalbn Oalliotfal

    -2. Tunlirbkfnfty

    -;. [iofpraofty

    Igatfalbn oalliotfal dargunbs


    _oriilfle Bttrfkutis


    _anfcfdy thi drbgi yau cisfri

    Pripbri dar suooiss

    Ohbptir ?: Saans dar whil pfomfle up wagil

    Shfles yau obl tbnm bkaut ta bttrbot blc sicuoi b wagbl

    _ixubn Prfgfle

    -Sypis ad rispalsis

    Flstblt gbmi auts

    -Hiri bri thi miys

    -Oaupni ad tfps sa yau obl wiic aut wagil

    _aofbn tarlbca

    Ohbptir 3: Pfomfle up wagil


    -Shiri bri ? typis ad euys

    -Vaur praflni

    --Rufom ixbgpni ad gfli

    -Vaur pfoturis


    Cby Sfgi

    Haw ta bppraboh curfle thi cby

    -Tfotarfb's siorit ixbgpni

    Lfeht Sfgi bt b kbr

    -Kifle b saofbn cylbga

    Eilirbn Prflofpnis dar Kbrs/Onuks

    Uhil rullfle thi iltfty


    Flstblt cbtis

    Ohbptir 9: Gari Issiltfbn Saans

    Eafle dar thi lugkir


    Gy arfeflbn tixt stbom ta eit efrns al cbtis

    Uhbt ta ca fd thi cbti fs cbys bwby

    Uhbt ta ca fd shi's b viry kusy efrn

  • 7/22/2019 Flirt Attract Seduce - Seduction Made Simple


    Kibtfle sixubn risfstbloi blc sixubn isobnbtfal

    Ohbptir 4: Athir thfles yau liic ta mlaw

    _bgi lfeht six strbtiey

    -3 typis ad _L_'

    Arcir ad haw gy praerissfal wbs tfnn F stbrtic just daousfle al _L_

    Cibnfle wfth naefstfos

    -Ruistfals ta bsm dar eittfle nbfc thi sbgi lfeht

    Pfomfle pnbois ta giit wagil

    Pfomfle kbrs/onuks

    Pfomfle blc ilebefle eraups

    Cilaulofle b euys onbfg al b efrn

    Sypis ad euys yau wfnn hbvi ta cibn wfth aut bt kbrs

    Pfomfle up wfthaut gavfle

    Kbrtilcirs, ea-ea cbloirs blc thi nfmi

    Cfvi kbrs

    Kusfir kbrs blc onuks

    Kioagfle b saofbn cylbga blc eittfle nbfc b nat fl oanniei

    Bkaut thi buthar

    Ohbptir 2: Mlawfle whbt warms wfth wagil

    Ft's AM ta ki yau

    Sa gbly gil just cal't eit thfs. Vaur ulfquiliss blc kifle wfnnfle ta shbri ft blc kifle vunlirbkni fsbppibnfle.

    Hiri's bl ixbgpni ad haw bl bttrbotfvi wagbl al AmOupfc oaltbotic GI DF[_S.

    "F just hbvi ta sby thbt yau gby fl dbot ki thi gast fltiristfle pirsal F'vi ivir oagiborass al thfs sfti. Piapni wha bri wha thiy bri blc gbmi la bpanaefis dar ft bridbltbstfo!"

    Bnn thbt's liicic fs kifle bkni ta ca whbt F sbfc bkaut, kut shawobsi yaursind fl b pasftfvi nfeht. F tinnwagil bnn thi tfgi thbt F tiboh gil haw ta bttrbot blc pfom up wagil. Ft gby saulc dully blc

    oaultir pracuotfvi, kut fl dbot ft gbmis thig gari bttrbotic ta gi kiobusi F'vi eat thi eaacs ta kbomup whbt F sbfc thraueh gy botfals.

    Ft caisl't gbttir fd yaur hakkfis bri pnbyfle xkax, ribcfle, cafle obnnferbphy, tbxfcirgy ar blythfleinsi. _hawobsi thasi thfles fl b pasftfvi nfeht blc shbri thig. Ft efvis yau cipth.

    B wagbl caisl't liic ta hbvi thi sbgi hakkfis. Bnn thfs cais fs ft shaws thbt yau hbvi sagi mflc adnfdi. Shi warst mflc ad nfdi yau obl hbvi fs la nfdi. Shi kist mflc fs ali yau bri pbssfalbti bkaut.

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    Shiri fs b kittir wby thaueh. Fd yau hbvi thfles yau'vi mipt al thi shind bs "F'g fltiristic flohiomfle thfs hakky aut sagicby" thil stap wbstfle tfgi blc stbrt cafle thi thfles thbt fltirist yau.Ky cafle sa, thfs wfnn gbmi yau gari fltiristfle. Uhil yau tbnm bkaut thi thfles thbt yau bripbssfalbti bkaut wagil wfnn hibr ft fl yaur vafoi. Ft's ilebefle blc suoms thig fl.

    Pbrt ad thi psyohanaey kihflc thfs fs kiobusi law yau bri b gbl ad botfal thbt cais blc eais dar thithfles hi wblts. Shfs ali sfleni bcbptbtfal ta yaur nfdi wfnn hinp yau stblc aut bgale thi sib ad athirgil. Ui nfvi fl b warnc whiri piapni sittni. Shi sittni fl thifr obriirs, thiy sittni fl thifr pirsalbnrinbtfalshfps blc thiy sittni whil ft oagis ta thi thfles thiy ca.

    Piapni thbt ca whbt thiy navi hbvi pbssfal blc ilthusfbsg fl thifr nfvis. Athir piapni silsi ft blcfl b dully wby wfsh thiy hbc thbt pbssfal blc ilthusfbsg. Ft bnsa hbs thi bcvbltbei ad gbmfle yaugbelitfo blc ohbrfsgbtfo.

    Fgpravi yaursind bs guoh bs yau passfkny obl

    Shiri fs lathfle sixfir ta b wagbl thbl thfs. Ft wfnn bnsa gbmi yau diin sixfir blc gari oalflcilt.

    Fgpravi bnn bribs ad yaur nfdi.

    Fd yau bri dbt, nasi thi wifeht blc kufnc sagi gusoni.

    Shi gast pirdiot pfioi ad wfscag F ivir hibrc bkaut thfs F hibrc drag Hyplatfob.

    Hi tanc gi thbt dar thi stucilts hi tibohis thbt bri avirwifeht, hi fps ft blc bsms thig fd b wagblwbs 40 nks. avirwifeht waunc thiy wblt ta cbti thbt efrn.

    Shflm bkaut thfs blc tbmi bl halist naam bt yaursind.

    Fd yau oaunc sii thraueh thi iyis ad b wagbl, waunc yau wblt ta cbti yau1

    Fd sa, why1 Ki knult wfth yaursind.

    Uhil ft oagis cawl ta tryfle ta eit eaac fl thi cbtfle ribng sagitfgis piapni put thi obrt kidarithi harsi. Shiy try ta rul kidari thiy nibrl ta wbnm fl b silsi. _agi piapni try ta nibrl tbotfos taefvi thigsinvis bl icei wfthaut flrst tbmfle b naam bt thigsinvis flrst.

    Fl arcir dar thiri ta ki bly trui sbtfsdbotfal ali gust flrst navi alisind, vbnui thifr awl apflfal flrstblc darigast blc hbvi thifr nfdi fl arcir. Ufthaut thfs, suooiss wfnn ki shbnnaw blc giblfleniss. Fdthfs fslt fl pnboi ft liics ta ki kufnt. Hbvfle thfs daulcbtfal fs b miy oagpalilt. Fd yau oblt sby thbtyau diin thfs wby wfthaut 200% oalvfotfal thil warm al thbt flrst.

    F sby thfs kiobusi F hbvi nfvic ft. Bt ali paflt, bnn F wbs cafle wbs ohbsfle wagil. F cfclt kufnc thirinbtfalshfps F wbltic whfoh untfgbtiny hbc bl fgpbot al thi wby F dint bkaut gysind whfoh hbc bcfriot oarrinbtfal al gy nfdi blc gy bkfnftfis. Shfs nibc flta six just ta hbvi six, thi thrfnn ad thi ohbsi,bnoahan blc crues, kut lat tbreitfle thi thfles thbt waunc gbmi gi hbppy.

    Hbvfle b dul, bttrbotfvi nfdi wfnn bnwbys butagbtfobnny bttrbot wagil blc liw drfilcs flta yaur nfdi. Ftnngbmi yau hbppfir whfoh wfnn pasftfviny bddiot bnn bspiots ad nfdi. Shfs warms al thi oari flrst, tribtfle

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    thi oalcftfal blc lat just b sygptag.

    _tbrt drag whiri yau bri bt blc kufnc drag thiri. Fd yaur saofbn nfdi fslt whbt yau wblt ft ta ki ar yaubri uloagdartbkni tbnmfle ta piapni, warm al thbt ta stbrt= warry bkaut pfomfle up wagil nbtir. Kycafle thfs flrst ft wfnn gbmi ft ibsfir dar yau thbl fd yau calt hblcni thfs fssui flrst.

    Uhil cibnfle wfth piapni b nat ad aur nfgftbtfals kioagi fgpasic al us kiobusi ad dibr. Uhithir ftfs lat eafle ta tbnm ta thbt outi efrn yau sii borass thi kbr, ilcfle b cbti thbt wbs eafle winn wfthauttryfle dar six ivil thaueh yau wblt ft ar ivil bs nfttni bs spibmfle yaur gflc. Pbrt ad thfs fs kiobusiwi bs piapni bri warrfic bkaut whbt athirs thflm ad us blc thi dibr ad kifle rijiotic. Gast piapnithflm thfs wby, ivil wagil. Shfs drbgi ad gflc raks aur fltirbotfals ad whbt truny oaunc ki.

    [igigkir wi bnwbys eit kbom whil wi efvi. Shi wby ta naam bt thfles fs ta daous al whbt yau oblca ta fgpravi ar ilrfoh thfs athir pirsals nfdi. Shfs warms ; danc. Aloi yau la naleir bri trbppicflsfci yaursind fl b silsi, yau wfnn ki botfle gari aut ad navi, dul blc ourfasfty blc lat daousfle alyaursind whil yau fltirbot. Shi sioalc fs thbt athirs wfnn bppriofbti yau blc ft wfnn ki riiotic kbomal yau. Daous al b gflcsit thbt fs gari flta efvfle thbl whbt yau obl eit. Shfs tbmis prissuri blcstriss add thfles.

    Dfrst thfle thbt ali shaunc ca fs tbmi b pirsalbn flviltary ad alis nfdi blc fleuri aut whiri thiy bri:Bnn thi eaac blc bnn thi kbc. Mlawfle thfs fs pbrt ad thi praoiss. Lixt fleuri aut whbt yau wblt aut adyaur nfdi, whbt yaur fcibn sind blc nfdistyni waunc ki nfmi. _tbrt gbelfdyfle yaur strileths blc daous alfgpravfle whbt liics ta ki fgpravic.

    B kfe thfle b nat ad piapni bvafc fs tbmfle rfsms. Uhithir ft kifle fltracuofle yaursind ta piapni yauwblt ta giit ar wbltfle ta mfss b efrn, kut ohfomilfle aut fl arcir ta bvafc rijiotfal. Yntfgbtiny thisithfles hbult yau fl thi shart rul bs winn bs thi nale rul. Shi kfe thfle thiy ca fs fgpici yaurpraeriss.

    Kufncfle bl bttrbotfvi nfdistyni

    Shfs gibls saofbnfzfle blc kufncfle up b eraup ar kuloh ad eraups thbt bri yaur oari drfilcs.[igigkir thaueh ta ki siniotfvi fl wha yau krfle braulc yau kiobusi VAY UFNN KI JYCEIC KVSHI OAGPBLV VAY MIIP.

    Bnsa eit yaur shft taeithir.

    Shfs gibls yaur obriir, hbvfle hakkfis thbt yau nfmi ta ca blc ki oalstbltny ivanvfle wha yau bri.

    _uri pbrtyfle fs eribt, kut la ali wblts ta cbti sagiali thbt bnn thiy ca fs crflm ulniss thiy bri blbnoahanfo taa.

    Ki bcvilturaus blc try liw thfles.

    Shfs wfnn kufnc gari cipth fl wha yau bri. Bnale thi wby yau wfnn cfsoavir thfles thbt yau nfmi blcthfles thbt yau cal't nfmi. Shfs fs just trfbn blc irrar.

    _tbrt ky pfomfle sagithfle blc stfomfle wfth ft dar b oaupni wiims ta b galth thil fleuri aut haw yaudiin.

    Fd yau nfmi ft, thil miip ft. Fd lat, cfsobrc ft.

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    Miip cafle thfs praoiss avir blc avir. Ft'nn krfle gari jay flta yaur nfdi, yau'nn kufnc b gari bttrbotfvinfdi blc bnale thi wby yau wfnn nibrl bkaut wha yau bri.

    Bnn ad thbt fs pawirdun blc gbmis yau b gari bttrbotfvi gbni.

    Haw yau gflc obl fgpravi yaur bkfnftfis fl cbtfle wagil

    Shfs pbrt fs b oungflbtfal ad gy pbst blc rioilt ivilts whfoh obusic gi ta tbmi b oanc hbrc naam blcsbvi gysind drag b cawlwbrc spfrbn.

    Vaur krbfl fs bl bgbzfle taan, thi alny cawlsfci fs thbt whil yau wiri karl yau wirilt efvil blflstruotfal gblubn al haw ta apirbti ft. Al tap ad thbt, yau wiri oalcftfalic drag kfrth ky dbotars autad yaur oaltran whfoh nidt yau wfric fl b oirtbfl wby. Vaur iltfri nfdi hbs kiil nibc kbsic al thipbrbgitirs ad thfs wfrfle. F sby duom thbt! Ohaasi ta riwfri yaursind thi wby yau wblt ta ki. Sa diinthi wby yau wblt ta diin.

    Fts sbc thbt gast piapni hbvi ohasil ta bnnaw thifr igatfalbn stbtis ta ki cfotbtic ky thi apflfals adathirs. Fl thfs obsi whbt yau bri ribnny cafle fs sbyfle thbt yaur awl apflfals calt gibl shft

    oagpbric ta thi apflfals ad strbleirs. Shfs nibcs ta liicfliss, nbom ad iljaygilt ad nfdi, b livirilcfle urei dar piapni ta nfmi yau blc liic ta pnibsi thi whfgs ad athirs.

    Euiss whbt gy drfilc. VAYbri nfvfle VAY[nfdi lat thisi athir piapni yau bri rblcagny giitfle. Flyaur gflc, thi gast fgpartblt pirsal fl yaur warnc shaunc ki VAY. Fd yau cal't diin thbt wby, thilyau bri nfvfle b dbnsi nfdi blc thiri nfis yaur praknig. Fd yau truny kinfivi thbt yaur apflfal ad yaursindfs gari fgpartblt thbl whbt blathir pirsal thflms ad yau sagi bwisagi thfles wfnn kiefl ta hbppil.

    2. Vau waunclt duom yaursind up sa guoh whil tbnmfle ta wagil blc fl athir bribs thbt bri

    saofbn fl lbturi.

    ;. Vaur cigiblar fl whbt yau prisilt ta thi warnc waunc ki cfddirilt.

    ?. Piapni waunc ki rispalcfle ta yau cfddirilt.

    3. Fd thbt outi ohfom yau bri tbnmfle ta eits cfsfltiristic blc nibvis, ft walt hbvi thbt cbeeir

    ta thi hibrt bddiot al yau.

    9. Vaur blxfity nivins wfnn crap ta thi aar.4. Vau walt ki siimfle bppravbn drag athirs ar tryfle ta tbmi vbnui drag thig. Flstibc yau

    wfnn truny ki fltirbotfle wfth piapni blc oalliotfle wfth thig. Shfs fl fts awl fs whiri

    gbefo stbrts hbppilfle.

    Bnn thisi liebtfvi thauehts thbt gby ki eafle al fl yaur hibc (ix. Fg lat (flnn fl thi knblm) blc thbtswhy efrns calt nfmi gi) winn euiss whbt: ITI[VALI VAY ILOAYLSI[ SHFLM_ SHF_ _BGIUBV.Shbt hat ohfom thbt yau wblt ta bppraboh, kut bri bdrbfc ta hbs thisi thauehts taa. _hi gbydiin nfmi b shy, sobric nfttni efrn flsfci. Shi paflt fs yau calt mlaw whbt fs eafle al fl b pirsals hibcsa ta bnribcy gbmi b juceigilt bebflst yaursind ar bkaut thig kidari yauvi ivil tbnmic ta thig fsali ad thi kfeeist gfstbmis yau obl gbmi.

    Bnsa bnale thasi nflis, sby yau eit rijiotic ky sagi efrn. Vau alny sii hbnd thi stary blc ivil thbt fsjbcic kiobusi ft fs whbt yau hbvi bppnfic giblfle ta. Vau gby ki sbyfle F suom wfth wagil, aloibebfl hiri's blathir ali thbt pravis ft ta gi, kut sfloi yau calt mlaw whbts eafle al fl hir hibcar hir nfdi yau bri gfssfle aut al sagithfle huei. Hir cae oaunc hbvi just cfic, shi just daulc authir cbc hbs obloir, ito. blc yau just hbppilic ta oagi braulc bt thi wrale tfgi blc yau booiptblathir cbeeir ta yaur hibrt.

    Uhil yau oagi ta ribnfzi thfs bs truth, bl fllir shfdt wfnn aoour blc thfles thbt aloi obusic yau pbflwalt bddiot yau thi sbgi.

    Nibrl ta gbstir yaur gflc. Ft obl ki yaur eribtist bnny ar dai cipilcfle al yau. Ft obl gbmi yau

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    ulkribmbkni ar drbefni, aloi bebfl thi ohafoi fs up ta yau. Uhbt F gibl ky thfs fs yaur sind tbnm. Fd yauohaasi ta gacirbti yaur gflc, cfriot ft ta thi pasftfvi blc daous al thi eribtliss thbt fs yau= ftkioagis nfmi flvfsfkni brgar. Uhil yau bnnaw ft ta rul bguom, dbntir blc dbnn flta liebtfvi pbttirls= ftkioagis nfmi pafsal thbt yau bri ulmlawfleny fleistfle.

    Daous al yau kiobusi untfgbtiny SHI ALNV SHFLE VAY OBL OALS[AN F_ VAY. [ionbfg thipawir thbt wbs rfehtdunny efvil ta yau bt kfrth.

    Shi Kfe 9 Bribs ad Vaur Nfdi ta _ind Fgpravi blc Uhy

    Fvi kiil braulc thi knaom dar bwhfni blc eali thraueh b nat.

    _ix julmfi Bnoahanfo Crue usir Bsshani

    blc prakbkny guoh gari

    Uhbt Fvi oagi ta ribnfzi thraueh thfs jaurliy fs thbt thiri bri 9 bribs ad yaur nfdi thbt yau GY_S

    miip kbnbloic ar hbppfliss wfnn ki aut ad riboh blc yau wfnn naam insi whiri tryfle ta aktbfl ft. _pfrftubnfty _ixubn nfdi Giltbn Hibnth Physfobn hibnth _aofbn nfdi

    Shflm ad ft nfmi b pfi. Iboh pfioi liics ta ki fl bnfelgilt. Fd yau daous taa guoh al ali thil yaulieniot athirs. Fd bly brib suddirs thil thiy bnn suddir.

    _pfrftubn- Fd thfs fs nbomfle ft obl bddiot bnn thi rist. Mlaw thy sind

    Vaur sixubn nfdi- Fd yau daous taa guoh al thfs ft obl giss up saofbn bkfnftfis kiobusi passfkny bnn

    yau bri cafle fs just tryfle ta eit six. Vau gfss aut al gbmfle drfilcs blc nasi drfilcs fl thi praoiss.Shfs obl hbvi b sukstbltfbn fgpbot al yaur giltbn hibnth.

    Ixbgpnis:Tfiwfle wagil alny bs six akjiots, yaur iltfri fciltfty rivanvfle braulc eittfle nbfc,ft la naleir erbtfflis yau blc thil ft sflms fl haw guoh yauvi nast ar gfssic aut al.

    Giltbn hibth- Shfs fs bl akvfaus ali. Hbppy ar ulhbppy. Ft wfnn bddiot yaur saofbn nfdi, sixubn nfdi,physfobn hibnth blc yaur spfrftubnfty. Uhy ca yau thflm sa gbly piapni thbt eat rfoh blc dbgaus ifthircfic drag crues ar oaggfttic sufofci.

    Physfobn hibnth- Shfs iddiots thi wby yau sii yaursind. Uhfoh fl turls bddiots haw yau diin. Haw yaudiin bddiots ivirythfle insi.

    Vaur saofbn nfdi- Lat hbvfle ali ar hbvfle ali yau iljay nibcs ta kifle ulhbppy. Kifle saofbnnybwmwbrc cifllftiny nibcs ta lat eittfle nbfc. Uhfoh bddiots giltbn hibnth blc thi rist ad thi cagflasdbnn.

    Haw ulcirstblcfle Bnfoi fl walcirnblc obl fgpravi yaur bkfnftfis wfth wagil

    Vau bri bnfoi. Fl thi gavfi, Bnfoi hbs dareat wha shi aloi wbs. Shfs rinbtis ta yau al thfs nivin. Bs bkbky yau wiri saofbn, oalflcilt blc bsmic dar whbt yau wblt. Shraueh thi yibrs ad saofbnoalcftfalfle blc nfdi ixpirfilois wi hbvi dareat aur trui lbturi.

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    Pbrt ad whbt F tiboh fs haw ta rioalliot wfth thbt trui lbturi ad wha yau bri.

    Fl walcirnblc, thi fgpassfkni fs passfkni. Shfs fs ribnfty. Iviry ali hbs thifr awl virsfal ad whbtthiy thflm ribnfty fs. _agi cal't ribnfzi thbt thiy hanc thi miys blc thi pawir ta rishbpi thifr ribnftyta whbt thiy cisfri.

    _agitfgis ft tbmis just b shfdt fl pirspiotfvi. _agitfgis ft tbmis eafle up bebflst pirsalbn kinfidsblc sgbshfle thig thraueh nfdi ixpirfiloi. Ui hbvi bnn cali thfs bt cfddirilt stbeis ad aur nfvis.

    Shi stary fs hir jaurliy ta riebflfle hir pawir blc kioagfle thi Bnfoi shi liics ta ki ta suooiic.Shfs fs yaur jaurliy. Ft fs bkaut thi sbgi thfle. _agi kihbvfars gby liic ta ki ulnibrlic, liwgflcsits bcaptic, b drish pirspiotfvi al thfles blc tbmfle botfal fs whbt wfnn ki liicic ta trblsdargyau flta b gari lbturbnny bttrbotfvi gbni.

    Shfs fs vftbn! Shi ribsal dar thfs fs ta eit thi raat ad thi fssuis yau bri hbvfle wfth wagil. Onibrthasi aut blc pfomfle up wagil ar eittfle efrndrfilcs kioagis iddartniss.

    Shi Jbkkirwaomy fs yaur cigals blc dibrs. Shfs liics ta ki dboic wfth oaurbei blc strileth.Ufthaut aviroagfle thisi cigals blc dibrs F'g sbc ta sby thbt yau wfnn miip ripibtfle thi sbgipbttirls fl sfgfnbr sftubtfals.

    Saa gbly piapni cal't dboi thbt nbst pbrt blc fl b silsi kioagi thifr awl sind sbkatiur whil ftoagis ta kioagfle b kittir, gari bttrbotfvi virsfal ad thigsinvis.

    Haw yau diin flsfci, bkaut yaursind blc yaur nfdi

    Shi autsfci warnc ribnny fs b gblfdistbtfal ad whbt yau thflm blc yaur kinfids. Shi ixtirlbn warnc,yaur ourrilt ribnfty fs truny cfotbtic ky thfs.

    Gast piapni nfvi al butapfnat fl b liebtfvi "wai fs gi" stbti ar thiy sittni dar whiri thiy bri fl nfdiblc kbsfobnny smbti thraueh nfdi blc bt thi ilc rierit thi ohafois thbt thiy cfclt gbmi. Shi flrstthfle ta ca fs ta tbmi ohbrei ad yaur nfdi blc stap gbmfle ixousis ar knbgfle athir piapni.

    Ui nfvi fl pbttirls, thiy oagi drag aur sukoalsofaus blc thi thauehts wi hbvi.

    Shi alny wby ta nit ea ad thig fs yau gust tbmi pirsalbn rispalsfkfnfty dar thi thfles thbt hbppil flyaur nfdi.

    Shisi bri thfles yau obl oaltran blc ohblei.

    Ky tbmfle oalsofaus botfal blc infgflbtfle thi ixousis thfs bnnaws yau ta nit ea ad thi sobpieabtsyau hbvi.

    Uhil ft oagis cawl ta ciofsfals ar cistfly, alny yau hbvi thi pawir ta ohaasi whithir ta tbmi thiwhiin ad thi shfp blc stiir ft thi oaursi yau cisfri ar nit nfdi wfsm yau braulc fl rblcag cfriotfalsnfmi b nibd fl thi wflc.

    F ribc b quati aloi thbt sugs thfs up pirdiotny:

    Shasi wha gbmi ciofsfals blc hbvi oaloriti eabns bri gbstirs ad thifr dbti.

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    Shasi thbt calt bri sirvblts ad thifr dbti Ylmlawl

    Shi ohafoi fl thbt fs yaurs. Vau just hbvi ta gbmi ft. _uri fts ibsfir ta knbgi athirs blc gbmiixousis kiobusi ft pratiots aur ieas, kut fl thi walcraus warnc thbt fs nfdi ft ilcs up kioagfle bknaom.

    Ft knaoms us drag ohaasfle ta ohblei aur sftubtfals, ta ea dar whbt wi wblt blc lat whbt athirs wbltdar us.

    Sbmi bl halist naam bt yaur nfdi.

    Punn aut ? pfiois ad pbpir Al ali sfci ad thi flrst, wrfti cawl ITI[VSHFLE thbt yau bri erbtidun dar. Al thi athir sfci wrfti cawl ITI[VSHFLE yau wblt aut ad nfdi. Uhbts fgpartblt ta yau1 Uhbt

    ca yau stblc dar1 Haw yau wblt ta nfvi yaur nfdi1 Uhbt bri yaur eabns1

    Danc thfs up, put ft fl yaur wbnnit blc obrry ft wfth yau.

    Shfs fs fgpartblt kiobusi fd yau calt mlaw whbt yau wblt thil haw obl yau ivil eit ft.

    Al ali sfci ad thi sioalc pfioi ad pbpir wrfti cawl whbt krfles yau jay. Ca gari ad thbt.Al thi athir sfci wrfti cawl wblt tbmis jay bwby drag yau. Ca niss ad thbt.

    Al thi thfrc pfioi ad pbpir, wrfti cawl whbt yau bri wfnnfle bnnaw flta yaur nfdi.

    Al thi athir sfci, wrfti cawl whbt yau bri lat wfnnfle ta stblc dar fl yaur nfdi.

    _ystigbtfobnny wiic aut thasi thfles yau ca blc piapni yau cibn wfth thbt calt dbnn flta thi pfni adShfs fs whbt F stblc dar blc wfnn put up wfth.

    Srust gi ftnn gbmi yau hbppfir.

    Cfc yau ca thi ixirofsi1 Fd lat, CA FS.

    Uhbt yau hbvi cali ky oagpnitfle thfs ixirofsi fs ciflli haw yau bri eafle ta nfvi- b oaci ad hawyau wfnn nfvi yaur nfdi.

    Fd yau hbvi giltbn fnnlissis, fleuri aut fd fts sagithfle yau wiri karl wfth ar fts b cieilirbtfvicfsibsi thbt yau hbvi civinapic avirtfgi. Fd fts thi sioalc (ar fl sagi obsis bnsa thi flrst), eaacohbloi ft gby ki rivirsfkni.

    Shi hugbl kacy fs giblt ta rieilirbti ftsind sa tbmi b eaac hbrc naam bt whbt yau bri puttfle fl

    yaur kacy. Vaur kacy fs nfmi b obr.

    Ixbgpni: Fd yau put suebr fl yaur ebs tblm flstibc ad ebs, yauc ilc up cistrayfle yaur ilefli.Uhbt yau put fl yaur kacy fs b cfriot riiotfal ad whbt yau eit aut ad ft. Hiris thi kfe ?:

    Bfr Ubtir Daac.

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    Swa ad thisi yau hbvi oagpniti oaltran avir blc yau obl sart ad oaltran thi thfrc.

    Akvfausny, yau obl ohaasi whbt yau ibt.

    F krfle thfs up kiobusi ad gbly ribsals.

    B oaupni ad thig kifle, yaur eilirbn gaac blc avirbnn ilirey. Fd ifthir ad thisi yau diin yau hbvinaw nivins ad= yau gby wblt ta rioalsfcir whbt yau bri puttfle fl yaur kacy.

    Rufom tfp: Fd yau bri nfvfle b dbst daac typi ad cfit, stap ft. Bnn ft ilcs up cafle fl thi nale rul fsbddiotfle yau giltbnny, physfobnny blc nawirs yaur ilirey nivins.

    Bs dar thi wbtir yau crflm. Cfc yau mlaw thbt b nat. tbp wbtir blc kattnic wbtir fs botubnny kbc daryau1 F cfclt mlaw ultfn b nfttni whfni bea.

    Hiris 3 thfles bkaut aur crflmfle wbtir.

    Ohnarfli- mfnns kbotirfb (mfnns us snawny) Dnuarfci- miips thi pfpis drag rustfle. _aulc eribt rfeht. Lat dar yaur kacy ar krbfl. Nyi- Sbp wbtir wfthaut ft fs botubnny ulcrflmbkni. Nyi hbs b PH ad 2?-23, sa ft obl kbnbloi aut thi

    bofcfty ad aur wbtir sa ft obl ki crflmbkni. Gicfobtfals- Uha mlaws whbt ohigfobn oaomtbfns bri abtfle braulc fl bri wbtir kiobusi whil

    haspftbns hbvi gicfobtfals thbt bri ixpfric thiy ush thig.

    Ohblei whbt yau put fl yaur kacy blc yau ohblei yaur nfdi kiobusi yaunn cifllftiny ohblei thi wbyyau diin blc efvi yaur kacy b flehtfle ohbloi ta hibn ftsind fl thfs bofcfo typi ad nfdistyni wi nfvi fl.

    Bs dar bfr, ribnny thi alny thfle yau obl ca fs try bvafc pannutblts. Fts yaur obnn ta sgami ar warm fl bpnboi nfmi b sundur gfli.

    Fd yau hbvi pbst trbugbs ispiofbnny thfles hfccil, thisi wfnn bddiot thi wby yau bri wfth thi warnc. Fwaunc rioaggilc fllcfle sagiali thbt obl hinp yau wfth thfs ta eit yaur fllir kbeebei onibric up.

    Gbstirfle yaur gflc ta bttrbot wagil

    Ali cby whil F wbs just spilcfle tfgi wfth gy cbuehtir pnbyfle whil F ciofcic ta put al yautukisa shi oaunc nfstil blc wbtoh ohfncrils lursiry rhygis. Bgale thig obgi: [aw, [aw, [aw yaurkabt.

    Ft wbs thi flspfrbtfal ad thfs. Ft shawic b obt blc b cae praerissfle cawl thi wfltir blc bs ibohoharus ilcic, ft waunc praeriss ta b liw stbei ad nfdi.

    _prfle dar ohfnchaac

    _uggir dar bcanisoiloi

    Dbnn dar bcunthaac

    Ufltir dar anc bei

    Uhbt F daulc bgbzfle fl thfs, wbs thi sfgpnfofty ad fts gissbei

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    [aw, raw, raw yaur kabt,

    Eiltny cawl thi stribg.Girrfny, girrfny, girrfny, girrfny,

    Nfdi fs kut b cribg.

    Fl gy piroiptfal, hiris haw F naam bt ft: Shi flrst nfli cisorfkis yau. Vau bri thi kabt. Shi sioalc nfli cisorfkis yaur jaurliy thraueh nfdi. Shbt thiri fs la ribsal ta rush thfles

    blc striss aut, kut ta ea bkaut ft bt yaur awl oagdartbkni pboi. Shi thfrc nfli cisorfkis thbt yau shaunc ki hbppy. Shflm bkaut thbt fl yaur nfdi. Vauvi oagi

    sa dbr fl yaur jaurliy, kut bri yau truny hbppy wfth thi thfles yau ca. Ca yau iljay yaur jak1 Cayau iljay thi saofbn nfdi yau hbvi1 Ca yau iljay thi botfvftfis yau ca1 Ca yau iljay thi sixubnnfdi yau hbvi1 Ca yau iljay yaur nfdi1 Ca yau iljay thi pbrtlir yau bri wfth1 F oaunc ea al blc alwfth quistfals, kut yau eit thi paflt. Shfs fs yaur nfdi blc thiri fs la silsi eafle bkaut ft diinfletirrfkni. Ixirofsi: _ft cawl wfth b latikaam blc ixpnari yaur nfdi. Shi kfe 9 bri: spfrftubnfty,giltbn hibnth, physfobn hibnth, saofbn nfdi blc sixubn nfdi.Ki halist wfth yaursind blc bsm yaursind ? quistfals dar iboh:

    Bg F hbppy wfth gy.1Fd F wbs ta rbti haw F diin bkaut gy. drag b sobni ad 2 ta 20, whbt lugkir waunc ft ki1Uhbt bri sagi thfles F obl ca ta fgpravi gy.1

    Shi fllbn nfli riprisilts thbt yau bri thi gbstir oaltrannfle yaur nfdi ivil fd yau thflm yau

    brilt. Shflm bkaut thbt. Vaur jak: Vau ohaasi ta ca ft, kut yau calt hbvi ta. Fd yau bri ulhbppy,thiri fs la daroi aut thiri sbyfle yau oblt ohblei obriirs ar stby fl thi sbgi flinc blc warm darblathir oagpbly. Vaur kacy: Fd yau bri ulhbppy wfth thi wby yau naam, ohblei thbt. Dflc b pbththbt flts yau.

    Vau calt warm aut1_tbrt. Vau ibt b nat ad julm daac1_tap blc oagi up wfth blathir gibnstrbtiey.Vau bri ulhbppy: fleuri aut whbts eafle al hiri. Hiri bri ? ixirofsis dar thfs:

    Fl yaur latikaam, wrfti cawl ivirythfle yau obl thflm ad thbt gbmis yau ulhbppy. Lixt dar ibohali, wrfti cawl thi ribsals thbt yau ca thisi thfles. Dflbnny, infgflbti thi alis thbt bri trfvfbnblc thi alis yau obl efvi up stbrtfle law.

    Shfs ali kufncs add ad thi nbst ali. Shi thfles yau bri ulhbppy wfth wrfti cawl twa cfddirilt thflesbkaut iboh ali: Shfs sftubtfal, thfle, pirsal, jak, ito whbt bkaut ft oaunc F ohaasi ta ki hbppybkaut fd F ribnny wbltic ta ki1 Fd thfs truny gbmis gi gfsirbkni: whbt oaunc F ca ta ripnboi ft, gbmithi sftubtfal kittir ar stap ft1

    Erbtftuci. Uhbt bri yau erbtidun dar1 Urfti thfs aut blc miip oagfle kbom ta ft. Uhbt bg F

    erbtidun dar blc why1 Shfs hinps shaw yau thi eaac thfles fl yaur nfdi thbt bri ourriltny thiri. Uibs piapni eit sa obueht up fl nfdi blc ca thfles al butapfnat thbt wi dareit thi nfttni thfles.

    Ixbgpnis:Hbvfle thi bkfnfty ta wbnm, tbnm, hibr, sginn, tbsti, tauoh, tfi yaur shai, iljay b sulsit,passfkny crflm onibl wbtir, passfkny ibt areblfo daac, hbvi shintir, hbvi b oagputir, ribc kaams,wrfti aut thfles, itoUhfoh krfles gi kbom ta gy arfeflbn paflt. Vau oaltran whbt yau ca fl thilixt gfluti, thi lixt 9 gflutis, thi lixt haur, thi lixt cby, thi lixt wiim, thi lixt galth blc

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    thi lixt yibr.Vaur cribgs ad whiri yau wblt ta ki bri yaur ohafoi.Shi flrst thfle yau hbvi ta ca fs ohasiwhbt yau wblt blc tbmi cbfny botfal tawbrc thbt eabn. Gbyki ft wfnn tbmi yau b galth ta eit thiri,gbyki b yibr= ifthir wby fts cbfny botfal thbt wfnn eit yau thiri. Shi ribsal F sby cbfny botfal fs thbt ftmiips yau daousic. _ioalc ft tbmis whbt gfeht diin avirwhingfle blc kribms ft cawl flta gblypfiois thbt fl thbt darg siig gblbeibkni. Shfrc ft eits yau gavfle oalstbltny tawbrc yaur eabn.

    Vau hbvi b ohafoi fl thbt taa. Ca yau ca thfles thbt yau wblt blc thbt bri fl thi cfriotfal ad yaureabn ar ca yau smfp cbys, passfkny wiims ar galths blc fllc yaursind b yibr drag law la onasir tayaur eabn.

    Shi ohafoi fs yaurs ta gbmi.

    Uhbt ta ca fd yau ribnfzi fl yaur gflc thbt yaur nfdi suoms

    Shfs fs eafle ta ea flta thi 80/;0 prflofpni. F cfclt oagi up wfth ft, kut ft siigs bppraprfbti kiobusift siigs ta bddiot ivirythfle fl nfdi. Uhbt ft fs, fs thbt ;0% ad yaur iddarts iqubti ta 80% ad yausuooiss. Uhbt thfs bnsa gibls fs thbt ;0% ad thi thfles thbt yau ca iqubti ta 80% ad thi jay yauhbvi fl yaur nfdi.

    Fd yau thflm bkaut ft thil ;0% ad whbt yau ca iqubtis ta 80% ad yaur ulhbppfliss. Shi kibuty adthfs fs thbt yau obl fgpravi yaur nfdi ky gflfgfzfle thi thfles thbt suom.

    Nfmi stbtic bkavi, fts kist ta kufnc b strbtiey ta gflfgfzi thig.

    Krbflstarg blc ki oagpnitiny halist wfth yaursind.

    Uhbt yau cfsnfmi, whbt yau wfsh ta flx, whbt yau cispfsi blc whbt yau just uttirny hbti cafle.

    Ixbgpnis ad thfs flonuci, kut lat nfgftic ta: Vaur jak, yaur drfilcs, yaur hibnth, yaur efrndrfilc blc thicipth ad yaur rinbtfalshfps wfth piapni.

    Shfs obl ki usic bs winn dar thasi thfles thbt yau nfmi, navi, thbt krfle yau jay blc hbppfliss. Vauobl kufnc b strbtiey ta gbxfgfzi thisi taa.

    Uhbt Fvi daulc warms dar gi blc athirs fs ta sit runis up. Vau hbvi ohafoi fl yaur nfdi. Vau calthbvi ta truny ca thfles thbt suom.

    F mlaw whbt yau gby ki sbyfle Kut [btfssi F hbti gy jak blc F hbvi ta ca ft.

    La yau truny calt hbvi ta. La ali fs puttfle b eul ta yaur hibc. La ali fs gbmfle yau ca blythfle,yau stby bt yaur jak kiobusi ft pravfcis sagi sbdity ad floagi.

    Fl thbt soilbrfa, fleuri aut fd ft fs thi jak yau hbti ar thi ilvfralgilt yau bri fl. Vau hbvi bnn thipawir ta gbmi b ohblei fl thbt fd yau wfsh ta.

    F mlaw ft gby ki sobry, kut yaur hbppfliss fs warth ft.

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    Uhbt yau gby lat ribnfzi fs thbt yaur botfals, whbt yau truny cispfsi hbvi b rfppni iddiot al yaur nfdiblc yaur fltirbotfals wfth thi warnc yau nfvi fl.

    Iviry law blc thil yau gby hbvi ta ca sagi thfles thbt suom, kut thbts nfdi. Shiy shaunclt oaltranyaur nfdi thaueh blc fd thiy hbppil wfth rieunbrfty, just eit rfc ad thig.

    Ft gby ki uloagdartbkni blc yau gby ki sobric, kut avir thi nale rul fl yaur nfdi yau wfnn ki thblmdunyau cfc.

    Shiris lathfle warsi thbl cafle sagithfle thbt fs fl b silsi pafsalfle yau blc eafle bebflst thierbfl thbt fs yau.

    Fd yauri lat kufncfle thi nfdi ad yaur cribgs, fl ribnfty fts la ali insis dbunt kut yaur awl.

    Vau obl cirfvi sa guoh sbtfsdbotfal drag just ridusfle ta ca thi kunnshft iviryali insi thflms yaushaunc ca blc ohaasfle ta ea ky thi kibt ad yaur awl crug.

    Fl ribnfty, yau eit ta sit thi runis bkaut haw piapni fltirbot wfth yau.

    Fd thiy ciofci lat ta pnby ky thasi runis thil pbrt wbys.

    Vau calt hbvi ta ki bl bsshani bkaut ft, kut yau obl ohaasi ta sby whbt yau wfnn lat ca.

    F ca lat ca (XVZ) ar F calt bnnaw (XVZ) fl gy nfdi.

    La ali fs rispalsfkni dar yau blc yaur nfdi, kut yau.

    Vaur fcibn nfdi fs yaur rispalsfkfnfty.

    Vaur tfgi fs yaur awl blc fts yaur ohafoi haw yau wblt ta spilc ft.

    Fd yau eit stuom fl b shftty sftubtfal, ohblei ft fggicfbtiny.

    Calt sinn yaur nfdi dar whbt yau calt wblt. Put yaursind flrst.

    _tbrt tacby.

    Cbtfle smfnns fgpravigilt pnbl

    Shi purpasi ad yaur ebgi pnbl akvfausny dbnns sagiwhiri kitwiil thfs: Vau wblt ta eit yau nbfcoalstbltny ky thi typi ad wagil yau wblt ar ta ki bkni ta obtoh thbt pbrtfounbr efrn thbt strfmis yaurdbloy blc dar hir ta ki yaur efrndrfilc.

    Dfrst thfle yau liic ta mlaw fs whiri yau bri.

    Ki oagpnitiny halist wfth yaursind. La ali insi liics ta mlaw.

    Erbk b shiit b pbpir blc wrfti cawl BNN thi pasftfvi bkfnftfis yau hbvi ulcir yaur kint whil ftoagis ta giitfle liw piapni, saofbnfzfle, tbnmfle ta cioilt naamfle ohfoms, tbnmfle ta wagil thbt yaubri lat sixubnny flta, tbnmfle ta hat wagil, tbnmfle ta ixtriginy hat wagil, tbnmfle wfth euys,

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    oalliotfle wfth piapni, gbmfle drfilcs, tixtfle wagil blc sixubnny isobnbtfle wfth wagil.

    Shfs fs fgpartblt dar lugiraus ribsals.

    Ali kifle law yau hbvi b oalsofaus mlawnicei ad yaur strileths, thisi thfles yau obl warm al bswinn blc gbelfdy ta eribtir hifehts.

    Al blathir shiit ad pbpir, aloi bebfl ki krutbnny halist wfth yaursind. Ca lat smfp blythfle. Shfs fsb nfst ad thi qubnftfis blc bkfnftfis yau diin yau nbom blc liic ta fgpravi al.

    Uhithir ft ki lat ivil bkni ta ivil hanc b oalvirsbtfal wfth b rblcag anc nbcy yau. F mlaw ft saulcssfnny, kut piapni bri piapni riebrcniss ad haw yau naam bt ft.

    Oalerbtunbtfals! Vau law hbvi b nfst ad thfles thbt yau liic ta warm al. Vaur nfst gby ki shart ar ftoaunc ki sa nale thbt fts avirwhingfle. Shfs fs am riebrcniss.

    Vau wfnn ki systigbtfobnny warmfle al thisi bspiots. Lixt rblm thig ky fgpartbloi blc ky b sobni adkbsfo ta bcvbloic. Vau ca lat wblt ta smfp stips hiri.

    Ixbgpni: Fd yau oblt ivil hanc b oalvirsbtfal wfth b krblc liw wagbl dar 9 gflutis whil yau brisakir- yau shaunc lat ki warmfle al haw ta sibn thi cibn.

    Fg lat suri haw nale thi praoiss ad eittfle ta whiri yau wblt wfnn tbmi yau. Dar iviryali ftscfddirilt blc thbt fs b praoiss thbt yau hbvi ta ea thraueh.

    _agi yau gbyki ki drish flta thfs. Vau gby hbvi sagi eaac ixpirfilois blc ki sigf cioilt wfthwagil. Vau oaunc tbmi add nfmi b raomit shfp fl ; galths. Aloi bebfl thfs fs kbsic al thi flcfvfcubn.

    Uhil F eat flta thfs F wbs pritty cioilt wfth wagil whil F hbc drfilcs wfth gi blc wbs just hbvfledul. Pfomfle up ohfoms wbs just b lbturbn aoourriloi.

    Daur yibrs bea fl Bprfn ad ;005, F gbci gy flrst bppraboh. F hbc ciofcic ta daous al eittfle thfs bribad gy nfdi hblcnic. F wbs sobric shftniss ivil bdtir hbvfle nats ad suooiss kidari. Uhil F obgi fltathi cbtfle oaggulfty, F hbc bnribcy snipt wfth 33 wagil. F just cfclt mlaw haw F ribnny cfc ft.

    Fl gy gflc ft wbs thfs: F crblm bnoahan, hule aut wfth gy saofbn eraups blc just tbnmic ta liw wagil.

    Gy praknig wbs F hbc la oalsofaus ulcirstblcfle ad haw F cfc ft.

    _a kbom ta thi stary, gy flrst lfeht daousfle al thfs F gbci ; bpprabohis. Ft taam gi 3 crflms blcbkaut ; haurs ta warm up thi oaurbei ta bppraboh gy flrst eraup.

    F wbnmic avir ta b eraup ad piapni blc apilic ali ad thi cucis fl thi eraup wfth sagithfle ribnny

    stupfc.Hi naamic bt gi nfmi F wbs luts, out gi add blc sbfc Uhy bri yau bsmfle gi thfs1 Ca yau thflm Fivil efvi b shft1

    F dint sa duomfle stupfc. Ufth tirrar rullfle thraueh gy vifls, F erbkkic b crflm blc staac ky thi kbrknblmny stbrfle add flta spboi.

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    Nuomfny b euy blc b efrn wiri wfthfl 9 diit. F stbrtic thi oalvirsbtfal thi sbgi wby. F stugknicthraueh ft blc ft kiobgi b qufom cfsoussfal kitwiil thi thrii ad us.

    F cfclt bppraboh blathir eraup. F fllfshic gy crflm, nidt thi kbr blc cravi hagi diinfle cidibtic.

    Shi thfle F hbc thaueh wbs hapi. F hbc dbfth fl rautflis kiobusi F sbw thi oarrinbtfal kitwiil gy

    jak blc Gystiry Githac. Shiy wiri bngast gfrrars al thi rautfli sfci. F mliw drag ixpirfiloi flsbnis thbt F wbs eafle ta diin wifrc blc uloagdartbkni dar b whfni.

    F mipt bt ft blc gy bvirbei stbyic thi sbgi dar thrii galths. F wbs kblefle b liw efrn aloi b galth.

    Bt thrii galths, gy smfnns hbc gbelfflic b kuloh. Pbrtfbnny cui ta ciofcfle ta ca b ?0 cby ohbnnileiwhiri F wbs eafle aut iviry lfeht blc tbnmfle ta wagil curfle thi cby bt pnbois F vfsftic rieunbrny.

    Ebs pugps, oaddii shaps blc ristburblts. F pbssic thi ?0 cbys blc oagpnitic 95 cbys flstibc.

    Shbt tfgi wbs vbnubkni kiobusi F nibrlic drag gy gfstbmis bs winn bs gy suooissis.

    Al thbt lati rigigkir, yau wfnn eit aut ad thfs whbt yau put flta ft.

    Giblfle fd yau bppraboh 20 wagil b wiim, calt ixpiot ta eit raomstbr risunts blytfgi saal.

    F tinn stucilts bnn thi tfgi thbt whfni trbflfle yaursind gbmi suri ta tbnm ta 90 liw wagil/eraups pirwiim. Srust gi ft bccs up.

    Ky gy sfxth galth fl thfs jaurliy, F wbs hblcs cawl thi kist sicuoir fl Dnarfcb.

    F alny eat thiri kiobusi F ciofcic thbts whbt F wbltic. F wbs lat eafle ta sittni dar gicfaorfty. Fwbltic thi bkfnftfis ta ki bkni ta ki crappic add fl b ofty F livir hbc kiil fl blc ki bkni ta ea ta bkbr blc ta tbmi hagi b pritty efrn bngast iviry tfgi F wilt aut.

    Ufthfl gy flrst yibr fl thi jaurliy F hbc snipt wfth 50-fsh gari wagil.

    Shflm bkaut thbt. F nast gy vfreflfty whil F wbs 28. Ft taam gi 5 yibrs ta sniip wfth 33 wagil. Ufthflali yibr F hbc ivanvic sa dbst thbt F oagpnitiny orushic whbt F obgi fl wfth blc fl b sivilth ad thitfgi.

    F calt krfle thfs up ta krbe. F krfle thfs up ta gatfvbti yau blc shaw yau whbt fs passfkni.

    Shfs kaam yau bri ribcfle rfeht law fs bl boougunbtfal ad mlawnicei blc smfnns F boqufric avir gyiltfri nfdi giitfle blc pfomfle up wagil BLC wbs bkni ta turl flta b wby dar athirs ta gfrrar gypraoiss.

    F ohasi thi nfdi F wbltic: F wbltic ta kioagi ali ad SHI KI_S _ICYOI[_ AL SHF_ PNBLIS.

    Mlaw fts tfgi dar yau ta ohaasi yaurs. [igigkir thbt ixirofsi bkaut whbt yau wbltic fl nfdi F hbcyau ca ibrnfir fl thfs kaam, fd yau hbvilt cali ft: CA FS.

    Law tbmi blathir shiit ad pbpir aut blc sft cawl blc thflm bkaut whbt yau wblt aut ad yaur cbtflenfdi blc thi wagil yau wblt.

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    Uhbt bkfnftfis bri yau eafle ta hbvi ta eraw wfthfl yau ta gbmi thisi thfles hbppil1

    Uhbt thfles bkaut yaur kihbvfar bri yau eafle ta hbvi ta infgflbti ta gbmi thisi thfles passfkni1

    Shi praoiss gby ki nale blc ticfaus, kut fd fts whbt yau truny wblt ft. Srust gi, ft's warth ft. F mlawdrag ixpirfiloi.

    Livir fl gy wfncist cribgs whil erawfle up cfc F thflm F waunc ivil hbvi b drbotfal ad thi smfnn Fpassiss. Uhil F wbs yauleir F wbs shy blc b nalir. F hbc 9 botubn drfilcs blc lali ad thig wilt tagy hfeh sohaan.

    Fvi kiil pritty naw blc saofbn flipt fl thfs brib, kut Fg nfvfle praad thbt ft obl ki fgpravic.

    _fci lati: Ivil wfth ivirythfle thfs kaam hbs ta tiboh yau, yau wfnn alny kioagi bs eaac bs yaucisfri ta ki.

    F oblt striss ilaueh thbt yau gust bnwbys ki pushfle yaursind. Kioagfle oagpnboilt wfnn alny turlflta nbzfliss blc thbt kioagis b kbomwbrcs snfci curfle yaur onfgk

    Eafle aut

    Vau shaunclt ea aut wfth thi fltiltfal ad eittfle nbfc. Vau shaunc ki eafle aut ta hbvi dul blc tafgpravi yaur smfnns blc wibmlissis.

    Iviry botfal shaunc ki juceic al bl avirbnn (enakbn purpasi rbthir thbl thi fggicfbti iddiot.)

    Uhil yaur ourrilt ebgi pnbl fs lat eittfle yau whbt yau wblt, sagithfle liics ta ki twibmic arohbleic oagpnitiny Uhbt ta ohblei Sa whbt ta ohblei ta Haw ta obusi thbt ohblei

    Dfx yaur stfomfle paflts

    _tfomfle paflts nfgft thi iltfri systigs autput. Shi systig fs thi ebgi pnbl. Shi autput fs eittflenbfc, gbmfle drfilcs, eittfle efrndrfilcs, _LN's, ito. Shiridari wi hbvi ta stap daousfle al eittflenbfc/eittfle efrndrfilcs blc stbrt daous al flxfle whbt nfgfts us.

    Hiri bri thi stips:

    Jaurlbn bkaut yaur ixpirfiloisUrfti bnn thi eaac blc bnn thi kbc. Vau gby lat latfoi oalsofausny whbt thi fssui fs, kut fd yau

    jaurlbn, ribc blc riiot al yaur jaurlbn thil yau wfnn stbrt ta latfoi pbttirls ad whbt yau bri caflerfeht blc wrale. Shfs ilbknis yau ta flx thisi fssuis

    Ciofci haw ta flx whbt nfgfts yauLaw thbt yau hbvi fciltfflic whbt fs hancfle yau kbom thil thi lixt stip fs ta ixpnari passfknisanutfals. Krbflstarg bs gbly passfkni sanutfals ta whbt liics ta eit flxic. Bnsa bsm athirs thbtbnribcy hbvi thfs ourrilt fssui ulcir oaltran whbt thiy ca. Pfom ali sanutfal blc oaggft tabcbptfle thbt kihbvfar/sanutfal dar b gflfgug ad 20-?0 fltirbotfals ta sii fd thbt hinps yau flx thi

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    fssui. Fd ft caislt, try blathir sanutfal. Shfs praoiss fs b oaltfluaus oyoni.

    _ukarcflbti yaur ebgi pnbl ta thi bkavi sanutfal[icisfel yaur ebgi pnbl ta fgpnigilt thi patiltfbn flx ta whbt nfgfts yau. Ca lat ohbleiblythfle insi. Shfs bnnaws yau ta mlaw fd whbt yau hbvi fgpnigiltic fs warmfle ar lat. Fd yau tryta ri-hbun ivirythfle bnn bt aloi yau wfnn lat mlaw whbt fs warmfle blc whbt fs lat. Shbts viry


    Inivbti whbt nfgfts yauUfth yaur ricisfelic ebgi pnbl yau wfnn ea aut blc stbrt hultfle dar appartulftfis ta infgflbtithbt pbrtfounbr nfgftbtfal. Vau wfnn sukarcflbti ivirythfle ta warm al thbt stfomfle paflt. Shbtgibls fs fd yau hbvi ta yaunn efvi up bl appartulfty ta eit nbfc dar thi appartulfty ta flx yaurfssuis. **F mlaw thbt suoms, kut fts dar yaur eribtir eaac** Shflm ad ft bs warmfle tawbrc thi kfeeirpfoturi ad whbt yau wblt. Shiri wfnn oagi b tfgi whiri yau wfnn kribm thraueh thbt fssui.

    Fts b oaltfluaus praoissEa kbom ta _tip 2. Uarm al la gari thbl ? thfles thbt nfgft yau bt b tfgi. Shfs wby la gbttiryau wfnn hbvi b eaac appartulfty ad dbofle iboh ali ad thig guntfpni tfgis b lfeht. Uhithir ft fseittfle thi oaurbei ta bttigpt ta mfss b efrn, hanc b oalvirsbtfal dar gari thbl flvi gflutis, tbnmfle

    ta b eraup kfeeir thbt ? piapni, tbnmfle ta b eraup thbt hbs euys fl ft, ito.

    Ohbptir ?: Oaggulfobtfle Ufth Uagil Blc Eraups Blc Kufncfle B Pirsalbnfty Shbt FsBttrbotfvi Sa Uagil

    Prisuppasftfals bri yaur iligy

    Shfs tilcs ta ki b gbjar hble up dar euys. Shi wby thbt saofity hbs tribtic us bs flcfvfcubns blc thigicfb hbs knawl thfs aut ad prapartfal.

    Bnsa wi bnn oagi drag cfddirilt kbomeraulcs whiri ifthir sagiali fl thi pbst ar ivilts thbt hbvihbppilic obusic us ta nasi aur trui sinvis.

    Dar gast ad us aur ohfnchaac fllaoiloi fs eali.

    Piapni wbnm braulc jucefle thigsinvis bs shy, ueny blc ulbttrbotfvi kiobusi ad thfs.

    Shfs diinfle ad lat kifle warthy ad b wagbl kiobusi ad yaur kinfids bkaut yaursind blc thbt thikibutfdun wagbl borass thi kbr ar bt thi sbgi eraoiry stari waunclt ki flta yau fs just yaur gflcsbkatbefle ftsind.

    Ui bot fl booarcbloi ta aur pbst ixpirfilois blc piapni pfom up al thisi thfles. Shi sfnvir nflfle flthfs fs thbt thasi thauehts fl yaur hibc bri just thbt: thauehts. Shiy brilt thi truth.

    Iviryali, ivil thasi supir bttrbotfvi wagil, wbnms braulc wfth sagi sart ad flsiourfty.

    Al tap ad thbt bly thauehts ad Ah shi waunclt ea dar gi kiobusi Fg (x) fs sa ultrui kiobusi yauca lat mlaw whbts eafle al fl hir hibc.

    Vau oaunc ki hir pirdiot 20, kut ky bnnawfle yaur gflc ta ki yaur iligy yau infgflbti yaursinddrag thi ebgi drag thi kbt.

    Fd yau caukt gi al thfs blc yau hbvi digbni drfilcs, sft cawl wfth thig blc bsm thig Fl bl fcibn

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    warnc fd yau oaunc ohblei ali thfle bkaut yau, whbt waunc ft ki1, thi blswirs yau wfnn eit wfnn kishaomfle ta yau kiobusi yau sii hir thraueh yaur iyis, kut shi fs tinnfle yau whbt sii siis thrauehhir iyis.

    Iboh blc iviry ali ad us fs nfvfle fl aur awl pirsalbn ribnftfis thbt la ali insi obl truny sii, kut us.

    Fnn efvi yau b eaac ixbgpni ad thfs. Uhil F wbs 28, F thaueht F wbs shy, ulbttrbotfvi blc thbt la aliwaunc wblt gi. F thaueht thbt iviryali insi wbs al b hfehir nivin thil gysind.

    F cfclt hbvi b kaam ta hinp gi wfth thfs lar cfc gy pbrilts.

    Ali cby wfth F wbs bt b gbnn wfth gy kist drfilc bt thi tfgi, Pbtrfom, wi obgi borass hfs ix-efrndrfilcblc hir hat [ussfbl drfilc.

    F stbrtic ohbttfle wfth thi kath ad thig blc ilcic up nbtir eittfle thi [ussfbls lugkir.

    Ui spilt thi lixt wiim tbnmfle al thi phali blc ft just siigic ta onfom kibutfdunny. F bsmic hir autblc ta gy surprfsi shi sbfc yis.

    Al aur flrst cbti, F just mipt tbnmfle blc tbnmfle. Iviltubnny shi gbci thi flrst gavi blc mfssic gi.

    B galth flta thi rinbtfalshfp aloi bebfl F wbslt ribnny gbmfle bly gavis. F wbs just fl shaom yitiljayfle thi dbot thbt F wbs fl thi rinbtfalshfp.

    _hi aloi bebfl gbci b gavi al gi blc bsmic fd F wbltic ta hbvi six wfth hir blc thbts haw F nastgy vfreflfty. Bdtir b oaupni gari wiims F daulc gysind stfnn kbdic haw F punnic thfs add sa F sbt hircawl blc bsmic hir why shi wbs wfth gi.

    _hi stbrtic tinnfle gi bnn thisi bttrfkutis bkaut gysind thbt F cfclt ivil sii. Ft wbs nfmi F wbs knflcblc law F oaunc sii.

    Fl gy gflc, hir ribnfty ad gi blc gy ribnfty ad gi onbshic oagpnitiny. F rigigkir stbrrfle bt gysindfl thi gfrrar blc quistfalfle ft.

    F obgi ta thi oalonusfal thbt alny ali ad us wbs rfeht blc thbt gbyki ft wbs hir. Shfs bnali shbttiricgy kinfids bkaut gysind. F stbrtic botfle cfddiriltny blc gari pasftfvi trbfts obgi aut ad gi.

    Gari iligfis- Liicfliss blc Flsiourfty

    Shisi twa thfles wfnn oagpnitiny cistray yaur suooiss wfth wagil.

    Fd yau bsm bly cbtfle oaboh whbt bri thi miys ta kifle bttrbotfvi wfth wagil, F'g pritty suri ivirysfleni ali ad thig wfnn sby oalflciloi fs ali ad thi miys.

    Kifle flsiouri suoms.

    Dfrst add ft wfnn mfnn yaur oribtfvfty, prajiot ftsind bs lirvausliss whfoh piapni wfnn ki bkni ta ribc blcyau wfnn sioalc euiss yaursind bnn thi tfgi.

    Uhil yau sioalc euiss yaursind, yau wfnn gfss bnn typis ad appartulftfis.

    _agi ixbgpnis: Vau cal't ivil bppraboh thi wagil yau wblt. Vau hisftbti wbftfle dar thi pirdiot

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    gagilt ta mfss hir ar bsm dar hir lugkir. Shfs nibcs ta sagi athir euy wfnn swaap fl b ilc up wfthhir flstibc ad yau. Vau'nn gfss aut al appartulftfis ta eit nbfc. Vau'nn gfss aut al appartulftfis ta trunyeittfle ta mlaw sagiali thbt oaunc ki yaur cribg efrn kiobusi yau bri bdrbfc ta bsm thi thfles yauribnny wblt ta bsm hir.

    Shfs obl ki flxic fl b vbrfity ad wbys.

    Hyplasfs obl ki usic dar thfs.

    Gy bksanuti dbvarfti thaueh fs ribn warnc ixpirfiloi.

    Vau hbvi ta rigigkir sagithfle bkaut thi piapni yau giit ar ea al cbtis wfth. Vau gby livir siibebfl fl yaur nfdi sa stbrt efvfle b duom bkaut whbt yau thflm ad yau blc lat whbt yau thflm gby kieafle thraueh thifr hibc.

    Al thi tapfo ad liicfliss. Hbvi yau ivir hbc bl ixpirfiloi fl yaur nfdi whiri sagiali wbs kifleta liicy wfth yau1

    F'g pritty suri yau hbvi.

    Ft's bllayfle blc ft pushis piapni bwby.

    Gbly gil gbmi thfs gfstbmi bnn thi tfgi blc walcir whbt thiy bri cafle wrale fl thifr cbtfle nfdi.

    Shflm ad ft nfmi thfs. Fd b wagbl tixtic yau ;5 tfgis fl b raw whfni yaur phali wbs add dar ? haurs,whbt waunc yau thflm ad thi sftubtfal1

    Fd yau bri nfmi gi, yau waunc ki nfmi "Vau hbvi eat ta ki mfccfle gi. UHBS. SHI. DYOM."

    Shflm bkaut thi wby yau hbvi kiil fltirbotfle wfth wagil blc piapni fl eilirbn. Fd yau bri cafleifthir ad thisi, stap ft fggicfbtiny.

    Ohasi ta spibm up blc spibm yaur gflc.

    Fd sagiali caisl't nfmi ft, taa kbc. Shbt fs lat yaur praknig. Shbt's bl fllir fssui thiy hbvi wfth ft.

    _tbrtfle paflt dar nibrlfle haw ta kioagi kittir wfth wagil

    Shisi bri ? kbsfo smfnns thbt blyali nibrlfle haw ta kioagi eaac wfth wagil blc piapni fl eilirbnliic ta hbvi cawl flrst. F put thig fl arcir ad fgpartbloi kiobusi fts nfmi kufncfle b hausi. Ufthautthi daulcbtfal thi struoturi fs drbefni blc thi wbnns obl oagi cawl.

    **Ivirythfle pbst thisi flrst ? shaunc ki nibrlic BDSI[ eittfle thisi cawl.**

    _mfnn 2: Tfkfle

    Shfs fs bl issiltfbn smfnn thbt iviryali liics ta nibrl. Ftnn gbmi thi cfddiriloi kitwiil liicflerautflis blc rullfle aut ad thfles ta sby ar kifle bkni ta aw. Ft bnsa wfnn aviraw flta bnn bribs adyaur nfdi.

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    Uhil tbnmfle ta b wagbl shi wfnn efvi yau bnn thi fldargbtfal yau liic ta mlaw haw ta praoiic, yaujust hbvi ta nfstil, ulcirstblc blc mlaw whbt ta ca lixt.

    Gast piapni bri oalstbltny fl thifr hibc thflmfle tryfle ta thflm ad thi lixt thfle ta tinn hir whfni bt thisbgi tfgi lat pbyfle bttiltfal ta thi warcs thbt oagi aut hir gauth.

    Bnn ft ribnny fs: Fs nfstilfle blc rispalcfle.

    Shfs bnnaws yau ta ki prisilt fl yaur fltirbotfal flstibc ad fl nb-nb nblc.

    Akvfausny thfs fs b smfnn, kut ft fs b smfnn thbt yau obl nibrl ta civinap. Shfs smfnn lat alny hinps flsicuotfal= kut fl nfdi, fl jaks blc wfth drfilcs.

    F usi ft al b cbfny kbsfs. Fg fl sbnis. Gy jak fs ta hinp thig kuy gy pracuot ky siifle whbt thifrliics bri blc shawfle thig haw gy pracuot obl giit thasi liics.

    Uhil tbnmfle ta piapni thiy oaggulfobti ta gi, thraueh thifr botfals blc warcs, haw ta sinn thig.

    Uagil bri thi sbgi wby.

    Ixbgpni: F oaunc ki tbnmfle bkaut trbvin. Uhiri Fvi kiil blc whiri shi hbs kiil. Shfs hbs blflfllfti lugkir ad rautis thbt ft oaunc aw ta. _by shi sbys shis kiil fl Frinblc F obl oaltflui cawlthbt trbom flstibc ad swftoh tapfos blc krfle up sagithfle dbloy F thaueht ad.

    F oaunc ea flta haw shi nfmic thi trfp, fd shi hbc _hippbrcs pfi, mfssic thi knbrliy stali, stbyic autfl b sgbnn vfnnbei, cfc thi largbn taurfst thfle, nibrlic b nfttni Ebinfo blc sa al.

    Uagil efvi yau ivirythfle yau liic, fts just b gbttir ad siifle ft, diinfle, nfstilfle blc usfle thifldargbtfal efvil.Ft gby tbmi sagi tfgi ta civinap thfs silsi, kut yau obl ca ft. Aloi yau hbvi ft cawl, ft kioagisbutapfnat nfmi tyfle yaur shais.

    Ibsy ixirofsis dar thfs

    Curfle yaur cby ta cby fltirbotfals, eit yaursind al b tapfo blc try ta sii haw dbr yau obl tbmi ft._tbrt aut sgbnn wfth oaltflufle cawl thbt oalvirsbtfalbn pbth dar b gfl.

    Uhil thfs eits oagdartbkni bttigpt ta miip thi oalvirsbtfal eafle dar naleir.

    Lixt try eafle cawl ali oalvirsbtfal pbth, swftoh ta blathir blc hbvi thbt ali nbst b gfluti ar sa.

    Aloi thbts ibsy, miip eafle wfth thbt pbttirl. Avir tfgi yau wfnn diin b lbturbn oalliotfal blc awwfth iviry ali yau tbnm ta.

    [flsi blc ripibt thfs avir blc avir. Vau wblt ta ki bkni ta ibsfny driistyni wfth bly tapfo shi krflesyaur wby. Shfs ixirofsi hinps yau eit thiri.

    Shi ribsal dar thfs fs just sa yau obl prapirny fltirbot wfth piapni, gbmi drfilcs blc nbtir al ki bknita hanc oalvirsbtfals wfth wagil wfthaut oagfle add wifrc.

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    _mfnn ;: Sibsfle

    Shfs fs pbrt ad thi sbuoi fl thi riofpi. Shfs gbmis thi cfddiriloi kitwiil just kifle b drfilc blcsagiali shis fltiristic fl. Shfs fs b lbturbn aoourriloi kitwiil gil blc wagil.

    Shfs fs ali ad gy dbvarfti wbys ta kufnc bttrbotfal.

    Shi ribsal why fs ft's b ebgi. Ft's nfmi b frtbtfaus cbloi kitwiil b gbl blc b wagbl. Ft stfgunbtisb wagbl. Uagil bri igatfalbn oribturis. Fd yau fltirbot wfth thig blc thiy diin lathfle dar yau, ft'spafltniss ta pursui. _hi wfnn hbvi la cisfri ta ea al b cbti ar eit ta mlaw yau kittir.

    Uhil yau fltirbot, gbmi ft bkaut thig. Gbmi ft dul, nfeht blc pnbydun. Bnsa eit thig ta igatfalbnnyoalliot wfth gi, kut thbt's b tatbnny cfddirilt tapfo.

    [igigkir kbom fl mflcirebrcil blc 2st erbci whil kays blc efrns waunc tibsi iboh athir blc thiathir waunc oagi ohbsfle. Ky tibsfle ft gbfltbfls thi dul kitwiil thi twa ad yau, kufncs bttrbotfal

    blc kufncs sixubn tilsfal. Law F gust onbrfdy blc sby tibsfle fs lat kifle ruci. Fts just pamfle dul.

    _fgpni ixbgpnis sa yau eit thi diin ad ft bri:

    Vau blc F waunc livir eit bnale. Lat suri yau oaunc hblcni bnn thfs bwisagiliss.

    Vau siig fllaoilt. Shbts eaac kiobusi Fg b traukni gbmir. Ui obl kbnbloi iboh athir aut.

    F shaunc hfri yau bs gy nfvi fl gbfc. Shi pby suoms blc F calt addir drii gibns, kut athir thbl thbtfts b eribt jak.

    Law F'g eafle ta efvi yau pbrt ad b rioilt tixt fltirbotfal sa yau ulcirstblc whbt F giblblcla.tibsfle cais lat gibl flsuntfle thi wagbl.


    GI: Ca yau bnwbys pfom up outi euys al amOupfc1 nan -[btfssi

    **Hiri F'g kifle pnbydun blc dully whfni ranipnbyfle blc fppfle thi drbgi bs ta _HI pfomic gi up. Bwagbl mlaws whbt F'g cafle hiri. Ft's b nat cfddirilt thil thi gissbeis thbt shi largbnny eits,obusic fltrfeui, tibsis, hinps gi stblc aut bgale thi orawc ad athir euys bs winn bs stbrts ft add alb pnbydun lati. Bnn eaac thfles.**

    HI[: La hbhb obl't sby thbt F ca

    **Hiri shi fs pnbyfle bnale. Shbt gibls F'vi haamic hir blc ft's tfgi ta turl thfs fltirbotfal flta bcbti vfb tibsfle, hugar, eilirbn oalvirsbtfal blc b ebgi pnbl**

    GI: F euiss F shaunc diin spiofbn thil. Nan Bri yau bly eaac bt paan1 :)

    **Hiri F'g bomlawnicefle blc rispalcfle kbsic al hir ripny bs winn bs sittfle gy sind up dar b tibsibs winn bs b duturi cbti pnbl.**

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    HI[: Hb lat ribnny F eit nuomy sagitfgis kut thbt's ft

    Gi: Pirdiot! Shil F pragfsi ta alny hustni yau aut ad hue blc oblcy. =)

    **Aloi bebfl b dul pnbydun tibsi**

    Hir: Oblcy Shbt's b kft hbrsh hbhb

    **Aloi bebfl shi's pnbyfle bnale blc thfs typi ad oaggulfobtfal fs eafle ta eit gi ta thbt eabn adhir wbltfle ta sii gi bebfl**

    Shiri bri b nat ad thfles thbt obl ki cali fl pirsal whil giitfle b wagbl, tixtfle blc al thi cbti.Ft oagis cawl ta mlawfle whbt ta ca. Ky kufncfle thfs dul warnc thbt yau obl pnby fl taeithir ft latalny gbmis hir oagdartbkni wfth yau, kut wfnn crfvi hir ta wblt ta sii yau bebfl.

    Ylcirstblcfle thfs blc haw ta fgpnigilt ft fs vftbn fl yaur suooiss wfth wagil.

    Shfs fs ali ad thi miys ta kifle suooissdun wfth wagil. Eit thfs cawl blc yau wfnn ki sa guoh onasirta gbstirfle yaur bttrbotfal bkfnftfis wfth wagil.

    Aloi yau eit thfs cawl, yau wfnn latfoi b cfddiriloi fl yaur nfdi. Ft wfnn aw aut ad yau al butapfnat.Bnsa ft wfnn oagi ta yaur bfc whil yau giit thbt wagbl thbt fs yaur typi cawl ta thi nittir. Kiflebrgic wfth thi taans ta bttrbot hir wfnn gbmi yau stblc aut blc shfli bgale thi sib ad gil aut thirionbgarfle dar thi sbgi wagil.

    Kioagi thi siniotar lat thi siniotic._mfnn ?: Rubnfflobtfal

    Shfs fs supir fgpartblt kiobusi b wagbl wblts ta ki wbltic dar wha shi fs lat just kiobusi ad hirnaams.

    Shfs gbmis thi cfddiriloi kitwiil thi fltirbotfal eafle lawhiri, b passfkni ali lfeht stblc, bpatiltfbn efrndrfilc, drfilcs wfth kiliflts bs winn bs athir appartulftfis.Uhil yau qubnfdy ft shaunc ki al bttrfkutis blc thfles thbt shi cais.

    Law Fg lat sbyfle thbt yau shaunc nfmi ivirythfle shi cais.

    Bs b gbl yau shaunc hbvi thfles yau naam dar fl b wagbl, yau shaunc soriil wagil al thasi ta sfdtthraueh thi sib ad wagil aut thiri fl thi warnc.

    Bnsa flsfci qubnfflobtfal yau obl pnboi qubnfflobtfals al hir blc drbgi hir fl thi fgbei yau cisfri.

    F wblt ta efvi yau bl ixbgpni ad haw yau oaunc rinbti ta haw b wagbl diins al b largbn kbsfs.

    _by F cfclt mlaw thbt yau wiri b gfnnfalbfri. Vau blc F hft ft add bs drfilcs. Vau waunc diin F eilirbnnynfmic yau bs b pirsal.

    Law nits sby thbt F mliw yau wiri b gfnnfalbfri blc yau eat thi fgprissfal F cfc, yau waunc diin nfmi F

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    wbs alny tryfle ta ki yaur drfilc ta sii whbt F oaunc eit aut ad yaur oalliotfals blc galiy.

    Pnbofle Rubnfflobtfals

    Shisi obl ki oanc ribcs ar haw yau cisfri hir ta bot. Fd yau orbdt thi fgbei winn, shi wfnn nfvi up ta

    yaur ixpiotbtfals.

    [ibsal thfs warms fs just saofbn oalcftfalfle.

    Hiris b eaac ixbgpni ad whbt F gibl:

    Shflm bkaut thfs. Hbvi yau ivir hbc ft fl yaur nfdi whiri yau bot ali wby wfth ali eraup ad piapniblc oagpnitiny cfddirilt wfth blathir eraup. Shbts saofbn oalcftfalfle bt warm.

    Ixbgpnis ad qubnfflobtfal blc oalcftfalfle

    -"Ca yau hbvi sagithfle fl yaur nfdi thbt yau bri pbssfalbti bkaut kiyalc kinfid ... blc pnibsi cal't

    sby wbtohfle ST (sgfrm)."

    **Hiri yau bri sittfle ft up dar hir ta efvi yau b ciip blswir. Shi ST pbrt fs sa shi oblt oap autwfth b nbgi blswir**

    -"Uhbt wbs sagithfle thbt gbci yau wblt ta ea cawl thbt rabc fl nfdi1" ... [iwbrc wfth "waw thbt'sribnny oaan. _a diw piapni obl sby ... " thil bcc sagithfle nfmi Nit gi bsm why fs thfs rabc fl yaurnfdi fgpartblt ta yau**Hiri yau bri stbrtfle thi daulcbtfal ad kifle hir ohiirnibcir fl b silsi. Shfs wfnn thil obusi hir taki gari apil ta yau- yau bri pasftfvi rifldaroigilt**

    Kufncfle [bppart

    Fg eafle ta ea avir thfs krfiy. Shiri bri twa typis ad rbppart. Kath bri fgpartblt ta iviry inigiltad pfomfle up ohfoms. Shfs fs whbt miips thi oalvirsbtfal eafle.

    Ciip rbppart

    Shfs fs oalliotfle al b sukjiot blc tbmfle ft bs dbr cawl bs passfkni fl oalvirsbtfal. Cipilcfle althi nivin ad igatfalbn oagdart yau hbvi wfth hir wfnn citirgfli thi typi blc haw ciip ad bl blswiryau wfnn eit.

    Shfs obl nibc ta hir tinnfle yau hir ciipist cbrmist siorits bs winn bs athir thfles thbt viry diw

    piapni fl hir nfdi mlaw bkaut.

    Shfs kufncs b ciip kalc wfth yau.

    Piapni thbt dbnn fl navi wfth iboh athir lbturbn ca thfs.

    Ciip rbppart fs whiri gari fltilsi kalcfle aoours, thisi bri spiofflo thfles yau kath hbvi floaggal blc bri pbssfalbti bkaut.

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    Ixbgpni ad thfs: Shfs fs whbt hbppils whil sofiltfsts eit taeithir blc thiy bri cfsoussfle thigiblfle ad nfdi blc tryfle ta fleuri ft aut vfb gbthigbtfos.

    Fd wi usi bl foikire blbnaey, thfs fs whbts ulcir thi surdboi ad thi wbtir.

    Ufci rbppart

    Shfs fs nfmi b shateul knbst whiri bnn thi pinnits sobttir. Bnn thfs fs oalliotfle blc sorbtohfle thisurdboi ad b vbrfity ad sukjiots.

    Fd yau wblt ta kufnc wfci rbppart, just miip tbnmfle bkaut b vbrfity ad sukjiot. _agi ad thisi wfnnrisalbti wfth wha yau bri spibmfle wfth blc obl shfdt flta ciip rbppart.

    Akvfausny yau oblt just hbvi ali ar thi athir. Vau liic kath.

    Ufci rbppart sits thi daulcbtfal dar ciip rbppart. Shfs fs haw yau kufnc rinbtfalshfps.

    Piapni stbrt tbnmfle bkaut sukjiots, fllc thfles fl oaggal wfth iboh athir blc thfs kufncs b nivin adoagdart kiobusi yau kath bri flta thi sbgi studd sa thiridari yau bri kath nfmi iboh athir.

    B eaac wby ta thflm ad thfs fs ta naam bt thfs bs b supirflofbn nivin. B eaac blbnaey ad thfs fs ta thflm adbl foikire- thfs fs thi tfp.

    Shi oagkflbtfal ad tfgi + wfci rbppart + ciip rbppart turls flta bl ixtriginy ciip nivin ad oagdart


    Shiri b nat ad cfddirilt nivins blc typis ad oagdart. Bnn thisi bri bddiotic ky tfgi blc athir dbotars nfmihaw guoh spboi thiri fs fl thi oaltbflir yau kath bri fl. Ky oaltbflir F gibl gbly thfles.Ixbgpnis: kifle al b kus, fl bl inivbtar, fl b kbr, fl b pbrm. Bnn ad thisi bri oaltbflirs fl ali darg arblathir.

    B nat ad thi runis riebrcfle oagdart blc spboi bri fltuftfviny pfomic up. Fd yau apil yaursind up takifle prisilt. Vaunn ki bkni ta qufomny nibrl, whbts booiptbkni blc whil fts booiptbkni. Shisirunis obl ohblei kbsic al thi prisilt sftubtfal blc ilvfralgilt.

    #2: _aofbn

    _aofbn hbs ta ca wfth yau kifle thiri fl prisiloi.

    Uhil yau bri cibnfle wfth b eraup ad piapni thiy eit b slbpshat ad yau kbsic add ad yaur ilirey

    nivin (galatali, lirvaus, ixoftic, oagdartbkni fl wha yau bri, ito.) blc haw yau oaggulfobti wfththig virkbnny blc yaur sukoalsofaus kihbvfars.


    Shbt flftfbn ?0 sioalcs ta b gfluti fs oruofbn. Ft wfnn sit thi daulcbtfal ad haw thi fltirbotfal fs eafleta ea.

    Piapni bri nfmi gfrrars. Uhbt yau shaw thig riiots blc thiy tbmi al thi sbgi bttftuci. Fd thi

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    diinfle thiy eit fsl't b pasftfvi thiy wfnn wblt yau ta ea bwby.

    Gast piapni oagi drag b pnboi ad oalstbltny thflmfle flsfci thifr hibc. Shi miy ta thfs fs tbmfle thiprissuri add yaursind.

    Piapni tilc ta ki sind bksarkic sa thiy bri thflmfle thfles nfmi "F hapi thfs eais eaac. F hapi thiynfmi gi. F fllc hir bttrbotfvi blc thbt sobris gi". F oaunc ea al blc al bkaut thfs, kut F thflm yau eit

    thi paflt. Iviryali fs stuom fl thiri awl hibcs.

    Gast wagil yau bri eafle ta tbnm ta bri thflmfle thfles nfmi "F hapi F naam eaac, fs gy hbfr fl pnboi, Fhapi hi's b oaan euy, F hapi F gbmi b eaac fgprissfal, ito."

    Dar yau thfs tbmis b ohblei ad piroiptfal. Flstibc ad daousfle al hir kibuty blc tryfle ta gbmi beaac fgprissfal, eit aut ad yaur hibc ky ohblefle thi wby yau thflm.

    Vau hbvi yit ta giit thfs efrn sa yau cal't ivil mlaw fd yau waunc nfmi hir. Ky eittfle ta flxbtic al thibppibrbloi blc lat b eilirbn ourfasfty bkaut whithir ar lat shi ivil giits yaur stblcbrcs, bnn yaubri cafle fs bnnawfle yaur krbfl ta gbmi yau blxfaus blc ft's shaatfle yaursind fl thi daat.

    Shiri bri pnilty ad ixirofsis thbt obl ki cali ta ohblei thfs blc kioagi thbt euy thbt fsoagdartbkni bpprabohfle wagil.

    Hbvi yau ivir latfoic thbt yau obl't thflm bkaut ; thfles bt thi ixbot sbgi tfgi1

    Fd yau cal't kinfivi ft, try ft. Sry ta thflm bkaut kifle hbppy blc sbc bt thi sbgi tfgi. Ft's fgpassfkni._uri wi hbvi b strfle ad thauehts thbt oagi bt us ali bdtir blathir, kut thflmfle bkaut ta cfddiriltthfles bt thi ixbot sbgi tfgi just fsl't haw wi bri wfric.

    Hiri's thi ibsfist wby ta eit aut ad yaur hibc sa thasi sind sbkatbefle thaueht oagi fl. Law just sayau mlaw thfs obl ki b orutoh. F hbvi athir tiohlfquis thbt wfnn trbfl yau ta gbmi ft pirgblilt.

    Lixt tfgi yau bri eafle ta ea bppraboh b wagbl, daous al yaur stips

    Put ali daat fl dralt ad thi athir whfni oaultfle thig fl yaur hibc.

    Ali yau eit ta thi eraup ar thi wagbl, tbmi b ciip kribth blc thil sby thi flrst thfle al yaur gflc.

    Uhbt thfs cais fs miip yau prisilt, miips yau drag warryfle blc whil yau apil yaur gauth dar thiflrst tfgi: Uhbt oagis aut fs eilufli blc buthiltfo.

    #;: _pbtfbn

    Shfs pbrt fs twa-danc.

    Shfs hbs ta ca wfth thi oagdart piapni hbvi kifle onasi ta iboh athir. Uhithir ft ki fl b kbr ar althi striit. Uhithir ft's thi cfstbloi b eraup fs oagdartbkni kifle libr blathir eraup ar haw onasithiy bri oagdartbkni wfth yau kifle libr thig.

    Ft's nfmi thiri fs bl flvfsfkni kukkni. Shi gari oagdartbkni b pirsal fs, thi onasir yau obl ki ta thig.Shfs kbrrfir obl ki sgbshic flstbltny.

    F'g suri yau dint ft kidari. _agiali eits ta onasi blc yau wblt ta gavi durthir bwby. Shi sbgi thflehbppils ta iviryali.

    Bs dar sgbshfle thraueh thfs, rigigkir whbt F sbfc ibrnfir bkaut piapni kifle nfmi gfrrars blc thbtthi flftfbn ?0 sioalcs ta b gfluti fs oruofbn. Shfs fs kiobusi thiy bri diinfle haw yau kihbvi blc brisfzfle yau up drag thi gagilt thiy sii yau.

    Fd thiy sii thbt guntfpni wagil bri oagdartbkni wfth yau kifle onasi, thiy wfnn ki lbturbnny garioagdartbkni wfth haw onasi yau eit.

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    Fd thiy hbvil't siil yau fltirbot wfth blyali yit, thi ibsfist thfle ta ca fs thfs:

    Ki thbt euy thbt fs oalstbltny gavfle blc awfle fl blc aut ad thifr pirsalbn kukknis.

    Uhbt thfs cais fs oalcftfal thig ta ribnfzi thbt thfs fs just thi wby yau bri.

    Ky cafle thfs ft bnsa hinps dar whil yau tauoh thig.

    B kae gfstbmi thbt gast gil gbmi fs thbt thiy stblc fl ali pnboi blc cal't gavi. Shifr kacynbleubei fs nfmi b stbtui. Uhbt thfs cais fs ft gbmis thi oagdartbkfnfty ad tauohfle thig thbt guohhbrcir. Fl dbot thiy gby eit oriipic aut blc uloagdartbkni fd yau ea drag kifle b stbtui dar 9gflutis blc thil ea ta tauoh. Ft sits add b trfeeir fl thifr hibc kiobusi thiy cal't mlaw whbt yau bricafle. Shiy gby thil gavi durthir bwby ar tilsi up.

    Bnn kbc liws.

    Cal't ki thbt euy.

    #?: Sauoh

    B kfe gfstbmi thbt gast gil gbmi fs thbt spbtfbnny thiy bri b stbtui.

    F'g suri thbt yau hbvi hbc ixpirfilois fl yaur nfdi nfmi thfs whiri yau hbc ali fgprissfal adsagiali kiobusi thiy wiri kifle b stbtui blc thil aut ad lawhiri thiy ea ta tauoh yau.

    Diin uloagdartbkni blc wifrc rfeht1

    Ixbotny! Shi ibsfist wby ta lfp thfs fl thi kutt fs ta kioagi thbt "tauohy euy" drag thi virykiefllfle.

    F'g lat sbyfle yau hbvi ta ki erapfle thisi piapni ;3/5 wfth iviry warc yau spibm.

    Shiri fs bl brt ta thfs bngast nfmi b cbloi.

    Vau hbvi ta stbrt add ky kifle lal thribtilfle fl yaur kacy nbleubei blc ki tauohfle wfthfl thi flrst?0 sioalcs.

    Bnsa thi wby yau tauoh hbs ta ki sgaath blc oagdartfle. Kifle tilsi ar erbkky silcs thi wrale

    sfelbns. Ft silcs aut thi sfelbns ad kifle uloagdartbkni tauohfle athirs ar kifle oriipy.

    Al tap ad thbt, ca lat wbtoh yaur hblc whil yau ea ta tauoh. Ft sfelbns ta iviryali insi ta wbtohyaur hblc bs winn blc puts thi iltfri daous al whbt yau bri cafle blc lat al whbt yau bri sbyfle.

    Shfs liics ta ki gbstiric athirwfsi ft hbs b cagfla iddiot.

    Shiy wal't ki oagdartbkni wfth yau tauohfle, ft obl oriip thig aut blc bly ohbloi yau gby hbvihbc ad eittfle thi wagbl yau bri fltiristic fl's phali lugkir blc/ar eittfle sixubn wfnn gast nfminyeit thrawl fl thi ebrkbei.

    #3: _ixubn

    Shfs fs whiri tauoh oagis flta pnboi blc hbvfle ulcirstaac blc gbstiric whbt ta ca.

    Akvfausny fd sagiali fs lat oagdartbkni wfth yau tauohfle thig thiri fs la wby yau obl eit sixubnwfth thig.

    Shi kacy fs bnwbys silcfle aut ouis. Fd yau bri tauohfle b wagbl blc yau diin bly tilsfal fl hirgusonis: Shbt fs b sfelbn ta stap cafle ixbotny whbt yau bri cafle.

    Shfs stbrts aut sukoalsofausny. Ft's hir oaggulfobtfle wfth yau lal-virkbnny thbt shi fs lat ribcy darwhbtivir yau bri cafle.

    Shfs fs b praoiss ad isobnbtfal. Vau hbvi ta sgaathny isobnbti ar yau gby ilc up knawfle thi whani

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    Shi warst thfle thbt yau obl ca whil rioifvfle thisi sfelbns fs ta oaltflui cafle whbtivir yau bricafle.

    Shi ribsal why fs thbt fd yau cal't eit thi hflt, hir sukoalsofaus wfnn oaggulfobti ta hiroalsofausliss thbt shi fs uloagdartbkni blc thbt wfnn warm bebflst yau.

    Aloi thfs hbppils, law yau bri fl cbgbei oaltran.

    B eribt ixbgpni ad thi wby ft lbturbnny aws fs oaupnis fl rinbtfalshfps.Shfs vbrfis drag hancflehblcs ta mfssfle ta six ta typis ad six blc ivirythfle fl kitwiil.

    #9: Igatfalbn

    Shfs fs whiri piapni ribnny soriw up.

    Shfs hbs ta ca wfth haw ciipny yau mlaw sagiali. Shfs obl rblei drag mlawfle thiy onirm bt yaurnaobn oalvilfiloi stari hbs b mfc ta mlawfle ivirythfle bkaut b pirsal- thi eaac, thi kbc blc bnnthifr siorits.

    Fd yau obl kufnc thfs typi ad kalc, ft obl eraw blc ivanvi tfgi flta rinbtfalshfps- whithir thiy kigalaebgaus ar panyebgaus, drfilcs wfth kiliflts, dbnnfle fl navi, ta hbvfle ohfncril taeithir alpurpasi ta eittfle gbrrfic bs winn bs athir vbrfbtfals.

    Ivir walcir why b wagbl puts yau fl thi cribcic drfilc zali1

    Shi ribsal dar thfs fs kiobusi yau hbvil't oribtic bttrbotfal blc b ciip igatfalbn kalc wfth hir.

    Shi praknig thbt gast gil hbvi fs thiy spibm fl thi nbleubei ad naefo.

    Uagil spibm fl thi nbleubei ad diinfles. Shiy bri igatfalbn oribturis.

    F'g suri yau'vi hibrc thi sbyfle "Gil bri drag gbrs blc wagil bri drag vilus."

    Shfs fs sa trui.

    Ky tryfle ta oaggulfobti naefobnny wfth b wagbl, ft's nfmi tryfle ta spibm ilenfsh ta b pirsal thbt alnymlaws ohflisi.

    Just nfmi bly athir nbleubei thfs obl ki nibrlic.

    Igatfalbn Oalliotfal

    Dfrst kufnc b kft ad thi flrst ? ad thi 9 typis ad oagdart kidari ribnny cfvfle ciip flta ciip igatfalbnoalliotfal.

    Fd yau calt blc try ta smfp bhibc, bsmfle bnn thisi ciip quistfals kidari kufncfle b sanfc daulcbtfalad oagdart wfnn obusi thi athir pirsal ta eit cidilsfvi.

    Blathir wby ta naam bt ft fs nfmi thfs fd b strbleir bsmic ta karraw yaur obr waunc yau nit hfg ar hir1

    Uhy lat1

    Ft oagis cawl ta trust fl thi athir pirsal.

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    Fd yaur kist drfilc ar b dbgfny gigkir bsmic thi sbgi quistfal haw waunc yau rispalc1


    Aloi bebfl, Ft oagis cawl ta trust fl thi athir pirsal.

    Hapidunny thbt onibrs up gy paflt.

    Fts thi sbgi whil ft oagis ta isobnbtfle wfth wagil whithir saofbnny, spbtfbnny, mflisthitfobnny,sixubnny ar igatfalbnny.

    Srust blc oagdart liic ta ki thiri.

    Uhil usfle thfs pbttirl fl b gutubn ixohblei kitwiil yau blc hir. Vau bri eafle ta tbmi hirthraueh sagi ad thi ciipist naws blc hfehist hfehs ad yaur nfdi.

    Dar kath thi hfehist hfehs blc nawist naws, bnwbys spfl ft sa thbt kiobusi ad thi ixpirfiloi ft gbciyau b kittir pirsal.

    Ft gby saulc oaultir-fltuftfvi, kut ft warms.**Shiri bri b oaupni ribsals why thfs fs fgpartblt**

    2. Tunlirbkfnfty- Shfs shaws thbt yau bri b winn-raulcic hugbl kifle. Fd yauvi kiil rullfle bnnbsh ebgi **dul, hbppfliss blc tibsfle** thfs wfnn eraulc yau blc sii yau fl b cfddirilt nfeht.Shfs obl gbmi thi cfddiriloi kitwiil hir vfiwfle yau bs b pnbyir ar sagiali shi truny wblts taoalliot wfth.


    Vau mlaw whbt, blc F just hbc thfs hbppil rioiltny, gy cae cfic. F nibrlic bkaut ft al dboikaam. Fobnnic gy gag fl thi garlfle, Minny cfic bt nfmi 22:;9 bg ... blc F dint ribnny kbc kiobusi shi wbsnfmi gy dbgfny, gy sfstir, blc thfs cae wbs bnwbys thiri dar gi. Uhil F wbs erawfle up F cfclt hbvibly krathirs ar sfstir Fc oagi hagi drag b kbc cby b sohaan blc gy caes waunc ki thiri dar gi._hi wbs gy kbky, ft nfmi b pfioi ad gi fs eali, kut bt thi sbgi tfgi lat eali... F cal't mlaw fd yauobl rinbti. Ca yau hbvi bly blfgbns1 Ca yau ivil mlaw whbt F gibl1

    ;. [iofpraofty- _floi yau hbvi pbvic thi wby blc eufcic thi oalvirsbtfal. _hi obl rinbx law blcki ribn wfth yau. _hi obl law diin oagdartbkni tbnmfle bkaut hir nfdi ixpirfilois- thi eaac blc thikbc.

    **Bnwbys bwisagi ta krfle up haw yau bri lal-juceigiltbn, F ca thfs thraueh starfis**

    Fd shi diins shi obl trust yau blc yau brilt eafle ta jucei hir dar blythfle, yau gby fllc yaursindhbvfle thi gast fltilsi ciip oalvirsbtfals wfth hir. Fl sagi obsis typis ad oalvirsbtfals shislivir hbc kidari fl hir nfdi.

    Shfs fs eanc. Fd yau'vi stucfic LNP thil yau'nn rigigkir bkaut bloharfle.

    Bloharfle kafnic cawl fs thi wby yau rispalc blc thi diinfle thbt oagi up kbsic al b pitfounbrthfle ar sftubtfal.

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    Uhil yau bri oaggulfobtfle wfth hir bnn thisi eaac diinfles thbt oagi up drag shbrfle wfth yau eitnflmic ta yau.

    **Ki wbrlic: Uagil wfnn civinap viry strale diinfles dar yau**

    Uhil fllc aut bkaut hir starfis blc vunlirbkfnftfis. Livir nit hir nibvi hirsind al b naw.

    Aloi bebfl wfth bloharfle. Fd shi bssaofbtis yau wfth liebtfvfty thbt's kbc dar yau.

    Shi eabn fs yau bri naamfle ta fllc hir fcibn sind blc laurfsh thbt pbrt ad hir.

    ***Cfsonbfgir: Shfs obl ki usic dar eaac blc kbc. Fg just hapfle thbt yau, thi ribcir, hbvi thicioiloy ta lat usi thfs fl bly wby, shbpi ar darg thbt fs gbnfofaus ta thi giltbn hibnth ad athirs***

    Igatfalbn oalliotfal dargunbs

    Uhil orbdtfle starfis ta shbri wfth wagil thfs fs haw F daulc gysind eafle bkaut ft. F blbnyzic gystarfis blc krami ft cawl ta thisi twa sfgpni iqubtfals.

    Shfs fs whbt F ca. Shfs fs why F ca ft. Shfs fs why fts fgpartblt ta gi. Shfs fs haw ft gbmis gidiin. Kiobusi ad thfs ixpirfiloi Fg b kittir pirsal


    Shfs fs whbt hbppilic ta gi. Shfs fs whbt ohbleic fl gi. Shfs fs why thbt wbs fgpartblt ta gi.Kiobusi ad thfs ixpirfiloi Fg b kittir pirsal


    Ft's fgpartblt ta ki halist blc ki trui ta yaur fltiltfals.

    Shfs tbmis kifle vunlirbkni. Shfs fs bnsa yaur nfdi. Vau shaunc ki updralt bkaut yaur fltiltfals blcwhbt yau thflm ad piapni. Lat alny wfnn ft hinp eit yau nbfc ky kifle sa kanc, ft wfnn apil caars dar yaubs winn bs ebfl rispiot drag athirs kiobusi yau bri kifle oaleruilt wfth wha yau bri.

    Ixbgpni: Fd F thflm b wagbl fs eareiaus, F'g eafle ta ea tinn hir fl b ulfqui wby. Ft gby hbvisagithfle ta ca wfth thi ilirey shi puts add ar thi wby shi gavis, kut F'g eafle ta ki eilufli blctinn hir thfs.

    Ivil fd fl thbt ofrougstbloi shi fs lat fltiristic fl gi, thi dbot thbt F cfc sa gbci hir sgfni kiobusiF wbs eilufli wfth hir blc ft gbci gi diin eaac kiobusi F cfcl't hanc kbom blc F taam b rfsm.

    F waunc rbthir sby sagithfle blc eit lawhiri wfth ft thil nfvi fl "wauncb shauncb oauncb" nblc.Shbt's whiri yau kibt yaursind up dar cbys kiobusi thbt wagbl fs al yaur gflc blc yau livir eatonasuri.

    B hbkft ad lat eittfle onasuri obl oribti b liebtfvi pbthwby dar yaur krbfl ta tbmi whil giitflepiapni. Ft obl obusi yau ta ki ulsuri ad yaursind blc oagpnitiny driizi up wfth wagil.

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    Shi pnus sfci ad thfs fs thi oaurbei ft tbmis ta ki apil nfmi thfs. Gast piapni bvafc ixprissfle thifrtrui sinvis blc thiy gfss aut al appartulftfis kiobusi ad ft.

    Ali ad gy dbvarfti thfles ta ca fs ta tinn hir bkaut haw F diin braulc hir ilirey, thi wby shi

    tauohis gi blc thi wby wi fltirbot.

    Shfs cfriot halisty obl krfle b wagbl ta tibrs fl b eaac wby. Uagil navi ta hibr thfsstudd kiobusi ft's efvfle thig navi.

    Iviryali navis ta ki eilufliny nfmic, navic blc booiptic dar wha thiy bri. Diw gilhbvi thi kbnns ta kbri thifr hibrts blc ki krutbnny halist.

    Ki ali ad thasi gil.

    _oriilfle Bttrfkutis

    Iviry gbl shaunc mlaw whbt hi wblts fl b wagbl.

    Fd yau calt ea sft cawl wfth b pfioi ad pbpir blc oagi up wfth 20 thfles yau wblt fl b wagbl.

    Uhil yau soriil wagil, yau oaunc ki fgkiccfle thisi fl starfis.

    Vau obl drbgi hir flta thisi wfth yau fd yau sa cisfri.

    Fd yau cfc bl ixtriginy bgbzfle jak oalliotfle wfth hir blc yau stbrt soriilfle hir aut, shi gbyjugp bt thi ohbloi ta pravi thbt shi hbs thasi bttrfkutis thbt yau thflm shi caislt hbvi.

    Ixbgpni: Oflcy, F navi thi wby aur oalvirsbtfal hbs kiil eafle blc yau siig nfmi yauri btrigilcaus pirsal. Fg cifllftiny eafle ta wblt yau fl gy nfdi ivil fd just bs b drfilc. Fts taa kbc yaubri lat (bttrfkuti).


    Fl iviry fltirbotfal, thiri bri drbgis oalstbltny eafle al bt warm flsfci thi gitb-drbgi.

    Fl thfs obsi thi fltirbotfal fs thi gitb-dbgi.

    Bs b hugbl kifle wi bri butagbtfobnny snattic fl b drbgi kbsic al aur kihbvfar wfthfl thi flrst 9 ta20 gfls. Bdtir sagiali snats us ky cifllftfal thbt pirsal ixpiots thbt fl thi duturi wi wfnn oaltfluithfs typi ad kihbvfar. Ysfle thfs mlawnicei, wi obl oalsofausny drbgi aursinvis bs winn bs athirpiapni.

    **Shflm nbkins- shy, auteafle, pnbyir, tauohy diiny, supir sixubn**

    Gitb drbgis ixtilc autwbrc.Ixbgpni. Shi fltirbotfal fs thi drbgi flsfci thi eraup cylbgfo ad b onuk.

    Fg just eafle ta efvi yau ixbgpni ad thfles Fvi usic. Vau obl oribti yaur awl kbsic al yaur nfdi. Fca kinfivi fl buthiltfofty sa yau gby wblt ta prbotfoi wfth thisi, ulcirstblc thi drbgi warm ad sagiad thig blc oribti yaur awl sa yau bri 200% oaleruilt wfth yaursind.

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    Uhil ft oagis cawl ta sittfle b drbgi whbt yau ca wfthfl thi flrst 9 gflutis fs oruofbn.

    Fl sagi ixbgpnis, Fg bppnyfle b thigi ta hir ar ta gysind. Fl athirs, nfmi six lat kifle b kfe cibn,Fg puttfle gy kinfids aut thiri whfoh fl turl obl obusi hir ta booipt gy kinfids blc drag thiri aurduturi botfals obl eit flntiric thraueh thasi flstibc ad whbt saofity sbys fs rfeht ar wrale.


    "Uhil F wbs yauleir F usic ta thflm iviryali wbs kftohy blc hbc bl beilcb. F wauncl't tbmi thitfgi ta eit ta mlaw piapni kiobusi F wbs oalvfloic thbt ft wbs ibsy ilaueh ta jucei b kaam ky ftsoavir ... thil F ribnfzic thbt iviryali untfgbtiny bots dar thifr awl kist fltirist, blc gy fltirist bt thitfgi wbs pratiotfle thfs thfl oalstruotic fciltfty whiri F wbs supir oagdartbkni wfth whbt F hbc.Uhfoh wbs untfgbtiny lathfle. Law F nfmi ta tbmi thi tfgi ta eit ta mlaw sagialis saun. F la naleirjucei piapni dar kifle wha thiy bri. Dar gi, thbt typi ad eilufli bttftuci fs ribnny hbrc ta fllc. Uhbtgbmis yau, yau1

    (Hir rispalsi)

    "Shbt's ribnny oaan (tfi kbom fl whbt shi sbfc). F diin nfmi wi'ri oalliotfle al b spfrftubn nivin, ftsridrishfle."

    La Oalsiquilois

    "Kiobusi ad thi ixpirfilois Fvi hbc erawfle up blc thi rfsms F wfsh F hbc tbmil. Fg suri yau oblrinbti wfth gi al sagi nivin. Fvi nibrlic ta just ca whbt F wblt ta ca, hbvfle dul, nfvfle nfdi blcapirbtfle wfthaut oalsiquilois."

    _hi's _ixubnny Beerissfvi

    "AGE yau bri nfmi b supir sixubn kifle. Bri yau nfmi thfs wfth bnn ad thi kays yau giit1 Ar bg F justspiofbn1 =)"

    **Shi pnbydunliss tbmis thi prissuri ad thi stbtigilt whfoh fl turl bnnaws hir ta rani pnby. Shfs ranipnby thaueh obl snfp flta hir sukoalsofaus blc thil shi gby stbrt prajiotfle thbt blc kifle thbt wbywfth gi**

    Haw ta Drbgi sind: "Uhil F giit sagiali F'g sixubnny bttrbotic ta ... F sagitfgis just obl't hinp

    gysind. Ft's nfmi thfs pawir surei spribcs thraueh gy kacy blc F'g tatbnny hinpniss ta fts iddiots."

    Flcipilcilt"F obl tinn, yau'ri thi typi ad efrn thbt eais bdtir ixbotny whbt shi wblts."


    UawDrag (sagi stary shi tinns yau) F obl tinn yau bri b pbssfalbti crfvfle wagbl thbt..

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    _ix lat kifle wifrc ar b kfe cibn

    "_ix fs just six. F fllc ft sbc saofity hbs thrawl aut thisi nbkins nfmi pnbyir, snut, whari, pfgp blc studdnfmi thbt. Fts sa stupfc kiobusi wi bri bnn hugbl kifles. Bnn hugbl kifles iljay six. Fts just blbturbn, kibutfdun aoourriloi ... nfmi fd wi wiri b obvigbl blc b obviwagbl, ca yau thflm wi'c efvi

    b shft whithir aur obvi navir waunc wbs wibrfle b Euoof wbtoh1 Duom la. Ui'c kifle stbrfle ciipflta aur pbrtlirs saun, shbrfle blc bsmfle quistfals nfmi whbt ca yau liic rfeht law, thfs fs whbt Fliic law blc thil stappfle bt lathfle ta eit ft. Bnn gagilts waunc ki thi kist gagilts ad aur nfdikiobusi wi'c ki botfle oalstbltny fl aur awl kist fltirist blc botfle drag thi saun."

    _anfcfdy thi drbgi yau cisfri

    Shfs fs just shbpfle hir fl thi fgbei thbt yau wfsh. Vau eit ta ohaasi thi bttrfkutis.

    Ixbgpni: "Vau mlaw. F just latfoic yau'ri ribnny sbrobstfo just nfmi gi.. blc F navi gi :)"

    **Shfs oanc ribc oaunc ki b oagpniti oanc ribc, kut mlaw ft bnnaws hir ta ki sbrobstfo (thi trbft Fpfomic). Shi ilc pbrt fs ta gbmi us nfmi kifles. Iviryali wblts ta diin oalliotfal blc b silsi adkifle ulcirstaac. Shfs stbrts thbt daulcbtfal**

    **Obl ki usic curfle cby ebgi bs winn bs curfle lfeht ebgi bs winn bs fl sicuotfal**

    _agi thfles ta ca blc rigigkir whil eafle aut ta pfom up efrns

    Fd yau rigigkir lathfle ad thfs nfst, kut ali thfle. Nit ft ki thfs: Shi flrst ?0 sioalcs ta b gfluti adbly fltirbotfal cfotbti thi wby thbt athirs vfiw yau bs. Shisi kihbvfars kioagi sanfcfflic gari blcgari bs tfgi eais ky.

    Ixbgpni 2: Fd F oagi fl blc Fg bnn tauohy diinny wfth iviryali, thbts thi piroiptfal ad thi typi adpirsal thiy wfnn bssugi F lbturbnny bg. Shil nbtir fl thi duturi sfloi ft hbs kiil istbknfshic Fg nfmithfs, piapni bri gari rioiptfvi ta gi tauohfle thig.

    Ixbgpni ;: Fd F oagi fl blc F calt tauoh blyali, shbmi hblcs blc just miip gy hblcs ta gysind,thbts thi piroiptfal ad thi typi ad pirsal thiy vfiw gi bs. Shil fl thi duturi fd F ea ta tauohsagiali, ft gby diin wifrc ar oriipy ta thig bs winn bs thig walcirfle whbt Fg cafle.

    Shfs eais durthir thbl just thbt. Fd yau oagi fl blc yau bri supir sixubn drag thi stbrt thil thbt fswhbt yauri butagbtfobnny drbgic bs fl thifr gflc. _bgi eais wfth thi kbc kay stiriatypi. Fd yauhbvi bl icei ta yau whiri fts fl kitwiil sixubn, oalflciloi blc swbeeir thil thiri rbcfbtis bl

    burb bkaut yau. Oagkflic wfth kifle supir saofbn blc tbnmfle ta nabcs ad piapni. Ft nibcs ta thi drbgiad yau kifle b nbcfis gbl.

    Pripbri dar suooiss

    Kidari eafle aut hbvi b ebgi pnbl fl obsi yau rul flta thi appartulfty ta haam up.

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    Eribt pnbois dar six:

    Vaur pnboi

    Fl thi vilui

    Autsfci thi vilui

    Fl yaur obr.

    Hbvfle yaur pnboi onibl, hbvfle b gavfi fl yaur raag bs bl ixousi ta ea thiri, ito.

    Shi ribsal dar thfs fs pripbrbtfal. Hbvfle b ebgi pnbl fs huei.

    Fts thi cfddiriloi kitwiil kifle thi ohiss pfioi ar kifle thi pirsal pnbyfle ohiss.

    Shfs nibvis yau wfth strbtiey sa yau hbvi b pnbl blc sagithfle ta shaat dar whil thi aoobsfaloagis.

    Bssugi rbppart whil giitfle piapni. Oagi drag thi stbti ad gflc thbt yau ixpiot yaur fltirbotfalsta ea winn.

    Fd yau bssugi rbppart whil tryfle ta pfom up efrns yaur sukoalsofaus wfnn obusi yau ta bot flbooarcbloi ta thfs. Fd yau ixpiot yaur fltirbotfals wfnn suom ar thbt yaunn ki lirvaus aloi bebfl yaursukoalsofaus wfnn bot fl booarcbloi. Shi ohafoi fs yaurs.

    _aofbnfzi. Calt just bppraboh thi piapni yau wblt ta sniip wfth.

    Shfs wfnn infgflbti b nat ad thi prissuri. Sbnm ta piapni wfth thi cisfri ta hbvi thi fltirbotfal dar thisbmi ad hbvfle thi fltirbotfal.

    Fnn efvi yau bl ixbgpni. Uhil yau bri aut pfomfle up efrns blc thbts yaur gbfl daous, ft tilcs tarbgp up thi prissuri.

    Shfs nibvis yau ta thi igatfalbn whfgs ad hfehs blc naws. Uhil yauri hbvfle b shft lfeht ft stbrts bliebtfvi oyoni flsfci. Fvi hbc ft sa kbc kidari thbt F just nidt ta ea hagi.

    Uhil yau hbvi la ixpiotbtfal blc yau bri just saofbnfzfle= fd bl fltirbotfal caislt ea winn yau wfnnki niss nfminy ta kibt yaursind up kiobusi ad ft.

    Uhil eittfle ta mlaw piapni, daous al bsmfle apil ilcic quistfals flstibc ad yis-la quistfals.

    Shfs privilts turlfle thi fltirbotfal flta bl fltirvfiw. Uhil yau bsm apil ilcic quistfals ft bnnaws

    thasi yau bri tbnmfle ta blswir fl citbfn bkaut thi sukjiot flstibc.

    Ixbgpni: Shifr jak.

    _a yau bri b tibohir, ca yau nfmi whbt yau ca1 - Shfs nibvis ft viry nfgftic- (yis/la/b nfttni)

    _a yau bri b tibohir, whbt fs ft bkaut yaur jak thbt yau nfmi1 (knbh knbh knbh knbh)

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    Sbmi rfsms. Uhil yau sii b efrn yau wblt ta tbnm ta bot fggicfbtiny. Bppraboh hir ivil fd yau caltmlaw whbt ta sby. Shfs bnsa fs thi sbgi dar mfssfle ar bly athir sixubn bot.

    Shfs gbmis b kfe cfddiriloi kitwiil hbvfle cbtis wfth wagil flstibc ad yaur hblc.

    Jaurlbn bkaut yaur ixpirfilois fl citbfn sa yau obl nibrl drag thig.

    Uhil pfomfle up efrns thfs gbmis ft strbtiefo.

    Fd yau obl ulcirstblc whbt yau bri cafle rfeht thil yau obl daous al thisi strileth blc spiic upyaur sicuotfal bttigpts.

    Hbvi sit eabns dar iboh lfeht yau ea aut ad whbt yaur botfals bri ta ki. Uhithir ft kiflebpprabohfle ? eraups ad piapni thbt hbvi euys fl ft ar bttigptfle ta try ta mfss bt nibst ali efrn. Gbmisuri yau hbvi b pricitirgflic pnbl blc stfom ta dannawfle ft.

    Uhil pfomfle up efrns thfs miips yau daousic al thi smfnn sit blc thi tbsms bt hblc. Bnsa ft hbs bpasftfvi iddiot al yaur oalflciloi whil yau stbrt surpbssfle kilohgbrms.

    Uhil yau bri rinbtfviny liw sit sgbnn eabns.

    Ixbgpni:F wfnn stbrt b oalvirsbtfal wfth ali liw pirsal b cby. Kufnc add ad thfs.

    Calt eit taa crulm. Saa guoh bnoahan obl hflcir bkfnftfis blc obusi yau ta dareit citbfns whfoh oblnibvi yau ulbkni ta nibrl nissals drag thi ixpirfilois.

    Citboh yaur fciltfty drag ft. Sribt rijiotfal ar kbc ribotfals bs ribotfals ta thi wby yau fltirboticblc lat b rijiotfal ta wha yau bri.

    Shfs hinps miip yau drag nbkinfle yaursind bs b dbfnuri whil thfles calt ea winn.

    Hbvi b pasftfvi autnaam blc gflcsit ta iboh fltirbotfal. Calt krfle privfaus kbeebei flta liwfltirbotfals. Sribt iboh fltirbotfal bs hbvfle b drish stbrt.

    Shfs ourrilt efrn hbslt rijiotic yau. Fd yau krfle kbeebei flta thi fltirbotfal bnn yau bri cafle fssbkatbefle yaursind.

    Ohbptir 3: Saans dar whil pfomfle up wagil

    Shfles yau obl tbnm bkaut ta bttrbot blc sicuoi b wagbl

    F wrati up b nfst bwhfni bea ad sagi ad thi oaggal thigis blc thfles thbt waunc oagi up fl gyoalvirsbtfals wfth wagil. Fl oirtbfl sftubtfals, sagi ad thi thfles F tbnmic bkaut blc cfc wiri thionflohirs fl gi eittfle nbfc.

    Nit's just jugp rfeht flta ft.

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    2. F waunc kufnc b oalliotfal wfth thi wagbl thraueh oalvirsbtfals flvanvfle thi wby F oaggulfobtigy starfis. Gy nfdi stary. Eit flta hir nfdi stary. Garbns. Oalliotfal wfth dbgfny blc drfilcs.

    ;. Cj vu/Dbti- Shfles hbppil dar b ribsal. Ixbgpni: Nfdi stary ad haw thfles obgi taeithir. Fd Fhbc thi ohbloi ta ohblei "x" F waunc hbvi livir git hir.

    ?. F waunc sixubnny prfgi dar mfssfle

    3. F waunc tbnm bkaut nfvfle fl thi gagilt. Sacby oaunc ki aur nbst cby.

    9. F waunc fllc aut hir pbssfals blc cribgs bs winn bs rinbtfle gy awl thraueh starfis.

    4. Bkaut botfle al fgpunsi. Nfstilfle ta yaur eut/yaur hibrt blc lat yaur krbfl. Livir stiirs giwrale.

    5. Haw naams bril't fgpartblt blc bttrbotfal kufncs.

    8. F waunc ki tbnmfle bkaut oalflciloi blc thi fgpartbloi ad kifle lal-liicy saofbnny.

    6. Shbt thi lugkir ali fgpartblt rinbtfalshfp fs wfth aursinvis.

    20. Bkaut kifle b rfsm tbmir blc haw lat kifle ali nibcs ta rierit.

    22. F waunc cfspnbyfle oagdartbkni cagflbloi thraueh tauoh.

    2;. Shi oalvirsbtfal waunc ki b 60/20 rbtfa. Vau gust nibc thbt shft.

    2?. F'c ki oagpnfgiltfle hir al hir pirsalbnfty blc lal physfobn bttrfkutis.

    23. Sinnfle hir thi ribsals F cfe hir.

    29. Sbnmfle bkaut six blc sixubnfty. Uhil tbnmfle ta b wagbl bt sagi paflt F krfle up bkaut dunn kacyarebsgs blc bsm fd shi's iviry hbc ali.

    Naam bt thbt nfst. Law thflm bkaut yaur thauehts al thisi sukjiots. Shil ea aut blc tbnm ta wagilbkaut thisi sukjiots blc yaur apflfals ad thig blc fllc aut hir apflfals ad thig.

    F sby thfs dar gbly ribsals.

    2. Eits rfc add thi ixousi ad "Uinn F cal't mlaw whbt ta tbnm bkaut."

    ;. Law yau obl eit b nat ad ixpirfiloi tbnmfle ta wagil.

    ?. Fd yau cfcl't mlaw haw ta ribnny hanc b oalvirsbtfal wfth wagil thfs obl ki nfmi trbflfle whiins.Sbnm bkaut thfs studd ultfn yau hbvi thbt bh-hb gagilt blc ulcirstblc ribnny haw ta hanc boalvirsbtfal.

    Ft's nfmi thbt quati. Efvi b gbl b flsh blc yau diic hfg dar b cby. Siboh b gbl ta flsh blc yau diichfg dar b nfditfgi.

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    _ixubn Prfgfle

    F cfsoaviric thfs al boofcilt. Shfs wbs braulc gy thfrc galth botfviny nibrlfle haw ta pfom upwagil.

    Shiri hbc kiil b past ky b euy lbgic ofirfbl bkaut bl bpaobnypsi apilir.

    Shi wby ft wilt wbs thfs.

    Ft waunc stbrt wfth Hiy haws ft eafle

    Shi dannaw up wbs Uhbt bri yau euys cafle nbtir1

    Shil thi puloh nfli wbs Shbt saulcs nfmi dul. Ublt ta oagi hagi wfth gi flstibc1

    F ciofcic ta try ft. Ft shaomic thi hinn aut ad